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bold-text">Confirm Opt In</h2><button data-marko='{"onclick":"closeDialog s0-20-1 false"}' aria-label="Close window" class="icon-btn lightbox-dialog__close" type=button><!--M#s0-20-1-5-0--><svg data-marko-key="@svg s0-20-1-5-0" class="icon icon--16" focusable=false aria-hidden=true><defs data-marko-key="@defs s0-20-1-5-0"><symbol viewbox="0 0 16 16" id=icon-close-16><path d="M2.293 2.293a1 1 0 0 1 1.414 0L8 6.586l4.293-4.293a1 1 0 1 1 1.414 1.414L9.414 8l4.293 4.293a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 1.414L8 9.414l-4.293 4.293a1 1 0 0 1-1.414-1.414L6.586 8 2.293 3.707a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.414Z"></path></symbol></defs><use href=#icon-close-16></use></svg><!--M/--></button></div><div class=lightbox-dialog__main><p style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Market Sans,Arial,sans-serif;">Are you sure you want to opt back in?</p></div><div class=lightbox-dialog__footer><button data-marko='{"onclick":"closeDialog s0-20-1 false"}' class=btn>Cancel</button><button data-marko='{"onclick":"saveSelection s0-20-1 false"}' class="btn btn--primary">Confirm</button></div></div></div><h1 class="mainHeader1 addborder">AdChoice - eBay advertising preferences</h1><div><section class=intro><h2 class=header>What is AdChoice?</h2><p class=desc>In order to show customised ads we think you'll find interesting on and off our affiliated properties, we may use information you make available to us when you interact with our sites, content or services. You have the ability to opt out of these customised ads at any time. Please keep in mind if you opt out, you'll still see ads, but they won't be tailored to your interests based on your eBay activity.</p></section><div data-errorClass=saveAll><section class="page-notice page-notice--attention" role=region aria-labelledby=attention-status><h4 class=page-notice__status id=attention-status><svg class="icon icon--24 icon--attention-filled" focusable=false aria-hidden=true><defs><symbol viewbox="0 0 24 24" id=icon-attention-filled-24><path d="M12 0c6.625.006 11.994 5.375 12 12 0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12S0 18.627 0 12 5.373 0 12 0Zm0 16a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2Zm1-3V7a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v6a1 1 0 1 0 2 0Z"></path></symbol></defs><use href=#icon-attention-filled-24></use></svg></h4><div class=page-notice__content><p><strong>Error: We were unable to complete your request. Please try again.</strong></p></div></section></div><section class=makeChoice><div class=mainSelect><h3>May we use your eBay activity to show you customised ads?</h3><label><input type=checkbox class=clippedknob name=adchoice checked><div class="knob selected" name=adchoice><div class=toggle></div></div><div class=knobStatus aria-controls="status-adchoice"><div role=region id="status-adchoice" aria-live=polite style="font-size: 0;" data-etext="Error: We were unable to complete your request. Please try again." data-htext="Your changes will be saved"></div><div class=successtick><svg class="icon icon--16" focusable=false aria-hidden=true><use href=#icon-confirmation-filled-16></use></svg></div><span class="yes status" aria-hidden=true>Yes</span><span class="no status" aria-hidden=true>No</span></div></label></div><section class="optout selected"><h4>You have opted out of AdChoice for this browser.</h4><p class=desc>You will no longer see customised ads in this browser based on your eBay activity. It may take a few hours for these changes to take effect. Please note you'll still see ads, but they may not be as relevant. If you use other browsers and devices to access the internet, you'll need to opt out on those browsers and devices as well. <a class="center learnMoreURL" href="" target="_blank">Learn more</a> <br/></p><p>For a more consistent AdChoice experience, please sign into your account and set your AdChoice preferences there. <a class="center" href="" target="">Sign in</a></p></section></section><section class=details><h2> How we bring these ads to you</h2><section><h3>What information we have</h3><p class=desc>When you use a website or service provided by a member of the eBay corporate family, or interact with our content or services in other ways, we have access to certain information, like the search terms you enter and the content on the pages you view. We may also have access to or can assume things like demographics (where you live, your age range, or gender) or financial preferences (such as whether you usually pay with credit cards or PayPal). Click <a class="inline-link" href="" target="_blank">here</a> for more information about the types of information that we gather.</p></section><section><h3>How we use the information</h3><p class=desc>We use that information to help us figure out what you might be interested in seeing. This lets us tailor and improve your online experience – both on websites of the eBay corporate family and elsewhere on the web.