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<div class="panel-heading-normal-text inline-block"> January 26-27, 2024</div> <span class="panel-heading-normal-text hidden-xs-down hidden-sm-down">|</span> <div class="clearfix hidden-md-up"></div> <div class="panel-heading-normal-text inline-block "> Washington-Dempsey Indoor - Seattle, WA</div> <span class="panel-heading-normal-text hidden-xs-down hidden-sm-down">|</span> <div class="panel-heading-normal-text inline-block"> 307m (Flat)</div> </div> <div> <span class="panel-heading-text">ICON KEY:</span> <a href="#"><img src="" class="mb-3"></a> <span class="panel-heading-normal-text font-size-15">NCAA DII Prov</span> <a href="#"><img src="" class="mb-3"></a> <span class="panel-heading-normal-text font-size-15">NAIA A</span> <a href="#"><img src="" class="mb-3"></a> <span class="panel-heading-normal-text font-size-15">NAIA B</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <select class="form-control" name="team_filter" onchange="navigateTo(this, 'window', false);">> <option>Filter by 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font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5020847_79">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5020847_45">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5020847_97">TIME</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Houser</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:51.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:49.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:42.46 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> Brannon Kidder </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:53.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:13.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:25.12 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joe Waskom</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:53.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:09.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:44.30 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathan Green</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:53.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 2:50.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:35.04 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ronan McMahon-Staggs</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:54.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:01.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:03.00 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matt Strangio</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:55.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:01.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:43.76 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> Sam Ellis </td> <td> </td> <td> On Running </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:56.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:02.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:30.38 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> Henry Mcluckie </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:56.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:04.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:58.07 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> Mac Franks </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:57.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:52.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:05.41 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leo Daschbach</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:58.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:14.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:29.60 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> John Gay </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:58.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:46.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:48.96 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Wil Smith</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:58.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:46.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:11.05 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Michael Mireles</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">UCLA</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:58.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:56.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:10.64 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> Matthew Centrowitz </td> <td> </td> <td> NIKE </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:59.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:37.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:06.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Pickren</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 3:59.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:59.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:56.84 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Estanis Ruiz</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:00.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:20.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:56.20 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan Jenkins</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:01.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:52.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:50.21 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kevin McDermott</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:02.13 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NCAA DII Prov"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:16.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:12.35 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaiah Labra</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:02.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:04.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:19.30 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> Christopher Olley </td> <td> </td> <td> Peninsula Distance Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:03.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:34.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:04.79 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Chris Caudillo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:03.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:00.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:43.95 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bridger Altice</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:03.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:57.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:23.12 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ollie Newman</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:04.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:38.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:03.02 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kelton Gagnon</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:04.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:01.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:15.00 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> Eric Avila </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:04.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:10.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:56.88 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicholas Russell</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:04.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:28.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:17.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ahmed Sado</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:04.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:01.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:55.02 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Travis Feeny</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:04.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:02.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:45.28 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jamar Distel</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:05.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:33.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:45.55 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis Westwood</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:05.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:52.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:23.68 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Thomas Chaston</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:05.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 2:56.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:16.91 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> Justin Janke </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:06.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:30.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:03.57 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a href="">Tyrone Gorze</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:06.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:08.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:50.48 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Drew Hogan</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:06.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:03.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:03.03 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> James Mwaura </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:06.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:27.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:02.35 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>36</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santiago Gaitan</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:06.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:05.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:41.29 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>37</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sam Geiger</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:08.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:20.16 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>38</td> <td> <a href="">Thomas Diamond</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:36.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:27.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>39</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Twyman</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:55.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:19.23 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>40</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Tolbert</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:16.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 2:55.76 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>41</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brian Barsaiya</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:05.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:45.27 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>42</td> <td> Dalton Kaines </td> <td>So</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:02.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:49.68 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>43</td> <td> Christian Harrison </td> <td> </td> <td> Golden Coast Track Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:10.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:27.99 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>44</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Keeton Sanchez</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.61 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NCAA DII Prov"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:13.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:16.94 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>45</td> <td> Trey Gannon </td> <td>RS</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:05.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:57.26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>46</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Fischer</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:04.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:12.17 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>47</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Austen Apperson</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:58.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:50.58 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>48</td> <td> Josiah Tostenson </td> <td>11</td> <td> Rogue Valley Runners </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:07.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 2:56.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:08.45 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>49</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mark Crandall</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:08.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:48.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:30.62 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>50</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Coleman Cragun</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:08.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:48.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:28.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>51</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Hanokh Gailson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:09.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:18.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:26.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>52</td> <td> Henry Pick </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:09.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:44.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:56.94 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>53</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Colter Blanchard</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:09.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:24.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:59.31 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>54</td> <td> Christian Gravel </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:09.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:22.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 2:57.13 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>55</td> <td> Salvador Capetillo </td> <td> </td> <td> Performance Elite Running </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:09.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:19.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:49.67 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>56</td> <td> <a href="">Isaac Briggs</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:09.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:42.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:29.79 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>57</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fraser Sproul</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:09.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:44.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:32.37 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>58</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryce Anderson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:10.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:57.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:52.65 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>59</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Thompson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:10.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 2:55.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:22.77 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>60</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Harrison Dance</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">UCLA</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:10.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:15.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:35.80 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>61</td> <td> <a href="">Cruize Corvin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:10.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:23.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:23.19 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>62</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Easton Pomrankey</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:11.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:26.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:58.92 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>63</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leif Swanson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:11.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:38.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:46.19 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>64</td> <td> Aaron Lakeman </td> <td>9</td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:11.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:34.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:18.59 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>65</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mason Kissell</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:11.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:34.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:46.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>66</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Abdala</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:11.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:52.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:07.26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>67</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lanse Larsen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:34.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:44.31 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>68</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Carp Mukai</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:37.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:29.25 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>69</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kelvin Limo</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:17.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:55.15 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>70</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tyler Downs</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:02.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:10.46 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>71</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kyle Ortega-Gammill</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:55.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:09.34 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>72</td> <td> Marcus Dickson </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:17.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:09.46 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>73</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nick Braz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:21.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:00.88 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>74</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Mitchell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:08.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:30.54 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>75</td> <td> <a href="">Will Schneider</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:12.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:07.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:08.60 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>76</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Franklin</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:28.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:50.24 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>77</td> <td> Jacob Martinez </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:05.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:53.60 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>78</td> <td> Eric Fykerud </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:13.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:22.50 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>79</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Johan Correa</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Central Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:15.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:28.46 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>80</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Racle</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:04.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:29.91 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>81</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathan Carlin</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:26.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:40.82 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>81</td> <td> Daniel Sealand </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:53.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:48.43 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>83</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Marcus Lemon</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eastern Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:40.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:11.41 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>84</td> <td> Jack Henzke </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:13.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:27.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:44.46 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>85</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nate Lantz</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.05 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:33.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:30.87 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>86</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryce Cerkowniak </a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 2:58.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:23.47 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>87</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Alfonso</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:01.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:26.05 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>88</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kyle Berg</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:01.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:25.62 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>89</td> <td> Vincent Recupero </td> <td>11</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:50.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:54.20 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>90</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Samuel Lingwall</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:17.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:44.03 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>91</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Paul Talens</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:44.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:31.59 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>92</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Samy Anderson</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:14.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:50.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:11.04 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>93</td> <td> Adrian Stuphan </td> <td>Jr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:15.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:39.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:15.00 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>94</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Thorsett</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:15.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:58.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:44.54 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>95</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Austin Clough </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:15.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:01.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:52.55 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>96</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Wadhwani</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Simon Fraser</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:15.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:52.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:11.70 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>97</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Harvey Chilcott</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:15.