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} /** * Initiate a new introduction/guide from an element in the page * * @api private * @method _introForElement * @param {Object} targetElm * @returns {Boolean} Success or not? */ function _introForElement(targetElm) { var introItems = [], self = this; if (this._options.steps) { //use steps passed programmatically for (var i = 0, stepsLength = this._options.steps.length; i < stepsLength; i++) { var currentItem = _cloneObject(this._options.steps[i]); //set the step currentItem.step = introItems.length + 1; //use querySelector function only when developer used CSS selector if (typeof (currentItem.element) === 'string') { //grab the element with given selector from the page currentItem.element = document.querySelector(currentItem.element); } //intro without element if (typeof (currentItem.element) === 'undefined' || currentItem.element == null) { var floatingElementQuery = document.querySelector(".introjsFloatingElement"); if (floatingElementQuery == null) { floatingElementQuery = document.createElement('div'); floatingElementQuery.className = 'introjsFloatingElement'; document.body.appendChild(floatingElementQuery); } currentItem.element = floatingElementQuery; currentItem.position = 'floating'; } currentItem.scrollTo = currentItem.scrollTo || this._options.scrollTo; if (typeof (currentItem.disableInteraction) === 'undefined') { currentItem.disableInteraction = this._options.disableInteraction; } if (currentItem.element != null) { introItems.push(currentItem); } } } else { //use steps from data-* annotations var allIntroSteps = targetElm.querySelectorAll('*[data-intro]'); //if there's no element to intro if (allIntroSteps.length < 1) { return false; } //first add intro items with data-step for (var i = 0, elmsLength = allIntroSteps.length; i < elmsLength; i++) { var currentElement = allIntroSteps[i]; // skip hidden elements if ( == 'none') { continue; } var step = parseInt(currentElement.getAttribute('data-step'), 10); var disableInteraction = this._options.disableInteraction; if (typeof (currentElement.getAttribute('data-disable-interaction')) != 'undefined') { disableInteraction = !!currentElement.getAttribute('data-disable-interaction'); } if (step > 0) { introItems[step - 1] = { element: currentElement, intro: currentElement.getAttribute('data-intro'), step: parseInt(currentElement.getAttribute('data-step'), 10), tooltipClass: currentElement.getAttribute('data-tooltipClass'), highlightClass: currentElement.getAttribute('data-highlightClass'), position: currentElement.getAttribute('data-position') || this._options.tooltipPosition, scrollTo: currentElement.getAttribute('data-scrollTo') || this._options.scrollTo, disableInteraction: disableInteraction }; } } //next add intro items without data-step //todo: we need a cleanup here, two loops are redundant var nextStep = 0; for (var i = 0, elmsLength = allIntroSteps.length; i < elmsLength; i++) { var currentElement = allIntroSteps[i]; if (currentElement.getAttribute('data-step') == null) { while (true) { if (typeof introItems[nextStep] == 'undefined') { break; } else { nextStep++; } } var disableInteraction = this._options.disableInteraction; if (typeof (currentElement.getAttribute('data-disable-interaction')) != 'undefined') { disableInteraction = !!currentElement.getAttribute('data-disable-interaction'); } introItems[nextStep] = { element: currentElement, intro: currentElement.getAttribute('data-intro'), step: nextStep + 1, tooltipClass: currentElement.getAttribute('data-tooltipClass'), highlightClass: currentElement.getAttribute('data-highlightClass'), position: currentElement.getAttribute('data-position') || this._options.tooltipPosition, scrollTo: currentElement.getAttribute('data-scrollTo') || this._options.scrollTo, disableInteraction: disableInteraction }; } } } //removing undefined/null elements var tempIntroItems = []; for (var z = 0; z < introItems.length; z++) { introItems[z] && tempIntroItems.push(introItems[z]); // copy non-empty values to the end of the array } introItems = tempIntroItems; //Ok, sort all items with given steps introItems.sort(function (a, b) { return a.step - b.step; }); //set it to the introJs object self._introItems = introItems; //add overlay layer to the page if(, targetElm)) { //then, start the show; var skipButton = targetElm.querySelector('.introjs-skipbutton'), nextStepButton = targetElm.querySelector('.introjs-nextbutton'); self._onKeyDown = function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27 && self._options.exitOnEsc == true) { //escape key pressed, exit the intro //check if exit callback is defined, targetElm); } else if(e.keyCode === 37) { //left arrow; } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { //right arrow; } else if (e.keyCode === 13) { //srcElement === ie var target = || e.srcElement; if (target && target.className.indexOf('introjs-prevbutton') > 0) { //user hit enter while focusing on previous button; } else if (target && target.className.indexOf('introjs-skipbutton') > 0) { //user hit enter while focusing on skip button if (self._introItems.length - 1 == self._currentStep && typeof (self._introCompleteCallback) === 'function') {; }, targetElm); } else { //default behavior for responding to enter; } //prevent default behaviour on hitting Enter, to prevent steps being skipped in some browsers if(e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } } }; self._onResize = function(e) {; }; if (window.addEventListener) { if (this._options.keyboardNavigation) { window.addEventListener('keydown', self._onKeyDown, true); } //for window resize window.addEventListener('resize', self._onResize, true); } else if (document.attachEvent) { //IE if (this._options.keyboardNavigation) { document.attachEvent('onkeydown', self._onKeyDown); } //for window resize document.attachEvent('onresize', self._onResize); } } return false; } /* * makes a copy of the object * @api private * @method _cloneObject */ function _cloneObject(object) { if (object == null || typeof (object) != 'object' || typeof (object.nodeType) != 'undefined') { return object; } var temp = {}; for (var key in object) { if (typeof (jQuery) != 'undefined' && object[key] instanceof jQuery) { temp[key] = object[key]; } else { temp[key] = _cloneObject(object[key]); } } return temp; } /** * Go to specific step of introduction * * @api private * @method _goToStep */ function _goToStep(step) { //because steps starts with zero this._currentStep = step - 2; if (typeof (this._introItems) !== 'undefined') {; } } /** * Go to the specific step of introduction with the explicit [data-step] number * * @api private * @method _goToStepNumber */ function _goToStepNumber(step) { this._currentStepNumber = step; if (typeof (this._introItems) !== 'undefined') {; } } /** * Go to next step on intro * * @api private * @method _nextStep */ function _nextStep() { this._direction = 'forward'; if (typeof (this._currentStepNumber) !