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// CustomEvent polyfill // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // CustomEvent -- polyfill for IE11 // -- adapted from Mozilla's: // // if (typeof window.CustomEvent !== 'function') { var default_event_params = { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined, }; var CustomEvent = function(event_type, params) { params = params || default_event_params; var ev = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); ev.initCustomEvent(event_type, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail); return ev; } CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; } // global ajax helpers (global version of some helpers from Ben Halls 'nayjax' npm package used in core) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // NB: Uses Promises - Must be loaded after Promise Polyfill // Suggest at some point, just move to importing nayjax from a header-specific compiled module. // - To allow both header & footer js to access nayjax, could write in the _module.js file: // import nayjax from 'nayjax'; // window.nayjax = nayjax; // - Then footer modules would use window.nayjax instead of "import 'nayjax'" // - (Similar for crumblr) // global_request() - private, -> promise // --------------------------------- // errors (stringly typed): // - network error - unreachable / interrupted // - request error - 400 codes // - server error - 500 codes // - aborted - .abort() called function global_request(url, method, data_url_encoded, cb_progress) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; const promise = new Promise(function(succeed, fail) { xhr.addEventListener('error', function() { fail('network error'); }); xhr.addEventListener('abort', function() { fail('aborted'); }); if (typeof cb_progress === 'function') { xhr.addEventListener('progress', cb_progress); } xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() { if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (xhr.status >= 400 && xhr.status < 500) { fail('request error'); } else if (xhr.status >= 500) { fail('server error'); } else if (xhr.status === 0) { fail('network error'); } else { succeed(xhr.responseText); } }); });, url, true); if (typeof data_url_encoded === 'string') { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.send(data_url_encoded); } else { xhr.send(); } return promise; } function global_ajax_post(url, cb_progress) { return global_request(url, 'post', null, cb_progress); } function global_ajax_post_json(url, cb_progress) { return global_ajax_post(url, cb_progress).then(function(response_text) { try { return JSON.parse(response_text); } catch (err) { throw 'invalid json'; } }); } // global crumblr (global version of core cookies/crumblr.js) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- function global_get_cookie(name) { var name_eq = name + '='; var matching_cookie = document.cookie.split(';') .map(function(c) { return c.trim(); }) .filter(function(c) { return c.indexOf(name_eq) === 0; })[0]; return matching_cookie !== undefined ? matching_cookie.substring(name_eq.length) : null; } function global_set_cookie(name, value, expires_in_days_hence, path, domain) { var t = new Date(); if (typeof expires_in_days_hence === 'number') { t.setMilliseconds((new Date()).getMilliseconds() + expires_in_days_hence * 1000 * 3600 * 24); } var parts = [ name + '=' + value, expires_in_days_hence ? ('; expires=' + t.toUTCString()) : '', path ? ('; path=' + path) : '; path=/', domain ? ('; domain=' + domain) : '', ]; document.cookie = parts.join(''); } function global_delete_cookie(name, path, domain) { global_set_cookie(name, '', -1, path, domain); } // global geo ip // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // script_global_geo_ip.js - provide geolocation data. promise-based. must load after promise polyfill. // - see here for country codes: // // const cookie_name = 'bw_geo'; const cookie_days = 5; function global_get_user_geo_location() { // Note: 1) This function is ran once (right here on line 44). // 2) It creates window.global_geo_ip_promise which is then referenced elsewhere. // This allows for one async call the geo ip API, limiting the number of requests. if (window.global_geo_ip_promise) { return false; } const geo_cookie = global_get_geo_cookie(); // 1. If cookie is set, resolve window.global_geo_ip_promise (set on line 31). if (geo_cookie !== null && is_object(geo_cookie)) { window.global_geo_ip_promise = Promise.resolve(geo_cookie); } // 2. If cookie doesn’t exist - make async request && set window.global_geo_ip_promise. else { window.global_geo_ip_promise = global_ajax_post_json('/wp-json/all/identify?no-cache=101%20|%20jq%20%27.%20|%20{ip:%20.ip,%20country_code:.country_code,%20region_code:.region_code}%20%27') .then((data) => { if (data.constructor !