The Fancy Chainification of Dallas Continues With Catch, But It Has Silver Linings - Eater Dallas
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In its heyday about a decade ago, I went to Catch NYC several times, for friend’s birthdays, for nights out drinking and dancing — generally just for a good time. I have a lot of fond memories of the place, and I was curious about what Catch could be 10 years later. And even more so, what it would be like in Dallas. I’ve also been watching as some in the Dallas food media deride it as just another fine dining chain, a big-box prospector looking to strike gold in a fancy neighborhood and tap into the big money floating around our city. They aren’t wrong, and that’s not necessarily all bad. Speaking to co-owner Eugene Remm ahead of the opening didn’t provide much clarity. Right off the bat, I asked him about the elephant in the room: being yet another New York spot chaining its way into Dallas. To be frank, his answers weren’t great. Remm referenced Catch Steak Aspen several times as the style the restaurant would emulate in Dallas, noting that a number of customers in Aspen are folks from Dallas with second homes. Another prodding question, “Why open in Dallas?” led to an explanation that Remm was here several times during COVID and, as compared to other major cities, folks were out vibrantly eating. Obviously, this sets all the red flags waving about the exploitation of our state government’s reaction to the pandemic, but he’s not wrong about flouting COVID protocols as the vibe for too many folks in Dallas at the time. “For me personally, when you can look in a market and see restaurants full in the early days of the week and not just Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with affluent individuals, people who [work in] business, sports, and fashion — all different types of industries — that’s exciting to me,” Remm says. Which is Dallas-y, but also New York-y, and Miami-y, and L.A.-y, and everywhere Catch is-y. I went into the restaurant to dine on a Sunday night the week after opening as a known entity. To get a 7 p.m. reservation, I turned to its PR team, and since the staff knew me and greeted me, I took the opportunity to freely ask them questions. I finally got the Aspen dual homeownership line while a manager walked me through a tour of the place, including the incredible wine vault, which has some remarkable and unusual bottles as well as sheer volume. Aspen is where Catch first opened up a deep wine selection, and it modeled its Dallas offerings on that. Or, as the manager who had opened Catch in NYC, Miami, Aspen, and now Dallas told me, this wine-forward and more adult, chill version of Catch that I was experiencing is what they think of as Catch 3.0. It reflects how the owners and leadership have matured since opening in 2011. While Catch NYC retains its nightlife vibe as a party spot, Catch Steak in Aspen and L.A. are more sophisticated, and the iteration in Uptown Dallas combines all those elements to make it family-friendly (there was a table with a toddler celebrating a birthday) and a cool hotspot (a professional athlete I can’t identify was dining with a posse). The menu is exactly what you think it is: steaks, seafood, and pasta. It’s solid food with very few surprises — akin to comfort food for fine dining. The dish that impressed me the most was a last-minute addition, I am told: a chopped wedge salad that abandons the steakhouse usual. It was so fragrant when it landed on the table, thanks to a combination of sesame seed oil in the dressing, still-crackling bacon, and freshly cooked crispy shallots that I couldn’t wait to eat it. I ordered a makrut gin cooler, prompting me to ask the waiter about why the restaurant uses that term and not the better-known kaffir, which is an ethnic slur in South Africa where the limes are grown. He responded that Catch did not want to offend anyone by using the word, rightly so. The attention to detail in such a naming convention felt like a welcome demonstration of care