Women Excellence Awards 2024 - Finance World - Leading Finance Magazine of MENA Region | Finance Magazine, Finance News
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These awards celebrate exceptional achievements across various industries, recognizing innovative projects, influential leaders, and changemakers whose success stories are setting new benchmarks in their fields. This event is more than just an awards ceremony; it's a tribute to the women transforming the UAE's business landscape.</p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <section class="elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-9208c6f elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="9208c6f" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-d7c0682" data-id="d7c0682" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c5104c1 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-button" data-id="c5104c1" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-button.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="ekit-btn-wraper"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="elementskit-btn whitespace--normal" id=""> Get Involved </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-fa242ed" data-id="fa242ed" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-f0f8c33 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-button" data-id="f0f8c33" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-button.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="ekit-btn-wraper"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="elementskit-btn whitespace--normal" id=""> Nominate Now </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-1d582f83" data-id="1d582f83" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-4567bd04 elementor-widget elementor-widget-image" data-id="4567bd04" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="image.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <img decoding="async" class="attachment-large size-large wp-image-73193 lazyload" width="755" height="726" src="" alt srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w, 150w, 450w" sizes="(max-width: 755px) 100vw, 755px" data-src="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-078e2f5 elementor-section-content-middle elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="078e2f5" data-element_type="section" data-settings="{"background_sd_background":"classic","background_background":"gradient"}"> <div class="elementor-background-overlay"></div> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-40be161" data-id="40be161" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-7c2c3e7 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-heading" data-id="7c2c3e7" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" ><div class="ekit-heading elementskit-section-title-wraper text_left ekit_heading_tablet- ekit_heading_mobile-"><h2 class="ekit-heading--title elementskit-section-title ">About Finance World Magazine</h2> <div class='ekit-heading__description'> <p>Finance World Magazine is a leading publication that provides best-in-class insights on financial markets, stock trends, investment opportunities, and economic indicators across the Middle East and beyond. 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528.601562 410.710938 L 269.027344 410.710938 C 267.523438 410.710938 266.300781 411.933594 266.300781 413.441406 L 266.300781 457.523438 C 266.300781 459.03125 267.523438 460.25 269.027344 460.25 L 528.601562 460.25 C 530.105469 460.25 531.328125 459.03125 531.328125 457.523438 L 531.328125 413.441406 C 531.328125 411.933594 530.105469 410.710938 528.601562 410.710938 Z M 528.601562 413.078125 C 528.800781 413.078125 528.964844 413.238281 528.964844 413.441406 L 528.964844 457.523438 C 528.964844 457.726562 528.800781 457.886719 528.601562 457.886719 L 269.027344 457.886719 C 268.828125 457.886719 268.664062 457.726562 268.664062 457.523438 L 268.664062 413.441406 C 268.664062 413.238281 268.828125 413.078125 269.027344 413.078125 L 528.601562 413.078125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 266.605469 312.644531 C 260.851562 340.492188 256.125 343.796875 254.214844 343.796875 C 254.214844 343.796875 254.210938 343.796875 254.210938 343.796875 C 250.90625 343.785156 247.367188 335.160156 244.703125 325.351562 L 244.085938 333.210938 C 246.636719 340.46875 250.027344 346.640625 254.199219 346.652344 C 254.207031 346.652344 254.210938 346.652344 254.21875 346.652344 C 257.398438 346.652344 261.875 343.816406 267.011719 323.679688 L 266.605469 312.644531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 289.84375 306.039062 C 285.480469 327.332031 282.042969 328.601562 281.296875 328.601562 L 281.292969 328.601562 C 279.027344 328.59375 276.171875 321.175781 273.957031 311.945312 L 273.839844 321.96875 C 275.789062 327.308594 278.265625 331.449219 281.285156 331.457031 C 281.289062 331.457031 281.292969 331.457031 281.296875 331.457031 C 283.710938 331.457031 286.667969 329.449219 290.003906 317.726562 L 289.84375 306.039062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 307.597656 294.039062 C 304.214844 316.644531 301.53125 318.550781 301.019531 318.695312 C 299.632812 318.34375 297.667969 312.328125 296.0625 304.21875 L 295.652344 314.480469 C 297.078125 318.636719 298.839844 321.542969 300.992188 321.546875 C 300.996094 321.546875 300.996094 321.546875 300.996094 321.546875 C 303.132812 321.546875 305.414062 319.546875 307.914062 308.457031 L 307.597656 294.039062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 320.589844 290.660156 C 318.558594 306.847656 316.867188 310.882812 316.109375 311.878906 C 315.03125 310.488281 313.75 305.070312 312.75 298.84375 L 311.710938 308.203125 C 313.140625 313.636719 314.539062 314.929688 316.109375 314.933594 C 316.113281 314.933594 316.113281 314.933594 316.113281 314.933594 C 317.605469 314.933594 319.171875 314.019531 320.875 306.652344 L 320.589844 290.660156 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 330.4375 288.433594 C 329.121094 300.199219 327.992188 304.460938 327.339844 306 C 326.550781 304.144531 325.6875 299.6875 325.011719 294.78125 L 324.277344 305.734375 C 325.546875 309.492188 326.730469 309.496094 327.34375 309.496094 C 327.367188 309.496094 327.382812 309.496094 327.402344 309.496094 C 328.449219 309.496094 329.636719 309.398438 330.964844 303.820312 L 330.4375 288.433594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#8802f50f3c)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 240.097656 306.90625 C 237.203125 306.90625 234.859375 309.253906 234.859375 312.144531 L 234.859375 429.445312 C 228.488281 430.40625 223.902344 433.070312 223.902344 436.207031 C 223.902344 440.152344 231.15625 443.351562 240.097656 443.351562 C 249.042969 443.351562 256.292969 440.152344 256.292969 436.207031 C 256.292969 433.070312 251.710938 430.40625 245.339844 429.445312 L 245.339844 312.144531 C 245.339844 309.253906 242.992188 306.90625 240.097656 306.90625 Z M 240.097656 309.269531 C 241.683594 309.269531 242.976562 310.5625 242.976562 312.144531 L 242.976562 431.480469 L 244.984375 431.78125 C 250.820312 432.664062 253.929688 434.917969 253.929688 436.207031 C 253.929688 437.828125 249.046875 440.984375 240.097656 440.984375 C 231.148438 440.984375 226.265625 437.828125 226.265625 436.207031 C 226.265625 434.917969 229.375 432.664062 235.210938 431.78125 L 237.222656 431.480469 L 237.222656 312.144531 C 237.222656 310.5625 238.511719 309.269531 240.097656 309.269531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 270.214844 299.515625 C 267.871094 299.515625 265.972656 301.414062 265.972656 303.761719 L 265.972656 396.238281 C 260.808594 397.015625 257.09375 399.171875 257.09375 401.714844 C 257.09375 404.914062 262.96875 407.503906 270.214844 407.503906 C 277.464844 407.503906 283.339844 404.914062 283.339844 401.714844 C 283.339844 399.171875 279.625 397.015625 274.460938 396.238281 L 274.460938 303.761719 C 274.460938 301.414062 272.5625 299.515625 270.214844 299.515625 Z M 270.214844 301.878906 C 271.253906 301.878906 272.097656 302.722656 272.097656 303.761719 L 272.097656 398.273438 L 274.109375 398.574219 C 278.933594 399.300781 280.976562 401.117188 280.976562 401.714844 C 280.976562 402.597656 277.277344 405.140625 270.214844 405.140625 C 263.15625 405.140625 259.457031 402.597656 259.457031 401.714844 C 259.457031 401.117188 261.5 399.300781 266.324219 398.574219 L 268.335938 398.273438 L 268.335938 303.761719 C 268.335938 302.722656 269.179688 301.878906 270.214844 301.878906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 293.304688 295.375 L 292.441406 295.375 C 290.785156 295.375 289.441406 296.71875 289.441406 298.378906 L 289.441406 371.007812 C 285.261719 371.636719 282.257812 373.382812 282.257812 375.4375 C 282.257812 378.027344 287.011719 380.121094 292.875 380.121094 C 298.738281 380.121094 303.488281 378.027344 303.488281 375.4375 C 303.488281 373.382812 300.484375 371.636719 296.308594 371.007812 L 296.308594 298.378906 C 296.308594 296.71875 294.964844 295.375 293.304688 295.375 Z M 293.304688 297.738281 C 293.660156 297.738281 293.945312 298.023438 293.945312 298.378906 L 293.945312 373.042969 L 295.957031 373.34375 C 299.355469 373.859375 300.855469 375 301.105469 375.441406 C 300.730469 376.136719 297.867188 377.757812 292.875 377.757812 C 287.882812 377.757812 285.015625 376.136719 284.640625 375.441406 C 284.890625 375 286.394531 373.859375 289.792969 373.34375 L 291.804688 373.042969 L 291.804688 298.378906 C 291.804688 298.023438 292.089844 297.738281 292.441406 297.738281 L 293.304688 297.738281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 310.207031 291.101562 C 308.644531 291.101562 307.378906 292.367188 307.378906 293.929688 L 307.378906 351.042969 C 303.933594 351.5625 301.460938 353.003906 301.460938 354.695312 C 301.460938 356.828125 305.375 358.554688 310.207031 358.554688 C 315.039062 358.554688 318.957031 356.828125 318.957031 354.695312 C 318.957031 353.003906 316.480469 351.5625 313.039062 351.042969 L 313.039062 293.929688 C 313.039062 292.367188 311.769531 291.101562 310.207031 291.101562 Z M 310.207031 293.464844 C 310.464844 293.464844 310.671875 293.671875 310.671875 293.929688 L 310.671875 353.078125 L 312.683594 353.378906 C 314.734375 353.691406 315.949219 354.304688 316.429688 354.699219 C 315.734375 355.273438 313.582031 356.191406 310.207031 356.191406 C 306.835938 356.191406 304.679688 355.273438 303.988281 354.699219 C 304.464844 354.304688 305.679688 353.691406 307.726562 353.378906 L 309.742188 353.078125 L 309.742188 293.929688 C 309.742188 293.671875 309.949219 293.464844 310.207031 293.464844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 323.023438 288.082031 L 322.59375 288.082031 C 321.390625 288.082031 320.414062 289.058594 320.414062 290.261719 L 320.414062 336.699219 C 317.503906 337.140625 315.410156 338.351562 315.410156 339.785156 C 315.410156 341.589844 318.722656 343.050781 322.808594 343.050781 C 326.894531 343.050781 330.210938 341.589844 330.210938 339.785156 C 330.210938 338.351562 328.113281 337.140625 325.203125 336.699219 L 325.203125 290.261719 C 325.203125 289.058594 324.226562 288.082031 323.023438 288.082031 Z M 322.839844 290.445312 L 322.839844 338.734375 L 324.851562 339.035156 C 326.097656 339.226562 326.914062 339.535156 327.398438 339.792969 C 326.582031 340.214844 324.980469 340.6875 322.808594 340.6875 C 320.640625 340.6875 319.035156 340.214844 318.222656 339.792969 C 318.703125 339.535156 319.519531 339.226562 320.765625 339.035156 L 322.777344 338.734375 L 322.777344 290.445312 L 322.839844 290.445312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#387a5391d0)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 326.136719 328.941406 C 326.136719 330.488281 328.984375 331.746094 332.496094 331.746094 C 336.007812 331.746094 338.855469 330.488281 338.855469 328.941406 C 338.855469 327.710938 337.054688 326.664062 334.554688 326.289062 L 334.554688 288.472656 C 334.554688 287.335938 333.632812 286.414062 332.496094 286.414062 C 331.359375 286.414062 330.4375 287.335938 330.4375 288.472656 L 330.4375 326.289062 C 327.9375 326.664062 326.136719 327.710938 326.136719 328.941406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 531.023438 312.644531 C 536.777344 340.492188 541.503906 343.796875 543.414062 343.796875 L 543.417969 343.796875 C 546.726562 343.785156 550.261719 335.160156 552.925781 325.351562 L 553.542969 333.210938 C 550.996094 340.46875 547.601562 346.640625 543.425781 346.652344 C 543.421875 346.652344 543.417969 346.652344 543.410156 346.652344 C 540.230469 346.652344 535.753906 343.816406 530.617188 323.679688 L 531.023438 312.644531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 507.789062 306.039062 C 512.148438 327.332031 515.585938 328.601562 516.332031 328.601562 L 516.335938 328.601562 C 518.601562 328.59375 521.457031 321.175781 523.671875 311.945312 L 523.789062 321.96875 C 521.839844 327.308594 519.363281 331.449219 516.34375 331.457031 C 516.339844 331.457031 516.335938 331.457031 516.332031 331.457031 C 513.917969 331.457031 510.960938 329.449219 507.625 317.726562 L 507.789062 306.039062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 490.03125 294.039062 C 493.414062 316.644531 496.097656 318.550781 496.609375 318.695312 C 497.996094 318.34375 499.960938 312.328125 501.566406 304.21875 L 501.976562 314.480469 C 500.550781 318.636719 498.789062 321.542969 496.636719 321.546875 C 496.632812 321.546875 496.632812 321.546875 496.628906 321.546875 C 494.496094 321.546875 492.214844 319.546875 489.714844 308.457031 L 490.03125 294.039062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 477.039062 290.660156 C 479.070312 306.847656 480.765625 310.882812 481.519531 311.878906 C 482.597656 310.488281 483.878906 305.070312 484.878906 298.84375 L 485.917969 308.203125 C 484.488281 313.636719 483.089844 314.929688 481.519531 314.933594 C 481.515625 314.933594 481.515625 314.933594 481.511719 314.933594 C 480.023438 314.933594 478.460938 314.019531 476.753906 306.652344 L 477.039062 290.660156 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 467.191406 