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Child poverty is expected to soar to 21 percent, higher than that of the severe recession during the 1980s. The current economic crisis is expected to wipe out any progress in child well-being made within the last 30 years.</p> <p>The report’s Child Well-Being Index tracks several key child well-being indicators within seven domains: economic, health, behavioral, educational, community connectedness, social relationships and emotional well-being. All are expected to be negatively affected by the current recession.</p> <p>The report warns against bad health outcomes due to higher rates of obesity, as parents substitute cheaper foods that are high in sugar content and low in nutritional value for higher-priced foods. Income is predicted to decline as parents lose jobs or become underemployed. Crime and victimization rates could increase as budget cuts will mandate less funding for programs aimed at curbing crime. Other budget cuts could reduce preschool and summer school programs for children.</p> <p>In addition to rising poverty rates, obesity, and homelessness, the report warns against changes in family structure. Financial strain puts emotional stress on families, contributing to increases in divorce and single-parent families. Minority children, including children of immigrants, will inevitably be at a greater disadvantage than others.</p> <p>You can read more about the 2009 CWI and its findings on the <a href="">PRB website</a>.</p> <br/> <p> <small> <span> You can follow any responses to this entry through the</span> <a href=";p=68">RSS 2.0</a> <span>feed.</span> <span>You can </span><a href="#respond">leave a response</a>, <span>or</span> <a href="" rel="trackback">trackback</a> <span>from your own site.</span> </span></small> </p> </div> <!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button BEGIN --> <div class="addthis"><a href=";url=;title=Economic Recession Negatively Affecting U.S. Children" title="Bookmark using any bookmark manager!" target="_blank"><img src="" width="125" height="16" border="0" alt="AddThis Social Bookmark Button"/></a></div><!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button END --> </div> <!-- You can start editing here. --> <div class="comments"><h3>One Response to &#8220;Economic Recession Negatively Affecting U.S. Children&#8221;</h3></div> <ol class="commentlist"> <li class="alt" id="comment-336"> <div class="gcomment"><cite>Diana Lavery</cite> Says: <br/> <small class="commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-336" title="">July 7th, 2009 at 6:34 pm</a> </small></div> <div class="ucomment"><p>Interesting. I would like to add to the warnings against bad health outcomes&#8230;yes, definitely cheaper, low quality foods will play a big part in this; but I think a bigger contributor in the long run will be (lack of) access to health insurance. So many people are loosing their jobs these days, and therefore are loosing their insurance for their families. Access to health insurance is correlated with so many things. </p> <p>Thanks so much for the research Nadwa! I look forward to reading the 2009 Child Well-Being Index Report.</p> </div> </li> </ol> <div class="comments"><h3>Leave a Reply</h3></div> <form action="" method="post" id="commentform"> <p><input type="text" name="author" id="author" value="" size="22" tabindex="1"/> <label for="author"><small>Name (required)</small></label></p> <p><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" size="22" tabindex="2"/> <label for="email"><small>Mail (will not be published) (required)</small></label></p> <p><input type="text" name="url" id="url" value="" size="22" tabindex="3"/> <label for="url"><small>Website</small></label></p> <!--<p><small><strong>XHTML:</strong> You can use these tags: <code>&lt;a href=&quot;&quot; title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;abbr title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;acronym title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;b&gt; &lt;blockquote cite=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;code&gt; &lt;em&gt; &lt;i&gt; &lt;strike&gt; &lt;strong&gt; </code></small></p>--> <p><textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="60%" rows="10" tabindex="4"></textarea></p> <p><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" tabindex="5" value="Submit Comment"/> <input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="68"/> </p> </form> <div class="alignleft">&laquo; <a href="">Population Boom in America’s Big Cities</a></div> <div class="alignright"><a href="">Links Between HIV/AIDS and…the Environment?</a> &raquo;</div> </div> </td></tr></table></center> <!--googleoff: all--> <br/><br/> <div align="center"> <div align="center" id="ftr"><img src="" width="3" height="23" align="right"/><img src="" width="3" height="23" align="left"/><span class="footertext">Services: <a href="">Get E-Mail News</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Join/Renew Membership</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Donate</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Bookstore</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Contact</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Espa&ntilde;ol</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Fran&ccedil;ais</a></span></div> <span class="footer2text"><b>Copyright 2007, Population Reference Bureau.</b> All rights reserved. &bull; <a href="">Privacy Policy</a></span><br/> <span class="footer2text">1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW &bull; Suite 520 &bull; Washington, DC 20009-5728 &bull; USA <br/> <b>Phone:</b> 800-877-9881 &bull; <b>Fax:</b> 202-328-3937 &bull; <b>E-mail:</b> <a href=""></a></span><br/> </div> <!--googleon: all--> </div> <!-- Google Analytics start --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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