that was immediately undercut by a notably less attentive addition to the cocktail list: a pornstar martini, developed in the early 2000s, despite the industry’s well-documented history of sexism and abuse. When I pressed, he was not able to expand. We all draw the line in different places, I suppose. Still, the most accurate distillation of Catch Dallas’s individuality lies on its drink menu. I was completely enchanted by the wine list, which has loads and loads of nerdy options for diners who are willing to go there. I was told the wine vault has between 600 and 700 bottles, many of which are expansive in their approachability but singular in their expression. The head sommelier who put it together is Ben Reynolds, who has worked at Pappas Brothers, with its legendary and award-winning collection of bottles, and Nick \u0026amp; Sam’s. There is also an entire page of Napa Valley Cabernets because people in Dallas love them — and that is the strongest differentiation this restaurant has from any other market it is in. The food menu truly stands out in its desserts. Tables around me ordered the “Hit Me” Chocolate Cake, named for the house-made Klondike bar that one taps until it splits open atop three layers of chocolate cake. Another table ordered the Carnival, a ferris wheel of ricotta-stuffed beignets with an array of dipping sauces. I opted for Kakigori, which that day was made with frozen and shaved strawberries, mascarpone, and drops of graham cracker in an effort to emulate a strawberry shortcake and served atop crushed ice. It was truly innovative and acted as a spectacular moment on the table. Does Dallas need Catch as much as Catch needs Dallas? Probably not, but it does offer high-touch service and a reliable menu. It’s good value for the money, with some opportunities to be adventurous and splurge — if you want to take them.","author":[{"@type":"Person","name":"Courtney E. Smith","url":""}],"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Eater Dallas","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":600,"height":60}},"articleSection":"Front Page","keywords":["Front Page"],"image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":1400,"height":1400},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":1400,"height":1050},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":1400,"height":788}],"thumbnailUrl":""}] </script> </head> <!--[if lte IE 9]><body class="ie9"><![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 10]><body class="ie"><![endif]--> <body class="entry_key_unison_overlay entry_layout_unison_main entry_template_minimal" data-entry-id="24065922"> <a class="sr-only link-skip" href="#content">Skip to main content</a> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <svg width="0" height="0" style="position:absolute;display:none;"><symbol viewbox="90 0 689 645" 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A menu stands up, with the word “Catch” embossed on it." loading="eager" data-upload-width="5554" width="5554" height="3704" src=""> </source></source></source></picture> </span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="c-entry-hero__content l-segment l-feature"> <h1 class="c-page-title">The Fancy Chainification of Dallas Continues With Catch, But It Has Silver Linings</h1> <p class="c-entry-summary p-dek">It may not break the mold, but it’s actually putting effort into catering to DFW diners</p> <div class="c-byline"> <span class="c-byline-wrapper"> by <span class="c-byline__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-link="author-name"><span class="c-byline__author-name">Courtney E. Smith</span></a> </span> <span class="c-byline__item"> <time class="c-byline__item" data-ui="timestamp" datetime="2024-11-21T14:00:00"> Nov 21, 2024, 8:00am CST </time> </span> </span> <span class="c-byline__gear"> <a data-entry-admin="24065922" data-cid="tools/entry_admin_button-1740529971_880_363487" data-cdata='{"id":24065922}'></a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-entry-hero__caption"> <span