</p></section><section><h3>Who we work with</h3><p class=desc>We may work with other companies, like websites or ad networks, to show customised ads to you. These partners may have access to your information in order to assist us in providing you with customised ads. Advertisers and other third parties (e.g. advertising platforms and service providers they may use) may assume that users who interact with a targeted ad are part of the group that the ad is directed toward. Also, some third parties may provide us with information about you (e.g. demographic information) from offline and online sources that we may use to provide you with more relevant advertising. Read more about our policies on sharing information with other companies in our <a class="inline-link" href="" target="_blank">Privacy Notice</a>.</p></section><section><h3>How you can control your information</h3><p class=desc>But you can tell us not to use your eBay activity to customise advertising we show you, whether on eBay or anywhere else on the web. Whenever you see the About or Adchoice link next to or in one of the ads we serve, or in the footer of one of our websites, click it to check and change your advertising preferences. Also, we support the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising developed by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), and have integrated our opt-out platform with the DAA choice tool available <a class="inline-link" href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Remember, when you opt out, you'll still see ads, but they won't be tailored to your interests based on your eBay activity.</p></section></section></div></div><!--M/--></div><script>Object.assign($i18n=window.$i18n||{},{"gdpr/index":{"page":{"title":"Advertising and related preferences","mainHeader":"Advertising and related preferences","discalimer":"These settings are intended to help our customers in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom control the placement and use of cookies and similar technologies by third-party companies, who we partner with to process your data (including personal data, e.g., IP address) for advertising and content personalisation, measurement and analytics purposes.","introDesc":"You can adjust your privacy preferences using the settings below. These can be changed at any time by revisiting <a href=\"{gdprPageLink}\" target=\"_blank\">this site</a> (","introDesc1":"If you previously have consented to any of the below purposes and wish to withdraw that consent in one click, please click <a href=\"#\" id=\"gdprWithdrawConsent\">withdraw consent to all</a> to do so.","introDesc2":"We also use cookies and similar technologies that are essential to provide our services and site functionality to you. Find out more about how we use those technologies in our <a href=\"{cookieNoticeLink}\" target=\"_blank\">Cookie Notice</a>. You can learn how eBay processes your personal information more generally in our User <a href=\"{privacyNoticeLink}\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Notice</a>.","accept":"Continue to eBay","ourvendorHeader":"Framework Partners","ourvendorDescCount":"We work with {totalVendorsCount} partners to provide the personalised experiences that you enjoy across our products and services. We have two types of partners that provide different options to set your privacy preferences: <ul class=\"bulletedList mainText\"><li>'Framework Partners' participate in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Interactive Advertising Bureau’s Transparency Consent Framework (IAB TCF)</a> and allow you to control how they collect and use your data by using the toggles below. For information on each partner and to make choices, click 'Show partners' in the Framework Partners section below.</li><li>'Non-Framework Partners' require you to control how they collect and use your data directly with them. To find out how to do this with each partner, visit the partner links in the Non-Framework Partners section below. If you don’t wish your information to be shared with them, simply leave any toggle in the Framework Partners section in the 'No' position.</li></ul>","yes":"Yes","no":"No","in":"In","out":"Out","showMore":"Show partners","showLess":"Hide partners","viewSite":"View site","informationGatheredTitle":"Which information is being used?","informationGatheredLine1":"Here is a complete list of the information that may be gathered:","meaning":"What this means:","purposeIllustrations":"Illustrations:","purpose":"Purpose","error":"Error: We were unable to complete your request. Please try again.","splPurposesDisclaimer":"Please note: Your opt-out choices are limited to the above Purposes, and do not apply to the below Special Purposes.","splPurposes":"Special Purposes:","splPurpose":"Special purpose","features":"Features:","feature":"Feature","changesWillbeSaved":"Your changes will be saved","of":"of","partner":"partner","for":"for","reqOptOut":"to opt out","splPurpose1NoteHeader":"Note:","splPurpose1NoteDesc":"Data collected and used to ensure security, prevent fraud and debug may include automatically-sent device characteristics for identification, precise geolocation data and data obtained by actively scanning device characteristics for identification without separate disclosure and/or opt-in.","ourPartnerHeader":"Our partners","nonFrameworkHeader":"Non-Framework Partners","nonFrameworkDesc":"The following partners require you to control how they collect and use your data directly with them. If you would like for us not to share information with any of the following partners