CINXE.COM : Customer Service : Shipping Information
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We calculate our shipping cost for each shipping method based on the type and quantity of items in your order. The shipping and handling charges are summarized at checkout and most packages can be tracked via our carriers' websites.</p> <p>To find out how much it will cost to ship your order, proceed to checkout with the item(s) in your cart. The shipping cost for the order will be displayed in the "Select Shipping Option" section of the checkout page. Toggle between the available shipping options to see the shipping cost associated with each method.</p> <strong>Estimated Ship Timelines*:</strong> <ul> <li>Economy: Usually arrives in 7-9 business days</li> <li>Standard: Usually arrives in 5-6 business days</li> <li>Premium: Usually arrives in 2-4 business days</li> <li>Express: Usually arrives in 1 business day</li> </ul> <p><strong>*Please note the estimates above do not include production times.</strong> This is the time it takes to produce your one-of-a-kind CafePress item. “Business days” are considered to be Monday through Friday, not including holidays or scheduled service interruptions. Please check with your local postal service for all other regional restrictions and observed holidays that may delay receipt of your shipment.</p> <p>Your order may arrive in multiple packages and shipments. Depending upon the type, quantity and weight of item(s) in your order, we may pack and ship them in multiple packages. You will not be charged for multiple packages and shipments other than the amount that appears at checkout.</p> <strong>Production and Shipping Timelines:</strong> <br/> <p>You can calculate delivery estimates by taking the production time for your order and adding in the transit time based on the shipping method you have chosen. The items in your order are made just for you! The production time for most orders is 2-3 business days.</p> <img src=""/> <p>An estimated arrival date range is also provided on the checkout page for your convenience. To find out your estimated arrival date(s), proceed to checkout with the item(s) in your cart. The date range for the order will be displayed in the "Select Shipping Option" section of the checkout page. Toggle between the available shipping methods to adjust the estimated arrival dates.</p> <p>At CafePress, we do our best to ensure your order arrives on time. However, estimated arrival dates are not guaranteed and there may be a number of unforeseen reasons why your items will arrive after the estimated arrival date. Large orders (100+ items), issues to designs, or delivery to a P.O. Box or APO/FPO/DPO addresses, to Hawaii, Alaska, and U.S. territories may all delay the delivery of your order. </p> </div> </div> <div id="caShipping" class="shipContent"><!-- Canada --> <br/> <h2>Shipping to Canada</h2> <!--<h3>Shipping and handling for all products (in US dollars):</h3> <p>(except single stickers, buttons, magnets, greeting / note cards and all flat card stationery products.)</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Duties & Taxes (GST)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">5-10 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$11.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$3.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-4 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$40.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$6.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <p>Because of the extra care we take to ensure your items are received undamaged and in perfect condition, posters, wall decals, yard signs, banners and framed prints are shipped in separate packages. These products incur two 1st item shipping costs.</p> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY single sticker, button, magnet, or greeting / note card (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Duties & Taxes (GST)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">5-10 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$3.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.50</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-4 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$28.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$6.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY flat card stationery products (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">5-10 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$10.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-4 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$55.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/>--> <p>CafePress offers several different shipping methods to meet your delivery needs. We calculate our shipping cost for each shipping method based on the type and quantity of items you order. Your shipping and handling charges are summarized at checkout and most packages in your order can be tracked via our carriers' websites. </p> <p>To find out how much shipping is, proceed to checkout with the item(s) in your cart. The shipping cost for the order will be displayed in the "Select Shipping Option" section of the checkout page. </p> <p>Your items may arrive in different shipments. Depending on the type, quantity and weight of items in your order, we may pack and ship them in different packages to ensure they arrive on time and undamaged. You will never be charged more for shipping and handling than what appears at checkout. Sign into your account to track your orders*. </p> <p>*Tracking may not be available for some international destinations.</p> <p>CafePress does its best to ensure your delivery arrives on time. However, delivery dates are not guaranteed and there may be a number of unforeseen reasons why your items will arrive after the estimated arrival date. Large orders (100+ items), delivery to a P.O. Box or APO/FPO address, to Hawaii, Alaska, or other international destinations and issues with payment verification, shipping address, designs, or media may all delay delivery of your order.</p> </div> <div id="deShipping" class="shipContent"><!-- Germany --> <br/> <h2>Delivery to Germany</h2> <!--<h3>Shipping and handling for all products (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Economy</td> <td class="tablebg">10-11 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$7.00 / approx. 5 €</td> <td class="tablebg">$4.00 / approx. 3 €</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">4-6 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$15.50</td> <td class="tablebg">$5.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$40.00 / approx. 33 €</td> <td class="tablebg">$6.00 / approx. 