9 Best Protein Powders of 2024, According to Testers and Dietitians (2025)

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Here are our top picks.</p></div><div><div><figure><span><span><picture><source media="(min-width: 1190px)"></source><source media="(min-width: 990px)"></source><source media="(min-width: 768px)"></source><img alt="9 Best Protein Powders of 2024, According to Testers and Dietitians (1)" src="" class="lazyload" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" title="9 Best Protein Powders of 2024, According to Testers and Dietitians (1)" data-src="" data-src2="" onerror="if(this.src==this.getAttribute('data-src2')){onImageError(this,true)}else{this.src=this.getAttribute('data-src2')}"></picture></span><hl-share-overlay><span>Share on Pinterest</span></hl-share-overlay></span></figure></div></div><p>Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, or simply fill gaps in your diet, protein powder can be a convenient way to increase your protein intake.</p><p>While the vast number of protein powders on the market can make the task of choosing one daunting, it also means there are probably several options that will be a good fit for you.</p><p>Protein powders are also made from different protein sources, some of which may be better suited for specific needs than others.</p><p>Keep reading for our picks of the nine best protein powders. </p></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-0"><div><p><a name="A-quick-look-at-the-best-protein-powders-by-type" target="_blank">A quick look at the best protein powders by type</a></p></div></h2></div><div><div><div><ul><div><li><div><p><strong>Best whey protein powder for weight gain: </strong><a href=";rvo_brandid=Transparent+Labs&amp;rvo_campaignid=6248&amp;rvo_prodid=da444c94-8ee2-485d-b88b-ef2a6ab438a2&amp;rvo_subid=da444c94-8ee2-485d-b88b-ef2a6ab438a2&amp;rvo_subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder&amp;subid1=null&amp;subid2=&amp;subid3=null" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Transparent Labs Mass Gainer</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best chocolate flavor: </strong><a href=";rvo_brandid=Transparent+Labs&amp;rvo_campaignid=5078&amp;rvo_prodid=e3a61607-dbe2-4709-98c1-197c42a0ddd7&amp;rvo_subid=e3a61607-dbe2-4709-98c1-197c42a0ddd7&amp;rvo_sys=mar&amp;subid1=null&amp;subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder&amp;subid3=null&amp;rvo_subid2=" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best organic protein powder: </strong><a href=";rvo_brandid=Ora&amp;rvo_prodid=36df4aad-fa2c-4f0b-a455-d67f150c9b6d&amp;rvo_subid=36df4aad-fa2c-4f0b-a455-d67f150c9b6d&amp;rvo_subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder&amp;subid1=null&amp;subid2=&amp;subid3=null" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Ora Organic So Lean &amp; So Clean Plant-Based Superfood Protein</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best whey protein powder: </strong><a href=";rvo_brandid=Naked&amp;rvo_prodid=84343fa5-305b-4d5e-9ffd-18ebe33d363c&amp;rvo_subid=84343fa5-305b-4d5e-9ffd-18ebe33d363c&amp;tag=healthline-subtag-20&amp;rvo_subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder&amp;ascsubtag=null&amp;correlationId=null" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Naked Whey Unflavored Protein Powder</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best protein powder for pregnancy: </strong><a href=";rvo_brandid=Ritual&amp;rvo_campaignid=3156&amp;rvo_prodid=1ce5d286-eeaf-455b-89f4-a4ab392f2bcc&amp;rvo_subid=1ce5d286-eeaf-455b-89f4-a4ab392f2bcc&amp;subid1=null&amp;subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder&amp;subid3=null&amp;;afftrack=null&amp;rvo_subid2=" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake Pregnancy &amp; Postpartum</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best plant-based protein powder: </strong><a href=";rvo_brandid=Garden+of+Life&amp;rvo_prodid=b9d8bb8a-4635-411d-b299-dd7123ade612&amp;rvo_subid=b9d8bb8a-4635-411d-b299-dd7123ade612&amp;rvo_subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best value protein powder: </strong><a href=";rvo_brandid=Levels&amp;rvo_prodid=52529c96-91e2-4617-af31-0f0972f07802&amp;rvo_subid=52529c96-91e2-4617-af31-0f0972f07802&amp;tag=healthline-subtag-20&amp;rvo_subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder&amp;ascsubtag=null&amp;correlationId=null" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Levels Casein</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best for competitive athletes: </strong><a href=";offerid=714465.38&amp;rvo_aff=1&amp;rvo_brandid=Gainful&amp;rvo_campaignid=2212&amp;rvo_prodid=f3ef1320-dbea-43f8-9143-21f5c8424045&amp;rvo_subid=f3ef1320-dbea-43f8-9143-21f5c8424045&amp;subid=0&amp;type=4&amp;U1=null&amp;rvo_subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Gainful Protein