Past Rates: 2023 VA Special Monthly Compensation Rates | Veterans Affairs

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Find the 2023 special monthly compensation rates that may apply to you.Want to check current special monthly compensation rates?Get rates for the current year"> <link rel="image_src" href=""> <meta property="og:description" content="VA special monthly compensation (SMC) is a higher rate of compensation that we pay to Veterans as well as their spouses, surviving spouses, and parents with certain needs or disabilities. Find the 2023 special monthly compensation rates that may apply to you.Want to check current special monthly compensation rates?Get rates for the current year"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Veterans Affairs"> <meta property="og:title" content="Past rates: 2023 VA special monthly compensation rates | Veterans Affairs"> <title>Past Rates: 2023 VA Special Monthly Compensation Rates | Veterans Affairs</title> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="VA special monthly compensation (SMC) is a higher rate of compensation that we pay to Veterans as well as their spouses, surviving spouses, and parents with certain needs or disabilities. Find the 2023 special monthly compensation rates that may apply to you."> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@DeptVetAffairs"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Past rates: 2023 VA special monthly compensation rates | Veterans Affairs"> <!-- Default metatags --> <!-- Add polyfills. --> <script nonce="Ndl1WUhymp3ATdsesLLtpQkhMTLdffq2" nomodule data-entry-name="polyfills.js" src=""></script> <!-- Add analytics helpers. --> <script nonce="Ndl1WUhymp3ATdsesLLtpQkhMTLdffq2"> /** * An alias for window.dataLayer.push made available under the window so that it is accessible in content files. * @module module:record-event * @see * @see module:platform/monitoring/record-event * @param {object} data - The event data that will be sent to GA. */ window.dataLayer = [] || window.dataLayer; window.recordEvent = function(data) { return window.dataLayer.push(data); }; window.recordMultipleEvents = function (events){ events.forEach(event => recordEvent(event)) } </script> <!-- Add web components. --> <link rel="stylesheet" data-entry-name="web-components.css" href=""> <script nonce="Ndl1WUhymp3ATdsesLLtpQkhMTLdffq2" defer data-entry-name="web-components.js" src=""></script> <!-- Render GA template. --> <script data-e2e="analytics-script" nonce="Ndl1WUhymp3ATdsesLLtpQkhMTLdffq2"> (function(w, d, s, l, i) { w[l] = w[l] || []; w[l].push({ 'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js' }); var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? 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Find the 2023 special monthly compensation rates that may apply to you.</p> <p>Want to check current special monthly compensation rates?<br><a href="/disability/compensation-rates/special-monthly-compensation-rates" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="6c84b5b0-bcb1-4b61-a9af-d882fbe50408" data-entity-substitution="canonical" title="2023 VA special monthly compensation rates">Get rates for the current year</a></p> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="96809"> <div itemprop="text"> <h2 id="special-monthly-compensation-r">Special monthly compensation rate payment variations</h2> <p><strong>Effective December 1, 2022</strong></p> <p><strong>Levels K and Q</strong> are special rates called SMC&#xA0;rate payment variations. We may add Level K to your basic SMC rate.</p> </div> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel" data-entity-id="96812" data-multiselectable="false"> <va-accordion uswds> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-k-and-smc-q-rates-7238"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-K and SMC-Q rates </h3> <div id="7238" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7238" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-K and SMC-Q rates"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7238"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7238"> <div itemprop="text"> </div> </div> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7237" table-title="SMC&#xA0;rate payment variations" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>SMC letter designation</span> <span>Monthly payment (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>How this payment variation works</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <b> SMC-K </b> </span> <span> 128.62 </span> <span> If you qualify for SMC-K, we add this rate to your basic disability compensation rate for any disability rating from 0% to 100%. We also add this rate to all SMC basic rates except SMC-O, SMC-Q, and SMC-R. You may receive 1 to 3 SMC-K awards in addition to basic and SMC rates. </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <b> SMC-Q </b> </span> <span> 67.00 </span> <span> This is a protected rate that we haven&#x2019;t awarded since August 19, 1968. If we awarded you an SMC-Q designation, we pay this rate in place of your basic disability compensation rate. </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> </va-accordion> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="96813"> <div itemprop="text"> <h2 id="special-monthly-compensation-r-1">Special monthly compensation rates for Veterans without children</h2> <p><strong>Effective December 1, 2022</strong></p> <p><strong>Levels L through O</strong> cover specific disabilities and situations.&#xA0;</p> <p><a href="#how-we-assign-smc-levels-l-thr">Learn how we assign SMC levels L through O</a></p> <p><strong>Level R</strong> may apply if you need daily help from another person for basic needs (like dressing, eating, and bathing).</p> <p><strong>Level S</strong> may apply if you can&#x2019;t leave the house because of your service-connected disabilities.