Liver Analysis Solution | Samsung Healthcare Global
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Liver cancer is a global burden, the 6th most common cancer, and about 900,000 people are diagnosed each year <sub>[2]</sub>. Moreover, according to the WHO, liver cancer is marked 3rd most common cause of cancer death in 2020 (830,000 deaths) <sub>[1]</sub>.</p> <div class="graph_section img_wrap"> <!-- 2023-12-20 SEO s --> <div class="swipe_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/QuickLiver_graph_ready.png" data-animated="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/QuickLiver_graph.gif" data-static="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/QuickLiver_graph_ready.png" class="ani_gif" alt="liver cancer statistics "> </div> <!-- //2023-12-20 SEO e --> <p class="img_caption">The most common causes of cancer deaths in 2020 <sub>[1]</sub></p> </div> <!-- //2022-08-10 수정 e --> <h3 class="sub_title">1 in 4 of global population have NAFLD </h3> <div class="row"> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/QuickLiver_img.png" alt="NAFLD statistics"><!--2023-12-20 SEO--> </div> <p class="sentence"> <strong>Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)</strong> is an umbrella term that encompasses a spectrum of disorders, such as fat deposits in the liver, steatohepatitis, liver fibrosis, and cirrhosis, which can be found during an ultrasound and liver biopsy and are neither caused by alcohol consumption nor accompanied by other disorders. <br><br> Recent figures show that the prevalence of NAFLD in Asia and the USA is approximately 30%, while its global prevalence is approximately 25% <sub>[4]</sub>. <br><br> Fat deposits in the liver can increase the chances of triggering inflammatory responses and also lead to liver fibrosis. Hence, it is important to continuously monitor the liver once the patient is diagnosed with fatty liver disease. </p> </div> <div id="liver_analysis_solution"></div> </div><!--//section_inner--> </section> <!--//section--> <section id="LiverAnalysisSolution" class="page-section page-block"> <div class="section_inner"> <h2 class="section_title">Liver Analysis Solution</h2> <p class="sub_title">Our liver analysis solution is available to track from the beginning to Post-op follow ups, covering wide range of liver disease. </p> <!-- 2023-12-20 SEO s--> <div class="graph_section img_wrap"> <div class="swipe_wrap view-xsm"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/LiverAnalysisSolution_graph3.png" alt="liver diagnosis Solutions"> </div> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/LiverAnalysisSolution_graph_ready.png" alt="liver diagnosis Solutions" data-animated="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/LiverAnalysisSolution_graph3.gif" data-static="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/LiverAnalysisSolution_graph_ready.png" class="view-sm view-md view-lg ani_gif"> </div> <!-- //2023-12-20 SEO e--> </div><!--//section_inner--> <div class="graph_contents fattyLiver"> <h3 class="title_bar">Fatty Liver</h3> <div class="section_inner"> <h4 class="icon_title EzHRI">Hepato-renal index (bright comparison) <br class="br-lg"> with automated ROI recommendation</h4> <p class="sentence"><strong class="bold">EzHRI™</strong> places 2 ROIs on the liver parenchyma and renal cortex and provides HRI* ratio. It offers convenience and an improved workflow by suggesting initial ROIs, calculates the average brightness ratio of the liver parenchyma and the renal cortex. </p> <!-- 2023-12-20 SEO s --> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/fattyLiver_img1.png" alt="EzHRI™ : Normal liver ultrasound images"> </div> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/fattyLiver_img2.png" alt="EzHRI™ : ultrasound images of fatty liver"> </div> </div> <!-- //2023-12-20 SEO e --> <dl class="ref_wrap"> <dt class="ref">HRI : Hepato-Renal Index</dt> <dd class="sentence">The Hepatorenal Index, the brightness ratio of the liver parenchyma over the renal cortex is used to classify abnormal fatty liver.</dd> </dl> <div class="btn_wrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">White Paper [5]</a> <a href="javascript:loginCheck('315');" class="btn btn_download">Tech Leaflet</a> </div> <h4 class="icon_title TAI"> Quantitative tissue attenuation measurement <br class="br-lg"> to assess steatotic liver changes </h4> <p class="sentence"><strong class="bold">TAI™ (Tissue Attenuation Imaging)</strong> is a tool that quantitatively measures the attenuation of ultrasound signals received from the liver. TAI™ quantifies attenuation based on changes in the center frequency under the optimal transmission and reception conditions. </p> <!