Powder</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div><div><li><div><p><strong>Best protein powder for sensitive stomachs: </strong><a href=";m=96296&amp;rvo_aff=1&amp;rvo_brandid=MindBodyGreen&amp;rvo_prodid=a3088c67-678d-4879-ac66-feebb9bfa672&amp;rvo_subid=a3088c67-678d-4879-ac66-feebb9bfa672&amp;u=1383751&amp;;afftrack=null&amp;rvo_subid2=%2Fhealth%2Fbest-protein-powder" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span>Mindbodygreen Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate+</span></a><span>|</span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skip to review</a></p></div></li></div></ul></div></div></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-1"><div><p><a name="our-picks" target="_blank">Healthline’s picks for the best protein powders</a></p></div></h2></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-2"><div><p><a name="honorable-mentions" target="_blank">Other protein powders to consider</a><div class="bg-primary-100 rounded-lg my-6 px-2 py-3 font-semibold insert" style="color: rgb(37, 99, 235)"><div class="text-common !leading-common ml-1 insert" style="margin-top: 0.2rem; margin-bottom: 0.2rem">See Also</div><a class="list-item toc-h2 py-1" style="border-bottom: none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Best Protein Powders Of 2025, According To Experts</a></div></p></div></h2></div><p>In addition to the protein powders listed above, we also considered several other products derived from various protein sources, including collagen peptides, egg whites, rice, and hemp.</p><p>These might be a good option if you have certain dietary restrictions or food allergies and need to limit specific ingredients commonly found in protein powders, such as casein or whey.</p><p>Some protein sources may also offer additional health benefits, such as collagen for <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">bone</a></hl-trusted-source> and<hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"> joint</a></hl-trusted-source> health.</p><p>Here are a few of our other top picks to consider:</p><div><ul><li><span></span><a data-element-id="685b00ad-ade3-4a2b-b92e-8c415d9ffb0f" data-event="In-Content Affiliate Link|null|clicked" data-sponsor-index="1" data-sponsors="" href=";ascsubtag=null&amp;correlationId=null" rel="noopener nofollow" tagulardetails="[object Object]" target="_blank">Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides</a></li><li><span></span><a data-element-id="5867173a-2705-46b8-9dc4-12339ff76d68" data-event="In-Content Affiliate Link|null|clicked" data-sponsor-index="2" data-sponsors="" href=";ascsubtag=46f11f7c-3879-49f1-a02d-c804c6c1b22f&amp;correlationId=null&amp;ascsubtag=null" rel="noopener nofollow" tagulardetails="[object Object]" target="_blank">NOW Sports Egg White Protein</a></li><li><span></span><a data-element-id="11ec0126-718b-42dd-912d-b4e57969f031" data-event="In-Content Affiliate Link|null|clicked" data-sponsor-index="3" data-sponsors="" href=";ascsubtag=null&amp;correlationId=null" rel="noopener nofollow" tagulardetails="[object Object]" target="_blank">BulkSupplements Organic Rice Protein</a></li><li><span></span><a data-element-id="f664ca8a-ea32-484f-bc26-a54885c9217a" data-event="In-Content Affiliate Link|null|clicked" data-sponsor-index="4" data-sponsors="" href=";ascsubtag=2c7cc908-8e9f-42b0-9dc1-935ac225c90a&amp;correlationId=null&amp;ascsubtag=null" rel="noopener nofollow" tagulardetails="[object Object]" target="_blank">Navitas Organic Hemp Powder</a></li></ul></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-3"><div><p><a name="comparison" target="_blank">Best protein powder comparison</a></p></div></h2></div><p>Here’s a quick look at how our top picks compare: </p><div><div><div><div><p>Product</p><p>Price per serving</p><p>Protein type</p><p>Third-party tested*</p><p>Safe for sport**</p><div><p><span></span><span>Transparent Labs Mass Gainer</span></p></div><p>$5.33</p><p>whey concentrate</p><p>yes</p><p>no</p><div><p><span></span><span>Transparent Labs Whey</span></p></div><p>$2</p><p>whey isolate</p><p>yes</p><p>no</p><div><p><span></span><a data-tagular='{"category":"In-Content Affiliate Link","formatType":"LINK","location":"Compare Table","name":"inContentLink","variant":"in-content","brand":"Ora Organic So Lean &amp; So Clean Plant-Based Superfood Protein","text":"Ora Organic So Lean &amp; So Clean Plant-Based Superfood Protein","position":3,"productId":"36df4aad-fa2c-4f0b-a455-d67f150c9b6d"}' href=";rvo_brandid=Ora&amp;rvo_prodid=36df4aad-fa2c-4f0b-a455-d67f150c9b6d&amp;rvo_subid=36df4aad-fa2c-4f0b-a455-d67f150c9b6d&amp;rvo_subid2=+where&amp;subid1=+rvo_subid&amp;subid2=+where&amp;subid3=+correlationId" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Ora Organics Vegan Protein</a></p></div><p>$2.49</p><p>peas, rice, cranberry, sacha inchi, hemp, sprouted quinoa, amaranth</p><p>yes</p><p>no</p><div><p><span></span><a