5 €</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/>--> <p>CafePress offers several different shipping methods to meet your delivery needs. We calculate our shipping cost for each shipping method based on the type and quantity of items you order. Your shipping and handling charges are summarized at checkout and most packages in your order can be tracked via our carriers' websites. </p> <p>To find out how much shipping is, proceed to checkout with the item(s) in your cart. The shipping cost for the order will be displayed in the "Select Shipping Option" section of the checkout page. </p> <p>Your items may arrive in different shipments. Depending on the type, quantity and weight of items in your order, we may pack and ship them in different packages to ensure they arrive on time and undamaged. You will never be charged more for shipping and handling than what appears at checkout. Sign into your account to track your orders*. </p> <p>*Tracking may not be available for some international destinations.</p> <p>CafePress does its best to ensure your delivery arrives on time. However, delivery dates are not guaranteed and there may be a number of unforeseen reasons why your items will arrive after the estimated arrival date. Large orders (100+ items), delivery to a P.O. Box or APO/FPO address, to Hawaii, Alaska, or other international destinations and issues with payment verification, shipping address, designs, or media may all delay delivery of your order.</p> </div> <div id="ukShipping" class="shipContent"><!-- United Kingdom --> <br/> <h2>Delivery to United Kingdom</h2> <!--<h3>Shipping and handling for all products (in US dollars):</h3> <p>(except single stickers, buttons, magnets, greeting / note cards and all flat card stationery products.)</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">5-9 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$7.50</td> <td class="tablebg">$2.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$55.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$10.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <p>Because of the extra care we take to ensure your items are received undamaged and in perfect condition, posters, wall decals, yard signs, banners and framed prints are shipped in separate packages. These products incur two 1st item shipping costs. </p> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY single sticker, button, magnet, or greeting / note card (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">5-9 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$4.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.50</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$55.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$10.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY flat card stationery products (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">5-9 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$10.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$55.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/>--> <p>CafePress offers several different shipping methods to meet your delivery needs. We calculate our shipping cost for each shipping method based on the type and quantity of items you order. Your shipping and handling charges are summarized at checkout and most packages in your order can be tracked via our carriers' websites. </p> <p>To find out how much shipping is, proceed to checkout with the item(s) in your cart. The shipping cost for the order will be displayed in the "Select Shipping Option" section of the checkout page. </p> <p>Your items may arrive in different shipments. Depending on the type, quantity and weight of items in your order, we may pack and ship them in different packages to ensure they arrive on time and undamaged. You will never be charged more for shipping and handling than what appears at checkout. Sign into your account to track your orders*. </p> <p>*Tracking may not be available for some international destinations.</p> <p>CafePress does its best to ensure your delivery arrives on time. However, delivery dates are not guaranteed and there may be a number of unforeseen reasons why your items will arrive after the estimated arrival date. Large orders (100+ items), delivery to a P.O. Box or APO/FPO address, to Hawaii, Alaska, or other international destinations and issues with payment verification, shipping address, designs, or media may all delay delivery of your order.</p> </div> <div id="auShipping" class="shipContent"> <!-- Australia --> <br/> <h2>Delivery to Australia</h2> <!--<h3>Shipping and handling for all products (in US dollars):</h3> <p>(except single stickers, buttons, magnets, greeting / note cards and all flat card stationery products.)</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">6-9 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$15.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$4.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">1-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$55.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$8.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <p>Because of the extra care we take to ensure your items are received undamaged and in perfect condition, posters, wall decals, yard signs, banners and framed prints are shipped in separate packages. These products incur two 1st item shipping costs.</p> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY single sticker, button, magnet, or greeting / note card (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">6-9 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$2.50</td> <td class="tablebg">$1.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">1-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$30.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$8.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY flat card stationery products (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Standard</td> <td class="tablebg">6-9 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$2.50</td> <td class="tablebg">$1.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">1-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$55.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/>--> <p>CafePress offers several different shipping methods to meet your delivery needs. We calculate our shipping cost for each shipping method based on the type and quantity of items you order. Your shipping and handling charges are summarized at checkout and most packages in your order can be tracked via our carriers' websites. </p> <p>To find out how much shipping is, proceed to checkout with the item(s) in your cart. The shipping cost for the order will be displayed in the "Select Shipping Option" section of the checkout page. </p> <p>Your items may arrive in different shipments. Depending on the type, quantity and weight of items in your order, we may pack and ship them in different packages to ensure they arrive on time and undamaged. You will never be charged more for shipping and handling than what appears at checkout. Sign into your account to track your orders*. </p> <p>*Tracking may not be available for some international destinations.