Privacy Policy | 1% for the Planet
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w-richtext"> <p>1% for the Planet Privacy Policy</p> <p>Effective Date: November 25, 2024</p> <h2>Scope of this Policy</h2> <p>This privacy policy applies to:</p> <ul role="list"> <li>1% for the Planet and our affiliates (“1% for the Planet,” “we,” “us,” “our”). </li> <li>1% for the Planet’s online properties (including our websites and websites that link to it), our social media pages or handles, our products and services, communications from us, webinars, virtual events, and in-person events we host (the “Services”).</li> </ul> <p>This Policy applies when you interact with us through our Services, including offline. It also applies anywhere it is linked. It does not apply to third-party websites, mobile applications, or services that may link to the Services or be linked to from the Services. Please review the privacy policies on those websites and applications directly to understand their privacy practices.</p> <p>We may change this Policy from time to time. If we do, we will notify you by posting the updated version. </p> <h2>Information We Collect </h2> <p>We collect information from you directly, from the devices you use to interact with us, and from third parties. We collect information from persons including but not limited to, Members, Donors and Environmental Partners. We may combine information from the Services together and with other information we obtain from our organizational records. We may use and share information that we aggregate (compile to create statistics that cannot identify a particular individual) or de-identify (strip information of all unique identifiers such that it cannot be linked to a particular individual) at our discretion.</p> <h3>Information you give us</h3> <p>You may provide the following information to us directly:</p> <ul role="list"> <li>Contact and professional information, including name, email address, mailing address, and current employer.</li> <li>Demographic information.</li> <li>Audiovisual information, including recordings of online events and photographs of in-person events.</li> <li>Payment information, including payment card information.</li> <li>Content you may include in survey responses.</li> <li>Information contained in your communications to us.</li> <li>Information you make available to us via a social media platform.</li> <li>Any information or data you provide by interacting in our online forums and chat functions, or by commenting on content posted on our Services. Please note that these comments are also visible to other users of our Services.</li> <li>Information you provide when you register and create an account.</li> <li>Information you submit to inquire about or apply for a job with us.</li> <li>Any other information you submit to us.</li> </ul> <h3>Information we collect automatically</h3> <p>We and partners working on our behalf may use log files, cookies, or other digital tracking technologies to collect the following information from the device you use to interact with our Services. We also create records when you make purchases or otherwise interact with the Services.</p> <ul role="list"> <li><em>Device information</em>, including IP address, device identifiers, and details about your web browser.</li> <li><em>Analytical information</em>, including details about your interaction with our website and electronic newsletters.</li> <li><em>Diagnostic information</em>, including web traffic logs.</li> <li><em>Advertising information</em>, including special advertising and other unique identifiers that enable us or third parties working on our behalf to target advertisements to you. Please be aware that our advertising partners may collect information about you when you visit third-party websites or use third-party apps. They may use that information to better target advertisements to you on our behalf.</li> </ul> <p>The following is a list of our partners who collect the information described above. Please follow the links to find out more information about the partner’s privacy practices.</p> </div> <div class="w-layout-grid width-100"> <div id="w-node-_549b0646-0198-c1d4-793f-2933a64048e7-c4c27a28"><strong>Partner</strong></div> <div id="w-node-e0f0a4ad-29fe-4d82-fd51-24f80557e071-c4c27a28"><strong>Information Type Collected</strong></div> <div id="w-node-_2e1da810-ddd8-9803-d4c8-24f8738b51e5-c4c27a28">HubSpot analytics</div> <div id="w-node-_4cb96677-0e7b-d08c-ba8e-167a1210b63b-c4c27a28" class="w-richtext"> <ul role="list"> <li>Device information</li> <li>Analytical information</li> <li>Diagnostic information</li> <li>Advertising information</li> </ul> </div> <div id="w-node-c2a4d65b-d412-1bac-3bda-7460b8111cc9-c4c27a28">LinkedIn Insights </div> <div id="w-node-_023ea0aa-21d6-a63d-599b-43a344d69ab2-c4c27a28" class="w-richtext"> <ul role="list"> <li>Advertising information</li> <li>Analytical information</li> </ul> </div> <div id="w-node-_94c11673-6c14-800a-e964-e943616ac50d-c4c27a28">Google Tag Manager: Google Analytics</div> <div id="w-node-_8b46f08d-7260-cafb-7d1c-0a28a308c0a5-c4c27a28" class="w-richtext"> <ul role="list"> <li>Device information</li> <li>Analytical information</li> <li>Diagnostic information</li> <li>Advertising information</li> </ul> </div> <div id="w-node-_3bdf2402-f388-2bce-7739-c497aeb2eb6b-c4c27a28">Mixpanel</div> <div id="w-node-_52de3347-e1f5-0fa3-3bc0-8d2a0845e712-c4c27a28" class="w-richtext"> <ul role="list"> <li>Device information</li> <li>Analytical information</li> <li>Diagnostic information</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div fs-component-name="hacks_20"> <div class="hacks-10_richtext w-richtext"> <h3>Information We Collect From Other Sources</h3> <p>We may collect the following information about you from third-party sources.<br /></p> <ul role="list"> <li>Information about your interests, activities, and employment history from social networks and other places where you choose to share information publicly. </li> <li>Information about your interaction with advertisements on our Services, or ads that we place on third party websites, from online advertising companies.