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Norman, Shelly A. Brotherton, Robert T. Fried</strong></td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> <!--</h1>--> <!-- BEGIN BIBDETAIL TABLE BORDER --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibDetail"> <tr class="bibInfoEntry" ><td> <!-- BEGIN INNER BIB TABLE --> <table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=p --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Published</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons &#59; [Newtown Square, Pa.] : Project Management Institute, [2008]</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=p --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 漏2008</td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> <!-- BEGIN BIBHOLDINGSRECORDS --> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibHoldings"> <tr><td colspan="2"> <!-- BEGIN BRIEF BIB RESOURCE TABLE --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibResourceBrief"> <tr class="bibResourceCaption"> <td > Online access available from: </td> </tr> <tr > <td > <!-- BEGIN ERM RESOURCE TABLE --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibResource"> <tr class="bibResourceEntry"> <td class="bibResourceEntry"> <a href="">Wiley Online Books</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; </td> <td class="bibResourceEntry"> </td> <td class="bibResourceEntry"> <a href="/search~S1?/i9781111808952&Search=Search/i9781111808952/-3%2C0%2C0%2CE/eresourcee1000314&FF=i9781118000267&1%2C1%2C/indexsort=-"><span class="button"><span class=buttonText">View Resource Record</span></span></a> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </table> <!-- END ERM RESOURCE TABLE --> </td></tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BRIEF BIB RESOURCE TABLE --> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><hr class="holdingsDivider" /></td></tr> </table> <div class="testlinkeddocs"> </div> <div class="bibDisplayUrls"> </div> <div class="bibDisplayItems"> <div class="bibDisplayItemsHeader"><h2>Copies</h2></div> <div class="bibDisplayItemsMain"> </div> </div> <div class="bibDisplayContentMore"> <!-- BEGIN BIBDETAIL TABLE BORDER --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibDetail"> <tr class="bibInfoEntry" ><td> <!-- BEGIN INNER BIB TABLE --> <table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=r --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Description</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 1 online resource (xvi, 286 pages) : illustrations</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=j --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Contents</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> pt. 1. Introduction to WBS concepts -- ch. 1. Background and key concepts -- ch. 2. Applying WBS attributes and concepts -- pt. 2. WBS application in projects -- ch. 3. Project initiation and the WBS -- ch. 4. Defining scope through the WBS -- ch. 5. The WBS in procurement and financial planning -- ch. 6. Quality, risk, resource and communication planning with the WBS -- ch. 7. The WBS as a starting point for schedule -- ch. 8. The WBS in action -- ch. 9. Ensuring success through the WBS -- ch. 10. Verifying project closeout with the WBS -- pt. 3. WBS for project management decomposition -- ch. 11. A project management WBS -- Appendix A. Project charter example -- Appendix B. Project scope statement example -- Appendix C. Project management WBS examples -- Appendix D. Answers to chapter questions</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=j --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Summary</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Understand and apply new concepts regarding Work Breakdown Structures The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has emerged as a foundational concept and tool in Project Management. It is an enabler that ensures clear definition and communication of project scope while performing a critical role as a monitoring and controlling tool. Created by the three experts who led the development of PMI's Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures, Second Edition, this much-needed text expands on what the standard covers and describes how to go about successfully implementing the WBS within the project life cycle, from initiation and planning through project closeout. Filling the gap in the literature on the WBS, Work Breakdown Structures: The Foundation for Project Management Excellence gives the reader an understanding of: - The background and key concepts of the WBS - WBS core characteristics, decomposition, representations, and tools - Project initiation and the WBS, including contracts, agreements, and Statements of Work (SOW) - Deliverable-based and activity-based management - Using the WBS as a basis for procurement and financial planning - Quality, risk, resource, and communication planning with the WBS - The WBS in the executing, monitoring, and controlling phases - New concepts regarding the representation of project and program scope - Verifying project closeout with the WBS Using a real-life project as an example throughout the book, the authors show how the WBS first serves to document and collect information during the initiating and planning phases of a project. Then, during the executing phase, the authors demonstrate how the WBS transitions to an active role of project decision-support, serving as a reference and a source for control and measurement</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Bibliography</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Includes bibliographical references and index</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Notes</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Print version record</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Subject</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search~S1?/dProject+management./dproject+management/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Project management.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search~S1?/dWork+breakdown+structure./dwork+breakdown+structure/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Work breakdown structure.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=g --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Form</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search~S1?/hElectronic+book/helectronic+book/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Electronic book</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=b --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Author</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search~S1?/aBrotherton%2C+Shelly+A./abrotherton+shelly+a/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Brotherton, Shelly A.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=b --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search~S1?/aFried%2C+Robert+T./afried+robert+t/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Fried, Robert T.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=l --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">LC no.</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 2008013177</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">ISBN</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 0470432721</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 1118000269 (electronic bk.)</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 1118276922 (e-book)</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 9780470432723</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 9781118000267 (electronic bk.)</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 9781118276921 (e-book)</td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> <!-- BEGIN BIBDETAIL TABLE BORDER --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibDetail"> <tr class="bibInfoEntry" ><td> <!-- BEGIN INNER BIB TABLE --> <table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> </div> <!--{IFELCONTENT:365}--> <!-- Replace the number for your enhanced content in Pathfinder Pro --> <!-- div class="bibDisplayContentMore"--> <!-- ul id="elContent"--> <!--{ELCONTENT:365}--> <!-- /ul--> <!--/div--> <!--{xif}--> <div class="bibDisplayContentMore bibDisplayReviews"> <div class="bibDisplayPermLink actionButtonArea"> <a href="/record=b2597303~S1"><span class="button buttonNav">&nbsp&nbspPermalink&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp</span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- SYNDETICS UNBOUND BEGINS HERE --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- SYNDETICS UNBOUND BEGINS HERE --> </div><!-- close bibDisplayContent --> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- close bibDisplayBody --> <br /> <!-- begin botlogo.html file --> <!-- Rel 2009B Example Set --> <!-- Updated: Sept 2009 --> </div><!-- pageContent --> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div><!-- fullPage --> <iframe src="" target="_top" style="width:100%;height: 648px;border: none;overflow: hidden;margin: 0;" scrolling="no" aria-label="Deakin footer" title="Deakin footer"></iframe> <!--</div>--><!-- min-height --> <!-- end botlogo.html file --> </body> </html> <script> // replace generic title in head with item title if (jQuery("div.navigationRow form select option").length !== 0) { document.title = jQuery("div.navigationRow form select option").next().html().trim(); 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