== Object || !data.hasOwnProperty('country_code')) { throw 'invalid ipstack return data'; } global_set_geo_cookie(JSON.stringify({ country_code: data.country_code, region_code: data.region_code })); return { country_code: data.country_code, region_code: data.region_code }; }) .catch((err) => { global_set_geo_cookie('FailedGeoIPCheck'); // Could be problem with Ipstack, AdBlocker etc }); } } global_get_user_geo_location(); // helpers // ------------------------------------- function global_get_geo_cookie() { return global_get_cookie(cookie_name); } function global_set_geo_cookie(value) { global_set_cookie(cookie_name, value, cookie_days); } function is_object(cookie) { try { return !!JSON.parse(cookie); } catch (e) { return false; } } // GCLID // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // script_global_gclid.js // // Google Click ID (GCLID) is a parameter passed in the URL with ad clicks, to identify the // campaign and other attributes of the click associated with the ad for ad tracking and // campaign attribution. In Google Ads, this is enabled by turning on the auto-tagging setting. // It’s required for Google Ads website conversion tracking and also used to link data between // Google Ads and Google Analytics. It can also be used in conjunction with features like // offline conversion tracking. // function getParam(p) { const match = RegExp(`[?&]${p}=([^&]*)`).exec(; return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } function getExpiryRecord(value) { const expiryPeriod = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 90 day expiry in milliseconds const expiryDate = new Date().getTime() + expiryPeriod; return { value, expiryDate, }; } function addGclid() { const gclidParam = getParam("gclid"); const gclidFormFields = ["Google_Click_ID_gclid__c", "GCLID__c"]; // all possible gclid form field ids here let gclidRecord = null; let currGclidFormField; const gclsrcParam = getParam("gclsrc"); const isGclsrcValid = !gclsrcParam || gclsrcParam.indexOf("aw") !== -1; gclidFormFields.forEach((field) => { if (document.getElementById(field)) { currGclidFormField = document.getElementById(field); } }); if (gclidParam && isGclsrcValid) { gclidRecord = getExpiryRecord(gclidParam); localStorage.setItem("gclid", JSON.stringify(gclidRecord)); } const gclid = gclidRecord || JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("gclid")); const isGclidValid = gclid && new Date().getTime() < gclid.expiryDate; if (currGclidFormField && isGclidValid) { currGclidFormField.value = gclid.value; } } window.addEventListener("load", addGclid); // GDPR // ----------------------------------------------------------------- function global_gdpr_countries() { return [ 'AT', // Austria 'BE', // Belgium 'BG', // Bulgaria 'HR', // Croatia (Code taken from name in Croatian: Hrvatska) 'CY', // Cyprus 'CZ', // Czechia (Previous ISO country name: Czech Republic) 'DK', // Denmark 'EU', // Europoean Union 'EE', // Estonia (Code taken from name in Estonian: Eesti) 'FI', // Finland 'FR', // France 'DE', // Germany 'GR', // Greece 'HU', // Hungary 'IS', // Iceland (Code taken from name in Icelandic: Ísland) 'IE', // Ireland 'IT', // Italy 'LV', // Latvia 'LI', // Liechtenstein 'LT', // Lithuania 'LU', // Luxembourg 'MT', // Malta 'NL', // Netherlands 'NO', // Norway 'PL', // Poland 'PT', // Portugal 'RO', // Romania 'SK', // Slovakia 'SI', // Slovenia 'ES', // Spain 'SE', // Sweden 'CH', // Switzerland (Code taken from name in Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica) 'GB', // Great Britain 'UK', // United Kingdom ]; } function global_gdpr_precheck_countries() { return [ 'EE', // Estonia 'FI', // Finland 'FR', // France 'HU', // Hungary 'IE', // Ireland 'LV', // Latvia 'LU', // Luxembourg 'NO', // Norway 'PT', // Portugal 'SI', // Slovenia 'SE', // Sweden 'GB', // United Kingdom ]; } // helpers // ------------------------------------- function global_is_gdpr_country(country_code) { if (country_code === 'FailedGeoIPCheck') return true; return country_code && global_gdpr_countries().indexOf(country_code.toUpperCase()) !== -1; } function global_is_gdpr_precheck_country(country_code) { if (country_code === 'FailedGeoIPCheck') return true; return country_code && global_gdpr_precheck_countries().indexOf(country_code.toUpperCase()) !== -1; } // Mobile detection (from // ----------------------------------------------------------------- window.isMobileDevice = function() { var check = false; (function(a) { if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0, 4))) check = true; 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c1.8,1.9,4.3,3.1,7.2,3.1c5.4,0,9.8-4.4,9.8-9.8V55.7c2.1,1.5,4.6,2.4,7.4,2.4v-5.3C455.4,52.8,454.8,52.7,454.3,52.6L454.3,52.6z "/> <path d="M446.9,65.2V54.3c2.1,1.5,4.6,2.4,7.4,2.4v-4.1c-1.6-0.3-3-1.2-4-2.4c-1.7-1.1-2.9-2.8-3.2-4.9h-3.9l0,21.3 c-0.1,2.4-2.1,4.3-4.5,4.3c-1.5,0-2.8-0.7-3.6-1.9c-1.4-0.7-2.4-2.2-2.4-4c0-2.5,2-4.5,4.5-4.5c0.5,0,0.9,0.1,1.3,0.2v-4.2 c-5.3,0.1-9.6,4.5-9.6,9.8c0,2.6,1,4.9,2.6,6.7c1.6,1.1,3.5,1.8,5.6,1.8C442.5,75,446.9,70.6,446.9,65.2L446.9,65.2z"/> <circle class="st0" cx="58" cy="157.1" r="32"/> <path class="st1" d="M42,156.6c0-8.9,7-15.5,16-15.5s16,6.6,16,15.5s-7,15.5-16,15.5c-1.6,0-3.2-0.2-4.6-0.6 c-0.3-0.1-0.6-0.1-0.9,0.1l-3.2,1.4c-0.8,0.4-1.8-0.2-1.8-1.1l-0.1-2.8c0-0.4-0.2-0.7-0.4-0.9C43.9,165.3,42,161.3,42,156.6z M53.1,153.7l-4.7,7.5c-0.5,0.7,0.4,1.5,1.1,1l5-3.8c0.3-0.3,0.8-0.3,1.2,0l3.7,2.8c1.1,0.8,2.7,0.5,3.5-0.6l4.7-7.5 c0.5-0.7-0.4-1.5-1.1-1l-5,3.8c-0.3,0.3-0.8,0.3-1.2,0l-3.7-2.8C55.4,152.2,53.8,152.5,53.1,153.7z"/> <circle class="st0" cx="250" 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111.811 30.6447C111.41 31.8398 109.972 33.2031 107.734 33.6002C107.252 32.3999 107.011 27.4564 110.049 27.4564ZM78.7823 30.1623C78.7823 28.8106 78.0579 27.6918 77.1857 27.6918C76.4574 27.6918 74.7843 28.4873 74.7843 31.0431C74.7843 33.0453 