About Buffalo | Buffalo Americas

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We build top-quality storage, networking, and other technology-related solutions that simplify your experience and deliver a solid return on your investment.</p> <p>Our network attached storage (NAS) devices, many with scale-as-you-go options, are installed with pre-tested hard drives that eliminate the hassle of sourcing and testing drives, saving you time and money.</p> <p>Buffalo&#39;s strong international industry alliances with companies such as Intel, Broadcom&trade;, Microsoft, and others have allowed it to lead the industry in the development of the latest technologies into practical tools for small business.</p> <p>The Japanese company is recognized as the leading computer peripheral manufacturer in their home country. Headquartered in Japan, Buffalo has additional offices in USA and Taiwan.</p> <div> <p>Interested in learning more? Buffalo&rsquo;s award-winning team of helpful technical experts are on-hand 24/7 in North America to make the process of choosing, buying, and using our products as smooth and easy as possible.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <center><a href=""><img alt="" src="" style="width: 800px; height: 211px;" /></a><br /> <a href=""><img alt="" src="" style="width: 365px; height: 69px;" /></a></center> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Reliable Award Winning Storage &amp; Support</h2> <p>Reliable &amp; easy to use products with personal pre &amp; post-sales support. These are the fundamentals which have helped us win <a href="">CRN&#39;s ARC award</a>&nbsp;6&nbsp;times, including 5&nbsp;years in a row!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <center><img alt="" class="img-full-width" src="" /></center> <center><img alt="" src="" style="width: 360px; height: 115px;" /></center> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="tabs"> <div id="tabs_links"> <ul> <li><a href="#tab-patents">Patents</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-privacy-policy">Privacy Notice</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-us-export-restrictions">US Export Restrictions</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-environmental">Environmental</a></li> </ul> <br class="clear"> </div> <div id="tabs_content"> <h3 class="tab_trigger">Patents</h3> <div id="tab-patents" class="tabs_editor"> <p>Buffalo Americas, Inc. Power over Ethernet products (including, but not limited to, BS-GU2005P/BS-GU2008P/BS-GU2016P; and BSL-POE-G2105U and WAPS-APG600H) are licensed under one or more of the following U.S.&nbsp;<br /> Patents and pending applications:&nbsp;</p> <p>United States Patent No. 5,406,260 (expired)<br /> United States Patent No. 6,650,622<br /> United States Patent No. 7,457,250<br /> United States Patent No. 8,155,012<br /> United States Patent No. 8,902,760<br /> United States Patent No. 8,942,107<br /> United States Patent No. 9,019,838<br /> United States Patent No. 9,049,019<br /> United States Patent Application No. 14/695,456<br /> United States Patent Application No. 14/726,940</p> </div> <h3 class="tab_trigger">Privacy Notice</h3> <div id="tab-privacy-policy" class="tabs_editor"> <p><strong>Privacy Notice</strong></p> <p><strong>Buffalo Americas, Inc.</strong></p> <p>Effective Date: <em>August 2nd, 2021</em></p> <p>Thank you for visiting <a href=""></a>/<a href=""></a> (Website). This Privacy Notice describes how Buffalo Americas, Inc. (Buffalo) collects, uses and discloses Personal Information (defined below) from and about users of our Website and who call or otherwise contact us in reference to or about a product or service of Buffalo. References to Website include and Please read this Privacy Notice before continuing to use the Website or submitting any Personal Information.</p> <p>This Privacy Notice may be changed at any time. Changes will be posted along with the Effective Date of the change. You should review this Privacy Notice when you visit the Website to ensure you understand how Personal Information is collected, used and disclosed.</p> <p><u>Why we collect information</u></p> <p>The Personal Information you provide to us is only used to:</p> <ul> <li>Fulfill your specific request or provide the service or information you requested</li> <li>Comply with legal requirements and to protect our legal rights</li> <li>Send you information on products or services you have purchased</li> <li>Send your marketing or promotional information about products and services</li> <li>Improve our programs, products and services or</li> <li>In any other way, if you have provided us with express permission or consent to do so</li> </ul> <p>We may use non-Personal Information for additional reasons described in the remainder of this Privacy Notice.</p> <p>If you identify yourself to us by sending us an email with questions or comments, we may retain your comments for future reference.</p> <p><u>What information we collect</u></p> <p>Buffalo collects Personal Information through the Website, which is information that on its own or in combination with other information may be used to identify, contact, or locate an individual. Examples include:</p> <ul> <li>Name</li> <li>Address</li> <li>Email address</li> <li>Your username and password for the Website</li> <li>Credit card or other payment information</li> <li>IP addresses or</li> <li>Telephone number</li> </ul> <p>Buffalo may also have access to Personal Information during the data recovery process. The Personal Information accessible during the data recovery process will depend on what you have chosen to store on the device. Accordingly, we do not perceive how much or what types of information may be processed during the data recovery process. We do not maintain copies, sell or disclose Personal Information (or any other information) processed during the data recovery process, unless necessary to facilitate the data recovery process.