-- 2023-12-20 SEO s --> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/fattyLiver_img3.png" alt="TAI™ : normal liver on ultrasound"> </div> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/fattyLiver_img4.png" alt="TAI™ : fatty liver images ultrasound"> </div> </div> <!-- //2023-12-20 SEO e --> <div class="btn_wrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">White Paper [6]</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">White Paper [7]</a> </div> <h4 class="icon_title TSI"> Quantitative tissue scatter distribution <br class="br-lg"> measurement to assess steatotic liver changes </h4> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">TSI™ (Tissue Scatter Distribution Imaging)</strong> is a tool that quantifies the scattered signal distribution based on backscattered signals. Scattering, the reflection of ultrasound waves in multiple directions not affected by their entry angle, produces speckle patterns in ultrasound images and this changes the distribution of backscattered ultrasound signals based on the scattering intensity. </p> <!-- 2023-12-20 SEO s --> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/fattyLiver_img5.png" alt="TSI™ : Normal liver ultra sound image"> <div class="img_caption"></div> </div> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/fattyLiver_img6.png" alt="TSI™ : fatty liver ultrasound image"> <div class="img_caption"></div> </div> </div> <!-- //2023-12-20 SEO e --> <div class="btn_wrap"> <a href=" " target="_blank" class="btn">White Paper [8]</a> </div> </div><!--//section_inner--> </div><!--//graph_contents--> <div class="graph_contents liverFibrosis"> <h3 class="title_bar">Liver Fibrosis</h3> <div class="section_inner"> <h4 class="icon_title S-Shearwave"> Provide non-invasive assessment of the tissue <br class="br-lg"> stiffness in patient with cirrhotic and fibrous livers </h4> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half text_area"> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">S-Shearwave Imaging™</strong> allows for non-invasive assessment of the stiffness of tissue/lesions liver. The color-coded elastogram, quantitative measurements, dual or single display option, and user-selectable ROI functions are especially useful for the accurate diagnosis liver diseases. </p> <div class="btn_wrap"> <a href="javascript:loginCheck2('V8_S-Shearwave_Imaging_Liver_White_Paper.pdf', 'direct_PDF');" class="btn btn_download">White Paper</a> </div> </div> <div class="half img_area"> <div class="img_slide"> <div class="slide_list"> <div class="slide_cell "> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/S-Shearwave_img1.png" alt=" S-Shearwave Imaging™ : liver diagnosis Solutions"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> <!--//slide_cell--> <div class="slide_cell "> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/S-Shearwave_img2.png" alt=" S-Shearwave Imaging™ : liver diagnosis Solutions"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> <!--//slide_cell--> </div><!--//slide_list--> <div class="slide_control"> </div> <div class="dots_area"></div> </div> <!--//img_slide--> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--//graph_contents--> <div class="graph_contents HCC"> <h3 class="title_bar">HCC</h3> <div class="section_inner"> <h4 class="icon_title CEUS"> Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound</h4> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half text_area"> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">CEUS+</strong> is a contrast enhancement imaging technology that utilizes the characteristics of ultrasound contrast agents. The microbubble contrast agent injected into the body through the vein or alike is subjected to perform nonlinear resonance due to stimulation of ultrasound energy. In addition to the nonlinear signal generated by this method, the ultrasound contrast image is implemented by using the harmonic signal and thus utilized for the diagnosis based on the contrast characteristics over time. </p> <div class="btn_wrap"> <a href="javascript:loginCheck('92');" class="btn">White Paper</a> </div> </div> <div class="half img_area"> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/HCC_CEUS_img.png" alt="CEUS+: contrast enhanced ultrasound"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> </div> <h4 class="icon_title MV-Flow"> Visualize slow flow in microvascular structures </h4> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half text_area"> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">MV-Flow™</strong> visualizes microcirculatory and slow blood flow to display the intensity in color. It is suitable for observation of microcirculatory and volume of slow blood flow. </p> </div> <div class="half img_area"> <div class="img_slide"> <div class="slide_list"> <div class="slide_cell "> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/HCC_MV-Flow_img1.png" alt="MV-Flow™ : Color imaging"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> <!