75.4971 33.9947 75.8236 34.4021C78.1369 33.6804 78.7823 31.7596 78.7823 30.1623ZM53.9024 13.8806C53.7897 12.6001 52.784 11.7283 51.4232 11.7283C49.9057 11.7283 48.4762 13.3179 48.6278 15.315C48.725 16.6317 49.5026 17.7143 51.0305 17.7143C52.784 17.7156 54.0631 15.7198 53.9024 13.8806ZM66.91 18.5692C66.7713 16.3368 66.2296 15.3292 65.0283 15.412C63.4355 15.5077 62.6994 20.5094 63.0247 25.7672C63.2321 29.1974 63.744 29.7264 64.2209 29.6927C65.1021 29.6397 67.2159 23.5114 66.91 18.5692ZM119.968 26.9727C118.977 31.0767 115.971 37.1144 111.487 37.1144C110.449 37.1144 108.609 36.7122 108.609 35.6748C108.609 34.556 115.653 34.4021 115.653 29.0499C115.653 27.0567 113.814 24.2591 111.092 24.2591C107.493 24.2591 103.982 28.1743 103.982 33.6015C103.982 38.4674 107.011 40.0647 110.05 40.0647C115.331 40.0647 118.531 35.7512 120.209 32.1619C121.013 34.5573 121.484 40.0647 123.492 40.0647C124.289 40.0647 124.853 39.6651 125.813 37.5128C128.207 32.1606 130.528 26.0142 133.729 26.0142C134.925 26.0142 134.209 28.1743 137.087 28.1743C138.444 28.1743 139.4 27.0567 139.4 25.7737C139.4 23.9357 137.723 22.5039 135.167 22.5039C127.647 22.5039 126.053 33.7606 124.851 33.7606C122.85 33.7606 123.491 24.7389 122.048 24.7389C120.768 24.7376 120.139 26.26 119.968 26.9727ZM55.9837 36.5505C57.1825 36.5505 59.2444 36.1625 60.8669 33.5691C59.939 31.5126 59.2768 27.3568 59.1848 25.8435C58.7078 18.1049 61.695 10.8255 64.9648 10.6237C67.3623 10.4789 69.2803 12.7436 69.5006 16.4131C70.0903 26.0556 66.8724 30.0808 65.2615 33.5536C65.5337 34.9001 67.8224 37.192 69.9814 37.192C70.7785 37.192 71.7427 36.7924 71.985 36.469C71.8243 35.9141 71.661 35.1963 71.661 34.1551C71.661 28.5675 75.2612 23.8555 78.3819 23.8555C80.8611 23.8555 82.3009 27.1279 82.3009 29.2879C82.3009 31.8385 80.1392 33.9184 76.9421 35.9141C77.5045 36.469 78.5387 36.8726 79.4225 36.8726C83.9856 36.8726 86.3728 31.3626 88.1405 26.3311C88.4593 25.3714 89.023 24.0172 90.1402 24.0172C92.0595 24.0172 92.863 36.6307 96.0537 36.6307C97.4183 36.6307 98.5354 33.8343 98.5354 31.6846C98.5354 30.0859 97.9756 29.9256 97.9756 27.6103C97.9756 25.0584 99.3363 22.9048 101.18 22.9048C102.299 22.9048 102.703 24.0172 102.703 25.3714C102.703 30.4817 99.0188 39.9833 93.5874 39.9833C89.5013 39.9833 89.8201 32.9574 88.3815 32.9574C86.7746 32.9574 84.5351 40.0622 76.6246 40.0622C75.339 40.0622 73.9821 39.4245 72.865 38.144C70.9482 39.4245 69.3438 39.9833 67.5036 39.9833C64.5475 39.9833 63.2645 36.9489 62.0683 36.9489C60.6259 36.9489 59.0305 40.0622 54.2264 40.0622C50.3878 40.0622 49.7475 34.9583 48.3907 34.9583C47.188 34.9583 45.349 40.0622 43.3507 40.0622C39.9863 40.0622 39.2736 31.2035 36.3084 31.2035C33.9899 31.2035 26.6612 40.2006 24.6719 39.9949C23.8723 39.9121 23.5354 39.3158 23.6196 38.5165C23.7324 37.4119 24.6849 34.4551 25.0711 33.057C25.7178 30.6292 26.3113 27.9686 26.6431 27.1201C26.9723 26.2639 27.86 25.6534 28.5728 25.7193C28.9318 25.753 29.0393 26.4217 29.1508 26.974C29.5551 28.9477 30.1189 30.9603 30.7552 30.9603C31.8788 30.9603 35.5891 23.8542 37.7482 23.8542C40.392 23.8542 40.7082 35.0333 44.3058 35.0333C45.5084 35.0333 46.391 33.5989 47.188 31.8372C47.2697 28.8792 48.0693 24.6574 50.4681 24.6574C52.149 24.6574 52.9499 28.4058 51.7459 31.6833C51.7433 35.5921 54.3003 36.5505 55.9837 36.5505Z" fill="#252328"/> <path d="M277.654 22.258C277.654 25.9656 280.846 28.2808 285.184 28.2808H299.765C300.813 28.2808 301.48 28.9292 301.48 29.9475V32.3583C301.48 33.3767 300.813 34.0251 299.765 34.0251H279.225V40H299.909C304.247 40 307.484 36.8493 307.484 32.6369V29.9954C307.484 25.7785 304.242 22.6322 299.909 22.6322H285.372C284.325 22.6322 283.657 21.9838 283.657 20.9655V18.0933C283.657 17.3971 284.087 16.9836 284.799 16.9836H305.003V11H287.705C285.377 11 283.519 12.806 283.519 15.0776V16.7008C283.519 16.84 283.425 16.9793 283.232 16.9793C280.277 17.0707 277.658 18.6939 277.658 22.258H277.654ZM312.489 31.5228V40H318.636V26.7054C318.636 26.1049 319.11 26.0092 319.446 26.3355L333.933 40H342.319L326.976 25.5L342.323 11H333.938L319.45 24.6645C319.115 24.9908 318.64 24.8951 318.64 24.2946V11H312.493V19.5251C312.493 22.5843 314.544 24.4338 318.21 25.4086C318.354 25.4565 318.354 25.5957 318.21 25.6393C314.539 26.614 312.493 28.4635 312.493 31.5228H312.489ZM273.15 22.6279V29.6211C273.15 32.354 271.006 33.9293 267.67 34.0207C267.478 34.0207 267.384 34.16 267.384 34.2992V35.9224C267.384 38.1462 265.526 40 263.189 40H250.739C246.642 39.9956 243.32 36.771 243.32 32.7848V18.2108C243.32 14.229 246.642 11 250.739 11H267.241V16.9793H251.182C250.233 16.9793 249.467 17.7234 249.467 18.6417V32.354C249.467 33.2766 250.237 34.0207 251.182 34.0207H266.148C266.779 34.0207 267.29 33.5246 267.29 32.911V28.2808H264.917C262.71 28.2808 260.95 26.5749 260.95 24.4251V22.6279H273.15Z" 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11.3339 462.865 12.3492C462.654 13.1322 462.405 13.997 461.846 14.7902Z" fill="#252328"/> <path d="M464.194 22.0667C463.624 22.8404 462.847 23.8547 462.248 24.9304C462.439 25.0215 463.067 25.3632 463.287 25.4831C463.975 24.4381 464.932 23.1526 465.56 22.1771C466.13 21.2929 466.359 20.9112 466.398 19.7249C466.409 19.5243 466.409 19.3329 466.428 19.1426C466.479 18.5294 466.638 17.9062 467.217 17.334C467.645 16.9011 468.264 16.6811 468.882 16.6811C469.482 16.6811 469.829 16.851 470.348 16.851C470.718 16.851 470.987 16.7609 471.227 16.6708L471.417 