Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications

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It allows developers to mine existing repositories when developing their own views of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the correspondences between the views to allow merging them and checking their consistency. Due to the importance of the requirements specification stage in software development, this paper proposes a framework for collaborative development of Object- Oriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection approach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking of specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using additional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the proposed approach is empirically evaluated." /> <meta name="citation_title" content="Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Fathi Taibi" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Fouad Mohammed Abbou" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Md. Jahangir Alam" /> <meta name="citation_doi" content="10.5281/zenodo.1056232" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="Collaborative Development" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="Formal methods" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="Object-Oriented" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="Similarity detection" /> <meta name="citation_abstract_html_url" content="" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications" /> <meta property="og:description" content="The complexity of today-s software systems makes collaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks. Frameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks independently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the major issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows developers to mine existing repositories when developing their own views of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the correspondences between the views to allow merging them and checking their consistency. Due to the importance of the requirements specification stage in software development, this paper proposes a framework for collaborative development of Object- Oriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection approach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking of specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using additional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the proposed approach is empirically evaluated." /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Zenodo" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@zenodo_org" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The complexity of today-s software systems makes collaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks. Frameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks independently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the major issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows developers to mine existing repositories when developing their own views of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the correspondences between the views to allow merging them and checking their consistency. Due to the importance of the requirements specification stage in software development, this paper proposes a framework for collaborative development of Object- Oriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection approach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking of specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using additional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the proposed approach is empirically evaluated." /> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href=""> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <title>Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/static/favicon.ico"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-120.png"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-152.png"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="167x167" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-167.png"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-180.png"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/dist/css/3526.a23019fbdd46ac0a80c6.css" /> <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body data-invenio-config='{"isMathJaxEnabled": "//"}' itemscope itemtype="" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".scrollspy-target"> <a id="skip-to-main" class="ui button primary ml-5 mt-5 skip-link" href="#main">Skip to main</a> <!--[if lt IE 8]> <p class="browserupgrade">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. 