Dredging Today

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:sy="" xmlns:slash="" > <channel> <title>Dredging Today</title> <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link></link> <description>The industry&#039;s ground-breaking news provider.</description> <lastBuildDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 14:29:21 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-US</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <generator></generator> <image> <url></url> <title>Dredging Today</title> <link></link> <width>32</width> <height>32</height> </image> <item> <title>Newport Harbor Dredging project on track for 2025</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Zlatan Hrvacevic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 14:19:00 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Newport]]></category> <category><![CDATA[USACE]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>Newport Harbor dredging project has moved a step closer, following recent approval by the [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Newport Harbor Dredging project on track for 2025</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="section"> <div class="block block-social-share"> <p class="social-share__title">Share this article</p> <ul class="social-share" data-module="socials" data-config='{"subject":"An interesting article"}'> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--linkedin" data-type="linkedin" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on LinkedIn"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-linkedin"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-linkedin"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--twitter" data-type="twitter" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Twitter"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-twitter"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-twitter"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--facebook" data-type="facebook" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Facebook"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-facebook"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-facebook"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--email" data-type="mail" href="#" aria-label="Share this article via Email"> <span class="icon icon-email-full"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p><strong>Newport Harbor dredging project has moved a step closer, following recent approval by the Newport Beach City Council and Port of Long Beach to use dredged sediment for the Pier G Fill project.</strong></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="998" height="669" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-96080" srcset=" 998w, 300w, 768w, 194w" sizes="(max-width: 998px) 100vw, 998px" /><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Photo courtesy of USACE </figcaption></figure> <p>According to Newport Harbor officials, removing the last one million cubic yards of sediment from the harbor is finally going to happen.</p> <p>&#8220;<em>The dredging will get the bay back to the original depth for the first time since 1938</em>,&#8221; said Vice Chairman <strong>Marshall ‘Duffy’ Duffield</strong>. &#8220;<em>Obviously, this will allow for larger vessels to navigate smoothly in the harbor vs. now when low tide boats run aground easily in the main channel</em>.&#8221;</p> <p>During the recent City Council Meeting, Newport Beach City Council approved an agreement with the Port of Long Beach to depose of unsuitable dredged material at their upcoming Pier G Fill project.</p> <p>This week, the POLB Board of Harbor Commissioners will consider the same agreement for approval and execution.</p> <p>Meanwhile, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is reviewing the final draft of the plans and specs so it can go out to bid. Things are still tracking for dredging to begin in late spring or early summer.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Newport Harbor Dredging project on track for 2025</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Emergency coastal erosion works start at Silverleaves</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Eldin Ganic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 13:01:18 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[bass coast]]></category> <category><![CDATA[coastal erosion]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Silverleaves]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>Bass Coast Shire Council, on behalf of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Emergency coastal erosion works start at Silverleaves</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><strong>Bass Coast Shire Council, on behalf of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), will soon begin emergency coastal erosion protection works at Silverleaves, Cowes.</strong></p><figure class="article__featured-image"><img width="768" height="475" src="" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="" loading="eager" srcset=" 768w, 300w, 200w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption>photo courtesy of</figcaption></figure> <p>This work is part of the $15 million package recently announced by the Victorian Government to address coastal erosion and access issues along the coast of Victoria.</p> <p>This DEECA project will help protect the foreshore, beach, coastal vegetation, and infrastructure from further erosion over the predicted Easter tides. </p> <p>The works involve constructing a stepped rock bag wall, extending 150 metres eastward from the existing rock wall. </p> <p>Rock bags are now being prepared off site and the main work onsite the beach will begin on7 April 2025. </p> <p>DEECA and Council said that their priority is to have the work completed prior to the predicted Easter tides.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Emergency coastal erosion works start at Silverleaves</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Bayou Lacroix improvement project includes dredging</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Eldin Ganic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 10:47:28 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Bayou Lacroix]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Boat Launch]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>Bay St. Louis officials broke ground on the second phase of the Bayou Lacroix [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Bayou Lacroix improvement project includes dredging</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><strong>Bay St. Louis officials broke ground on the second phase of the Bayou Lacroix Boat Launch Improvement project yesterday.