16.6002L470.958 17.7066L472.035 18.1477C471.347 18.5796 469.84 20.4393 469.84 22.6398C469.84 23.4341 469.959 24.1668 470.129 24.8199C470.15 24.8904 470.189 24.9611 470.299 24.9611C470.399 24.9611 470.469 24.9006 470.479 24.7902L470.49 24.5589C470.518 23.8853 470.569 22.821 470.837 21.8661C471.286 20.2581 472.494 18.7505 473.701 18.0269L471.984 17.2737L472.724 15.4549L471.916 15.6258C471.426 15.7262 471.067 15.8162 470.639 15.8162C470.359 15.8162 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733.546 30.9926 733.524 30.9709C733.502 30.9491 733.484 30.9231 733.472 30.8945C733.46 30.8659 733.454 30.8351 733.454 30.804V27.54C732.183 28.8745 729.569 31.3905 728.213 31.3905C726.713 31.3905 726.904 29.7628 725.773 29.7628C724.79 29.7628 724.726 31.3905 721.985 31.3905C719.019 31.3905 716.63 28.6068 716.63 25.1388C716.63 21.6708 719.032 18.904 721.985 18.904C724.396 18.904 724.951 20.2173 725.536 20.2173C725.904 20.2173 726.061 19.9283 726.137 19.5118C726.149 19.4443 726.185 19.3833 726.238 19.3397C726.29 19.2961 726.357 19.2727 726.425 19.2738H730.213C730.275 19.2738 730.335 19.2983 730.379 19.342C730.424 19.3857 730.449 19.4452 730.45 19.5075V19.5075V20.0855C730.45 20.213 730.319 20.2895 730.213 20.3193L729.51 20.5275C729.454 20.5393 729.404 20.5689 729.366 20.6118C729.329 20.6547 729.306 20.7087 729.302 20.7655V27.1405C729.314 27.3472 729.405 27.5414 729.555 27.683C729.706 27.8246 729.905 27.9027 730.111 27.9013C730.87 27.9013 732.492 26.5498 733.454 25.687V21.1735C733.454 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757.853 30.368 758.181 30.0468C758.509 29.7256 758.768 29.3415 758.945 28.9174C759.122 28.4933 759.212 28.0379 759.209 27.5783C759.209 24.361 754.273 24.65 754.273 22.8055C754.273 22.0575 755.002 21.7898 755.9 21.7898C756.656 21.8183 757.39 22.0566 758.019 22.4783C758.047 22.5024 758.081 22.5193 758.118 22.5275C758.154 22.5357 758.192 22.535 758.228 22.5254C758.264 22.5159 758.298 22.4977 758.325 22.4725C758.353 22.4472 758.374 22.4157 758.387 22.3805L759.603 19.5755C759.619 19.5406 759.626 19.5022 759.623 19.464C759.62 19.4257 759.607 19.3889 759.586 19.357C759.565 19.325 759.536 19.2991 759.501 19.2815C759.467 19.264 759.43 19.2555 759.391 19.2568H753.718C752.933 19.2767 752.187 19.6033 751.639 20.1669C751.09 20.7305 750.783 21.4867 750.782 22.2743C750.782 25.585 755.07 25.0028 755.07 27.2468C755.069 27.4623 755.026 27.6756 754.942 27.8741C754.858 28.0726 754.736 28.2523 754.582 28.4028C754.428 28.5532 754.246 28.6713 754.046 28.7501C753.846 28.8289 753.632 28.8669 753.417 28.8618C751.524 28.8618 750.727 27.5868 750.642 26.8558C750.635 26.8213 750.621 26.7887 750.6 26.76C750.58 26.7313 750.554 26.7073 750.523 26.6893C750.493 26.6713 750.459 26.6598 750.424 26.6556C750.39 26.6513 750.354 26.6544 750.32 26.6645L749.532 26.979C749.5 26.9952 749.472 27.0181 749.449 27.0462C749.426 27.0743 749.41 27.1069 749.401 27.1419C749.391 27.1768 749.39 27.2134 749.396 27.249C749.401 27.2847 749.415 27.3187 749.435 27.3488C749.578 27.5114 749.654 27.7227 749.647 27.9395C749.648 28.0632 749.624 28.1859 749.578 28.3003C749.531 28.4148 749.462 28.5188 749.375 28.6062C749.288 28.6937 749.184 28.7628 749.07 28.8096C748.956 28.8564 748.834 28.8799 748.71 28.8788C748.464 28.8754 748.229 28.775 748.057 28.5992C747.884 28.4234 747.787 28.1865 747.787 27.9395V11.458C747.788 11.4268 747.783 11.3957 747.772 11.3666C747.76 11.3375 747.743 11.311 747.721 11.2887C747.7 11.2664 747.674 11.2488 747.645 11.237C747.616 11.2252 747.585 11.2194 747.554 11.22H742.987C742.924 11.22 742.865 11.2445 742.82 11.2882C742.776 11.332 742.75 11.3914 742.749 11.4538V11.4538V12.0318C742.749 12.1635 742.885 12.2358 742.987 12.2655L743.69 12.478C743.746 12.4881 743.797 12.5165 743.835 12.5588C743.874 12.6011 743.897 12.6549 743.902 12.7118V27.0938Z" fill="#252328"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M807.816 19.9665V20.5488C807.816 20.6763 807.685 20.7528 807.583 20.7825L806.876 20.9908C806.82 21.0026 806.77 21.0321 806.732 21.075C806.695 21.118 806.672 21.1719 806.668 21.2288V33.3073C806.647 34.7243 806.07 36.0758 805.061 37.0687C804.053 38.0616 802.696 38.6159 801.283 38.6113C800.367 38.6447 799.459 38.4371 798.648 38.0091C797.837 37.5811 797.152 36.9477 796.661 36.1718C795.457 38.3223 791.577 42.9463 780.222 42.9463C773.981 42.9463 763.373 39.8438 757.856 39.8438C750.285 39.8438 745.29 41.9093 740.092 47.1453C740.051 47.2044 739.988 47.2447 739.917 47.2575C739.847 47.2702 739.774 47.2543 739.715 47.2133L730.03 41.905C729.997 41.888 729.97 41.8636 729.949 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29.0572 766.48 29.0572C767.365 29.0572 768.412 28.7173 768.412 27.4805V24.3227L766.844 23.3792C766.732 23.3249 766.637 23.239 766.573 23.1318C766.508 23.0247 766.476 22.9009 766.48 22.7758V19.4905C766.48 19.4281 766.504 19.3682 766.548 19.3237C766.591 19.2792 766.651 19.2536 766.713 19.2525H770.102C770.165 19.2525 770.226 19.2776 770.27 19.3222C770.315 19.3668 770.339 19.4274 770.339 19.4905V23.9487C770.92 24.3315 771.532 24.6628 772.17 24.939C772.215 23.3167 772.892 21.7767 774.055 20.6487C775.218 19.5207 776.776 18.8945 778.394 18.904C780.3 18.904 781.512 19.8008 782.054 20.9015C783.185 20.026 784.897 18.904 786.291 18.904C787.846 18.904 787.85 20.179 788.617 20.179C788.743 20.1724 788.863 20.117 788.949 20.0244C789.036 19.9317 789.084 19.8089 789.083 19.6818C789.083 