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Jahangir Alam</span></a> <i class="user icon"></i> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section id="description" class="rel-mt-2 rich-input-content" aria-label="Record description"> <h2 id="description-heading" class="sr-only">Description</h2> <div style="word-wrap: break-word;"> The complexity of today-s software systems makes collaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks. Frameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks independently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the major issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows developers to mine existing repositories when developing their own views of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the correspondences between the views to allow merging them and checking their consistency. Due to the importance of the requirements specification stage in software development, this paper proposes a framework for collaborative development of Object- Oriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection approach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking of specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using additional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the proposed approach is empirically evaluated. </div> </section> <section id="record-files" class="rel-mt-2 rel-mb-3" aria-label="Files" ><h2 id="files-heading">Files</h2> <div class="ui accordion panel mb-10 open" href="#files-preview-accordion-panel"> <h3 class="active title panel-heading open m-0"> <div role="button" id="files-preview-accordion-trigger" aria-controls="files-preview-accordion-panel" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0" class="trigger" aria-label="File preview" > <span id="preview-file-title">1991.pdf</span> <i class="angle right icon" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> </h3> <div role="region" id="files-preview-accordion-panel" aria-labelledby="files-preview-accordion-trigger" class="active content preview-container pt-0 open" > <div> <iframe title="Preview" class="preview-iframe" id="preview-iframe" name="preview-iframe" src="/records/1056232/preview/1991.pdf?include_deleted=0" > </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui accordion panel mb-10 open" href="#files-list-accordion-panel"> <h3 class="active title panel-heading open m-0"> <div role="button" id="files-list-accordion-trigger" aria-controls="files-list-accordion-panel" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0" class="trigger"> Files <small class="text-muted"> (150.9 kB)</small> <i class="angle right icon" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> </h3> <div role="region" id="files-list-accordion-panel" aria-labelledby="files-list-accordion-trigger" class="active content pt-0"> <div> <table class="ui striped table files fluid open"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Size</th> <th class> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button right floated archive-link" href=""> <i class="file archive icon button" aria-hidden="true"></i> Download all </a> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ten wide"> <div> <a href="/records/1056232/files/1991.pdf?download=1">1991.pdf</a> </div> <small class="ui text-muted font-tiny">md5:8ae9bd280d61941137fa9f39def0c536 <div class="ui icon inline-block" data-tooltip="This is the file fingerprint (checksum), which can be used to verify the file integrity."> <i class="question circle checksum icon"></i> </div> </small> </td> <td>150.9 kB</td> <td class="right aligned"> <span> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button preview-link" href="/records/1056232/preview/1991.pdf?include_deleted=0" target="preview-iframe" data-file-key="1991.pdf"> <i class="eye icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>Preview </a> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="/records/1056232/files/1991.pdf?download=1"> <i class="download icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>Download </a> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="additional-details" class="rel-mt-2" aria-label="Additional record details"> <h2 id="record-details-heading">Additional details</h2> <div class="ui divider"></div> <div class="ui fluid accordion padded grid rel-mb-1"> <div class="active title sixteen wide mobile four wide tablet three wide computer column"> <h3 class="ui header"> <div id="references-accordion-trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="references-panel" class="trigger" > <i class="caret right icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>References </div> </h3> </div> <div id="references-panel" role="region" aria-labelledby="references-accordion-trigger" class="active content sixteen wide mobile twelve wide tablet thirteen wide computer column" > <ul class="ui bulleted list details-list"> <li class="item">T. Apiwattanapong et al, &#34;A Differencing Algorithm for Object-Oriented Programs&#34;, in 2004 Proc. 19th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pp. 2-13.</li> <li class="item">M. Godfrey et al., &#34;Using Origin Analysis to Detect Merging and Splitting of Source Code Entities&#34;, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 166-181, 2005.</li> <li class="item">D. Gusfield, Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology, Cambridge University Press, 1999.</li> <li class="item">G. Jeh et al., &#34;SimRank: A Measure of Structure-Context Similarity&#34;, in 2002 Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 538-543.</li> <li class="item">G. Kassel et al., &#34;Model Checking Object-Z classes: Some Experiments with FDR&#34;, in Proc. APSEC conference, pp. 445-452.