</li> <li>If you decide to invite others to the Services, we will collect your and the other person’s names, email addresses, and/or phone numbers to send an email or text message and follow up with the other person. You agree that you will obtain the other person’s consent before giving us his or her contact information. You also agree that you will not send us the contact information of a minor. We may inform any other person you invite that you gave us his or her information in the invitation email.</li> </ul> <h2>How We Use Your Information</h2> <p>We may use any of the information we collect for the following purposes.</p> <ul role="list"> <li>Service functionality: To provide you with our programs, products, and services, including to process donations, fulfill orders, send service communications, and conduct general organizational operations, such as accounting, recordkeeping, and audits. We use information for this purpose to perform our contract with you, subject to our legitimate interests, and for compliance with our legal obligations. To the extent required by law, we will do so subject to your consent. </li> <li>Service improvement: To improve and grow our Services, including to develop new programs and services and understand how our Services are being used, our donor base and donation trends, and the effectiveness of our marketing. We use information for this purpose to perform our contract with you, subject to our legitimate interests, and for compliance with our legal obligations. To the extent required by law, we will do so subject to your consent.</li> <li>Advertising and marketing: To send you marketing communications, personalize the advertisements you see on our Services and third-party online properties, and measure the effectiveness of our advertising. We may share your information with business partners, online advertising partners, and social media platforms for this purpose. We use information for this purpose to perform our contract with you, and subject to our legitimate interests. To the extent required by law, we will do so subject to your consent. </li> <li>Security: To protect and secure our Services, assets, network, and business operations, and to detect, investigate, and prevent activities that may violate our policies or be fraudulent or illegal. We use information for this purpose to perform our contract with you, subject to our legitimate interests, and for compliance with our legal obligations.</li> <li>Legal compliance: To comply with legal process, such as warrants, subpoenas, court orders, and lawful regulatory or law enforcement requests and to comply with applicable legal requirements. We use information for this purpose to perform our contract with you, subject to our legitimate interests, and for compliance with our legal obligations.</li> </ul> <h2>How We Share Your Information</h2> <p>We may share any of the information we collect with the following recipients.</p> <ul fs-hacks-element="unordered-list" role="list"> <li>Affiliates: We share information with other members of our group of organizations.</li> <li>Service providers: We engage vendors to perform specific business functions on our behalf, and they may receive information about you from us or collect it directly. These vendors are obligated by contract to use information that we share only for the purpose of providing these business functions, which include: <ul role="list"> <li>Supporting Service functionality, such as vendors that support event registration, donation and payment processing, list cleansing, postal mailings, and communications (email, fax).</li> <li>Auditing and accounting firms, such as firms that assist us in the creation of our financial records.</li> <li>Supporting Service functionality, such as vendors that support event registration, donation and payment processing, list cleansing, postal mailings, and communications (email, fax).</li> <li>Auditing and accounting firms, such as firms that assist us in the creation of our financial records.</li> <li>Professional services consultants, such as firms that perform analytics, assist with improving our organization, provide legal services, or supply project-based resources and assistance.</li> <li>Analytics and marketing services, including entities that analyze traffic on our online properties and assist with identifying and communicating with potential donors and members. </li> <li>Security vendors, such as entities that assist with security incident verification and response, service notifications, and fraud prevention.</li> <li>Information technology vendors, such as entities that assist with website design, hosting and maintenance, data and software storage, and network operation.</li> <li>Marketing vendors, such as entities that support distribution of marketing emails.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Online advertising partners: We partner with companies that assist us in advertising our Services, including partners that use cookies and online tracking technologies to collect information to personalize, retarget, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. </li> <li>Social media platforms: If you interact with us on social media platforms, the platform may be able to collect information about you and your interaction with us. If you interact with social media objects on our Services (for example, by clicking on a Facebook “like” button), both the platform and your connections on the platform may be able to view that activity. To control this sharing of information, please review the privacy policy of the relevant social media platform.