</p> </div> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel" data-entity-id="96820" data-multiselectable="false"> <va-accordion uswds> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-l-through-smc-n-rates-7258"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-L through SMC-N rates </h3> <div id="7258" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7258" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-L through SMC-N rates"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7258"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7258"> <div itemprop="text"> <p>Start with the <strong>Basic SMC rates</strong> table. Find the dependent status in the left column that best describes you. Then find your SMC letter designation in the top row. Your monthly basic rate is where your dependent status and SMC letter meet.</p> <p>If you have more than one child or your spouse receives&#xA0;Aid and Attendance benefits,<strong>&#xA0;</strong>be sure to also check the&#xA0;<strong>Added amounts</strong>&#xA0;table,&#xA0;and add these to your amount from the&#xA0;<strong>Basic SMC rates</strong>&#xA0;table.</p> <p><a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="131d0c40-3680-4001-881e-e621eeae7337" href="/pension/aid-attendance-housebound" hreflang="en" title="VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound allowance">Learn more about Aid and Attendance benefits</a></p> </div> </div> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7256" table-title="Basic SMC rates" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-L (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-L 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-N (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Veteran alone </strong><p>(no dependents)</p> </span> <span> 4,506.84 </span> <span> 4,739.83 </span> <span> 4,973.76 </span> <span> 5,315.51 </span> <span> 5,658.02 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With spouse </strong><p>(no parents or children)</p> </span> <span> 4,708.78 </span> <span> 4,941.77 </span> <span> 5,175.70 </span> <span> 5,517.45 </span> <span> 5,859.96 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With spouse and 1 parent </strong><p>(no children)</p> </span> <span> 4,870.85 </span> <span> 5,103.84 </span> <span> 5,337.77 </span> <span> 5,679.52 </span> <span> 6,022.03 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With spouse and 2 parents </strong><p>(no children)</p> </span> <span> 5,032.92 </span> <span> 5,265.91 </span> <span> 5,499.84 </span> <span> 5,841.59 </span> <span> 6,184.10 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> With 1 parent </strong><p>(no spouse or children)</p> </span> <span> 4,668.91 </span> <span> 4,901.90 </span> <span> 5,135.83 </span> <span> 5,477.58 </span> <span> 5,820.09 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> With 2 parents </strong><p>(no spouse or children)</p> </span> <span> 4,830.98 </span> <span> 5,063.97 </span> <span> 5,297.90 </span> <span> 5,639.65 </span> <span> 5,982.16 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7257" table-title="Added amounts" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-L (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-L 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M&#xA0;1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-N (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Spouse receiving Aid and Attendance</strong> </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-n-12-through-smc-s-7262"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-N 1/2 through SMC-S </h3> <div id="7262" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7262" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-N 1/2 through SMC-S"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7262"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7262"> <div itemprop="text"> <p>Start with the <strong>Basic SMC rates</strong> table. Find the dependent status in the left column that best describes you. Then find your SMC letter designation in the top row. Your monthly basic rate is where your dependent status and SMC letter meet.</p> <p>If you have more than one child or your spouse receives&#xA0;Aid and Attendance benefits,<strong>&#xA0;</strong>be sure to also check the&#xA0;<strong>Added amounts</strong>&#xA0;table,&#xA0;and add these to your amount from the&#xA0;<strong>Basic SMC rates</strong>&#xA0;table.</p> <p><a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="131d0c40-3680-4001-881e-e621eeae7337" href="/pension/aid-attendance-housebound" hreflang="en" title="VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound allowance">Learn more about Aid and Attendance benefits</a></p> </div> </div> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7260" table-title="Basic SMC rates" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-N 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-O/P (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.1 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.2/T (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-S (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>Veteran alone </strong><p>(no dependents)</p> </span> <span> 5,990.84 </span> <span> 6,324.26 </span> <span> 9,036.89 </span> <span> 10,365.53 </span> <span> 4,054.12 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> With spouse</strong><p>(no parents or children)</p> </span> <span> 6,192.78 </span> <span> 6,526.20 </span> <span> 9,238.83 </span> <span> 10,567.47 </span> <span> 4,256.06 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With spouse and 1 parent </strong><p>(no children)</p> </span> <span> 6,354.85 </span> <span> 6,688.27 </span> <span> 9,400.90 </span> <span> 10,729.54 </span> <span> 4,418.13 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With spouse and 2 parents </strong><p>(no children)</p> </span> <span> 6,516.92 </span> <span> 6,850.34 </span> <span> 9,562.97 </span> <span> 10,891.61 </span> <span> 4,580.20 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 parent </strong><p>(no spouse or children)</p> </span> <span> 6,152.91 </span> <span> 6,486.33 </span> <span> 9,198.96 </span> <span> 10,527.60 </span> <span> 4,216.19 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 2 parents </strong><p>(no spouse or children)</p> </span> <span> 6,314.98 </span> <span> 6,648.40 </span> <span> 9,361.03 </span> <span> 10,689.67 </span> <span> 4,378.26 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7261" table-title="Added amounts" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-N 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-O/P (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.1 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.2/T (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-S (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>Spouse receiving Aid and Attendance</strong> </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> </va-accordion> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="96821"> <div itemprop="text"> <h2 id="special-monthly-compensation-r-2">Special monthly compensation rates for Veterans with dependents, including children</h2> <p><strong>Effective December 1, 2022</strong></p> <p><strong>Levels L through O</strong> cover specific disabilities and situations.