</li> <li class="item">J. Madhavan et al., &#34;Generic Schema Matching with Cupid&#34;, in 2001 Proc. 27th VLDB conference.</li> <li class="item">C. Manning et al., Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT Press, 1999.</li> <li class="item">A. Mehra et al., &#34;A Generic Approach to Supporting Diagram Differencing and Merging for Collaborative Design&#34;, in 2005 Proc. International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pp. 204- 213.</li> <li class="item">S. Melnik et al., &#34;Similarity Flooding: A Versatile Graph Matching Algorithm and its Application to Schema Matching&#34;, in 2002 Proc. International Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 117-128. [10] T. Mens, &#34;A State-of-the-Art Survey on Software Merging&#34;, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 449-462, 2002. [11] G. Mishne et al., &#34;Source Code Retrieval using Conceptual Similarity&#34;, in 2004 Proc. RIAO 2004 Conference, pp. 539-554. [12] S. Nejati et al., &#34;Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications&#34;, in 2007 Proc. 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE&#39;07). [13] A. Boronat et al., &#34;Formal Model Merging Applied to Class Diagram Integration&#34;, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 166, pp. 5-26, 2007. [14] B. Nuseibeh et al., &#34;Making Consistency Respectable in Software Development&#34;, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 58, pp. 171-180, 2001. [15] L. Prechelt et al., &#34;JPlag: Finding Plagiarisms Among a Set of Programs&#34;, Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe, Tech. Rep. No. 1, March 2000. [16] M. Sabetzadeh et al., &#34;Consistency Checking of Conceptual Models via Model Merging&#34;, in 2007 Proc. 15th IEEE RE conference. [17] G. Smith, The Object-Z Specification Language, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. [18] J. Spivey, The Z notation - A Reference Manual, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 1992 [19] N. Tsantalis et al., &#34;Design Pattern Detection Using Similarity Scoring&#34;, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 896- 909, 2006. [20] Z. Xing et al., &#34;UMLDiff: An Algorithm for Object-Oriented Design Differencing&#34;, in 2005 Proc. 20th IEEE/ACM international Conference on Automated software engineering, pp. 54-65.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ui divider"></div> </section> <section id="citations-search" data-record-pids='{"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1056232", "provider": "datacite"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}' data-record-parent-pids='{"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1056231", "provider": "datacite"}}' data-citations-endpoint="" aria-label="Record citations" class="rel-mb-1" > </section> </article> <aside class="sixteen wide tablet five wide computer column sidebar" aria-label="Record details"> <section id="metrics" aria-label="Metrics" class="ui segment rdm-sidebar sidebar-container"> <div class="ui tiny two statistics rel-mt-1"> <div class="ui statistic"> <div class="value">52</div> <div class="label"> <i aria-hidden="true" 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[{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fathi Taibi", "name": "Fathi Taibi", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "type": "personal"}}], "description": "The complexity of today-s software systems makes\ncollaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks.\nFrameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks\nindependently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the\nmajor issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows\ndevelopers to mine existing repositories when developing their own\nviews of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the\ncorrespondences between the views to allow merging them and\nchecking their consistency. Due to the importance of the\nrequirements specification stage in software development, this paper\nproposes a framework for collaborative development of Object-\nOriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection\napproach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking\nof specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using\nadditional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the\nproposed approach is empirically evaluated.", "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title": {"en": "English"}}], "publication_date": "2008-09-21", "publisher": "Zenodo", "references": [{"reference": "T. Apiwattanapong et al, \"A Differencing Algorithm for Object-Oriented\nPrograms\", in 2004 Proc. 19th International Conference on Automated\nSoftware Engineering, pp. 2-13."}, {"reference": "M. Godfrey et al., \"Using Origin Analysis to Detect Merging and\nSplitting of Source Code Entities\", IEEE Transactions on Software\nEngineering, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 166-181, 2005."}, {"reference": "D. Gusfield, Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer\nScience and Computational Biology, Cambridge University Press, 1999."