19.3588 788.93 19.1165 788.93 18.8318C788.955 18.53 789.092 18.2486 789.314 18.0438C789.536 17.839 789.828 17.7257 790.129 17.7268C791.261 17.7268 791.905 18.9082 792.875 18.9082C793.132 18.8835 793.37 18.761 793.54 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9.64526 793.528 9.34683 793.636 9.07183C793.744 8.79682 793.921 8.55473 794.151 8.36942C794.348 8.20836 794.482 7.98202 794.528 7.73092C794.575 7.47982 794.531 7.22036 794.404 6.99898C794.277 6.77761 794.075 6.60876 793.836 6.52268C793.596 6.4366 793.334 6.4389 793.096 6.52917C792.821 6.63633 792.524 6.66995 792.233 6.62673C791.941 6.5835 791.666 6.46492 791.435 6.28267C791.331 6.19634 791.205 6.14169 791.071 6.12524C790.937 6.10879 790.802 6.13122 790.68 6.18987C790.559 6.24852 790.457 6.34092 790.386 6.45607C790.316 6.57123 790.28 6.70429 790.282 6.83942V7.93592C790.282 8.00844 790.268 8.08023 790.239 8.14692C790.211 8.21361 790.169 8.27381 790.117 8.32389C790.065 8.37396 790.003 8.41286 789.935 8.43822C789.868 8.46358 789.795 8.47488 789.723 8.47142H789.719ZM733.925 34.0224C730.921 37.0532 726.853 38.7832 722.592 38.8419C713.847 38.8419 706.416 31.6169 706.416 22.2967C706.395 15.9897 709.458 10.5242 714.119 6.34642C714.267 6.21449 714.458 6.13927 714.657 6.13392H734.815C734.858 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940.687 13.9901C943.43 13.2322 946.273 12.9061 949.115 13.0232C952.376 13.1226 955.59 13.845 958.586 15.1521C960.628 16.012 962.485 17.2656 964.053 18.8429C965.227 20.0064 966.107 21.4391 966.617 23.0195C966.996 24.234 967.098 25.5194 966.915 26.7794C966.733 28.0394 966.27 29.2413 965.563 30.2949C964.438 32.0181 962.941 33.4602 961.184 34.5121C958.785 35.9826 956.138 36.9933 953.376 37.4938C951.752 37.8148 950.101 37.9775 948.447 37.9796L948.448 37.9937ZM952.731 25.4296C952.727 25.5045 952.727 25.5796 952.731 25.6545C952.755 27.0403 952.66 28.4256 952.45 29.7951C952.264 31.3011 951.871 32.7733 951.28 34.1685C950.928 35.0356 950.393 35.8148 949.713 36.452L949.485 36.6691H949.555L950.258 36.6082C952.979 36.3869 955.628 35.6101 958.043 34.3247C959.925 33.3644 961.554 31.9655 962.796 30.2434C964.044 28.5417 964.635 26.4388 964.459 24.3284C964.287 22.598 963.624 20.9546 962.55 19.5958C962.507 19.5514 962.46 19.5117 962.41 19.4771C962.39 19.6543 962.35 19.8288 962.292 19.9972C962.039 20.8754 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class="cls-2" d="M32.75,131.24c-.06-.06-.08-.09-.08-.13,0-.05,.03-.11,.11-.11,.03,0,.06,0,.09,.02,.52,.21,.97,.46,1.36,.76,.33,.25,.66,.56,.97,.94l-.3,.34c-.37-.3-1.55-1.3-2.17-1.82Z"/> <path class="cls-2" d="M37.72,133.6l-.38-.23c.25-.59,.55-1.12,.91-1.52,.26-.29,.5-.52,.76-.75,.06-.05,.1-.09,.16-.09,.07,0,.12,.06,.12,.11,0,.03-.01,.06-.04,.1-.43,.67-1.27,2-1.53,2.38Z"/> <path class="cls-2" d="M32.97,136.97c-.09,.04-.13,.06-.18,.06-.08,0-.11-.06-.11-.11s.02-.08,.07-.12c.87-.68,1.63-.94,2.69-1.12l.13,.42-2.59,.87Z"/> <path class="cls-2" d="M50.68,131.69c0-.25,.13-.69,.59-.69,.16,0,.3,.03,.42,.09,.17,.08,.28,.19,.28,.31,0,.13-.13,.25-.32,.41-.2,.16-.45,.31-.66,.31-.25,0-.32-.23-.32-.43Z"/> <path class="cls-2" d="M44.01,133.64c0-.3,.18-.63,.54-.63,.16,0,.34,.06,.47,.19,.08,.07,.11,.15,.11,.23,0,.17-.16,.33-.35,.44-.15,.09-.3,.14-.44,.14-.22,0-.33-.13-.33-.37Z"/> <path class="cls-2" d="M45.34,138.27c0-.07,0-.15,.04-.24,.06-.18,.18-.36,.47-.36,.13,0,.28,.03,.4,.12,.11,.07,.15,.16,.15,.25,0,.3-.51,.66-.76,.66-.18,0-.3-.18-.3-.43Z"/> <path class="cls-2" d="M42.72,147.29c-.95,0-1.38-.45-1.38-1.02,0-1,1.76-1.98,3.34-2.59l.41,.53c-.97,.39-2.94,1.22-2.94,1.94,0,.25,.15,.44,.74,.44,1.03,0,2.14-.5,3.17-1,.08-.04,.17-.07,.25-.07,.13,0,.22,.04,.32,.18l.17,.23c-1.19,.66-2.68,1.36-4.08,1.36Z"/> <path class="cls-2" d="M45.2,147.37c-.93,.52-1.9,.87-2.75,.87-.95,0-1.8-.41-2.51-1.47-.3-.45-.53-1.01-.81-1.52-.34-.59-.71-.91-1.35-.91-.59,0-1.16,.24-1.77,.5l.03,.13c.05,.22,.13,.37,.34,.37,.09,0,.18-.04,.23-.06,.34-.11,.59-.2,.93-.2,.53,0,.78,.31,1.14,1.07l.14,.28c-.37,.13-1.23,.19-1.87,.19h-.3l.05,.3c.02,.13,.07,.23,.18,.28,.13,.06,.31,.07,.63,.07,.81,0,1.39-.1,1.73-.18,.87,1.29,2.06,1.79,3.22,1.79,.98,0,1.98-.36,2.93-.88l-.18-.64Z"/> <path class="cls-2" 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and <span class="color-text-ui-primary">ROI</span></h2> <!-- strapline --> <!-- Text --> <p class="c-lead pt4 dib f5 f6-lg-xl mw6">When your social strategy is executed well and informed by robust, unique insights you’ll get a competitive edge that produces measurable results. <strong>Don’t just take our word for it, see how some of our other clients did it.</strong></p> <!-- Btn or Btns --> <div class="mt5 mt6-lg"> <!-- c-btn --> <a class="c-btn c-btn-- c-btn--secondary-light c-btn--2 c-btn--icon-right c-btn--animate-left-right c-btn--rounded f3 f4-lg" href=""> <div class="relative w-100 df flex-items-center flex-justify-center" > <span class=" ">Get started</span> <!-- c-icon.php --> <span class="c-icon "> <svg> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span> </div> </a> <!-- !END c-btn --></div> <!-- Bullets --> <!-- Btn or Btns --> <!-- Btn or Btns --> <!-- Icon Cells --> <!-- Quote --> </div> <!-- !END c-pitchbox-text-module --></div> </div> <!-- Cell 2 --> <div 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<!