data-tagular='{"category":"In-Content Affiliate Link","formatType":"LINK","location":"Compare Table","name":"inContentLink","variant":"in-content","brand":"Naked Whey Unflavored Protein Powder","text":"Naked Whey Unflavored Protein Powder","position":4,"productId":"84343fa5-305b-4d5e-9ffd-18ebe33d363c"}' href=";ascsubtag=ca53264a-ddfb-4fa8-807f-ccb31cd8cb40&amp;correlationId=ca53264a-ddfb-4fa8-807f-ccb31cd8cb40" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Naked Whey</a></p></div><p>$1.80</p><p>whey concentrate</p><p>yes</p><p>yes</p><div><p><span></span><span>Ritual Essential Protein</span></p></div><p>$2.93</p><p>peas</p><p>yes</p><p>yes</p><div><p><span></span><a data-tagular='{"category":"In-Content Affiliate Link","formatType":"LINK","location":"Compare Table","name":"inContentLink","variant":"in-content","brand":"Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder","text":"Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder","position":6,"productId":"b9d8bb8a-4635-411d-b299-dd7123ade612"}' href=";rvo_brandid=Garden+of+Life&amp;rvo_pro" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Garden of Life Organic Plant-Based</a></p></div><p>$2.89</p><p>pea, sprouted navy bean, sprouted lentil bean, sprouted garbanzo bean, cranberry</p><p>yes</p><p>yes</p><div><p><span></span><a data-tagular='{"category":"In-Content Affiliate Link","formatType":"LINK","location":"Compare Table","name":"inContentLink","variant":"in-content","brand":"Levels Casein","text":"Levels Casein","position":7,"productId":"52529c96-91e2-4617-af31-0f0972f07802"}' href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Levels Casein</a></p></div><p>$1.55</p><p>casein</p><p>no</p><p>no</p><div><p><span></span><a data-tagular='{"category":"In-Content Affiliate Link","formatType":"LINK","location":"Compare Table","name":"inContentLink","variant":"in-content","brand":"Gainful Protein Powder","text":"Gainful Protein Powder","position":8,"productId":"f3ef1320-dbea-43f8-9143-21f5c8424045"}' href=";utm_medium=rakuten&amp;utm_campaign=Healthline&amp;ranMID=45086&amp;ranEAID=9%2FEdAQ1wkL8&amp;ranSiteID=9_EdAQ1wkL8-0.pZuWDjtYamjYUhKOTFGg" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Gainful Protein Powder</a></p></div><p>$3.21</p><p>peas, brown rice, oat powder, or whey</p><p>no</p><p>no</p><div><p><span></span><a data-tagular='{"category":"In-Content Affiliate Link","formatType":"LINK","location":"Compare Table","name":"inContentLink","variant":"in-content","brand":"Mindbodygreen Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate+","text":"Mindbodygreen Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate+","position":9,"productId":"a3088c67-678d-4879-ac66-feebb9bfa672"}' data-type="link" href=";m=96296&amp;rvo_aff=1&amp;rvo_brandid=MindBodyGreen&amp;rvo_prodid=a3088c67-678d-4879-ac66-feebb9bfa672&amp;rvo_subid=a3088c67-678d-4879-ac66-feebb9bfa672&amp;u=1383751&amp;;afftrack=+correlationId&amp;rvo_subid2=+where" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Mindbodygreen Grass-Fed Whey</a></p></div><p>$3.45</p><p>whey isolate</p><p>yes</p><p>no</p></div></div></div></div><p>*”Third-party tested” refers to whether the product is third-party tested to confirm purity and potency. </p><p>**”Safe for sport” refers to whether the product is certified by a third-party organization, such as NSF or Informed Sport, to confirm that it’s free of substances banned in competitive sports.</p><p>Note that the price per serving in the table above may vary depending on where you shop, the container size, and the flavor.</p></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-4"><div><p><a name="how-we-chose" target="_blank">How we chose the best protein powders</a></p></div></h2></div><p>Healthline’s dietitians determined the best protein powders using the following criteria:</p><div><ul><li><strong>Ingredient and nutrient quality:</strong> We looked for products that are made from high quality ingredients and contain minimal amounts of added sugars and artificial additives. </li><li><strong>Quality testing:</strong> We prioritized products that are third-party tested for quality, accuracy, and purity. We also looked for products that are third-party certified to be safe for competitive athletes.</li><li><strong>Reviews:</strong> The protein powders listed below either have been tried and recommended by Healthline editors or have mostly positive online reviews. </li><li><strong>Price:</strong> We included options to suit a variety of budgets. </li></ul></div><p>Additionally, every brand and product on our list has been <span>vetted</span> to ensure that it aligns with Healthline’s brand integrity standards and approach to well-being. Each product in this article meets the following criteria:</p><div><ul><li><strong>FDA compliance: </strong>All brands and products adhere to allowable health claims and labeling requirements, per Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. Additionally, products are manufactured in facilities that adhere to the Current Good Manufacturing Practices established by the FDA.