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:50.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:53.99 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>98</td> <td> Mitchell Rees-Jones </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:15.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:22.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:45.26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>99</td> <td> Michael Kolor </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.05 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:54.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:09.82 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cam McChesney</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eastern Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:32.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:30.06 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Yonas Sauers </a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:28.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:13.74 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kainalu Pagente</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:52.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:08.64 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>103</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Clough</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:21.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:16.44 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>104</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aiden Emerson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:34.49 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:25.23 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>105</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mateo Fesslmeier</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:56.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:26.94 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>106</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Emmett Klus</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:16.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:27.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:00.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>107</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonah Bazerkanian</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:29.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:11.02 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>108</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kevin Andrews</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:35.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:55.81 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>109</td> <td> Micah Goff </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:06.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:19.82 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>110</td> <td> Gabriel Kary </td> <td>So</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:01.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:54.12 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>111</td> <td> Logan Singer </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:05.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:41.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>112</td> <td> Moises Martinez </td> <td>Sr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:32.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:14.95 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>113</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Peel</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:33.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:38.23 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>114</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Benjamin Schoening</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Simon Fraser</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:17.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:46.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:56.54 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>115</td> <td> Nathan Stein </td> <td>Fr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:18.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:47.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:35.48 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>116</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Ho</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:18.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:00.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:54.45 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>117</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mohamed Saleh</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:18.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:05.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:13.22 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>118</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Yutaka Roberts</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:18.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:05.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:52.13 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>119</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kirubel Bogale</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Simon Fraser</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:18.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:31.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:31.62 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>120</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zander Moha</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Corban</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:18.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:24.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:50.36 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>121</td> <td> Tyler VanDooren </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:18.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:00.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:27.12 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>122</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan DeLaCruz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:19.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:23.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:57.99 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>123</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brandon Moreno</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sacramento St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:19.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:04.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:37.04 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>124</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kellen Langford</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:19.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:01.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:53.38 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>125</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Emanuel Salas</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:19.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:40.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:34.78 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>126</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sully Nordheim</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:19.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:32.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:06.93 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>127</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sten Brakstad</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:19.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:25.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:11.66 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>128</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Drew Kolodge</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:19.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:06.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:01.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>129</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Teddy Buckley</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:20.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:09.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:35.46 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>130</td> <td> Tayvon Kitchen </td> <td>11</td> <td> Rogue Valley Runners </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:20.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:28.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:28.11 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>131</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Resendez</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:20.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:04.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:09.84 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>132</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eric Anthony Souza-Ponce</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:20.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:23.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:46.75 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>133</td> <td> Keiyu Mamiya </td> <td>12</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:20.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:36.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:12.97 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>134</td> <td> Otto Erhart </td> <td>11</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:20.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:33.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:26.00 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>135</td> <td> Ben Li </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:20.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:07.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:26.15 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>136</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Kennedy</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:21.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:57.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:05.37 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>137</td> <td> Colin Monaghan </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:21.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:00.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:34.26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>138</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eduardo Tobon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:21.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:42.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:52.61 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>139</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Eifert</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:21.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:50.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:16.11 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>140</td> <td> Hudson Atrosh </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:21.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:03.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:18.74 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>141</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryan Banuelos</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:21.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:13.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:26.68 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>142</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Riley Moore</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:21.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:40.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:11.74 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>143</td> <td> Shaun Garnica </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:22.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:42.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:53.22 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>144</td> <td> Chase Howard </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:22.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:20.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:12.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>145</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lance Mason</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:22.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:28.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:33.76 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>146</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kadan Allen</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:23.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:26.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:32.03 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>147</td> <td> Rajesh Gill </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:23.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:32.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:15.65 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>148</td> <td> Jacob Hupke </td> <td>Fr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:23.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:04.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:16.34 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>149</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Werner</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:23.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:40.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:29.75 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>150</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Blinn</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:23.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:07.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:37.71 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>151</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gus Harquail</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:23.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:28.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:15.98 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>152</td> <td> Connor Rickey </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:23.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:26.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:24.66 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>153</td> <td> Noah Louwerse </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:24.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:11.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:56.01 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>154</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brennan LeBlanc</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:24.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:56.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:35.14 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>155</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Reiss</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:25.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:59.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:51.15 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>156</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Parnow</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:26.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:38.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:48.82 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>157</td> <td> Thomas Mikkelson </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:26.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:11.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:35.59 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>158</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Johnson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:26.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:53.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:55.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>159</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bo Olsen</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:26.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:38.79 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:17.45 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>160</td> <td> Luke Gillingham </td> <td>12</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:26.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:41.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:57.61 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>161</td> <td> Liam Stanley </td> <td> </td> <td> Prairie Inn Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:27.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:23.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:07.17 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>162</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Kemper</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:27.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:54.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:06.14 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>163</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Parker Wagnild </a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:27.79 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:14.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:05.28 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>164</td> <td> Jackson Baker </td> <td> </td> <td> Timberline Athletic Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:28.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:54.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:29.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>165</td> <td> Tomas Chapman </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:28.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:53.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:36.25 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>166</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Venable</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:28.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:22.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:08.83 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>167</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Jensen</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:28.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:39.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:39.31 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>168</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="'Day.html">Cale O'Day</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:28.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:29.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:55.48 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>169</td> <td> Mark Mandi </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:28.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:55.49 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:25.03 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>170</td> <td> Lars Eide </td> <td>Fr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:28.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:03.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:36.03 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>171</td> <td> Lucas Spurling </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:29.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:22.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:19.14 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>172</td> <td> Findlay Hartshorn </td> <td>10</td> <td> Bolt Track and Field </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:29.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:39.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:04.10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>173</td> <td> Jack Huarte </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:29.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:45.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:32.74 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>174</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Zeljak</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:29.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:31.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:32.86 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>175</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eli Dale</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:29.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:56.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:32.35 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>176</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dan Barreto </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:29.79 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:49.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:40.59 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>177</td> <td> Alex Yahn </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:30.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:18.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:51.67 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>178</td> <td> Blake Reynolds </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:30.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:08.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:00.54 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>179</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lance Senneff</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alaska Anchorage</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:30.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:41.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:32.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>180</td> <td> Max Billett </td> <td>10</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:30.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:35.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:41.29 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>181</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jarron Ransford</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:30.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:38.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:41.09 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>182</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cole Riley</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:31.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:01.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:12.05 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>183</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Anders Norman</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:31.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:30.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:44.98 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>184</td> <td> Ethan Ashby </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:31.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:58.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:31.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>185</td> <td> Maxwell Miracle </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:31.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:53.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:26.01 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>186</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Grant Bohannon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:31.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:42.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:42.06 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>187</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Fernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:31.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:12.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:28.52 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>188</td> <td> Caleb Doddington </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:31.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:34.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:25.98 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>189</td> <td> Seku Sanders </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:32.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:53.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:34.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>190</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Kopatich</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:32.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:53.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:26.66 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>191</td> <td> Nicolas Davila </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:32.