288.433594 C 468.507812 300.199219 469.636719 304.460938 470.289062 306 C 471.082031 304.144531 471.941406 299.6875 472.617188 294.78125 L 473.351562 305.734375 C 472.082031 309.492188 470.898438 309.496094 470.285156 309.496094 C 470.265625 309.496094 470.246094 309.496094 470.226562 309.496094 C 469.183594 309.496094 467.992188 309.398438 466.664062 303.820312 L 467.191406 288.433594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#3b58323f88)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 557.53125 306.90625 C 554.636719 306.90625 552.289062 309.253906 552.289062 312.144531 L 552.289062 429.445312 C 545.917969 430.40625 541.335938 433.070312 541.335938 436.207031 C 541.335938 440.152344 548.585938 443.351562 557.53125 443.351562 C 566.472656 443.351562 573.726562 440.152344 573.726562 436.207031 C 573.726562 433.070312 569.144531 430.40625 562.769531 429.445312 L 562.769531 312.144531 C 562.769531 309.253906 560.425781 306.90625 557.53125 306.90625 Z M 557.53125 309.269531 C 559.117188 309.269531 560.40625 310.5625 560.40625 312.144531 L 560.40625 431.480469 L 562.417969 431.78125 C 568.253906 432.664062 571.363281 434.917969 571.363281 436.207031 C 571.363281 437.828125 566.480469 440.984375 557.53125 440.984375 C 548.582031 440.984375 543.699219 437.828125 543.699219 436.207031 C 543.699219 434.917969 546.808594 432.664062 552.644531 431.78125 L 554.652344 431.480469 L 554.652344 312.144531 C 554.652344 310.5625 555.945312 309.269531 557.53125 309.269531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 527.414062 299.515625 C 525.066406 299.515625 523.167969 301.414062 523.167969 303.761719 L 523.167969 396.238281 C 518.003906 397.015625 514.289062 399.171875 514.289062 401.714844 C 514.289062 404.914062 520.164062 407.503906 527.414062 407.503906 C 534.660156 407.503906 540.535156 404.914062 540.535156 401.714844 C 540.535156 399.171875 536.820312 397.015625 531.660156 396.238281 L 531.660156 303.761719 C 531.660156 301.414062 529.757812 299.515625 527.414062 299.515625 Z M 527.414062 301.878906 C 528.449219 301.878906 529.292969 302.722656 529.292969 303.761719 L 529.292969 398.273438 L 531.304688 398.574219 C 536.128906 399.300781 538.171875 401.117188 538.171875 401.714844 C 538.171875 402.597656 534.472656 405.140625 527.414062 405.140625 C 520.351562 405.140625 516.652344 402.597656 516.652344 401.714844 C 516.652344 401.117188 518.695312 399.300781 523.519531 398.574219 L 525.53125 398.273438 L 525.53125 303.761719 C 525.53125 302.722656 526.375 301.878906 527.414062 301.878906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 505.1875 295.375 L 504.324219 295.375 C 502.664062 295.375 501.320312 296.71875 501.320312 298.378906 L 501.320312 371.007812 C 497.144531 371.636719 494.140625 373.382812 494.140625 375.4375 C 494.140625 378.027344 498.890625 380.121094 504.753906 380.121094 C 510.617188 380.121094 515.371094 378.027344 515.371094 375.4375 C 515.371094 373.382812 512.363281 371.636719 508.191406 371.007812 L 508.191406 298.378906 C 508.191406 296.71875 506.84375 295.375 505.1875 295.375 Z M 505.1875 297.738281 C 505.539062 297.738281 505.824219 298.023438 505.824219 298.378906 L 505.824219 373.042969 L 507.835938 373.34375 C 511.238281 373.859375 512.738281 375 512.988281 375.441406 C 512.613281 376.136719 509.746094 377.757812 504.753906 377.757812 C 499.761719 377.757812 496.898438 376.136719 496.523438 375.441406 C 496.773438 375 498.273438 373.859375 501.671875 373.34375 L 503.6875 373.042969 L 503.6875 298.378906 C 503.6875 298.023438 503.96875 297.738281 504.324219 297.738281 L 505.1875 297.738281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 487.421875 291.101562 C 485.859375 291.101562 484.589844 292.367188 484.589844 293.929688 L 484.589844 351.042969 C 481.148438 351.5625 478.671875 353.003906 478.671875 354.695312 C 478.671875 356.828125 482.589844 358.554688 487.421875 358.554688 C 492.253906 358.554688 496.171875 356.828125 496.171875 354.695312 C 496.171875 353.003906 493.695312 351.5625 490.25 351.042969 L 490.25 293.929688 C 490.25 292.367188 488.984375 291.101562 487.421875 291.101562 Z M 487.421875 293.464844 C 487.679688 293.464844 487.886719 293.671875 487.886719 293.929688 L 487.886719 353.078125 L 489.902344 353.378906 C 491.949219 353.691406 493.164062 354.304688 493.640625 354.699219 C 492.949219 355.273438 490.792969 356.191406 487.421875 356.191406 C 484.050781 356.191406 481.894531 355.273438 481.203125 354.699219 C 481.679688 354.304688 482.894531 353.691406 484.945312 353.378906 L 486.957031 353.078125 L 486.957031 293.929688 C 486.957031 293.671875 487.164062 293.464844 487.421875 293.464844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 475.035156 288.082031 L 474.605469 288.082031 C 473.402344 288.082031 472.425781 289.058594 472.425781 290.261719 L 472.425781 336.699219 C 469.515625 337.140625 467.417969 338.351562 467.417969 339.785156 C 467.417969 341.589844 470.734375 343.050781 474.820312 343.050781 C 478.90625 343.050781 482.222656 341.589844 482.222656 339.785156 C 482.222656 338.351562 480.125 337.140625 477.214844 336.699219 L 477.214844 290.261719 C 477.214844 289.058594 476.238281 288.082031 475.035156 288.082031 Z M 474.851562 290.445312 L 474.851562 338.734375 L 476.863281 339.035156 C 478.109375 339.226562 478.925781 339.535156 479.40625 339.792969 C 478.59375 340.214844 476.988281 340.6875 474.820312 340.6875 C 472.648438 340.6875 471.046875 340.214844 470.234375 339.792969 C 470.714844 339.535156 471.53125 339.226562 472.777344 339.035156 L 474.789062 338.734375 L 474.789062 290.445312 L 474.851562 290.445312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#6a84fa4aed)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 471.492188 328.941406 C 471.492188 330.488281 468.644531 331.746094 465.132812 331.746094 C 461.621094 331.746094 458.773438 330.488281 458.773438 328.941406 C 458.773438 327.710938 460.574219 326.664062 463.078125 326.289062 L 463.078125 288.472656 C 463.078125 287.335938 463.996094 286.414062 465.132812 286.414062 C 466.269531 286.414062 467.191406 287.335938 467.191406 288.472656 L 467.191406 326.289062 C 469.691406 326.664062 471.492188 327.710938 471.492188 328.941406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 315.3125 410.710938 L 360.648438 319.261719 L 358.578125 319.261719 L 304.890625 410.710938 L 315.3125 410.710938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 492.746094 410.710938 L 439.050781 319.261719 L 436.980469 319.261719 L 482.316406 410.710938 L 492.746094 410.710938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 297.316406 410.710938 L 356.921875 321.625 L 440.707031 321.625 L 500.3125 410.710938 L 503.15625 410.710938 L 441.96875 319.261719 L 355.660156 319.261719 L 294.472656 410.710938 L 297.316406 410.710938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </div> </div> <div class="box-body"> <h3 class="elementskit-info-box-title"> Grand Red Carpet Experience </h3> <p>Commence the evening with a sophisticated red carpet arrival to set a prestigious tone for the awards ceremony.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-e37f572" data-id="e37f572" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-53514be ekit-equal-height-enable elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-icon-box" data-id="53514be" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <!-- link opening --> <!-- end link opening --> <div class="elementskit-infobox text- text-left icon-lef-right-aligin elementor-animation- media gradient-active hover_from_top"> <div class="elementskit-box-header elementor-animation-"> <div class="elementskit-info-box-icon text-center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 483.589844 433.546875 C 480.753906 433.542969 477.941406 433.78125 475.148438 434.265625 C 472.355469 434.75 469.625 435.46875 466.957031 436.421875 C 464.289062 437.375 461.722656 438.550781 459.257812 439.949219 C 456.792969 441.347656 454.464844 442.945312 452.273438 444.742188 L 433.347656 425.867188 C 434.589844 424.425781 435.765625 422.933594 436.875 421.386719 C 437.984375 419.839844 439.023438 418.25 439.988281 416.613281 C 440.957031 414.976562 441.851562 413.296875 442.667969 411.582031 C 443.488281 409.863281 444.226562 408.113281 444.890625 406.328125 C 445.550781 404.546875 446.132812 402.738281 446.636719 400.902344 C 447.136719 399.070312 447.554688 397.214844 447.894531 395.34375 C 448.230469 393.472656 448.480469 391.585938 448.652344 389.691406 C 448.820312 387.796875 448.90625 385.898438 448.90625 383.996094 C 448.90625 382.09375 448.820312 380.195312 448.652344 378.300781 C 448.480469 376.40625 448.230469 374.523438 447.894531 372.652344 C 447.554688 370.78125 447.136719 368.925781 446.636719 367.09375 C 446.132812 365.257812 445.550781 363.449219 444.890625 361.664062 C 444.226562 359.882812 443.488281 358.132812 442.667969 356.414062 C 441.851562 354.699219 440.957031 353.019531 439.988281 351.382812 C 439.023438 349.746094 437.984375 348.152344 436.875 346.609375 C 435.765625 345.0625 434.589844 343.570312 433.347656 342.128906 L 449.402344 326.078125 C 452.199219 328.261719 455.238281 330.035156 458.519531 331.398438 C 461.796875 332.761719 465.199219 333.664062 468.722656 334.101562 L 468.722656 345.054688 C 467.953125 345.253906 467.195312 345.496094 466.457031 345.785156 C 465.714844 346.078125 464.992188 346.410156 464.292969 346.789062 C 463.589844 347.164062 462.914062 347.582031 462.261719 348.042969 C 461.613281 348.5 460.992188 348.996094 460.402344 349.53125 C 459.808594 350.0625 459.253906 350.628906 458.730469 351.230469 C 458.207031 351.832031 457.722656 352.460938 457.277344 353.121094 C 456.828125 353.777344 456.421875 354.460938 456.058594 355.167969 C 455.695312 355.878906 455.375 356.605469 455.097656 357.351562 C 454.820312 358.097656 454.589844 358.859375 454.402344 359.632812 C 454.21875 360.40625 454.082031 361.191406 453.988281 361.980469 C 453.898438 362.773438 453.855469 363.566406 453.859375 364.359375 C 453.863281 365.15625 453.917969 365.949219 454.019531 366.738281 C 454.117188 367.53125 454.265625 368.3125 454.460938 369.082031 C 454.65625 369.855469 454.894531 370.613281 455.179688 371.355469 C 455.464844 372.097656 455.796875 372.824219 456.167969 373.527344 C 456.542969 374.230469 456.953125 374.90625 457.410156 375.5625 C 457.863281 376.214844 458.355469 376.839844 458.886719 377.433594 C 459.417969 378.027344 459.980469 378.585938 460.578125 379.113281 C 461.175781 379.640625 461.800781 380.128906 462.457031 380.578125 C 463.113281 381.03125 463.796875 381.441406 464.5 381.808594 C 465.207031 382.175781 465.929688 382.503906 466.675781 382.785156 C 467.421875 383.066406 468.179688 383.300781 468.953125 383.492188 C 469.726562 383.679688 470.507812 383.824219 471.300781 383.917969 C 472.089844 384.015625 472.882812 384.0625 473.679688 384.0625 C 474.476562 384.0625 475.269531 384.015625 476.058594 383.917969 C 476.847656 383.824219 477.632812 383.679688 478.402344 383.492188 C 479.175781 383.300781 479.9375 383.066406 480.679688 382.785156 C 481.425781 382.503906 482.152344 382.175781 482.855469 381.808594 C 483.5625 381.441406 484.242188 381.03125 484.898438 380.578125 C 485.554688 380.128906 486.183594 379.640625 486.78125 379.113281 C 487.378906 378.585938 487.941406 378.027344 488.472656 377.433594 C 489 376.839844 489.492188 376.214844 489.949219 375.5625 C 490.402344 374.90625 490.816406 374.230469 491.191406 373.527344 C 491.5625 372.824219 491.890625 372.097656 492.175781 371.355469 C 492.464844 370.613281 492.703125 369.855469 492.898438 369.082031 C 493.09375 368.3125 493.238281 367.53125 493.339844 366.738281 C 493.441406 365.949219 493.492188 365.15625 493.496094 364.359375 C 493.503906 363.566406 493.460938 362.773438 493.367188 361.980469 C 493.277344 361.191406 493.140625 360.40625 492.953125 359.632812 C 492.769531 358.859375 492.539062 358.097656 492.261719 357.351562 C 491.984375 356.605469 491.664062 355.878906 491.300781 355.167969 C 490.933594 354.460938 490.527344 353.777344 490.082031 353.121094 C 489.636719 352.460938 489.152344 351.832031 488.628906 351.230469 C 488.105469 350.628906 487.546875 350.0625 486.957031 349.53125 C 486.367188 348.996094 485.746094 348.5 485.09375 348.042969 C 484.441406 347.582031 483.765625 347.164062 483.066406 346.789062 C 482.363281 346.410156 481.644531 346.078125 480.902344 345.785156 C 480.160156 345.496094 479.40625 345.253906 478.632812 345.054688 L 478.632812 334.101562 C 479.855469 333.949219 481.0625 333.742188 482.265625 333.476562 C 483.464844 333.210938 484.652344 332.890625 485.824219 332.515625 C 486.992188 332.140625 488.144531 331.710938 489.273438 331.230469 C 490.40625 330.746094 491.511719 330.210938 492.59375 329.628906 C 493.675781 329.042969 494.726562 328.40625 495.75 327.722656 C 496.769531 327.039062 497.757812 326.3125 498.714844 325.535156 C 499.667969 324.761719 500.585938 323.941406 501.460938 323.082031 C 502.339844 322.222656 503.175781 321.320312 503.972656 320.382812 C 504.765625 319.445312 505.515625 318.472656 506.21875 317.464844 C 506.921875 316.457031 507.578125 315.417969 508.1875 314.347656 C 508.792969 313.277344 509.351562 312.183594 509.855469 311.0625 C 510.359375 309.941406 510.8125 308.800781 511.210938 307.636719 C 511.609375 306.472656 511.957031 305.292969 512.246094 304.097656 C 512.535156 302.902344 512.765625 301.699219 512.945312 300.480469 C 513.121094 299.265625 513.242188 298.042969 513.304688 296.8125 C 513.367188 295.585938 513.375 294.359375 513.324219 293.128906 C 513.273438 291.902344 513.164062 290.675781 513 289.457031 C 512.835938 288.238281 512.613281 287.03125 512.335938 285.832031 C 512.058594 284.636719 511.726562 283.453125 511.339844 282.285156 C 510.953125 281.121094 510.511719 279.972656 510.019531 278.847656 C 509.523438 277.722656 508.980469 276.621094 508.382812 275.542969 C 507.785156 274.46875 507.140625 273.425781 506.449219 272.410156 C 505.753906 271.394531 505.015625 270.414062 504.230469 269.464844 C 503.445312 268.519531 502.617188 267.613281 501.75 266.742188 C 500.878906 265.871094 499.972656 265.046875 499.023438 264.261719 C 498.078125 263.476562 497.097656 262.738281 