}, {"reference": "G. Jeh et al., \"SimRank: A Measure of Structure-Context Similarity\", in\n2002 Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data\nMining, pp. 538-543."}, {"reference": "G. Kassel et al., \"Model Checking Object-Z classes: Some Experiments\nwith FDR\", in Proc. APSEC conference, pp. 445-452."}, {"reference": "J. Madhavan et al., \"Generic Schema Matching with Cupid\", in 2001\nProc. 27th VLDB conference."}, {"reference": "C. Manning et al., Foundations of Statistical Natural Language\nProcessing, MIT Press, 1999."}, {"reference": "A. Mehra et al., \"A Generic Approach to Supporting Diagram\nDifferencing and Merging for Collaborative Design\", in 2005 Proc.\nInternational Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pp. 204-\n213."}, {"reference": "S. Melnik et al., \"Similarity Flooding: A Versatile Graph Matching\nAlgorithm and its Application to Schema Matching\", in 2002 Proc.\nInternational Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 117-128.\n[10] T. Mens, \"A State-of-the-Art Survey on Software Merging\", IEEE\nTransactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 449-462,\n2002.\n[11] G. Mishne et al., \"Source Code Retrieval using Conceptual Similarity\",\nin 2004 Proc. RIAO 2004 Conference, pp. 539-554.\n[12] S. Nejati et al., \"Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications\", in\n2007 Proc. 29th International Conference on Software Engineering\n(ICSE\u002707).\n[13] A. Boronat et al., \"Formal Model Merging Applied to Class Diagram\nIntegration\", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.\n166, pp. 5-26, 2007.\n[14] B. Nuseibeh et al., \"Making Consistency Respectable in Software\nDevelopment\", Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 58, pp. 171-180,\n2001.\n[15] L. Prechelt et al., \"JPlag: Finding Plagiarisms Among a Set of\nPrograms\", Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe, Tech.\nRep. No. 1, March 2000.\n[16] M. Sabetzadeh et al., \"Consistency Checking of Conceptual Models via\nModel Merging\", in 2007 Proc. 15th IEEE RE conference.\n[17] G. Smith, The Object-Z Specification Language, Kluwer Academic\nPublishers, 2000.\n[18] J. Spivey, The Z notation - A Reference Manual, Prentice Hall, 2nd\nEdition, 1992\n[19] N. Tsantalis et al., \"Design Pattern Detection Using Similarity Scoring\",\nIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 896-\n909, 2006.\n[20] Z. Xing et al., \"UMLDiff: An Algorithm for Object-Oriented Design\nDifferencing\", in 2005 Proc. 20th IEEE/ACM international Conference\non Automated software engineering, pp. 54-65."}], "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title": {"de": "Zeitschriftenartikel", "en": "Journal article"}}, "rights": [{"description": {"en": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited."}, "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title": {"en": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}}], "subjects": [{"subject": "Collaborative Development"}, {"subject": "Formal methods"}, {"subject": "Object-Oriented"}, {"subject": "Similarity detection"}], "title": "Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications", "version": "1991"}, "parent": {"access": {"owned_by": {"user": "32148"}, "settings": {"accept_conditions_text": null, "allow_guest_requests": false, "allow_user_requests": false, "secret_link_expiration": 0}}, "communities": {"default": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "entries": [{"access": {"member_policy": "open", "members_visibility": "public", "record_submission_policy": "open", "review_policy": "open", "visibility": "public"}, "children": {"allow": false}, "created": "2017-05-31T21:24:26.028360+00:00", "custom_fields": {}, "deletion_status": {"is_deleted": false, "status": "P"}, "id": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "links": {}, "metadata": {"curation_policy": "", "page": "", "title": "World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology"}, "revision_id": 0, "slug": "waset", "updated": "2017-11-15T12:37:31.935319+00:00"}], "ids": ["a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f"]}, "id": "1056231", "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1056231", "provider": "datacite"}}}, "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1056232", "provider": "datacite"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}, "revision_id": 7, "stats": {"all_versions": {"data_volume": 6037160.0, "downloads": 40, "unique_downloads": 39, "unique_views": 52, "views": 52}, "this_version": {"data_volume": 6037160.0, "downloads": 40, "unique_downloads": 39, "unique_views": 52, "views": 52}}, "status": "published", "swh": {}, "ui": {"access_status": {"description_l10n": "The record and files are publicly accessible.", "embargo_date_l10n": null, "icon": "unlock", "id": "open", "message_class": "", "title_l10n": "Open"}, "created_date_l10n_long": "February 2, 2018", "creators": {"affiliations": [], "creators": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fathi Taibi", "name": "Fathi Taibi", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "type": "personal"}}]}, "custom_fields": {}, "description_stripped": "The complexity of today-s software systems makes\ncollaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks.\nFrameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks\nindependently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the\nmajor issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows\ndevelopers to mine existing repositories when developing their own\nviews of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the\ncorrespondences between the views to allow merging them and\nchecking their consistency. Due to the importance of the\nrequirements specification stage in software development, this paper\nproposes a framework for collaborative development of Object-\nOriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection\napproach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking\nof specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using\nadditional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the\nproposed approach is empirically evaluated.", "is_draft": false, "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title_l10n": "English"}], "publication_date_l10n_long": "September 21, 2008", "publication_date_l10n_medium": "Sep 21, 2008", "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title_l10n": "Journal article"}, "rights": [{"description_l10n": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited.", "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title_l10n": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}], "updated_date_l10n_long": "August 3, 2024", "version": "1991"}, "updated": "2024-08-03T00:20:12.084541+00:00", "versions": {"index": 1, "is_latest": true}}' data-preview='false'> <div class="rel-p-1"></div> <div class="ui fluid placeholder rel-mr-1 rel-ml-1"></div> <div class="header"> <div class="line"></div> <div class="line"></div> <div 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{"access": {"hidden": true}, "ext": "ptif", "id": "48c59c12-b960-4128-aae6-31daab3b6ea6", "key": "1991.pdf.ptif", "links": {"content": "", "self": ""}, "metadata": null, "mimetype": "application/octet-stream", "processor": {"source_file_id": "5e3c6e7f-0aa1-4c07-8a98-a0efc26c57b4", "status": "finished", "type": "image-tiles"}, "size": 0, "storage_class": "L"}}, "order": [], "total_bytes": 0}, "metadata": {"creators": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fathi Taibi", "name": "Fathi Taibi", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "type": "personal"}}], "description": "The complexity of today-s software systems makes\ncollaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks.\nFrameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks\nindependently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the\nmajor issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows\ndevelopers to mine existing repositories when developing their own\nviews of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the\ncorrespondences between the views to allow merging them and\nchecking their consistency. Due to the importance of the\nrequirements specification stage in software development, this paper\nproposes a framework for collaborative development of Object-\nOriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection\napproach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking\nof specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using\nadditional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the\nproposed approach is empirically evaluated.", "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title": {"en": "English"}}], "publication_date": "2008-09-21", "publisher": "Zenodo", "references": [{"reference": "T. Apiwattanapong et al, \"A Differencing Algorithm for Object-Oriented\nPrograms\", in 2004 Proc. 19th International Conference on Automated\nSoftware Engineering, pp. 2-13."}, {"reference": "M. Godfrey et al., \"Using Origin Analysis to Detect Merging and\nSplitting of Source Code Entities\", IEEE Transactions on Software\nEngineering, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 166-181, 2005."}, {"reference": "D. Gusfield, Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer\nScience and Computational Biology, Cambridge University Press, 1999."}, {"reference": "G. Jeh et al., \"SimRank: A Measure of Structure-Context Similarity\", in\n2002 Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data\nMining, pp. 538-543."}, {"reference": "G. Kassel et al., \"Model Checking Object-Z classes: Some Experiments\nwith FDR\", in Proc. APSEC conference, pp. 445-452."}, {"reference": "J. Madhavan et al., \"Generic Schema Matching with Cupid\", in 2001\nProc. 27th VLDB conference."}, {"reference": "C. Manning et al., Foundations of Statistical Natural Language\nProcessing, MIT Press, 1999."}, {"reference": "A. Mehra et al., \"A Generic Approach to Supporting Diagram\nDifferencing and Merging for Collaborative Design\", in 2005 Proc.\nInternational Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pp. 204-\n213."}, {"reference": "S. Melnik et al., \"Similarity Flooding: A Versatile Graph Matching\nAlgorithm and its Application to Schema Matching\", in 2002 Proc.\nInternational Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 117-128.\n[10] T. Mens, \"A State-of-the-Art Survey on Software Merging\", IEEE\nTransactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 449-462,\n2002.