{"title":"Design and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Corrugated-GFRP Infill Panels","authors":"WooYoung Jung, HoYoung Son","volume":101,"journal":"International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering","pagesStart":588,"pagesEnd":592,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10001385","abstract":"This study presented to reduce earthquake damage and\r\nemergency rehabilitation of critical structures such as schools, hightech\r\nfactories, and hospitals due to strong ground motions associated\r\nwith climate changes. Regarding recent trend, a strong earthquake\r\ncauses serious damage to critical structures and then the critical\r\nstructure might be influenced by sequence aftershocks (or tsunami)\r\ndue to fault plane adjustments. Therefore, in order to improve seismic\r\nperformance of critical structures, retrofitted or strengthening study\r\nof the structures under aftershocks sequence after emergency\r\nrehabilitation of the structures subjected to strong earthquakes is\r\nwidely carried out. Consequently, this study used composite material\r\nfor emergency rehabilitation of the structure rather than concrete and\r\nsteel materials because of high strength and stiffness, lightweight,\r\nrapid manufacturing, and dynamic performance. Also, this study was\r\nto develop or improve the seismic performance or seismic retrofit of\r\ncritical structures subjected to strong ground motions and earthquake\r\naftershocks, by utilizing GFRP-Corrugated Infill Panels (GCIP).","references":"[1] Jung, WY and Aref, A. \"Energy-Dissipating Polymer Matrix\r\nComposite-infill Wall System for Seismic Retrofitting\" J. Struct. Eng.,\r\n129(4), 2003b, 440-448\r\n[2] Berman, J.W., and Bruneau, M. \"Experimental investigation of lightgauge\r\nsteel plate shear walls for the seismic retrofit of building.\" Tech.\r\nReport. No. MCEER-03-001, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake\r\nEngineering Research, Univ. at Buffalo, N.Y, 2003a.\r\n[3] Berman, J.W., and Bruneau, M. \"Plastic analysis and design of steel\r\nplate shear walls.\" J. Struct. Eng., 129(11), 2003b, 1148-1156\r\n[4] W.Y. Jung, \"Seismic Retrofitting Strategies of Semi-rigid frames Using\r\nPolymer Matrix Composite Materials.\" Ph.D. Dissertation, the State\r\nUniversity of New York at Buffalo, USA, 2003.\r\n[5] F.C. Rodrigues, A.C., Saldanha. \u201cNon-linear Analysis Steel Frames with\r\nSemi-rigid connections\u201d, 1998.\r\n[6] Astaneh-Asl, A., \u201c\"Seismic Behavior and Design of Steel Shear Walls \u2013-\r\nSEONC Seminar\u201d\", 2001 SEOANC Seminar, Structural Engineers\r\nAssoc. of Northern California, San Francisco, CA, 2001.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 101, 2015"}