496.082031 262.042969 C 495.066406 261.347656 494.019531 260.703125 492.945312 260.109375 C 491.871094 259.511719 490.769531 258.964844 489.644531 258.472656 C 488.519531 257.976562 487.371094 257.539062 486.203125 257.148438 C 485.039062 256.761719 483.855469 256.429688 482.65625 256.152344 C 481.460938 255.875 480.25 255.65625 479.03125 255.492188 C 477.8125 255.324219 476.589844 255.21875 475.363281 255.167969 C 474.132812 255.117188 472.90625 255.121094 471.675781 255.183594 C 470.449219 255.25 469.226562 255.367188 468.007812 255.546875 C 466.792969 255.722656 465.585938 255.957031 464.390625 256.246094 C 463.195312 256.535156 462.019531 256.878906 460.855469 257.277344 C 459.691406 257.679688 458.550781 258.128906 457.429688 258.636719 C 456.308594 259.140625 455.210938 259.695312 454.144531 260.304688 C 453.074219 260.910156 452.035156 261.566406 451.027344 262.269531 C 450.019531 262.976562 449.046875 263.722656 448.105469 264.519531 C 447.167969 265.3125 446.269531 266.148438 445.410156 267.027344 C 444.546875 267.90625 443.730469 268.824219 442.953125 269.777344 C 442.179688 270.730469 441.449219 271.71875 440.765625 272.742188 C 440.082031 273.765625 439.449219 274.816406 438.863281 275.898438 C 438.277344 276.980469 437.742188 278.085938 437.261719 279.214844 C 436.777344 280.347656 436.351562 281.496094 435.972656 282.667969 C 435.597656 283.839844 435.277344 285.023438 435.015625 286.226562 C 434.75 287.425781 434.539062 288.636719 434.386719 289.855469 L 423.4375 289.855469 C 423.238281 289.085938 422.992188 288.332031 422.703125 287.589844 C 422.414062 286.847656 422.078125 286.125 421.703125 285.425781 C 421.324219 284.722656 420.90625 284.046875 420.449219 283.398438 C 419.992188 282.746094 419.496094 282.125 418.960938 281.535156 C 418.429688 280.941406 417.859375 280.386719 417.261719 279.863281 C 416.660156 279.339844 416.03125 278.855469 415.371094 278.410156 C 414.710938 277.960938 414.027344 277.554688 413.320312 277.191406 C 412.613281 276.828125 411.886719 276.507812 411.140625 276.230469 C 410.394531 275.953125 409.632812 275.722656 408.859375 275.535156 C 408.082031 275.351562 407.300781 275.214844 406.511719 275.121094 C 405.71875 275.03125 404.925781 274.988281 404.128906 274.992188 C 403.332031 274.996094 402.539062 275.050781 401.75 275.152344 C 400.960938 275.25 400.179688 275.398438 399.40625 275.59375 C 398.636719 275.789062 397.878906 276.027344 397.136719 276.3125 C 396.390625 276.597656 395.667969 276.929688 394.964844 277.300781 C 394.261719 277.675781 393.582031 278.089844 392.929688 278.542969 C 392.277344 278.996094 391.652344 279.488281 391.058594 280.019531 C 390.464844 280.550781 389.902344 281.113281 389.375 281.710938 C 388.851562 282.308594 388.363281 282.933594 387.910156 283.589844 C 387.460938 284.246094 387.050781 284.929688 386.683594 285.632812 C 386.3125 286.339844 385.988281 287.066406 385.707031 287.808594 C 385.425781 288.554688 385.191406 289.3125 385 290.085938 C 384.808594 290.859375 384.667969 291.640625 384.570312 292.433594 C 384.476562 293.222656 384.429688 294.015625 384.429688 294.8125 C 384.429688 295.609375 384.476562 296.402344 384.570312 297.191406 C 384.667969 297.980469 384.808594 298.765625 385 299.539062 C 385.191406 300.308594 385.425781 301.070312 385.707031 301.8125 C 385.988281 302.558594 386.3125 303.285156 386.683594 303.988281 C 387.050781 304.695312 387.460938 305.375 387.910156 306.03125 C 388.363281 306.6875 388.851562 307.316406 389.375 307.914062 C 389.902344 308.511719 390.464844 309.074219 391.058594 309.605469 C 391.652344 310.132812 392.277344 310.625 392.929688 311.082031 C 393.582031 311.535156 394.261719 311.949219 394.964844 312.324219 C 395.667969 312.695312 396.390625 313.023438 397.136719 313.3125 C 397.878906 313.597656 398.636719 313.835938 399.40625 314.03125 C 400.179688 314.226562 400.960938 314.371094 401.75 314.472656 C 402.539062 314.574219 403.332031 314.625 404.128906 314.628906 C 404.925781 314.636719 405.71875 314.59375 406.511719 314.5 C 407.300781 314.410156 408.082031 314.273438 408.859375 314.085938 C 409.632812 313.902344 410.394531 313.671875 411.140625 313.394531 C 411.886719 313.117188 412.613281 312.796875 413.320312 312.433594 C 414.027344 312.066406 414.710938 311.660156 415.371094 311.214844 C 416.03125 310.769531 416.660156 310.285156 417.261719 309.761719 C 417.859375 309.238281 418.429688 308.679688 418.960938 308.089844 C 419.496094 307.5 419.992188 306.878906 420.449219 306.226562 C 420.90625 305.578125 421.324219 304.898438 421.703125 304.199219 C 422.078125 303.496094 422.414062 302.777344 422.703125 302.035156 C 422.992188 301.292969 423.238281 300.539062 423.4375 299.765625 L 434.386719 299.765625 C 434.828125 303.289062 435.730469 306.691406 437.09375 309.972656 C 438.453125 313.25 440.230469 316.289062 442.414062 319.089844 L 426.359375 335.144531 C 424.921875 333.902344 423.425781 332.726562 421.882812 331.617188 C 420.335938 330.507812 418.746094 329.46875 417.109375 328.5 C 415.46875 327.535156 413.792969 326.640625 412.074219 325.824219 C 410.359375 325.003906 408.609375 324.265625 406.824219 323.601562 C 405.042969 322.9375 403.234375 322.355469 401.398438 321.855469 C 399.5625 321.351562 397.710938 320.933594 395.839844 320.597656 C 393.964844 320.261719 392.082031 320.007812 390.1875 319.839844 C 388.292969 319.671875 386.394531 319.585938 384.492188 319.585938 C 382.589844 319.585938 380.691406 319.671875 378.796875 319.839844 C 376.902344 320.007812 375.019531 320.261719 373.148438 320.597656 C 371.277344 320.933594 369.421875 321.351562 367.585938 321.855469 C 365.753906 322.355469 363.945312 322.9375 362.160156 323.601562 C 360.378906 324.265625 358.628906 325.003906 356.910156 325.824219 C 355.195312 326.640625 353.515625 327.535156 351.878906 328.5 C 350.242188 329.46875 348.648438 330.507812 347.105469 331.617188 C 345.558594 332.726562 344.066406 333.902344 342.625 335.144531 L 323.746094 316.214844 C 324.410156 315.40625 325.046875 314.574219 325.65625 313.722656 C 326.265625 312.871094 326.847656 312.003906 327.402344 311.117188 C 327.953125 310.226562 328.480469 309.324219 328.976562 308.402344 C 329.472656 307.480469 329.941406 306.542969 330.378906 305.59375 C 330.816406 304.644531 331.222656 303.679688 331.601562 302.703125 C 331.976562 301.726562 332.324219 300.738281 332.636719 299.742188 C 332.949219 298.742188 333.234375 297.734375 333.484375 296.71875 C 333.734375 295.703125 333.949219 294.679688 334.136719 293.648438 C 334.320312 292.617188 334.472656 291.582031 334.59375 290.542969 C 334.714844 289.503906 334.800781 288.460938 334.855469 287.414062 C 334.90625 286.371094 334.929688 285.324219 334.914062 284.277344 C 334.902344 283.230469 334.855469 282.1875 334.777344 281.140625 C 334.699219 280.097656 334.585938 279.058594 334.441406 278.019531 C 334.296875 276.984375 334.121094 275.953125 333.910156 274.929688 C 333.699219 273.902344 333.457031 272.886719 333.183594 271.875 C 332.910156 270.863281 332.601562 269.863281 332.265625 268.875 C 331.925781 267.882812 331.558594 266.90625 331.15625 265.9375 C 330.757812 264.96875 330.328125 264.015625 329.867188 263.078125 C 329.40625 262.136719 328.914062 261.210938 328.398438 260.304688 C 327.878906 259.394531 327.328125 258.503906 326.753906 257.628906 C 326.179688 256.753906 325.574219 255.898438 324.945312 255.0625 C 324.316406 254.226562 323.660156 253.410156 322.980469 252.617188 C 322.296875 251.824219 321.59375 251.050781 320.863281 250.300781 C 320.132812 249.550781 319.378906 248.824219 318.601562 248.125 C 317.824219 247.421875 317.027344 246.746094 316.207031 246.09375 C 315.386719 245.441406 314.550781 244.816406 313.691406 244.21875 C 312.832031 243.621094 311.953125 243.050781 311.058594 242.507812 C 310.164062 241.964844 309.253906 241.449219 308.324219 240.964844 C 307.398438 240.480469 306.457031 240.027344 305.5 239.601562 C 304.542969 239.175781 303.574219 238.78125 302.59375 238.417969 C 301.613281 238.054688 300.621094 237.722656 299.617188 237.421875 C 298.613281 237.121094 297.601562 236.851562 296.582031 236.613281 C 295.5625 236.375 294.539062 236.171875 293.503906 236 C 292.472656 235.828125 291.4375 235.691406 290.394531 235.582031 C 289.355469 235.476562 288.308594 235.40625 287.265625 235.363281 C 286.21875 235.324219 285.171875 235.316406 284.125 235.34375 C 283.078125 235.371094 282.035156 235.429688 280.992188 235.523438 C 279.949219 235.613281 278.910156 235.738281 277.875 235.898438 C 276.839844 236.058594 275.8125 236.246094 274.789062 236.472656 C 273.769531 236.695312 272.753906 236.949219 271.746094 237.238281 C 270.742188 237.527344 269.746094 237.84375 268.757812 238.195312 C 267.773438 238.546875 266.796875 238.929688 265.835938 239.34375 C 264.875 239.753906 263.925781 240.199219 262.992188 240.671875 C 262.058594 241.144531 261.140625 241.644531 260.238281 242.175781 C 259.335938 242.707031 258.453125 243.265625 257.585938 243.851562 C 256.71875 244.4375 255.871094 245.054688 255.042969 245.695312 C 254.214844 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435.660156 470.683594 435.441406 471.585938 C 435.226562 472.492188 435.039062 473.398438 434.871094 474.3125 C 434.707031 475.226562 434.570312 476.144531 434.457031 477.066406 C 434.34375 477.992188 434.257812 478.914062 434.195312 479.839844 C 434.132812 480.769531 434.101562 481.695312 434.089844 482.625 C 434.082031 483.554688 434.097656 484.480469 434.144531 485.410156 C 434.1875 486.335938 434.253906 487.261719 434.351562 488.1875 C 434.445312 489.109375 434.566406 490.03125 434.714844 490.949219 C 434.863281 491.867188 435.035156 492.777344 435.234375 493.6875 C 435.433594 494.59375 435.65625 495.492188 435.90625 496.390625 C 436.15625 497.285156 436.429688 498.171875 436.730469 499.050781 C 437.027344 499.929688 437.351562 500.800781 437.699219 501.660156 C 438.046875 502.523438 438.417969 503.371094 438.816406 504.210938 C 439.210938 505.054688 439.628906 505.882812 440.074219 506.699219 C 440.515625 507.515625 440.980469 508.316406 441.46875 509.109375 C 441.957031 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475.941406 532.046875 476.859375 532.183594 477.78125 532.292969 C 478.703125 532.402344 479.628906 532.488281 480.554688 532.542969 C 481.484375 532.601562 482.410156 532.632812 483.339844 532.640625 C 484.269531 532.644531 485.199219 532.625 486.125 532.578125 C 487.050781 532.53125 487.976562 532.457031 488.902344 532.359375 C 489.824219 532.261719 490.746094 532.136719 491.664062 531.984375 C 492.578125 531.835938 493.492188 531.660156 494.398438 531.457031 C 495.304688 531.257812 496.203125 531.027344 497.097656 530.777344 C 497.992188 530.523438 498.878906 530.246094 499.757812 529.945312 C 500.632812 529.644531 501.503906 529.316406 502.363281 528.964844 C 503.222656 528.613281 504.074219 528.238281 504.910156 527.839844 C 505.75 527.441406 506.578125 527.019531 507.390625 526.574219 C 508.207031 526.128906 509.007812 525.660156 509.796875 525.171875 C 510.585938 524.679688 511.363281 524.167969 512.121094 523.632812 C 512.882812 523.101562 513.625 522.542969 514.355469 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518.042969 447.425781 517.367188 446.789062 516.675781 446.167969 C 515.984375 445.550781 515.273438 444.949219 514.550781 444.371094 C 513.824219 443.792969 513.082031 443.234375 512.324219 442.695312 C 511.566406 442.15625 510.796875 441.640625 510.007812 441.148438 C 509.222656 440.652344 508.421875 440.179688 507.609375 439.730469 C 506.796875 439.28125 505.972656 438.855469 505.136719 438.453125 C 504.296875 438.050781 503.449219 437.671875 502.59375 437.316406 C 501.734375 436.960938 500.867188 436.628906 499.992188 436.320312 C 499.113281 436.015625 498.230469 435.734375 497.335938 435.476562 C 496.445312 435.21875 495.542969 434.988281 494.640625 434.78125 C 493.734375 434.574219 492.824219 434.394531 491.90625 434.242188 C 490.992188 434.085938 490.070312 433.957031 489.148438 433.851562 C 488.226562 433.75 487.300781 433.671875 486.371094 433.621094 C 485.445312 433.570312 484.515625 433.542969 483.589844 433.546875 Z M 310.171875 315.820312 L 310.171875 309.675781 C 310.171875 308.046875 310.011719 306.433594 309.691406 304.835938 C 309.375 303.238281 308.902344 301.683594 308.277344 300.179688 C 307.652344 298.675781 306.886719 297.246094 305.980469 295.894531 C 305.074219 294.539062 304.042969 293.285156 302.886719 292.136719 C 301.769531 291.019531 300.546875 290.027344 299.222656 289.164062 C 299.691406 288.707031 300.132812 288.230469 300.554688 287.730469 C 300.976562 287.230469 301.371094 286.714844 301.738281 286.175781 C 302.109375 285.636719 302.449219 285.082031 302.765625 284.511719 C 303.078125 283.9375 303.367188 283.351562 303.621094 282.75 C 303.878906 282.152344 304.105469 281.539062 304.300781 280.917969 C 304.496094 280.292969 304.664062 279.664062 304.796875 279.023438 C 304.929688 278.386719 305.03125 277.742188 305.101562 277.09375 C 305.171875 276.445312 305.210938 275.792969 305.214844 275.140625 C 305.222656 274.488281 305.195312 273.835938 305.136719 273.183594 C 305.078125 272.535156 304.988281 271.890625 304.867188 271.25 C 304.742188 270.605469 304.589844 269.972656 304.40625 269.347656 C 304.21875 268.722656 304.003906 268.105469 303.757812 267.5 C 303.511719 266.894531 303.238281 266.304688 302.933594 265.726562 C 302.628906 265.148438 302.296875 264.589844 301.9375 264.042969 C 301.578125 263.5 301.191406 262.972656 300.78125 262.464844 C 300.371094 261.960938 299.933594 261.472656 299.476562 261.011719 C 299.015625 260.546875 298.535156 260.105469 298.03125 259.691406 C 297.527344 259.273438 297.003906 258.882812 296.464844 258.519531 C 295.921875 258.15625 295.363281 257.816406 294.789062 257.507812 C 294.214844 257.199219 293.625 256.917969 293.023438 256.667969 C 292.421875 256.417969 291.808594 256.195312 291.183594 256.003906 C 290.558594 255.816406 289.925781 255.65625 289.285156 255.527344 C 288.644531 255.398438 288 255.304688 287.351562 255.238281 C 286.703125 255.175781 286.050781 255.140625 285.398438 255.140625 C 284.746094 255.140625 284.09375 255.175781 283.445312 255.238281 C 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252.539062 