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:24.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:02.71 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>192</td> <td> Andrew Kolenski </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:33.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:41.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:25.20 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>193</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Silas Demmert</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:33.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:14.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:42.20 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>194</td> <td> Grant Headley </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:34.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:17.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:56.35 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>195</td> <td> Nathan Goode </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:34.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:33.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:34.33 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>196</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gavin Darrah</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:34.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:45.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:18.44 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>197</td> <td> Eamon Whitten </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:34.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:34.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:50.61 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>198</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noe Ortega</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:34.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:18.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:07.27 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>199</td> <td> Henry Tait </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:35.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:19.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:19.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>200</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Lieb</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:35.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:51.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:57.04 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>201</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Francis (Timmy) Higgins</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:35.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:54.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:16.39 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>202</td> <td> Ian Cook </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:35.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:19.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:08.19 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>203</td> <td> Avery Cesar </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:36.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:52.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:39.95 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>204</td> <td> Zev Caiyem </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:36.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:25.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:57.77 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>205</td> <td> Daniel He </td> <td>1</td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:36.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:43.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:00.86 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>206</td> <td> Matthew Lawrence </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:36.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:53.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:37.82 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>207</td> <td> Caughnery Freese </td> <td>11</td> <td> Spokane Mercury Athletic </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:38.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:53.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:53.93 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>208</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaydon Blackburn</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:38.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:41.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:48.10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>209</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kade Franco</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:39.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:48.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:15.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>210</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Loeffelman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:39.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:56.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:09.97 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>211</td> <td> Kellen McInelly </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:39.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:49.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:56.77 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>212</td> <td> Ben Mangrum </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:40.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:49.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:33.09 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>213</td> <td> Ryker Demick </td> <td>12</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:40.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:15.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:46.02 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>214</td> <td> Zach Davis </td> <td>9</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:40.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:54.49 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:04.60 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>215</td> <td> Isaac Benjamin </td> <td>10</td> <td> Thriller Track & Field </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:12.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:57.90 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>216</td> <td> Jasper Cabanier </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:24.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:31.76 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>217</td> <td> Craig Maclean </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:49.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:01.89 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>218</td> <td> Ethan Coon </td> <td>So</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:24.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:48.84 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>219</td> <td> Ezra Caspary </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:16.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:16.17 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>220</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aric Jacklin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:46.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:36.81 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>221</td> <td> Elliot McIntosh </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:29.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:00.50 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>222</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gabe Endresen</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:41.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:04.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:06.58 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>223</td> <td> Riley Sine </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:42.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:40.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:42.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>224</td> <td> Seamus Alspach </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:43.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:45.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:40.74 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>225</td> <td> Jonathan Dreher </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:43.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:06.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:38.50 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>226</td> <td> Henry Loya </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:43.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:15.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:12.61 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>227</td> <td> Nathaniel Laursen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:43.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:44.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:09.41 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>228</td> <td> Kaj Montgomery </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:44.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:32.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:07.18 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>229</td> <td> Noah Thomas </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:45.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:02.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:25.00 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>230</td> <td> Brian Comer </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:45.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:51.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:36.64 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>231</td> <td> Benjamin Lucas </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:45.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:22.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:11.02 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>232</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Michael Harwell</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:45.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:42.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:54.07 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>233</td> <td> Toto Mounir </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:45.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:28.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:31.51 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>234</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathaniel Gale</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:45.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:31.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:37.39 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>235</td> <td> Connor Morris </td> <td> </td> <td> Thriller Track & Field </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:46.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:29.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:40.48 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>236</td> <td> Nash Howard </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:46.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:49.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:49.27 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>237</td> <td> Kingston Shillito </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:46.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:52.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:18.11 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>238</td> <td> Joachim Jakuc </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:46.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:55.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:38.58 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>239</td> <td> Ronan Olson </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:48.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:28.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:56.20 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>240</td> <td> Mikah Leary </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:48.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:40.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:50.52 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>241</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Diego Razo-Castaneda </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:48.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:11.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:47.77 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>242</td> <td> Owen Mangrum </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:48.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:42.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:16.85 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>243</td> <td> Marcus Goodbody </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:48.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:19.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:28.60 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>244</td> <td> Sam Collins </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:49.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:38.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:04.45 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>245</td> <td> Huston Campbell </td> <td>9</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:49.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:43.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:26.39 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>246</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaskaran Dhatt</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:49.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:04.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:54.62 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>247</td> <td> Chase Koenigs </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:50.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:28.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:30.79 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>248</td> <td> Charles Valdman </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:50.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:07.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:56.11 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>249</td> <td> Denzel Usman Jr. </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:51.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:54.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:50.38 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>250</td> <td> Douglas Wallack </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:52.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:16.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:44.59 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>251</td> <td> Austen Florence </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:53.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:01.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:59.39 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>252</td> <td> Coolidge Grigg </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:54.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:12.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:48.25 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>253</td> <td> Kale Petersen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:55.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:56.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:13.16 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>254</td> <td> Miles Zoltak </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:55.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:19.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:14.39 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>255</td> <td> Trevor Odom </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:56.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:33.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:47.95 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>256</td> <td> Ian Tasky </td> <td>12</td> <td> Cascade Striders </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:56.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:39.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:38.62 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>257</td> <td> Karsten Kaufmann </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:57.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:33.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:27.91 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>258</td> <td> RJ Yu </td> <td>10</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:57.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:08.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:59.57 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>259</td> <td> Brooks Oliver </td> <td>8</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:58.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:21.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:43.28 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>260</td> <td> Christopher Hunt </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:58.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:28.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:31.62 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>261</td> <td> Finn Southerland </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:58.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:32.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:31.64 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>262</td> <td> Kenenisa Udo </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:59.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:04.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:35.24 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>263</td> <td> Dean Bartolome </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:59.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:08.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:11.23 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>264</td> <td> Silas Rennie </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 4:59.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:53.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:29.52 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>265</td> <td> Marcus Stroman </td> <td>11</td> <td> Bainbridge </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:00.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:09.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:06.09 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>266</td> <td> Finn Bunker </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:00.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:15.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:39.82 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>267</td> <td> Benjamin Matlick </td> <td>10</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:00.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:09.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:43.00 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>268</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Trevor Blair</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:01.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:58.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:22.34 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>269</td> <td> Jackson Mazza </td> <td>11</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:01.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:46.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:04.58 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>270</td> <td> Ethan Ancell </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:02.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:10.79 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:20.71 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>271</td> <td> Ethan Urquhart </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:02.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:11.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:34.65 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>272</td> <td> Sean Haffey </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:02.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:50.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:05.46 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>273</td> <td> Hunter Collins </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:03.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:09.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:27.21 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>274</td> <td> Dawson Welliver </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:05.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:31.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:31.84 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>275</td> <td> Joshua Cashion </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:05.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:05.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:04.06 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>276</td> <td> Carter Adams </td> <td>10</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:06.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:22.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:20.38 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>277</td> <td> Victor Cheng </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:07.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:43.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:40.17 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>278</td> <td> Jonathan Piper </td> <td>10</td> <td> Squalicum </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:08.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:36.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:21.22 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>279</td> <td> Joshua Nguyen </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:09.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:30.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:46.26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>280</td> <td> James Levitt </td> <td>7</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:09.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:46.49 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:26.70 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>281</td> <td> Kamyar Horton </td> <td>10</td> <td> Squalicum </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:12.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:19.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:27.27 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>282</td> <td> Reid Bush </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:13.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:23.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 3:48.80 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>283</td> <td> Gabriel Kolsrud </td> <td>7</td> <td> Federal Way Track </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:17.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:01.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:58.58 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>284</td> <td> Travis Lowe </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:18.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:05.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:40.85 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>285</td> <td> Parker Dillon </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:19.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:53.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:12.33 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>286</td> <td> Kaden Loftus </td> <td>8</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:19.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:28.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:57.05 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>287</td> <td> Zareef Amyeen </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:19.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:09.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:34.88 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>288</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brady Elliott</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:19.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:58.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:17.39 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>289</td> <td> Albert Le </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:20.49 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:31.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:26.01 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>290</td> <td> Richard Dizon </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:21.