\n[11] G. Mishne et al., \"Source Code Retrieval using Conceptual Similarity\",\nin 2004 Proc. RIAO 2004 Conference, pp. 539-554.\n[12] S. Nejati et al., \"Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications\", in\n2007 Proc. 29th International Conference on Software Engineering\n(ICSE\u002707).\n[13] A. Boronat et al., \"Formal Model Merging Applied to Class Diagram\nIntegration\", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.\n166, pp. 5-26, 2007.\n[14] B. Nuseibeh et al., \"Making Consistency Respectable in Software\nDevelopment\", Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 58, pp. 171-180,\n2001.\n[15] L. Prechelt et al., \"JPlag: Finding Plagiarisms Among a Set of\nPrograms\", Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe, Tech.\nRep. No. 1, March 2000.\n[16] M. Sabetzadeh et al., \"Consistency Checking of Conceptual Models via\nModel Merging\", in 2007 Proc. 15th IEEE RE conference.\n[17] G. Smith, The Object-Z Specification Language, Kluwer Academic\nPublishers, 2000.\n[18] J. Spivey, The Z notation - A Reference Manual, Prentice Hall, 2nd\nEdition, 1992\n[19] N. Tsantalis et al., \"Design Pattern Detection Using Similarity Scoring\",\nIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 896-\n909, 2006.\n[20] Z. Xing et al., \"UMLDiff: An Algorithm for Object-Oriented Design\nDifferencing\", in 2005 Proc. 20th IEEE/ACM international Conference\non Automated software engineering, pp. 54-65."}], "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title": {"de": "Zeitschriftenartikel", "en": "Journal article"}}, "rights": [{"description": {"en": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited."}, "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title": {"en": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}}], "subjects": [{"subject": "Collaborative Development"}, {"subject": "Formal methods"}, {"subject": "Object-Oriented"}, {"subject": "Similarity detection"}], "title": "Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications", "version": "1991"}, "parent": {"access": {"owned_by": {"user": "32148"}, "settings": {"accept_conditions_text": null, "allow_guest_requests": false, "allow_user_requests": false, "secret_link_expiration": 0}}, "communities": {"default": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "entries": [{"access": {"member_policy": "open", "members_visibility": "public", "record_submission_policy": "open", "review_policy": "open", "visibility": "public"}, "children": {"allow": false}, "created": "2017-05-31T21:24:26.028360+00:00", "custom_fields": {}, "deletion_status": {"is_deleted": false, "status": "P"}, "id": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "links": {}, "metadata": {"curation_policy": "", "page": "", "title": "World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology"}, "revision_id": 0, "slug": "waset", "updated": "2017-11-15T12:37:31.935319+00:00"}], "ids": ["a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f"]}, "id": "1056231", "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1056231", "provider": "datacite"}}}, "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1056232", "provider": "datacite"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}, "revision_id": 7, "stats": {"all_versions": {"data_volume": 6037160.0, "downloads": 40, "unique_downloads": 39, "unique_views": 52, "views": 52}, "this_version": {"data_volume": 6037160.0, "downloads": 40, "unique_downloads": 39, "unique_views": 52, "views": 52}}, "status": "published", "swh": {}, "ui": {"access_status": {"description_l10n": "The record and files are publicly accessible.", "embargo_date_l10n": null, "icon": "unlock", "id": "open", "message_class": "", "title_l10n": "Open"}, "created_date_l10n_long": "February 2, 2018", "creators": {"affiliations": [], "creators": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fathi Taibi", "name": "Fathi Taibi", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "name": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "type": "personal"}}]}, "custom_fields": {}, "description_stripped": "The complexity of today-s software systems makes\ncollaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks.\nFrameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks\nindependently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the\nmajor issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows\ndevelopers to mine existing repositories when developing their own\nviews of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the\ncorrespondences between the views to allow merging them and\nchecking their consistency. Due to the importance of the\nrequirements specification stage in software development, this paper\nproposes a framework for collaborative development of Object-\nOriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection\napproach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking\nof specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using\nadditional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the\nproposed approach is empirically evaluated.", "is_draft": false, "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title_l10n": "English"}], "publication_date_l10n_long": "September 