C 263.585938 251.753906 264.730469 251.027344 265.914062 250.359375 C 267.097656 249.691406 268.3125 249.085938 269.558594 248.542969 C 270.804688 248 272.074219 247.519531 273.371094 247.109375 C 274.664062 246.695312 275.976562 246.351562 277.308594 246.074219 C 278.636719 245.796875 279.980469 245.589844 281.332031 245.449219 C 282.683594 245.308594 284.039062 245.238281 285.398438 245.238281 C 286.757812 245.238281 288.113281 245.308594 289.464844 245.449219 C 290.816406 245.589844 292.15625 245.796875 293.488281 246.074219 C 294.816406 246.351562 296.132812 246.695312 297.425781 247.109375 C 298.722656 247.519531 299.992188 248 301.238281 248.542969 C 302.484375 249.085938 303.699219 249.691406 304.882812 250.359375 C 306.066406 251.027344 307.210938 251.753906 308.320312 252.539062 C 309.429688 253.324219 310.492188 254.164062 311.515625 255.0625 C 312.539062 255.957031 313.511719 256.902344 314.4375 257.898438 C 315.363281 258.894531 316.234375 259.933594 317.050781 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350.710938 405.871094 350.378906 407.417969 350.15625 408.988281 C 349.933594 410.558594 349.816406 412.140625 349.808594 413.726562 L 349.808594 426.015625 C 349.09375 425.421875 348.394531 424.816406 347.707031 424.1875 C 347.023438 423.5625 346.355469 422.917969 345.703125 422.257812 C 345.050781 421.597656 344.417969 420.921875 343.800781 420.226562 C 343.179688 419.535156 342.582031 418.824219 342 418.101562 C 341.417969 417.378906 340.855469 416.640625 340.3125 415.886719 C 339.769531 415.136719 339.246094 414.371094 338.742188 413.589844 C 338.238281 412.8125 337.753906 412.019531 337.289062 411.214844 C 336.824219 410.414062 336.382812 409.597656 335.960938 408.769531 C 335.539062 407.945312 335.136719 407.105469 334.757812 406.261719 C 334.378906 405.414062 334.019531 404.558594 333.683594 403.691406 C 333.347656 402.828125 333.035156 401.953125 332.742188 401.070312 C 332.453125 400.191406 332.183594 399.300781 331.9375 398.40625 C 331.691406 397.511719 331.46875 396.613281 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331.472656 370.722656 331.238281 C 371.621094 331.003906 372.527344 330.792969 373.433594 330.601562 C 374.34375 330.414062 375.257812 330.25 376.175781 330.109375 C 377.089844 329.964844 378.011719 329.847656 378.933594 329.753906 C 379.859375 329.660156 380.785156 329.585938 381.710938 329.539062 C 382.636719 329.492188 383.566406 329.46875 384.492188 329.46875 C 385.421875 329.46875 386.347656 329.492188 387.277344 329.539062 C 388.203125 329.585938 389.128906 329.660156 390.050781 329.753906 C 390.976562 329.847656 391.894531 329.964844 392.8125 330.109375 C 393.730469 330.25 394.644531 330.414062 395.550781 330.601562 C 396.460938 330.792969 397.363281 331.003906 398.261719 331.238281 C 399.160156 331.472656 400.050781 331.730469 400.9375 332.007812 C 401.820312 332.289062 402.699219 332.589844 403.566406 332.917969 C 404.4375 333.242188 405.296875 333.585938 406.148438 333.957031 C 407 334.324219 407.84375 334.714844 408.675781 335.128906 C 409.507812 335.539062 410.328125 335.972656 411.136719 336.425781 C 411.949219 336.878906 412.746094 337.355469 413.53125 337.847656 C 414.316406 338.34375 415.089844 338.855469 415.847656 339.390625 C 416.605469 339.925781 417.351562 340.476562 418.082031 341.050781 C 418.8125 341.621094 419.53125 342.210938 420.230469 342.820312 C 420.929688 343.429688 421.617188 344.054688 422.285156 344.699219 C 422.953125 345.34375 423.605469 346.003906 424.242188 346.679688 C 424.875 347.355469 425.492188 348.050781 426.09375 348.757812 C 426.691406 349.464844 427.273438 350.191406 427.835938 350.929688 C 428.398438 351.667969 428.941406 352.417969 429.46875 353.183594 C 429.992188 353.949219 430.496094 354.730469 430.980469 355.519531 C 431.464844 356.3125 431.929688 357.117188 432.371094 357.929688 C 432.816406 358.746094 433.238281 359.574219 433.640625 360.410156 C 434.039062 361.246094 434.421875 362.09375 434.777344 362.949219 C 435.136719 363.804688 435.472656 364.671875 435.785156 365.542969 C 436.101562 366.417969 436.390625 367.300781 436.660156 368.1875 C 436.929688 369.074219 437.175781 369.972656 437.398438 370.871094 C 437.621094 371.773438 437.820312 372.679688 437.996094 373.589844 C 438.175781 374.5 438.328125 375.417969 438.457031 376.335938 C 438.589844 377.253906 438.695312 378.175781 438.777344 379.101562 C 438.859375 380.023438 438.917969 380.949219 438.957031 381.878906 C 438.992188 382.804688 439.003906 383.734375 438.992188 384.660156 C 438.980469 385.589844 438.945312 386.515625 438.886719 387.445312 C 438.824219 388.371094 438.742188 389.292969 438.636719 390.214844 C 438.53125 391.136719 438.402344 392.058594 438.246094 392.972656 C 438.09375 393.886719 437.917969 394.796875 437.71875 395.707031 C 437.519531 396.613281 437.292969 397.511719 437.050781 398.40625 C 436.804688 399.300781 436.535156 400.191406 436.242188 401.070312 C 435.953125 401.953125 435.636719 402.828125 435.304688 403.691406 C 434.96875 404.558594 434.609375 405.414062 434.230469 406.261719 C 433.851562 407.105469 433.449219 407.945312 433.027344 408.769531 C 432.605469 409.597656 432.160156 410.414062 431.695312 411.214844 C 431.234375 412.019531 430.75 412.8125 430.246094 413.589844 C 429.738281 414.371094 429.214844 415.136719 428.671875 415.886719 C 428.128906 416.640625 427.566406 417.378906 426.984375 418.101562 C 426.402344 418.824219 425.804688 419.535156 425.1875 420.226562 C 424.570312 420.921875 423.933594 421.597656 423.28125 422.257812 C 422.632812 422.917969 421.960938 423.5625 421.277344 424.1875 C 420.59375 424.816406 419.890625 425.421875 419.175781 426.015625 Z M 508.363281 514.011719 L 508.363281 507.867188 C 508.363281 506.238281 508.203125 504.625 507.882812 503.027344 C 507.566406 501.425781 507.09375 499.875 506.46875 498.371094 C 505.84375 496.867188 505.078125 495.4375 504.171875 494.082031 C 503.261719 492.730469 502.234375 491.476562 501.078125 490.328125 C 499.960938 489.210938 498.738281 488.21875 497.414062 487.355469 C 497.878906 486.898438 498.324219 486.421875 498.746094 485.921875 C 499.164062 485.421875 499.558594 484.902344 499.929688 484.367188 C 500.300781 483.828125 500.640625 483.273438 500.957031 482.699219 C 501.269531 482.128906 501.554688 481.542969 501.8125 480.941406 C 502.070312 480.339844 502.296875 479.730469 502.492188 479.109375 C 502.6875 478.484375 502.851562 477.855469 502.988281 477.214844 C 503.121094 476.574219 503.222656 475.933594 503.292969 475.28125 C 503.363281 474.632812 503.402344 473.984375 503.40625 473.332031 C 503.414062 472.675781 503.386719 472.027344 503.328125 471.375 C 503.269531 470.726562 503.179688 470.078125 503.054688 469.4375 C 502.933594 468.796875 502.78125 468.164062 502.59375 467.539062 C 502.410156 466.910156 502.195312 466.296875 501.949219 465.691406 C 501.703125 465.085938 501.429688 464.496094 501.125 463.917969 C 500.820312 463.339844 500.488281 462.777344 500.128906 462.234375 C 499.769531 461.6875 499.382812 461.164062 498.972656 460.65625 C 498.5625 460.148438 498.125 459.664062 497.664062 459.199219 C 497.207031 458.738281 496.726562 458.296875 496.222656 457.882812 C 495.71875 457.464844 495.195312 457.074219 494.65625 456.710938 C 494.113281 456.347656 493.554688 456.007812 492.980469 455.699219 C 492.40625 455.390625 491.816406 455.109375 491.214844 454.859375 C 490.613281 454.609375 489.996094 454.386719 489.375 454.195312 C 488.75 454.003906 488.117188 453.847656 487.476562 453.71875 C 486.835938 453.589844 486.191406 453.492188 485.542969 453.429688 C 484.890625 453.363281 484.242188 453.332031 483.589844 453.332031 C 482.933594 453.332031 482.285156 453.363281 481.632812 453.429688 C 480.984375 453.492188 480.339844 453.589844 479.699219 453.71875 C 479.058594 453.847656 478.425781 454.003906 477.804688 454.195312 C 477.179688 454.386719 476.566406 454.609375 475.960938 454.859375 C 475.359375 455.109375 474.773438 455.390625 474.195312 455.699219 C 473.621094 456.007812 473.0625 456.347656 472.523438 456.710938 C 471.980469 457.074219 471.457031 457.464844 470.957031 457.882812 C 470.453125 458.296875 469.972656 458.738281 469.511719 459.199219 C 469.050781 459.664062 468.617188 460.148438 468.203125 460.65625 C 467.792969 461.164062 467.40625 461.6875 467.046875 462.234375 C 466.6875 462.777344 466.355469 463.339844 466.050781 463.917969 C 465.746094 464.496094 465.472656 465.085938 465.226562 465.691406 C 464.980469 466.296875 464.765625 466.910156 464.582031 467.539062 C 464.394531 468.164062 464.242188 468.796875 464.121094 469.4375 C 463.996094 470.078125 463.90625 470.726562 463.847656 471.375 C 463.789062 472.027344 463.765625 472.675781 463.769531 473.332031 C 463.777344 473.984375 463.8125 474.632812 463.882812 475.28125 C 463.953125 475.933594 464.054688 476.574219 464.191406 477.214844 C 464.324219 477.855469 464.488281 478.484375 464.683594 479.105469 C 464.882812 479.730469 465.109375 480.339844 465.363281 480.941406 C 465.621094 481.542969 465.90625 482.128906 466.222656 482.699219 C 466.535156 483.273438 466.878906 483.828125 467.246094 484.367188 C 467.617188 484.902344 468.011719 485.421875 468.433594 485.921875 C 468.851562 486.421875 469.296875 486.898438 469.765625 487.355469 C 468.082031 488.484375 466.5625 489.804688 465.203125 491.308594 C 463.84375 492.8125 462.6875 494.457031 461.734375 496.246094 C 460.777344 498.035156 460.054688 499.910156 459.5625 501.878906 C 459.066406 503.84375 458.816406 505.839844 458.816406 507.867188 L 458.816406 514.011719 C 457.753906 513.160156 456.738281 512.257812 455.769531 511.304688 C 454.804688 510.351562 453.886719 509.351562 453.019531 508.304688 C 452.15625 507.253906 451.347656 506.164062 450.59375 505.035156 C 449.839844 503.902344 449.148438 502.734375 448.515625 501.535156 C 447.878906 500.332031 447.3125 499.097656 446.804688 497.835938 C 446.296875 496.578125 445.859375 495.292969 445.484375 493.984375 C 445.109375 492.679688 444.804688 491.359375 444.566406 490.019531 C 444.328125 488.679688 444.15625 487.335938 444.058594 485.980469 C 443.957031 484.625 443.925781 483.265625 443.96875 481.910156 C 444.007812 480.550781 444.117188 479.199219 444.296875 477.851562 C 444.472656 476.503906 444.722656 475.167969 445.039062 473.847656 C 445.355469 472.523438 445.738281 471.222656 446.1875 469.941406 C 446.636719 468.65625 447.152344 467.402344 447.730469 466.171875 C 448.3125 464.941406 448.953125 463.746094 449.652344 462.582031 C 450.355469 461.417969 451.117188 460.296875 451.933594 459.210938 C 452.753906 458.125 453.625 457.085938 454.550781 456.089844 C 455.472656 455.09375 456.449219 454.148438 457.46875 453.25 C 458.492188 452.355469 459.558594 451.515625 460.667969 450.730469 C 461.773438 449.945312 462.921875 449.21875 464.105469 448.550781 C 465.289062 447.882812 466.503906 447.273438 467.75 446.730469 C 468.996094 446.1875 470.265625 445.710938 471.558594 445.300781 C 472.855469 444.886719 474.167969 444.542969 475.5 444.265625 C 476.828125 443.988281 478.171875 443.777344 479.523438 443.640625 C 480.875 443.5 482.230469 443.429688 483.589844 443.429688 C 484.949219 443.429688 486.304688 443.5 487.65625 443.640625 C 489.007812 443.777344 490.347656 443.988281 491.679688 444.265625 C 493.007812 444.542969 494.320312 444.886719 495.617188 445.300781 C 496.910156 445.710938 498.183594 446.1875 499.425781 446.730469 C 500.671875 447.273438 501.886719 447.882812 503.070312 448.550781 C 504.253906 449.21875 505.402344 449.945312 506.511719 450.730469 C 507.617188 451.515625 508.683594 452.355469 509.707031 453.253906 C 510.730469 454.148438 511.703125 455.09375 512.628906 456.089844 C 513.554688 457.085938 514.425781 458.125 515.242188 459.210938 C 516.058594 460.296875 516.820312 461.417969 517.523438 462.582031 C 518.226562 463.746094 518.867188 464.941406 519.445312 466.171875 C 520.023438 467.402344 520.539062 468.65625 520.988281 469.941406 C 521.441406 471.222656 521.824219 472.523438 522.140625 473.847656 C 522.457031 475.167969 522.703125 476.503906 522.882812 477.851562 C 523.058594 479.199219 523.167969 480.550781 523.210938 481.910156 C 523.25 483.265625 523.21875 484.625 523.121094 485.980469 C 523.019531 487.335938 522.851562 488.679688 522.613281 490.019531 C 522.375 491.359375 522.066406 492.679688 521.691406 493.984375 C 521.320312 495.292969 520.878906 496.578125 520.371094 497.835938 C 519.867188 499.097656 519.296875 500.332031 518.664062 501.535156 C 518.03125 502.734375 517.335938 503.902344 516.582031 505.035156 C 515.832031 506.164062 515.019531 507.253906 514.15625 508.304688 C 513.289062 509.351562 512.375 510.351562 511.40625 511.304688 C 510.4375 512.257812 509.421875 513.160156 508.363281 514.011719 Z M 508.363281 514.011719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </div> </div> <div class="box-body"> <h3 class="elementskit-info-box-title"> Networking Opportunities </h3> <p>Engage in strategic networking sessions designed to facilitate valuable connections, potentially leading to future collaborations and 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456.902344 405.453125 463.46875 410.011719 C 445.289062 431.78125 415.371094 444.976562 383.695312 444.976562 C 352.015625 444.976562 322.101562 431.78125 303.921875 410.011719 C 310.488281 405.453125 314.804688 397.851562 314.804688 389.28125 C 314.804688 375.292969 303.433594 363.925781 289.449219 363.925781 C 275.464844 363.925781 264.09375 375.292969 264.09375 389.28125 C 264.09375 397.425781 267.988281 404.664062 274.007812 409.285156 C 257.832031 431.597656 244.03125 444.976562 211.5 444.976562 C 208.15625 444.976562 205.421875 447.710938 205.421875 451.054688 C 205.421875 454.398438 208.15625 457.136719 211.5 457.136719 C 249.136719 457.136719 266.042969 440.839844 283.371094 417.066406 L 283.371094 532.652344 L 272.972656 532.652344 C 269.628906 532.652344 266.890625 535.386719 266.890625 538.730469 L 266.890625 554.417969 C 266.890625 557.824219 269.628906 560.5 272.972656 560.5 L 305.929688 560.5 C 309.273438 560.5 312.007812 557.824219 312.007812 554.417969 L 312.007812 538.730469 C 312.007812 535.386719 309.273438 532.652344 305.929688 532.652344 L 295.53125 532.652344 