</li> <li>Government entities/Law enforcement: We may share information when we believe in good faith that we are lawfully authorized or required to do so to respond to lawful subpoenas, warrants, court orders, or other regulatory or law enforcement requests, or where necessary to protect our property or rights or the safety of our employees, our customers, or other individuals. </li> <li>Other organizations in the context of a commercial transaction: We may change our ownership or corporate organization while providing the Services. We may transfer to another entity or its affiliates or service providers some or all information about you in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, acquisition, sale of assets or any line of business, change in ownership control, or financing transaction. We cannot promise that an acquiring party or the merged entity will have the same privacy practices or treat your information as described in this policy.</li> </ul> <h2>Security</h2> <p>We use a combination of physical, technical, and administrative safeguards to protect the information we collect through the Services. When collecting information through third parties, these partners are only provided with the information necessary to perform their specific services and are required to maintain the confidentiality and security of your data.</p> <p>When transferring data to third parties, we implement appropriate safeguards to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your information.</p> <p>We require all third-party partners to adhere to strict data protection standards and contractual obligations that ensure your information is handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy and relevant data protection laws. Data transferred to third parties will only be used for the specific purposes outlined in our agreements, anything in transit is moving between systems via secure API.</p> <p>While we use these precautions to safeguard your information, we cannot guarantee the security of the networks, systems, servers, devices, and databases we operate or that are operated on our behalf.</p> <h2>Your Options and Rights Regarding Your Information</h2> <p>Your Account: Please visit your account page to update your account information.</p> <p>Email Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive marketing information from us or wish to opt out of future email promotions from us, please contact us. Please note that all promotional email messages you receive from us will include an option to opt out of future email communications.</p> <p>Ad Choices: You have options to limit the information that we and our partners collect for online advertising purposes.</p> <ul role="list"> <li>You may disable cookies in your browser or mobile device using their settings menus. Your mobile device may give you the option to disable advertising functionality. Because we use cookies to support Service functionality, disabling cookies may also disable some elements of our online properties.</li> <li>The following industry organizations offer opt-out choices for companies that participate in them: the <a href="">Network Advertising Initiative</a>, the <a href="">Digital Advertising Alliance</a>, and the <a href="">European Interactive Digital Advertising Initiative</a>. </li> <li>You may use our cookie settings menu.</li> <li>You may contact us directly.</li> </ul> <p>If you exercise these options, please be aware that you may still see advertising, but it will not be personalized. Nor will exercising these options prevent other companies from displaying personalized ads to you. </p> <p>If you delete your cookies, you may also delete your opt-out preferences.</p> <p>Do Not Track: Your browser or device may include “Do Not Track” functionality. The information collection and disclosure practices and the choices that we provide to you will continue to operate as described in this privacy policy regardless of whether a Do Not Track signal is received.</p> <p>Jurisdiction-specific rights: You may have certain rights with respect to your personal information depending on your location or residency. Please see “privacy disclosures for specific jurisdictions” below. Please contact us to exercise your rights.</p> <h2>Special Information for Job Applicants</h2> <p>When you apply for a job with us, we may collect information from you, including: </p> <ul role="list"> <li>Information you provide in connection with your application. </li> <li>Information that you make available in your social media accounts. </li> <li>Information about you that is available publicly. </li> <li>Information that you authorize us to collect via third parties, including former employers or references. </li> </ul> <p>In certain circumstances, you may submit your application for employment through a third-party service that displays our job posting. We do not control the privacy practices of these third-party services. Please review their privacy policies carefully prior to submitting your application materials.</p> <h2>Other Important Information</h2> <h3>Data retention</h3> <p>We may store information about you for as long as we have a legitimate business need for it. </p> <h3>Cross-border data transfer</h3> <p>We may collect, process, and store your information in the United States and other countries. The laws in the United States regarding information may be different from the laws of your country. Any such transfers will comply with safeguards as required by relevant law. </p> <h3>Information about children</h3> <p>The Services are intended for users age thirteen and older. We do not knowingly collect information from children. If we discover that we have inadvertently collected information from anyone younger than the age of 13, we will delete that information. Please contact us with any concerns.</p> <h3>Sharing of Medical or Health Information</h3> <p>To the extent that we receive protected health information about you, that information is subject to electronic disclosure to the extent permitted by applicable law.</p> <h2>Privacy Disclosures for Specific Jurisdictions</h2> <h3>European Economic Area, United Kingdom, and Switzerland</h3> <p>We process “personal data,” as that term is defined in the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). </p> <p>Your rights under the GDPR: Users who are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), U.K., or Switzerland have the right to lodge a complaint about our data collection and processing actions with the supervisory authority concerned. Contact details for data protection authorities are available here: <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>If you are located in the EEA, U.K., or Switzerland, you have the following rights.