</li><li><strong>Medical and business standards:</strong> Products are produced by medically credible companies that follow ethical, legal, and industry best standards. Companies also provide objective measures of trust, such as having their supplements validated by third-party labs. </li><li><strong>Health claims:</strong> Products don’t make outlandish health or medical claims, and any claims that are made align with Healthline’s approach to well-being.</li></ul></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-5"><div><p><a name="protein-powder-types" target="_blank">How each type of protein powder works</a></p></div></h2></div><p>The type of protein powder you choose depends on your dietary needs, health goals, and personal preferences. </p><div><ul><li><strong>Whey:</strong> Whey is a milk-based protein that’s quickly and easily digested and absorbed. When combined with resistance training, <span>whey protein</span> may help <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">increase</a></hl-trusted-source> muscle mass, <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">support</a></hl-trusted-source> growth, and <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">speed</a></hl-trusted-source> up post-workout recovery, so it’s a great choice for athletes.</li><li><strong>Casein:</strong> <span>Casein</span> is a protein in milk that’s <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">digested and absorbed slowly</a></hl-trusted-source>, which can help you feel full longer, so it may help reduce your appetite. The slower digestion and absorption rate <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">may also support</a></hl-trusted-source> muscle growth and recovery over longer periods.</li><li><strong>Egg white: </strong><span>Egg white protein</span> is a great alternative to whey or casein protein, especially for people with an allergy to dairy products.</li><li><strong>Collagen powder:</strong> <span>Collagen</span> is a component of muscles, and supplementing with it may have benefits for <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">bone</a></hl-trusted-source> and <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">joint</a></hl-trusted-source> health. However, collagen is not a complete protein and doesn’t build and repair muscles optimally like other sources of protein, such as whey, pea, and egg. </li><li><strong>Plant-based: </strong>People following a vegan lifestyle <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">should opt</a> for plant-based protein sources, such as pea or brown rice. These can also be suitable for people who follow a dairy-free diet or have trouble digesting dairy or lactose.</li></ul></div><div><div><div><div><h3 id="toc-6">Concentrate vs. isolate vs. hydrolysate</h3><div><p>Whey protein, in particular, is available in concentrate, isolate, or hydrolysate form, although many supplements contain a combination of the three.</p><p>Although whey concentrate and isolate offer similar benefits, whey protein isolate undergoes processing methods that result in a higher concentration of protein and lower amounts of fat, carbs, and lactose.</p><p>Meanwhile, whey hydrolysate, or hydrolyzed whey, has been <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">partially broken down</a></hl-trusted-source> to ease digestion and speed absorption.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-7"><div><p><a name="benefits-and-safety" target="_blank">The benefits of using protein powder</a></p></div></h2></div><p>Protein powder can be a quick and convenient option to increase your protein intake.</p><p>This may be especially beneficial for people who have increased protein needs, have difficulty meeting their needs through food sources alone, or have certain dietary restrictions, such as a vegan or vegetarian diet.</p><p>Many athletes take protein powder after exercising, which <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">may help enhance</a></hl-trusted-source> muscle growth and speed up post-workout recovery.</p><p>Additionally, enjoying a <span>protein shake</span> or high protein snack may even <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">support</a></hl-trusted-source> weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness between meals.</p></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-8"><div><p><a name="tips-for-choosing" target="_blank">How to choose a protein powder</a></p></div></h2></div><div><div><div><div><h3 id="toc-9">Key factors to consider</h3><div><ul><li><strong>Protein source:</strong> Protein powders contain either animal-based or plant-based protein sources. Examples of animal-based proteins include <span>casein</span>, whey, <span>collagen</span>, and egg. <span>Plant-based protein powders</span> often contain pea, rice, soy, or hemp protein. Some vegan blends also contain whole grains, nuts, and seeds.