L 295.53125 419.019531 C 316.203125 443.035156 348.488281 457.148438 383.695312 457.148438 C 418.898438 457.148438 451.183594 443.042969 471.859375 419.019531 L 471.859375 532.65625 L 461.460938 532.65625 C 458.117188 532.65625 455.378906 535.394531 455.378906 538.738281 L 455.378906 554.425781 C 455.378906 557.832031 458.117188 560.503906 461.460938 560.503906 L 494.414062 560.503906 C 497.761719 560.503906 500.496094 557.832031 500.496094 554.425781 L 500.496094 538.738281 C 500.496094 535.394531 497.761719 532.65625 494.414062 532.65625 L 484.019531 532.65625 L 484.019531 416.769531 C 501.40625 440.71875 518.3125 457.140625 556.128906 457.140625 C 559.472656 457.140625 562.210938 454.40625 562.210938 451.0625 C 562.210938 447.71875 559.472656 444.980469 556.128906 444.980469 Z M 299.847656 544.820312 L 299.847656 548.34375 L 279.054688 548.34375 L 279.054688 544.820312 Z M 289.449219 402.417969 C 282.214844 402.417969 276.257812 396.519531 276.257812 389.285156 C 276.257812 381.988281 282.214844 376.089844 289.449219 376.089844 C 296.6875 376.089844 302.644531 381.988281 302.644531 389.285156 C 302.644531 396.519531 296.6875 402.417969 289.449219 402.417969 Z M 488.335938 544.820312 L 488.335938 548.34375 L 467.539062 548.34375 L 467.539062 544.820312 Z M 477.9375 402.417969 C 470.703125 402.417969 464.742188 396.519531 464.742188 389.285156 C 464.742188 381.988281 470.703125 376.089844 477.9375 376.089844 C 485.171875 376.089844 491.132812 381.988281 491.132812 389.285156 C 491.132812 396.519531 485.171875 402.417969 477.9375 402.417969 Z M 477.9375 402.417969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#8ab11ec965)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 433.097656 352.273438 L 334.292969 352.273438 C 330.9375 352.273438 328.210938 349.558594 328.210938 346.195312 L 328.210938 212.941406 C 328.210938 209.578125 330.9375 206.859375 334.292969 206.859375 L 433.097656 206.859375 C 436.453125 206.859375 439.175781 209.578125 439.175781 212.941406 L 439.175781 346.195312 C 439.175781 349.558594 436.453125 352.273438 433.097656 352.273438 Z M 340.371094 340.113281 L 427.015625 340.113281 L 427.015625 219.019531 L 340.371094 219.019531 Z M 340.371094 340.113281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 414.726562 335.554688 L 352.660156 335.554688 C 349.304688 335.554688 346.582031 332.835938 346.582031 329.472656 L 346.582031 229.519531 C 346.582031 226.160156 349.304688 223.441406 352.660156 223.441406 L 414.726562 223.441406 C 418.085938 223.441406 420.808594 226.160156 420.808594 229.519531 L 420.808594 329.472656 C 420.808594 332.835938 418.085938 335.554688 414.726562 335.554688 Z M 358.742188 323.394531 L 408.648438 323.394531 L 408.648438 235.601562 L 358.742188 235.601562 Z M 358.742188 323.394531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 554.671875 233.207031 L 455.925781 233.207031 C 452.523438 233.207031 449.847656 235.941406 449.847656 239.285156 L 449.847656 346.175781 C 449.847656 349.582031 452.523438 352.257812 455.925781 352.257812 L 554.671875 352.257812 C 558.074219 352.257812 560.75 349.582031 560.75 346.175781 L 560.75 239.285156 C 560.75 235.941406 558.074219 233.207031 554.671875 233.207031 Z M 548.589844 340.097656 L 462.007812 340.097656 L 462.007812 245.367188 L 548.589844 245.367188 Z M 548.589844 340.097656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 536.976562 249.925781 L 473.621094 249.925781 C 470.277344 249.925781 467.539062 252.660156 467.539062 256.007812 L 467.539062 329.210938 C 467.539062 332.617188 470.277344 335.292969 473.621094 335.292969 L 536.976562 335.292969 C 540.320312 335.292969 543.058594 332.617188 543.058594 329.210938 L 543.058594 256.007812 C 543.058594 252.660156 540.320312 249.925781 536.976562 249.925781 Z M 530.898438 323.132812 L 479.703125 323.132812 L 479.703125 262.085938 L 530.898438 262.085938 Z M 530.898438 323.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 311.492188 352.273438 L 212.6875 352.273438 C 209.332031 352.273438 206.605469 349.558594 206.605469 346.195312 L 206.605469 239.285156 C 206.605469 235.921875 209.332031 233.207031 212.6875 233.207031 L 311.492188 233.207031 C 314.847656 233.207031 317.570312 235.921875 317.570312 239.285156 L 317.570312 346.195312 C 317.570312 349.558594 314.847656 352.273438 311.492188 352.273438 Z M 218.765625 340.113281 L 305.410156 340.113281 L 305.410156 245.367188 L 218.765625 245.367188 Z M 218.765625 340.113281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 293.753906 335.324219 L 230.421875 335.324219 C 227.066406 335.324219 224.34375 332.605469 224.34375 329.242188 L 224.34375 256.007812 C 224.34375 252.644531 227.066406 249.925781 230.421875 249.925781 L 293.761719 249.925781 C 297.117188 249.925781 299.839844 252.644531 299.839844 256.007812 L 299.839844 329.242188 C 299.835938 332.605469 297.117188 335.324219 293.753906 335.324219 Z M 236.503906 323.164062 L 287.679688 323.164062 L 287.679688 262.085938 L 236.503906 262.085938 Z M 236.503906 323.164062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </div> </div> <div class="box-body"> <h3 class="elementskit-info-box-title"> Luxury Art Display </h3> <p>Immerse yourself in a world of creativity and sophistication with a stunning luxury art display, featuring work from renowned artists. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-7f8970e" data-id="7f8970e" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-f1271c1 ekit-equal-height-enable elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-icon-box" data-id="f1271c1" data-element_type="widget" 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414.707031 529.238281 411.710938 C 526.964844 408.789062 521.859375 411.015625 518.511719 410.367188 C 514.976562 405.792969 516.035156 404.6875 518.125 400.101562 C 517.933594 398.332031 516.933594 394.59375 514.859375 397.210938 C 512.640625 399.226562 508.953125 399.675781 508.777344 403.28125 C 504.117188 420.882812 509.058594 420.742188 489.925781 426.90625 C 474.777344 430.488281 473.199219 439.34375 473.351562 419.242188 C 474.613281 398.472656 476.050781 377.621094 478.808594 356.957031 C 480.519531 344.117188 483.464844 330.585938 479.648438 317.878906 C 477.773438 307.929688 470.085938 299.984375 459.535156 301.339844 C 458.027344 300.265625 456.910156 299.902344 456.847656 302.484375 C 456.800781 304.027344 455.835938 304.261719 454.550781 303.652344 C 455.433594 303.519531 456.425781 303.519531 456.367188 302.234375 C 456.199219 300.75 454.5625 301.695312 453.726562 300.902344 C 454.65625 300.527344 455.8125 301.398438 457.121094 300.351562 C 445.378906 298.300781 435.042969 297.675781 423.347656 296.472656 C 422.945312 295.082031 424.539062 293.773438 423.335938 292.429688 C 423.3125 289.894531 419.539062 288.421875 417.582031 290.1875 C 416.296875 285.039062 402.292969 283 399.640625 286.59375 C 397.34375 288.46875 392.6875 286.191406 391.132812 288.375 C 389.222656 288.960938 388.421875 291.734375 389.105469 293.242188 C 387.300781 289.257812 379.191406 289.683594 379.589844 289.765625 C 370.878906 290.390625 366.011719 301.328125 371.824219 307.707031 C 375.757812 313.386719 383.835938 313.648438 389.351562 310.167969 C 397.910156 321.519531 403.863281 338.152344 398.886719 352.558594 C 391.671875 375.523438 396.613281 381.039062 385.898438 355.269531 C 385.34375 354.078125 386.085938 351.617188 383.65625 352.050781 C 383.847656 351.308594 382.113281 351.320312 382.902344 350.648438 C 383.726562 349.929688 383.140625 349.613281 382.949219 349.023438 C 379.601562 340.230469 370.207031 334.878906 361.167969 336.304688 C 356.957031 336.304688 355.707031 329.878906 354.636719 326.53125 C 355.09375 327.957031 357.109375 311.726562 356.617188 307.765625 C 355.203125 305.582031 352.347656 304.097656 354.492188 301.199219 C 354 299.195312 356.074219 297.828125 355.046875 295.753906 C 355.09375 295.742188 355.128906 295.742188 355.179688 295.730469 C 355.191406 294.679688 355.058594 293.65625 354.859375 292.476562 C 353.445312 284.1875 344.59375 274.476562 343.765625 272.117188 C 343.1875 263.628906 332.839844 247.445312 326.296875 241.585938 C 315.40625 235.101562 302.097656 230.421875 289.507812 232.074219 C 286.714844 233.253906 283.695312 233.996094 280.878906 235.199219 C 278.4375 237 276.128906 239.207031 272.792969 239.300781 C 263.609375 241.574219 254.355469 249.472656 251.382812 258.289062 C 249.367188 264.46875 244.027344 275.832031 245.832031 281.84375 C 245.84375 281.628906 245.867188 281.429688 245.902344 281.21875 C 246.550781 288.5625 245.914062 297.285156 247.707031 304.0625 C 246.761719 306.925781 247.496094 310.050781 246.738281 312.953125 C 244.890625 321.085938 231.027344 328.792969 238.324219 337.058594 C 240.574219 338.542969 241.765625 341.160156 241.035156 343.882812 C 240.066406 345.332031 236.875 347.417969 238.300781 349.210938 C 239.347656 349.941406 239.335938 351.722656 240.894531 351.933594 C 240.894531 352.003906 240.953125 352.0625 240.988281 352.144531 C 240.152344 353.277344 241.765625 354.644531 241.53125 355.859375 C 239.539062 358.195312 239.667969 361.386719 238.097656 363.886719 C 236.71875 369.6875 235.375 374.992188 234.421875 380.957031 C 237.664062 373.222656 239.125 365.550781 243.121094 357.640625 C 244.652344 359.972656 245.429688 362.390625 243.699219 364.6875 C 243.910156 364.746094 244.097656 364.820312 244.300781 364.867188 C 241.566406 367.847656 238.972656 382.242188 239.878906 386.507812 C 241.304688 382.160156 240.894531 377.394531 243.027344 373.222656 C 241.613281 377.703125 241.046875 382.21875 241.941406 386.851562 C 242.425781 382.476562 242.214844 377.972656 244.734375 373.929688 C 245.492188 377.113281 249.214844 379.742188 248.484375 377.960938 C 248.425781 377.457031 247.660156 376.984375 248.378906 376.417969 C 249.003906 375.816406 249.332031 375.027344 249.582031 374.34375 C 251.867188 375.710938 249.933594 377.136719 251.148438 379.601562 C 250.734375 378.765625 257.125 390.847656 258.65625 389.457031 C 260.886719 401.445312 267.699219 420.363281 286.207031 447.886719 C 288.976562 453.277344 290.320312 459.003906 292.453125 464.449219 C 284.261719 470.050781 297.027344 468.046875 293.679688 474.964844 C 291.910156 475.992188 292.277344 477.300781 293.265625 478.714844 C 288.5625 480.304688 288.644531 483.109375 290.085938 487.789062 C 284.828125 489.996094 281.960938 493.167969 283.117188 497.789062 C 283.894531 504.601562 276.269531 507.960938 275.433594 514.492188 C 274.300781 518.15625 270.140625 519.949219 270.457031 524.226562 C 267.074219 527.117188 267.015625 533.1875 264.777344 537.207031 C 305.386719 537.277344 352.867188 537.160156 393.761719 537.253906 C 395.609375 526.996094 392.050781 516.777344 392.441406 506.417969 C 392.511719 506.429688 392.570312 506.429688 392.652344 506.464844 C 393.535156 505.109375 394.902344 499.78125 393.664062 498.988281 C 395.917969 496.125 395.410156 491.894531 396.1875 488.355469 C 396.246094 486.542969 396.292969 484.761719 397.804688 483.441406 C 398.5 479.164062 397.660156 474.246094 398.394531 469.777344 C 402.964844 473.796875 407.597656 480.519531 414.882812 478.855469 C 420.835938 476.511719 429.949219 479.941406 433.25 473.46875 C 444.164062 470.722656 454.941406 467.421875 465.394531 463.285156 C 464.335938 468.941406 462.273438 475.753906 464.15625 481.082031 C 461.988281 498.460938 459.632812 517.613281 453.253906 534.765625 C 452.085938 537.667969 453.714844 537.230469 455.941406 537.289062 C 461.222656 521.210938 465.960938 504.425781 466.328125 487.425781 C 467.011719 478.726562 466.222656 469.71875 469.4375 461.421875 C 487.273438 455.019531 503.28125 442.324219 522.109375 439.648438 C 526.433594 439.390625 532.269531 436.488281 533.199219 432.328125 C 532.941406 429.792969 526.824219 430.546875 532.128906 427.882812 Z M 244.121094 328.015625 C 244.417969 330.410156 242.660156 332.683594 243.308594 334.9375 C 243.261719 334.878906 243.226562 334.804688 243.179688 334.722656 C 242.34375 335.03125 242.308594 335.960938 241.765625 336.621094 C 235.316406 332.460938 240.859375 326.695312 240.75 326.390625 C 241.648438 325.210938 244.640625 321.863281 245.453125 322.394531 C 244.195312 324.078125 244.9375 326.25 244.121094 328.015625 Z M 471.195312 408.117188 C 466.410156 445.273438 481.875 430.054688 430.925781 441.722656 C 426.730469 436.207031 424.089844 442.558594 422.0625 439.933594 C 421.757812 436.949219 416.664062 437.398438 418.253906 434.144531 C 418.277344 432.527344 418.5625 430.996094 416.34375 430.691406 C 414.882812 428.992188 416.523438 425.914062 412.667969 425.066406 C 418.007812 399.34375 419.105469 373.035156 422.5 346.949219 C 425.871094 334.265625 426.742188 321.003906 424.289062 308.164062 C 429.902344 307.859375 435.523438 308.355469 441.125 307.894531 C 441.136719 307.871094 441.148438 307.835938 441.171875 307.8125 C 441.195312 307.90625 441.21875 308 441.242188 308.128906 C 446.300781 308.082031 452.25 309.332031 456.894531 307.175781 C 457.828125 308.1875 458.78125 308.140625 459.738281 307.433594 C 464.179688 308.625 469.285156 306.375 473.128906 309.449219 C 484.894531 330.019531 471.042969 381.296875 471.195312 408.117188 Z M 471.195312 408.117188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </div> </div> <div class="box-body"> <h3 class="elementskit-info-box-title"> Live Entertainment </h3> <p>Experience mesmerizing performances that bring a lively, unforgettable flair to the night, capturing the essence of the celebration.