--//slide_cell--> <div class="slide_cell "> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/HCC_MV-Flow_img2.png" alt="MV-Flow™ : Color imaging"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> <!--//slide_cell--> </div> <!--//slide_list--> <div class="slide_control"> </div> <div class="dots_area"></div> </div> <!--//img_slide--> </div> </div> </div> <!--//section_inner--> </div><!--//graph_contents--> <div class="graph_contents procedure"> <h3 class="title_bar">Procedure</h3> <div class="section_inner"> <h4 class="icon_title S-Fusion"> Perform multi-modality fusion biopsies with high precision</h4> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half text_area"> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">S-Fusion™</strong> for liver enables simultaneous localization of a lesion using real-time ultrasound in conjunction with other volumetric imaging modalities. Samsung's auto registration helps quickly and precisely fuse the images, increasing efficiency and reducing procedure time. S-Fusion™ enables precise targeting during interventional and other advanced clinical procedures. </p> </div> <div class="half img_area"> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/procedure_S-Fusion_img.png" alt="S-Fusion™ : Performing fusion ultrasound fusion biopsies"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="diagram_section half_wrap"> <div class="diagram_area half"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/procedure_diagram.png" alt="S-Fusion Registration having fusion ultrasound biopsy methods "><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> <div class="text_area half"> <div class="group matching"> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">Matching Auto</strong> allows automatic initial registration by attaching external markers to the patient’s body before S-Fusion™ exam is processed, thus it helps quick and accurate exam. </p> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/procedure_img1.jpg" alt="Matching Auto using external marker for automatic initial registration"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> <div class="group positioning"> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">Positioning Auto</strong> helps quick and efficient examination with one-step initial registration between CT/MR and ultrasound images by positioning the transducer in the patient’s pit of the stomach before patient scan. </p> <div class="img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/procedure_img2.png" alt="Positioning Auto using external marker for initial registration between CT/MR and ultrasound liver images"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h4 class="icon_title S-Fusion"> Tool to provide needle path and target mark during <br class="br-lg"> interventional procedures </h4> <p class="sentence"> <strong class="bold">S-Tracking</strong> increases accuracy during interventional procedures by providing a simulated needle path and target mark within the live ultrasound image. Clear Track, one of two functions provided by S-Tracking, ensures accuracy by using a specialized needle with a sensor tip. S-Tracking also includes Virtual Track utilizing conventional needles to provide both accuracy and economic benefit. </p> <!--2023-12-20 SEO s--> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/procedure_S-Tracking_img1.png" alt="S Tracking for ultrasound needle guide"> </div> <div class="half img_wrap"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/procedure_S-Tracking_img2.png" alt="S-Tracking for interventional procedures"> </div> </div> <!--//2023-12-20 SEO e--> </div><!--//section_inner--> </div><!--//graph_contents--> </section> <!--//section--> <section id="ClinicalVideos" class="page-section page-block"> <div class="section_inner"> <h2 class="section_title">Clinical Videos</h2> <p class="sub_title">New Guidelines for Liver Stiffness Quantification</p> <div class="half_wrap"> <div class="half"> <a href="javascript:" class="pop_open" data-popup="videoPop"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/ClinicalVideos_img.png" alt="New guidelines for Liver Stiffness Quantification"><!---2023-12-20 SEO--> </a> <div class="pop_wrap" id="videoPop" style="display:none;"> <div class="pop_container"> <div class="pop_header"> <div class="pop_title">Clinical Videos</div> </div> <div class="pop_content"> <div class="videoContainer"> <iframe src="" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe> </div> </div> <button type="button" class="pop_close"><span class="hidden">Close</span></button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="half"> <ul class="icon_list"> <li class="auther">Richard G. 