CSA 2024

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HCIS--> <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/hcis.jpg"></a> <!-- 2. Expert system --> <!--<a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/Expert Systems.jpg"></a>--> <!-- 3. cmes --> <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/cmes.jpg"></a> <!-- 4. cmc --> <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/cmc.png"></a> <!-- 5. Journal of Information Science and Engineering --> <!--<a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/AnInternationalJournal.jpg"></a>--> <!-- 6. applied science --> <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/applied science.png"></a> <!-- 7. Sensor --> <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/sensors-logo.jpg"></a> <!-- 8. Journal of Internet Technology (JIT) --> <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/JIT.png"></a> <!-- 6. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/scoverijcse.jpg"></a>--> <!-- 2. Connection Science <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src="./images/Connection Science.jpg"></a> --> <!--Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering --> <!-- <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; margin-right:10px;" src=""></a> --> <!--LNEE--> <!-- <a href="" target=blank><img width=95 style=" margin-right:15px; margin-bottom:12px;" src="./images/LNEE.png"></a> --> <!--Symmetry--> <!-- <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src=""></a> --> <!--Symmetry--> <!-- <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src=""></a> --> <!-- JIPS--> <!-- <a href="" target=blank><img style=" width:79px; height:120px; margin-right:10px;" src=""></a> --> </center> <br> <div class="" style="font-size: 1.1em;height: auto; padding: 10px; margin:10px; text-align:left; border: 2px solid #DAE0EB; background-color:#EAF0FB; line-height:180%"> <center><b><font size="5" face="Constantia" color=black>Important Notice </font></b></center><br> <ul> <!-- <b>[Nov. 07, 2023]</b><br> <li><b>Conference Main Schedule</b><br> - December 18 (Mon) : Online and Offline Presentation (All Day) <br> - December 19 (Tue) : Online and Workshop Presentation <br> - December 20 (Wed) : Committee Meeting <br> </li> <br> <b>[Nov. 30, 2023]</b><br> <li><b>Submission Online Video</b><br> - Please Submit your presentation video<b><font color="red"> via email </font><font color="blue">by December 7th.</font></b> <br> &nbsp <b>*File name:</b> Paper ID_Title (ex) 0001_Optimizing ~ ) </li> <br> <b>[Dec. 22, 2023]</b><br> <li><b>Recommended for SCIE or SCOPUS Journals</b><br> - If your paper has been recommended for SCIE or SCOPUS Journals, we will send you a <br> &nbsp <font color="blue"><b> notification email by the end of December. </b></font><br> &nbsp (If you do not receive an email, your paper has not been recommended.) <br> <br> <li><b>LNEE Publication Notice</b><br> - <font color="red"><b>Publication in LNEE is expected in 5-6 months</b></font>, and Springer will send a Proofreading <br> &nbsp notification email about 4-5 months later. </li> <br> --> <b>[Dec. 30, 2024]</b><br> <li><b><font color="red">LNEE Notice</font><br> LNEE All procedures close on <font color="red">January 4th.</font></b> <br> If not submitted by January 4th, it will not be published in LNEE.<br> Please submit copyright and alt text files via email. (Email address:<br><b> - Copyright Template: <a href="./"><font color=blue>Copyright</font></a><br> - ALT TEXT Template: <a href="./"><font color=blue>ALT TEXT</font></a></b> </li> <br> <br> <b>[Dec. 24, 2024]</b><br> <li> <font color="red"><b>Programbook final version updated</b></font><br> - The final version of the Programbook has been updated<br> </li> <br><br> <b>[Dec. 16, 2024]</b><br> <li> <font color="red"><b>Note</font><br> The Society does not provide pick-up service from Bangkok Airport to Pattaya for authors.</b><br> - Please ignore any related emails as they are spam.<br> </li> <br><br> <b>[Dec. 4, 2024]</b><br> <li> <font color="red"><b>Programbook updated</b></font><br> - The Programbook has been updated.<br> </li> <br><br> <b>[Nov. 20, 2024]</b><br> <li><b><font color="red">CSA2024 Papers </font></b><br> - Presenter countries: 9 countries<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;(Korea, China, USA, Japan, India, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Sweden) <br> </li> <br><br> <b>[Nov. 11, 2024]</b><br> <li> <font color="red"><b>Progambook uploaded</b></font><br> - The programbook has been uploaded.