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section 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clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="700858235d"><path d="M 396 393 L 487.414062 393 L 487.414062 537.898438 L 396 537.898438 Z M 396 393 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#0e2cf4750c)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 366.328125 406.980469 C 365.601562 406.980469 364.511719 407.152344 363.457031 407.964844 L 357.253906 412.722656 C 355.289062 414.230469 352.949219 415.027344 350.5 415.027344 C 344.925781 415.027344 340.167969 410.863281 339.433594 405.339844 L 338.414062 397.589844 C 338.105469 395.242188 336.09375 393.472656 333.730469 393.472656 C 333.324219 393.472656 332.90625 393.523438 332.488281 393.636719 L 327.480469 394.980469 L 280.453125 499.332031 L 319.269531 473.050781 L 340.25 537.609375 L 371.703125 411.539062 L 370.441406 409.351562 C 369.589844 407.867188 368.050781 406.980469 366.328125 406.980469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#d54f3b3814)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 390.46875 394.621094 C 388.332031 394.808594 386.175781 394.902344 383.996094 394.902344 C 381.816406 394.902344 379.660156 394.808594 377.527344 394.621094 C 361.558594 393.191406 347.09375 386.554688 335.847656 376.410156 C 321.242188 363.242188 312.058594 344.175781 312.058594 322.964844 C 312.058594 283.234375 344.265625 251.023438 383.996094 251.023438 C 423.726562 251.023438 455.933594 283.234375 455.933594 322.964844 C 455.933594 344.175781 446.75 363.242188 432.148438 376.410156 C 420.898438 386.554688 406.433594 393.191406 390.46875 394.621094 Z M 408.292969 403.074219 L 414.488281 407.832031 C 415.410156 408.542969 416.464844 408.863281 417.496094 408.863281 C 419.847656 408.863281 422.097656 407.171875 422.449219 404.535156 L 423.464844 396.789062 C 424.195312 391.238281 428.945312 387.308594 434.261719 387.308594 C 435.191406 387.308594 436.144531 387.425781 437.09375 387.683594 L 437.242188 387.722656 L 444.640625 389.703125 C 445.085938 389.820312 445.523438 389.878906 445.949219 389.878906 C 449.089844 389.878906 451.605469 386.863281 450.734375 383.609375 L 448.710938 376.070312 C 447.003906 369.703125 451.289062 363.292969 457.824219 362.433594 L 465.5625 361.414062 C 469.363281 360.914062 471.191406 356.496094 468.863281 353.457031 L 464.109375 347.261719 C 460.097656 342.03125 461.601562 334.46875 467.304688 331.179688 L 474.066406 327.273438 C 477.386719 325.355469 477.386719 320.574219 474.066406 318.660156 L 467.304688 314.753906 C 461.601562 311.464844 460.097656 303.902344 464.109375 298.671875 L 468.863281 292.476562 C 471.191406 289.4375 469.363281 285.019531 465.5625 284.519531 L 457.824219 283.5 C 451.289062 282.640625 447.003906 276.230469 448.710938 269.863281 L 450.734375 262.324219 C 451.605469 259.066406 449.089844 256.054688 445.949219 256.054688 C 445.523438 256.054688 445.085938 256.109375 444.640625 256.230469 L 437.09375 258.25 C 436.144531 258.503906 435.195312 258.625 434.261719 258.625 C 428.945312 258.625 424.195312 254.695312 423.464844 249.144531 L 422.449219 241.398438 C 422.097656 238.757812 419.855469 237.070312 417.5 237.070312 C 416.464844 237.070312 415.410156 237.390625 414.488281 238.101562 L 408.292969 242.859375 C 406.296875 244.386719 403.96875 245.113281 401.664062 245.113281 C 397.917969 245.113281 394.246094 243.1875 392.210938 239.65625 L 388.304688 232.890625 C 387.347656 231.234375 385.671875 230.410156 383.996094 230.410156 C 382.324219 230.410156 380.644531 231.234375 379.6875 232.890625 L 375.78125 239.65625 C 373.746094 243.1875 370.074219 245.113281 366.328125 245.113281 C 364.023438 245.113281 361.695312 244.386719 359.699219 242.859375 L 353.503906 238.101562 C 352.582031 237.390625 351.527344 237.070312 350.496094 237.070312 C 348.136719 237.070312 345.894531 238.757812 345.546875 241.398438 L 344.527344 249.144531 C 343.796875 254.695312 339.050781 258.625 333.730469 258.625 C 332.796875 258.625 331.851562 258.503906 330.898438 258.25 L 323.347656 256.230469 C 322.910156 256.109375 322.46875 256.054688 322.042969 256.054688 C 318.902344 256.054688 316.386719 259.066406 317.257812 262.324219 L 319.28125 269.863281 C 320.988281 276.230469 316.703125 282.640625 310.171875 283.5 L 302.429688 284.519531 C 298.632812 285.019531 296.800781 289.4375 299.128906 292.476562 L 303.886719 298.671875 C 307.894531 303.902344 306.394531 311.464844 300.691406 314.753906 L 293.925781 318.660156 C 290.605469 320.574219 290.605469 325.355469 293.925781 327.273438 L 300.691406 331.179688 C 306.394531 334.46875 307.894531 342.03125 303.886719 347.261719 L 299.128906 353.457031 C 296.800781 356.496094 298.632812 360.914062 302.429688 361.414062 L 310.171875 362.433594 C 316.703125 363.292969 320.988281 369.703125 319.28125 376.070312 L 317.257812 383.609375 C 316.386719 386.863281 318.902344 389.878906 322.042969 389.878906 C 322.46875 389.878906 322.910156 389.820312 323.347656 389.703125 L 330.75 387.722656 L 330.898438 387.683594 C 331.851562 387.425781 332.800781 387.308594 333.730469 387.308594 C 339.050781 387.308594 343.796875 391.238281 344.527344 396.789062 L 345.546875 404.535156 C 345.894531 407.171875 348.144531 408.863281 350.5 408.863281 C 351.527344 408.863281 352.582031 408.542969 353.503906 407.832031 L 359.699219 403.074219 C 361.695312 401.546875 364.023438 400.820312 366.328125 400.820312 C 369.257812 400.820312 372.140625 401.996094 374.230469 404.195312 C 374.8125 404.804688 375.335938 405.503906 375.78125 406.269531 L 379.6875 413.035156 C 380.644531 414.695312 382.324219 415.523438 383.996094 415.523438 C 385.671875 415.523438 387.347656 414.695312 388.304688 413.035156 L 392.210938 406.269531 C 392.65625 405.503906 393.179688 404.804688 393.761719 404.195312 C 395.851562 401.996094 398.734375 400.820312 401.664062 400.820312 C 403.96875 400.820312 406.296875 401.546875 408.292969 403.074219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.996094 382.332031 C 351.261719 382.332031 324.628906 355.695312 324.628906 322.964844 C 324.628906 290.230469 351.261719 263.597656 383.996094 263.597656 C 416.730469 263.597656 443.363281 290.230469 443.363281 322.964844 C 443.363281 355.695312 416.730469 382.332031 383.996094 382.332031 Z M 383.996094 257.433594 C 347.863281 257.433594 318.46875 286.832031 318.46875 322.964844 C 318.46875 359.09375 347.863281 388.492188 383.996094 388.492188 C 420.128906 388.492188 449.527344 359.09375 449.527344 322.964844 C 449.527344 286.832031 420.128906 257.433594 383.996094 257.433594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 406.246094 330.199219 C 405.765625 330.660156 405.566406 331.339844 405.667969 331.980469 L 409.871094 356.484375 C 410.148438 358.144531 408.429688 359.40625 406.925781 358.625 L 384.929688 347.054688 C 384.347656 346.734375 383.648438 346.734375 383.046875 347.054688 L 361.046875 358.625 C 359.566406 359.40625 357.84375 358.144531 358.125 356.484375 L 362.328125 331.980469 C 362.429688 331.339844 362.207031 330.660156 361.75 330.199219 L 343.953125 312.84375 C 342.75 311.683594 343.410156 309.640625 345.074219 309.402344 L 369.65625 305.839844 C 370.316406 305.738281 370.894531 305.316406 371.175781 304.714844 L 382.1875 282.4375 C 382.925781 280.933594 385.066406 280.933594 385.808594 282.4375 L 396.820312 304.714844 C 397.097656 305.316406 397.679688 305.738281 398.339844 305.839844 L 422.921875 309.402344 C 424.582031 309.640625 425.246094 311.683594 424.042969 312.84375 L 406.246094 330.199219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#700858235d)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 440.511719 394.980469 L 435.503906 393.636719 C 435.085938 393.523438 434.667969 393.472656 434.261719 393.472656 C 431.898438 393.472656 429.886719 395.242188 429.578125 397.589844 L 428.558594 405.339844 C 427.824219 410.863281 423.066406 415.027344 417.496094 415.027344 C 415.042969 415.027344 412.707031 414.230469 410.738281 412.722656 L 404.535156 407.964844 C 403.480469 407.152344 402.390625 406.980469 401.664062 406.980469 C 399.945312 406.980469 398.402344 407.867188 397.550781 409.351562 L 396.289062 411.539062 L 427.742188 537.609375 L 448.726562 473.050781 L 487.539062 499.332031 L 440.511719 394.980469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Lifetime Achievement Award </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> This award honors a woman who has dedicated her life to achieving excellence in her field, leaving a lasting legacy through her work and contributions. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-08a137f" data-id="08a137f" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-fe4625a elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="fe4625a" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="24169df85c"><path d="M 218.199219 233 L 546 233 L 546 560.96875 L 218.199219 560.96875 Z M 218.199219 233 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 381.695312 252.726562 C 382.074219 252.726562 382.4375 252.652344 382.785156 252.507812 C 383.132812 252.363281 383.4375 252.160156 383.707031 251.894531 C 383.972656 251.625 384.175781 251.320312 384.320312 250.972656 C 384.464844 250.625 384.539062 250.261719 384.539062 249.882812 L 384.539062 236.105469 C 384.539062 235.730469 384.464844 235.367188 384.320312 235.019531 C 384.175781 234.671875 383.972656 234.363281 383.707031 234.097656 C 383.4375 233.832031 383.132812 233.625 382.785156 233.480469 C 382.4375 233.335938 382.074219 233.265625 381.695312 233.265625 C 381.320312 233.265625 380.957031 233.335938 380.609375 233.480469 C 380.261719 233.625 379.953125 233.832031 379.6875 234.097656 C 379.421875 234.363281 379.214844 234.671875 379.070312 235.019531 C 378.925781 235.367188 378.855469 235.730469 378.855469 236.105469 L 378.855469 249.875 C 378.855469 250.253906 378.925781 250.617188 379.070312 250.964844 C 379.210938 251.3125 379.417969 251.621094 379.683594 251.890625 C 379.949219 252.15625 380.257812 252.363281 380.605469 252.507812 C 380.957031 252.652344 381.320312 252.726562 381.695312 252.726562 Z M 381.695312 252.726562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 250.035156 364.671875 C 249.65625 364.671875 249.292969 364.742188 248.945312 364.886719 C 248.597656 365.03125 248.289062 365.234375 248.023438 365.503906 C 247.757812 365.769531 247.550781 366.074219 247.410156 366.425781 C 247.265625 366.773438 247.191406 367.132812 247.191406 367.511719 C 247.191406 367.886719 247.265625 368.25 247.410156 368.597656 C 247.550781 368.945312 247.757812 369.253906 248.023438 369.519531 C 248.289062 369.785156 248.597656 369.992188 248.945312 370.136719 C 249.292969 370.28125 249.65625 370.351562 250.035156 370.351562 L 263.800781 370.351562 C 264.179688 370.351562 264.542969 370.28125 264.890625 370.136719 C 265.238281 369.992188 265.542969 369.785156 265.8125 369.519531 C 266.078125 369.253906 266.28125 368.945312 266.425781 368.597656 C 266.570312 368.25 266.644531 367.886719 266.644531 367.511719 C 266.644531 367.132812 266.570312 366.773438 266.425781 366.425781 C 266.28125 366.074219 266.078125 365.769531 265.8125 365.503906 C 265.542969 365.234375 265.238281 365.03125 264.890625 364.886719 C 264.542969 364.742188 264.179688 364.671875 263.800781 364.671875 Z M 250.035156 364.671875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 296.191406 448.8125 L 286.457031 458.546875 C 286.210938 458.816406 286.023438 459.121094 285.898438 459.464844 C 285.773438 459.804688 285.714844 460.160156 285.722656 460.523438 C 285.730469 460.886719 285.808594 461.238281 285.953125 461.574219 C 286.097656 461.90625 286.296875 462.203125 286.554688 462.460938 C 286.8125 462.71875 287.109375 462.917969 287.445312 463.0625 C 287.78125 463.207031 288.132812 463.28125 288.496094 463.289062 C 288.859375 463.300781 289.214844 463.238281 289.554688 463.113281 C 289.898438 462.984375 290.203125 462.800781 290.472656 462.554688 L 300.210938 452.820312 C 300.46875 452.550781 300.667969 452.246094 300.804688 451.898438 C 300.941406 451.554688 301.011719 451.195312 301.007812 450.820312 C 301.003906 450.449219 300.929688 450.089844 300.785156 449.746094 C 300.640625 449.402344 300.4375 449.101562 300.175781 448.835938 C 299.910156 448.574219 299.609375 448.371094 299.265625 448.226562 C 298.921875 448.082031 298.5625 448.007812 298.191406 448.003906 C 297.816406 448 297.457031 448.070312 297.113281 448.207031 C 296.765625 448.34375 296.460938 448.542969 296.191406 448.800781 Z M 296.191406 448.8125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 499.761719 364.671875 C 499.386719 364.671875 499.023438 364.742188 498.675781 364.886719 C 498.328125 365.03125 498.019531 365.234375 497.753906 365.503906 C 497.484375 365.769531 497.28125 366.074219 497.136719 366.425781 C 496.992188 366.773438 496.921875 367.132812 496.921875 367.511719 C 496.921875 367.886719 496.992188 368.25 497.136719 368.597656 C 497.28125 368.945312 497.484375 369.253906 497.753906 369.519531 C 498.019531 369.785156 498.328125 369.992188 498.675781 370.136719 C 499.023438 370.28125 499.386719 370.351562 499.761719 370.351562 L 513.53125 370.351562 C 513.90625 370.351562 514.269531 370.28125 514.617188 370.136719 C 514.964844 369.992188 515.273438 369.785156 515.539062 369.519531 C 515.804688 369.253906 516.011719 368.945312 516.15625 368.597656 C 516.300781 368.25 516.371094 367.886719 516.371094 367.511719 C 516.371094 367.132812 516.300781 366.773438 516.15625 366.425781 C 516.011719 366.074219 515.804688 365.769531 515.539062 365.503906 C 515.273438 365.234375 514.964844 365.03125 514.617188 364.886719 C 514.269531 364.742188 513.90625 364.671875 513.53125 364.671875 Z M 499.761719 364.671875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 463.355469 448.8125 C 463.089844 449.078125 462.886719 449.382812 462.742188 449.734375 C 462.597656 450.082031 462.523438 450.441406 462.523438 450.820312 C 462.523438 451.195312 462.597656 451.558594 462.742188 451.90625 C 462.886719 452.253906 463.089844 452.5625 463.355469 452.828125 L 473.089844 462.554688 C 473.359375 462.8125 473.664062 463.011719 474.011719 463.148438 C 474.359375 463.289062 474.71875 463.355469 475.089844 463.351562 C 475.460938 463.347656 475.820312 463.273438 476.164062 463.128906 C 476.507812 462.988281 476.808594 462.78125 477.074219 462.519531 C 477.335938 462.257812 477.542969 461.953125 477.683594 461.609375 C 477.828125 461.265625 477.902344 460.90625 477.90625 460.535156 C 477.910156 460.164062 477.839844 459.804688 477.703125 459.457031 C 477.566406 459.109375 477.367188 458.804688 477.109375 458.535156 L 467.386719 448.8125 C 467.121094 448.542969 466.8125 448.335938 466.464844 448.191406 C 466.113281 448.042969 465.75 447.972656 465.371094 447.972656 C 464.996094 447.972656 464.628906 448.042969 464.28125 448.191406 C 463.929688 448.335938 463.625 