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id="viewlet-above-content-body"> </div> <div id="content-core"> <div id="parent-fieldname-body"><p><b>1.  Introduction</b></p> <p>We are The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Ltd.  CRAC is the non-profit organisation that manages the Vitae programme. Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact. </p> <p>You can find more information about CRAC and the work that we do on our website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p>CRAC is committed to protecting the personal information of all its contacts and being clear about what information we hold about them and how we use it. This privacy notice tells you what to expect when CRAC collects personal information. </p> <p>CRAC is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Our registration number is Z1030346.  You can check our registered details on the ICO’s website: </p> <p><br /> <b>2.  Data controller and Data Protection Officer</b></p> <p>CRAC is the “data controller” of any personal information collected within scope of this privacy notice. Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is the first point of contact for people whose information is processed. Our location and contact details for our DPO are as follows: </p> <p>Data Protection Officer<br /> The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited<br /> 22 Signet Court<br /> Cambridge<br /> CB5 8LA<br /> Email: <a href=""></a><br /> Tel: 01223 448500</p> <p><b>3.  How we use your information</b></p> <p>We can only use your personal information where we have legitimate reasons for doing so and have told you what those reasons are.</p> <p>The specific uses that will be made of your personal information are listed below:</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px; ">Vitae uses Zoom for the majority of our virtual training courses as it is the most appropriate and available tool for our purposes.  Any personal information that you share with Vitae or our training associates through Zoom will only be used to facilitate the delivery of the training event as described in this policy. Your personal information will not be shared with any other party or for any purpose not referenced in this privacy notice and will not be used for marketing purposes.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px; "><span>Audio and/or video recordings of the training session may be shared with event participants, either directly or through the event participants' organisation/s.</span></p> <p style="padding-left: 30px; "><strong><span>Lawful basis</span></strong></p> <p style="padding-left: 30px; "><strong><span></span></strong><span>We will process your personal data for the purpose of facilitating the event and sharing the event outcomes with event participants; We may also use the recordings for internal (CRAC/Vitae) training and programme development. These are legitimate interest purposes (GDPR Article 6(1)(f)). </span></p> <p>Below you will find information on usage, privacy and other issues that we recommend you read before the session.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px; "><strong>Usage</strong></p> <ol> <li>You do not need your own Zoom account to participate and therefore you do not have to provide an email address.</li> <li>You can use Zoom via a browser or install the Zoom app.</li> <li>If you install the app, you will be able to join a meeting or webinar using the meeting ID and password without having to visit the Zoom website.</li> <li>We would like you to identify yourself with your real name as we believe this reflects the level of collaboration and interaction we aim to achieve in our sessions. However, you can also change your name to just a first name, nickname or pseudonym if you prefer. Please note this may mean you will not be able to receive any of the post-session resources including the recording, the handouts etc as we will not know who to send them to.</li> <li>We would prefer you to turn on your camera during the session, particularly during any break outs as again, we feel this reflects the level of collaboration and interaction needed for an experiential training course. Of course if you have connectivity issues you may find keeping the camera off assists in the sound quality.</li> <li>We ask you to mute your microphone when you are not speaking to avoid background noise, but we hope you will be able and willing to turn on your microphone when discussions and interactions are taking place, so you can get the most out of the session.</li> <li>Like most other websites, the Zoom website uses cookies for statistics, advertising and tracking. If you do not want this, you must actively object to the use of cookies or remove the corresponding check mark.</li> <li>You can also dial in by telephone if you do not have or want to use a suitable device. No metadata will be collected, as there is no access to the PC or a mobile device.</li> <li>Zoom's chat is end-to-end encrypted; the audio and video features are not. Chats can further be stored by us to record relevant exchanges and questions. In general, we therefore advise against sharing sensitive data via Zoom.