class="e-image__meta"> <cite>Kayla Enright Photography</cite> </span> </div> </div> <div class="l-wrapper"> <main id="content" tabindex="-1" class="l-segment l-feature"> <div class="c-social-buttons c-social-buttons--popover " data-cid="site/social_buttons_list/popover-1740529971_5987_363488" data-cdata='{"entry_id":24065922,"services":["twitter","facebook","pocket","flipboard","email"],"base_url":""}'> <h2 class="sr-only" id="heading-label--6r2v7bb7">Share this story</h2> <ul aria-labelledby="heading-label--6r2v7bb7"> <li> <a class="c-social-buttons__item c-social-buttons__facebook" href="" data-analytics-social="facebook"> <svg role="img" class="p-svg-icon c-social-buttons__svg"><use xlink:href="#icon-facebook"></use></svg> <span class="sr-only">Share this on Facebook</span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="c-social-buttons__item c-social-buttons__twitter" href="" data-analytics-social="twitter"> <svg role="img" class="p-svg-icon c-social-buttons__svg"><use xlink:href="#icon-twitter"></use></svg> <span class="sr-only">Share this on Twitter</span> </a> </li> <li data-ui="more"> <a class="c-social-buttons__item c-social-buttons__more" href="#" role="button" aria-expanded="false"> <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 21 20" class="p-svg-icon c-social-buttons__svg"> <path d="M18.4,12.9c-0.3,0-0.6,0.3-0.6,0.6V17c0,1-0.8,1.8-1.8,1.8H3c-1,0-1.8-0.8-1.8-1.8V4C1.2,3,2,2.2,3,2.2h8.4 c0.3,0,0.6-0.3,0.6-0.6S11.7,1,11.3,1H3C1.3,1,0,2.3,0,4V17c0,1.6,1.3,3,3,3H16c1.6,0,3-1.3,3-3v-3.5C19,13.2,18.7,12.9,18.4,12.9z"></path> <path d="M20.9,5.3C20.9,5.3,20.9,5.3,20.9,5.3c0-0.1,0-0.1,0-0.1c0,0,0,0,0-0.1c0,0,0,0,0-0.1c0,0,0,0,0-0.1c0,0,0,0,0,0 c0,0,0,0,0,0c0,0,0,0,0,0l-4.6-4.6c-0.2-0.2-0.6-0.2-0.8,0s-0.2,0.6,0,0.8l3.3,3.3c-2.1-0.3-5.5-0.3-8.5,1.5 C7.6,7.5,5.9,10,5.2,13.5c-0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6,0.5,0.7c0,0,0.1,0,0.1,0c0.3,0,0.5-0.2,0.6-0.5c0.6-3.1,2.1-5.4,4.3-6.8 c3-1.8,6.7-1.5,8.5-1.2l-3.8,3.9c-0.2,0.2-0.2,0.6,0,0.8c0.1,0.1,0.3,0.2,0.4,0.2s0.3-0.1,0.4-0.2l4.6-4.6c0,0,0,0,0,0 c0,0,0,0,0-0.1c0,0,0,0,0,0c0,0,0,0,0-0.1c0,0,0,0,0-0.1c0,0,0,0,0,0c0,0,0,0,0,0c0,0,0,0,0-0.1C20.9,5.4,20.9,5.4,20.9,5.3 C20.9,5.4,20.9,5.4,20.9,5.3z"></path> </svg> <span class="c-social-buttons--label" aria-hidden="true">Share</span> <span class="sr-only">All sharing options</span> </a> </li> </ul> <div class="c-social-buttons__popover" data-ui="popover"> <div class="c-social-buttons__popover-header"> <h3 tabindex="-1"> <strong aria-hidden="true">Share</strong> <span class="sr-only">All sharing options for:</span> <span>The Fancy Chainification of Dallas Continues With Catch, But It Has Silver Linings</span> </h3> </div> <div class="c-social-buttons__popover-body"> <ul> <li> <a class="c-social-buttons__item c-social-buttons__pocket" href="" data-analytics-social="pocket"> <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 16 14" class="p-svg-icon c-social-buttons__svg"> <path d="M14.4,0.1H2c-0.6,0-1.1,0.5-1.1,1.1v4.6c0,4,3.3,7.3,7.3,7.3c4,0,7.3-3.3,7.3-7.3V1.2C15.5,0.6,15,0.1,14.4,0.1 z M12.5,5.4L8.9,9C8.7,9.2,8.4,9.3,8.2,9.3C8,9.3,7.7,9.2,7.5,9L3.9,5.4C3.5,5,3.5,4.4,3.9,4c0.4-0.4,1-0.4,1.3,0l3,3l3-3 c0.4-0.4,1-0.4,1.3,0C12.9,4.4,12.9,5,12.5,5.4z"></path> </svg> <span class="c-social-buttons__text">Pocket</span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="c-social-buttons__item c-social-buttons__flipboard" href="" data-analytics-social="flipboard"> <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 16 16" class="p-svg-icon c-social-buttons__svg"> <path d="M0,0v16h16V0H0z M12.9,6.4H9.6v3.2H6.5v3.2H3.2V3.2h9.7V6.4z"></path> <polygon opacity="0.13" points="6.5,3.2 6.5,6.4 9.8,6.4 12.9,6.4 12.9,3.2 "></polygon> <polygon opacity="0.23" points="6.5,9.7 9.7,9.7 9.7,6.4 6.5,6.4 "></polygon> </svg> <span class="c-social-buttons__text">Flipboard</span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="c-social-buttons__item c-social-buttons__email" href="mailto:?subject=The%20Fancy%20Chainification%20of%20Dallas%20Continues%20With%20Catch%2C%20But%20It%20Has%20Silver%20Linings&" data-analytics-social="email"> <svg