for the purposes described under each partner, please indicate that preference by leaving any of the toggles in the Framework Partners section in the 'No' position","bingTitle":"Microsoft Bing","bingText":"We may use and share information about how you use eBay and certain personal information about you with Microsoft via a Microsoft pixel or other technology and offline conversion upload, in order to personalise advertising, for measurement, for content selection, delivery or reporting. You will find more information on Microsoft’s processing of personal data at <a href=\"{lang}-{countryCode}/privacystatement\" target=\"_blank\">{lang}-{countryCode}/privacystatement</a>.","metaTitle":"Meta","metaText":"We may use and share information about how you use eBay and certain personal information about you with Meta via a Meta pixel and by sending the information directly from our servers, in order to personalise advertising for you on Meta’s platforms, for measurement, and for content selection, delivery and reporting. You will find more information on Meta’s processing of personal data at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. See also our Cookie Notice for more information regarding our data sharing with Meta.","pinterestTitle":"Pinterest","pinterestText":"We may use and share information about how you use eBay and certain personal information about you with Pinterest via a Pinterest pixel and by sending the information directly from our servers, in order to personalise advertising for you on Pinterest’s platforms, for measurement, and for content selection, delivery and reporting. You will find more information on Pinterest’s processing of personal data at <a href=\"{lang}/privacy-policy\" target=\"_blank\">{lang}/privacy-policy</a>.","tiktokTitle":"TikTok","tiktokText":"We may use and share information about how you use eBay and certain personal information about you with TikTok via a TikTok pixel and by sending the information directly from our servers, in order to personalise advertising for you on TikTok’s platforms, for measurement, and for content selection, delivery and reporting. You will find more information on TikTok’s processing of personal data at <a href=\"{lang}\" target=\"_blank\">{lang}</a>.","groupmTitle":"GroupM UK Limited","groupmText":"We may use and share information about how you use eBay and certain personal information about you with GroupM via a GroupM pixel or other technology and offline conversion upload, in order to personalise advertising, for measurement, for content selection, delivery or reporting. You will find more information on GroupM’s processing of personal data at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.","snapTitle":"Snap","snapText":"We may use and share information about how you use eBay and certain personal information about you with Snap via a Snap pixel, offline conversion upload, sending information directly from servers, and other technologies in order to personalise advertising for you on Snap’s platforms, for measurement, and for content selection, delivery and reporting. You will find more information on Snap’s processing of personal data at <a href=\"{lang}-{countryCode}\" target=\"blank\">{lang}-{countryCode}</a>.","footerNoteDisclaimer":"eBay participates in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework and complies with its Specifications and Policies, and operates this Consent Management Platform with the identification number 125.","unsecurePuidWarning":"Because you are using an old version of the app, your choices will only apply on this device. If you would like to apply your choices to your account rather than to this device only, please access the settings either via the eBay website or latest app version.","viewLegInt":"View legitimate interest"},"vendor":{"noCookie":"No cookies will be stored","browserSessionCookie":"Cookie expires once the browser session is closed","cookieExpires":"Cookie expires after","usesNonCookieAccess":"Uses non-cookie access","noNonCookieAccess":"Does not use non-cookie access","periodDuration":"{years} Year {months} Month {days} Day {hours} Hour {minutes} Minute","cookieMaxAge":"Cookie max age:","dataRetention":"Data retention:","emptyDataRetentionPeriod":"0 Days","specialPurposes":"Special purposes:","dataDeclaration":"Information being used:","loading":"Loading...","deviceStorage":"Device storage:","deviceStorageIdentifier":"Identifier","deviceStorageType":"Type","deviceStorageDomain":"Domain","deviceStorageDuration":"Duration","deviceStorageDurationSession":"session"},"dataCategory":{"hashedData":{"name":"Hashed data","description":"May include hashed name, email address, gender, date of birth, phone number, city, state and postcode."