</li> </ol> <p style="padding-left: 30px; "><strong>Recordings</strong></p> <ol> <li>Please do not take any image and sound recordings. This is in accordance with data protection regulations.</li> <li>Vitae records most of its training sessions and we will clearly point this out to you at the start of the session. You can decide whether you want to leave at this point. Vitae reserves the right to use screenshots, audio and video recordings of sessions for communication purposes in online, print and other media. If you stay with us, you agree to this.</li> <li>The record will be shared with the training organiser at the client institution so they can share it with the participants. It is shared solely for the use of those who attended the session and cannot be used for any other purpose or shared more widely. This is due to data protection regulations.  By remaining in the session, you agree to this.</li> </ol> <p style="padding-left: 30px; "><strong>Privacy</strong></p> <ol> <li>Zoom complies with GDPR. For more information, please visit Zoom’s website (</li> <li>As with other online tools, the use of Zoom generates data that may allow conclusions to be drawn about people. This data is treated confidentially and is neither passed on nor sold to third parties by Vitae or by Zoom, according to their privacy policy (</li> <li>Like many other webinar technology providers, Zoom is a US-based service provider. Like others, "Zoom" is certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, so that the legal requirements for an adequate level of data protection are met.</li> <li>We do everything possible to protect your and our data and to ensure transparency. However, it is up to you to decide whether you want to or are allowed to participate in our events on Zoom. With your participation in a Zoom meeting you accept our data privacy policy and agree to the processing of the data necessary for the execution of the meeting. Alternatively, you can dial in by telephone, although this way not all functions of the meeting can be guaranteed.</li> </ol> <p style="padding-left: 30px; "><strong>Processing of personal data in the context of the use of Zoom</strong></p> <ol> <li>Purpose of Processing: We use “Zoom” as a tool to conduct online events. “Zoom” is a service of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. which is based in the US.</li> <li>The data Controller in the context of these online events is The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) of which Vitae is part.</li> <li>As soon as you access the Zoom website, the provider of Zoom is responsible for data processing.</li> <li>Various types of data are processed when using Zoom, depending on what you provide in advance or during an online meeting.</li> <li>The following personal data are subject to processing: User data: forename, surname, phone number (optional), email address, password (if “single-sign-on” is not used), profile picture (optional), department (optional)</li> <li>Meeting metadata: topic, description (optional), participant IP address, hardware information</li> <li>During recording (optional): MP4 files of all video, audio and presentation recordings; m4a files of all audio recordings; text files of the online-meeting chats</li> <li>Phone dial: entries of incoming and outgoing phone number, country name, start and end time, in some cases further connection details like IP address of the device may be stored</li> <li>Text, audio and video data: You may use chat, Q&amp;A and polls during the meeting. The data entered there is processed for the purpose of making it visible. To enable the display of video and the rendering of audio, corresponding data will be collected from the microphone of you device and any video cameras of your device for the duration of the meeting. You can turn off the camera or microphone in the “Zoom” application at any point of the meeting.</li> </ol> <p><span>If we want to use your personal information for a reason other than those purposes set out above, we will tell you before we start that use and provide further information about the new purpose(s).</span></p> <p><br /> <b>4. What personal information we will collect</b></p> <p>The personal information we may collect and use is set out below: </p> <ul><li>Title</li><li>Name</li><li>Job Title</li><li>Telephone</li><li>Email Address</li><li><span>Audio recording of training session</span></li><li>Film recording of training session</li></ul> <p><br /> <b>5. Personal information we obtain from another source </b></p> <p>Other than the personal information collected from you directly, we may also obtain personal information about you from other sources, listed below: </p> <ul><li>Your organisation or the organisation that organised the training session and invited you to attend</li></ul> <p><b><i>Purpose of obtaining personal information from other source(s)</i></b></p> <ul><li>To facilitate the delivery of the training event only</li></ul> <p><b><i>Lawful basis for obtaining personal information from other source(s)</i></b></p> <ul><li>Legitimate interests</li></ul> <p><b><br /></b></p> <p><b>6. Who we give your personal information to </b></p> <p><span>Your personal information may be shared with associate trainers for the purpose of facilitating the training session in which case the processing will be strictly controlled by data processing agreement. We will not routinely pass your information to any other organisation except where required to do so as part of our functions or by law.