Frequently Asked Oil & Gas Questions
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While this option provides many advantages, and carries its own unique risk-to-reward profile, it does not allow the investor to directly benefit from newly established production on a per barrel, or BOE, basis.</p> <p>Investing directly, allows an investor to Partner with an Operator like Aresco on a specific project––either drilling new wells or purchasing production (cash flow) from existing wells. As part of a standard oil and gas industry joint venture with Aresco, you participate directly in all aspects of owning a stake in the revenues potentially generated from an oil and/or gas well. This of course carries a different risk-to-reward profile when compared to market-based investments, but generally allows the investor the potential for much higher returns as well as excellent tax benefits afforded to companies and individuals who directly invest in the oil patch.</p> <p>Deciding what type of investment may work for you will generally depend on your tolerance for risk, available capital to invest and your goals for making an investment (income, growth, and/or tax write offs).</p> <h2>What are the risks associated with investing in oil and gas?</h2> <p>There are varying degrees of risk in all investments, including partial or complete loss of capital. This can occur with just about any investment these days. Direct oil and gas investments are no different. Dry holes are very much a part of the industry and even the biggest and most experienced companies are not immune. All Operators have an individualized approach and tolerance to taking exploration risks. At Aresco, we are not out to prove anything by taking on undue risk to be a part of groundbreaking trends. We focus on proven areas with strong production history to ensure we moderate our risks. We further balance our exploration risk by partnering with experienced operators who have a proven track record of finding and producing oil and gas.</p> <h2>What are the tax benefits?</h2> <p>The multiple tax benefits available to investors shows how strongly the U.S. government feels about promoting domestic oil and gas exploration and production. An investment into a drilling program will result in favorable tax benefits no matter the outcome. In the event of a dry hole, a write off is generally allowed for the entire amount invested for the tax year the investment was made. While taking a complete loss and receiving a deduction is not surprising to many, the benefits available to an investor on an active well are even better and provide three separate deduction avenues.</p> <p>• Intangible Drilling Costs (IDCs): Typically, investors will be able to write off approximately 70-80% of their initial investment the first year through this deduction.<br/> • Tangible Drilling Costs (TDCs): These costs, or the remainder after IDCs are deducted, are generally 100% deductible, but must be depreciated over a seven year period.<br/> • Small Producers Exemption: This deduction is also referred to as a ‘Depletion Allowance’ and allows you to earn 15% of the gross income from the investment tax-free.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read more…</a></p> <h2>When would I begin to see a return on an active producer?</h2> <p>Once a well begins producing, the first revenue check will be distributed within 30-60 days depending on when production began in relation to the sale cycle for oil and gas in the area. This milestone is highly significant to oil companies and investors alike because it marks the beginning of achieving an ‘initial payout’ of the original capital invested. Many companies marketing to investors sell returns in as little as six to nine months. While this does happen, it doesn’t happen often enough for those of us in the O&G industry to regard it as a benchmark. On a well with good longevity potential, achieving an initial cash-on-cash payout in 18-24 months is considered excellent.</p> <h2>Should I invest in just one well?</h2> <p>Direct investment in oil and gas exploration and production is a long-term investment strategy that, like most other long-term investments, benefits from diversification. Diversification spreads your risk, increases the chance of success, and can complement your other investment and tax strategies by providing significant write-offs. As such, we rarely suggest you invest in a single project. Instead, we strongly suggest you invest like an E&P company––spreading your risk and reward across multiple projects, or prospects as we call them. Our own diversification strategy has us currently positioned in three separate sections of the Permian Basin in west Texas and New Mexico in addition to the Texas Panhandle’s Anadarko Basin, the east Texas Austin Chalk, and the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Shale Formations.</p> <p><em><strong>At Aresco, we believe in being highly informed and, as an investor in oil and gas, you should be too. <a title="Contact Us" href="">We invite you to contact us anytime</a> with additional questions and to learn more about our activities.</strong></em></p> </div><!-- end content --> <div id="sidebar"> <p class="parent"><a href="">Oil and Gas Education and Resources</a></p> <ul> <li class="page_item page-item-4004 current_page_item"><a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li> <li class="page_item page-item-3213"><a href="">Oil and Gas #QuickFacts</a></li> <li class="page_item page-item-30"><a href="">Glossary of Terms</a></li> <li class="page_item page-item-2349"><a href="">Common Abbreviations</a></li> </ul> <center><img src="" width="144" height="138" alt="Vision Opportunity Drive" style="padding-top:15px;"/></center> </div><!-- end sidebar --> <div class="clearFix"> </div><!-- end clearFix --> </div><!-- end text --> </div><!-- end white --> <div id="footer"><div class="text"><p>Aresco LP 861 N Coleman Road, Ste. 105 Prosper, TX 75078 <b>Phone: 972-992-3127</b> Fax: 972-992-3137 </p><div id="social"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="31" height="31" alt="Facebook"/></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="31" height="31" alt="Twitter"/></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="31" height="31" alt="LinkedIn"/></a><a href=""><img src="" width="31" height="31" alt="RSS"/></a></div><!-- end social --> </center> <div class="clearFix"> </div><!-- end clearFix --> </div><!-- end text --> </div><!-- end footer --> <div id="disclaimer"><center><p>This is not an offer to sell nor solicitation of an offer to buy any security. 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