Fuel stop network | NZ nationwide - Allied Petroleum

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>Home</a>/</li> <li class="section-nav__item"><a href="" class="section-nav__link " >Bulk fuel solutions</a>/</li> <li class="section-nav__item"><a href="" class="section-nav__link section-nav__link--active " aria-current="page" >Fuel stop network</a></li> </ol> </nav> </div> </div> <section class="page-intro bg-white bg-no-angle margin"> <div class="row animate fade-in slide-up"> <div class="column lg:w-1/2 xl:w-8/12"> <h1 class="h1"> Fuel stop network </h1> <div class="typography"> <p>Over the past three decades, we’ve built up a network of fuel stop locations throughout New Zealand, with the heavy transport industry in mind. To make it even more convenient, our fuel stops operate 24/7 so fuel is always available. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white section-cta"> <div class="row justify-center"> <div class="column lg:w-9/12 text-center"> <div class="box mb-9"> <div class="box__inner min-h-0 mb-0 animate slide-up"> <div class="typography animate fade-in"> <h3>24/7 nationwide network</h3> <p>We offer a comprehensive diesel and petrol station network including truck stops servicing both the South and North Island of New Zealand.</p> </div> <a href="" class="btn">Find a fuel stop near you</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="margin mb-0"> <div class="row"> <div class="column"> <h2 class="h2--large mb-8 lg:mb-12 text-center">Our network works great for fleets</h2> </div> </div> </div> <section class="tiles bg-angle bg-blue-tint"> <div class="bg-angle__inner pt-0"> <div class="row justify-center"> <div class="column lg:w-1/2 xl:w-4/10"> <a class="box drop-border drop-border--hover drop-border--right animate fade-in slide-up" > <div class="box__inner"> <h2 class="box__title h2--large mb-4 lg:mb-6">NZ wide</h2> <p class="mb-4 lg:mb-6">Find our fuels stops up and down the country, in particular located in the provinces to support our busy primary sector.</p> </div> </a> <a class="box drop-border drop-border--hover drop-border--right animate fade-in slide-up" > <div class="box__inner"> <h2 class="box__title h2--large mb-4 lg:mb-6">Easy truck access</h2> <p class="mb-4 lg:mb-6">We’ve designed our fuel stops to have good truck access, and where possible, separate forecourts for commercial refueling.</p> </div> </a> <a class="box drop-border drop-border--hover drop-border--right animate fade-in slide-up" > <div class="box__inner"> <h2 class="box__title h2--large mb-4 lg:mb-6">Fuel and fluids</h2> <p class="mb-4 lg:mb-6">Diesel is available at all fuel stops along with Alliedblue (diesel exhaust fluid) at the pump in selected locations.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column lg:w-1/2 xl:w-4/10"> <a class="box box--offset drop-border drop-border--hover drop-border--left animate fade-in slide-up" > <div class="box__inner"> <h2 class="box__title h2--large mb-4 lg:mb-6">Pay your way</h2> <p class="mb-4 lg:mb-6">We accept a number of fuel cards (as well as eftpos and credit cards), plus we have easy-to-use outdoor payment terminals.</p> </div> </a> <a class="box drop-border drop-border--hover drop-border--left animate fade-in slide-up" > <div class="box__inner"> <h2 class="box__title h2--large mb-4 lg:mb-6">Stay informed</h2> <p class="mb-4 lg:mb-6">Download our app to keep up to date with changes to our network through real time notifications.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white section-cta"> <div class="row justify-center"> <div class="column lg:w-9/12 text-center"> <div class="box mb-9"> <div class="box__inner min-h-0 mb-0 animate slide-up"> <div class="typography animate fade-in"> <h3>Interested in fuel cards?</h3> <p>If our network sounds like it fits well with your fleet’s activity, you might also want to consider our fuel cards options.</p> </div> <a href="" class="btn">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="margin mb-0 bg-white"> <div class="row justify-center"> <div class="column lg:w-7/12 lg:order-2 md:self-center"> <ul class="footer-menu md:mb-3"> <li class="footer-menu__item"> <a href="" class="footer-menu__link">Order fuel</a> </li> <li class="footer-menu__item"> <a href="" class="footer-menu__link">Find a fuel stop</a> </li> <li class="footer-menu__item"> <a href="tel:0800383566" class="footer-menu__link">0800 383 566</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="footer-submenu hidden md:block"> <li class="footer-submenu__item has-children"> <a href="" class="footer-submenu__link">About</a> <ul class="footer-tertiarymenu hidden lg:block"> <li class="footer-tertiarymenu__item"><a href="" class="footer-tertiarymenu__link ">Allied 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