role="img" class="p-svg-icon c-social-buttons__svg"><use xlink:href="#icon-email"></use></svg> <span class="c-social-buttons__text">Email</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <span class="c-social-buttons__popover-caret" data-ui="caret"></span> </div> </div> <div class="c-short-author-bio"> <div class="c-short-author-bio-wrapper"> <div class="c-short-author-bio__item"> <div class="copy"> <a href="" data-analytics-link=":short-author-bio">Courtney E. Smith</a> is an editor for Eater's Texas region. She lives in Dallas, where she's written about James Beard-recognized and Michelin-recognized restaurants and she loves nachos. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-entry-content "> <p class="p--has-dropcap p-large-text" id="dVvdSt">From the first announcement in January 2023 that fine dining chain<a href=""> Catch would soon open a Dallas</a> outpost, I’ve been monitoring its progress. In its heyday about a decade ago, I went to <a href="">Catch NYC</a> several times, for friend’s birthdays, for nights out drinking and dancing — generally just for a good time. I have a lot of fond memories of the place, and I was curious about what <a href="">Catch</a> could be 10 years later. And even more so, what it would be like in Dallas. I’ve also been watching as some in the Dallas food media deride it as just another fine dining chain, a big-box prospector looking to strike gold in a fancy neighborhood and tap into the big money floating around our city. They aren’t wrong, and that’s not necessarily all bad.</p> <p id="iIc4jG">Speaking to co-owner Eugene Remm ahead of the opening didn’t provide much clarity. Right off the bat, I asked him about the elephant in the room: being yet another New York spot <a href="">chaining its way into Dallas</a>. To be frank, his answers weren’t great. Remm referenced <a href="">Catch Steak Aspen</a> several times as the style the restaurant would emulate in Dallas, noting that a number of customers in Aspen are folks from Dallas with second homes. Another prodding question, “Why open in Dallas?” led to an explanation that Remm was here several times during COVID and, as compared to other major cities, folks were out vibrantly eating. Obviously, this sets all the red flags waving about the exploitation of our state government’s reaction to the pandemic, but he’s not wrong about <a href="">flouting COVID protocols as the vibe</a> for too many folks in Dallas at the time. “For me personally, when you can look in a market and see restaurants full in the early days of the week and not just Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with affluent individuals, people who [work in] business, sports, and fashion — all different types of industries — that’s exciting to me,” Remm says. Which is Dallas-y, but also New York-y, and Miami-y, and L.A.-y, and everywhere Catch is-y. </p> <p id="StKwJW">I went into the restaurant to dine on a Sunday night the week after opening as a known entity. To get a 7 p.m. reservation, I turned to its PR team, and since the staff knew me and greeted me, I took the opportunity to freely ask them questions. I finally got the Aspen dual homeownership line while a manager walked me through a tour of the place, including the incredible wine vault, which has some remarkable and unusual bottles as well as sheer volume. Aspen is where Catch first opened up a deep wine selection, and it modeled its Dallas offerings on that. Or, as the manager who had opened Catch in NYC, Miami, Aspen, and now Dallas told me, this wine-forward and more adult, chill version of Catch that I was experiencing is what they think of as Catch 3.0. It reflects how the owners and leadership have matured since opening in 2011. While Catch NYC retains its nightlife vibe as a party spot, Catch Steak in Aspen and L.A. are more sophisticated, and the iteration in Uptown Dallas combines all those elements to make it family-friendly (there was a table with a toddler celebrating a birthday) and a