448.542969 463.355469 448.8125 Z M 463.355469 448.8125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 275.660156 326.675781 C 276.828125 326.675781 277.992188 326.617188 279.15625 326.503906 C 280.316406 326.386719 281.472656 326.21875 282.617188 325.988281 C 283.761719 325.761719 284.894531 325.476562 286.011719 325.140625 C 287.128906 324.800781 288.230469 324.40625 289.308594 323.960938 C 290.386719 323.511719 291.441406 323.015625 292.472656 322.464844 C 293.503906 321.914062 294.503906 321.3125 295.472656 320.664062 C 296.445312 320.015625 297.382812 319.320312 298.285156 318.578125 C 299.1875 317.839844 300.054688 317.054688 300.878906 316.230469 C 301.707031 315.402344 302.488281 314.539062 303.230469 313.636719 C 303.972656 312.734375 304.667969 311.796875 305.316406 310.824219 C 305.964844 309.851562 306.566406 308.851562 307.117188 307.824219 C 307.664062 306.792969 308.164062 305.738281 308.613281 304.660156 C 309.058594 303.578125 309.453125 302.480469 309.792969 301.363281 C 310.128906 300.246094 310.414062 299.113281 310.640625 297.96875 C 310.871094 296.820312 311.042969 295.667969 311.15625 294.503906 C 311.269531 293.34375 311.328125 292.175781 311.328125 291.007812 C 311.328125 289.839844 311.269531 288.675781 311.15625 287.511719 C 311.042969 286.351562 310.871094 285.195312 310.640625 284.050781 C 310.414062 282.90625 310.132812 281.773438 309.792969 280.65625 C 309.453125 279.539062 309.058594 278.4375 308.613281 277.359375 C 308.164062 276.28125 307.667969 275.226562 307.117188 274.195312 C 306.566406 273.164062 305.964844 272.164062 305.316406 271.191406 C 304.667969 270.222656 303.972656 269.285156 303.230469 268.382812 C 302.492188 267.480469 301.707031 266.613281 300.882812 265.789062 C 300.054688 264.960938 299.191406 264.179688 298.289062 263.4375 C 297.382812 262.695312 296.449219 262 295.476562 261.351562 C 294.503906 260.703125 293.503906 260.105469 292.472656 259.554688 C 291.445312 259.003906 290.390625 258.503906 289.308594 258.054688 C 288.230469 257.609375 287.132812 257.214844 286.015625 256.878906 C 284.894531 256.539062 283.765625 256.253906 282.617188 256.027344 C 281.472656 255.800781 280.320312 255.628906 279.15625 255.511719 C 277.992188 255.398438 276.828125 255.34375 275.660156 255.34375 C 274.492188 255.34375 273.328125 255.398438 272.164062 255.515625 C 271 255.628906 269.847656 255.800781 268.703125 256.027344 C 267.554688 256.253906 266.425781 256.539062 265.308594 256.878906 C 264.1875 257.21875 263.089844 257.609375 262.011719 258.058594 C 260.933594 258.503906 259.878906 259.003906 258.847656 259.554688 C 257.816406 260.105469 256.816406 260.703125 255.84375 261.355469 C 254.875 262.003906 253.9375 262.699219 253.035156 263.4375 C 252.128906 264.179688 251.265625 264.964844 250.441406 265.789062 C 249.613281 266.617188 248.832031 267.480469 248.089844 268.382812 C 247.347656 269.285156 246.652344 270.222656 246.003906 271.195312 C 245.355469 272.167969 244.757812 273.167969 244.207031 274.195312 C 243.65625 275.226562 243.15625 276.28125 242.710938 277.363281 C 242.261719 278.441406 241.871094 279.539062 241.53125 280.65625 C 241.191406 281.773438 240.90625 282.90625 240.679688 284.050781 C 240.453125 285.199219 240.28125 286.351562 240.167969 287.515625 C 240.050781 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368.210938 484.738281 365.972656 484.722656 363.738281 C 484.707031 361.5 484.617188 359.265625 484.453125 357.035156 C 484.289062 354.800781 484.054688 352.578125 483.746094 350.363281 C 483.433594 348.148438 483.054688 345.945312 482.601562 343.753906 C 484.371094 343.992188 486.152344 344.148438 487.9375 344.214844 C 489.726562 344.285156 491.511719 344.269531 493.296875 344.164062 C 495.082031 344.058594 496.859375 343.871094 498.625 343.59375 C 500.390625 343.316406 502.140625 342.957031 503.871094 342.511719 C 505.605469 342.066406 507.3125 341.539062 508.992188 340.929688 C 510.671875 340.320312 512.320312 339.628906 513.933594 338.863281 C 515.550781 338.09375 517.121094 337.246094 518.65625 336.324219 C 520.1875 335.402344 521.671875 334.410156 523.109375 333.347656 C 524.546875 332.28125 525.925781 331.148438 527.253906 329.949219 C 528.582031 328.753906 529.847656 327.492188 531.050781 326.171875 C 532.257812 324.851562 533.398438 323.476562 534.46875 322.042969 C 535.542969 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525.839844 246.324219 524.4375 245.21875 C 523.035156 244.109375 521.578125 243.074219 520.074219 242.105469 C 518.570312 241.136719 517.023438 240.246094 515.433594 239.429688 C 513.84375 238.609375 512.21875 237.871094 510.554688 237.210938 C 508.894531 236.550781 507.203125 235.972656 505.488281 235.476562 C 503.769531 234.980469 502.03125 234.566406 500.273438 234.238281 C 498.515625 233.90625 496.746094 233.664062 494.964844 233.507812 C 493.183594 233.347656 491.398438 233.277344 489.613281 233.292969 C 487.824219 233.304688 486.039062 233.40625 484.261719 233.59375 C 482.484375 233.78125 480.71875 234.054688 478.964844 234.410156 C 477.214844 234.769531 475.484375 235.210938 473.773438 235.734375 C 472.066406 236.261719 470.386719 236.867188 468.734375 237.554688 C 467.082031 238.242188 465.46875 239.007812 463.894531 239.851562 C 462.316406 240.695312 460.785156 241.613281 459.296875 242.605469 C 457.808594 243.597656 456.371094 244.65625 454.984375 245.789062 C 453.601562 246.917969 452.273438 248.113281 451.003906 249.371094 C 449.734375 250.632812 448.527344 251.949219 447.382812 253.324219 C 446.242188 254.699219 445.167969 256.125 444.164062 257.605469 C 443.160156 259.085938 442.230469 260.609375 441.371094 262.179688 C 440.515625 263.75 439.734375 265.355469 439.035156 267 C 438.332031 268.644531 437.710938 270.320312 437.171875 272.023438 C 436.632812 273.730469 436.175781 275.457031 435.800781 277.207031 C 433.824219 275.972656 431.804688 274.808594 429.742188 273.714844 C 427.683594 272.621094 425.589844 271.597656 423.460938 270.648438 C 421.332031 269.699219 419.171875 268.820312 416.980469 268.019531 C 414.792969 267.21875 412.578125 266.492188 410.335938 265.84375 C 408.097656 265.191406 405.839844 264.621094 403.558594 264.125 C 401.28125 263.628906 398.988281 263.214844 396.679688 262.878906 C 394.371094 262.539062 392.054688 262.28125 389.730469 262.105469 C 387.40625 261.925781 385.078125 261.828125 382.746094 261.808594 C 380.414062 261.792969 378.082031 261.851562 375.757812 261.996094 C 373.429688 262.136719 371.109375 262.359375 368.796875 262.660156 C 366.484375 262.960938 364.183594 263.339844 361.898438 263.800781 C 359.609375 264.257812 357.34375 264.796875 355.09375 265.410156 C 352.84375 266.027344 350.617188 266.71875 348.417969 267.484375 C 346.214844 268.253906 344.042969 269.09375 341.898438 270.011719 C 339.753906 270.929688 337.644531 271.917969 335.566406 272.980469 C 333.492188 274.042969 331.453125 275.175781 329.453125 276.375 C 328.773438 276.132812 328.066406 276.011719 327.34375 276.011719 L 323.222656 276.011719 C 322.96875 276.007812 322.789062 275.890625 322.6875 275.65625 C 321.921875 273.296875 320.972656 271.011719 319.84375 268.800781 C 319.738281 268.558594 319.777344 268.347656 319.964844 268.160156 L 322.890625 265.234375 C 323.179688 264.945312 323.441406 264.628906 323.667969 264.285156 C 323.894531 263.945312 324.085938 263.582031 324.242188 263.203125 C 324.398438 262.824219 324.515625 262.433594 324.597656 262.027344 C 324.675781 261.625 324.714844 261.21875 324.714844 260.808594 C 324.710938 260.398438 324.671875 259.992188 324.589844 259.589844 C 324.507812 259.183594 324.390625 258.792969 324.230469 258.414062 C 324.074219 258.035156 323.878906 257.675781 323.648438 257.335938 C 323.421875 256.996094 323.160156 256.679688 322.867188 256.390625 L 310.519531 244.003906 C 310.226562 243.71875 309.910156 243.460938 309.566406 243.238281 C 309.222656 243.011719 308.863281 242.824219 308.480469 242.667969 C 308.101562 242.515625 307.710938 242.398438 307.308594 242.320312 C 306.90625 242.242188 306.5 242.203125 306.089844 242.203125 C 305.679688 242.203125 305.273438 242.246094 304.871094 242.324219 C 304.46875 242.40625 304.078125 242.523438 303.699219 242.679688 C 303.320312 242.835938 302.960938 243.027344 302.617188 243.253906 C 302.277344 243.480469 301.957031 243.738281 301.667969 244.027344 L 298.765625 246.921875 C 298.613281 247.097656 298.421875 247.15625 298.199219 247.097656 C 295.957031 245.941406 293.632812 244.980469 291.230469 244.214844 C 290.992188 244.101562 290.878906 243.910156 290.890625 243.648438 L 290.890625 239.558594 C 290.890625 239.148438 290.847656 238.738281 290.769531 238.335938 C 290.6875 237.929688 290.570312 237.539062 290.410156 237.15625 C 290.253906 236.777344 290.058594 236.414062 289.832031 236.070312 C 289.601562 235.730469 289.339844 235.410156 289.050781 235.121094 C 288.757812 234.828125 288.441406 234.570312 288.097656 234.339844 C 287.753906 234.109375 287.394531 233.917969 287.011719 233.757812 C 286.632812 233.601562 286.238281 233.480469 285.835938 233.402344 C 285.429688 233.320312 285.023438 233.28125 284.609375 233.28125 L 267.164062 233.28125 C 266.75 233.28125 266.34375 233.320312 265.9375 233.402344 C 265.535156 233.480469 265.140625 233.601562 264.761719 233.757812 C 264.378906 233.917969 264.019531 234.109375 263.675781 234.339844 C 263.332031 234.570312 263.015625 234.828125 262.726562 235.121094 C 262.433594 235.410156 262.171875 235.730469 261.945312 236.070312 C 261.714844 236.414062 261.519531 236.777344 261.363281 237.15625 C 261.207031 237.539062 261.085938 237.929688 261.003906 238.335938 C 260.925781 238.738281 260.882812 239.148438 260.882812 239.558594 L 260.882812 243.648438 C 260.894531 243.910156 260.78125 244.101562 260.546875 244.21875 C 258.160156 244.976562 255.851562 245.929688 253.625 247.078125 C 253.386719 247.164062 253.179688 247.117188 253.007812 246.929688 L 250.105469 244.03125 C 249.8125 243.742188 249.496094 243.484375 249.152344 243.257812 C 248.808594 243.03125 248.449219 242.839844 248.066406 242.683594 C 247.6875 242.527344 247.296875 242.40625 246.890625 242.328125 C 246.488281 242.25 246.082031 242.207031 245.667969 242.207031 C 245.257812 242.207031 244.851562 242.25 244.445312 242.328125 C 244.042969 242.40625 243.652344 242.527344 243.269531 242.683594 C 242.890625 242.839844 242.527344 243.03125 242.183594 243.257812 C 241.839844 243.484375 241.523438 243.742188 241.230469 244.03125 L 228.878906 256.386719 C 228.585938 256.679688 228.328125 256.992188 228.097656 257.335938 C 227.867188 257.675781 227.675781 258.039062 227.519531 258.417969 C 227.359375 258.796875 227.242188 259.1875 227.160156 259.589844 C 227.082031 259.996094 227.042969 260.402344 227.042969 260.8125 C 227.042969 261.222656 227.082031 261.632812 227.160156 262.035156 C 227.242188 262.4375 227.359375 262.828125 227.519531 263.207031 C 227.675781 263.589844 227.867188 263.949219 228.097656 264.289062 C 228.328125 264.632812 228.585938 264.949219 228.878906 265.238281 L 231.742188 268.109375 C 231.945312 268.28125 232.007812 268.496094 231.921875 268.75 C 230.800781 270.988281 229.855469 273.300781 229.082031 275.683594 C 228.964844 275.917969 228.777344 276.03125 228.511719 276.015625 L 224.429688 276.015625 C 224.019531 276.015625 223.609375 276.054688 223.207031 276.136719 C 222.800781 276.21875 222.410156 276.335938 222.027344 276.496094 C 221.648438 276.652344 221.285156 276.84375 220.945312 277.074219 C 220.601562 277.304688 220.285156 277.5625 219.992188 277.855469 C 219.699219 278.148438 219.441406 278.464844 219.210938 278.808594 C 218.984375 279.148438 218.789062 279.511719 218.632812 279.890625 C 218.472656 280.273438 218.355469 280.664062 218.273438 281.070312 C 218.191406 281.472656 218.152344 281.882812 218.152344 282.292969 L 218.152344 299.769531 C 218.152344 300.179688 218.191406 300.585938 218.273438 300.992188 C 218.355469 301.394531 218.472656 301.789062 218.632812 302.167969 C 218.789062 302.550781 218.984375 302.910156 219.210938 303.253906 C 219.441406 303.597656 219.703125 303.914062 219.992188 304.203125 C 220.285156 304.496094 220.601562 304.753906 220.945312 304.984375 C 221.285156 305.214844 221.648438 305.40625 222.03125 305.566406 C 222.410156 305.722656 222.800781 305.839844 223.207031 305.921875 C 223.609375 306.003906 224.019531 306.042969 224.429688 306.042969 Z M 381.925781 555.476562 C 381.007812 555.480469 380.09375 555.441406 379.179688 555.367188 C 378.269531 555.289062 377.359375 555.175781 376.457031 555.019531 C 375.554688 554.867188 374.660156 554.675781 373.773438 554.445312 C 372.886719 554.214844 372.011719 553.945312 371.148438 553.640625 C 370.285156 553.335938 369.4375 552.992188 368.605469 552.613281 C 367.769531 552.234375 366.953125 551.820312 366.15625 551.375 C 365.355469 550.925781 364.578125 550.441406 363.820312 549.929688 C 363.066406 549.414062 362.332031 548.867188 361.621094 548.289062 C 360.910156 547.710938 360.226562 547.101562 359.566406 546.464844 C 358.910156 545.828125 358.28125 545.164062 357.679688 544.476562 C 357.078125 543.785156 356.507812 543.070312 355.964844 542.328125 C 355.425781 541.589844 354.917969 540.828125 354.445312 540.042969 C 353.96875 539.261719 353.53125 538.460938 353.125 537.636719 C 352.71875 536.816406 352.347656 535.980469 352.015625 535.128906 C 351.679688 534.273438 351.382812 533.410156 351.121094 532.53125 C 350.863281 531.652344 350.640625 530.765625 350.457031 529.867188 L 413.386719 529.867188 C 413.203125 530.765625 412.980469 531.652344 412.71875 532.53125 C 412.460938 533.410156 412.164062 534.273438 411.828125 535.128906 C 411.496094 535.980469 411.125 536.816406 410.71875 537.636719 C 410.3125 538.457031 409.875 539.261719 409.398438 540.042969 C 408.925781 540.828125 408.417969 541.589844 407.878906 542.328125 C 407.335938 543.066406 406.765625 543.78125 406.164062 544.472656 C 405.5625 545.164062 404.933594 545.828125 404.277344 546.464844 C 403.617188 547.101562 402.933594 547.710938 402.222656 548.285156 C 401.515625 548.863281 400.78125 549.410156 400.023438 549.925781 C 399.265625 550.441406 398.488281 550.925781 397.691406 551.371094 C 396.890625 551.820312 396.074219 552.234375 395.242188 552.613281 