-- c-reserve-space-img --> <div class="color-bg-grey-2"> <div style="padding-top: 119.88130563798%; position: relative;" class="w-100"> <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%;"> <img data-src="" class="js-lazy-img w-100 df" data-srcset=" 380w, 500w, 768w, 1011w"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- !END c-reserve-space-img --> <div class="absolute w-70 w-50-lg" style=" bottom: -5%; right: -18%;"> <div class="relative static-md" style="left: -47%; bottom: -12rem;"> <a class="df flex-column w-100 cursor-pointer color-bg-white pa5 br2 relative c-mode-light shadow-atlassian u-object-hover" href="" data-ga="link" data-ga-label="Better audience engagement -"> <div class="mx-auto w-50 w-70-md pb3"> <!-- c-reserve-space-img --> <div class> <div style="padding-top: 0%; position: relative;" class="w-100"> <img src="/wp-content/themes/brandwatch/src/" class="w-100 df"> </div> </div> <!-- !END c-reserve-space-img --> </div> <div class="w-100"> <div class="f8 color-border-grey-3"> <h2 class="c-heading f7 lh-super-tight mb1">Better audience <span class="color-text-hexicon-red">engagement</span></h2> </div> </div> <div> <p class="c-lead f3 pt3-md">Virgin Holidays brought award-winning innovative content discovery to the travel industry to achieve excellent readership results.</p> <div class="df flex-items-center mt3 f4"> <div class="c-heading mr2">Read More</div> <span class="color-bg-hexicon-red c-spot-icon size- f2 f3-md"> <!-- c-icon.php --> <span class="c-spot-icon__icon c-icon "> <svg> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span></span> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-cyclr-item class="w-100 min-width-100 ws-normal relative t-duration-0 color-bg-white t-fade-in " style="left: -100%; width: 100%;"> <div class="relative"> <!-- c-reserve-space-img --> <div class="color-bg-grey-2"> <div style="padding-top: 119.88130563798%; position: relative;" class="w-100"> <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 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add context to their social insights and become the #1 premium smartphone in their market</p> <div class="df flex-items-center mt3 f4"> <div class="c-heading mr2">Read More</div> <span class="color-bg-hexicon-green c-spot-icon size- f2 f3-md"> <!-- c-icon.php --> <span class="c-spot-icon__icon c-icon "> <svg> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </span></span> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-cyclr-item class="w-100 min-width-100 ws-normal relative t-duration-0 color-bg-white t-fade-in " style="left: -200%; width: 100%;"> <div class="relative"> <!-- c-reserve-space-img --> <div class="color-bg-grey-2"> <div style="padding-top: 119.88130563798%; position: relative;" class="w-100"> <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%;"> <img data-src="" class="js-lazy-img w-100 df" data-srcset=" 380w, 500w, 768w, 1011w"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- !END c-reserve-space-img --> <div class="absolute w-70 w-50-lg" style=" bottom: 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We’re able to customize what we’re looking for and the audiences we’re speaking to.” </span> </h2> <!-- !END c-heading.php --> <div class="c-copy df flex-items-center tc flex-justify-center tl-md flex-justify-start-md"> <p class="f2 f3-lg f4-xl"><strong>Jaya Deshpande</strong>, Principal Social Analyst, BBC</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- !END c-quote --> </div> </div> </section> <!-- core/blocks/picthbox/c-5050-default --> <section class="pt7-md pb8"> <div class="l-page-gutter"> <div class="l-container l-container-4-xl pt7 pt0-md"> <div class="py5-lg" data-scrollfx data-scrollfx-dir="down" data-scrollfx-times="-1" data-scrollfx-screen-threshold="0.01" data-scrollfx-active-class="a-page-element-scroll-wrap"> <div class="l-grid l-grid--gutters-4 l-grid--gutters-5-lg flex-items-center"> <!-- Cell 1 --> <div class="l-grid__item df w-100 w-50-md relative z-1 a-page-element-default--scroll"> <div class="w-100 "> <!-- c-pitchbox-text-module - size:md --> <div class=""> <!-- Label --> 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112.823 129.427 112.456 129.427 110.073V104.308C129.427 103.303 129.694 103.303 131.304 103.303C134.054 103.303 134.996 103.335 135.699 105.921C135.867 106.555 136.067 106.726 136.333 106.726C136.736 106.726 136.736 106.257 136.736 106.054C136.736 105.785 136.634 104.612 136.634 104.377C136.634 103.639 136.869 100.184 136.869 99.719C136.869 99.3514 136.701 99.2468 136.501 99.2468C136.301 99.2468 136.165 99.3165 135.997 99.7507C135.392 101.528 135.094 102.263 131.37 102.263C129.427 102.263 129.427 101.994 129.427 100.923V96.0553C129.427 94.3788 129.56 94.1538 131.237 94.1538C135.991 94.1538 136.802 95.4215 137.208 96.2994C137.813 97.5385 137.88 97.6748 138.247 97.6748C138.615 97.6748 138.583 97.2723 138.583 97.1043V94.008C138.583 93.2379 138.583 92.9685 138.181 92.9685C138.079 92.9685 138.048 93.0002 137.176 93.035C136.305 93.0699 134.558 93.1048 131.107 93.1048H129.507C126.654 93.1048 125.212 93.0731 124.477 93.035C124.196 93.0284 123.916 93.0062 123.637 92.9685C123.403 92.9685 122.965 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106.054C191.473 105.785 191.372 104.612 191.372 104.377C191.372 103.639 191.606 100.184 191.606 99.719C191.606 99.3514 191.438 99.2468 191.238 99.2468C191.039 99.2468 190.902 99.3165 190.735 99.7507C190.129 101.528 189.831 102.263 186.107 102.263C184.165 