cool hotspot (a professional athlete I can’t identify was dining with a posse). </p> <p id="K7omVq">The menu is exactly what you think it is: steaks, seafood, and pasta. It’s solid food with very few surprises — akin to comfort food for fine dining. The dish that impressed me the most was a last-minute addition, I am told: a chopped wedge salad that abandons the steakhouse usual. It was so fragrant when it landed on the table, thanks to a combination of sesame seed oil in the dressing, still-crackling bacon, and freshly cooked crispy shallots that I couldn’t wait to eat it. </p> <div><div class="c-image-grid"> <div class="c-image-grid__item"> <figure class="e-image"> <span class="e-image__inner"> <span class="e-image__image " data-original=""> <picture class="c-picture" data-cid="site/picture_element-1740529971_3971_363490" data-cdata='{"asset_id":25745280,"ratio":"*"}'> <source srcset=" 320w, 520w, 720w, 920w, 1120w, 1320w, 1520w, 1720w, 1920w" sizes="(min-width: 1221px) 846px, (min-width: 880px) calc(100vw - 334px), 100vw" type="image/webp"> <img srcset=" 320w, 520w, 720w, 920w, 1120w, 1320w, 1520w, 1720w, 1920w" sizes="(min-width: 1221px) 846px, (min-width: 880px) calc(100vw - 334px), 100vw" alt="A bowl holds a salad as tongs lift a serving out." loading="lazy" data-upload-width="3024" width="3024" height="4032" src=""> </source></picture> </span> </span> <span class="e-image__meta"> <figcaption>Chopped wedge salad</figcaption> <cite>Courtney E. Smith</cite> </span> </figure> </div> <div class="c-image-grid__item"> <figure class="e-image"> <span class="e-image__inner"> <span class="e-image__image " data-original=""> <picture class="c-picture" data-cid="site/picture_element-1740529971_352_363491" data-cdata='{"asset_id":25745283,"ratio":"*"}'> <source srcset=" 320w, 520w, 720w, 920w, 1120w, 1320w, 1520w, 1720w, 1920w" sizes="(min-width: 1221px) 846px, (min-width: 880px) calc(100vw - 334px), 100vw" type="image/webp"> <img srcset=" 320w, 520w, 720w, 920w, 1120w, 1320w, 1520w, 1720w, 1920w" sizes="(min-width: 1221px) 846px, (min-width: 880px) calc(100vw - 334px), 100vw" alt="A bowl holds pieces of octopus with olives and radishes. " loading="lazy" data-upload-width="3024" width="3024" height="4032" src=""> </source></picture> </span> </span> <span class="e-image__meta"> <figcaption>Grilled Spanish octopus</figcaption> <cite>Courtney E. Smith</cite> </span> </figure> </div> </div></div> <p id="2GOS7B">I ordered a makrut gin cooler, prompting me to ask the waiter about why the restaurant uses that term and not the better-known kaffir, which is an <a href="">ethnic slur in South Africa</a> where the limes are grown. He responded that Catch did not want to offend anyone by using the word, rightly so. The attention to detail in such a naming convention felt like a welcome demonstration of care that was immediately undercut by a notably less attentive addition to the cocktail list: a <a href="">pornstar martini</a>, <a href="">developed in the early 2000s</a>, despite the industry’s well-documented history of sexism and abuse. When I pressed, he was not able to expand. We all draw the line in different places, I suppose.</p> <p id="HocHRD">Still, the most accurate distillation of Catch Dallas’s individuality lies on its drink menu. I was completely enchanted by the wine list, which has loads and loads of nerdy options for diners who are willing to go there. I was told the wine vault has between 600 and 700 bottles, many of which are expansive in their approachability but singular in their expression. The head sommelier who put it together is Ben Reynolds, who has worked at <a href="">Pappas Brothers</a>, with its <a href="">legendary and award-winning collection of bottles</a>, and <a href="">Nick & Sam’s</a>. There is also an entire page of Napa Valley Cabernets because people in Dallas love them — and that is the strongest differentiation this restaurant has from any other market it is in. </p> <figure class="e-image"> <span class="e-image__inner"> <span class="e-image__image " data-original=""> <picture