Term of Use - The Jakarta Post

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class="breadcrumbs"> <li><a href="">Term of Use</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="tjpAbout mainWys col-xs-12 term-of-use"> <h3>The Jakarta Post Term Of Use</h3> <p>Welcome to website, which is a part of The Jakarta Post newspaper. The use of is subject to terms and conditions of sale (“Terms and Conditions of Use”). By registering yourself as a subscriber of (hereinafter referred to as “User”) and by accessing and using the feature and services of (including placing an order and/or purchase), you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of use including any changes to the terms and conditions of use that will be subject to These terms and conditions of use will remain as long as you access and use the features and services on and place an order and/or purchase from the website. You must read and understand the terms and conditions (including any amendments).</p> <ol class="parent"> <li> <h4>DEFINITION</h4> <ol class="child"> <li>The User is anyone who accesses or uses the website</li> <li>The Buyer is any person and/or an organization that purchases products from </li> <li>Products are things, content, physical and digital services that are sold through</li> <li>Sales Information is all forms of information that explain the specification of a certain product sold on</li> <li>Claims are claims submitted by the buyer due to the condition, quality or quantity of a product that has been purchased being different from the sales information</li> <li>Return is the process of returning a purchased item because of claims made by one party against another</li> <li>Site management of monitors activities not limited to subscription of content, sales of products, site maintenance, buyer service, distribution function, billing, marketing and promotion</li> <li>Payment Gateway is a service in the e-commerce industry that is used by The Jakarta Post to authorize payments by credit cards, transfer of funds and/or various other direct payment methods</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>REQUIREMENT</h4> <p>To make a transaction on, Buyers must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or over. If the Buyer is under eighteen (18) years of age, the Buyer can make a transaction on only with the consent of a parent or legal guardian.</p> </li> <li> <h4>PROHIBITION</h4> <p>Users must not:</p> <ol class="child"> <li>Create and/or use software/hardware, features and/or other tools with the aim of manipulating the system, which may result in the destruction of the system, retrieval of information from other users, and other consequences or abuses that can reasonably be expected to be detrimental to and its Users</li> <li>Distribute information and content that contains elements of harassment/pornography/pornoaction/discrimination or which violates legal, social, racial or ethnic norms and laws and regulations in force in Indonesia</li> <li>Violate or infringe the rights of others, including without exception, any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity or other proprietary right</li> <li>Spread certain ideologies or teachings which in principle are prohibited by applicable law in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia</li> <li>Modify, reproduce, transform, transfer, trade products and accounts without the approval of The Jakarta Post</li> <li>Violate the Terms and Conditions of Use, instructions or other policies on</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>CONFIDENTIALITY</h4> <ol class="child"> <li>The Jakarta Post is responsible for data collection and information and its protection at all times. This policy applies to all Users of, without exception</li> <li>The login features using email, username and password, Facebook Login, Google login, Linkedin login, Apple login or secure socket layer (SSL) are The Jakarta Post's efforts to protect User privacy</li> <li>The Jakarta Post has the right to a User’s data and information to improve the quality and service at and for promotional purposes by The Jakarta Post</li> <li>The Jakarta Post is not responsible for the transfer of User data and information to other parties, as a result of data exchange between Users themselves or as a result of third parties carrying out data-retrieval activities without permission through illegal practices</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>INFORMATION</h4> <ol class="child"> <li>The Jakarta Post does not transfer and/or submit a Buyer's data and information collected online to any other third parties, except as stipulated in points 5.4, 5.5 and 5.8.</li> <li>Buyer data and information will assist The Jakarta Post in providing information on new products that the Buyer is interested in or needs again</li> <li>With assistance from third parties, The Jakarta Post records the Buyer’s activities through emails for the needs of repair and development of the Buyer’s services.</li> <li>The Jakarta Post may provide the Buyer's name, address and telephone number to a third party service (delivery service) for the purpose of delivering the Product to the Buyer</li> <li>The Jakarta Post uses a Buyer's data and information to process, confirm, fulfill and complete transactions and from product requests needed by Buyers, including providing a Buyer's email to third party payment service providers (Payment Gateway) for transaction-processing purposes</li> <li>Prices and product availability are subject to change at any time. Every time there is a change in the price and availability of the Product, The Jakarta Post will use information from the Buyer when the Buyer makes an online transaction to inform the Buyer about the change</li> <li>Buyer data and information are used for security, statistical data, marketing analysis, information system management, payment billing, data maintenance and development and surveys, to improve The Jakarta Post services to Buyers, through understanding