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:31.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:21.20 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>291</td> <td> Chris Houser </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:23.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:47.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:03.81 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>292</td> <td> Thomas Knudsen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Squalicum </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:24.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:09.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:06.52 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>293</td> <td> Trevor Thompson </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:25.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:47.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:41.89 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>294</td> <td> Brian Roman </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:25.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:38.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:09.65 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>295</td> <td> Conner Blair </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:26.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:34.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:26.09 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>296</td> <td> Brenden Roehl </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:26.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:09.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:11.77 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>297</td> <td> Klae Lloyd Howard </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:26.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:31.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:24.58 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>298</td> <td> Gabriel Calva </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:26.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:42.05 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:03.99 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>299</td> <td> Chris Yorges </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:28.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:57.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:53.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>300</td> <td> Aiden Nguyen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:28.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:28.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:12.83 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>301</td> <td> Alex Pratt </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:28.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:47.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:58.87 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>302</td> <td> Emery Wager </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:30.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:10.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:24.68 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>303</td> <td> Caden Williams </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:33.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:47.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:40.24 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>304</td> <td> Sean Mariorenzi </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:34.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 3:53.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:07.26 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>305</td> <td> Cody Olsen </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:34.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:40.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:47.74 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>306</td> <td> Oliver Hale </td> <td>3</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:35.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:34.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:45.29 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>307</td> <td> Cache Tait </td> <td>5</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:37.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:20.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:21.81 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>308</td> <td> Jeffrey Winmill </td> <td>6</td> <td> Federal Way Track </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:39.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:39.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:09.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>309</td> <td> Dale Berg </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:39.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:35.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:51.72 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>310</td> <td> Grant Davis </td> <td>6</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:40.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:57.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:46.08 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>311</td> <td> Jayden Lim </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:43.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:38.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:36.52 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>312</td> <td> Scott McGrew </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:45.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:50.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:00.22 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>313</td> <td> Todd Yezefski </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 5:47.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:31.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:08.78 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>314</td> <td> Desmond Hoopes </td> <td>3</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 6:04.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 4:58.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:06.02 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>315</td> <td> Rehan Syed </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 6:28.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:30.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 4:55.53 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>316</td> <td> Peter Toth </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 6:28.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 5:57.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:11.13 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>317</td> <td> Seth Brauer </td> <td>3</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 6:54.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 7:56.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 8:42.56 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>318</td> <td> Shubham Patel </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 7:07.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:03.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:50.89 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>319</td> <td> Arny Stonkus </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 7:16.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 7:16.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 7:55.49 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>320</td> <td> Larry Kwiatkowski </td> <td> </td> <td> Greater Bellingham Runnin </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 7:23.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 8:52.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 8:30.53 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>321</td> <td> Calvin Pratt </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 7:51.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:02.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 5:53.51 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>322</td> <td> Jamie Campbell </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> 7:55.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> 6:58.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> 6:06.07 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Khalid Hirsi </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leo Rutledge</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Nelson</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Caleb Armstrong</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Max Wehrli</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tom Graham-Marr</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eliason Kabasenche</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sam Affolder</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eric Gibson</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cuauhtemoc Fitiao</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Salt Lake</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Conrad Charles </td> <td>5</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Will Laird </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Baylor Franklin </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Owen Powell </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Austin Bass </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_79"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5020847_97"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5020847_51 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5020847_46 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5020847_21">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5020847_51">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5020847_46">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>215</td> <td> Isaac Benjamin </td> <td>10</td> <td> Thriller Track & Field </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 4:41.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 5:34.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 4:29.79 </td> <tr> <td>262</td> <td> Kenenisa Udo </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 4:59.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 6:02.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 6:16.96 </td> <tr> <td>303</td> <td> Caden Williams </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 5:33.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 5:30.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 5:16.93 </td> <tr> <td>309</td> <td> Dale Berg </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 5:39.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 5:05.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 4:48.33 </td> <tr> <td>312</td> <td> Scott McGrew </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 5:45.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 6:43.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 6:40.30 </td> <tr> <td>313</td> <td> Todd Yezefski </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 5:47.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 6:19.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 5:09.64 </td> <tr> <td>314</td> <td> Desmond Hoopes </td> <td>3</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 6:04.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 4:36.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 6:26.16 </td> <tr> <td>315</td> <td> Rehan Syed </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 6:28.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 8:21.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 6:59.96 </td> <tr> <td>316</td> <td> Peter Toth </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 6:28.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 5:18.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 8:21.70 </td> <tr> <td>317</td> <td> Seth Brauer </td> <td>3</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 6:54.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 8:34.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 8:13.53 </td> <tr> <td>318</td> <td> Shubham Patel </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 7:07.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 6:59.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 5:25.22 </td> <tr> <td>319</td> <td> Arny Stonkus </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 7:16.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 7:46.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 7:20.60 </td> <tr> <td>320</td> <td> Larry Kwiatkowski </td> <td> </td> <td> Greater Bellingham Runnin </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 7:23.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 6:08.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 7:41.70 </td> <tr> <td>321</td> <td> Calvin Pratt </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 7:51.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 8:52.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 9:16.19 </td> <tr> <td>322</td> <td> Jamie Campbell </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_21"> 7:55.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_51"> 8:57.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5020847_46"> 6:39.35 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5020847_74 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5020847_40 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5020847_74">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5020847_1">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5020847_40">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>285</td> <td> Parker Dillon </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 4:31.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:19.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 5:54.54 </td> <tr> <td>286</td> <td> Kaden Loftus </td> <td>8</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 5:06.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:19.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 6:16.90 </td> <tr> <td>290</td> <td> Richard Dizon </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 6:15.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:21.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 5:14.78 </td> <tr> <td>291</td> <td> Chris Houser </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 7:00.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:23.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 4:12.10 </td> <tr> <td>293</td> <td> Trevor Thompson </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 4:46.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:25.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 4:33.52 </td> <tr> <td>294</td> <td> Brian Roman </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 6:37.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:25.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 5:42.24 </td> <tr> <td>296</td> <td> Brenden Roehl </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 5:42.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:26.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 6:28.07 </td> <tr> <td>298</td> <td> Gabriel Calva </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 4:47.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:26.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 4:28.04 </td> <tr> <td>299</td> <td> Chris Yorges </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 5:34.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:28.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 6:59.96 </td> <tr> <td>302</td> <td> Emery Wager </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 5:40.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:30.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 6:10.54 </td> <tr> <td>304</td> <td> Sean Mariorenzi </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 4:57.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:34.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 6:37.62 </td> <tr> <td>306</td> <td> Oliver Hale </td> <td>3</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 5:52.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:35.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 5:41.94 </td> <tr> <td>307</td> <td> Cache Tait </td> <td>5</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 4:40.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:37.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 4:33.69 </td> <tr> <td>308</td> <td> Jeffrey Winmill </td> <td>6</td> <td> Federal Way Track </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 4:10.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:39.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 5:45.82 </td> <tr> <td>310</td> <td> Grant Davis </td> <td>6</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 7:22.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:40.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 7:22.75 </td> <tr> <td>311</td> <td> Jayden Lim </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> 6:34.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> 5:43.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> 4:17.54 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Conrad Charles </td> <td>5</td> <td> Rain City Flyers </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_74"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_1"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5020847_40"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_3_5020847_37 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 3 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5020847_29">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5020847_37">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>254</td> <td> Miles Zoltak </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 4:55.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:37.22 </td> <tr> <td>256</td> <td> Ian Tasky </td> <td>12</td> <td> Cascade Striders </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 4:56.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:29.01 </td> <tr> <td>260</td> <td> Christopher Hunt </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 4:58.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 6:16.09 </td> <tr> <td>263</td> <td> Dean Bartolome </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 4:59.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:14.23 </td> <tr> <td>270</td> <td> Ethan Ancell </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:02.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 3:34.53 </td> <tr> <td>276</td> <td> Carter Adams </td> <td>10</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:06.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 4:32.63 </td> <tr> <td>277</td> <td> Victor Cheng </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:07.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 6:09.45 </td> <tr> <td>278</td> <td> Jonathan Piper </td> <td>10</td> <td> Squalicum </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:08.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:58.28 </td> <tr> <td>279</td> <td> Joshua Nguyen </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:09.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 6:17.18 </td> <tr> <td>282</td> <td> Reid Bush </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:13.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 6:12.97 </td> <tr> <td>287</td> <td> Zareef Amyeen </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:19.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 4:54.05 </td> <tr> <td>288</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brady Elliott</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:19.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:39.01 </td> <tr> <td>289</td> <td> Albert Le </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:20.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:30.11 </td> <tr> <td>292</td> <td> Thomas Knudsen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Squalicum </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:24.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 6:22.75 </td> <tr> <td>295</td> <td> Conner Blair </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:26.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:55.44 </td> <tr> <td>297</td> <td> Klae Lloyd Howard </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:26.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 3:51.92 </td> <tr> <td>300</td> <td> Aiden Nguyen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:28.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:41.49 </td> <tr> <td>301</td> <td> Alex Pratt </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:28.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 5:38.28 </td> <tr> <td>305</td> <td> Cody Olsen </td> <td> </td> <td> Club Run Seattle Division </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_29"> 5:34.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5020847_37"> 6:31.03 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_4_5020847_48 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5020847_85 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5020847_10 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5020847_5 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 4 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5020847_48">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5020847_85">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5020847_41">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5020847_10">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5020847_5">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>239</td> <td> Ronan Olson </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:08.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 5:19.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 4:48.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 5:31.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 5:45.65 </td> <tr> <td>249</td> <td> Denzel Usman Jr. </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 4:02.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 4:31.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 4:51.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 5:14.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 5:26.61 </td> <tr> <td>252</td> <td> Coolidge Grigg </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:29.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 5:23.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 4:54.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 4:57.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 5:47.08 </td> <tr> <td>253</td> <td> Kale Petersen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:36.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 4:49.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 4:55.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 5:22.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 5:54.52 </td> <tr> <td>255</td> <td> Trevor Odom </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 3:50.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 4:20.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 4:56.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 5:49.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 4:02.76 </td> <tr> <td>257</td> <td> Karsten Kaufmann </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:02.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 3:51.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 4:57.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 3:57.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 4:33.25 </td> <tr> <td>265</td> <td> Marcus Stroman </td> <td>11</td> <td> Bainbridge </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:42.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 5:12.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:00.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 5:21.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 5:18.11 </td> <tr> <td>266</td> <td> Finn Bunker </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 6:12.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 5:36.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:00.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 3:42.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 4:36.67 </td> <tr> <td>267</td> <td> Benjamin Matlick </td> <td>10</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:09.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 4:15.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:00.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 4:15.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 3:33.62 </td> <tr> <td>269</td> <td> Jackson Mazza </td> <td>11</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 3:52.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 4:13.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:01.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 4:19.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 4:13.31 </td> <tr> <td>271</td> <td> Ethan Urquhart </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:02.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 3:55.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:02.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 6:26.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 4:16.98 </td> <tr> <td>272</td> <td> Sean Haffey </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 4:35.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 3:40.