class="c-picture" data-cid="site/picture_element-1740529971_1345_363492" data-cdata='{"asset_id":25745278,"ratio":"*"}'> <source srcset=" 320w, 520w, 720w, 920w, 1120w, 1320w, 1520w, 1720w, 1920w" sizes="(min-width: 1221px) 846px, (min-width: 880px) calc(100vw - 334px), 100vw" type="image/webp"> <img srcset=" 320w, 520w, 720w, 920w, 1120w, 1320w, 1520w, 1720w, 1920w" sizes="(min-width: 1221px) 846px, (min-width: 880px) calc(100vw - 334px), 100vw" alt="A bowl of shaved frozen strawberries sits atop a bowl of ice chips. A glass of wine is to the right." loading="lazy" data-upload-width="4032" width="4032" height="3024" src=""> </source></picture> </span> </span> <span class="e-image__meta"> <figcaption>Strawberry kakigori</figcaption> <cite>Courtney E. Smith</cite> </span> </figure> <p id="JAokIK">The food menu truly stands out in its desserts. Tables around me ordered the “Hit Me” Chocolate Cake, named for the house-made Klondike bar that one taps until it splits open atop three layers of chocolate cake. Another table ordered the Carnival, a ferris wheel of ricotta-stuffed beignets with an array of dipping sauces. I opted for Kakigori, which that day was made with frozen and shaved strawberries, mascarpone, and drops of graham cracker in an effort to emulate a strawberry shortcake and served atop crushed ice. It was truly innovative and acted as a spectacular moment on the table. </p> <p id="HOS0PF">Does Dallas need Catch as much as Catch needs Dallas? Probably not, but it does offer high-touch service and a reliable menu. It’s good value for the money, with some opportunities to be adventurous and splurge — if you want to take them. </p> <aside id="amJ5Yu"><div class="c-newsletter_signup_box " id="newsletter-signup-short-form" data-newsletter-slug="dallas-eater"> <div class="c-newsletter_signup_box__main"> <span class="c-newsletter_signup_box__icon"> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewbox="0 0 38 54.231" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path d="M1,20.304v9.981v6.393c0,9.046,7.332,16.375,16.375,16.375H33.75v-11.09H17.375 c-2.914,0-5.285-2.369-5.285-5.285v-6.393h18.383v-9.981H12.09V11.09h21.66V0H1V20.304z"></path> </g> </svg> </span> <h3 class="c-newsletter_signup_box__title"> <span class="sr-only"> Sign up for the newsletter </span> Eater Dallas </h3> <p class="c-newsletter_signup_box__blurb">Sign up for our newsletter.</p> <form action="/newsletter_form_recaptcha" method="post" id="subForm" data-random-id="63f3c4d90d871f83" data-submit-ajax-redirect="/pages/newsletters" data-analytics-class="newsletter" class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form c-newsletter_signup_box--form__1 c-newsletter_signup_box--form__wide" data-analytics-placement="entry_inline" data-cid="site/newsletter_signup_form-1740529971_814_363489" data-cdata="{}"> <input id="field_source" name="source" value="Presto::Site::NewsletterSignupBox" type="hidden"> <input id="field_list_id" name="list_id" value="Eater Dallas" type="hidden"> <input id="field_signup_source" name="signup_source" type="hidden"> <input id="field_provider" name="provider" value="sailthru" type="hidden"> <div class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form__success" style="display: none"> <h4>Thanks for signing up!</h4> <p>Check your inbox for a welcome email.</p> </div> <div class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form__body"> <div class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form__field"> <label for="field_email" class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form__email"> <span>Email <strong class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form__required-field">(required)</strong></span> </label> <div class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form__input"> <input id="field_email" class="p-text-input" name="email" type="email" required placeholder=""> </div> </div> <div class="c-newsletter_signup_box--form__error" style="display: none;"> <p>Oops. 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