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With the right tools and knowledge, any business can optimize their website in order to attract more visitors and potential customers. This SEO Checklist provides a comprehensive checklist with 186 tips that will help you maximize your SEO efforts. This checklist spans content optimization to technical aspects, ensuring your site is search engine friendly. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main-content"> <div class="progress progress--mob"> <div class="chekcer_c"> <ul class="items items-social-buttons_blog items-social-buttons_blog--new"> <li class="facebook_share share-list__item" style="margin-top: 0px"> <a class="share-list__link social-fb" target="_blank" href="" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'social', 'fb_share', '');" rel="noopener"></a> </li> <li class="share-list__item twitter_share"> <a class="share-list__link social-tw" target="_blank" href="" data-counturl="" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'social', 'twitter_share', '');" rel="noopener"></a> </li> <li class="share-list__item linkedin_share"> <a class="share-list__link social-li" target="_blank" href="" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'social', 'LinkedIn_share', '');" rel="noopener"></a> </li> </ul> <span class="progress__count">0/X</span> <input class="progress__reset" type="reset" value="Reset" title="Reset Checkboxes" tabindex="0" /> </div> <span class="progress__border"></span> <span class="progress__bar"></span> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row_links"> <b>Articles on the topic of SEO:</b> <a href="" >12 Best SEO Monitoring Tools</a > <a href="" >16 Best Website Optimization Tools </a > <a href="" >Top 7 Enterprise SEO Tools & Platforms</a > <a href="" >11 SEO Competitor Analysis Tools</a > <a href="" >20 Best SEO Software</a > </div> </div> <div class="container wrappChecklist"> <div> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">📈 Crawling & Indexing</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">URL is indexed</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17092" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0001 URL is indexed" loading="lazy" />Wondering if your URL is indexed by Google? You're in good company; it's a common query among webmasters and SEO experts. The good news is that with just a few clicks of your mouse, you can quickly find out whether or not your URL has been indexed by Google. But fear not - it's simpler than rocket science! All you need to do is open up Google in your favorite browser and type "site:yourURL" into the search bar. If your page appears in the search results, congratulations - it's indexed! If it doesn't appear at all, then unfortunately, you'll know that Google hasn't yet taken notice of it. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">URL Inspection Tool</a > </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Important content indexed</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17093" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0002 Important content indexed" loading="lazy" />Content is key for any website, be it blogs or e-commerce sites. Well, it turns out that indexed content has a certain status among the web community - something akin to royalty! We’re talking about articles, videos and other pieces of content that get indexed by search engines like Google. It's like getting a cyberspace seal of approval, marking them worthy for search engine result pages (SERPs). Search engine optimization (SEO) professionals have long known the value of getting their clients' content indexed, but now everyone can relish in the glory that comes with having your website's content “blessed” by Google. Sure, there are plenty of other ways to increase SEO traffic and visibility online, but indexing really does add an extra layer of credibility for any website or business. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MozBar</a > </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title"> Returns a 200 status code </span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17094" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0003 Returns a 200 status code" loading="lazy" />It's a scene we've seen before: you make an HTTP request, and for a brief moment, the world holds its breath. Will the response be a 200 status code? Or will it be one of those dreaded codes that sends chills down your spine? Well, if you're lucky enough to see a 200 status code pop up in your browser or terminal window, you know everything is A-OK. In fact, some people have gone so far as to call the 200 status code "the unicorn of web development" – mythical and rare but oh so beloved when it appears! For developers troubleshooting API requests, remember: there's always a chance of getting that ideal 200 status code! </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Indexable by robots meta tag and X-robots-tag</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17095" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0004 Indexable by robots meta tag and X-robots-tag" loading="lazy" />Are you feeling like your website is lost in the abyss of the internet? Fear not! You can take control of your website’s visibility with simple meta tags. Introducing the Indexable by Robots Meta Tag and X-Robots-Tag! This dynamic duo will make sure that search engine robots crawl through your SEO content, making it easy for people to find. Looking to show off your work? Simply add an ‘index’ directive to enable indexing on a page-by-page basis. Want to keep certain pages private? Use ‘noindex’ and those pages stay hidden from search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >URL not blocked by robots.txt file</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17096" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0005 URL not blocked by robots.txt file" loading="lazy" />To ensure a URL isn't blocked by robots.txt, check the site's robots.txt file for disallow statements. Adding such rules could harm SEO traffic. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Sitemap file location defined in robots.txt</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17097" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0006 Sitemap file location defined in robots.txt" loading="lazy" />Verify the sitemap file location in robots.txt by looking for a 'Sitemap:' line. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Sitemap file submitted to search engines</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-16971" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0007 Sitemap file submitted to search engines" loading="lazy" />To confirm sitemap submission, check your Search Console account for indexing status. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >URL is discoverable via internal links/navigation</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17098" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0008 URL is discoverable via internal links/navigation" loading="lazy" />Discoverable URL's via internal links and navigation can positively affect SEO because it helps search engines to easily crawl and understand the structure of a website. It also helps users to easily find and navigate the website, which can result in higher engagement and longer user sessions. It's also help the search engines to understand the importance and relevance of each page. So creating a clear and logical internal linking structure within your website can give boost to your website's SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Content is available at a single, canonicalized URL</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17099" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0009 Content is available at a single, canonicalized URL" loading="lazy" />Having content available at a single, canonicalized URL can positively affect SEO by preventing issues with duplicate content. This helps search engines understand which version of a page should be indexed and used for ranking, and prevents the dilution of link equity. This also improves the user experience by making sure that users are taken to the correct page, avoiding confusion and broken links. Using a rel=canonical tag will tell the search engine which page it should index. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Google-selected canonical matches user-selected canonical</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17100" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0010 Google-selected canonical matches user-selected canonical" loading="lazy" /> Google-selected canonical matches user-selected canonical, check the source code and compare rel=canonical tag with the one selected on Search Console. For example, rel=canonical is set to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a > and on Google Search Console, it's set to the same </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >No canonical/indexation mixed-signal errors</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17101" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0011 No canonical/indexation mixed-signal errors" loading="lazy" />There are no canonical/indexation mixed-signal errors, analyze the website with a website crawler such as Ahrefs or by using the Search Console, this will ensure that there's no conflicting signals being sent to the search engine. So it is important for good SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Friendly URL structure</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17104" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0012 Friendly URL structure" loading="lazy" /> Friendly URL structure cool impact on SEO, check if URLs are user-friendly, easy to read and easy to remember. For example, instead of </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Important CSS, JS, and images not blocked by robots.txt</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17105" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0013 Important CSS, JS, and images not blocked by robots.txt" loading="lazy" />For SEO important CSS, JS, and images are not blocked by robots.txt, inspect the robots.txt file and ensure that these file types are not disallowed. for example, ensure that Disallow: /*.css$ is not present </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there any redirects other than 301?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17105" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0014 Are there any redirects other than 301?" loading="lazy" /> There are any redirects other than 301, use a website SEO crawler such as Screaming Frog or redirect checker tool such as Redirect Checker to see if any redirects return different HTTP status code. like a 302 redirect instead of 301. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there any 5xx errors?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17105" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0015 Are there any 5xx errors?" loading="lazy" /> 5xx errors on a website, you can use website monitoring tools on server, Google Search Console or a website uptime monitoring service, for example, Uptime Robot. These tools can alert you when a server returns a 5xx error status code. There are 500 errors on the site, it is always a risk for SEO that the search bot will leave the page. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are images ALT tags in use?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17105" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0016 Are images ALT tags in use?" loading="lazy" /> Images ALT tags can positively affect SEO by providing important information to search engines about the context and content of an image. They also provide a text-based alternative for users who are unable to view images, such as visually-impaired users who use screen readers. Using keywords in ALT tags can also help to increase the visibility of an image in image search results, which can help to drive more traffic to a website. Overall, images ALT tags are important for both accessibility and SEO purposes. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the website W3C Compliant?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17105" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0017 Is the website W3C Compliant?" loading="lazy" /> A website that is W3C compliant can positively impact SEO because it indicates that the website has been built using industry-accepted best practices and standards. W3C compliance can help to ensure that a website is properly structured and easy for search engines to crawl, which can lead to better indexing and higher search engine rankings. However, having a non-W3C Compliant website does not necessarily mean that it would not be well ranked. A study by W3techs, a web technology survey company, suggested that in 2021 more than 90% of websites on the internet that use HTML, uses W3C standards. Even though it is not a direct ranking factor, it helps search engines to understand the website properly and can lead to better indexing and higher ranking. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title"> 💡 Meta & Structured Data, Page-level & elements analysis </h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are all page titles under 65 characters? (570 pixels)</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17147" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0018 Are all page titles under 65 characters? (570 pixels)" loading="lazy" /> All page titles are under 65 characters, you can use a website crawler like Ahrefs, Plerdy or DeepCrawl, which provides a report on page title length for each page, or you can manually inspect the source code of each page and check the length of the title. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are any Page Titles under 30 characters?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17148" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0019 Are any Page Titles under 30 characters?" loading="lazy" />Any Page Titles are under 30 characters, you can use a Plerdy for website crawler. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are any page titles being duplicated without canonical/pagination?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17149" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0020 Are any page titles being duplicated without canonical/pagination?" loading="lazy" />If any page titles are being duplicated without canonical/pagination, you can use a website crawler and look for duplicate titles or you can use Google Search Console to see if there's any duplicate content issues. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Any signs of keyword cannibalization?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17150" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0021 Any signs of keyword cannibalization?" loading="lazy" />If any page titles are being duplicated without canonical/pagination, you can use a website SEO crawler and look for duplicate titles or you can use Google Search Console to see if there's any duplicate content issues. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the primary keyword/phrase close to the start? </span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17067" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0022 Is the primary keyword/phrase close to the start?" loading="lazy" />The primary keyword/phrase is close to the start, you can use you can use Plerdy Website SEO Checker, a website crawler or manually inspect the source code and check the position of the primary keyword in the title. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are page titles descriptive of the page content?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17068" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0023 Are page titles descriptive of the page content?" loading="lazy" /> The page titles are descriptive of the page content, you can use Plerdy Website SEO Checker or manually inspect the source code and see if the title matches the content of the page or you can use a website crawler to check for mismatch between titles and content. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are any page titles missing?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17069" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0024 Are any page titles missing?" loading="lazy" /> Any page titles are missing, you can use a website crawler also Plerdy, Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, Semrush. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are all Meta Descriptions unique and descriptive?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17071" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0025 Are all Meta Descriptions unique and descriptive?" loading="lazy" /> Meta descriptions, while not a direct ranking factor, are important for SEO because they provide a concise summary of a page's content and can entice users to click through to a website. Unique and descriptive meta descriptions can help a website stand out in search engine results and improve click-through rates. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are any Meta Descriptions missing?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17072" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0026 Are any Meta Descriptions missing?" loading="lazy" />Missing meta descriptions can negatively affect SEO by making it harder for search engines to understand the content and purpose of a page, and in turn, reducing the likelihood that a page will rank well in search engine results. Also, without a meta description the search engine will pull a random text from the page which might not be relevant to the user's search. This could lead to lower click-through rates. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are any Meta Descriptions being duplicated without canonical/pagination?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17073" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0027 Are any Meta Descriptions being duplicated without canonical/pagination?" loading="lazy" />Repetitive meta descriptions can negatively affect SEO as search engines may perceive them as "duplicate content". This can cause confusion and lead to lower search engine rankings or what is known as content cannabalization. Example: If two pages of your website have the same description "Best online clothing store", it will give the impression of low quality content and search engines may consider it spam, which will negatively affect SEO. It also affects the repeated indexing of these URLs. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are any Meta Descriptions below 70 characters?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17073" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0028 Are any Meta Descriptions below 70 characters?" loading="lazy" />Meta descriptions that are too short (below 70 characters) may not effectively convey the content and purpose of a page, making it less likely that a page will rank well in search engine results. Additionally, shorter descriptions may not be fully visible in search engine results, which can result in lower click-through rates. It is also important to remember that search engines might truncate the meta description at any point if it is too long, so make sure to always stick to the optimal length of around 155-160 characters. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are Meta Keywords in use?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17073" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0029 Are Meta Keywords in use?" loading="lazy" />Meta keywords are not considered important for SEO because search engines, such as Google, no longer use them as a ranking factor in their algorithms. Instead, search engines use the content of a page to determine its relevance to a user's query. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">✍ Content</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are all fonts large enough to read clearly?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17038" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0030 Are all fonts large enough to read clearly?" loading="lazy" /> Helps with user experience, which can lead to lower bounce rate and better engagement, which is important for SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Are hyperlinks clear?</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17039" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0031 Are hyperlinks clear?" loading="lazy" />Hyperlinks that are clear and easy to understand are important for SEO because they help search engines to understand the structure of a website and the relationships between its pages. Clear hyperlinks also improve user experience by making it easy for users to navigate a website and find the information they're looking for, which can lead to higher engagement and longer user sessions, both of which are important for SEO. Additionally, clear hyperlinks can help to pass on link equity throughout the website which can improve the authority of the website and help the website rank better. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Could font color be considered too light?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17040" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0032 Could font color be considered too light?" loading="lazy" />Having too light font color can negatively affect SEO because it can make it harder for some users to read the content on a website, which can lead to lower engagement and higher bounce rates. This can signal to search engines that the website has a poor user experience, which can negatively impact the website's search engine rankings. Additionally, poor readability can lead to users leaving the website quickly and not spending enough time on it, which is an important factor for SEO, as the longer users stay on the website the more chances of a conversion, it also signals search engines that the website is providing a valuable content to the user. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there clear primary and supplementary content types?