</strong></p> <p>The phase is estimated to cost $150,000 and will be funded by The Mississippi Outdoor Stewardship Trust.</p> <p>According to Hancock Chamber of Commerce, the program will add one side pier with a kayak launch and will involve a small amount of dredging work.</p> <p>“<em>This is going to be very nice for those who like to kayak, fish or just kayak and enjoy the waterways</em>,” said <strong>Gene Hoffman</strong>, Ward 2 city councilman in Bay St. Louis.</p> <p>He also added that phase two will only take about four weeks to complete, finishing just in time for summer.</p> <p>The overall cost of the project is now up to approximately $1.4 million.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Bayou Lacroix improvement project includes dredging</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Dragflow getting ready to test DRH Cable Dredger</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Zlatan Hrvacevic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 09:33:00 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Dragflow]]></category> <category><![CDATA[new dredger]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>Dragflow is getting ready to test another dredger from their portfolio, the DRH Cable [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Dragflow getting ready to test DRH Cable Dredger</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="section"> <div class="block block-social-share"> <p class="social-share__title">Share this article</p> <ul class="social-share" data-module="socials" data-config='{"subject":"An interesting article"}'> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--linkedin" data-type="linkedin" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on LinkedIn"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-linkedin"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-linkedin"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--twitter" data-type="twitter" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Twitter"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-twitter"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-twitter"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--facebook" data-type="facebook" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Facebook"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-facebook"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-facebook"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--email" data-type="mail" href="#" aria-label="Share this article via Email"> <span class="icon icon-email-full"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p><strong>Dragflow is getting ready to test another dredger from their portfolio, the DRH Cable Dredger.</strong></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img decoding="async" width="962" height="688" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-96088" srcset=" 962w, 300w, 768w, 182w" sizes="(max-width: 962px) 100vw, 962px" /><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Photo courtesy of Dragflow </figcaption></figure> <p>The cable dredgers of the DRH series are powerful, effective, and versatile machines, available in different versions and compatible with different types of Dragflow hydraulic pumps.</p> <p>These are small-sized dredgers with a high dredging depth, which can dredge up to over 200 meters deep.</p> <p>Thanks to their high maneuverability and advanced control systems, DRH dredgers are ideal for dredging operations in difficult-to-access places, such as mining basins and artificial reservoirs.</p> <p>They are dredgers that are easy to transport and assemble, characteristics that make them able to reach even the most remote places.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Dragflow getting ready to test DRH Cable Dredger</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Dredging about to begin at Daintree River Ferry crossing</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Eldin Ganic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 08:21:07 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Daintree]]></category> <category><![CDATA[douglas shire]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>Douglas Shire Council said that the preparations are underway for dredging work at the [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Dredging about to begin at Daintree River Ferry crossing</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><strong>Douglas Shire Council said that the preparations are underway for dredging work at the Daintree River Ferry crossing.</strong></p> <p>According to the latest update, &#8220;<em>dredging operations at the Daintree River Ferry crossing will commence at 10 PM on Sunday, 6 April 2025. These operations will continue for four nights, from 10 PM to 5 AM each night.&#8221;</em></p> <p>The ferry will maintain its regular operating hours, though short delays are expected between 10 PM and midnight, the council said.</p> <p>Dredging is necessary to ensure the continuation of ferry services during low tides, as sand buildup from flooding can impede operations, the council officials concluded.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Dredging about to begin at Daintree River Ferry crossing</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Portland to host WEDA Eastern Chapter conference</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Zlatan Hrvacevic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 07:39:00 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Event]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Eastern Chapter]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Portland]]></category> <category><![CDATA[WEDA]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>The Western Dredging Association has just announced the date for the WEDA Eastern Chapter [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Portland to host WEDA Eastern Chapter conference</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="section"> <div class="block block-social-share"> <p class="social-share__title">Share this article</p> <ul class="social-share" data-module="socials" data-config='{"subject":"An interesting article"}'> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--linkedin" data-type="linkedin" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on LinkedIn"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-linkedin"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-linkedin"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--twitter" data-type="twitter" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Twitter"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-twitter"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-twitter"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--facebook" data-type="facebook" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Facebook"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-facebook"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-facebook"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--email" data-type="mail" href="#" aria-label="Share this article via Email"> <span class="icon icon-email-full"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p><strong>The Western Dredging Association has just announced the date for the WEDA Eastern Chapter Fall Conference.