</li><li><strong>Additional ingredients:</strong> Look for protein powders that have as few ingredients as possible. Always check the labels carefully, and consider avoiding products containing artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors. </li><li><strong>Quality testing:</strong> Because the FDA doesn’t evaluate the safety, quality, or effectiveness of protein powders, it’s best to choose products that are third-party tested to ensure purity and potency. </li><li><strong>“Safe for sport” designation:</strong> Competitive athletes may want to choose a protein powder that has been tested for banned substances by an organization such as <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">NSF International</a> or <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Informed Sport</a>.</li><li><strong>Flavors and texture: </strong>Protein powders come in a variety of flavors, and some mix more easily than others. Online reviews, ingredient lists (specifically the type of sweetener[s] used), and single-serving packets can all help with deciding whether a product will suit your palate or not.</li></ul></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-10"><div><p><a name="tips-for-use" target="_blank">How to use protein powder</a></p></div></h2></div><p>Keep in mind that protein powder shouldn’t be used to replace healthy sources of protein in your diet because <span>high protein foods</span> also provide other valuable nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. </p><p>Still, supplements can be an easy and convenient way to increase your protein intake, as there are many ways to use protein powder.</p><p>The simplest way is to mix it with a beverage, such as water or milk, or blend it with other ingredients, such as fruits and veggies, to create a smoothie. </p><p>You can also mix protein powder into simple foods, such as yogurt, oatmeal, or dips. </p><p>If you feel like getting creative, you can experiment with using protein powder as an addition or substitution in your usual recipes. For example, you can use protein powder in soups, veggie burgers, pancakes, and baked goods. </p><div><div><div><div><h3 id="toc-11">Time-saving tip</h3><p>To save time, make a larger portion of smoothie mixture and freeze it to make individual ice pops. </p></div></div></div></div><p></p><h3 id="toc-12">When is the best time to take protein?</h3><p>The <span>best time to take protein powder</span> depends on your health goals. You may want to have one large portion or several small portions of protein per day.</p><div><ul><li><strong>To lose weight:</strong> Try incorporating more high protein foods throughout the day, as <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">studies show</a></hl-trusted-source> that increasing your intake of protein could help reduce appetite and cravings.</li><li><strong>To improve athletic performance or endurance: </strong><span>When to consume protein powder</span> largely depends on your overall fitness goals. While research suggests that the amount of protein you consume throughout the day is <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">more important</a></hl-trusted-source> than the timing, many experts still <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">recommend</a></hl-trusted-source> consuming protein post-training or post-competition. </li><li><strong>To build muscle:</strong> It’s generally recommended to consume protein powder <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">within 2 hours</a></hl-trusted-source> of a weightlifting session. <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Some research</a></hl-trusted-source> also suggests that taking protein powder before you go to sleep may help your muscles recover overnight. But research shows that daily protein intake is the most important factor in muscle building.</li><li><strong>To prevent muscle loss:</strong> Focus on eating moderate amounts of protein throughout the day to <hl-trusted-source rationale="Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health" source="PubMed Central"><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">help prevent</a></hl-trusted-source> muscle loss in older adults.</li></ul></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-13"><div><p><a name="faq" target="_blank">Frequently asked questions</a></p></div></h2></div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><p>Protein powders are generally well tolerated and have few side effects, so they’re safe for most adults.</p><p>However, certain types of protein may affect you, especially in terms of digestion. Certain types of protein can cause gas, bloating, or stomach cramps. Skin reactions are also possible.