</span></p> <p><br /><b></b></p> <p><b>7. Where your personal information will be stored</b></p> <p>Your personal information is stored on Microsoft Office 365 business services. Microsoft will have access to your personal information for the purposes of providing the business services to us.</p> <p><span>For more information about how Microsoft may process your personal information please see the information in the Microsoft Trust Centre:</span></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p> <p><span>You should understand and agree that your personal information may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the country and economic area in which you reside, and that it may also be processed by staff operating outside that country for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. </span></p> <p><b><br /></b></p> <p><b>8. How we protect your personal information</b></p> <p>CRAC has security measures in place to protect your personal information, listed below: </p> <ul><li>All staff are required to undertake training in data protection and information security on joining CRAC and then on an annual basis</li><li>Formal information security policies that must be read and understood by all staff</li><li>Personal information is only available to those members of staff who require access as part of their role</li><li>We work with third-party data processors that have comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR):</li></ul> <p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p><b><br /></b></p> <p><b>9. Your rights over your personal information</b></p> <p>Once your personal information has been collected, you have certain rights in relation to that personal information that may be exercised. You have the right to: </p> <ul><li>Ask for a copy of your personal information</li><li>Correct inaccurate personal information held about you</li><li>Restrict processing of your personal information</li><li>Ask for a copy of your information in a format that allows easy transfer (“data portability”)</li><li>Object to automated decision making or profiling (if these take place)</li><li>Where consent is the legal basis for collecting the information, you have the right to withdraw consent:</li><li>You can remove yourself from the community at any time by clicking on your profile picture when logged into the web or mobile app and selecting the ‘Leave Community’ option</li><li>You can unsubscribe from Vitae mailings by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email or you can email <a href=""></a> and request your personal data is deleted.  We will retain the minimum data required to ensure that we do not send marketing mail to you again and to record your participation at the event. </li></ul> <p>If you have any questions, please email <a href=""></a>. </p> <p><br /> <b>10. How long we will hold your personal information</b></p> <p>We are only able to retain a copy of your personal information as long as it is still needed for the purpose(s) for which it was collected.</p> <ul><li>We will retain your personal data no longer than eighteen months following completion of the training session unless it is required for internal training and programme development purposes, in which case we may retain it for a longer period.  </li></ul> <p> <b>11.  Complaints about the use of your personal information</b></p> <p>If you are unhappy with the way in which your personal information has been handled by CRAC, you may contact us at: <a href=""><i></i></a> or via our Data Protection Officer (details in section 2) and we will try to resolve your issue informally.</p> <p>If we are not able to resolve the issue to your satisfaction, you can also make a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority. In the UK, this is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and they can be contacted at: </p> <p>Information Commissioner's Office<br /> Wycliffe House<br /> Water Lane<br /> Wilmslow<br /> Cheshire<br /> SK9 5AF<br /> Tel: 0303 123 1113<br />  Email: <a href="" target="_blank"> </a></p> <p><br /> <b>12. Changes to this privacy notice</b></p> <p>We keep our privacy notices under regular review and we will inform you of any changes to this notice by placing an update on the Vitae website.</p> <p>This privacy notice was last updated on 18/03/2022.</p></div> </div> <div id="viewlet-below-content-body"> <div class="sc_social_bookmarks_viewlet"> <div class="sc_social_bookmarks_wrapper"> <h4>Bookmark &amp; Share</h4> <div class="sc_social_bookmarks"> <ul><li> <a href="mailto:?Subject=Vitae training event privacy notice&amp;Body=" title="Email" target="_blank" onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"> <img src="" alt="Email" 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