Buyers’ requests and needs</li> <li>Due to local laws and/or court decisions, The Jakarta Post may provide data and information about Buyers to the government or third parties or other relevant official bodies. Furthermore, The Jakarta Post will also use or provide data and information of Buyers as permitted by law to protect the rights or property of, buyers of The Jakarta Post or its users</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>SALES</h4> <ol class="child"> <li>To purchase, a User is required to register an account on and fill out the personal information requested</li> <li>The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the User's account data and password</li> <li>The Jakarta Post urges Users not to provide account passwords to any party and The Jakarta Post is not responsible for any actions that The Jakarta Post may take for the security of The Jakarta Post</li> <li>When purchasing a Product, the Buyer agrees that the Buyer has read, understood and agreed to all the information and/or descriptions listed before purchasing the Product</li> <li>All Product(s) ordered will be put into the cart first. Payment will start when the User has pressed the checkout button and filled out the payment details requested</li> <li>The price listed does not include shipping costs to the buyer's address (exclusively for print newspaper)</li> <li>Products that have been ordered and paid for cannot be canceled, so Buyers are expected to check carefully before making a payment</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>PAYMENT</h4> <ol class="child"> <li>Buyers are required to pay through the payment service provided by For more information, click here</li> <li>When placing an order for a Product subscription, the Buyer agrees that the subscription fee is paid in full upfront</li> <li>Product payments can be made through the Payment Gateway, which is a partner of The Jakarta Post</li> <li>Payments through certain Payment Gateways will use US Dollars (USD). The system will automatically convert Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) into US Dollars (USD)</li> <li>The Jakarta Post will not be responsible for the exchange rates by the Payment Gateway, as referred in point 7.4 to the Buyer or User of the Payment Gateway</li> <li>Auto renewal is an access right extension mechanism that is automatically billed to the selected payment method when the subscription period ends</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>DELIVERY (EXCLUSIVELY FOR PRINT NEWSPAPER)</h4> <ol class="child"> <li>In delivering Products to Buyers, The Jakarta Post cooperates with third parties.</li> <li>Any provisions relating to the delivery process are under the full authority of the delivery service provider</li> <li>The Buyer understands and agrees that every problem that may occur during the delivery process are the responsibility of the delivery service provider</li> <li>The Buyer understands that there are some areas that the delivery service cannot reach. Therefore, Buyers are welcome to contact The Jakarta Post buyer service to follow up on this condition</li> <li>The Jakarta Post will notify Buyer if the Product delivery service provider is unable to reach the delivery address</li> <li>The Jakarta Post will process the Product delivery on working days (Monday – Saturday) and operating hours, which are 06:00 WIB – 10:00 WIB</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>REFUND</h4> <p>Refund from The Jakarta Post to the buyer will only be applicable following certain circumstances:</p> <ol class="child"> <li>Excess payment from the Buyer over the product price</li> <li>System error on</li> <li>Product delivery areas (especially printed newspapers) are not covered by the delivery service provider</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE</h4> <p>To provide optimal service, The Jakarta Post can be contacted at the following address, telephone number and email during operating hours (Monday - Friday) 09:00 WIB - 17:00 WIB. Customer Service Department</p> <p>The Jakarta Post Building</p> <p>Jalan Palmerah Barat No. 142-143 Jakarta 10270</p> <p>Phone : +6221 5300478</p> <p>Email :</p> <p>WhatsApp : +62812 8003 1314</p> </li> <li> <h4>LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES</h4> <p>To facilitate Buyers, The Jakarta Post may provide links to third-party websites. However, when the Buyer visits the websites, The Jakarta Post cannot be held liable for any information provided. Each site has its own privacy policy and The Jakarta Post is not responsible for the content of their sites. Therefore, Buyers should be careful and study the privacy policy statement applicable on the site before providing Buyer information.</p> </li> <li> <h4>EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION (NEWSLETTER)</h4> <ol class="child"> <li>By registering an account on, a User is subjected to emails that include information about The Jakarta Post, such as news content, promotional programs, new products, and additional information related to</li> <li>The Jakarta Post only uses a User's email address for the purposes of managing and sending information from The Jakarta Post. The Jakarta Post will not share, sell, rent, exchange or provide email addresses to third parties without the knowledge of the User. Users can choose to unsubscribe at any time. In every email that the User receives, there will be an option to unsubscribe from The Jakarta Post's email system.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h4>RESOLUTION</h4> <p>Any differences of opinion and/or dispute that arise are endeavored to be resolved by deliberation to reach consensus.</p> </li> <li> <h4>AMENDMENTS TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS</h4> <p>The Jakarta Post reserves the right to exercise discretion to modify, change, add to, or replace any of the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time without prior notice. 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