</p><p>Some supplements could contain contaminants, such as yeast or bacteria, which <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">can cause</a> foodborne illness.</p><p>They may also contain heavy metals, which can <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">negatively affect</a> the health of your kidneys, brain, thyroid gland, and reproductive system if consumed in large amounts.</p><p>Choosing a high quality product that has undergone third-party testing for purity and potency can help minimize the risk of contamination with these harmful compounds.</p><p>If you have a medical condition, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or take any medications that could be affected by protein powders, talk with a healthcare professional before using one.</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><p>While there are many excellent protein powder brands, Naked Nutrition and Transparent Labs top our list as two of the best. In addition to being third-party certified by Informed Choice, these brands prioritize high quality ingredients and don’t use artificial additives in their formulations.</p></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><p><a href=";utm_medium=rakuten&amp;utm_campaign=Healthline&amp;ranMID=45086&amp;ranEAID=9%2FEdAQ1wkL8&amp;ranSiteID=9_EdAQ1wkL8-0.pZuWDjtYamjYUhKOTFGg" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Gainful</a> is a great option for beginners, as it creates a custom protein blend based on your dietary needs and fitness goals. What’s more, you can mix and match the Flavor Boosts to find what works for you.</p><p>Each subscription also includes personalized nutrition advice from a registered dietitian.</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><p>If <span>gaining muscle mass</span> is your goal, research suggests choosing a product with <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">at least 20 g</a> of high quality protein and minimal fillers, sweeteners, and artificial ingredients.</p><p>Though any of the protein powders listed above can support muscle gain when paired with resistance training, <a href=";utm_medium=rakuten&amp;utm_campaign=Healthline&amp;ranMID=45086&amp;ranEAID=9%2FEdAQ1wkL8&amp;ranSiteID=9_EdAQ1wkL8-0.pZuWDjtYamjYUhKOTFGg" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Gainful</a> is a particularly great option that can be customized based on your specific needs and goals.</p></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><p>Plant-based protein can be a great option for vegans and people who are unable to tolerate dairy. However, whey and plant-based protein powders offer a similar set of health benefits.</p><p>For example, <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">some research</a> suggests that whey protein and pea-based protein can be <span>equally effective</span> at increasing muscle growth and strength, as long as they contain the same amount of protein and branched-chain amino acids — a group of amino acids that boost muscle building — per serving.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><h2 id="toc-14"><div><p><a name="bottom-line" target="_blank">The bottom line</a></p></div></h2></div><p>When trying a new protein powder, pay attention to how your body responds. As with any supplement, you may wish to take a break every so often or alternate between different products. </p><p>Many people get plenty of protein from the foods they eat. </p><p>However, if you’re trying to increase your protein intake, having a protein shake or adding protein powder to foods, like oatmeal and yogurt, can help you meet your needs.</p><p>Finally, try to consume plenty of whole, fresh foods, including natural sources of protein and fiber, as well as plenty of water.</p></div></article></section> <img class="lazyload" data-src=" Best Protein Powders of 2024, According to Testers and Dietitians (2025)" alt="9 Best Protein Powders of 2024, According to Testers and Dietitians (2025)" src=""/> <section> </section> </article> <h2 id="references" class="text-xl font-semibold mt-3 mb-3">References</h2> <ul class="ml-5 list-disc"> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" class="text-sm break-all" href=""></a> </li> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" class="text-sm break-all" href=""></a> </li> </ul> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mt-5 mb-5">Top Articles</div> <div class="container-doc"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Pack Décoration De Table D&#039;anniversaire Serviettes Imprimées Banquet • EUR 22,29" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> 2 Pack Décoration De Table D&#039;anniversaire Serviettes Imprimées Banquet • EUR 22,29 </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Towels Suppliers, Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Traders | . 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