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17040" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0033 Are there clear primary and supplementary content types?" loading="lazy" /> Font color can negatively impact SEO because it can make it harder for users to read and understand the content on the website. This can lead to poor user experience, lower engagement, and higher bounce rates (GA 3), all of which can negatively impact search engine rankings. In addition, poor readability may lead to users leaving the website quickly, which can affect the website's ability to retain visitors and decrease time on site, all of which are important factors for SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is content Evergreen or Fresh?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17041" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0034 Is content Evergreen or Fresh?" loading="lazy" />Fresh and up-to-date content can attract more traffic and increase engagement, which is important for SEO. Evergreen content will attract consistent traffic over a long period and is also beneficial for SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there any thin pages? < 200 words of content?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17042" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0035 Are there any thin pages? < 200 words of content?" loading="lazy" />Pages with less than 200 words of content, also known as "thin pages", can negatively impact SEO. They might not be able to provide adequate information to both search engines and users, making them less likely to rank well in search results, increasing the bounce rate and exit rate. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website carry an up-to-date Privacy Policy?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17042" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0036 Does the website carry an up-to-date Privacy Policy?" loading="lazy" /> It signals to search engines that the website is trustworthy and follows industry standards, which can lead to better search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is there any duplicate content internally?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17043" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0037 Is there any duplicate content internally?" loading="lazy" />Internally duplicate content can negatively impact SEO by making it harder for search engines to understand which version of the content should be indexed, and diluting link equity. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is there any duplicate content externally?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17044" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0038 Is there any duplicate content externally?" loading="lazy" /> It may also lead to penalties from search engines if they detect and consider the duplicated content as spam. It's important to have unique, fresh and high quality content to avoid these issues. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is any content scraped from external sources?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17045" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0039 Is any content scraped from external sources?" loading="lazy" /> Scraped content can negatively impact SEO as it can be seen as duplicate content and lead to penalties from search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the contact page easy to find and use?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0040 Is the contact page easy to find and use?" loading="lazy" />Contact page that is easy to find and use can improve user experience, increase user engagement and conversion, which are important factors for SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Content Gap Analysis</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0041 Content Gap Analysis" loading="lazy" />Conducting a Content Gap Analysis helps identify missing content on a website that is relevant to specific keywords, which can help to increase the relevance and rankings of the website in search engine results. This is important for SEO as it enables a website to address any missing or weak areas of content, which can help to attract more organic traffic. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Copy and classification checks</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0042 Copy and classification checks" loading="lazy" />Ensuring that your website's content is well-written, error-free, and properly classified is crucial in establishing trust with your audience and keeping them engaged on your website. This can also lead to better user experience and ultimately, a better SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Has page grammar and spelling been checked?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0043 Has page grammar and spelling been checked?" loading="lazy" />Having grammar and spelling checks in place is important for both the user experience and SEO. It helps to present a professional image and improve readability, which can lead to users staying on the website longer user sessions and ultimately improving SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Content organized with hierarchical HTML tags</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0044 Content organized with hierarchical HTML tags" loading="lazy" />Properly organizing your content with hierarchical HTML tags is a great way to ensure search engines understand your content's structure and relevance. This can lead to better indexing and better SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Content is keyword-targeted</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0045 Content is keyword-targeted" loading="lazy" />Focusing on creating high quality content that targets keywords can help attract more visitors and increase micro or macro conversions. It can also lead to higher search engine rankings and ultimately super duper SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Content doesn't violate Google's Quality Guidelines</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0046 Content doesn't violate Google's Quality Guidelines" loading="lazy" />Content that adheres to Google's Quality Guidelines is essential to avoid penalties and maintain a good search engine ranking. For example, ensuring original, high-quality and valuable content will help to boost your website's SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Avoids intrusive interstitials</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0047 Avoids intrusive interstitials" loading="lazy" />Intrusive interstitials such as pop-ups that block users from accessing your website's main content can lead to a poor user experience, which can lead to lower search engine rankings. It's important to keep this in mind when trying to boost your website's SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Avoid heavy ads above the fold</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0048 Avoid heavy ads above the fold" loading="lazy" />Having heavy ads above the fold can also lead to a poor user experience and increased bounce rates. This in turn can negatively impact your website's SEO. As an alternative, try to have an optimal balance between ads and content. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Content isn't loaded in an iFrame</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0049 Content isn't loaded in an iFrame" loading="lazy" />Content that is loaded in an iFrame can make it difficult for search engines to understand the context (this content is blocked in the browser) and relevance of the page, which can lead to lower search engine rankings (does not apply to YouTube or other authoritative tools or sites). To avoid this and improve your website's SEO, avoid using iFrames whenever possible. It is best to add a lazy loading attribute. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Lazy-loaded content is visible in the viewport</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0050 Lazy-loaded content is visible in the viewport" loading="lazy" />Lazily loaded content that is not visible in the viewport can prevent search engines from understanding the content, resulting in poor indexing and can negatively impact your website's SEO. To avoid this, make sure that all the important and relevant content of your website is visible in the viewport to boost its search engine optimization. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Supports paginated loading for infinite scroll</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0051 Supports paginated loading for infinite scroll" loading="lazy" />Supporting paginated loading for infinite scroll can help search engines to more effectively crawl your website's content, which can lead to better indexing and search engine rankings. For example, breaking a long article into several pages with a "Load More" button, instead of infinite scrolling, can improve your website's SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Current publication and updated dates</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0052 Current publication and updated dates" loading="lazy" />Showing current publication and updated dates on your website's content can help to establish trust with your audience and demonstrate the relevance and freshness of your website's content. This can lead to better user engagement, which is important for SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Clear who the author and/or publisher Is</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0053 Clear who the author and/or publisher Is" loading="lazy" />Clearly identifying the author and/or publisher of the content on your website can establish trust and credibility with your audience and search engines, which can lead to better user engagement and ultimately improve your website's SEO. For example, including an author's bio and photo on an article page can help establish trust and credibility with your audience. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Content doesn't trigger Google Safe Search filters</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0054 Content doesn't trigger Google Safe Search filters" loading="lazy" />Ensuring that your website's content is free from offensive language or adult themes is important to avoid triggering Google SafeSearch filters, which can result in your website's pages being filtered out of search results. This can negatively impact your website's visibility and ultimately, the SEO. For example, Avoiding explicit images or language and keeping the content safe for all ages can prevent your website from triggering SafeSearch filters and help boost your website's SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Hidden text</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0055 Hidden text" loading="lazy" />Hidden text or content is text or content that is placed on a website with the intention of tricking search engines to boost rankings. This is considered a black hat SEO technique and can lead to penalties or de-indexing from search engines, which can negatively impact your website's SEO. For example, hiding text with the same color as the background and placing a lot of keywords in it, is considered hidden text and can harm your website's SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Cloaking</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0056 Cloaking" loading="lazy" />Cloaking is a black hat SEO technique that involves presenting different content or URLs to search engines than what is presented to users. This is often used to manipulate search engine rankings and can lead to penalties or de-indexing from search engines. It's important to avoid using such techniques as it can have a negative impact on SEO. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Doorway pages</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0057 Doorway pages" loading="lazy" />Doorway pages are pages created with the intention of manipulating search engine rankings by providing a false sense of relevance or by redirecting users to a different page. These are considered as a black hat SEO technique and can lead to penalties or de-indexing from search engines. This can severely impact your website's SEO, it's important to avoid this technique. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there too many ads on any pages?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0058 Are there too many ads on any pages?" loading="lazy" />Having too many ads on a page can negatively impact user experience and potentially lead to higher bounce rates, which can harm your search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website bombard you with popups?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0059 Does the website bombard you with popups?" loading="lazy" />Popups that are too aggressive or obstruct the main content of a page can also impact user experience and lead to higher bounce rates, affecting search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website carry clear Call to Action?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0060 Does the website carry clear Call to Action?" loading="lazy" />A clear Call to Action (CTA) is important for driving user engagement and conversion, and not having a clear CTA can negatively impact the effectiveness of your site. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does each page have a clear H1 tag?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0061 Does each page have a clear H1 tag?" loading="lazy" />The H1 tag is used to indicate the main heading of a page and having clear, concise H1 tags can improve the overall structure and organization of a page, making it easier for both users and search engines to understand the content of a page. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are H2's being used across the site?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0062 Are H2's being used across the site?" loading="lazy" />H2 tags are used to indicate subheadings within a page and using H2s appropriately can improve the structure and organization of a page, making it easier for both users and search engines to understand the content of a page. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">AI content detect</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17046" src="/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/images/image-scrin.jpeg" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0062 AI content detect" loading="lazy" /> AI-detected content is an important component of SEO since search engines utilize AI to evaluate and comprehend the information on a website. The AI considers the relevance, quality, and context of the information to decide how beneficial it is to people and how it may rank in search engines. Websites with high-quality, relevant, and well-optimized content, on the other hand, will rank higher in search engine results and receive more SEO visitors.Backlinks </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">🗝 Keyword analysis</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Site keyword research for Benchmarks</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17023" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0063 Site keyword research for Benchmarks" loading="lazy" /> Conducting keyword research to establish benchmarks is important for understanding the competitiveness of your target keywords and helps guide your overall SEO strategy. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Brand search - Does the homepage come up #1 when searched?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17024" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0064 Brand search - Does the homepage come up #1 when searched?" loading="lazy" /> Having your brand search return your homepage as the top result can improve your brand visibility and credibility, positively impacting your search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is there evidence of keyword duplication or overuse?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17025" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0065 Is there evidence of keyword duplication or overuse?" loading="lazy" /> Keyword duplication or overuse (keyword stuffing) can negatively impact your search engine rankings, as it can be seen as spammy and low-quality content. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are keywords in Page Titles?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17026" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0066 Are keywords in Page Titles?" loading="lazy" />Including your target keywords in your page titles can improve their relevancy and visibility to both users and search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Are keywords in H1?</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17027" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0067 Are keywords in H1?" loading="lazy" />Including your target keywords in H1 tags can also improve the relevancy and visibility of your page to both users and search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Are keywords in H2?</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17028" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0067 Are keywords in H2?" loading="lazy" />Similarly, including target keywords in H2 tags can improve the relevancy and structure of your content for both users and search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are keywords in Meta Description?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17029" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0068 Are keywords in Meta Description?" loading="lazy" /> Including target keywords in the meta description can also improve the visibility of your page and provide additional context for both users and search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are keywords in the main page document?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17030" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0069 Are keywords in the main page document?" loading="lazy" /> Including target keywords in the main page document helps reinforce the page's relevancy to the target keyword and can improve the overall visibility of the page to search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Make sure that your target keyword is included in your opening paragraph</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17031" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0070 Make sure that your target keyword is included in your opening paragraph" loading="lazy" /> Including your target keyword in the opening paragraph of your page can help signal to users and search engines what the page's main topic is. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">🖇 Backlinks</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Backlink health & Score</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17115" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0071 Backlink health & Score" loading="lazy" />Backlink health and score reflect the quality and credibility of a site's backlinks. A high-quality profile suggests greater authority and trust. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Spammy domains</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17116" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0072 Spammy domains" loading="lazy" /> Links from spammy domains can damage SEO rankings, as they're often seen as low-quality and manipulative by search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Has disavow file been created and checked?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17000" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0073 Has disavow file been created and checked?" loading="lazy" />A disavow file instructs Google to disregard certain backlinks. Regular updates and checks can shield your site from the adverse effects of low-quality links. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Anchor Text Use</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17001" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0074 Anchor Text Use" loading="lazy" />Anchor text is the visible text used in a hyperlink, and overusing or misusing anchor text can raise red flags with search engines and potentially result in penalties. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Backlinks lost</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17002" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0075 Backlinks lost" loading="lazy" /> Losing backlinks can negatively impact your search engine rankings, as the lost link equity can decrease your site's overall authority and credibility. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Broken Backlinks</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17003" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0076 Broken Backlinks" loading="lazy" />Broken backlinks, or dead links, can also negatively impact user experience and potentially harm your search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there large number of backlinks from 1 domain or more?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17003" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0077 Are there large number of backlinks from 1 domain or more?" loading="lazy" /> A large number of backlinks from a single domain can indicate manipulation and raise red flags with search engines, potentially resulting in penalties. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Domain Age</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17004" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0078 Domain Age" loading="lazy" />Domain age is one of many factors used by search engines to evaluate the authority and credibility of a site, with older domains generally being seen as more trustworthy. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Total Number of Backlinks</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17005" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0079 Total Number of Backlinks" loading="lazy" /> Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool that makes exploring a website's backlink profile quick and easy. With this powerful tool, users can check the total number of backlinks their webpage has and analyze which sites link to them. Additionally, they can keep track of new links being created and those that are removed over time. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Total Number of Linking Root Domains</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17005" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0080 Total Number of Linking Root Domains" loading="lazy" /> The total number of backlinks and unique linking root domains are both important indicators of a site's overall link popularity and SEO authority. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >URL has relevant backlinks</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17005" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0081 URL has relevant backlinks" loading="lazy" /> Having relevant backlinks from high-quality, authoritative domains can improve your search engine rankings, as these links indicate endorsement and support for your site. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Disavow file doesn't block important links</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17005" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0082 Disavow file doesn't block important links" loading="lazy" /> The disavow file should only be used to block low-quality or potentially harmful links, and care should be taken not accidentally to block important links. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Create social media profiles on the platforms your target audiences hang out on</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17005" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0083 Create social media profiles on the platforms your target audiences hang out on" loading="lazy" /> Creating social media profiles on platforms where your target audiences are active can help increase your brand visibility and drive traffic to your site. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Get on LinkedIn Pulse</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17005" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0084 Get on LinkedIn Pulse" loading="lazy" /> Publishing content on LinkedIn Pulse can help increase your website's visibility and credibility and drive additional traffic. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Do guest podcasting</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17005" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0085 Do guest podcasting" loading="lazy" /> Guest podcasting can help increase your visibility and credibility and drive additional traffic to your website from the host's audience. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">📱 Mobile</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Responsive check</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17123" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0086 Responsive check" loading="lazy" />Responsive design is key for mobile optimization, ensuring content and layout adapt to various screen sizes. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Popups/Interstitials</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17124" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0087 Popups/Interstitials" loading="lazy" />Popups and interstitials can worsen mobile user experience, often leading to higher bounce rates and reduced engagement. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Mobile Page Size</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17125" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0088 Mobile Page Size" loading="lazy" /> Optimizing mobile page size is vital to enhance load times and user experience, as larger pages can slow down loading and frustrate users. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Image use</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17126" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0089 Image use" loading="lazy" />Image optimization and resizing are important for optimizing page load times on mobile, as large or poorly optimized images can significantly slow down page load times. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Image optimization</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17127" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0090 Image optimization" loading="lazy" /> The two key elements of image optimization are alt and title attributes. The alt attribute describes an image in words that can be read by search engines, while the title attribute gives users more information about an image when they hover over it. Checking these attributes helps determine if your images are optimized properly or not. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Image resizing</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17015" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0091 Image resizing" loading="lazy" />Image optimization is an important part of any website or digital marketing campaign. Without it, images can be too large, slow to load and negatively impact the user experience. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Search console errors</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0092 Search console errors" loading="lazy" /> Search console errors can negatively impact the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages, so it's important to monitor and address any errors in the search console regularly. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">AMP Check</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0093 AMP Check" loading="lazy" /> Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a Google-backed initiative to improve the mobile web experience for users. Using AMP can improve the speed and performance of a website on mobile devices. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Mobile UX issues (see UX)</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0094 Mobile UX issues (see UX)" loading="lazy" /> Mobile UX (user experience) issues, such as poor navigation or slow load times, can negatively impact the overall mobile experience for users and potentially harm search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Mobile Navigation</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0095 Mobile Navigation" loading="lazy" /> Mobile navigation should be easy to use and intuitive, allowing users to find the information they want on a website easily. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Use of video on mobile</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0096 Use of video on mobile" loading="lazy" /> Using video on mobile can improve user experience and engagement. Still, care should be taken to optimize videos for mobile devices to avoid slow load times and potential user frustration. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are buttons and links easy to click?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0097 Are buttons and links easy to click?" loading="lazy" /> Buttons and links should be easy to click on mobile devices, ensuring a positive user experience and reducing the risk of user frustration or confusion. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the Favicon being displayed in mobile SERPs?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0098 Is the Favicon being displayed in mobile SERPs?" loading="lazy" /> The Favicon is a small icon displayed in the browser tab or address bar and mobile search engine results pages. Having a clear and recognizable favicon can help improve the visibility and credibility of a site. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Parity checks - Content, Meta & Directives the same as desktop?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0099 Parity checks - Content, Meta & Directives the same as desktop?" loading="lazy" /> Parity checks ensure that the content, metadata, and directives on a website are the same on desktop and mobile, are important for maintaining consistency and avoiding potential confusion for users and search engines. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Mobile Testing</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17016" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0100 Mobile Testing" loading="lazy" /> Mobile testing is crucial for ensuring that a website is optimized for mobile devices, and regular testing can help identify and address any potential issues or opportunities for improvement. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> </div> <div> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">💨 Speed</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Content fully loads within a reasonable time</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17112" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0101 Content fully loads within a reasonable time" loading="lazy" />Site speed is crucial for optimizing a website for search engines, as it impacts the user experience and can impact search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >URL passes Google's Core Web Vitals assessment</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17113" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0102 URL passes Google's Core Web Vitals assessment" loading="lazy" />Content should load within a reasonable time frame, as slow load times can lead to higher bounce rates and lower user engagement. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Address common speed traps</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17114" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0103 Address common speed traps" loading="lazy" />Google's Core Web Vitals assessment evaluates a website's performance on various metrics, including speed, and addressing any issues identified can help improve the overall user experience and search engine rankings. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >General website speed check</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-16981" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0104 General website speed check" loading="lazy" />Common speed traps, such as large images or videos, slow database queries, and bloated code, can slow down a website and should be addressed to improve website speed. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Desktop website Speed Checks in the Search Console</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-16982" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0105 Desktop website Speed Checks in the Search Console" loading="lazy" /> Desktop website speed checks in the search console can provide insights into a site's performance on desktop devices, allowing for targeted improvements to be made. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Mobile website Speed Checks in the Search Console</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-16983" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0106 Mobile website Speed Checks in the Search Console" loading="lazy" /> Mobile website speed checks in the search console are important for evaluating a site's performance on mobile devices, as mobile users are increasingly using their mobile devices to access the web. </div> </div> </li> </ul>International & Multilingual Site </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">🔒 Security</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Malware & Security Checks</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17132" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0107 Malware & Security Checks" loading="lazy" />Regular checks are necessary to ensure the website is free from malware, viruses, or other security threats. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is an HSTS policy in place?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17133" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0108 Is an HSTS policy in place?" loading="lazy" />This policy ensures that the website is always accessed through HTTPS, improving the security of the website and enhancing user trust. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >No hacked content, malware, or other security issues</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17052" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0109 No hacked content, malware, or other security issues" loading="lazy" /> A compromised website containing malicious content may lead to penalties or traffic loss. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Using the main protocol on all website pages (HTTP / HTTPS)?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17134" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0110 Using the main protocol on all website pages (HTTP / HTTPS)?" loading="lazy" />Using HTTPS protocol on all website pages is a ranking signal and ensures that the data transmitted between the user and the website is secure. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website have a valid SSL certificate?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17053" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0111 Does the website have a valid SSL certificate?" loading="lazy" />A valid SSL certificate is necessary for using HTTPS and shows users that the website is secure and trustworthy. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is an HSTS policy in place?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17135" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0112 Is an HSTS policy in place?" loading="lazy" /> This policy tells browsers always to use HTTPS and helps protect against SSL stripping attacks. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title"> 🌍 International & Multilingual Sites </h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Signal location targeting</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17088" src="" alt="Shopify Launch Checklist-0113 Signal location targeting" loading="lazy" />This signals the target audience's geographical location to search engines for more relevant results. Improper location targeting can lead to incorrect ranking, reduced traffic and low user engagement. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Valid hreflang annotation</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17089" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0114 Valid hreflang annotation" loading="lazy" />Hreflang tags specify a web page's language and target region, crucial for SEO to avoid search engine confusion and visibility loss. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Page language is obvious</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17090" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0115 Page language is obvious" loading="lazy" /> The language used on a web page should be clear and consistent for users and search engines to understand. This helps search engines properly categorize and index content and improves user experience. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Avoid automatic redirection</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17090" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0116 Avoid automatic redirection" loading="lazy" /> Automatic redirection can confuse users and harm search rankings by altering URLs, hindering search engines from crawling and indexing pages. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website have an international audience?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17089" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0117 Does the website have an international audience?" loading="lazy" /> Identifying the target audience is vital for international sites to tailor content for relevance and engagement effectively. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the website being translated without errors?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17091" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0118 Is the website being translated without errors?" loading="lazy" />Quality translations enhance user experience and site credibility, while poor translations can confuse users and reduce engagement. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the website using an international URL structure?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17091" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0119 Is the website using an international URL structure?" loading="lazy" />An international URL structure clarifies a site's language and geographic targeting to search engines and users, aiding content organization. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are the correct localized web pages being used?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17091" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0120 Are the correct localized web pages being used?" loading="lazy" />Localized content boosts relevance and user engagement and informs search engines about the target audience and their location. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website have backlinks from target countries?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17091" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0121 Does the website have backlinks from target countries?" loading="lazy" />High-authority backlinks from target countries enhance a website's visibility and credibility for search engines and users. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the website Multilingual, Multiregional or both?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17091" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0122 Is the website Multilingual, Multiregional or both?"Content loading="lazy" />Understanding if the site targets multiple languages or regions is key for its structure and ensures user relevance and engagement. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">🌐 Google</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Install Google Analytics 4</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17128" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0123 Install Google Analytics 4" loading="lazy" />GA4, the latest version of Google Analytics, helps track website traffic, user behavior and conversions. Therefore, measuring website performance and optimizing for better results is important. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">GA duplication check</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17129" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0124 GA duplication check" loading="lazy" /> Checking for duplication of GA tracking code helps to avoid data inaccuracies and ensure that all website traffic is properly recorded and analyzed. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Setup Search Console</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17130" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0125 Setup Search Console" loading="lazy" />Search Console is a tool used by Google to monitor and manage a website's presence in search results. It is important for tracking search performance and addressing any issues. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Search Console errors </span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17131" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0126 Search Console errors" loading="lazy" /> Regularly checking and fixing errors in Search Console helps to maintain a healthy website and improve its visibility in search results. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Google cache analysis</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17050" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0127 Google cache analysis" loading="lazy" /> Checking the Google cache of a website helps to see how Google sees and indexes the website. It can also help to identify and resolve any indexing issues. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Presence of a sitemap.xml file</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0128 Presence of a sitemap.xml file" loading="lazy" /> A sitemap.xml file is a way to inform search engines about all the pages on a website. Having one helps to improve the visibility and indexing of the site. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >The discrepancy between indexed pages in Google and Sitemap</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0129 The discrepancy between indexed pages in Google and Sitemap" loading="lazy" /> Comparing the number of indexed pages in Google with those in the sitemap helps identify potential issues and improve indexation. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Invalid pages in the sitemap</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0130 Invalid pages in the sitemap" loading="lazy" /> Removing invalid pages from the sitemap helps improve the sitemap's accuracy and the site's overall visibility and credibility. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Negative search results for the brand</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0131 Negative search results for the brand" loading="lazy" /> Monitoring and addressing negative brand search results helps maintain a positive image and reputation. It also helps to improve the visibility of positive content. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is there a Google News sitemap.xml file?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0132 Is there a Google News sitemap.xml file?" loading="lazy" /> A Google News sitemap.xml file helps to inform Google News about the articles and updates on a website, and it helps to improve the site's visibility in Google News. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Any manual actions</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0133 Any manual actions" loading="lazy" /> Checking for manual actions imposed by Google helps to identify any potential website issues and take steps to resolve them. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Any crawl errors</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0134 Any crawl errors" loading="lazy" /> Monitoring and fixing crawl errors help to maintain a healthy website and improve its visibility in search results. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Optimize your posts for Google website links</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0135 Optimize your posts for Google website links" loading="lazy" /> Optimizing posts for Google website links help improve the user experience by providing quick access to related content. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Optimize your posts for Google featured snippets</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17051" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0136 Optimize your posts for Google featured snippets" loading="lazy" /> Optimizing posts for Google featured snippets helps to improveechnical SEO Checks visibility in search results by providing concise and relevant answers to user queries. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">🧱 website Architecture</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Pagination checks</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0137 Pagination checks" loading="lazy" />You can ensure that search engines can crawl and index all of a site's pages by configuring pagination appropriately. It also enhances the user experience by making navigating easier. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Use short URLs</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0138 Use short URLs" loading="lazy" /> Using short and descriptive URLs improves a site's readability and accessibility and makes it easier for people to remember and share the URL. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Site Visualization Checks</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0139 Site Visualization Checks" loading="lazy" /> Examining the website visualization ensures that the website is simple to browse and understand. It also contributes to better user experience and search engine crawlability. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Internal redirects</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17062" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0140 Internal redirects" loading="lazy" /> Optimize the user experience and preserve the flow of link equity on your website by implementing internal redirects effectively. It also aids in the prevention of broken connections and the enhancement of the site's structure. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Redirect chains & Redirect loops</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0141 Redirect chains & Redirect loops" loading="lazy" />Avoiding redirect chains and loops helps to keep a site's architecture clean and improve user experience. It also aids in avoiding wasting crawl expenditure and passing link equity. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Robots.txt present?</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0142 Robots.txt present?" loading="lazy" />A robots.txt file allows you to manage what search engines can and cannot crawl on your site, which is useful for securing sensitive material and directing search engines to relevant sites. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are pages being correctly blocked by Robots.txt?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0143 Are pages being correctly blocked by Robots.txt?" loading="lazy" />When the robots.txt file is utilized correctly to restrict pages, it makes the website simpler to crawl and more visible in search results. It also aids in preventing sensitive data from being indexed. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Site Structure & Silo Use</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0144 Site Structure & Silo Use" loading="lazy" />Silos and a structured layout help organize and categorize a site, enhancing its relevancy and authority. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Category Use (ecomm)</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0145 Category Use (ecomm)" loading="lazy" />E-commerce product organization and categorization improve the user experience and make it easier for consumers to locate what they are looking for. It also contributes to the site's prominence in search results. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >URL naming convention - is this well optimized?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0146 URL naming convention - is this well optimized?" loading="lazy" />Using a well-optimized URL naming strategy improves the readability and usability of a site. It also makes sharing and remembering the URL easier for users. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Error Pages 404</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0147 Error Pages 404" loading="lazy" />Proper 404 error pages improve the user experience by providing a clear and useful response to broken links. It also helps keep a site's traffic and links from disappearing. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are Tag Pages being used?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0148 Are Tag Pages being used?" loading="lazy" />Using tag pages assists in categorizing and organizing material on a website. It also helps to increase the site's visibility in search results and delivers a better user experience. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the website using a Breadcrumb trail?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0149 Is the website using a Breadcrumb trail?" loading="lazy" />Implementing a breadcrumb trail improves the user experience by offering simple and easy navigation and the crawlability and visibility of the website in search results. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is primary navigation easy to use?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0150 Is primary navigation easy to use?" loading="lazy" />Providing simple primary navigation improves the user experience and increases users' probability of finding what they are searching for. It also aids in the maintenance of a clean and well-organized website structure. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Footer navigation checks?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0151 Footer navigation checks?" loading="lazy" />Examining the footer navigation ensures that all relevant pages on a website are easily accessible. It also contributes to the site's cleanliness and organization and improves the user experience. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Menu setup and use</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0152 Menu setup and use" loading="lazy" />Creating and utilizing a clean and structured menu improves the user experience and makes it simpler for users to locate what they are searching for. It also aids in the maintenance of a clean and well-organized website structure. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">⚙️ Technical SEO Checks</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website use Subdomains?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0153 Does the website use Subdomains?" loading="lazy" />The use of subdomains can affect search engine visibility and impact website organization. Therefore, it is recommended to use subdirectories for content categorization. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website carry a Favicon?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0154 Does the website carry a Favicon?" loading="lazy" /> A favicon is a small visual element that helps brand recognition and user experience. Therefore, a website needs to have a unique favicon. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Site Uptime</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0155 Site Uptime" loading="lazy" /> Site uptime is the time a website is available and accessible to users. High uptime is important for user experience and search engine ranking. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Broken / Redirected Internal/External Links</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17062" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0156 Broken / Redirected Internal/External Links" loading="lazy" /> Broken or redirected links can impact user experience and search engine ranking. It is important to check and fix any broken or redirected links regularly. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Javascript Use</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0157 Javascript Use" loading="lazy" />The use of Javascript can affect website accessibility, crawlability and UX. It is important to use Javascript in a way that does not block search engines from accessing website content. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the .htaccess file configured correctly?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0158 Is the .htaccess file configured correctly?" loading="lazy" />The .htaccess file is used for server-side configuration and has the potential to affect website functionality and search engine ranking. It is important to ensure it is configured correctly. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Blacklist check</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0159 Blacklist check" loading="lazy" />It is quite common for websites to be blacklisted due to malicious activities or incorrect setup. Once your website is blacklisted, it will affect its performance, making it difficult for users to access it. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Structured Data & Schema Use</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0160 Structured Data & Schema Use" loading="lazy" />Structured data and schema help search engines understand the content on a website and can impact search engine ranking. Therefore, using structured data and schema appropriately on a website is important. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there any Chrome Console Errors?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0161 Are there any Chrome Console Errors?" loading="lazy" />Chrome Console Errors can impact website functionality and UX. It is important to check and fix any console errors regularly. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Is CSS being minified?</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0162 Is CSS being minified?" loading="lazy" />Minifying CSS can improve page load time and positively impact user experience and search engine ranking. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is every website page secure and without errors?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0163 Is every website page secure and without errors?" loading="lazy" />A secure and error-free website is important for user trust and search engine ranking. It is recommended to use SSL certificates and regularly check for security issues. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there any canonical errors?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0164 Are there any canonical errors?" loading="lazy" />Canonicalization tells search engines which version of a site's content is the best, which can affect how it ranks in search engines. It is important to use rel= "canonical" tags correctly. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Can the website be crawled and used without Javascript on?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0165 Can the website be crawled and used without Javascript on?" loading="lazy" />A website should be accessible and crawlable with Javascript on and off to ensure accessibility and search engine visibility. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Check all sites on the webserver</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0166 Check all sites on the webserver" loading="lazy" />It is important to regularly check all sites on a webserver to ensure they function correctly and don't negatively impact each other. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Check domain history</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0167 Check domain history" loading="lazy" />A domain's history can impact search engine ranking. It is important to check the history of a domain before purchasing it or transferring it to a new owner. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Accessibility Checks</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0168 Accessibility Checks" loading="lazy" />Accessibility is important for users with disabilities and can impact search engine ranking. It is recommended to follow accessibility guidelines, such as the WCAG. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">HTML Validation</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0169 HTML Validation" loading="lazy" />HTML validation helps ensure a website is coded correctly and can positively impact search engine ranking and user experience. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is the website using a Cookie Acceptance notice?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0170 Is the website using a Cookie Acceptance notice?" loading="lazy" />A cookie notice is used to inform users about the use of cookies on a site. When using cookies, it is important to comply with privacy regulations, such as the GDPR.Competition analysis </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">📷 Images/Video</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >How many images are used sitewide?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0171 How many images are used sitewide?" loading="lazy" />Too many images can slow down the page, leading to poor user experience and lower ranking. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are images being optimized?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0172 Are images being optimized?" loading="lazy" /> By reducing the size of the image and giving it a descriptive file name, you can make the page load faster and help it show up in search results. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are ALT tags being regularly used?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0173 Are ALT tags being regularly used?" loading="lazy" /> ALT tags give a text description of the image for people who can't see it and help search engines figure out what the image is about. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are there any dead images?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17062" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0174 Are there any dead images?" loading="lazy" /> Broken images can improve user experience and positively impact search engine ranking. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are too many stock images used?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0175 Are too many stock images used?" loading="lazy" />Using stock images can make the website look generic and increase user engagement, leading to lower search rankings. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">🔎 Competition analysis</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Top 3-5 competitors identified?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0176 Top 3-5 competitors identified?" loading="lazy" />The first step is to identify the top 3-5 competitors in search engines to know who you are competing against. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Has the competition been benchmarked?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0177 Has the competition been benchmarked?" loading="lazy" /> Benchmarking the competition is important to measure your performance and find improvement areas. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Competitor top 10 keywords</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0178 Competitor top 10 keywords" loading="lazy" /> Understanding the competitor's top 10 keywords and average search positions gives an insight into their SEO strategy and help find opportunities to outrank them. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Competitor average search positions</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17062" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0179 Competitor average search positions" loading="lazy" /> Knowing what your competitors are doing and how they're positioning themselves in the market can help you stay one step ahead. When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), analyzing competitor average search positions is a great way to gain valuable insights into their SEO performance. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title">Top ranking keywords</span> <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17063" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0180 Top ranking keywords" loading="lazy" />Knowing the top-ranking keywords of the competition can be essential in developing a strong SEO strategy and ultimately increasing search engine visibility. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="checklist"> <h2 class="checklist__title">🏠 Local SEO</h2> <span class="checklist__title-border"></span> <span class="checklist__percentage-border"></span> <ul class="checklist-container"> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Does the website need and gain traffic from local audiences?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0181 Does the website need and gain traffic from local audiences?" loading="lazy" />It's important to assess if a website needs traffic from local audiences, as it will determine the importance of local SEO efforts. If a website needs local visitors, it's important to use local SEO techniques to bring local visitors to the site. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Are local title tags being used?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0182 Are local title tags being used?" loading="lazy" /> Local title tags are an important part of local SEO because they tell search engines where a business is. Therefore, local title tags can help improve a website's visibility in local search results. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Is local structured data being used?</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17061" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0183 Is local structured data being used?" loading="lazy" /> Local structured data helps search engines understand the location and context of a business and can result in improved search engine ranking. Therefore, implementing local structured data is a crucial aspect of local SEO and can positively impact search engine visibility. </div> </div> </li> <li class="checklist-item"> <input id="" type="checkbox" /><label for="" class="checkbox" ></label ><span class="checklist-item__title" >Set up and optimize Google My Business</span > <button class="checklist-item__expand" aria-label="Toggle Info" title="Toggle More Information" > <span class="line"></span> </button> <div class="info-container"> <div class="info"> <img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-17062" src="" alt="Technical SEO checklist-0184 Set up and optimize Google My Business" loading="lazy" /> Setting up and optimizing a Google My Business profile is key to establishing a strong online presence and appearing in local search results. Optimizing a Google My Business profile can improve the visibility of a business in local search results and drive local traffic to a website. </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sub_container"> <h2>FAQs</h2> <h3>1. Can SEO Keywords Be Phrases?</h3> Yes, SEO keywords can be phrases, often called "long-tail keywords," which are more specific and less competitive than single words. <h3>2. How to Choose SEO Keywords?</h3> Choose SEO keywords by researching your audience's search habits, analyzing competitors, and using tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant and high-volume keywords. <h3>3. What is an SEO Checklist?</h3> An SEO checklist is a set of tasks and considerations to optimize a website for search engines, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. <h3>4. What are the Top 10 Items on an SEO Checklist?</h3> The top 10 items include keyword research, on-page optimization, meta tags, content quality, mobile-friendliness, page speed, internal and external links, social media integration, user experience, and analytics monitoring. <h3>5. What Does an SEO Content Checklist Include?</h3> An SEO content checklist includes keyword optimization, use of headings, readability, engaging and relevant content, image optimization, and internal linking. <h3>6. How Often Does SEO Need to Be Done?</h3> SEO should be an ongoing process, with regular updates and adjustments as search engine algorithms change and new content is added. <h3>7. What are the Basics of an SEO Checklist?</h3> The basics include keyword research, on-page optimization, high-quality content, mobile optimization, fast loading speed, and quality backlinks. <h3>8. What is a Website SEO Checklist?</h3> A website SEO checklist covers all aspects of website optimization, such as site structure, keyword optimization, meta tags, content quality, mobile-friendliness, and technical SEO. <h3>9. What is a Local SEO Checklist?</h3> A local SEO checklist focuses on optimizing a business for local search, including Google My Business optimization, local keywords, NAP consistency (Name, Address, Phone Number), and local link building. <h3>10. How Has the Local SEO Checklist Evolved?</h3> The local SEO checklist includes a stronger focus on mobile optimization, local voice search, enhanced user experience, and leveraging local social media profiles. <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p> SEO is a difficult beast to tackle, and this checklist with 186 tips can help you get started on your SEO journey. While there are many more tips out there, this should be enough to fill your plate and keep you from getting overwhelmed. To make sure that you don’t miss out on any crucial SEO tactics, bookmark this article and keep it handy. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll be writing an article about the 187th SEO Tip! Until then, happy optimizing! </p> </div> <script> const checkboxValuesEnThree = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("checkboxValuesEnThree")) || {}, buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".checklist-item__expand")), labels = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".checklist-item__title")), checkboxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]')), checkboxesLength = checkboxes.length, progress = document.querySelector(".progress__bar"), counter = document.querySelector(".progress__count"), reset = document.querySelector(".progress__reset"); function loadIds() { for (let a = 0; a < checkboxesLength; a += 1) { const b = a => a.replace(/[ ,.!?;:'-]/g, ""); (checkboxes[a].id = `${b( checkboxes[a].nextSibling.nextSibling.innerText ).toLowerCase()}`), checkboxes[a].nextSibling.setAttribute( "for", `${b(checkboxes[a].nextSibling.nextSibling.innerText).toLowerCase()}` ); } } function updateStorage(a) { (checkboxValuesEnThree[] = a.checked), localStorage.setItem( 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