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These are significant improvements from conventional qualitative and inconvenient measurement methods, helping users diagnose fatty liver disease and measure fatty liver through a simpler quantified index. Samsung’s unparalleled non-invasive quantification tools are expected to help users provide their patients with more convenient and improved fatty liver diagnosis solutions. </div> <div class="popCont_btnWrap"> <a href="javascript:loginCheck('315');" class="btnS btn_download"><span class="ic_down"></span>DOWNLOAD</a> </div> </div> <button type="button" class="pop_close"><span class="hidden">Close</span></button> </div> </div><!--//pop_wrap--> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="whitePaper download_wrap"> <h3 class="title_area">White Paper</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="javascrtipt:" data-popup="RelatedPapers_CEUS" class="paper_download pop_open"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/RelatedPapers_CEUS.jpg" alt="CEUS+: contrast enhanced ultrasound white paper"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> <div class="hover_cont"> <span class="more"> Learn More </span> </div> </a> <div class="pop_wrap" id="RelatedPapers_CEUS" style="display:none;"> <div class="pop_container"> <div class="pop_header"> <div class="pop_title">White Papar</div> </div> <div class="pop_content"> <div class="popCont_heading">ECR 2017 Speical Edition : CEUS as a problem solving tool in clinical practice</div> <div class="popCont_sentence">It would be beneficial to the patient, as well as logical, that if an abnormality is present on the initial sonographic examination, microbubble contrast is administered to obtain information that would negate the need for further, more expensive and potentially harmful imaging.</div> <div class="popCont_btnWrap"> <a href="javascript:loginCheck('92');" class="btnS btn_download"><span class="ic_down"></span>DOWNLOAD</a> </div> </div> <button type="button" class="pop_close"><span class="hidden">Close</span></button> </div> </div><!--//pop_wrap--> </li> <li> <a href="javascrtipt:" data-popup="RelatedPapers_whitePaper" class="paper_download pop_open"> <img src="/resources/_img/sub/LiverSolution/RelatedPapers_whitePaper.jpg" alt="S-Shearwave Imaging™ white paper"><!--2023-12-20 SEO --> <div class="hover_cont"> <span class="more"> Learn More </span> </div> </a> <div class="pop_wrap" id="RelatedPapers_whitePaper" style="display:none;"> <div class="pop_container"> <div class="pop_header"> <div class="pop_title">White Papar</div> </div> <div class="pop_content"> <div class="popCont_heading">Prospective evaluation of liver fibrosis using S-Shearwave Imaging™ </div> <div class="popCont_sentence"> Shear wave elastography(SWE) is the method currently satisfying these needs: non-invasive, easily accessible, cost effective, and safe. Generation of mechanical push and consecutive motion monitoring are all executed with ultrasound, without the need of an extra mechanical motor. These traits make SWE portable and feasible in various clinical environments. At the same time, SWE is required to produce reproducible estimations with low inter-and intra-operator variability with clinically significant cutoff values for fibrosis staging. </div> <div class="popCont_btnWrap"> <a href="javascript:loginCheck2('V8_S-Shearwave_Imaging_Liver_White_Paper.pdf', 'direct_PDF');" class="btnS btn_download"><span class="ic_down"></span>DOWNLOAD</a> </div> </div> <button type="button" class="pop_close"><span class="hidden">Close</span></button> </div> </div><!--//pop_wrap--> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div><!--//section_inner--> </section> <!--//section--> <section id="disclaimer" class="disclaimerWrap"> <div class="section_inner"> <h2 class="section_title">References</h2> <div class=" disclaimer_type2"> <ul> <li>World Health Organization, 2022, Cancer, <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </li> <li>World Health Organization-The Global Cancer Observatory, 2020, Liver,<a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li>Naga Chalasani, et al., The Diagnosis and Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Practice Guidance From the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology, 2018, 67.1, 328-357.