}}},"adchoice/index":{"page":{"title":"AdChoice - eBay advertising preferences","mainHeader":"AdChoice - eBay advertising preferences","introHeader":"What is AdChoice?","introDesc":"In order to show customised ads we think you'll find interesting on and off our affiliated properties, we may use information you make available to us when you interact with our sites, content or services. You have the ability to opt out of these customised ads at any time. Please keep in mind if you opt out, you'll still see ads, but they won't be tailored to your interests based on your eBay activity.","secHeader":" How we bring these ads to you","header1":"What information we have","desc1":"When you use a website or service provided by a member of the eBay corporate family, or interact with our content or services in other ways, we have access to certain information, like the search terms you enter and the content on the pages you view. We may also have access to or can assume things like demographics (where you live, your age range, or gender) or financial preferences (such as whether you usually pay with credit cards or PayPal). Click <a class=\"inline-link\" href=\"{readMoreURL}\" target=\"_blank\">here</a> for more information about the types of information that we gather.","header2":"How we use the information","desc2":"We use that information to help us figure out what you might be interested in seeing. This lets us tailor and improve your online experience – both on websites of the eBay corporate family and elsewhere on the web.","header3":"Who we work with","desc3":"We may work with other companies, like websites or ad networks, to show customised ads to you. These partners may have access to your information in order to assist us in providing you with customised ads. Advertisers and other third parties (e.g. advertising platforms and service providers they may use) may assume that users who interact with a targeted ad are part of the group that the ad is directed toward. Also, some third parties may provide us with information about you (e.g. demographic information) from offline and online sources that we may use to provide you with more relevant advertising. Read more about our policies on sharing information with other companies in our <a class=\"inline-link\" href=\"{readMoreURL}\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Notice</a>.","header4":"How you can control your information","desc4":"But you can tell us not to use your eBay activity to customise advertising we show you, whether on eBay or anywhere else on the web. Whenever you see the About or Adchoice link next to or in one of the ads we serve, or in the footer of one of our websites, click it to check and change your advertising preferences. Also, we support the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising developed by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), and have integrated our opt-out platform with the DAA choice tool available <a class=\"inline-link\" href=\"{daaURL}\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>. Remember, when you opt out, you'll still see ads, but they won't be tailored to your interests based on your eBay activity.","exp":{"header":"May we use your eBay activity to show you customised ads?"},"optout":{"header":"You have opted out of AdChoice for this browser.","desc1":"You will no longer see customised ads in this browser based on your eBay activity. It may take a few hours for these changes to take effect. Please note you'll still see ads, but they may not be as relevant. If you use other browsers and devices to access the internet, you'll need to opt out on those browsers and devices as well. <a class=\"center learnMoreURL\" href=\"{learnMoreURL}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a> <br/>","desc2":"For a more consistent AdChoice experience, please sign into your account and set your AdChoice preferences there. <a class=\"center\" href=\"{signinURL}\" target=\"\">Sign in</a>"},"yes":"Yes","no":"No","error":"Error: We were unable to complete your request. Please try again."},"dialog":{"title":"Confirm Opt In","closeHelp":"Close window","confirmText":"Are you sure you want to opt back in?","cancel":"Cancel","confirm":"Confirm"}}});;(window.$ebay||($ebay = {})).tracking={pageId:'2550394',pageName:'adchoice'}</script><!--[if lt IE 9]><div id="glbfooter" role="contentinfo" class="gh-w gh-flex"><![endif]--><footer id="glbfooter" role="contentinfo" class="gh-w gh-flex"><div><div id="rtm_html_1650"></div><div id="rtm_html_1651"></div></div><h2 class="gh-ar-hdn">Additional site navigation</h2><div id="gf-t-box"><table class="gf-t" role="presentation"><tr><td colspan="2"><ul id="gf-l" class="gh-hide-if-nocss"><li class="gf-li"></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _exsp="m571.l2602" class="thrd gf-bar-a">About eBay</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _exsp="m571.l2935" class="thrd gf-bar-a">News</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _exsp="m571.l1540" class="thrd gf-bar-a">Community</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _exsp="m571.l2616" class="thrd gf-bar-a">Safety Centre</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _sp="m571.l1613" data-sp="m571.l1613" class="thrd gf-bar-a">Seller Centre</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _exsp="m571.l3418" class="thrd gf-bar-a">VeRO: Protecting Intellectual Property</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _exsp="m571.l2604" class="thrd gf-bar-a">Policies</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _sp="m571.l2911" data-sp="m571.l2911" class="thrd gf-bar-a">Help & Contact</a></li><li class="gf-li"><a href="" _exsp="m571.l2909" class="thrd gf-bar-a">Site Map</a></li></ul></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="gf-legal">Copyright © 1995-2024 eBay Inc. 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