== 'undefined') { for( var i = 0, len = this._introItems.length; i < len; i++ ) { var item = this._introItems[i]; if( item.step === this._currentStepNumber ) { this._currentStep = i - 1; this._currentStepNumber = undefined; } } } if (typeof (this._currentStep) === 'undefined') { this._currentStep = 0; } else { ++this._currentStep; } if (typeof (this._introBeforeChangeCallback) !== 'undefined') { var continueStep =; } // if `onbeforechange` returned `false`, stop displaying the element if (continueStep === false) { --this._currentStep; return false; } if ((this._introItems.length) <= this._currentStep) { //end of the intro //check if any callback is defined if (typeof (this._introCompleteCallback) === 'function') {; }, this._targetElement); return; } var nextStep = this._introItems[this._currentStep];, nextStep); } /** * Go to previous step on intro * * @api private * @method _previousStep */ function _previousStep() { this._direction = 'backward'; if (this._currentStep === 0) { return false; } --this._currentStep; if (typeof (this._introBeforeChangeCallback) !== 'undefined') { var continueStep =; } // if `onbeforechange` returned `false`, stop displaying the element if (continueStep === false) { ++this._currentStep; return false; } var nextStep = this._introItems[this._currentStep];, nextStep); } /** * Update placement of the intro objects on the screen * @api private */ function _refresh() { // re-align intros, document.querySelector('.introjs-helperLayer'));, document.querySelector('.introjs-tooltipReferenceLayer'));, document.querySelector('.introjs-disableInteraction')); // re-align tooltip if(this._currentStep !== undefined && this._currentStep !== null) { var oldHelperNumberLayer = document.querySelector('.introjs-helperNumberLayer'), oldArrowLayer = document.querySelector('.introjs-arrow'), oldtooltipContainer = document.querySelector('.introjs-tooltip');, this._introItems[this._currentStep].element, oldtooltipContainer, oldArrowLayer, oldHelperNumberLayer); } //re-align hints; return this; } /** * Exit from intro * * @api private * @method _exitIntro * @param {Object} targetElement * @param {Boolean} force - Setting to `true` will skip the result of beforeExit callback */ function _exitIntro(targetElement, force) { var continueExit = true; // calling onbeforeexit callback // // If this callback return `false`, it would halt the process if (this._introBeforeExitCallback != undefined) { continueExit =; } // skip this check if `force` parameter is `true` // otherwise, if `onbeforeexit` returned `false`, don't exit the intro if (!force && continueExit === false) return; //remove overlay layers from the page var overlayLayers = targetElement.querySelectorAll('.introjs-overlay'); if (overlayLayers && overlayLayers.length > 0) { for (var i = overlayLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //for fade-out animation var overlayLayer = overlayLayers[i]; = 0; setTimeout(function () { if (this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } }.bind(overlayLayer), 500); }; } //remove all helper layers var helperLayer = targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-helperLayer'); if (helperLayer) { helperLayer.parentNode.removeChild(helperLayer); } var referenceLayer = targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-tooltipReferenceLayer'); if (referenceLayer) { referenceLayer.parentNode.removeChild(referenceLayer); } //remove disableInteractionLayer var disableInteractionLayer = targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-disableInteraction'); if (disableInteractionLayer) { disableInteractionLayer.parentNode.removeChild(disableInteractionLayer); } //remove intro floating element var floatingElement = document.querySelector('.introjsFloatingElement'); if (floatingElement) { floatingElement.parentNode.removeChild(floatingElement); } _removeShowElement(); //remove `introjs-fixParent` class from the elements var fixParents = document.querySelectorAll('.introjs-fixParent'); if (fixParents && fixParents.length > 0) { for (var i = fixParents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fixParents[i].className = fixParents[i].className.replace(/introjs-fixParent/g, '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } } //clean listeners if (window.removeEventListener) { window.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown, true); } else if (document.detachEvent) { //IE document.detachEvent('onkeydown', this._onKeyDown); } //check if any callback is defined if (this._introExitCallback != undefined) {; } //set the step to zero this._currentStep = undefined; } /** * Render tooltip box in the page * * @api private * @method _placeTooltip * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement * @param {HTMLElement} tooltipLayer * @param {HTMLElement} arrowLayer * @param {HTMLElement} helperNumberLayer * @param {Boolean} hintMode */ function _placeTooltip(targetElement, tooltipLayer, arrowLayer, helperNumberLayer, hintMode) { var tooltipCssClass = '', currentStepObj, tooltipOffset, targetOffset, windowSize, currentTooltipPosition; hintMode = hintMode || false; //reset the old style = null; = null; = null; = null; = null; = null; = 'inherit'; if (typeof(helperNumberLayer) != 'undefined' && helperNumberLayer != null) { = null; = null; } //prevent error when `this._currentStep` is undefined if (!this._introItems[this._currentStep]) return; //if we have a custom css class for each step currentStepObj = this._introItems[this._currentStep]; if (typeof (currentStepObj.tooltipClass) === 'string') { tooltipCssClass = currentStepObj.tooltipClass; } else { tooltipCssClass = this._options.tooltipClass; } tooltipLayer.className = ('introjs-tooltip ' + tooltipCssClass).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); currentTooltipPosition = this._introItems[this._currentStep].position; if (currentTooltipPosition != "floating") { // Floating is always valid, no point in calculating if (currentTooltipPosition === "auto") { currentTooltipPosition =, targetElement, tooltipLayer); } else { currentTooltipPosition =, targetElement, tooltipLayer, currentTooltipPosition); } } targetOffset = _getOffset(targetElement); tooltipOffset = _getOffset(tooltipLayer); windowSize = _getWinSize(); switch (currentTooltipPosition) { case 'top': arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow bottom'; if (hintMode) { var tooltipLayerStyleLeft = 0; } else { var tooltipLayerStyleLeft = 15; } _checkRight(targetOffset, tooltipLayerStyleLeft, tooltipOffset, windowSize, tooltipLayer); = (targetOffset.height + 20) + 'px'; break; case 'right': = (targetOffset.width + 20) + 'px'; if ( + tooltipOffset.height > windowSize.height) { // In this case, right would have fallen below the bottom of the screen. // Modify so that the bottom of the tooltip connects with the target arrowLayer.className = "introjs-arrow left-bottom"; = "-" + (tooltipOffset.height - targetOffset.height - 20) + "px"; } else { arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow left'; } break; case 'left': if (!hintMode && this._options.showStepNumbers == true) { = '15px'; } if ( + tooltipOffset.height > windowSize.height) { // In this case, left would have fallen below the bottom of the screen. // Modify so that the bottom of the tooltip connects with the target = "-" + (tooltipOffset.height - targetOffset.height - 20) + "px"; arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow right-bottom'; } else { arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow right'; } = (targetOffset.width + 20) + 'px'; break; case 'floating': = 'none'; //we have to adjust the top and left of layer manually for intro items without element = '50%'; = '50%'; = '-' + (tooltipOffset.width / 2) + 'px'; = '-' + (tooltipOffset.height / 2) + 'px'; if (typeof(helperNumberLayer) != 'undefined' && helperNumberLayer != null) { = '-' + ((tooltipOffset.width / 2) + 18) + 'px'; = '-' + ((tooltipOffset.height / 2) + 18) + 'px'; } break; case 'bottom-right-aligned': arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow top-right'; var tooltipLayerStyleRight = 0; _checkLeft(targetOffset, tooltipLayerStyleRight, tooltipOffset, tooltipLayer); = (targetOffset.height + 20) + 'px'; break; case 'bottom-middle-aligned': arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow top-middle'; var tooltipLayerStyleLeftRight = targetOffset.width / 2 - tooltipOffset.width / 2; // a fix for middle aligned hints if (hintMode) { tooltipLayerStyleLeftRight += 5; } if (_checkLeft(targetOffset, tooltipLayerStyleLeftRight, tooltipOffset, tooltipLayer)) { = null; _checkRight(targetOffset, tooltipLayerStyleLeftRight, tooltipOffset, windowSize, tooltipLayer); } = (targetOffset.height + 20) + 'px'; break; case 'bottom-left-aligned': // Bottom-left-aligned is the same as the default bottom case 'bottom': // Bottom going to follow the default behavior default: arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow top'; var tooltipLayerStyleLeft = 0; _checkRight(targetOffset, tooltipLayerStyleLeft, tooltipOffset, windowSize, tooltipLayer); = (targetOffset.height + 20) + 'px'; break; } } /** * Set tooltip left so it doesn't go off the right side of the window * * @return boolean true, if tooltipLayerStyleLeft is ok. false, otherwise. */ function _checkRight(targetOffset, tooltipLayerStyleLeft, tooltipOffset, windowSize, tooltipLayer) { if (targetOffset.left + tooltipLayerStyleLeft + tooltipOffset.width > windowSize.width) { // off the right side of the window = (windowSize.width - tooltipOffset.width - targetOffset.left) + 'px'; return false; } = tooltipLayerStyleLeft + 'px'; return true; } /** * Set tooltip right so it doesn't go off the left side of the window * * @return boolean true, if tooltipLayerStyleRight is ok. false, otherwise. */ function _checkLeft(targetOffset, tooltipLayerStyleRight, tooltipOffset, tooltipLayer) { if (targetOffset.left + targetOffset.width - tooltipLayerStyleRight - tooltipOffset.width < 0) { // off the left side of the window = (-targetOffset.left) + 'px'; return false; } = tooltipLayerStyleRight + 'px'; return true; } /** * Determines the position of the tooltip based on the position precedence and availability * of screen space. * * @param {Object} targetElement * @param {Object} tooltipLayer * @param {Object} desiredTooltipPosition * */ function _determineAutoPosition(targetElement, tooltipLayer, desiredTooltipPosition) { // Take a clone of position precedence. These will be the available var possiblePositions = this._options.positionPrecedence.slice(); var windowSize = _getWinSize(); var tooltipHeight = _getOffset(tooltipLayer).height + 10; var tooltipWidth = _getOffset(tooltipLayer).width + 20; var targetOffset = _getOffset(targetElement); // If we check all the possible areas, and there are no valid places for the tooltip, the element // must take up most of the screen real estate. Show the tooltip floating in the middle of the screen. var calculatedPosition = "floating"; // Check if the width of the tooltip + the starting point would spill off the right side of the screen // If no, neither bottom or top are valid if (targetOffset.left + tooltipWidth > windowSize.width || ((targetOffset.left + (targetOffset.width / 2)) - tooltipWidth) < 0) { _removeEntry(possiblePositions, "bottom"); _removeEntry(possiblePositions, "top"); } else { // Check for space below if ((targetOffset.height + + tooltipHeight) > windowSize.height) { _removeEntry(possiblePositions, "bottom"); } // Check for space above if ( - tooltipHeight < 0) { _removeEntry(possiblePositions, "top"); } } // Check for space to the right if (targetOffset.width + targetOffset.left + tooltipWidth > windowSize.width) { _removeEntry(possiblePositions, "right"); } // Check for space to the left if (targetOffset.left - tooltipWidth < 0) { _removeEntry(possiblePositions, "left"); } // At this point, our array only has positions that are valid. Pick the first one, as it remains in order if (possiblePositions.length > 0) { calculatedPosition = possiblePositions[0]; } // If the requested position is in the list, replace our calculated choice with that if (desiredTooltipPosition && desiredTooltipPosition != "auto") { if (possiblePositions.indexOf(desiredTooltipPosition) > -1) { calculatedPosition = desiredTooltipPosition; } } return calculatedPosition; } /** * Remove an entry from a string array if it's there, does nothing if it isn't there. * * @param {Array} stringArray * @param {String} stringToRemove */ function _removeEntry(stringArray, stringToRemove) { if (stringArray.indexOf(stringToRemove) > -1) { stringArray.splice(stringArray.indexOf(stringToRemove), 1); } } /** * Update the position of the helper layer on the screen * * @api private * @method _setHelperLayerPosition * @param {Object} helperLayer */ function _setHelperLayerPosition(helperLayer) { if (helperLayer) { //prevent error when `this._currentStep` in undefined if (!this._introItems[this._currentStep]) return; var currentElement = this._introItems[this._currentStep], elementPosition = _getOffset(currentElement.element), widthHeightPadding = 10; // If the target element is fixed, the tooltip should be fixed as well. // Otherwise, remove a fixed class that may be left over from the previous // step. if (_isFixed(currentElement.element)) { helperLayer.className += ' introjs-fixedTooltip'; } else { helperLayer.className = helperLayer.className.replace(' introjs-fixedTooltip', ''); } if (currentElement.position == 'floating') { widthHeightPadding = 0; } //set new position to helper layer helperLayer.