&#xA0;</p> <p><a href="#how-we-assign-smc-levels-l-thr">Learn how we assign SMC levels L through O</a></p> <p><strong>Level R</strong> may apply if you need daily help from another person for basic needs (like dressing, eating, and bathing).</p> <p><strong>Level S</strong> may apply if you can&#x2019;t leave the house because of your service-connected disabilities.</p> </div> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel" data-entity-id="96828" data-multiselectable="false"> <va-accordion uswds> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-l-through-smc-n-7266"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-L through SMC-N </h3> <div id="7266" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7266" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-L through SMC-N"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7266"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7266"> <div itemprop="text"> <p>Start with the <strong>Basic SMC rates</strong> table. Find the dependent status in the left column that best describes you. Then find your SMC letter designation in the top row. Your monthly basic rate is where your dependent status and SMC letter meet.</p> <p>If you have more than one child or your spouse receives&#xA0;Aid and Attendance benefits,<strong>&#xA0;</strong>be sure to also check the&#xA0;<strong>Added amounts</strong>&#xA0;table,&#xA0;and add these to your amount from the&#xA0;<strong>Basic SMC rates</strong>&#xA0;table.</p> <p><a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="131d0c40-3680-4001-881e-e621eeae7337" href="/pension/aid-attendance-housebound" hreflang="en" title="VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound allowance">Learn more about Aid and Attendance benefits</a></p> </div> </div> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7264" table-title="Basic SMC rates" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-L (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-L 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-N (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Veteran with 1 child </strong><p>(no spouse or parents)</p> </span> <span> 4,641.89 </span> <span> 4,874.88 </span> <span> 5,108.81 </span> <span> 5,450.56 </span> <span> 5,793.07 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child and spouse</strong><p>(no parents)</p> </span> <span> 4,856.67 </span> <span> 5,089.66 </span> <span> 5,323.59 </span> <span> 5,665.34 </span> <span> 6,007.85 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child, spouse, and 1 parent</strong><p></p> </span> <span> 5,018.74 </span> <span> 5,251.73 </span> <span> 5,485.66 </span> <span> 5,827.41 </span> <span> 6,169.92 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child, spouse, and 2 parents</strong><p></p> </span> <span> 5,180.81 </span> <span> 5,413.80 </span> <span> 5,647.73 </span> <span> 5,989.48 </span> <span> 6,331.99 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child and 1 parent</strong><p>(no spouse)</p> </span> <span> 4,803.96 </span> <span> 5,036.95 </span> <span> 5,270.88 </span> <span> 5,612.63 </span> <span> 5,955.14 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child and 2 parents</strong><p>(no spouse)</p> </span> <span> 4,966.03 </span> <span> 5,199.02 </span> <span> 5,432.95 </span> <span> 5,774.70 </span> <span> 6,117.21 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7265" table-title="Added amounts" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-L (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-L 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-M 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-N (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Each additional child under age 18 </strong> </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Each additional child over age 18 in a qualifying school program </strong> </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Spouse receiving Aid and Attendance </strong> </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-n-12-through-smc-s-7268"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-N 1/2 through SMC-S </h3> <div id="7268" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7268" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-N 1/2 through SMC-S"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7268"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7268"> <div itemprop="text"> <p>Start with the <strong>Basic SMC rates</strong> table. Find the dependent status in the left column that best describes you. Then find your SMC letter designation in the top row. Your monthly basic rate is where your dependent status and SMC letter meet.</p> <p>If you have more than one child or your spouse receives&#xA0;Aid and Attendance benefits,<strong>&#xA0;</strong>be sure to also check the&#xA0;<strong>Added amounts</strong>&#xA0;table,&#xA0;and add these to your amount from the&#xA0;<strong>Basic SMC rates</strong>&#xA0;table.