</strong></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img decoding="async" width="993" height="710" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-96085" srcset=" 993w, 300w, 768w, 182w" sizes="(max-width: 993px) 100vw, 993px" /><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Photo courtesy of USACE </figcaption></figure> <p>The 2025 Eastern Chapter meeting will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Portland ME, from October 14-16th, 2025.</p> <p>According to WEDA, this year’s meeting topics will include: Revitalizing Harbors, Balancing Economy, Environment and Community.</p> <p><strong>Tentative Agenda:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li><strong>Tuesday (10/14/25)</strong> Morning will start the program with an opportunity to take the Dredging 101 course followed by the afternoon Dredging 201 program. That will be followed by a Maine Themed Ice Breaker 6-9;</li> <li><strong>Wednesday (10/15/25)</strong> Agenda will consist of technical presentations and a luncheon program that will allow members to meet with USACE district representatives on a one-on-one basis. WEDA evening reception will be at the Bissell Brothers Brewery on Thompson’s Point.</li> <li><strong>Thursday (10/16/25) </strong>will continue with a half day of technical presentations and conclude with the business chapter at Noon.</li> </ul> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">More Info</a></strong></p> <p>The post <a href="">Portland to host WEDA Eastern Chapter conference</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Jan De Nul: Structural work completes on Scheldt tunnel entrance</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Eldin Ganic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 17:37:03 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Antwerp]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Jan de Nul]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Scheldt]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>In Antwerp, Belgium, the structural work on the entrance of the Scheldt tunnel at [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Jan De Nul: Structural work completes on Scheldt tunnel entrance</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><strong>In Antwerp, Belgium, the structural work on the entrance of the Scheldt tunnel at Linkeroever is now complete, Jan De Nul said. </strong></p> <p>&#8220;<em>That means we are one step closer to piecing together the massive concrete sections that will together form the Scheldt tunnel</em>,&#8221; the company said.</p> <p>&#8220;<em>Right now, those eight massive concrete giants are still in Zeebrugge, getting ready for an incredible journey – they will float more than 100 kilometers across the North Sea and the Scheldt to Antwerp</em>.&#8221;</p> <p>And the wait will not be long as the first one already sets off in May, according to Jan De Nul.</p> <p>&#8220;<em>From transport to the complex underwater installation, together with TM COTU we are preparing every step down to the finest details</em>,&#8221; the company concluded.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Jan De Nul: Structural work completes on Scheldt tunnel entrance</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Spotlight on DEME&#8217;s work at Port of NEOM</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Eldin Ganic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 10:36:23 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[DEME]]></category> <category><![CDATA[duba port]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Neom]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Saudi Arabia]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>DEME, working alongside the international marine construction group Archirodon in a consortium, was very [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Spotlight on DEME&#8217;s work at Port of NEOM</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><strong>DEME, working alongside the international marine construction group Archirodon in a consortium, was very busy last year pushing ahead with the second phase of transformation work for the Port of NEOM, the Duba Port expansion project in Saudi Arabia. </strong></p> <p>The scope of work includes extensive dredging and excavation works, widening of the access channel, expansion of the quay wall and dry earthworks. </p> <p>Oxagon Phase 2 will provide the existing Port of Duba with a new basin equipped with an extensive quayside tailored for handling automated container operations. </p> <p>The dredging activities are set to enable the world’s largest ships to call at the port, according to DEME.</p> <p>“<em>All materials recovered as part of the channel development will be used to support the wider development of Oxagon</em>,” <strong>Amedeo Peyron, </strong>Area Director Middle East, said. </p> <p><em>“We were delighted to win this international tender partnering with Archirodon, which is also a very well-respected player in the Middle East. We were chosen from some very tough international competition. Within the consortium each partner does what they are best at. We trust each other and always find a mechanism to execute the works in a good cooperation, on time and within the budget.&#8221;</em></p> <p>DEME is performing the dry excavation and dredging works, while Archirodon constructs the quay walls.