Jury Administration - CT Judicial Branch

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It is the mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch to resolve matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner."> <!-- #EndEditable --> <!-- #BeginEditable "keywords" --> <meta name="keywords" content="jury, service, duty, jury administration, answer your summons, summons, postpone, ct jury duty, ct jury service, CT Jury Duty, 1-800-842-8175"> <style type="text/css"> .JuryBtn { background-color: #FFF; border-left-style:solid; border-left-color: #1f3777; padding:5px 15px 5px 4px; box-shadow:1px 2px #D3D3D3; text-decoration:none!important; } .JuryBtn a { border-bottom-style:none!important } .btnJury { display: inline-block; border: 0px solid #CC0000; background-color: #CC0000; padding: 5px 12px; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; } .btnJury:hover { background: #cfdcfe; color:black } .btnJury a{ text-decoration:none!important } </style> <!-- #EndEditable --> <link href="/JudMaster/stylesheets/JudMaster.css?v2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--End --> </head> <body> <header id="JudMaster_Header" class="MasterHeader"></header> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="wrapper"> <section class="MasterCanvas"> <div id="JudMaster_LeftNav"> </div> <section class="MasterContent"> <!--<header> <div id="JudMaster_HorNav"> </div> </header> --> <article class="Jud-Page"> <!--<header> <h2 id="MP_PageHeader" runat="server" visible="false"></h2> <h4 id="MP_pageSubHeader" runat="server" visible="false"></h4> </header>--> <!--<section class="fullWidth"> <div ID="cphTopPanel" runat="server"> </div> </section>--> <section class="fullWidth"> <div ID="JudMaster_PageContent" runat="server"> <!-- #BeginEditable "page_content" --> <section style="padding: 0 1% 0 1%"> <span> <!--<div style="font-weight: bold; text-align: left;">Due to scheduled maintenance on Jury Administration's eResponse page the system will be unavailable Friday, March 7th and will be intermittently unavailable throughout this weekend. If you are unable to access the system, please check back later. We apologize for the inconvenience. For more information and assistance, please contact Jury Administration at 1-844-970-1918 or <a href=""></a>.</span><br></div><br>--> <span class="H1">Connecticut Judicial Branch</span><br> <span class="Header_red">Jury Administration</span><span class="text"> <div style="float:right;"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></span></div><br><br> <!-- QUICK LINKS box begins --> <!--<span id="QL" style="width:30%"> <div style="background-color:#1f3776; font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size:1.1em; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; padding:4px; margin-bottom:4px">Quick Links</div> <span class="QL_links"> <a href="">Jury Home Page</a><br> <a href="faq.htm">Frequently Asked Questions</a> | <a href="faq_sp.pdf">Espa&ntilde;ol</a><br> <a href="">Publications / Videos</a><br> </span>--> <div class="square_corners" style="background-color:#1f3776; font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size:1.1em; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; padding:5px; text-align: left;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mission Statement</div> <div class="text-large" id="notice" style="border: 2px #1f3776 solid; padding: 4% border-radius:2px; width:99.6%"> To provide the courts, summoned persons and our external stakeholders with prompt, accurate and professionally conveyed information, ensuring a positive jury experience that supports everyone's right to a fair trial.</div> </div><div class="text-large" id="notice" > </span> <br> <span> <div style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">Please Click On The Appropriate Links Below To Respond To Your Jury Summons Or For More Information</div></span><br> <table class="gridtable"> <tr> <td style="background-color: #ECECEC; line-height:95%" width= "50%;" valign="top"> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Respond To Your Jury Summons<br>(Defer, Request Excusal, Confirm, Change Name/Address, And More)</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Don't Know Your CT Juror ID?</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Medical Disqualification Form</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Directions To Court And Juror Parking</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Frequently Asked Questions</b> <a href=""><b>| Espa&ntilde;ol - PDF</b></a></p> </td> <td style="background-color:#ECECEC; line-height:95%" width="50%;" valign="top"> <p class="JuryBtn"><b>How To Check If Your Jury Service Is Cancelled:</b><br> <a href=""><b> Numbers To Call</b></a> <b><u>Or</u></b> <a href=""><b> Sign Up For A Text Alert</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Courthouse Closings And Delays</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>What To Expect When You Get To Court</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Outreach Program</b></a></p> <p class="JuryBtn"><a href=""><b>Jury Publications/Videos</a></p> </td></tr> </table> <br> <div class="column"><a href=""><img src="imgs/Summons5.jpg" alt= width:"75%" height:"75%"></a></div> <div class="col_float"> <ul class="text-large" style="line-height:200%"> <large><b>General Information:</b></large><br><br><br> <li>While more than 550,000 individuals <br>are randomly selected each year from <br> the sources stated on the right, about 88,000 will serve.</li> <li>Of those who serve, more than 90 percent will complete their service in one day.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col_float"> <ul class="img" style="line-height:200%"> <img src="imgs/watermark.jpg" alt= width:"75%" height:"75%"></a> </ul> </div> <div class="col_float"> <ul class="text-large" style="line-height:200%"> <b>Individuals Are Randomly Selected Each Year From Source Lists Obtained From The Following Agencies:</b><br><br> <li>Department of Motor Vehicles</li> <li>Department of Labor</li> <li>Department of Revenue Services</li> <li>Central Voter Registry of the <br> Secretary of the State</li></ul> </div> </section> <span> <div style="text-align: left;"> <b><large>Important Notice:</large></b><a href=""> There are several jury-related scams sweeping the country and some have come to Connecticut. These scams can come as phone calls or emails. Jury Administration does not initiate phone calls or emails. Please do not respond to these communications. You may telephone Jury Administration if you have any questions at 1-800-842-8175.</a></span> <br><br> <!--<div class=two_column_layout""><img src="imgs/seal2.png" alt="" style="margin-left justified"/> <div class=two_column_layout""><img src="imgs/seal2.png" alt="" style="margin-left justified"/></div>--> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> </section> </article> </section> </section> </div> <footer id="JudMaster_Footer" class="MasterFooter" style="font-size:1em;"></footer> </form> <script src="/JudMaster/scripts/JudMaster.js?v2" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --> </html>

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