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width:160px" /></a> <div class="style6"><a href="">November 1 & 15 2024 (Contents)</a></div> <p><a href="/reader-issues"><img alt="Booklist Reader" id="imgBCPIHero" src=" Reader/Vol 4/nov-c1navbar.jpg" style="height:211px; width:160px" /></a></p> <div class="style6"> <p><a href="" title="Booklist Reader homepage">November 2024</a></p> <p><a href="" title="2024 Booklist's Guide to Graphic Novels in Libraries"><img id="imgBCPIHero" src=" Features/Vol 120/GN Supp JULY/gn2024c1navbar.jpg" style="height:213px; width:160px" /></a></p> <div> <div class="style6"><a href="" title="2024 Booklist's Guide to Graphic Novels in Libraries">Booklist's Guide to Graphic Novels in Libraries: 2024</a></div> <div> <div class="curissueOuter"> <div class="style6"> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="mainColumn"> <div class="mainColumnContent"> <TABLE id="Table10" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="right"> <TBODY height="100%"> <TR height="100%"> <TD height="100%" valign="top" class="ReviewOfTheDayColumn"> <div id="generalInfoPage"> <div class="styleGI2"> <!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <span style="font-weight: bold; float: left;margin-bottom: 5px;">Share</span> <div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"></div> </div> <table width="600" class='styleGI1' border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" ID="Table15"><TR><td><p><span style="font-size:36px"><strong>Frequently Asked Questions </strong></span></p> <ul> <li><a href="#ABOUT BOOKLIST PUBLICATIONS">About <em>Booklist</em> Publications </a></li> <li><a href="#SUBSCRIBING TO BOOKLIST">Subscribing to <em>Booklist </em>Publications</a> </li> <li><a href="#SETTING UP BOOKLIST ONLINE">Setting up access to <em>Booklist Online</em> </a></li> <li><a href="#SHARING BOOKLIST READER">How to share <em>Booklist Reader</em> with your patrons</a> </li> <li><a href="#USING BOOKLIST ONLINE">Using <em>Booklist Online</em></a></li> <li><a href="#SYNDICATION">Syndication & Legal Issues</a></li> </ul> <div style="background:#eee;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:5px 10px;"><em>If you have a question not covered here, please email us at <a href=""><u></u></a>.</em></div> <p><strong><a name="ABOUT BOOKLIST PUBLICATIONS"> </a><br /> <span style="font-size:20px">About <em>Booklist </em>Publications </span></strong></p> <p><strong>Mission Statement: </strong><br /> As the book review journal of the American Library Association, <em>Booklist</em> connects library and education workers to the books and resources needed to support and enrich their communities. <em>Booklist Reader</em>, our patron-facing publication, answers the question, "What should I read next?".</p> <p><strong>Q: What is <em>Booklist Online</em>? </strong></p> <p>A: <em>Booklist Online</em> is the web version of the <em>Booklist</em> print magazine. It offers free content to non-subscribers including a Review of the Day (a highlighted review we're featuring), and a generous selection of additional reviews and features written exclusively for <em>Booklist Online</em>. Subscribers also gain access to <a href="" title="Booklist digital editions">digital editions</a> of <em>Booklist</em> and the full <em>Booklist Online </em>database, which contains more than 180,000 reviews and thousands of features dating back to 1992 and 8,000 new reviews and related features every year. Much of that content dynamically linked—review to review, review to feature, and feature to feature.</p> <p><strong>Q: Who writes Booklist reviews?</strong></p> <p>A: <em>Booklist</em> has a large team of book reviewers: contract reviewers, freelance reviewers, journalists, subject specialists, and of course, <em>Booklist</em> editors. If you are interested in reviewing for us, follow the instructions for getting in contact with the editor of the section you're interested in at our <a href=""><u>Reviewers</u></a> page. Remember to send relevant samples of your work.</p> <p>* Opinions expressed in <em>Booklist</em> and <em>Booklist Reader</em> columns are those of the author and do not reflect ALA views unless so stated.</p> <p><a href="#">«Back to Top»</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><a name="SUBSCRIBING TO BOOKLIST"> </a></strong></p> <p><span style="font-size:20px"><strong>Subscribing to <em>Booklist</em></strong></span></p> <p><strong>Q: What is included in a <em>Booklist</em> subscription? </strong></p> <p>A: All <em>Booklist</em> subscriptions includes a year of print <em>Booklist</em> magazine issues and 24/7 password-access to Booklist Online (one user per subscription). A subscription to <em>Booklist</em> also gives you access to the <a href="" name="SUBSCRIBE TO BOOKLIST" title="Booklist digital editions">digital editions</a> of <em>Booklist</em> and <em>Booklist Reader</em>. Booklist Online contains additional reviews and online-only feature content as well as the contents of the print magazine. For multi-user access to Booklist Online, please see our institutional <a href="">Booklist Online Unlimited</a> product.