</li> <li>Cha DI, Kang TW, Min JH, Joo I, Sinn DH, Ha SY, et al. Deep learning-based automated quantification of the hepatorenal index for evaluation of fatty liver by ultrasonography. Ultrasonography 2021 Feb 24 [Epub]. <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li>JEON, SUN KYUNG, et al. “CLINICAL FEASIBILITY OF QUANTITATIVE ULTRASOUND IMAGING FOR SUSPECTED HEPATIC STEATOSIS: INTRA- AND INTER-EXAMINER RELIABILITY AND CORRELATION WITH CONTROLLED ATTENUATION PARAMETER.” Redirecting, 2021, <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </li> <li>Jeon SK, Joo I, Kim SY, Jang JK, Park J, Park HS, et al. Quantitative ultrasound radiofrequency data analysis for the assessment of hepatic steatosis using the controlled attenuation parameter as a reference standard. Ultrasonography 2020 May 9 [Epub]. <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li>Jeon SK, Lee JM, Joo I, Park SJ. Quantitative Ultrasound Radiofrequency Data Analysis for the Assessment of Hepatic Steatosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Proton Density Fat Fraction as the Reference Standard. Korean J Radiol. 2021 Jul;22(7):1077-1086.<a href="" target="_blank"></a> </li> </ul> </div> <h2 class="section_title">Disclaimer</h2> <ul> <li>Some features listed on this webpage may be options that require purchase.</li> <li>The above is a description of liver analysis solution - related overall functions, and these functions may not be available in all products.</li> <li>This product, features, options, and transducers are not commercially available in all countries.</li> <li>Sales and Shipments are effective only after the approval by the regulatory affairs. </li> <li>Please contact your local sales representative for further details. </li> <li>This product is a medical device, please read the user manual carefully before use.</li> </ul> </div> </section> </div> <script src="/resources/_inc/js/jquery.touchFlow.js"></script> <script src="/resources/_inc/js/jquery.touchSlider.js"></script> <script src="/resources/_inc/js/LiverSolution.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/_inc/js/slick.min.js"></script> <!-- // Liver Solution Content e --> <div class="main"> <div class="sitemapWrap clfix"> <div class="sitemapInner clfix"> <dl class="first_line"> <dt><a href="javascript:productAll();">Products</a></dt> <dd><a href="javascript:productLoadMore('uss');">Ultrasound System</a></dd> <dd><a href="javascript:productLoadMore('dxr');">Digital Radiography</a></dd> <dd><a href="javascript:productLoadMore('ivd');">In-vitro Diagnostics</a></dd> <dd><a href="javascript:productLoadMore('pct');">Portable CT</a></dd> </dl> <dl class="first_line"> <dt><a href="/en/knowledge_hub/clinical_library">Knowledge Hub</a></dt> <dd><a href="/en/knowledge_hub/clinical_library">Clinical Library</a></dd> <dd><a href="/en/knowledge_hub/videos">Videos</a></dd> <dd><a href="/en/knowledge_hub/insight">Insight</a></dd> </dl> <dl class="first_line"> <dt><a href="/en/event">Event</a></dt> <dd> <a href="/en/event">Event</a> </dd> </dl> <dl class="two_line"> <dt><a href="/en/service/service_offerings">Services</a></dt> <dd><a href="/en/service/service_offerings">Service Offerings</a></dd> <dd><a href="/en/service/service_RMS">RMS</a></dd> <dd><a href="/en/service/site_planning">Site Planning</a></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/en/contact">Contact</a></dt> <dd><a href="/en/contact">Contact</a></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/en/downloadcenter">Download</a></dt> <dd><a href="/en/downloadcenter">Download Center</a></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/en/about_us/samsung_healthcare">About us</a></dt> <dd><a href="/en/about_us/samsung_healthcare">Samsung Healthcare</a></dd> <dd><a href="/en/contact/global_network">Global Network</a></dd> <!-- about-us 경로 오류 수정 contact로 수정 --> <dd><a href="/en/about_us/news_center">News Center</a></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/en/about_us/notice">Notice</a></dt> <dd><a href="/en/about_us/notice">Notice</a></dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 2016-07-18 모달추가 --> <!-- Modal --> <div class="dimmed"></div> <div class="videoModal" id="videoModal"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-size"> <div class="modal-content wide-header"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close btn_videoClose" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span>×</span></button> <p class="modal-title"></p> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="popInner"> <div class="videoFrame"> <iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- //Modal --> <!-- 2018-07-09 모달추가 회원가입 기능 강화--> <!-- Modal --> <div class="modal fade" id="EmailModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-size" role="document"> <div class="modal-content wide-header bg_f6"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span>×</span></button> <p class="modal-title">Email Confirmation</p> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="popInner"> <p class="text">You cannot log-in successfully since you didn’t complete your <i class="br-sm br-md br-lg"></i> registration via e-mail. 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