102.263 184.165 101.994 184.165 100.923V96.0553C184.165 94.3788 184.298 94.1538 185.974 94.1538C190.728 94.1538 191.539 95.4215 191.945 96.2994C192.55 97.5385 192.617 97.6748 192.985 97.6748C193.352 97.6748 193.321 97.2723 193.321 97.1043V94.008C193.321 93.2379 193.321 92.9685 192.918 92.9685C192.817 92.9685 192.785 93.0002 191.913 93.035C191.042 93.0699 189.296 93.1048 185.844 93.1048H184.238C181.385 93.1048 179.943 93.0731 179.208 93.035C178.927 93.0284 178.647 93.0062 178.368 92.9685C178.134 92.9685 177.696 92.9685 177.696 93.4407C177.696 93.9129 178.168 93.9763 178.904 94.008C180.58 94.1094 180.58 95.0126 180.58 96.3881V110.545C180.58 111.92 180.58 112.827 178.904 112.925C178.2 112.991 177.696 113.026 177.696 113.495C177.696 113.964 178.134 113.996 178.4 113.996C178.666 113.996 178.904 113.961 179.442 113.93C179.981 113.898 180.818 113.863 182.193 113.863H182.593C182.796 113.863 184.371 113.895 186.285 113.93C188.199 113.964 190.576 113.996 192.284 113.996C193.26 113.996 193.593 113.628 193.625 112.988C193.726 111.749 194.097 109.6 194.097 109.166C194.091 108.97 193.989 108.665 193.688 108.665Z" fill="#252328"/> <path d="M149.524 101.075C146.785 99.9469 144.801 99.0912 144.801 96.6604C144.801 95.3293 145.879 93.3929 148.532 93.4183C151.384 93.4436 151.986 95.3198 152.398 96.6604C152.74 97.7221 152.88 97.9281 153.219 97.9281C153.701 97.9281 153.701 97.6524 153.701 96.9013C153.701 93.8905 153.701 93.5831 153.289 93.3422C152.81 93.1013 150.795 92.5562 148.807 92.5562C144.462 92.5562 142.066 95.2913 142.066 98.4384C142.066 102.067 144.77 103.398 147.54 104.631C150.002 105.759 152.325 107.058 152.325 109.727C152.325 112.497 149.628 113.435 148.205 113.435C145.778 113.435 143.432 111.381 142.776 108.402C142.71 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325.633 95.7523 325.558 95.8159 325.558C95.8795 325.558 95.9373 325.639 96.0587 325.812C96.0471 325.881 96.0471 325.945 96.0703 326.009C96.0703 326.234 96.024 326.431 95.7928 326.54C95.7407 326.598 95.6945 326.679 95.6251 326.714C95.4343 326.824 95.2782 326.801 95.151 326.673C95.0296 326.552 95.0065 326.39 95.1163 326.199ZM95.284 341.931C95.3303 341.867 95.3707 341.838 95.4112 341.838C95.4574 341.838 95.5037 341.879 95.5442 341.959V342.225C95.4517 342.289 95.3592 342.41 95.2724 342.405C95.1857 342.399 95.1106 342.272 95.0296 342.196C95.1163 342.104 95.1973 342.017 95.284 341.931ZM94.9602 332.276C94.9602 332.449 94.8041 332.605 94.6307 332.611C94.3937 332.617 94.2318 332.42 94.278 332.183C94.3185 332.004 94.463 331.906 94.6596 331.923C94.8273 331.934 94.966 332.102 94.9602 332.276ZM94.2087 327.413C94.2723 327.413 94.3416 327.483 94.4804 327.61V327.882C94.2915 328.055 94.12 328.042 93.9658 327.841C93.9658 327.778 93.9658 327.714 93.9601 327.65C94.0815 327.494 94.1393 327.413 94.2087 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312.503 93.4282 312.468ZM93.1507 340.647C93.2316 340.549 93.3299 340.468 93.4224 340.375C93.5033 340.375 93.5843 340.381 93.6652 340.381C93.804 340.422 93.8907 340.508 93.9369 340.636H93.9427C94.1335 340.757 94.2087 340.936 94.2087 341.162C94.2087 341.387 94.1393 341.566 93.9427 341.688C93.856 341.826 93.7346 341.925 93.5843 341.925C93.5611 341.925 93.538 341.925 93.5149 341.919C93.3993 341.896 93.2721 341.815 93.1969 341.722C92.9194 341.381 92.8847 341.017 93.1507 340.647ZM92.8616 353.996C93.0235 353.956 93.2085 353.933 93.3703 353.973C93.4629 353.996 93.5322 354.147 93.6132 354.245V354.228C93.7404 354.251 93.7982 354.262 93.7982 354.297C93.7982 354.326 93.7635 354.366 93.6941 354.442C93.671 354.609 93.6421 354.771 93.6189 354.933C93.723 354.95 93.8329 354.962 93.9369 354.973C94.0699 354.95 94.174 354.881 94.2202 354.748C94.3474 354.592 94.4168 354.511 94.4804 354.511C94.544 354.511 94.6134 354.592 94.7405 354.748C94.7405 354.829 94.7579 354.904 94.7926 354.979C94.8966 355.02 95.0181 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78.6104 388.454ZM74.3148 396.305C74.6039 396.154 74.8987 396.189 75.1069 396.397C75.2283 396.525 75.4075 396.79 75.2109 397.189C75.1994 397.224 75.1762 397.247 75.1589 397.27C75.3381 397.12 75.4653 397.016 75.6445 397.027C75.8295 397.045 75.9336 397.178 76.0666 397.351L76.1995 397.513C76.1995 397.513 76.2516 397.467 76.2805 397.45C76.3903 397.392 76.5291 397.502 76.5349 397.617C76.5406 397.739 76.4539 397.831 76.3036 397.848C76.1764 397.866 76.0492 397.796 76.0434 397.721L76.0088 397.75C76.0088 397.75 75.9741 397.779 75.9509 397.796C75.8642 397.877 75.7486 397.981 75.5867 397.981C75.5751 397.981 75.5694 397.981 75.5636 397.976C75.3844 397.97 75.2745 397.843 75.1994 397.75C75.182 397.727 75.1647 397.71 75.1415 397.692L74.945 397.502C74.8062 397.663 74.6617 397.715 74.5403 397.715C74.494 397.715 74.4535 397.71 74.4189 397.698C74.257 397.663 74.0604 397.542 74.0084 397.178C73.9217 397.12 73.8812 397.027 73.8581 396.964C73.8292 396.854 73.8523 396.733 73.9274 396.634C73.9795 396.553 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434.114 381.091 434.094 381.061 434.055C381.022 434.025 381.002 433.985 381.002 433.935V427.356C381.002 427.317 380.992 427.297 380.972 427.297C380.952 427.297 380.932 427.312 380.912 427.342L379.33 429.818C379.28 429.898 379.211 429.937 379.121 429.937H378.241C378.151 429.937 378.081 429.898 378.032 429.818L376.45 427.342C376.43 427.312 376.41 427.297 376.39 427.297C376.37 427.307 376.36 427.332 376.36 427.371V433.935C376.36 433.985 376.34 434.025 376.3 434.055C376.271 434.094 376.231 434.114 376.181 434.114H374.435C374.385 434.114 374.34 434.094 374.301 434.055C374.271 434.025 374.256 433.985 374.256 433.935V423.851C374.256 423.801 374.271 423.761 374.301 423.731C374.34 423.692 374.385 423.672 374.435 423.672H376.181C376.271 423.672 376.34 423.711 376.39 423.791L378.629 427.267C378.659 427.327 378.688 427.327 378.718 427.267L380.972 423.791ZM391.643 423.791C391.693 423.711 391.762 423.672 391.852 423.672H393.598C393.648 423.672 393.688 423.692 393.717 423.731C393.757 423.761 393.777 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It's now called Influence, which is part of Brandwatch's Social Media Management solution.