<br> </li> <br><br> <b>[Nov. 10, 2024]</b><br> <li><b><font color="red">Conference Main Schedule</font><br> - December 18 (Wed) : Online and Offline Presentation (Full Day) <br> - December 19 (Thu) : Online Presentation (Half Day) <br> - December 20 (Fri) : Committee Meeting </b><br> </li> <br> <br> <b>[Nov. 9, 2024]</b><br> <li><b>CSA 2024 <font color="red">Important Date Changes</font><br> General Paper Submission Due has been extended to <font color="red">November 21, 2024.</font> </b></li> <li><b>LNEE Paper Submission has been closed on October 27, 2024. </b></li> <br> <br> <b>[Oct. 8, 2024]</b><br> <li><b>CSA 2024 <font color="red">Final Extension</font><br> All deadlines, including LNEE, have been extended by two weeks. </b><br> - Please refer to the schedule table. </li> <br> <br> <b>[Sep. 28, 2024]</b><br> <li><b>CSA 2024 <font color="red">Deadline Extension</font><br> All deadlines, including LNEE, have been extended by two weeks. </b><br> - Please refer to the schedule table. </li> <br> <br> <b>[Sep. 18, 2024]</b><br> <li><b>CSA 2024 <font color="red">LNEE copyright</font><br> LNEE copyright has been updated. If you would like to publish LNEE, please refer to the copyright&form and submit by <font color="red">September 25th</font>. </b><br> - Please submit quickly </li> <br> <br> <b>[Sep. 15, 2024]</b><br> <li><b>CSA 2024 <font color="red">Deadline Extension</font><br> The deadline has been extended by two weeks. </b><br> - Please refer to the schedule table. </li> <br> <br> <b>[Sep. 14, 2024]</b><br> <li><b>CSA 2024 <font color="red">Publishing LNEE</font><br> The paper submission options on the submission page have been changed to allow you to choose whether or not to publish LNEE. </b><br> - If you wish to publish LNEE, please change the paper type to “Publishing LNEE". </li> <br> <br> <b>[Sep. 14, 2024]</b><br> <li><b><font color="red">LNEE Notice</font><br> LNEE All procedures close on October 31st. </b><br> - Please submit quickly </li> <br> <br> <b>[Aug. 13, 2024]</b><br> <li><b>CSA 2024 <font color="red">Online(video)</font><br> When submitting a Online(video), documents (Invoice, Certificate, etc.) will be sent via email. </b><br> </li> <br> <br> <!-- <b>[Jan. 17, 2023]</b><br> <li><b>Recommendation (SCIE/SCOPUS) Paper Guide</b><br> CSA Recommendation Paper (34%).<br> 3, 9, 16, 20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 38, 42, 45, 49, 60, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 74, 78, 79, 89, 90, 93 </li> <br> <b>[Nov. 6, 2022]</b><br> <li><b>Guidance on requirements for BK 21 dissertation</b><br> - A total of 92 papers <br> - Online Presentation 32/ Korean Presentation 30 / Foreign Presentation 34<br> - Presenter countries: 6 countries (Korea, China, Japan, Laos, Singapore, UAE) </li> <br> <b>[Nov. 23, 2022]</b><br> <li><b>[한국인을 위한 라오스 투어 일정 안내]</b><br> <br> 12월 19일(월) - 행사와뱅큇(개별일정)<br> 12월 20일(화) - 오전행사(개별일정) 후 반나절 시내투어(여행사일정)<br> 12월 21일(수) - 방비엥투어(여행사일정)<br> <br> 인보이스 발급가능하며 카드결제도 가능합니다.<br> 신청: <a href="laos_schedule.pdf"><font color=blue><ins>파일 참조</ins></font></a> <br><br> </li> <br> <b>[Nov. 2, 2022]</b><br> <li><b>Additional submission of papers </b><br> <b><font color="red">Caution: Submissions for LNEE are closed.</font></b><br> Accepted papers will be published by conference <font color="blue"><b>PDF</b> proceeding</font> (without ISSN/ISBN). </li> <br> <b>[Oct. 24, 2022]</b><br> <li> The<font color="blue"> submission due of <B> CSA2022 </B> </font>is extended to <b><font color="red"> October 31, 2022. (Final Extension) </font></b></li> <br> <b>[Oct. 18, 2022]</b><br> <li> <b>main schedule</b><br> - December 19 (Mon) 09:00 - 18:00 : Conference Day<br> - December 20 (Tue) 09:00-12:00 : Workshop Day</li> <br> <b>[Oct. 10, 2022]</b><br> <li> The<font color="blue"> submission due of <B> CSA2022 </B> </font>is extended to <b><font color="red"> October 24, 2022. (Extension, Regular) </font></b></li> <br> <b>[Sep. 20, 2022]</b><br> <li> The<font color="blue"> submission due of <B> CSA2022 </B> </font>is extended to <b> <font color="red">October 10, 2022. (Regular)</font> </b></li> <br> <b>[Sep. 16, 2022]</b><br> <li> Due to the poor internet speed in Laos, online registration will be conducted through <b>recorded video presentation</b>.<br> * All offline attendance will be oral presentations (no video allowed).</li><br> <b>[Sep. 5, 2022]</b><br> <li> The<font color="blue"> submission due of <B> CSA2022 </B> </font>is extended to <b> <font color="red">September 19, 2022. (Early Final)</font> </b></li> <br> <b>[Jul. 7, 2022]</b><br> <li> Because of <font color="red"><b>COVID-19</b></font>, <b>online(video) presentation is allowed temporarily</b>. After your paper was accepted, <b>we will inform you the detailed information later thought homepage</b></li> --> </ul> <!-- <li><font color="red">[Dec. 23, 2021]</font> <br> <b>Recommendation (SCIE/SCOPUS) Paper Guide</b> <br> CSA Recommendation Paper (48%).