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + (elementPosition.width + widthHeightPadding) + 'px; ' + 'height:' + (elementPosition.height + widthHeightPadding) + 'px; ' + 'top:' + ( - 5) + 'px;' + 'left: ' + (elementPosition.left - 5) + 'px;'); } } /** * Add disableinteraction layer and adjust the size and position of the layer * * @api private * @method _disableInteraction */ function _disableInteraction() { var disableInteractionLayer = document.querySelector('.introjs-disableInteraction'); if (disableInteractionLayer === null) { disableInteractionLayer = document.createElement('div'); disableInteractionLayer.className = 'introjs-disableInteraction'; this._targetElement.appendChild(disableInteractionLayer); }, disableInteractionLayer); } /** * Setting anchors to behave like buttons * * @api private * @method _setAnchorAsButton */ function _setAnchorAsButton(anchor){ anchor.setAttribute('role', 'button'); anchor.tabIndex = 0; } /** * Show an element on the page * * @api private * @method _showElement * @param {Object} targetElement */ function _showElement(targetElement) { if (typeof (this._introChangeCallback) !== 'undefined') {, targetElement.element); } var self = this, oldHelperLayer = document.querySelector('.introjs-helperLayer'), oldReferenceLayer = document.querySelector('.introjs-tooltipReferenceLayer'), highlightClass = 'introjs-helperLayer', elementPosition = _getOffset(targetElement.element); //check for a current step highlight class if (typeof (targetElement.highlightClass) === 'string') { highlightClass += (' ' + targetElement.highlightClass); } //check for options highlight class if (typeof (this._options.highlightClass) === 'string') { highlightClass += (' ' + this._options.highlightClass); } if (oldHelperLayer != null) { var oldHelperNumberLayer = oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-helperNumberLayer'), oldtooltipLayer = oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-tooltiptext'), oldArrowLayer = oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-arrow'), oldtooltipContainer = oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-tooltip'), skipTooltipButton = oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-skipbutton'), prevTooltipButton = oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-prevbutton'), nextTooltipButton = oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-nextbutton'); //update or reset the helper highlight class oldHelperLayer.className = highlightClass; //hide the tooltip = 0; = "none"; if (oldHelperNumberLayer != null) { var lastIntroItem = this._introItems[(targetElement.step - 2 >= 0 ? targetElement.step - 2 : 0)]; if (lastIntroItem != null && (this._direction == 'forward' && lastIntroItem.position == 'floating') || (this._direction == 'backward' && targetElement.position == 'floating')) { = 0; } } //set new position to helper layer, oldHelperLayer);, oldReferenceLayer); //remove `introjs-fixParent` class from the elements var fixParents = document.querySelectorAll('.introjs-fixParent'); if (fixParents && fixParents.length > 0) { for (var i = fixParents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fixParents[i].className = fixParents[i].className.replace(/introjs-fixParent/g, '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; } //remove old classes if the element still exist _removeShowElement(); //we should wait until the CSS3 transition is competed (it's 0.3 sec) to prevent incorrect `height` and `width` calculation if (self._lastShowElementTimer) { clearTimeout(self._lastShowElementTimer); } self._lastShowElementTimer = setTimeout(function() { //set current step to the label if (oldHelperNumberLayer != null) { oldHelperNumberLayer.innerHTML = targetElement.step; } //set current tooltip text oldtooltipLayer.innerHTML = targetElement.intro; //set the tooltip position = "block";, targetElement.element, oldtooltipContainer, oldArrowLayer, oldHelperNumberLayer); //change active bullet if (self._options.showBullets) { oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-bullets li >').className = ''; oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-bullets li > a[data-stepnumber="' + targetElement.step + '"]').className = 'active'; } oldReferenceLayer.querySelector('.introjs-progress .introjs-progressbar').setAttribute('style', 'width:' + + '%;'); //show the tooltip = 1; if (oldHelperNumberLayer) = 1; //reset button focus if (typeof skipTooltipButton !== "undefined" && skipTooltipButton != null && /introjs-donebutton/gi.test(skipTooltipButton.className)) { // skip button is now "done" button skipTooltipButton.focus(); } else if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { //still in the tour, focus on next nextTooltipButton.focus(); } // change the scroll of the window, if needed, targetElement.scrollTo, targetElement, oldtooltipLayer); }, 350); // end of old element if-else condition } else { var helperLayer = document.createElement('div'), referenceLayer = document.createElement('div'), arrowLayer = document.createElement('div'), tooltipLayer = document.createElement('div'), tooltipTextLayer = document.createElement('div'), bulletsLayer = document.createElement('div'), progressLayer = document.createElement('div'), buttonsLayer = document.createElement('div'); helperLayer.className = highlightClass; referenceLayer.className = 'introjs-tooltipReferenceLayer'; //set new position to helper layer, helperLayer);, referenceLayer); //add helper layer to target element this._targetElement.appendChild(helperLayer); this._targetElement.appendChild(referenceLayer); arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow'; tooltipTextLayer.className = 'introjs-tooltiptext'; tooltipTextLayer.innerHTML = targetElement.intro; bulletsLayer.className = 'introjs-bullets'; if (this._options.showBullets === false) { = 'none'; } var ulContainer = document.createElement('ul'); for (var i = 0, stepsLength = this._introItems.length; i < stepsLength; i++) { var innerLi = document.createElement('li'); var anchorLink = document.createElement('a'); anchorLink.onclick = function() { self.goToStep(this.getAttribute('data-stepnumber')); }; if (i === (targetElement.step-1)) anchorLink.className = 'active'; _setAnchorAsButton(anchorLink); anchorLink.innerHTML = " "; anchorLink.setAttribute('data-stepnumber', this._introItems[i].step); innerLi.appendChild(anchorLink); ulContainer.appendChild(innerLi); } bulletsLayer.appendChild(ulContainer); progressLayer.className = 'introjs-progress'; if (this._options.showProgress === false) { = 'none'; } var progressBar = document.createElement('div'); progressBar.className = 'introjs-progressbar'; progressBar.setAttribute('style', 'width:' + + '%;'); progressLayer.appendChild(progressBar); buttonsLayer.className = 'introjs-tooltipbuttons'; if (this._options.showButtons === false) { = 'none'; } tooltipLayer.className = 'introjs-tooltip'; tooltipLayer.appendChild(tooltipTextLayer); tooltipLayer.appendChild(bulletsLayer); tooltipLayer.appendChild(progressLayer); //add helper layer number if (this._options.showStepNumbers == true) { var helperNumberLayer = document.createElement('span'); helperNumberLayer.className = 'introjs-helperNumberLayer'; helperNumberLayer.innerHTML = targetElement.step; referenceLayer.appendChild(helperNumberLayer); } tooltipLayer.appendChild(arrowLayer); referenceLayer.appendChild(tooltipLayer); //next button var nextTooltipButton = document.createElement('a'); nextTooltipButton.onclick = function() { if (self._introItems.length - 1 != self._currentStep) {; } }; _setAnchorAsButton(nextTooltipButton); nextTooltipButton.innerHTML = this._options.nextLabel; //previous button var prevTooltipButton = document.createElement('a'); prevTooltipButton.onclick = function() { if (self._currentStep != 0) {; } }; _setAnchorAsButton(prevTooltipButton); prevTooltipButton.innerHTML = this._options.prevLabel; //skip button var skipTooltipButton = document.createElement('a'); skipTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-skipbutton'; _setAnchorAsButton(skipTooltipButton); skipTooltipButton.innerHTML = this._options.skipLabel; skipTooltipButton.onclick = function() { if (self._introItems.length - 1 == self._currentStep && typeof (self._introCompleteCallback) === 'function') {; }, self._targetElement); }; buttonsLayer.appendChild(skipTooltipButton); //in order to prevent displaying next/previous button always if (this._introItems.length > 1) { buttonsLayer.appendChild(prevTooltipButton); buttonsLayer.appendChild(nextTooltipButton); } tooltipLayer.appendChild(buttonsLayer); //set proper position, targetElement.element, tooltipLayer, arrowLayer, helperNumberLayer); // change the scroll of the window, if needed, targetElement.scrollTo, targetElement, tooltipLayer); //end of new element if-else condition } // removing previous disable interaction layer var disableInteractionLayer = self._targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-disableInteraction'); if (disableInteractionLayer) { disableInteractionLayer.parentNode.removeChild(disableInteractionLayer); } //disable interaction if (targetElement.disableInteraction) {; } if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.removeAttribute('tabIndex'); } if (typeof prevTooltipButton !== "undefined" && prevTooltipButton != null) { prevTooltipButton.removeAttribute('tabIndex'); } // when it's the first step of tour if (this._currentStep == 0 && this._introItems.length > 1) { if (typeof skipTooltipButton !== "undefined" && skipTooltipButton != null) { skipTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-skipbutton'; } if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-nextbutton'; } if (this._options.hidePrev == true) { if (typeof prevTooltipButton !== "undefined" && prevTooltipButton != null) { prevTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-prevbutton introjs-hidden'; } if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.className += ' introjs-fullbutton'; } } else { if (typeof prevTooltipButton !== "undefined" && prevTooltipButton != null) { prevTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-prevbutton introjs-disabled'; } } if (typeof prevTooltipButton !== "undefined" && prevTooltipButton != null) { prevTooltipButton.tabIndex = '-1'; } if (typeof skipTooltipButton !== "undefined" && skipTooltipButton != null) { skipTooltipButton.innerHTML = this._options.skipLabel; } } else if (this._introItems.length - 1 == this._currentStep || this._introItems.length == 1) { // last step of tour if (typeof skipTooltipButton !== "undefined" && skipTooltipButton != null) { skipTooltipButton.innerHTML = this._options.doneLabel; // adding donebutton class in addition to skipbutton skipTooltipButton.className += ' introjs-donebutton'; } if (typeof prevTooltipButton !== "undefined" && prevTooltipButton != null) { prevTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-prevbutton'; } if (this._options.hideNext == true) { if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-nextbutton introjs-hidden'; } if (typeof prevTooltipButton !== "undefined" && prevTooltipButton != null) { prevTooltipButton.className += ' introjs-fullbutton'; } } else { if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-nextbutton introjs-disabled'; } } if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.tabIndex = '-1'; } } else { // steps between start and end if (typeof skipTooltipButton !== "undefined" && skipTooltipButton != null) { skipTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-skipbutton'; } if (typeof prevTooltipButton !== "undefined" && prevTooltipButton != null) { prevTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-prevbutton'; } if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.className = 'introjs-button introjs-nextbutton'; } if (typeof skipTooltipButton !== "undefined" && skipTooltipButton != null) { skipTooltipButton.innerHTML = this._options.skipLabel; } } //Set focus on "next" button, so that hitting Enter always moves you onto the next step if (typeof nextTooltipButton !== "undefined" && nextTooltipButton != null) { nextTooltipButton.focus(); } _setShowElement(targetElement); if (typeof (this._introAfterChangeCallback) !== 'undefined') {, targetElement.element); } } /** * To change the scroll of `window` after highlighting an element * * @api private * @method _scrollTo * @param {String} scrollTo * @param {Object} targetElement * @param {Object} tooltipLayer */ function _scrollTo(scrollTo, targetElement, tooltipLayer) { if (!this._options.scrollToElement) return; if (scrollTo === 'tooltip') { var rect = tooltipLayer.getBoundingClientRect(); } else { var rect = targetElement.element.getBoundingClientRect(); } if (!_elementInViewport(targetElement.element)) { var winHeight = _getWinSize().height; var top = rect.bottom - (rect.bottom -; var bottom = rect.bottom - winHeight; // TODO (afshinm): do we need scroll padding now? // I have changed the scroll option and now it scrolls the window to // the center of the target element or tooltip. if (top < 0 || targetElement.element.clientHeight > winHeight) { window.scrollBy(0, - ((winHeight / 2) - (rect.height / 2)) - this._options.scrollPadding); // 30px padding from edge to look nice //Scroll down } else { window.scrollBy(0, - ((winHeight / 2) - (rect.height / 2)) + this._options.scrollPadding); // 30px padding from edge to look nice } } } /** * To remove all show element(s) * * @api private * @method _removeShowElement */ function _removeShowElement() { var elms = document.querySelectorAll('.introjs-showElement'); for (var i = 0, l = elms.length; i < l; i++) { var elm = elms[i]; _removeClass(elm, /introjs-[a-zA-Z]+/g); } } /** * To set the show element * This function set a relative (in most cases) position and changes the z-index * * @api private * @method _setShowElement * @param {Object} targetElement */ function _setShowElement(targetElement) { // we need to add this show element class to the parent of SVG elements // because the SVG elements can't have independent z-index if (targetElement.element instanceof SVGElement) { var parentElm = targetElement.element.parentNode; while (targetElement.element.parentNode != null) { if (!parentElm.tagName || parentElm.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body') break; if (parentElm.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'svg') { _setClass(parentElm, 'introjs-showElement introjs-relativePosition'); } parentElm = parentElm.parentNode; } } _setClass(targetElement.element, 'introjs-showElement'); var currentElementPosition = _getPropValue(targetElement.element, 'position'); if (currentElementPosition !