Mitzvah Day’s Stuart Diamond receives Camden interfaith prize - Jewish News

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23rd May 2024. Camden Faith and Belief Awards. Photographer: Justin Thomas" title="Stuart-Diamond-gives-his-acceptance-speech; 23rd May 2024. Camden Faith and Belief Awards. Photographer: Justin Thomas" /></a><div class="caption">Stuart-Diamond-gives-his-acceptance-speech; 23rd May 2024. Camden Faith and Belief Awards. Photographer: Justin Thomas</div></div> <div class="article-content"> <div class="the-content"> <p><strong>The chief executive of a programme that mobilises volunteers for charitable causes has been recognised for his contributions to interfaith cooperation.</strong> <p>Mitzvah Day&#8217;s Stuart Diamond received the Outstanding Individual Award at the inaugural Camden Faith &amp; Belief Awards, recognising his leadership in strengthening Mitzvah Day&#8217;s impact within the borough. <div id="div-gpt-ad-BTF_MPU_1" class="banner b300x250 BTF_MPU_1"> <script type="text/javascript"> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-BTF_MPU_1"); }); </script> </div> <p>Under Diamond’s guidance, Mitzvah Day has fostered collaboration between faith communities, encouraging volunteers to support local charitable projects. This focus on interfaith service has seen a significant increase in volunteer participation both within Camden and across the UK. <p class="newsletter-promo"> <a href="/signup/?utm_source=jewishnews-articles&utm_medium=middle-link&utm_campaign=signup-buttons"> Get The Jewish News Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories </a> <a href="/signup/?utm_source=jewishnews-articles&utm_medium=middle-link&utm_campaign=signup-buttons"> Free Sign Up </a> </p> <p>Diamond said: &#8220;While interfaith work can be challenging, my passion for it stems from its necessity. It&#8217;s tempting to remain within familiar circles, but building bridges and uniting through interfaith efforts is crucial in today&#8217;s world. Witnessing people from diverse backgrounds work together for Mitzvah Day charities inspires me and reinforces the potential for global unity.&#8221;</p> <p>Organised by Camden&#8217;s Interfaith Network and The Faith &amp; Belief Forum, the awards celebrate the vital work undertaken by local faith-based and community organisations.</p> <div id="attachment_1424351" class="wp-caption size-fullscreen alignnone"><img loading="lazy" class="wp-image-1424351 size-full" src="" alt="" width="2048" height="1365" /> <div class="wp-caption-text">Stuart Diamond with other award-winners on 23 May 2024; Camden Faith and Belief Awards; Photographer: Justin Thomas</div> </div> <p>The ceremony also celebrated other Jewish communal projects; Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue was part of the Faiths Forum for London winning team for their recent Interfaith Iftar event, while JW3 Foodbank received recognition for their work alleviating poverty.</p> <p>Councillor Nadia Shah, co-chair of the Camden Interfaith Network, said: &#8220;These awards gave us the opportunity to shine a light on the organisations, projects and individuals who work tirelessly to support our local community and tackle a range of social issues. A huge congratulations to the winners and all those who were nominated.&#8221;</p> <p>Sophie Mitchell, programme coordinator at the Faith &amp; Belief Forum added: &#8220;We know that people who are inspired by their faiths and beliefs contribute so much to a local community, and this was our way to publicly acknowledge and thank these groups and individuals.”</p> <p>Diamond has served as Mitzvah Day CEO since 2022. He lives in Hove with his family and is a member of the Brighton &amp; Hove Hebrew Congregation.</p> <!-- DONATE POPUP SINGLE --> <div class="jn-donate-popup jn-donate-popup-single"> <div class="jn-donate-container "> <div class="jn-donate-popup-inner-logo"> <img src="" alt="logo"> <!-- <a href="#" class="close"></a> --> </div> <div class="jn-donate-popup-inner"> <div class="l-side"> <div class="jn-donate-slogan">Support your Jewish community. 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