</p> <p><strong>Q: What is included in a <em>Booklist Reader</em> subscription? </strong></p> <p>A: All <em>Booklist Reader </em>subscriptions includes a year of print <em>Booklist Reader</em> issues (in quantities from 25 - 1,000+) and 24/7 password-access to Booklist Online (one user per subscription). A subscription to <em>Booklist Reader</em> also gives you access to the <a href="" name="SUBSCRIBE TO BOOKLIST" title="Booklist digital editions">digital editions</a> of <em>Booklist</em> and <em>Booklist Reader</em>. Booklist Online contains additional reviews and online-only feature content as well as the contents of the print magazine. For multi-user access to Booklist Online, please see our institutional <a href="">Booklist Online Unlimited</a> product.</p> <p><strong>Q: How do I subscribe to or renew <em>Booklist, Booklist Reader,</em> or Booklist Online Unlimited? </strong></p> <p>A: You can subscribe to <em>Booklist</em> <u><a href="" target="_new">here</a></u>, <em>Booklist Reader </em><a href="">here</a>, Booklist Online Unlimited <a href="">here</a>, or through your periodical sales agency. For <em>Booklist </em>renewals, please go <a href="" target="_new"><u>here</u></a>. For <em>Booklist Reader </em>renewals, please go <a href="" target="_new"><u>here</u></a>. You may also call toll free at 1-888-350-0949 (or, for international orders, 1-847-252-1197). Visit our <a href=""><u>Customer Service</u></a> page for more information and options.</p> <p><strong>Q: How can I get help with my <em>Booklist</em> subscription?</strong></p> <p>A: To begin, renew, modify, report a missing issue, or troubleshoot a subscription problem, please contact <em>Booklist</em>, P.O. Box #977, Lincolnshire, IL 60069-0977 (1-888-350-0949). If you are having difficulties connecting your print <em>Booklist </em>or <em>Booklist Reader </em>account to a <em>Booklist Online </em>profile, please contact <a href=""><u></u></a> or call 312-280-5715.</p> <p><a href="#">«Back to Top»</a><a href="#Back to Top"> </a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><a name="SETTING UP BOOKLIST ONLINE"> </a> </strong><span style="font-size:20px"><strong>Setting up access to <em>Booklist Online</em></strong></span></p> <p><strong>Q: I'm trying to read the digital edition of <em>Booklist</em> or <em>Booklist Reader</em>, but it bounces me out after a few pages. What's wrong? </strong></p> <p>A: You need to be signed into your Booklist Online profile or be authenticated in another way through your account to read the digital editions. If you are jumping off from the Issues pages, either <a href="" title=""></a> or <a href=""></a>, and getting kicked back there after a few pages, that means that your browser is blocking the cookie that “authenticates” your device. That could be a security setting in your browser. Switching to a different browser often will fix this issue. </p> <p><strong>Q: Can I read the digital editions on mobile devices? </strong></p> <p>Yes, you can download the mobile app and read it that way (tablet or phone). You need to have a profile set up first (<a href=""></a>), so you can sign in with the app. Download <em>Booklist'</em>s free app from the <a href="" name="Booklist Android App" target="_blank" title="Booklist Android App">Google Play Store</a> or <a href="" name="Booklist iOS App" target="_blank" title="Booklist iOS App">Apple App Store</a>. If you have difficulties accessing digital editions, please send an email to <a href="" title="Get help"></a>. We'll be happy to assist you!</p> <p><strong>Q: I subscribe to the print <em>Booklist</em>. How do I set up my included <em>Booklist Online </em>account?</strong></p> <p>A: To set up access for the first time, have a print issue in hand and go to the <u><a href="">online profile setup form</a></u> and follow the setup-steps. You may only register one <em>Booklist Online</em> account per subscription. If you had previously taken a trial of <em>Booklist Online</em>, you may be asked to update your existing profile. By adding your print account number to your profile, you will connect your print subscription to <em>Booklist Online</em>.</p> <p>For additional help setting up or accessing your <em>Booklist Online</em> account, contact <a href=""><u></u></a> or call 312-280-5715.</p> <p><strong>Q: Why do I get this message: "You have requested a page of <em>Booklist Online</em> that is available only to subscribers." </strong></p> <p>A: You may not have logged in yet or your previous session has timed out. You need to be logged in as a <a href=""><u>subscriber</u></a> or authenticated user (a user with access via an institutional subscription) to get full access to <em>Booklist Online</em>. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes at the top right of any screen.</p> <p>For information about the various subscription options, please visit our <a href=""><u>Subscribe</u></a> page.