== 'absolute' && currentElementPosition !== 'relative' && currentElementPosition !== 'fixed') { //change to new intro item //targetElement.element.className += ' introjs-relativePosition'; _setClass(targetElement.element, 'introjs-relativePosition') } var parentElm = targetElement.element.parentNode; while (parentElm != null) { if (!parentElm.tagName || parentElm.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body') break; //fix The Stacking Context problem. //More detail: var zIndex = _getPropValue(parentElm, 'z-index'); var opacity = parseFloat(_getPropValue(parentElm, 'opacity')); var transform = _getPropValue(parentElm, 'transform') || _getPropValue(parentElm, '-webkit-transform') || _getPropValue(parentElm, '-moz-transform') || _getPropValue(parentElm, '-ms-transform') || _getPropValue(parentElm, '-o-transform'); if (/[0-9]+/.test(zIndex) || opacity < 1 || (transform !== 'none' && transform !== undefined)) { parentElm.className += ' introjs-fixParent'; } parentElm = parentElm.parentNode; } } function _setClass(element, className) { if (element instanceof SVGElement) { var pre = element.getAttribute('class') || ''; element.setAttribute('class', pre + ' ' + className); } else { element.className += ' ' + className; } } function _removeClass(element, classNameRegex) { if (element instanceof SVGElement) { var pre = element.getAttribute('class') || ''; element.setAttribute('class', pre.replace(classNameRegex, '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')); } else { element.className = element.className.replace(classNameRegex, '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } } /** * Get an element CSS property on the page * Thanks to JavaScript Kit: * * @api private * @method _getPropValue * @param {Object} element * @param {String} propName * @returns Element's property value */ function _getPropValue (element, propName) { var propValue = ''; if (element.currentStyle) { //IE propValue = element.currentStyle[propName]; } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { //Others propValue = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(propName); } //Prevent exception in IE if (propValue && propValue.toLowerCase) { return propValue.toLowerCase(); } else { return propValue; } } /** * Checks to see if target element (or parents) position is fixed or not * * @api private * @method _isFixed * @param {Object} element * @returns Boolean */ function _isFixed (element) { var p = element.parentNode; if (!p || p.nodeName === 'HTML') { return false; } if (_getPropValue(element, 'position') == 'fixed') { return true; } return _isFixed(p); } /** * Provides a cross-browser way to get the screen dimensions * via: * * @api private * @method _getWinSize * @returns {Object} width and height attributes */ function _getWinSize() { if (window.innerWidth != undefined) { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; } else { var D = document.documentElement; return { width: D.clientWidth, height: D.clientHeight }; } } /** * Check to see if the element is in the viewport or not * * * @api private * @method _elementInViewport * @param {Object} el */ function _elementInViewport(el) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && (rect.bottom+80) <= window.innerHeight && // add 80 to get the text right rect.right <= window.innerWidth ); } /** * Add overlay layer to the page * * @api private * @method _addOverlayLayer * @param {Object} targetElm */ function _addOverlayLayer(targetElm) { var overlayLayer = document.createElement('div'), styleText = '', self = this; //set css class name overlayLayer.className = 'introjs-overlay'; //check if the target element is body, we should calculate the size of overlay layer in a better way if (!targetElm.tagName || targetElm.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body') { styleText += 'top: 0;bottom: 0; left: 0;right: 0;position: fixed;'; overlayLayer.setAttribute('style', styleText); } else { //set overlay layer position var elementPosition = _getOffset(targetElm); if (elementPosition) { styleText += 'width: ' + elementPosition.width + 'px; height:' + elementPosition.height + 'px; top:' + + 'px;left: ' + elementPosition.left + 'px;'; overlayLayer.setAttribute('style', styleText); } } targetElm.appendChild(overlayLayer); overlayLayer.onclick = function() { if (self._options.exitOnOverlayClick == true) {, targetElm); } }; setTimeout(function() { styleText += 'opacity: ' + self._options.overlayOpacity.toString() + ';'; overlayLayer.setAttribute('style', styleText); }, 10); return true; } /** * Removes open hint (tooltip hint) * * @api private * @method _removeHintTooltip */ function _removeHintTooltip() { var tooltip = this._targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-hintReference'); if (tooltip) { var step = tooltip.getAttribute('data-step'); tooltip.parentNode.removeChild(tooltip); return step; } } /** * Start parsing hint items * * @api private * @param {Object} targetElm * @method _startHint */ function _populateHints(targetElm) { var self = this; this._introItems = []; if (this._options.hints) { for (var i = 0, l = this._options.hints.length; i < l; i++) { var currentItem = _cloneObject(this._options.hints[i]); if (typeof(currentItem.element) === 'string') { //grab the element with given selector from the page currentItem.element = document.querySelector(currentItem.element); } currentItem.hintPosition = currentItem.hintPosition || this._options.hintPosition; currentItem.hintAnimation = currentItem.hintAnimation || this._options.hintAnimation; if (currentItem.element != null) { this._introItems.push(currentItem); } } } else { var hints = targetElm.querySelectorAll('*[data-hint]'); if (hints.length < 1) { return false; } //first add intro items with data-step for (var i = 0, l = hints.length; i < l; i++) { var currentElement = hints[i]; // hint animation var hintAnimation = currentElement.getAttribute('data-hintAnimation'); if (hintAnimation) { hintAnimation = (hintAnimation == 'true'); } else { hintAnimation = this._options.hintAnimation; } this._introItems.push({ element: currentElement, hint: currentElement.getAttribute('data-hint'), hintPosition: currentElement.getAttribute('data-hintPosition') || this._options.hintPosition, hintAnimation: hintAnimation, tooltipClass: currentElement.getAttribute('data-tooltipClass'), position: currentElement.getAttribute('data-position') || this._options.tooltipPosition }); } }; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('click', _removeHintTooltip.bind(this), false); //for window resize window.addEventListener('resize', _reAlignHints.bind(this), true); } else if (document.attachEvent) { //IE //for window resize document.attachEvent('onclick', _removeHintTooltip.bind(this)); document.attachEvent('onresize', _reAlignHints.bind(this)); } } /** * Re-aligns all hint elements * * @api private * @method _reAlignHints */ function _reAlignHints() { for (var i = 0, l = this._introItems.length; i < l; i++) { var item = this._introItems[i]; if (typeof (item.targetElement) == 'undefined') continue;, item.hintPosition, item.element, item.targetElement) } } /** * Hide a hint * * @api private * @method _hideHint */ function _hideHint(stepId) {; var hint = this._targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-hint[data-step="' + stepId + '"]'); if (hint) { hint.className += ' introjs-hidehint'; } // call the callback function (if any) if (typeof (this._hintCloseCallback) !