21, 2008", "publication_date_l10n_medium": "Sep 21, 2008", "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title_l10n": "Journal article"}, "rights": [{"description_l10n": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited.", "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title_l10n": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}], "updated_date_l10n_long": "August 3, 2024", "version": "1991"}, "updated": "2024-08-03T00:20:12.084541+00:00", "versions": {"index": 1, "is_latest": true}}' data-styles='[["apa", "APA"], ["harvard-cite-them-right", "Harvard"], ["modern-language-association", "MLA"], ["vancouver", "Vancouver"], ["chicago-fullnote-bibliography", "Chicago"], 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"/records/1056232/export/dcat-ap", "name": "DCAT"}, {"export_url": "/records/1056232/export/codemeta", "name": "Codemeta"}, {"export_url": "/records/1056232/export/cff", "name": "Citation File Format"}]'></div> </div> </div> <section id="upload-info" role="note" aria-label="Upload information" class="sidebar-container ui segment rdm-sidebar text-muted" > <h2 class="ui small header text-muted p-0 mb-5"><small>Technical metadata</small></h2> <dl class="m-0"> <dt class="inline"><small>Created</small></dt> <dd class="inline"> <small>February 2, 2018</small> </dd> <div> <dt class="rel-mt-1 inline"><small>Modified</small></dt> <dd class="inline"> <small>August 3, 2024</small> </dd> </div> </dl> </section> </aside> </div> </div> <div class="ui container"> <div class="ui relaxed grid"> <div class="two column row"> <div class="sixteen wide tablet eleven wide computer column"> <div class="ui grid"> <div class="centered row rel-mt-1"> <button id="jump-btn" class="jump-to-top ui button labeled 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type='application/ld+json'>{"@context": "", "@id": "", "@type": "", "author": [{"@type": "Person", "familyName": "Fathi Taibi", "name": "Fathi Taibi"}, {"@type": "Person", "familyName": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou"}, {"@type": "Person", "familyName": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "name": "Md. Jahangir Alam"}], "contentSize": "147.39 KB", "creator": [{"@type": "Person", "familyName": "Fathi Taibi", "name": "Fathi Taibi"}, {"@type": "Person", "familyName": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou", "name": "Fouad Mohammed Abbou"}, {"@type": "Person", "familyName": "Md. Jahangir Alam", "name": "Md. Jahangir Alam"}], "dateCreated": "2018-02-02T22:54:01.100475+00:00", "dateModified": "2024-08-03T00:20:12.084541+00:00", "datePublished": "2008-09-21", "description": "The complexity of today-s software systems makes\ncollaborative development necessary to accomplish tasks.\nFrameworks are necessary to allow developers perform their tasks\nindependently yet collaboratively. Similarity detection is one of the\nmajor issues to consider when developing such frameworks. It allows\ndevelopers to mine existing repositories when developing their own\nviews of a software artifact, and it is necessary for identifying the\ncorrespondences between the views to allow merging them and\nchecking their consistency. Due to the importance of the\nrequirements specification stage in software development, this paper\nproposes a framework for collaborative development of Object-\nOriented formal specifications along with a similarity detection\napproach to support the creation, merging and consistency checking\nof specifications. The paper also explores the impact of using\nadditional concepts on improving the matching results. Finally, the\nproposed approach is empirically evaluated.", "identifier": "", "inLanguage": {"@type": "Language", "alternateName": "eng", "name": "English"}, "keywords": "Collaborative Development, Formal methods, Object-Oriented, Similarity detection", "license": "", "name": "Similarity Detection in Collaborative Development of Object-Oriented Formal Specifications", "publisher": {"@type": "Organization", "name": "Zenodo"}, "size": "147.39 KB", "url": "", "version": "1991"}</script> <script src="/static/dist/js/invenio-app-rdm-landing-page-theme.3b272942835c0a00f70d.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9945.a92c05fa251cdd46af39.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/1357.6ee8cbca1c30c50f9548.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/1644.e1781edcf51e2dc7f142.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/8962.96d2b28b733c6e09354a.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9300.3ca5da14db03d2fd0854.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/5680.fe8049296074c5f486f1.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/invenio-app-rdm-landing-page.2a922a49323c9b3bb9a9.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/previewer_theme.a4cb12f2f2d734727d26.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/zenodo-rdm-citations.fec7f37f1c6823bc87e7.js"></script> <div class="ui container info message cookie-banner hidden"> <i class="close icon"></i> <div> <i aria-hidden="true" class="info icon"></i> <p class="inline">This site uses cookies. 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