</p> <p><a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="131d0c40-3680-4001-881e-e621eeae7337" href="/pension/aid-attendance-housebound" hreflang="en" title="VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound allowance">Learn more about Aid and Attendance benefits</a></p> </div> </div> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7267" table-title="Basic SMC rates" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-N 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-O/P (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.1 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.2/T (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-S (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Veteran with 1 child </strong><p>(no spouse or parents)</p> </span> <span> 6,125.89 </span> <span> 6,459.31 </span> <span> 9,171.94 </span> <span> 10,500.58 </span> <span> 4,189.17 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child and spouse</strong><p>(no parents)</p> </span> <span> 6,340.67 </span> <span> 6,674.09 </span> <span> 9,386.72 </span> <span> 10,715.36 </span> <span> 4,403.95 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child, spouse, and 1 parent</strong><p></p> </span> <span> 6,502.74 </span> <span> 6,836.16 </span> <span> 9,548.79 </span> <span> 10,877.43 </span> <span> 4,566.02 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child, spouse, and 2 parents</strong><p></p> </span> <span> 6,664.81 </span> <span> 6,998.23 </span> <span> 9,710.86 </span> <span> 11,039.50 </span> <span> 4,728.09 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child and 1 parent</strong><p>(no spouse)</p> </span> <span> 6,287.96 </span> <span> 6,621.38 </span> <span> 9,334.01 </span> <span> 10,662.65 </span> <span> 4,351.24 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong>With 1 child and 2 parents</strong><p>(no spouse)</p> </span> <span> 6,450.03 </span> <span> 6,783.45 </span> <span> 9,496.08 </span> <span> 10,824.72 </span> <span> 4,513.31 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> <va-table data-template="paragraphs/table" data-entity-id="7285" table-title="Added amounts" table-type="bordered" uswds> <va-table-row> <span>Dependent status</span> <span>SMC-N 1/2 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-O/P (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.1 (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-R.2/T (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> <span>SMC-S (in&#xA0;U.S.&#xA0;$)</span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Each additional child under age 18</strong> </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> <span> 100.34 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Each additional child over age 18 in a qualifying school program </strong> </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> <span> 324.12 </span> </va-table-row> <va-table-row> <span> <strong> Spouse receiving Aid and Attendance </strong> </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> <span> 185.21 </span> </va-table-row> </va-table> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> </va-accordion> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="96829"> <div itemprop="text"> <p>&#xA0;</p> <p><strong>Note: </strong>We&#x2019;re required by law to match the percentage of cost-of-living adjustments made to Social Security benefits. These adjustments help to make sure that the purchasing power of your benefits keeps up with inflation.&#xA0;</p> <p><a href="" hreflang="en" target="_blank">Get the latest cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) information on the Social Security Administration&#x2019;s (SSA) website</a></p> <h2 id="how-to-use-the-tables-to-find-">How to use the tables to find your monthly payment</h2> <p><strong>Find your basic rate</strong></p> <p>Go to the SMC rate&#xA0;that applies&#xA0;to you. On the <strong>Basic SMC</strong> rates table, find the amount for your disability rating and SMC letter designation. This is your monthly basic rate.</p> <p class="va-address-block"><strong>Example (Veteran with no children):</strong> If you were a Veteran with a dependent spouse (no dependent parents or children), and you had an SMC-M designation, your monthly basic rate would be <strong>$5,175.70</strong><strong>&#xA0;</strong>each month.</p> <p>&#xA0;</p> <p><strong>Find your added amounts, if any apply </strong></p> <p>If your spouse receives Aid and Attendance benefits or you have more than one child, you may qualify for additional monthly payment amounts as listed in the <strong>Added amounts</strong> table. &#xA0;</p> <p><a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="131d0c40-3680-4001-881e-e621eeae7337" href="/pension/aid-attendance-housebound" hreflang="en" title="VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound allowance">Learn more about Aid and Attendance benefits</a></p> <p>First, determine your basic rate.</p> <p class="va-address-block"><strong>Example (Veteran with children):</strong> If you&#x2019;re a Veteran with an SMC-L designation, and you have 4 dependent children (1 child over age 18 in a qualifying school program and 3 children under age 18), and a dependent spouse, you would start with a basic SMC rate of <strong>$4,856.67</strong> for a Veteran with one child and spouse (no parents).</p> <p>Next, look at the <strong>Added amounts</strong> table. Find the amount for children under age 18 (<strong>$100.34</strong>).</p> <p>Since your basic rate already provides payment for 1 child, you would add the rate of <strong>$100.34&#xA0;</strong>for each additional child under age 18 (so <strong>$100.34&#xA0;</strong>x 2).</p> <p>Then, look for the rate for each additional child over 18 in a qualifying school program (<strong>$324.12</strong>).</p> <p>If your spouse receives Aid and Attendance, you would also add <strong>$185.21</strong><strong>&#xA0;</strong>(which is the added amount for a spouse receiving Aid and Attendance, for a Veteran with a SMC-L designation).</p> <p>Add these amounts to your basic rate to get your total monthly payment amount.