</p> <p>Buffalo collects other information that relates to you, but does not identify you. Examples include clickstream data and web-browsing information (such as the date and time you visit a website, whether you click on various advertisements or links and the search terms you enter when using a website), and information about your computer, device and internet connection, and geographic location.</p> <p><u>How we collect Personal Information</u></p> <p>We collect Personal Information from you in the following ways:</p> <ul> <li>When you register for our Website</li> <li>When you send us an email or use other features of the Website to contact or interact with us</li> <li>When you contact us by phone; or</li> <li>Automatically when you visit the Website (the only Personal Information we automatically collect is your IP address, which is only considered Personal Information in certain circumstances)</li> <li>From third parties from which you have received or purchased our products or services</li> </ul> <p><u>Distribution of Information</u></p> <p>We may share Personal Information with companies assisting us in providing services to you, to our affiliates and when required by law. We may disclose Personal information when:</p> <ul> <li>Permitted or required by law;</li> <li>In relation to a corporate transaction; or</li> <li>To third parties involved in or who assist with the Website or data recovery processes</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Information provided for this reason will not be used by those receiving it beyond the extent for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice.</p> <p>Third parties who provide hosting services or other services that make possible the operation of this Website and the services you request through the Website may have access to information that you provide us to the extent those third parties require access to our databases to service the Website.</p> <p>In connection with the sale or transfer of all or part of our assets, we reserve the right to transfer information we have obtained from or about you.</p> <p><u>Transfer of Information</u></p> <p>This Website is hosted and maintain in the United States of America. Your Personal Information will be transmitted to countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), including the United States of America. You can obtain details of the mechanism under which your personal data is transferred outside the EEA by contacting If your Personal Information is transferred outside the EEA to third party service providers, we will take steps to ensure that your Personal Information receives the same level of protection as if it remained within the EEA, including by entering into data transfer agreements using the European Commission approved Standard Contractual Clauses, or by relying on certification schemes such as the EU&ndash;US Privacy Shield.</p> <p><u>Cookie and Tracking Technology &ndash; Use of Non-Personal Information</u></p> <p>This Website uses cookie and tracking technology to collect non-Personal Information. Our system also automatically gathers information about the areas you visit on our Website and about the links you select from within our Website to the other areas of the World Wide Web or elsewhere online. We use such information in the aggregate to understand how our users as a group use the services and resources provided on our Website. This way we know which areas of our Website are favorites of our users, which areas need improvement and what technologies are being used so that we may continually improve our Website. Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties but that aggregate information does not identify individual Website users. We may determine what technology is available through your browser in order to provide you with the most appropriate version of a web page. This Website utilizes Google Analytics, a service from Google, Inc. (Google) that uses cookies. The information collected by the cookies (which includes your IP address) is transferred to Google who stores the information in the United States. Google uses the information to provide us with an analysis of your use of this website, overall use of and traffic on this website and other related services. You may opt out of Google Analytics by downloading and utilizing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, available at</p> <p>Do not track signals and requests are sent from your browser to websites you visit indicating you do not want to be tracked or monitored. Websites are not required to accept these requests and many do not. At this time, our Website does not honor do not track signals or requests.</p> <p><u>Links to Other Websites</u></p> <p>The Website contain links to other websites. These links are for your convenience. We do not control, endorse, ensure accessibility or review their privacy notices, which may be different than this Privacy Notice. You should review the privacy notice of other websites before choosing to disclose Personal Information.</p> <p><u>Data Security</u></p> <p>Buffalo takes steps to secure your Personal Information. We exercise care in providing secure transmissions when we need to transfer your Personal Information from our servers. Our Website uses secure server software encryption (this is why this Website address includes &ldquo;https&rdquo; rather than &ldquo;http&rdquo;). Encryption is a common method of ensuring information remains private. Buffalo Exchange cannot guarantee or warrant that information you transmit to us, or any communications is completely secure.</p> <p><u>Retention of Personal Information</u></p> <p>Buffalo only retains data for as long as necessary for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice or for such other period as may be permitted or required by law. Once Personal Information is no longer necessary, we will return or destroy the Personal Information in our possession accordance with its record retention and destruction policy.