</span><span class="db fw600 tl mt4">Want to access your Paladin account?</span><span class="db tl">Use the login menu at the top right corner.</span></p> </div><!-- !END c-popup heading & text --> <!-- c-popup asset slot --> <div> <!-- c-popup manual mode img --> <div class="min-h4 min-h5-md relative w-100" style="min-height: 12rem"> <div class="absolute--fill absolute top-0 bottom-0 left-0 right--3 pe-none o-90 o-100-sm bg-img" data-image-set-lazy data-image-set=" 380w, 500w, 768w, 888w"></div> </div> </div><!-- !END c-popup asset slot --> <!-- btn holder --> <div class="c-popup__btns-holder relative hw-accel"> <!-- c-btn --> <a data-ga="cta" data-ga-label="c-popup-primary-cta--Continue to" class="c-btn c-btn--primary-ui c-btn--primary-light c-btn--2 c-btn--rounded db js-popup__close c-popup__btn" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <div class="c-btn__color-mix color-bg-grey-8 "></div> <div class="c-btn__color color-bg-hexicon-green "></div> <div class="relative w-100 df flex-items-center flex-justify-center" > <span class=" ">Continue to</span> </div> </a> <!-- !END c-btn --> </div><!-- !END btn holder --> </div><!-- !END c-popup box --> </div><!-- !END popup body --> </div><!-- !END c-popup__box-holder --> </div><!-- !END c-popup --> <!-- !END TODO --> <!-- Begin footer scripts --> <div id="js-footer-scripts" style="display: none;"> <script type="text/javascript"> window.__optional_scripts__for_output = { "functional": [], "statistical": [ { "src": "" }, { "src": "" }, { "src": "" }, { "src": "" } ], "marketing": [ { "src": "" }, { "src": "" }, { "src": "" }, { "src": "" }, { "src": "" } ] }; window.__optional_scripts__count = { 'functional': 2, 'statistical': 6, 'marketing': 10, }; function global_inject_optional_scripts(force = false) { var optional_scripts_wrapper = document.getElementById('js-footer-scripts'); function load_script(item) { var script = document.createElement('script'); if (item.async) { script.setAttribute('async', true); } optional_scripts_wrapper.appendChild(script); script.setAttribute('src', item.src); } function load_scripts(category) { var scripts = window.__optional_scripts__for_output[category]; if (!scripts) return false; var value = global_get_cookie('bw_cookies__strict__approved__' + category); if (value === 'Y' || force === true) { scripts.forEach(load_script) } } load_scripts('functional'); load_scripts('statistical'); load_scripts('marketing'); } </script> <!-- Core & module scripts --> <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" defer></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" defer></script> <!-- !END core & module scripts --> <!-- Essential scripts --> <script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script> <!-- !END Essential scripts --> </div> <!-- !END footer scripts --> <!-- Meta Pixel Event Code --> <script type='text/javascript'> document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) { if( "fb_pxl_code" in event.detail.apiResponse){ eval(event.detail.apiResponse.fb_pxl_code); } }, false ); </script> <!-- End Meta Pixel Event Code --> <div id='fb-pxl-ajax-code'></div> </body> </html> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { // Only run the script if the screen width is greater than or equal to 900px if (window.innerWidth < 900) return; const initializeScript = () => { const stickyCtaOuter = document.querySelector('.sticky-cta-outer'); if (!stickyCtaOuter) return; const cNavSticky = document.getElementById('c-nav--sticky'); const growlWrapper = document.getElementById('x-sticky-growl-wrapper'); let lastScrollTop = 0; const scrollThreshold = 600; let isResizing = false; let throttledScrollHandler; const updateStickyNavTop = () => { const siteGrowl = growlWrapper.querySelector('.js-site-growl'); if (siteGrowl && !siteGrowl.classList.contains('dn')) { const growlHeight = siteGrowl.offsetHeight; = `${growlHeight}px`; stickyCtaOuter.classList.add('growl-present'); stickyCtaOuter.classList.remove('no-growl'); } else { = '0px'; stickyCtaOuter.classList.add('no-growl'); stickyCtaOuter.classList.remove('growl-present'); } }; const updateClassesOnScroll = () => { if (isResizing) return; let st = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; if (st > scrollThreshold) { if (st > lastScrollTop) { cNavSticky.classList.add('dn'); stickyCtaOuter.classList.remove('dn'); } else if (st < lastScrollTop) { cNavSticky.classList.remove('dn'); stickyCtaOuter.classList.add('dn'); } } else { cNavSticky.classList.remove('dn'); stickyCtaOuter.classList.add('dn'); } lastScrollTop = st <= 0 ? 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