</p> <p>In our example of a Veteran with a SMC-L designation, your total monthly payment amount would be:</p> <p class="va-address-block"><strong>$4,856.67&#xA0;</strong>(basic rate (1 spouse, 1 child)<br><strong>+ 100.34&#xA0;</strong>(second child under 18)<br><strong>+100.34&#xA0;</strong>(third child under 18)<br><strong>+ 324.12&#xA0;</strong>(1 child over 18, in a qualifying school program)<br><strong>+ 185.21&#xA0;</strong>(spouse who receives Aid and Attendance)<br><strong>Total $5,566.68</strong></p> <hr><h2 id="how-we-assign-smc-levels-l-thr">How we assign SMC levels L through O</h2> <p><strong>We assign SMC levels based on very specific situations and combinations of situations, including:</strong></p> <ul><li>The amputation of one or more limbs or extremities</li> <li>The loss of use of one or more limbs or extremities (meaning you have no effective function remaining)</li> <li>The physical loss of one or both eyes</li> <li>The loss of sight or total blindness in one or both eyes</li> <li>Being permanently bedridden (unable to get out of bed)</li> <li>Needing daily help with basic needs (like eating, dressing, and bathing), also called &#x201C;Aid and Attendance&#x201D;</li> </ul><p>Select an SMC letter below to learn more about the specific situations and combinations of situations that fall within that designation.</p> </div> </div> <div data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel" data-entity-id="96837" data-multiselectable="false"> <va-accordion uswds> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-l-7271"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-L </h3> <div id="7271" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7271" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-L"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7271"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7271"> <div itemprop="text"> <p><strong>You may receive an SMC-L designation if any of these situations are true for you:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve had both feet amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, and have lost the use of the other foot, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand and one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, and have lost the use of one hand, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, and have lost the use of one foot</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of both feet, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand and one foot</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost sight in both eyes (blindness), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;re permanently bedridden, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You need daily help with basic needs (like eating, dressing, and bathing)</li> </ul> <ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-l-12-7272"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-L 1/2 </h3> <div id="7272" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7272" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-L 1/2"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7272"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7272"> <div itemprop="text"> <p><strong>You may receive an SMC-L 1/2 designation if any of the these situations are true for you:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot and the other knee amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, and have lost the use of the other knee, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot and one elbow amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, and have lost the use of one elbow, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one knee and one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one knee amputated, and have lost the use of one hand</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot, and have had the other knee amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot, and have had one elbow amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot and one elbow, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one knee, and have had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one knee and one hand</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have blindness in one eye and total blindness in the other eye with only the ability to perceive light, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have blindness in both eyes, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50% disabling)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-m-7273"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-M </h3> <div id="7273" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7273" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-M"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7273"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7273"> <div itemprop="text"> <p><strong>You may receive an SMC-M designation if any of these situations are true for you:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve had both hands amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, and have lost the use of the other hand, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had both knees amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one elbow and one knee amputated, <strong>or&#xA0;</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, and have lost the use of one arm at the shoulder, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&apos;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, and have had one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&apos;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&apos;t wear a prosthesis</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of both hands, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of both knees, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one elbow and one knee, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot and the use of one arm at the shoulder, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&apos;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot, and have had one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&apos;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&apos;t wear a prosthesis</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have blindness in one eye, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve physically lost the other eye, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness in the other eye with only the ability to perceive light, and have total deafness in one ear, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness in the other eye with only the ability to perceive light, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50% disabling)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:&#xA0;</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have