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:02.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 4:50.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 6:08.97 </td> <tr> <td>273</td> <td> Hunter Collins </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 3:35.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 4:48.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:03.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 6:07.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 6:22.59 </td> <tr> <td>274</td> <td> Dawson Welliver </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 6:12.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 6:00.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:05.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 6:00.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 4:34.89 </td> <tr> <td>275</td> <td> Joshua Cashion </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 5:54.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 5:57.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:05.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 4:35.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 4:47.58 </td> <tr> <td>280</td> <td> James Levitt </td> <td>7</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 6:14.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 3:42.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:09.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 5:18.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 3:36.56 </td> <tr> <td>281</td> <td> Kamyar Horton </td> <td>10</td> <td> Squalicum </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 4:06.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 5:43.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:12.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 4:25.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 3:38.62 </td> <tr> <td>283</td> <td> Gabriel Kolsrud </td> <td>7</td> <td> Federal Way Track </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> 4:29.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> 4:26.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> 5:17.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> 5:07.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> 5:58.58 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Austin Bass </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_48"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_85"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_41"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_10"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5020847_5"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 5 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5020847_72">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>214</td> <td> Zach Davis </td> <td>9</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:40.46 </td> <tr> <td>226</td> <td> Henry Loya </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:43.83 </td> <tr> <td>227</td> <td> Nathaniel Laursen </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:43.86 </td> <tr> <td>235</td> <td> Connor Morris </td> <td> </td> <td> Thriller Track & Field </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:46.33 </td> <tr> <td>236</td> <td> Nash Howard </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:46.40 </td> <tr> <td>237</td> <td> Kingston Shillito </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:46.78 </td> <tr> <td>240</td> <td> Mikah Leary </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:48.15 </td> <tr> <td>242</td> <td> Owen Mangrum </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:48.59 </td> <tr> <td>245</td> <td> Huston Campbell </td> <td>9</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:49.55 </td> <tr> <td>247</td> <td> Chase Koenigs </td> <td>8</td> <td> Bryant Bandits </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:50.16 </td> <tr> <td>248</td> <td> Charles Valdman </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:50.30 </td> <tr> <td>251</td> <td> Austen Florence </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:53.52 </td> <tr> <td>258</td> <td> RJ Yu </td> <td>10</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:57.16 </td> <tr> <td>259</td> <td> Brooks Oliver </td> <td>8</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:58.19 </td> <tr> <td>261</td> <td> Finn Southerland </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:58.77 </td> <tr> <td>264</td> <td> Silas Rennie </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 4:59.56 </td> <tr> <td>284</td> <td> Travis Lowe </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5020847_72"> 5:18.13 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_6_5020847_19 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5020847_23 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5020847_84 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5020847_93 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5020847_1 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 6 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5020847_19">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5020847_91">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5020847_23">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5020847_84">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5020847_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5020847_1">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>202</td> <td> Ian Cook </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 4:30.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:35.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 3:15.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:08.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 5:44.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 3:46.13 </td> <tr> <td>205</td> <td> Daniel He </td> <td>1</td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:38.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:36.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 4:28.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 3:52.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 5:26.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 5:26.69 </td> <tr> <td>209</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kade Franco</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:18.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:39.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 4:47.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 4:13.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 5:15.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 4:44.70 </td> <tr> <td>212</td> <td> Ben Mangrum </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:02.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:40.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 5:05.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 4:45.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 3:55.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 4:45.99 </td> <tr> <td>216</td> <td> Jasper Cabanier </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 4:29.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:41.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 4:01.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:57.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 4:43.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 4:35.53 </td> <tr> <td>217</td> <td> Craig Maclean </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:45.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:41.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 5:17.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:57.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 5:43.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 4:21.58 </td> <tr> <td>218</td> <td> Ethan Coon </td> <td>So</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:37.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:41.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 3:36.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:01.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 6:02.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 3:22.55 </td> <tr> <td>222</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gabe Endresen</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:10.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:41.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 3:37.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:04.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 3:28.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 5:01.72 </td> <tr> <td>224</td> <td> Seamus Alspach </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:37.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:43.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 4:35.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:34.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 3:24.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 4:01.04 </td> <tr> <td>225</td> <td> Jonathan Dreher </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:29.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:43.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 5:20.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:43.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 3:55.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 5:54.70 </td> <tr> <td>228</td> <td> Kaj Montgomery </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:41.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:44.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 4:12.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 3:30.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 4:41.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 3:50.13 </td> <tr> <td>230</td> <td> Brian Comer </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:56.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:45.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 5:56.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 4:19.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 4:56.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 6:07.90 </td> <tr> <td>234</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathaniel Gale</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 4:31.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:45.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 4:05.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:51.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 3:25.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 5:40.30 </td> <tr> <td>241</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Diego Razo-Castaneda </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:54.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:48.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 3:24.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 4:13.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 3:42.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 5:43.09 </td> <tr> <td>243</td> <td> Marcus Goodbody </td> <td> </td> <td> Husky Run Club </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:51.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:48.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 5:58.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 5:06.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 3:30.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 3:36.61 </td> <tr> <td>244</td> <td> Sam Collins </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:45.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:49.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 3:22.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 4:52.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 4:52.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 4:02.97 </td> <tr> <td>246</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaskaran Dhatt</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:47.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:49.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 3:31.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 3:43.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 5:53.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 5:09.93 </td> <tr> <td>250</td> <td> Douglas Wallack </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 5:38.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 4:52.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 6:13.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 4:49.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 5:15.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 5:56.27 </td> <tr> <td>268</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Trevor Blair</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_19"> 3:37.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_91"> 5:01.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_23"> 5:34.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_84"> 4:43.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_93"> 6:22.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5020847_1"> 4:13.29 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_7_5020847_6 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 7 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5020847_62">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5020847_6">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>131</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Resendez</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:20.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 3:38.71 </td> <tr> <td>166</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Venable</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:28.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:22.25 </td> <tr> <td>170</td> <td> Lars Eide </td> <td>Fr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:28.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 4:23.45 </td> <tr> <td>172</td> <td> Findlay Hartshorn </td> <td>10</td> <td> Bolt Track and Field </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:29.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:33.70 </td> <tr> <td>175</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eli Dale</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:29.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:26.28 </td> <tr> <td>183</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Anders Norman</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:31.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:38.83 </td> <tr> <td>184</td> <td> Ethan Ashby </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:31.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:52.59 </td> <tr> <td>193</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Silas Demmert</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:33.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:23.04 </td> <tr> <td>196</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gavin Darrah</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:34.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 4:37.26 </td> <tr> <td>200</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Lieb</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:35.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:33.50 </td> <tr> <td>201</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Francis (Timmy) Higgins</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:35.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 3:59.85 </td> <tr> <td>208</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaydon Blackburn</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:38.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:39.75 </td> <tr> <td>210</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Loeffelman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:39.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 4:28.08 </td> <tr> <td>211</td> <td> Kellen McInelly </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:39.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 3:57.98 </td> <tr> <td>213</td> <td> Ryker Demick </td> <td>12</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:40.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:42.10 </td> <tr> <td>220</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aric Jacklin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:41.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 5:01.28 </td> <tr> <td>223</td> <td> Riley Sine </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:42.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 4:22.64 </td> <tr> <td>232</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Michael Harwell</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_62"> 4:45.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5020847_6"> 4:16.99 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_8_5020847_86 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_8_5020847_15 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_8_5020847_85 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_8_5020847_7 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_8_5020847_49 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 8 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5020847_86">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5020847_15">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5020847_33">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5020847_85">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5020847_7">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5020847_49">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>118</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Yutaka Roberts</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 5:23.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:31.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:18.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 5:12.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:31.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 5:15.40 </td> <tr> <td>122</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan DeLaCruz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:03.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 5:16.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:19.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:22.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:45.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 4:29.49 </td> <tr> <td>126</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sully Nordheim</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:19.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 3:30.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:19.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 4:06.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:56.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 4:48.18 </td> <tr> <td>138</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eduardo Tobon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:03.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 3:18.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:21.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 5:16.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:42.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 4:39.65 </td> <tr> <td>141</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryan Banuelos</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:21.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 3:26.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:21.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 4:55.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:10.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 4:24.23 </td> <tr> <td>146</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kadan Allen</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:25.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 3:36.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:23.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:20.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:46.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 5:37.30 </td> <tr> <td>154</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brennan LeBlanc</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:07.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 3:21.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:24.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 5:20.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 4:00.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:23.71 </td> <tr> <td>156</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Parnow</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:34.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 5:45.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:26.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 5:03.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 5:08.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 5:21.95 </td> <tr> <td>157</td> <td> Thomas Mikkelson </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 5:11.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:44.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:26.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:22.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:54.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:59.71 </td> <tr> <td>161</td> <td> Liam Stanley </td> <td> </td> <td> Prairie Inn Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:00.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:05.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:27.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:20.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 5:31.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:23.21 </td> <tr> <td>163</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Parker Wagnild </a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:50.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:35.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:27.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:20.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 5:34.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:10.13 </td> <tr> <td>168</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="'Day.html">Cale O'Day</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:01.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 5:49.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:28.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:16.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 4:36.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:18.78 </td> <tr> <td>169</td> <td> Mark Mandi </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:59.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 5:19.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:28.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 5:08.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:48.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 5:43.84 </td> <tr> <td>174</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Zeljak</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:42.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:07.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:29.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:59.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:24.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 4:32.14 </td> <tr> <td>176</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dan Barreto </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:45.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 3:35.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:29.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 4:02.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 5:23.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:33.14 </td> <tr> <td>179</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lance Senneff</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alaska Anchorage</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 4:30.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 3:25.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:30.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 5:08.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 4:27.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:20.08 </td> <tr> <td>180</td> <td> Max Billett </td> <td>10</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:22.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:44.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:30.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 4:44.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 5:19.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 5:00.23 </td> <tr> <td>182</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cole Riley</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:47.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:33.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:31.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:42.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 4:14.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:23.27 </td> <tr> <td>198</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noe Ortega</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 5:46.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 4:40.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:34.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 3:17.