<br> ID 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 29, 32 <br> The recommended e-mail will be sent within December 29th.<br> <br> <li>[Dec. 7, 2021] On the 16th, Zoom will stream the recorded video presentation. However, since it is a video streaming format, there will be no section chairs, and we will leave the author's email address so that we can ask questions. The address of the Zoom meeting room will be announced on the website on the morning of the 16th. </li> <li>[Dec. 4, 2021] The Program book is last updated. </li> <li>[Dec. 1, 2021] The Program book is updated. </li> <li>[Nov. 29, 2021] The Program book is updated. For the reschedule of the program book, please ask to Program Chairs(<a href=""><font color=blue></font></a>) </a></li> <li>[Nov. 22, 2021] The program schedule has been announced, so click Download in the program book on the right.</li> <li><b>Because of COVID-19, online presentation is allowed. After your paper was accepted, we will inform you the detailed information later.</b></li><br> <li><b>Accepted papers (30~50%) will be recommended to SCIE or SCOPUS journals.</b></li><br> --> </div> <table width=98% align=center border=0> <tr> <td> The 16th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA 2024) will be held on Dec 18-20, 2024, Pattaya, Thailand. The CSA 2024 will be the most comprehensive conference focused on the various aspects of advances in computer science and its applications. The CSA 2024 will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of Computer Science and Applications (CSA). In addition, the conference will publish high quality papers which are closely related to the various theories and practical applications in CSA. Furthermore, we expect that the conference and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject. </td> </tr> </table> </br></br> <h2><img src="./images/book.png" width=40><font color=0068d2> Topics</font></h2> <ul> <li><b><font color= 008bb3>Track 1. </font></b>Communication and Networking </li> - Edge Computing<br> - Multi-cloud networking software<br> - Optical Networks<br> - Network-based Applications<br> - Self-Organizing Networks<br> - 5G and 6G Communications<br> - Sensor and Communication Networks<br> - Internet of Things<br> - Mobile Networks<br> - Home Networking<br> - Next Generation Web Architectures<br> - Telecommunications<br> <br> <li><b><font color= 008bb3>Track 2. </font></b>Software Technology</li> - Digital Transformation<br> - Virtual Reality and Simulation<br> - Digital Media Technology<br> - Pattern Recognition<br> - Database Systems<br> - Information Technology Applications<br> - ChatGPT<br> - Open Source Platform<br> <br> <li><b><font color= 008bb3>Track 3. </font></b>Systems and Applications</li> - Bigdata for Well-Life<br> - Health Care Solution<br> - Computer Applications in Architecture<br> - Quantum Computing<br> - Vehicle Platform<br> - Autonomous Driving Vehicles<br> - Targeting Support Systems<br> - Application for Smart City<br> <br> <li><b><font color= 008bb3>Track 4. </font></b>Security, Privacy, and Trust</li> - Wired/Wireless Security and Privacy<br> - Botnets and Malware<br> - Intrusion Detection and Prevention<br> - Firewalls and Packet Filters<br> - Mobile, Hybrid, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks<br> - Ransomware and Cyber Security<br> - Blockchain<br> - Mobile Security and Privacy<br> <br> <li><b><font color= 008bb3>Track 5. </font></b>Big-Data Engineering </li> - Innovative Cloud infrastructure for Big Data<br> - Green, energy - efficient models and sustainability issues for Big - Data<br> - Resource scheduling, SLA, Fault tolerance and reliability for Big Data<br> - Data Models for Big Data Analytics<br> - Machine Learning techniques for Big Data<br> - Index Structures for Big Data Analytics<br> - Interaction Design for Exploratory Analytics<br> - Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis<br> - Big data security, privacy, and services<br> - Big Data applications on heterogeneous architectures<br> <br> <li><b><font color= 008bb3>Track 6. </font></b>Soft Computing </li> - Fuzzy Systems<br> - Neural Networks<br> - Machine learning<br> - Probabilistic Reasoning<br> - Evolutionary Computing<br> - Pattern recognition<br> - Hybrid intelligent systems<br> - Software agents<br> - Morphic Computing<br> - Image processing<br> - E-commerce, E-medicine<br> - Rough Sets<br> - Symbolic machine learning<br> - Wavelet<br> - Signal or Image Processing<br> - Vision Recognition<br> - Biomedical Engineering<br> - Reactive Distributed AI<br> - Nano & Micro-systems<br> - Data Visualization<br> - Pervasive computing and ambient intelligence<br> - Programming Languages<br> - Reasoning and Evolution<br> - Recent Trends and Developments<br> - Web Intelligence Applications & Search<br> <br> <li><b><font color= 008bb3>Track 7. </font></b>Etc</li> <br> </ul> </br></br> <div class=body_box> <p align=left> <h3>Contact:</h3> <!