blindness in both eyes that&apos;s considered total blindness, with only the ability to perceive light, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have blindness in both eyes that requires you to have daily help with basic needs (like eating, dressing, and bathing)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have blindness in both eyes, and:&#xA0;</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have deafness in both (rated as 30% or more disabling),<strong> or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand,<strong> or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% or more disabling)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-m-12-7274"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-M 1/2 </h3> <div id="7274" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7274" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-M 1/2"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7274"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7274"> <div itemprop="text"> <p><strong>You may receive an SMC-M 1/2 designation if any of these situations are true for you:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve had&#xA0;one knee amputated, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one knee amputated, and have had one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one elbow amputated, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand and one elbow amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, and have lost the use of one elbow</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one knee, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one knee, and have had one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one elbow, and have had one leg amputated so close to the hip that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost of use of one hand, and have had one elbow amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand and of one elbow</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light:</strong></p> <ul> <li>In one eye, and have physically lost the other eye, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>In one eye, and have total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>In both eyes, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50% disabling)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have blindness in one eye, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve physically lost the other eye, and have total deafness in one ear, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have total deafness in one ear, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness with the only ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have lost the use of one hand</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:&#xA0;</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have blindness in both eyes and total deafness in one ear, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have blindness in both eyes that requires you to have daily help with basic needs (like eating, bathing, and dressing), and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50% disabling)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-n-7275"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-N </h3> <div id="7275" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7275" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-N"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7275"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7275"> <div itemprop="text"> <p><strong>You may receive an SMC-N designation if any of these situations are true for you.</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve had both elbows amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had both legs amputated so close to the hip that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one arm and one leg amputated so close to the shoulder and hip that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis on either, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated and one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of both elbows, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand, and have had one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve physically lost both eyes, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness without the ability to perceive light</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve physically lost the other eye, and have deafness in both ears (rated as 10% or 20% disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have deafness in both ears (rated as 10% or 20% disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve physically lost the other eye, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50% disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50% disabling)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in both eyes, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% or more disabling)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have blindness in one eye, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve physically lost the other eye, and have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have blindness in both eyes that requires you to have daily help with basic needs (like dressing, eating, or bathing), and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% disabling)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-n-12-7276"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-N 1/2 </h3> <div id="7276" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7276" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-N 1/2"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7276"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7276"> <div itemprop="text"> <p><strong>You may receive an SMC-N 1/2 designation if any of these situations are true for you:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one elbow amputated, and have had one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one elbow, and have had one arm amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve physically lost both