== 'undefined') {, stepId); } } /** * Hide all hints * * @api private * @method _hideHints */ function _hideHints() { var hints = this._targetElement.querySelectorAll('.introjs-hint'); if (hints && hints.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; i++) {, hints[i].getAttribute('data-step')); } } } /** * Show all hints * * @api private * @method _showHints */ function _showHints() { var hints = this._targetElement.querySelectorAll('.introjs-hint'); if (hints && hints.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; i++) {, hints[i].getAttribute('data-step')); } } else {, this._targetElement); } }; /** * Show a hint * * @api private * @method _showHint */ function _showHint(stepId) { var hint = this._targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-hint[data-step="' + stepId + '"]'); if (hint) { hint.className = hint.className.replace(/introjs\-hidehint/g, ''); } }; /** * Removes all hint elements on the page * Useful when you want to destroy the elements and add them again (e.g. a modal or popup) * * @api private * @method _removeHints */ function _removeHints() { var hints = this._targetElement.querySelectorAll('.introjs-hint'); if (hints && hints.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; i++) {, hints[i].getAttribute('data-step')); } } }; /** * Remove one single hint element from the page * Useful when you want to destroy the element and add them again (e.g. a modal or popup) * Use removeHints if you want to remove all elements. * * @api private * @method _removeHint */ function _removeHint(stepId) { var hint = this._targetElement.querySelector('.introjs-hint[data-step="' + stepId + '"]'); if (hint) { hint.parentNode.removeChild(hint); } }; /** * Add all available hints to the page * * @api private * @method _addHints */ function _addHints() { var self = this; var oldHintsWrapper = document.querySelector('.introjs-hints'); if (oldHintsWrapper != null) { hintsWrapper = oldHintsWrapper; } else { var hintsWrapper = document.createElement('div'); hintsWrapper.className = 'introjs-hints'; } for (var i = 0, l = this._introItems.length; i < l; i++) { var item = this._introItems[i]; // avoid append a hint twice if (document.querySelector('.introjs-hint[data-step="' + i + '"]')) continue; var hint = document.createElement('a'); _setAnchorAsButton(hint); (function (hint, item, i) { // when user clicks on the hint element hint.onclick = function(e) { var evt = e ? e : window.event; if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.cancelBubble != null) evt.cancelBubble = true;, i); }; }(hint, item, i)); hint.className = 'introjs-hint'; if (!item.hintAnimation) { hint.className += ' introjs-hint-no-anim'; } // hint's position should be fixed if the target element's position is fixed if (_isFixed(item.element)) { hint.className += ' introjs-fixedhint'; } var hintDot = document.createElement('div'); hintDot.className = 'introjs-hint-dot'; var hintPulse = document.createElement('div'); hintPulse.className = 'introjs-hint-pulse'; hint.appendChild(hintDot); hint.appendChild(hintPulse); hint.setAttribute('data-step', i); // we swap the hint element with target element // because _setHelperLayerPosition uses `element` property item.targetElement = item.element; item.element = hint; // align the hint position, item.hintPosition, hint, item.targetElement); hintsWrapper.appendChild(hint); } // adding the hints wrapper document.body.appendChild(hintsWrapper); // call the callback function (if any) if (typeof (this._hintsAddedCallback) !== 'undefined') {; } } /** * Aligns hint position * * @api private * @method _alignHintPosition * @param {String} position * @param {Object} hint * @param {Object} element */ function _alignHintPosition(position, hint, element) { // get/calculate offset of target element var offset =, element); var iconWidth = 20; var iconHeight = 20; // align the hint element switch (position) { default: case 'top-left': = offset.left + 'px'; = + 'px'; break; case 'top-right': = (offset.left + offset.width - iconWidth) + 'px'; = + 'px'; break; case 'bottom-left': = offset.left + 'px'; = ( + offset.height - iconHeight) + 'px'; break; case 'bottom-right': = (offset.left + offset.width - iconWidth) + 'px'; = ( + offset.height - iconHeight) + 'px'; break; case 'middle-left': = offset.left + 'px'; = ( + (offset.height - iconHeight) / 2) + 'px'; break; case 'middle-right': = (offset.left + offset.width - iconWidth) + 'px'; = ( + (offset.height - iconHeight) / 2) + 'px'; break; case 'middle-middle': = (offset.left + (offset.width - iconWidth) / 2) + 'px'; = ( + (offset.height - iconHeight) / 2) + 'px'; break; case 'bottom-middle': = (offset.left + (offset.width - iconWidth) / 2) + 'px'; = ( + offset.height - iconHeight) + 'px'; break; case 'top-middle': = (offset.left + (offset.width - iconWidth) / 2) + 'px'; = + 'px'; break; } } /** * Triggers when user clicks on the hint element * * @api private * @method _showHintDialog * @param {Number} stepId */ function _showHintDialog(stepId) { var hintElement = document.querySelector('.introjs-hint[data-step="' + stepId + '"]'); var item = this._introItems[stepId]; // call the callback function (if any) if (typeof (this._hintClickCallback) !== 'undefined') {, hintElement, item, stepId); } // remove all open tooltips var removedStep =; // to toggle the tooltip if (parseInt(removedStep, 10) == stepId) { return; } var tooltipLayer = document.createElement('div'); var tooltipTextLayer = document.createElement('div'); var arrowLayer = document.createElement('div'); var referenceLayer = document.createElement('div'); tooltipLayer.className = 'introjs-tooltip'; tooltipLayer.onclick = function (e) { //IE9 & Other Browsers if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } //IE8 and Lower else { e.cancelBubble = true; } }; tooltipTextLayer.className = 'introjs-tooltiptext'; var tooltipWrapper = document.createElement('p'); tooltipWrapper.innerHTML = item.hint; var closeButton = document.createElement('a'); closeButton.className = 'introjs-button'; closeButton.innerHTML = this._options.hintButtonLabel; closeButton.onclick = _hideHint.bind(this, stepId); tooltipTextLayer.appendChild(tooltipWrapper); tooltipTextLayer.appendChild(closeButton); arrowLayer.className = 'introjs-arrow'; tooltipLayer.appendChild(arrowLayer); tooltipLayer.appendChild(tooltipTextLayer); // set current step for _placeTooltip function this._currentStep = hintElement.getAttribute('data-step'); // align reference layer position referenceLayer.className = 'introjs-tooltipReferenceLayer introjs-hintReference'; referenceLayer.setAttribute('data-step', hintElement.getAttribute('data-step'));, referenceLayer); referenceLayer.appendChild(tooltipLayer); document.body.appendChild(referenceLayer); //set proper position, hintElement, tooltipLayer, arrowLayer, null, true); } /** * Get an element position on the page * Thanks to `meouw`: * * @api private * @method _getOffset * @param {Object} element * @returns Element's position info */ function _getOffset(element) { var elementPosition = {}; var body = document.body; var docEl = document.documentElement; var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop || body.scrollTop; var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || docEl.