{"title":"Real-Time Digital Oscilloscope Implementation in 90nm CMOS Technology FPGA","authors":"Nasir Mehmood, Jens Ogniewski, Vinodh Ravinath","volume":47,"journal":"International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering","pagesStart":1645,"pagesEnd":1649,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/5641","abstract":"This paper describes the design of a real-time audiorange\ndigital oscilloscope and its implementation in 90nm CMOS\nFPGA platform. The design consists of sample and hold circuits,\nA\/D conversion, audio and video processing, on-chip RAM, clock\ngeneration and control logic. The design of internal blocks and\nmodules in 90nm devices in an FPGA is elaborated. Also the key\nfeatures and their implementation algorithms are presented.\nFinally, the timing waveforms and simulation results are put\nforward.","references":"[1] He Zhiqiang, Zeng Wenxian, Li Jianke, The Eighth International\nConference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments ICEMI-2007\n\"An Embedded Virtual Digital Storage Oscilloscope with 1GSPS\".\n[2] Wyne Wolf \" FPGA Based System Design\" Pearson publisher Printice\nHall.\n[3] Nasir Mehmood, Jens Ogneewski, Vinodh Ravinath, Project Report\n\"Digital Oscilloscope\" Group 02, Year 2005\/First Semester\nISY\/LiTH.\n[4] Project Report by Amr Mohamed, Fady, Kareem, Gamal, Mazen and\nSherief , \"VHDL implementation of oscilloscope usig FPGA\",\nAlexandria University.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 47, 2010"}