</p> <p><strong>Q: Can I use any parts of <em>Booklist Online</em> without a subscription? </strong></p> <p>A: Yes, <em>Booklist Online</em> includes a lot of free content, accessible without logging in, including all content on the HOME page. You may also click on any link on the HOME page and read the resulting content for free. This means than many columns, departments and features of the magazine are available to all readers. You can also sign up for free newsletters and register for our free <a href="">webinars</a> via the website. </p> <p><a href="#">«Back to Top»</a><a href="#Back to Top"><u> </u> </a></p> <p><span style="font-size:20px"><a name="SHARING BOOKLIST READER"> </a> </span><span style="font-size:12px"><a href="#SHARING BOOKLIST READER"> </a></span><span style="font-size:20px"><big><strong>How to share <em>Booklist Reader</em> with your patrons</strong></big></span></p> <p>Add <em>Booklist Reader </em>to your reader services. <em>Booklist Reader</em> is a sharable, patron–facing publication, featuring diverse readers' advisory recommendations, for readers and listeners of all ages. Filled with high-interest, themed lists that showcase books patrons can read and check out now. <em>Booklist Reader </em>is an exclusive service for subscribers and their patrons. Print subscriptions to <em>Booklist</em> or <em>Booklist Reader</em> include digital sharing of <em>Booklist Reader.</em></p> <div> <p><strong>Already a subscriber?</strong></p> <ul> <li>If you have not set up a Booklist Online profile, then <a href="">complete this registration form</a> using your <em>Booklist</em> account number. You can find your account number on your mailing label. </li> </ul> <p><strong>How can I share Booklist Reader with my patrons?</strong></p> <p>You have options on how to share all or some of each issue of <em>Booklist Reader:</em></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Watch this short video</a> to learn how to share the <em>Booklist Reader</em> with your patrons.</li> <li>Adding your <a href="">library’s unique link code</a> to your library’s website or newsletter will send your patrons to the <em>Booklist Reader</em> landing page. You can display the current cover by inserting the short embed code into your website.</li> <li>You can download and copy individual pages for inclusion in your newsletter or on your library’s website. (We ask for attribution as "Booklist Publications" and a link back to <a href="">Booklist Online</a>.)</li> <li>You can also print individual pages to keep by the circ desk.</li> <li>Feel free to innovate! <a href="'m%20sharing%20Booklist%20Reader">Let us know</a> how you've shared <em>Booklist Reader</em>.</li> </ul> <p><a href="#">«Back to Top»</a><a href="#Back to Top"><u> </u> </a></p> </div> <p><a name="USING BOOKLIST ONLINE"> </a></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:20px">Using <em>Booklist Online</em></span></strong></p> <p><strong>Q: What do the icons mean?</strong></p> <p><img src="" /> The title is available in book format.</p> <p><img src="" /> The title is an audiobook.</p> <p><img alt="Ebook" src="" /> The title is available as an e-book.</p> <p><img src="" /> The title is a video, whether available as DVD or digital download.</p> <p><img src="" /> A star is assigned by <em>Booklist </em>editors to indicate that the title is exceptional in its genre or format.</p> <p><img alt="Award winner" src="" style="float:left" /> The blue ribbon indicates that the title has received an award. Look to the right of the review under the heading "Awards and Honors" to see which award it has received. We list all American Library Association awards and major non-ALA award such as the Pulitzer Prize, Man Booker Prize, National Book Critics Circle Award, and National Book Award.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Q: Do I need to pay attention to capital letters when I search?</strong></p> <p>A: No, searching in <em>Booklist Online</em> is case-insensitive. You can use ALL UPPER CASE or all lower case or a Mixture to search authors, titles, and keywords.</p> <p><strong>Q: What are <em>Booklist</em> Editors Recommends lists?</strong></p> <p>A: These are hand-picks read-alikes chosen by the <em>Booklist </em>editors. These are handy tools for making quick readers' advisory recommendations for people who liked the book in question, or books of its type. The editors use a "book sense" that comes from reading millions of pages. If that’s not enough, you can perform a custom search by selecting your favorite subjects in the original review, then ranking them in your preferred order.</p> <p><strong>Q: What is the meaning of the “High-Demand Backstory” note I see on some reviews? </strong></p> <div>A: In our print magazine, an “HD” icon before a review indicates a book we expect to be in high demand on library reserve lists, giving library selectors an opportunity to acquire accordingly. (These titles are almost always reviewed well in advance of actual publication.) The “High-Demand Backstory,” which we preserve online, explains some of the factors our editors have taken into account, such as author or series popularity, prominent media tie-ins, and extensive marketing plans by the publisher. <p><strong>Q: Nothing happens when I click PRINT to print search results and when I click EMAIL to send them. </strong></p> <strong> </strong> <p>A: You must have "Allow pop-ups" enabled on both your Web browser (Internet Explorer, for example) and your Internet security software (Norton, for example) for PRINT and EMAIL to work.</p> <p><a href="#">«Back to Top»</a></p> <p><em>If you have a question not covered here, please email</em><em> Booklist Online at </em><a href=""><em><u></u></em></a>.</p> <p><a href="#">«Back to Top»</a></p> </div> </td></tr></table> </div> </TD> <TD height="100%" class="mainSpacer" border="0"> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="3"/> </TD> <TD class="mainColumnRight" valign="top" bgcolor="#fff" height="100%"> <!-- Go to to 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