</p> <p><u>Your Rights</u></p> <p>Some jurisdictions (state, federal, national and international), such as California (under several laws, including the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA)), Canada, and the European Economic Area (under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)), provide individuals with certain rights regarding their Personal Information. To exercise any rights your jurisdiction may provide, contact us using the information below. Your rights will depend on the location in which you reside. As examples, CCPA and GDPR provides their respective residents with the following individual rights.</p> <ul> <li>Being informed about your Personal Information</li> <li>Viewing and obtaining a copy of the Personal Information we maintain about you</li> <li>Amending or revising the Personal Information we maintain about you</li> <li>Having the Personal Information we keep about you erased (also known as the right to be forgotten)</li> <li>Objecting to the use of your Personal Information for direct marketing</li> <li>Restricting our use of the Personal Information we maintain about you</li> <li>Transferring the Personal Information we maintain about you to another entity</li> <li>Objecting to our use of the Personal Information we maintain about you</li> <li>Objecting to automated decision making or profiling. We do not make automated decisions about you and do not profile individuals who visit our Website</li> <li>Knowing from where we obtained your Personal Information</li> <li>To receive the same products or services (to the extent possible) at the same price regardless of whether you exercise your individual rights under this Privacy Notice</li> <li>Withdraw your previously provided consent (this right may only be available on a prospective basis)</li> <li>Filing a complaint with us or the appropriate governmental entity</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We may require that you verify your identity before exercising your individual rights. To exercise your individual rights, contact us using the following information:</p> <p>Customer Support Manager<br /> 11130 Jollyville Rd, Suite #205 Austin, TX 78759<br /> By email: <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> By phone: 866-752-6210</p> <p><u>Opting Out of Marketing Materials</u></p> <p>All marketing correspondence from us will allow you to opt out of further correspondence. You can do so by clicking the link within the emails, which guide you on how to opt-out or you may contact us at</p> <p><u>Children&rsquo;s Privacy</u></p> <p>Our Website is not directed to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect information from children or other individuals who are not legally able to use our services. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected information from a child under the age of majority, we will promptly destroy that information, unless we are legally obligated to retain the information. If you believe we have mistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the age of majority, please contact us at</p> </div> <h3 class="tab_trigger">US Export Restrictions</h3> <div id="tab-us-export-restrictions" class="tabs_editor"> <p> Buffalo Americas (&#8220;Buffalo&#8221;) products are subject to U.S. export control laws and are subject to regulation by agencies of the U.S. government, including without limitation the U.S. Department of Commerce&#8217;s Bureau of Industry and Security (&#8220;BIS&#8221;), the U.S. Department of Treasury&#8217;s Office of Foreign Assets Control (&#8220;OFAC&#8221;) and the U.S. State Department, all of which prohibit export or diversion of any products, software and/or technologies to certain countries. Any and all obligations of Buffalo to provide technical information, technical assistance, any media in which any of the foregoing is contained, training and related technical data shall be subject in all respects to such United States laws and regulations as shall from time to time govern the license and delivery of technology and products abroad subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, including the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, any successor legislation, the Export Administration Regulations and Census Bureau Regulations issued by the Commerce Department, OFAC Regulations issued by the Treasury Department and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (&#8220;ITAR&#8221;) issued by the State Department. Buffalo&#8217;s customers must comply in all respects with the export and reexport restrictions set forth in the export license (if applicable) for every item shipped from Buffalo and will otherwise comply with United States laws and regulations in effect from time to time. Buffalo&#8217;s products are authorized by the U.S. Government for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by end-user, as provided by customer to Buffalo. Buffalo&#8217;s products may not be transferred, transshipped on a non-continuous voyage, or otherwise be disposed of in any other country, either in their original form or after being incorporated into other end-items, without the prior written approval of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, the U.S. Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls or any other applicable agency.</p> <p>For more information on controls administered by the BIS, see&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a> opens in new window.</p> <p>For more information on controls administered by OFAC, see&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a> opens in new window.</p> <p>For more information on controls administered by the State Department of State, see&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a> opens in new window.</p> </div> <h3 class="tab_trigger">Environmental</h3> <div id="tab-environmental" class="tabs_editor"> <p>Buffalo recognizes that maintaining a healthy environment is vital for a healthy life and sustainable growth for future generations. We are committed to our goals of surpassing environmental standards and being proactive in dealing with concerns for the environment. These goals are being achieved by combining technological innovation with sound environmental business decisions at every step of a product&rsquo;s life cycle. 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