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Spotlight on DEME&#8217;s work at Port of NEOM</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>Jan De Nul transforms Pieter Coecke into Ultra-Low Emission vessel</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Zlatan Hrvacevic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 09:41:44 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[CO2 emissions]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Jan de Nul]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>The vessel Pieter Coecke is active in the river Scheldt and the Port of [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Jan De Nul transforms Pieter Coecke into Ultra-Low Emission vessel</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="section"> <div class="block block-social-share"> <p class="social-share__title">Share this article</p> <ul class="social-share" data-module="socials" data-config='{"subject":"An interesting article"}'> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--linkedin" data-type="linkedin" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on LinkedIn"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-linkedin"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-linkedin"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--twitter" data-type="twitter" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Twitter"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-twitter"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-twitter"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--facebook" data-type="facebook" href="#" aria-label="Share this article on Facebook"> <svg role="presentation" class="icon icon-facebook"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-facebook"> </use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="social-share__item"> <a class="social-share__link social-share__link--email" data-type="mail" href="#" aria-label="Share this article via Email"> <span class="icon icon-email-full"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p><strong>The vessel Pieter Coecke is active in the river Scheldt and the Port of Antwerp, sweep dredging and clearing debris and oil.</strong></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1024" height="677" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-96040" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 197w, 1293w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Photo courtesy of JDN </figcaption></figure> <p>It does so on behalf of the Department of Mobility and Public Works of the Flemish government. Thanks to its new engines, equipped with ULEv technology, emissions are now reduced by 85% to even 98%.</p> <p>At the end of 2024, the Pieter Coecke underwent maintenance at Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen, where it was fitted with new engines.</p> <p>These engines feature ULEv technology, short for Ultra-Low Emission vessel. This technology reduces vessel emissions by 85 to 95% for nitrogen oxides and by 95 to 98% for particulate matter. As a result, Pieter Coecke now meets the stringent EU Stage V emission standards.</p> <p>&#8220;<em>Jan De Nul aims to reduce its emissions by 40% by 2035. This is a huge challenge, but we are working towards it step by step</em>. <em>That’s why we are now exploring the possibility of moving from Stage V to Euro 6 in the coming years. This could further cut nitrogen oxide emissions by another 75%</em>,&#8221; said <strong>Bart Praet</strong>, Area Manager Dredging Solutions at Jan De Nul.</p> <p>Compliance with the EU Stage V emission standard was a key requirement for the Flemish government to extend the contract awarded to Jan De Nul in 2023.</p> <p>The Pieter Coecke&#8217;s contract runs for three years but can be extended once, provided the vessel meets at least the EU Stage V standard by the third calendar year. The deadline for this was 30 June 2025, but it has now already been met.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Jan De Nul transforms Pieter Coecke into Ultra-Low Emission vessel</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> <item> <title>ZSL: One of the world&#8217;s most famous waterways gets huge transformation</title> <link></link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Eldin Ganic]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 08:37:00 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Headline]]></category> <category><![CDATA[coastal restoration]]></category> <category><![CDATA[England]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Thames]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>Coastal habitats along the Greater Thames Estuary, the life source of England&#8217;s capital and [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">ZSL: One of the world&#8217;s most famous waterways gets huge transformation</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><strong>Coastal habitats along the Greater Thames Estuary, the life source of England&#8217;s capital and far beyond, will be restored as part of the $5 million project, providing vital spaces for wildlife and healthier environments for people, <a href="">ZSL said</a>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Anna Cucknell</strong>, ZSL’s UK Coastal Habitat Recovery Program Manager said: “<em>Spanning an impressive 250,000 hectares from Felixstowe in the north to Whitstable in the south, the Greater Thames Estuary marks where the River Thames meets the North Sea, and is one of Europe’s most important wetlands. This intricate tapestry of habitats provides a home and nursery grounds to an abundance of native wildlife, from Critically Endangered European eels and ‘superhero’ water filtering oysters, to much beloved species like porpoises, seahorses and lapwings.”  </em></p> <p><em>“Decades of degradation and fragmentation from building works, pollution, overfishing and climate change have unfortunately left the estuary in a poor state. We all rely on healthy, functioning ecosystems for our own wellbeing. From shipping to science, we’re uniting people from across the region to bring this incredible landscape to life once more.”  </em></p> <p>The project will focus on restoring six vital habitats found across the estuary – native oyster beds, seagrass meadows, saltmarshes, coastal grazing marsh, saline lagoons, and sand and shingle bird nesting habitat. </p> <p>The Thames has lost over 95% of native oysters since 1800s and up to 44% of seagrass since 1936 while Essex has lost 92% of its coastal grazing marsh between 1938-1981, removing the very foundations that native wildlife relies upon.  </p> <p>Through restoring these habitats and rebuilding healthy, resilient ecosystems throughout the estuary, the work is set to help reduce flooding and coastal erosion, improve water quality and capture carbon – simultaneously helping tackle climate change while also lessening its impacts on local communities.  </p> <p>The post <a href="">ZSL: One of the world&#8217;s most famous waterways gets huge transformation</a> appeared first on <a href="">Dredging Today</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <image></image><image_medium></image_medium><is_in_depth>false</is_in_depth> </item> </channel> </rss>

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