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 5:04.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:50.79 </td> <tr> <td>204</td> <td> Zev Caiyem </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_86"> 3:32.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_15"> 5:37.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_33"> 4:36.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_85"> 4:33.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_7"> 3:35.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5020847_49"> 3:55.00 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_9_5020847_82 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_9_5020847_23 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_9_5020847_93 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_9_5020847_60 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_9_5020847_43 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_9_5020847_4 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 9 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_9_5020847_82">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_9_5020847_23">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_9_5020847_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_9_5020847_60">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_9_5020847_43">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_9_5020847_4">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_9_5020847_71">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>171</td> <td> Lucas Spurling </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 5:04.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 4:29.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:56.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 5:04.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:22.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 3:19.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:29.10 </td> <tr> <td>173</td> <td> Jack Huarte </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 3:40.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:17.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:29.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 3:21.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:42.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 3:56.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:29.29 </td> <tr> <td>177</td> <td> Alex Yahn </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 4:57.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:24.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 5:02.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 5:37.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 4:21.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 5:15.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:30.06 </td> <tr> <td>189</td> <td> Seku Sanders </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 3:51.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:51.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:29.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 5:37.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 4:29.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 5:34.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:32.10 </td> <tr> <td>192</td> <td> Andrew Kolenski </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 3:55.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:52.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:27.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 5:19.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 4:49.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 5:06.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:33.40 </td> <tr> <td>197</td> <td> Eamon Whitten </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 4:07.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 4:31.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:18.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 5:48.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:23.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 3:17.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:34.53 </td> <tr> <td>199</td> <td> Henry Tait </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 4:24.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 4:24.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 5:41.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 4:54.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 4:24.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 3:34.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:35.48 </td> <tr> <td>203</td> <td> Avery Cesar </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 5:23.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 4:50.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:08.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 3:52.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:42.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 4:19.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:36.38 </td> <tr> <td>206</td> <td> Matthew Lawrence </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 5:21.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:26.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 5:46.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 3:27.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:07.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 4:59.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:36.90 </td> <tr> <td>207</td> <td> Caughnery Freese </td> <td>11</td> <td> Spokane Mercury Athletic </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 4:10.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:50.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:49.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 3:34.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 4:07.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 5:25.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:38.48 </td> <tr> <td>219</td> <td> Ezra Caspary </td> <td>10</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 5:32.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 4:16.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 5:04.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 4:55.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:01.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 4:44.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:41.50 </td> <tr> <td>221</td> <td> Elliot McIntosh </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 4:24.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 6:03.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:52.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 3:19.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:54.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 3:39.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:41.64 </td> <tr> <td>229</td> <td> Noah Thomas </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 5:30.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 4:08.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 5:22.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 6:04.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 4:27.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 3:36.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:45.08 </td> <tr> <td>231</td> <td> Benjamin Lucas </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 3:31.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:51.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 4:22.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 3:48.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:36.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 3:59.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:45.40 </td> <tr> <td>233</td> <td> Toto Mounir </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 4:57.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 5:17.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 3:28.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 3:31.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 5:28.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 5:57.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:45.80 </td> <tr> <td>238</td> <td> Joachim Jakuc </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> 5:50.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> 6:01.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> 5:04.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> 5:21.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> 3:58.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> 5:50.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> 4:46.93 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Owen Powell </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_82"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_23"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_93"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_60"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_43"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_4"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_9_5020847_71"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_10_5020847_89 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_10_5020847_98 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_10_5020847_9 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_10_5020847_44 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_10_5020847_2 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_10_5020847_91 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 10 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_10_5020847_89">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_10_5020847_98">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_10_5020847_33">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_10_5020847_9">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_10_5020847_44">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_10_5020847_2">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_10_5020847_91">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>132</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eric Anthony Souza-Ponce</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 5:12.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 5:10.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:20.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 3:18.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 5:18.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 4:36.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 4:12.86 </td> <tr> <td>145</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lance Mason</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 4:25.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 5:10.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:22.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 4:46.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 5:12.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 3:32.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 3:53.90 </td> <tr> <td>150</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Blinn</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 3:12.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 4:10.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:23.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 4:02.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 5:03.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 4:39.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 4:08.00 </td> <tr> <td>155</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Reiss</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 3:32.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 3:37.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:25.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 5:37.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 5:45.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 4:09.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 5:05.55 </td> <tr> <td>159</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bo Olsen</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 4:00.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 4:16.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:26.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 4:00.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 3:46.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 5:41.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 5:20.12 </td> <tr> <td>160</td> <td> Luke Gillingham </td> <td>12</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 3:22.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 4:05.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:26.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 5:36.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 4:48.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 5:12.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 3:20.23 </td> <tr> <td>181</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jarron Ransford</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 4:25.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 4:49.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:30.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 4:28.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 5:51.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 5:51.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 3:58.22 </td> <tr> <td>190</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Kopatich</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Northwest U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 5:10.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 4:07.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:32.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 5:29.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 3:29.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 5:07.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 5:31.97 </td> <tr> <td>191</td> <td> Nicolas Davila </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> 5:32.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> 4:05.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> 4:32.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> 3:10.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> 5:16.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> 3:29.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> 3:27.26 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Khalid Hirsi </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_89"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_98"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_33"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_9"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_44"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_2"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_10_5020847_91"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_11_5020847_26 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_11_5020847_66 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_11_5020847_12 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 11 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_11_5020847_26">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_11_5020847_66">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_11_5020847_41">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_11_5020847_12">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>116</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Ho</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 4:10.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 5:09.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:18.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 5:17.70 </td> <tr> <td>125</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Emanuel Salas</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 5:21.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 5:08.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:19.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 4:55.86 </td> <tr> <td>135</td> <td> Ben Li </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 4:23.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 4:41.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:20.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 3:36.57 </td> <tr> <td>147</td> <td> Rajesh Gill </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 3:17.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 4:10.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:23.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 4:57.82 </td> <tr> <td>162</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Kemper</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 5:21.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 3:50.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:27.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 3:12.63 </td> <tr> <td>164</td> <td> Jackson Baker </td> <td> </td> <td> Timberline Athletic Club </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 3:15.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 5:05.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:28.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 5:05.57 </td> <tr> <td>167</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Jensen</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 5:35.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 4:25.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:28.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 3:10.68 </td> <tr> <td>186</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Grant Bohannon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 4:12.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 3:50.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:31.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 5:25.77 </td> <tr> <td>187</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Fernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_26"> 4:36.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_66"> 5:28.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_41"> 4:31.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_11_5020847_12"> 5:39.38 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_12_5020847_93 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_12_5020847_29 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_12_5020847_43 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_12_5020847_26 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_12_5020847_65 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 12 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_12_5020847_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_12_5020847_29">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_12_5020847_63">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_12_5020847_43">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_12_5020847_26">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_12_5020847_65">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>72</td> <td> Marcus Dickson </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 4:12.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 4:50.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:12.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 4:40.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 3:04.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 4:17.67 </td> <tr> <td>84</td> <td> Jack Henzke </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 3:02.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 3:30.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:13.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 3:23.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 4:11.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 3:38.43 </td> <tr> <td>89</td> <td> Vincent Recupero </td> <td>11</td> <td> Green Lake Harriers </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 3:00.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 4:22.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:14.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 3:46.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 3:03.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 4:24.75 </td> <tr> <td>93</td> <td> Adrian Stuphan </td> <td>Jr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 4:40.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 3:36.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:15.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 3:24.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 4:40.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 3:18.90 </td> <tr> <td>130</td> <td> Tayvon Kitchen </td> <td>11</td> <td> Rogue Valley Runners </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 3:46.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 3:33.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:20.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 4:20.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 3:17.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 3:33.45 </td> <tr> <td>140</td> <td> Hudson Atrosh </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 4:52.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 3:26.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:21.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 4:29.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 5:16.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 5:16.42 </td> <tr> <td>143</td> <td> Shaun Garnica </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 5:01.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 3:13.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:22.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 4:08.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 4:56.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 3:08.67 </td> <tr> <td>152</td> <td> Connor Rickey </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 5:40.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 5:29.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:23.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 4:00.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 3:49.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 3:04.77 </td> <tr> <td>185</td> <td> Maxwell Miracle </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 3:12.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 4:47.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:31.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 3:50.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 4:01.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 4:15.15 </td> <tr> <td>188</td> <td> Caleb Doddington </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 5:53.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 5:45.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:31.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 5:36.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 4:58.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 4:12.64 </td> <tr> <td>194</td> <td> Grant Headley </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 4:17.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 3:50.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:34.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 4:01.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 4:23.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 3:58.48 </td> <tr> <td>195</td> <td> Nathan Goode </td> <td>9</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_93"> 3:47.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_29"> 5:42.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_63"> 4:34.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_43"> 4:04.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_26"> 4:28.