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft; if (element instanceof SVGElement) { var x = element.getBoundingClientRect() = + scrollTop; elementPosition.width = x.width; elementPosition.height = x.height; elementPosition.left = x.left + scrollLeft; } else { //set width elementPosition.width = element.offsetWidth; //set height elementPosition.height = element.offsetHeight; //calculate element top and left var _x = 0; var _y = 0; while (element && !isNaN(element.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(element.offsetTop)) { _x += element.offsetLeft; _y += element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; } //set top = _y; //set left elementPosition.left = _x; } return elementPosition; } /** * Gets the current progress percentage * * @api private * @method _getProgress * @returns current progress percentage */ function _getProgress() { // Steps are 0 indexed var currentStep = parseInt((this._currentStep + 1), 10); return ((currentStep / this._introItems.length) * 100); } /** * Overwrites obj1's values with obj2's and adds obj2's if non existent in obj1 * via: * * @param obj1 * @param obj2 * @returns obj3 a new object based on obj1 and obj2 */ function _mergeOptions(obj1,obj2) { var obj3 = {}; for (var attrname in obj1) { obj3[attrname] = obj1[attrname]; } for (var attrname in obj2) { obj3[attrname] = obj2[attrname]; } return obj3; } var introJs = function (targetElm) { if (typeof (targetElm) === 'object') { //Ok, create a new instance return new IntroJs(targetElm); } else if (typeof (targetElm) === 'string') { //select the target element with query selector var targetElement = document.querySelector(targetElm); if (targetElement) { return new IntroJs(targetElement); } else { throw new Error('There is no element with given selector.'); } } else { return new IntroJs(document.body); } }; /** * Current IntroJs version * * @property version * @type String */ introJs.version = VERSION; //Prototype introJs.fn = IntroJs.prototype = { clone: function () { return new IntroJs(this); }, setOption: function(option, value) { this._options[option] = value; return this; }, setOptions: function(options) { this._options = _mergeOptions(this._options, options); return this; }, start: function () {, this._targetElement); return this; }, goToStep: function(step) {, step); return this; }, addStep: function(options) { if (!this._options.steps) { this._options.steps = []; } this._options.steps.push(options); return this; }, addSteps: function(steps) { if (!steps.length) return; for(var index = 0; index < steps.length; index++) { this.addStep(steps[index]); } return this; }, goToStepNumber: function(step) {, step); return this; }, nextStep: function() {; return this; }, previousStep: function() {; return this; }, exit: function(force) {, this._targetElement, force); return this; }, refresh: function() {; return this; }, onbeforechange: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._introBeforeChangeCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onbeforechange was not a function'); } return this; }, onchange: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._introChangeCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onchange was not a function.'); } return this; }, onafterchange: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._introAfterChangeCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onafterchange was not a function'); } return this; }, oncomplete: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._introCompleteCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for oncomplete was not a function.'); } return this; }, onhintsadded: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._hintsAddedCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onhintsadded was not a function.'); } return this; }, onhintclick: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._hintClickCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onhintclick was not a function.'); } return this; }, onhintclose: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._hintCloseCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onhintclose was not a function.'); } return this; }, onexit: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._introExitCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onexit was not a function.'); } return this; }, onbeforeexit: function(providedCallback) { if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') { this._introBeforeExitCallback = providedCallback; } else { throw new Error('Provided callback for onbeforeexit was not a function.'); } return this; }, addHints: function() {, this._targetElement); return this; }, hideHint: function (stepId) {, stepId); return this; }, hideHints: function () {; return this; }, showHint: function (stepId) {, stepId); return this; }, showHints: function () {; return this; }, removeHints: function () {; return this; }, removeHint: function (stepId) {, stepId); return this; }, showHintDialog: function (stepId) {, stepId); return this; } }; exports.introJs = introJs; return introJs; })); </script> <script> $( window ).on('load', function() { $('.cProfileSidebarBlock .ipsWidget_inner .cProfileFields .ipsDataItem .ipsDataItem_generic strong:contains("Homepage")').parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().hide(); $('.cProfileSidebarBlock .ipsWidget_inner .cProfileFields .ipsDataItem .ipsDataItem_generic strong:contains("Comment")').parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().hide(); $('.cProfileSidebarBlock .ipsWidget_inner .cProfileFields .ipsDataItem .ipsDataItem_generic strong:contains("Profile")').parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().hide(); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).on('ready', function(){ if($('#ipsLayout_sidebar [data-blocktitle="Topic Feed"]').length == 2 && $('#ipsLayout_sidebar [data-blocktitle="Topic Feed"] ~ [data-blocktitle="Topic Feed"]').length == 1){ if($('#ipsLayout_sidebar [data-blocktitle="Topic Feed"]:eq(0) ul.ipsDataList li').length > 0){ $('#ipsLayout_sidebar [data-blocktitle="Topic Feed"]:eq(1)').attr('data-time','week'); 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