eyes, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50% disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total blindness without the ability to see light, and have lost the use of one foot (rated as less than 50%)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye, have physically lost the other eye, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye and total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> <va-accordion-item class="va-accordion-item" id="smc-o-7277"> <h3 slot="headline"> SMC-O </h3> <div id="7277" data-template="paragraphs/collapsible_panel__panel" data-entity-id="7277" data-analytics-faq-text="SMC-O"> <div id="collapsible_panel_item-7277"> <div data-template="paragraphs/wysiwyg" data-entity-id="7277"> <div itemprop="text"> <p><strong>You may receive an SMC-O designation if any of these situations are true for you:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You&#x2019;ve had both arms amputated so close to the shoulder that you can&#x2019;t wear a prosthesis, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have complete paralysis of both legs that&#x2019;s resulted in being unable to control your bladder or bowels</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have hearing loss in both ears (with at least one ear&#x2019;s deafness caused by military service) that&#x2019;s rated as 60% or more disabling, and you have blindness in both eyes, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have hearing loss in both ears (with at least one ear&#x2019;s deafness caused by military service) that&#x2019;s rated as 40% or more disabling, and you have blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You have total deafness in one ear as well as blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have total blindness without the ability to see light, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand</li> </ul> <p><strong>Or you have physically lost both eyes, and:</strong></p> <ul> <li>You have deafness in both ears (rated as 30% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one foot amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one foot (rated as 50% or more disabling), <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve had one hand amputated, <strong>or</strong></li> <li>You&#x2019;ve lost the use of one hand</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </va-accordion-item> </va-accordion> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="usa-content"> <aside class="va-nav-linkslist va-nav-linkslist--related"> <section data-template="paragraphs/list_of_link_teasers" data-entity-id="96843" class="field_related_links"> <h2 id="information-to-help-you-manage" class="va-nav-linkslist-heading" tabindex="-1"> Information to help you manage your benefits </h2> <ul class="va-nav-linkslist-list"> <li data-template="paragraphs/linkTeaser" data-entity-id="7280" data-links-list-header="File for a VA disability increase" data-links-list-section-header="Information to help you manage your benefits"> <h3 class="va-nav-linkslist-title vads-u-font-size--h4" id> <va-link href="/disability/how-to-file-claim" text="File for a VA disability increase"> </va-link></h3> <p class="va-nav-linkslist-description">If your service-connected disability has gotten worse, find out how to file a claim to increase your disability rating.</p> </li> <li data-template="paragraphs/linkTeaser" data-entity-id="7281" data-links-list-header="View or change dependents on your VA disability benefits" data-links-list-section-header="Information to help you manage your benefits"> <h3 class="va-nav-linkslist-title vads-u-font-size--h4" id="-3"> <va-link href="/view-change-dependents" text="View or change dependents on your VA disability benefits"> </va-link></h3> <p class="va-nav-linkslist-description">Find out how and when to add a dependent spouse, child, or parent to your VA disability benefits. Also learn how to remove a dependent from your benefits.</p> </li> <li data-template="paragraphs/linkTeaser" data-entity-id="7282" data-links-list-header="Change your VA direct deposit and contact information" data-links-list-section-header="Information to help you manage your benefits"> <h3 class="va-nav-linkslist-title vads-u-font-size--h4" id="-4"> <va-link href="/change-direct-deposit" text="Change your VA direct deposit and contact information"> </va-link></h3> <p class="va-nav-linkslist-description">Find out how to change your information online.</p> </li> <li data-template="paragraphs/linkTeaser" data-entity-id="7283" data-links-list-header="View your disability payments history" data-links-list-section-header="Information to help you manage your benefits"> <h3 class="va-nav-linkslist-title vads-u-font-size--h4" id="-5"> <va-link href="/va-payment-history" text="View your disability payments history"> </va-link></h3> <p class="va-nav-linkslist-description">Check the status of your VA disability and pension payments. You can also see certain survivor benefits.</p> </li> </ul> </section> </aside> </div> </div> <va-back-to-top></va-back-to-top> <!-- Last updated & feedback button--> <div class="last-updated usa-content vads-u-padding-x--1 desktop-lg:vads-u-padding-x--0"> <div class="mobile-lg:vads-u-display--flex above-footer-elements-container"> <div class="vads-u-flex--auto"> <span class="vads-u-text-align--justify"> <p>Last updated: <time datetime="2023-11-30">November 30, 2023</time></p> </span> </div> <div class="vads-u-flex--1 vads-u-text-align--right"> <span class="vads-u-text-align--right"> <button type="button" class="feedback-button usa-button" id="mdFormButton" aria-label="give feedback"> Feedback </button> </span> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div></main> </div> </div> <!-- src url from --> <script nonce="Ndl1WUhymp3ATdsesLLtpQkhMTLdffq2" type="text/javascript" defer src=""></script> <script nonce="Ndl1WUhymp3ATdsesLLtpQkhMTLdffq2" type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener('load', () => { // All of the page urls we want to monitor include (production only) if (window.DD_RUM && window.location?.hostname === '') { /** * Unauthenticated Static pages may be crawled by bots, so we won't initialize * RUM sessions. 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