</p> <p>CafePress does its best to ensure your delivery arrives on time. However, delivery dates are not guaranteed and there may be a number of unforeseen reasons why your items will arrive after the estimated arrival date. Large orders (100+ items), delivery to a P.O. Box or APO/FPO address, to Hawaii, Alaska, or other international destinations and issues with payment verification, shipping address, designs, or media may all delay delivery of your order.</p> </div> <div id="worldShipping" class="shipContent"> <!-- Rest of the World --> <br/> <h2>Shipping to Rest of World including US Territories</h2> <!--<h3>Shipping and handling for all products (in US dollars):</h3> <p>(except single stickers, buttons, magnets, greeting / note cards and all flat card stationery products.)</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Economy</td> <td class="tablebg">13-17 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$7.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$4.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Not Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$50.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$6.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Not Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <p>Because of the extra care we take to ensure your items are received undamaged and in perfect condition, posters, wall decals, yard signs, banners and framed prints are shipped in separate packages. These products incur two 1st item shipping costs. </p> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY single sticker, button, magnet, or greeting / note card (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Economy</td> <td class="tablebg">13-17 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$4.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.50</td> <td class="tablebg">Not Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$30.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$6.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Not Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <h3>Shipping and handling for orders containing ONLY flat card stationery products (in US dollars):</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="470"> <tr> <td class="tableheaderbg">Shipping Method</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Timing <br/>(# of business days)</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">1st Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">2nd Item</td> <td class="tableheaderbg">Customs Duty & VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Economy</td> <td class="tablebg">13-17 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$10.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Not Included</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablebg2">Express</td> <td class="tablebg">2-1-3 business days</td> <td class="tablebg">$55.00</td> <td class="tablebg">$0.00</td> <td class="tablebg">Not Included</td> </tr> </table> <br/>--> <p>CafePress offers several different shipping methods to meet your delivery needs. We calculate our shipping cost for each shipping method based on the type and quantity of items you order. Your shipping and handling charges are summarized at checkout and most packages in your order can be tracked via our carriers' websites. </p> <p>To find out how much shipping is, proceed to checkout with the item(s) in your cart. The shipping cost for the order will be displayed in the "Select Shipping Option" section of the checkout page. </p> <p>Your items may arrive in different shipments. Depending on the type, quantity and weight of items in your order, we may pack and ship them in different packages to ensure they arrive on time and undamaged. You will never be charged more for shipping and handling than what appears at checkout. Sign into your account to track your orders*. </p> <p>*Tracking may not be available for some international destinations.</p> <p>CafePress does its best to ensure your delivery arrives on time. However, delivery dates are not guaranteed and there may be a number of unforeseen reasons why your items will arrive after the estimated arrival date. Large orders (100+ items), delivery to a P.O. Box or APO/FPO address, to Hawaii, Alaska, or other international destinations and issues with payment verification, shipping address, designs, or media may all delay delivery of your order.</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> showDefaultShipping(); </script> <!--<p><a href="" target="_blank">Free Shipping Offer</a></p>--> </div> </div> <!-- End Content, Start Footer Include --> <!-- /CafePress content --><!-- /CafePress content --><!-- /CafePress content --> <!-- /CafePress content --><!-- /CafePress content --><!-- /CafePress content --> </div><!-- / bodyContent --> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- custom shop footer --><!-- custom shop footer --><!-- custom shop footer --> <!-- custom shop footer --><!-- custom shop footer --><!-- custom shop footer --> <!-- /custom shop footer --><!-- /custom shop footer --><!-- /custom shop footer --> <!-- /custom shop footer --><!-- /custom shop footer --><!-- /custom shop footer --> </div><!-- / cpWrapper --> <div id="cafepressFooter" class="footerContent smallprint"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Powered by CafePress"/></a> <p id="cafepressFooterText" class="footerText"> This shop is powered by <a href="/web/20151201231022/" target="_blank">CafePress Inc.</a> Copyright © 1999-<script type="text/javascript">var d = new Date();document.write(d.getFullYear());</script> All rights reserved.<br> <a rel="nofollow" href="/web/20151201231022/">Privacy Policy</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="/web/20151201231022/">Trademark & Copyright Information</a><br/> Non-US currency rates are updated daily and may fluctuate. </p> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var isDE = window.cafepress.countryCode; if(isDE == 'DE'){ $.translate(function(){ $('body').translate('de'); $('.cartItem').translate('de'); }); } }); </script> <!-- Start Google Analytics UA-5952421-1 (Stores) 2009-01-11 Tracking --> <script type="text/javascript"> var fallback = false; if (typeof window.ROITracker === "undefined") { if(typeof ga === "undefined") { var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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