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_12_5020847_65"> 3:36.72 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 13 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_13_5020847_95">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>73</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nick Braz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:12.84 </td> <tr> <td>76</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Franklin</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:13.01 </td> <tr> <td>83</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Marcus Lemon</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eastern Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:13.95 </td> <tr> <td>95</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Austin Clough </a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:15.55 </td> <tr> <td>102</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kainalu Pagente</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin's</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:16.33 </td> <tr> <td>103</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Clough</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:16.44 </td> <tr> <td>108</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kevin Andrews</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:17.22 </td> <tr> <td>111</td> <td> Logan Singer </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:17.44 </td> <tr> <td>114</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Benjamin Schoening</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Simon Fraser</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:17.86 </td> <tr> <td>120</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zander Moha</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Corban</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:18.83 </td> <tr> <td>133</td> <td> Keiyu Mamiya </td> <td>12</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:20.77 </td> <tr> <td>134</td> <td> Otto Erhart </td> <td>11</td> <td> Shoreline Track Club </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:20.78 </td> <tr> <td>136</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Kennedy</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:21.03 </td> <tr> <td>137</td> <td> Colin Monaghan </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:21.14 </td> <tr> <td>149</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Werner</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> 4:23.80 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cuauhtemoc Fitiao</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Salt Lake</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_13_5020847_95"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_14_5020847_64 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_14_5020847_89 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_14_5020847_56 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_14_5020847_1 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_14_5020847_53 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 14 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_14_5020847_64">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_14_5020847_89">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_14_5020847_56">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_14_5020847_1">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_14_5020847_53">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_14_5020847_73">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>65</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mason Kissell</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:08.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 2:58.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 5:14.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 4:31.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:44.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:11.73 </td> <tr> <td>85</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nate Lantz</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:51.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 3:05.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 5:17.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 4:52.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:48.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:14.05 </td> <tr> <td>88</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kyle Berg</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:41.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 3:00.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 4:39.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 3:15.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 4:52.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:14.39 </td> <tr> <td>90</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Samuel Lingwall</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 4:37.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 3:08.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 4:04.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 4:57.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:56.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:14.58 </td> <tr> <td>91</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Paul Talens</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:39.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 4:12.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 4:40.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 4:45.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:23.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:14.92 </td> <tr> <td>94</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Thorsett</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 4:25.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 4:02.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 3:29.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 3:31.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:59.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:15.15 </td> <tr> <td>105</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mateo Fesslmeier</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:02.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 3:53.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 3:58.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 5:31.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:02.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:16.67 </td> <tr> <td>119</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kirubel Bogale</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Simon Fraser</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:45.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 5:00.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 4:21.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 4:39.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:21.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:18.68 </td> <tr> <td>121</td> <td> Tyler VanDooren </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:16.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 4:16.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 5:10.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 3:01.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 4:03.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:18.90 </td> <tr> <td>127</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sten Brakstad</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 3:35.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 4:06.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 5:09.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 4:14.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:17.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:19.71 </td> <tr> <td>129</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Teddy Buckley</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 5:30.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 5:35.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 3:33.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 4:07.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 5:38.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:20.04 </td> <tr> <td>139</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Eifert</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 4:00.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 5:34.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 4:00.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 3:16.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 5:03.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:21.47 </td> <tr> <td>142</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Riley Moore</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 4:40.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 5:27.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 4:11.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 5:30.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 3:24.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:21.96 </td> <tr> <td>165</td> <td> Tomas Chapman </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> 4:04.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> 3:39.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> 3:23.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> 3:56.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> 4:01.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> 4:28.20 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leo Rutledge</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_64"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_89"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_56"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_1"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_53"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_14_5020847_73"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_15_5020847_66 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_15_5020847_35 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_15_5020847_55 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_15_5020847_90 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_15_5020847_39 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_15_5020847_15 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 15 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_15_5020847_66">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_15_5020847_35">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_15_5020847_55">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_15_5020847_90">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_15_5020847_28">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_15_5020847_39">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_15_5020847_15">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>74</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Mitchell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:45.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 5:16.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:09.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 5:21.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:12.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:37.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:05.26 </td> <tr> <td>80</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Racle</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:29.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:34.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 4:36.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 3:12.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:13.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:43.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:36.61 </td> <tr> <td>81</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathan Carlin</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:34.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 2:57.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:07.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 4:18.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:13.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 4:21.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 3:53.51 </td> <tr> <td>87</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Alfonso</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:44.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:11.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:36.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 5:30.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:14.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 4:39.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:06.75 </td> <tr> <td>92</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Samy Anderson</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 5:16.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 5:05.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 5:13.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 4:58.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:14.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 4:37.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 5:18.69 </td> <tr> <td>96</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Wadhwani</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Simon Fraser</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 3:37.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 3:55.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 4:46.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 3:57.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:15.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 4:15.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:30.93 </td> <tr> <td>98</td> <td> Mitchell Rees-Jones </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 5:07.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 3:50.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:01.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 3:09.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:15.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:35.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:41.57 </td> <tr> <td>100</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cam McChesney</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eastern Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 3:09.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 5:27.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:45.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 5:33.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:16.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:50.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 3:35.19 </td> <tr> <td>109</td> <td> Micah Goff </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:04.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 3:12.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:30.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 4:24.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:17.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 4:45.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 3:23.22 </td> <tr> <td>115</td> <td> Nathan Stein </td> <td>Fr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 3:05.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:00.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 5:04.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 4:56.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:18.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 4:38.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 5:32.90 </td> <tr> <td>117</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mohamed Saleh</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fresno State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:39.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:15.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 4:28.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 3:13.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:18.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 4:23.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:00.30 </td> <tr> <td>128</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Drew Kolodge</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:40.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:17.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 4:43.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 5:37.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:19.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:12.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 3:43.57 </td> <tr> <td>148</td> <td> Jacob Hupke </td> <td>Fr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 3:12.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:02.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 4:15.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 3:17.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:23.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:46.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 5:40.06 </td> <tr> <td>153</td> <td> Noah Louwerse </td> <td>11</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:16.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:26.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:12.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 5:11.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:24.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:36.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 3:07.65 </td> <tr> <td>158</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Johnson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 4:50.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 4:37.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:41.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 3:27.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:26.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 3:46.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:21.06 </td> <tr> <td>178</td> <td> Blake Reynolds </td> <td>12</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_66"> 3:20.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_35"> 3:09.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_55"> 3:20.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_90"> 4:16.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_28"> 4:30.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_39"> 5:18.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_15_5020847_15"> 4:03.25 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 16 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_16_5020847_76">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>37</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sam Geiger</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:07.10 </td> <tr> <td>40</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Tolbert</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:07.54 </td> <tr> <td>41</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brian Barsaiya</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:07.55 </td> <tr> <td>44</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Keeton Sanchez</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:07.61 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NCAA DII Prov"/> </td> <tr> <td>47</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Austen Apperson</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:07.93 </td> <tr> <td>55</td> <td> Salvador Capetillo </td> <td> </td> <td> Performance Elite Running </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:09.64 </td> <tr> <td>63</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leif Swanson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:11.32 </td> <tr> <td>68</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Carp Mukai</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:12.10 </td> <tr> <td>69</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kelvin Limo</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:12.26 </td> <tr> <td>86</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryce Cerkowniak </a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:14.33 </td> <tr> <td>101</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Yonas Sauers </a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:16.30 </td> <tr> <td>106</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Emmett Klus</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:16.75 </td> <tr> <td>107</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonah Bazerkanian</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:17.04 </td> <tr> <td>123</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brandon Moreno</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sacramento St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:19.26 </td> <tr> <td>124</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kellen Langford</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:19.31 </td> <tr> <td>151</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gus Harquail</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle U.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> 4:23.89 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Caleb Armstrong</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_16_5020847_76"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_17_5020847_28 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_17_5020847_20 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_17_5020847_9 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_17_5020847_65 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_17_5020847_60 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_17_5020847_68 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 17 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_17_5020847_28">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_17_5020847_20">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_17_5020847_9">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_17_5020847_65">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_17_5020847_60">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_17_5020847_68">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_17_5020847_57">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaiah Labra</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 2:54.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 4:28.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 5:00.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 4:19.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 3:18.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 4:41.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:02.33 </td> <tr> <td>42</td> <td> Dalton Kaines </td> <td>So</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 4:27.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 4:24.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 3:20.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 3:30.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 4:05.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 3:23.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:07.59 </td> <tr> <td>46</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Fischer</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 4:32.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 4:32.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 4:49.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 5:19.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 4:05.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 3:28.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:07.75 </td> <tr> <td>50</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Coleman Cragun</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 4:40.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 3:48.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 4:58.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 3:26.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 4:06.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 4:23.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:08.66 </td> <tr> <td>57</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fraser Sproul</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 3:07.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 5:04.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 3:19.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 2:54.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 3:27.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 3:44.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:09.84 </td> <tr> <td>58</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryce Anderson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 4:55.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 4:05.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 4:20.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 5:02.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 5:10.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 4:00.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:10.16 </td> <tr> <td>61</td> <td> <a href="">Cruize Corvin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 4:03.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 4:15.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 4:40.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 3:18.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 5:18.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 4:56.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:10.85 </td> <tr> <td>62</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Easton Pomrankey</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Oregon</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 3:56.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 3:18.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 2:55.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 3:56.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 3:51.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 3:13.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:11.19 </td> <tr> <td>75</td> <td> <a href="">Will Schneider</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 5:16.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 5:26.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 4:15.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 4:38.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 4:53.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 3:57.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:12.95 </td> <tr> <td>78</td> <td> Eric Fykerud </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 4:10.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 3:52.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 3:57.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 5:11.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 3:02.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 3:17.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:13.12 </td> <tr> <td>79</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Johan Correa</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Central Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 3:37.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 4:33.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 3:37.