-- Leading Steering Chair: &nbsp; Prof. James J. Park, SeoulTech, Korea <a href=""><img src="./images/email.png"></a> </br> Leading General Chair: &nbsp; Prof. Gangman Yi, Dongguk University, Korea <a href=""><img src="./images/email.png"></a></br>--> If you have any question about the CFPs and papers submission, please email to CSA 2024 secretary.</br> <!--Yan Li (Leading Program Chair ) :<a href=""><img src="./images/email.png"></a></br>--> Conference Community: <a href=""><img src="./images/email.png"></a></br> <!--KIPS office: YM. Song, KIPS Senior secretary <a href=""><img src="./images/email.png"></a> --> </p> </div> <br><br> </br></br> </div> </div> <!-- End Content --> </main> <div id="aside" class="span3"> <!-- Begin Right Sidebar --> <div class="well "> <!-- <h3 class="page-header"> <div align=center> Photo Gallery --> <h3 class="page-header"> <div align=center> Program Book </div> </h3> <div class="custom"> <div class=alert> <!--<h3>TBA</h3>--> <br> <p align=center> <a href="./02_CSA_2024_Programbook_20250103_2.pdf"> <img src="./images/CSA2024_Programbook_cover_2.jpg" width=130><br> <font color=blue><b>[Download Ver3.0]</b></font></a></p> </div> </div> <br> <h3 class="page-header"> <div align=center> Important Date </div> </h3> <div class="custom"> <div class="custom"> <div align=center><!--<b>Additional submission</b>--></div> Paper Submission Due: <br> &nbsp;LNEE Paper: <font color=red>Finished</font><br> &nbsp;General&nbsp;Paper:&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;21,&nbsp;2024<br> <div align=right><font color=red>(Final Extension)</font></div> Author Notification: <div align=right>Nov. 14, 2024</div> Registration Due: <div align=right>Nov. 21, 2024</div> Camera Ready Due: <div align=right>Dec. 1, 2024</div> Conference Date: <div align=right>Dec. 18-20, 2024</div> <br> <!--<div align=center><b>LNEE submission</b><!--<font color=red> (closed)</font>--></div> <!--Paper Submission Due: <div align=right>Oct. 30, 2024<br><!--<font color=red>(Final Extension)</font>--></div> <!--Author Notification: <div align=right>Nov. 13, 2024</div> Registration Due: <div align=right>Nov. 17, 2024</div> Conference Date: <div align=right>Dec. 18-20, 2024</div> </div> --> <!-- <br> <div align=center><b>LNEE submission<font color=red>(closed)</font></b></div> Paper Submission Due: <div align=right>Oct. 31, 2022<br><font color=red>(Final Extension)</font></div> Author Notification: <div align=right>Nov. 7, 2022</div> Registration Due: <div align=right>Nov. 10, 2022</div> Camera Ready Due: <div align=right>Nov. 14, 2022</div>--> <br><br> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/logo_KCIA.png"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/logo_GQAS.png"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="./sponsor/Logo_chongqing.png" width=100%></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="./sponsor/HUST_logo.jpg" width=110%></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="./sponsor/Logo_changsha.png" width=100%></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="./sponsor/logo_NTU.png" width=100%></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="./sponsor/logo_Laos.png" width=100%></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="./sponsor/logo_SSL.png" width=100%></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="./sponsor/logo_AIDA.png" width=100%></a></p> <!--<p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/kipsLogo.png"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/logo_kips.jpg"></a></p> --> <!-- <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/LaosU_Logo.jpg"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/cqupt.png"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/Springer.png" width=340></a></p> --> <!-- <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/lghitachi.jpg"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/iteyes.png" width="150" height="70"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/veritas.jpg" width="150" height="70"></a></p> <p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="./images/Providence_Univ_logo.png"></a></p>--> </div> <!-- End Right Sidebar --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Footer --> <footer class="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="container"> <p align=center><a href="" ><font color="#C0C0C0" size="1"><b>KCIA(Korea Computer Industry Association)</b></font></a></p> </div> </footer> </body></html>

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