</p> <ul role="list"> <li>Access and Portability: Request access to personal data we hold about you or request transmission of your data to a third party.</li> <li>Correction: Request that we rectify inaccurate or incomplete personal data we store about you.</li> <li>Erasure: Request that we erase personal data when such data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, when you withdraw consent and no other legal basis for processing exists, or when you believe that your fundamental rights to data privacy and protection outweigh our legitimate interest in continuing the processing.</li> <li>Restriction of processing: Request that we restrict our processing of personal data if there is a dispute about the accuracy of the data; if the processing is unlawful; if the processing is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected but is needed by you for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; or if your request to object to processing is pending evaluation.</li> <li>Objection to processing: Object to processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests or for direct marketing (including profiling). We will no longer process the data unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for our processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the purpose of asserting, exercising, or defending legal claims.</li> <li>Transfers: Obtain information about and a copy of the safeguards we use to transfer personal data across borders.</li> </ul> <p>Please contact us to exercise these rights.</p> <h3>California</h3> <h4>Your California Privacy Rights; “Shine the Light” Law</h4> <p>California residents are entitled once a year, free of charge, to request and obtain certain information regarding our disclosure, if any, of certain categories of personal information to third parties for their own direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. We do not share your personal information with third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes.</p> <h4>Nevada</h4> <p>Residents of the State of Nevada have the right to opt out of the sale of certain pieces of their information to third parties. Currently, we do not engage in such sales. If you are a Nevada resident and would like more information about our data sharing practices, please contact us.</p> <h2>Contact information, submitting requests, and our response procedures</h2> <h3>Contact</h3> <p>Please contact us if you have questions or wish to take any action with respect to information to which this privacy policy applies. </p> <p>Email: <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Telephone: <a href="tel:+1(802)861-0460">+1 (802) 861-0460</a></p> <p>Mail: 50 Lakeside Avenue, #341, Burlington, VT 05401 United States</p> <h3>Making a request to exercise your rights</h3> <p>Submitting requests: You may request to exercise your rights by making a request using the contact information above.</p> <p>Verification: We must verify your identity before responding to your request. We verify your identity by asking you to provide personal identifiers that we can match against information we may have collected from you previously. We may need to follow up with you to request more information to verify identity. </p> <p>We will not use personal information we collect in connection with verifying or responding to your request for any purpose other than responding to your request. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div data-w-id="3821b4ea-5ff3-ea30-216c-a5cbb0b19bea" class="footer"> <footer id="footer-content" class="footer-section-content mod--footer w-clearfix"><a href="#footer-policies" class="footer-skip-link w-inline-block"> <div>Skip to footer policies</div> </a> <div data-w-id="3821b4ea-5ff3-ea30-216c-a5cbb0b19bec" class="footer-content-wrapper mod--footer w-clearfix"> <div class="footer-columns-wrapper mod--1"> <div class="footer-column footer-email-sign-up-container"><a href="/" class="logo-link-footer mod--footer w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="eager" width="179" alt="1% for the Planet White Veritcal Logo" class="footer-logo" /></a> <div class="footer__form-wrap"> <div> <h2 id="subscribe-footer" class="footer__form-title">Subscribe to our newsletter:</h2> <div class="footer__form-block w-form"> <form id="wf-form-Footer" name="wf-form-Footer" data-name="Footer" method="get" data-webflow-hubspot-api-form-url="" class="modal-pop-up-form" data-wf-page-id="6582045fb87a7216c4c27a28" data-wf-element-id="3821b4ea-5ff3-ea30-216c-a5cbb0b19bf5"><input class="footer__form---input w-input" data-wfhsfieldname="FormTextInput-2" autocomplete="email" maxlength="256" name="email-field" data-name="email field" aria-labelledby="subscribe-footer" placeholder="Email address" type="email" id="email-field" required="" /> <div class="form__btn"> <div form-submitted="anim" class="overflow-hidden mod--submit active"> <div data-anim="arrows" class="form__btn-arrows"><img alt="" loading="eager" src="" class="form__btn-arrow mod--2" /><img alt="" loading="eager" src="" class="form__btn-arrow" /></div> </div> <div class="form__submit-result-wrap"> <div form-submitted="anim" class="form__submit-result active"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="form__submit-result-ico" /></div> </div><input type="submit" data-wait="Please wait..." class="form__submit w-button" value="Submit" /> </div><input type="hidden" name="hutk" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="ipAddress" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="pageUri" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="pageId" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="pageName" value="" /> </form> <div class="footer__form-success w-form-done"> <div>Thanks! 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