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 5:08.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 3:35.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 5:26.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:13.26 </td> <tr> <td>97</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Harvey Chilcott</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 4:00.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 2:58.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 5:19.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 4:33.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 3:47.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 4:43.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:15.64 </td> <tr> <td>99</td> <td> Michael Kolor </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 3:14.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 2:59.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 5:27.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 3:45.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 4:28.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 5:12.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:16.05 </td> <tr> <td>110</td> <td> Gabriel Kary </td> <td>So</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 5:16.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 3:33.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 3:56.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 4:24.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 4:50.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 3:28.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:17.27 </td> <tr> <td>113</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Peel</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> 3:13.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> 5:04.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> 3:05.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> 4:02.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> 3:13.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> 5:27.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> 4:17.62 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Nelson</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_28"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_20"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_9"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_65"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_60"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_68"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_17_5020847_57"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_18_5020847_46 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_18_5020847_59 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 18 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_18_5020847_46">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_18_5020847_59">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_18_5020847_73">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jamar Distel</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 2:56.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 4:32.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:05.16 </td> <tr> <td>45</td> <td> Trey Gannon </td> <td>RS</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:05.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 4:25.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:07.71 </td> <tr> <td>48</td> <td> Josiah Tostenson </td> <td>11</td> <td> Rogue Valley Runners </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:20.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 4:30.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:07.96 </td> <tr> <td>52</td> <td> Henry Pick </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:09.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 4:46.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:09.41 </td> <tr> <td>53</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Colter Blanchard</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:22.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 3:59.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:09.42 </td> <tr> <td>59</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Thompson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:47.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 3:10.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:10.21 </td> <tr> <td>60</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Harrison Dance</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">UCLA</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:18.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 4:35.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:10.72 </td> <tr> <td>64</td> <td> Aaron Lakeman </td> <td>9</td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:18.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 3:46.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:11.38 </td> <tr> <td>66</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Abdala</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 4:16.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 3:56.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:11.85 </td> <tr> <td>67</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lanse Larsen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:44.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 3:46.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:12.03 </td> <tr> <td>70</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tyler Downs</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 3:26.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 4:35.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:12.40 </td> <tr> <td>71</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kyle Ortega-Gammill</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 4:42.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 2:56.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:12.45 </td> <tr> <td>77</td> <td> Jacob Martinez </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 4:51.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 4:25.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:13.10 </td> <tr> <td>112</td> <td> Moises Martinez </td> <td>Sr</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> 5:06.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> 3:51.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> 4:17.52 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eliason Kabasenche</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> DNF </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sam Affolder</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> DNF </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Max Wehrli</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_46"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_59"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_18_5020847_73"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_19_5020847_96 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_19_5020847_46 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_19_5020847_45 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_19_5020847_3 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 19 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_19_5020847_96">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_19_5020847_46">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_19_5020847_45">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_19_5020847_3">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_19_5020847_36">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan Jenkins</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:26.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 4:52.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 3:06.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 5:14.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:01.84 </td> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kevin McDermott</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:26.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 4:26.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 3:50.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 4:06.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:02.13 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NCAA DII Prov"/> </td> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bridger Altice</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 3:19.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 4:32.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 4:42.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 3:05.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:03.63 </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kelton Gagnon</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:09.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 3:44.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 3:17.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 4:11.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:04.18 </td> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis Westwood</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 3:28.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 3:33.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 4:10.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 2:54.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:05.39 </td> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> Justin Janke </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 5:02.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 5:19.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 4:33.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 3:26.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:06.03 </td> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Drew Hogan</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:01.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 3:19.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 4:03.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 3:54.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:06.36 </td> <tr> <td>39</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Twyman</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:54.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 3:22.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 4:17.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 3:52.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:07.46 </td> <tr> <td>54</td> <td> Christian Gravel </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:01.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 3:32.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 3:24.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 4:29.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:09.47 </td> <tr> <td>56</td> <td> <a href="">Isaac Briggs</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 2:57.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 5:14.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 3:04.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 4:02.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:09.75 </td> <tr> <td>104</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aiden Emerson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:29.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 3:48.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 3:30.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 3:25.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:16.53 </td> <tr> <td>144</td> <td> Chase Howard </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> 4:22.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> 3:48.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> 3:19.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> 5:17.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> 4:22.76 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tom Graham-Marr</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_96"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_46"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_45"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_3"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_19_5020847_36"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_20_5020847_17 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_20_5020847_88 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_20_5020847_46 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_20_5020847_3 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_20_5020847_78 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_20_5020847_23 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 20 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_20_5020847_17">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_20_5020847_88">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_20_5020847_46">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_20_5020847_3">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_20_5020847_78">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_20_5020847_1">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_20_5020847_23">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Chris Caudillo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:48.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 5:04.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 3:14.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:08.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 4:00.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:03.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 4:37.50 </td> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ollie Newman</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Boise State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 5:17.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 4:25.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 4:30.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:18.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 3:59.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:04.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 2:58.14 </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicholas Russell</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santa Clara</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:37.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 5:12.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 3:44.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:09.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 4:31.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:04.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 4:41.03 </td> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ahmed Sado</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:18.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 5:01.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 3:55.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 3:37.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 4:41.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:04.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 4:51.33 </td> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Travis Feeny</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:28.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 4:31.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 3:30.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:19.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 3:40.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:04.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 4:51.39 </td> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Thomas Chaston</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:41.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 4:15.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 3:36.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 3:06.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 5:02.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:05.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 4:49.88 </td> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a href="">Tyrone Gorze</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 5:15.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 3:58.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 4:57.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:38.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 4:45.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:06.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 4:13.56 </td> <tr> <td>36</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santiago Gaitan</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Southern Utah</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:12.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 4:53.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 3:44.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:33.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 3:05.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:06.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 3:34.67 </td> <tr> <td>38</td> <td> <a href="">Thomas Diamond</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 5:01.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 5:06.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 3:10.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 3:35.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 4:46.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:07.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 5:16.47 </td> <tr> <td>43</td> <td> Christian Harrison </td> <td> </td> <td> Golden Coast Track Club </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 5:02.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 3:47.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 4:39.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:29.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 4:47.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:07.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 3:27.99 </td> <tr> <td>49</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mark Crandall</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Utah State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:06.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 3:53.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 2:53.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 5:10.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 3:26.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:08.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 3:48.41 </td> <tr> <td>51</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Hanokh Gailson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Weber State</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 5:18.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 4:48.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 5:08.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 5:01.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 4:11.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:09.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 5:01.32 </td> <tr> <td>81</td> <td> Daniel Sealand </td> <td> </td> <td> Bowerman Track </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> 3:23.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> 5:24.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> 5:27.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> 4:56.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> 3:38.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> 4:13.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> 3:35.74 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Baylor Franklin </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_17"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_88"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_46"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_3"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_78"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_1"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_20_5020847_23"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_21_5020847_65 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_21_5020847_4 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 21 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_21_5020847_46">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_21_5020847_65">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_21_5020847_4">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matt Strangio</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 3:55.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 4:19.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 2:54.30 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> Henry Mcluckie </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 3:56.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 4:53.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 3:32.91 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> Mac Franks </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 3:57.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 4:54.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 4:33.36 </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Wil Smith</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gonzaga</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 3:58.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 4:34.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 4:15.53 </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Michael Mireles</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">UCLA</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 3:58.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 4:34.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 2:54.44 </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> Matthew Centrowitz </td> <td> </td> <td> NIKE </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 3:59.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 2:47.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 4:54.39 </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Pickren</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cal Poly</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 3:59.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 3:40.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 3:18.69 </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Estanis Ruiz</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Portland</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 4:00.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 4:10.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 4:22.49 </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> Christopher Olley </td> <td> </td> <td> Peninsula Distance Club </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 4:03.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 5:13.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 4:54.20 </td> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> Eric Avila </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 4:04.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 3:54.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 4:57.93 </td> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> James Mwaura </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> 4:06.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> 3:19.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> 2:59.89 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> Will Laird </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_46"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_65"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_21_5020847_4"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men's Mile Section 22 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_22_5020847_26">TIME</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Houser</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:51.73 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> Brannon Kidder </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:53.09 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joe Waskom</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:53.64 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathan Green</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:53.74 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ronan McMahon-Staggs</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:54.61 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> Sam Ellis </td> <td> </td> <td> On Running </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:56.38 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leo Daschbach</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:58.18 </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> John Gay </td> <td> </td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> 3:58.50 </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eric Gibson</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_22_5020847_26"> DNF </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="fixed-bottom"> <div class="col-md-12 d-flex justify-content-center" style="padding-top: 0px;"> <div id='mobile-re-bottom' class="d-md-none re-placement" style="width: 320px; height: 50px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border: 1px solid #cccccc; margin-top: 100px; background-color: white;"> </div> <div id='desktop-re-bottom' class="d-none d-md-flex 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