C 394.40625 552.992188 393.558594 553.332031 392.695312 553.640625 C 391.832031 553.945312 390.957031 554.214844 390.074219 554.445312 C 389.1875 554.675781 388.292969 554.867188 387.390625 555.019531 C 386.488281 555.175781 385.578125 555.289062 384.667969 555.367188 C 383.753906 555.441406 382.839844 555.480469 381.925781 555.476562 Z M 426.632812 521.34375 C 426.632812 521.722656 426.5625 522.085938 426.417969 522.433594 C 426.273438 522.78125 426.066406 523.085938 425.800781 523.355469 C 425.535156 523.621094 425.226562 523.824219 424.878906 523.96875 C 424.53125 524.113281 424.167969 524.1875 423.792969 524.1875 L 340.386719 524.1875 C 340.007812 524.1875 339.644531 524.113281 339.296875 523.96875 C 338.949219 523.824219 338.640625 523.621094 338.375 523.355469 C 338.109375 523.085938 337.902344 522.78125 337.761719 522.433594 C 337.617188 522.085938 337.542969 521.722656 337.542969 521.34375 L 337.542969 504.082031 L 426.632812 504.082031 Z M 434.589844 478.292969 C 434.964844 478.292969 435.328125 478.367188 435.675781 478.511719 C 436.023438 478.65625 436.332031 478.859375 436.597656 479.125 C 436.863281 479.394531 437.070312 479.699219 437.214844 480.046875 C 437.359375 480.394531 437.429688 480.757812 437.429688 481.136719 L 437.429688 495.558594 C 437.429688 495.933594 437.359375 496.296875 437.214844 496.644531 C 437.070312 496.992188 436.863281 497.300781 436.597656 497.566406 C 436.332031 497.832031 436.023438 498.039062 435.675781 498.183594 C 435.328125 498.328125 434.964844 498.398438 434.589844 498.398438 L 329.589844 498.398438 C 329.210938 498.398438 328.847656 498.328125 328.5 498.183594 C 328.152344 498.039062 327.84375 497.832031 327.578125 497.566406 C 327.3125 497.300781 327.105469 496.992188 326.964844 496.644531 C 326.820312 496.296875 326.746094 495.933594 326.746094 495.558594 L 326.746094 481.136719 C 326.746094 480.757812 326.820312 480.398438 326.964844 480.046875 C 327.105469 479.699219 327.3125 479.394531 327.578125 479.125 C 327.84375 478.859375 328.152344 478.65625 328.5 478.511719 C 328.847656 478.367188 329.210938 478.292969 329.589844 478.292969 C 346.679688 478.292969 300.039062 478.324219 434.59375 478.292969 Z M 337.542969 440.066406 C 337.550781 438.761719 337.652344 437.464844 337.855469 436.175781 C 338.054688 434.886719 338.351562 433.621094 338.746094 432.378906 C 339.136719 431.132812 339.621094 429.925781 340.195312 428.753906 C 340.769531 427.585938 341.429688 426.464844 342.175781 425.390625 C 342.917969 424.320312 343.738281 423.3125 344.632812 422.363281 C 345.53125 421.417969 346.492188 420.542969 347.523438 419.738281 C 348.550781 418.9375 349.632812 418.214844 350.769531 417.578125 C 351.90625 416.9375 353.085938 416.390625 354.308594 415.929688 L 369.933594 436.574219 C 370.25 437.015625 370.664062 437.328125 371.175781 437.515625 C 371.683594 437.699219 372.203125 437.722656 372.730469 437.589844 L 369.824219 472.613281 L 359.664062 472.613281 L 359.664062 452.835938 C 359.664062 452.457031 359.59375 452.09375 359.449219 451.746094 C 359.304688 451.398438 359.101562 451.089844 358.832031 450.824219 C 358.566406 450.558594 358.257812 450.351562 357.910156 450.210938 C 357.5625 450.066406 357.199219 449.992188 356.824219 449.992188 C 356.449219 449.992188 356.085938 450.066406 355.738281 450.210938 C 355.390625 450.351562 355.082031 450.558594 354.816406 450.824219 C 354.546875 451.089844 354.34375 451.398438 354.199219 451.746094 C 354.054688 452.09375 353.984375 452.457031 353.984375 452.835938 L 353.984375 472.613281 L 338.21875 472.613281 C 337.03125 466.105469 337.773438 454.992188 337.542969 440.066406 Z M 411.414062 364.203125 C 411.28125 364.167969 397.75 360.449219 389.769531 351.289062 C 387.484375 348.710938 385.839844 345.773438 384.824219 342.484375 C 384.738281 342.1875 384.609375 341.914062 384.433594 341.660156 C 384.257812 341.410156 384.046875 341.191406 383.800781 341.003906 C 383.554688 340.820312 383.289062 340.679688 382.996094 340.582031 C 382.703125 340.484375 382.40625 340.4375 382.097656 340.4375 C 381.789062 340.4375 381.492188 340.484375 381.199219 340.582031 C 380.90625 340.679688 380.636719 340.820312 380.390625 341.003906 C 380.148438 341.191406 379.9375 341.410156 379.761719 341.660156 C 379.585938 341.914062 379.457031 342.1875 379.371094 342.484375 C 378.363281 345.769531 376.71875 348.699219 374.441406 351.273438 C 366.449219 360.449219 352.917969 364.167969 352.78125 364.203125 C 352.480469 364.285156 352.199219 364.414062 351.9375 364.585938 C 351.679688 364.761719 351.453125 364.972656 351.261719 365.21875 C 351.074219 365.46875 350.925781 365.738281 350.828125 366.035156 C 350.726562 366.332031 350.675781 366.636719 350.675781 366.949219 L 350.675781 374.644531 C 349.941406 373.675781 349.253906 372.675781 348.613281 371.644531 C 347.972656 370.609375 347.382812 369.550781 346.839844 368.464844 C 346.296875 367.375 345.804688 366.265625 345.363281 365.132812 C 344.925781 364 344.539062 362.851562 344.203125 361.683594 C 343.871094 360.511719 343.59375 359.332031 343.367188 358.136719 C 343.144531 356.941406 342.976562 355.742188 342.863281 354.53125 C 342.75 353.320312 342.691406 352.109375 342.691406 350.894531 C 342.691406 349.679688 342.746094 348.464844 342.855469 347.253906 C 342.96875 346.046875 343.132812 344.84375 343.355469 343.648438 C 343.578125 342.453125 343.855469 341.273438 344.1875 340.101562 C 344.519531 338.933594 344.90625 337.78125 345.34375 336.648438 C 345.78125 335.515625 346.269531 334.40625 346.8125 333.316406 C 347.355469 332.230469 347.945312 331.167969 348.582031 330.132812 C 349.222656 329.101562 349.90625 328.097656 350.640625 327.128906 C 351.371094 326.160156 352.148438 325.222656 352.964844 324.324219 C 353.785156 323.425781 354.640625 322.570312 355.539062 321.75 C 356.4375 320.929688 357.371094 320.15625 358.339844 319.421875 C 359.308594 318.691406 360.3125 318.003906 361.34375 317.363281 C 362.375 316.722656 363.4375 316.132812 364.523438 315.589844 C 365.613281 315.046875 366.722656 314.558594 367.855469 314.117188 C 368.988281 313.679688 370.140625 313.292969 371.308594 312.960938 C 372.476562 312.628906 373.660156 312.351562 374.855469 312.125 C 376.046875 311.902344 377.25 311.734375 378.460938 311.625 C 379.671875 311.511719 380.882812 311.457031 382.097656 311.457031 C 383.3125 311.457031 384.527344 311.511719 385.738281 311.625 C 386.945312 311.734375 388.148438 311.902344 389.34375 312.125 C 390.539062 312.351562 391.71875 312.628906 392.886719 312.960938 C 394.058594 313.292969 395.207031 313.679688 396.339844 314.117188 C 397.472656 314.558594 398.585938 315.046875 399.671875 315.589844 C 400.761719 316.132812 401.820312 316.722656 402.851562 317.363281 C 403.886719 318.003906 404.886719 318.691406 405.855469 319.421875 C 406.828125 320.15625 407.761719 320.929688 408.65625 321.75 C 409.554688 322.570312 410.414062 323.425781 411.230469 324.324219 C 412.050781 325.222656 412.824219 326.160156 413.558594 327.128906 C 414.289062 328.097656 414.976562 329.101562 415.613281 330.132812 C 416.253906 331.167969 416.84375 332.230469 417.382812 333.316406 C 417.925781 334.40625 418.414062 335.515625 418.855469 336.648438 C 419.292969 337.78125 419.675781 338.933594 420.007812 340.101562 C 420.339844 341.273438 420.617188 342.453125 420.839844 343.648438 C 421.0625 344.84375 421.230469 346.046875 421.339844 347.253906 C 421.453125 348.464844 421.507812 349.679688 421.507812 350.894531 C 421.503906 352.109375 421.449219 353.320312 421.335938 354.53125 C 421.222656 355.742188 421.054688 356.941406 420.828125 358.136719 C 420.605469 359.332031 420.328125 360.511719 419.992188 361.683594 C 419.660156 362.851562 419.273438 364 418.832031 365.132812 C 418.390625 366.265625 417.902344 367.375 417.359375 368.464844 C 416.816406 369.550781 416.222656 370.609375 415.582031 371.644531 C 414.941406 372.675781 414.253906 373.675781 413.519531 374.644531 L 413.519531 366.960938 C 413.519531 366.648438 413.472656 366.34375 413.371094 366.046875 C 413.269531 365.75 413.125 365.480469 412.933594 365.230469 C 412.742188 364.984375 412.519531 364.773438 412.257812 364.597656 C 412 364.425781 411.71875 364.296875 411.414062 364.214844 Z M 356.359375 369.035156 C 360.617188 367.667969 364.640625 365.796875 368.429688 363.417969 C 372.21875 361.042969 375.65625 358.238281 378.742188 355 C 379.996094 353.542969 381.113281 351.984375 382.089844 350.324219 C 383.078125 351.984375 384.203125 353.546875 385.464844 355.007812 C 388.546875 358.242188 391.984375 361.050781 395.769531 363.425781 C 399.554688 365.800781 403.578125 367.675781 407.832031 369.042969 L 407.832031 375.863281 C 407.824219 376.699219 407.773438 377.535156 407.683594 378.367188 C 407.59375 379.199219 407.464844 380.027344 407.292969 380.84375 C 407.121094 381.664062 406.910156 382.472656 406.660156 383.273438 C 406.410156 384.074219 406.125 384.859375 405.796875 385.628906 C 405.46875 386.402344 405.105469 387.152344 404.707031 387.890625 C 404.304688 388.625 403.871094 389.339844 403.402344 390.03125 C 402.933594 390.726562 402.429688 391.394531 401.894531 392.039062 C 401.359375 392.683594 400.792969 393.300781 400.199219 393.890625 C 399.605469 394.476562 398.980469 395.035156 398.332031 395.566406 C 397.683594 396.09375 397.007812 396.589844 396.308594 397.050781 C 395.613281 397.511719 394.890625 397.941406 394.152344 398.332031 C 393.414062 398.726562 392.65625 399.082031 391.882812 399.398438 C 391.105469 399.71875 390.320312 399.996094 389.515625 400.238281 C 388.714844 400.480469 387.902344 400.683594 387.082031 400.84375 C 386.261719 401.007812 385.433594 401.128906 384.597656 401.210938 C 383.765625 401.292969 382.929688 401.332031 382.09375 401.332031 C 381.253906 401.332031 380.421875 401.292969 379.585938 401.210938 C 378.753906 401.128906 377.925781 401.007812 377.105469 400.84375 C 376.28125 400.683594 375.472656 400.480469 374.667969 400.238281 C 373.867188 399.996094 373.078125 399.71875 372.304688 399.398438 C 371.53125 399.082031 370.773438 398.726562 370.03125 398.332031 C 369.292969 397.941406 368.574219 397.511719 367.875 397.050781 C 367.179688 396.589844 366.503906 396.09375 365.855469 395.566406 C 365.203125 395.035156 364.582031 394.476562 363.988281 393.890625 C 363.390625 393.300781 362.828125 392.683594 362.292969 392.039062 C 361.757812 391.394531 361.253906 390.726562 360.785156 390.03125 C 360.3125 389.339844 359.878906 388.625 359.480469 387.890625 C 359.078125 387.152344 358.714844 386.402344 358.390625 385.628906 C 358.0625 384.859375 357.773438 384.074219 357.523438 383.273438 C 357.273438 382.472656 357.0625 381.664062 356.894531 380.84375 C 356.722656 380.027344 356.589844 379.199219 356.5 378.367188 C 356.410156 377.535156 356.363281 376.699219 356.351562 375.863281 Z M 370.199219 404.90625 C 372.089844 405.683594 374.03125 406.269531 376.035156 406.664062 C 378.035156 407.058594 380.058594 407.257812 382.097656 407.257812 C 384.140625 407.257812 386.160156 407.058594 388.164062 406.664062 C 390.164062 406.269531 392.109375 405.683594 393.996094 404.90625 L 396.035156 408.761719 L 382.097656 419.714844 L 368.175781 408.761719 Z M 425.980469 472.613281 L 410.203125 472.613281 L 410.203125 452.835938 C 410.203125 452.457031 410.128906 452.09375 409.988281 451.746094 C 409.84375 451.398438 409.636719 451.089844 409.371094 450.824219 C 409.105469 450.558594 408.796875 450.351562 408.449219 450.210938 C 408.101562 450.066406 407.738281 449.992188 407.363281 449.992188 C 406.984375 449.992188 406.621094 450.066406 406.273438 450.210938 C 405.925781 450.351562 405.617188 450.558594 405.351562 450.824219 C 405.085938 451.089844 404.878906 451.398438 404.738281 451.746094 C 404.59375 452.09375 404.519531 452.457031 404.519531 452.835938 L 404.519531 472.613281 L 394.367188 472.613281 L 391.46875 437.589844 C 391.996094 437.722656 392.515625 437.695312 393.023438 437.511719 C 393.535156 437.324219 393.949219 437.011719 394.265625 436.574219 L 409.875 415.929688 C 411.097656 416.390625 412.273438 416.9375 413.414062 417.578125 C 414.550781 418.214844 415.632812 418.9375 416.660156 419.738281 C 417.691406 420.542969 418.652344 421.417969 419.546875 422.363281 C 420.445312 423.3125 421.265625 424.320312 422.007812 425.390625 C 422.753906 426.464844 423.414062 427.585938 423.988281 428.753906 C 424.5625 429.925781 425.046875 431.132812 425.4375 432.378906 C 425.832031 433.621094 426.128906 434.886719 426.328125 436.175781 C 426.53125 437.464844 426.632812 438.761719 426.640625 440.066406 C 426.300781 463.050781 427.328125 465.605469 425.980469 472.613281 Z M 391.855469 430.339844 L 386.175781 423.75 L 402.085938 411.25 L 404.925781 413.035156 Z M 388.65625 472.613281 L 375.523438 472.613281 L 378.933594 431.414062 L 382.101562 427.71875 L 385.269531 431.414062 Z M 377.996094 423.742188 L 372.328125 430.332031 L 359.242188 413.019531 L 362.082031 411.234375 Z M 490.078125 238.96875 C 491.710938 238.96875 493.339844 239.050781 494.964844 239.210938 C 496.585938 239.371094 498.199219 239.609375 499.800781 239.929688 C 501.402344 240.246094 502.984375 240.644531 504.542969 241.117188 C 506.105469 241.589844 507.640625 242.140625 509.148438 242.765625 C 510.65625 243.386719 512.128906 244.085938 513.570312 244.855469 C 515.007812 245.625 516.40625 246.460938 517.765625 247.367188 C 519.121094 248.277344 520.429688 249.246094 521.691406 250.28125 C 522.953125 251.316406 524.160156 252.414062 525.316406 253.566406 C 526.46875 254.71875 527.5625 255.929688 528.601562 257.191406 C 529.636719 258.453125 530.605469 259.761719 531.511719 261.117188 C 532.417969 262.476562 533.257812 263.871094 534.027344 265.3125 C 534.796875 266.75 535.492188 268.226562 536.117188 269.734375 C 536.742188 271.242188 537.292969 272.777344 537.765625 274.335938 C 538.238281 275.898438 538.636719 277.480469 538.953125 279.082031 C 539.273438 280.683594 539.511719 282.292969 539.671875 283.917969 C 539.832031 285.542969 539.910156 287.171875 539.910156 288.804688 C 539.910156 290.433594 539.832031 292.0625 539.671875 293.6875 C 539.511719 295.3125 539.273438 296.925781 538.953125 298.523438 C 538.636719 300.125 538.238281 301.707031 537.765625 303.269531 C 537.292969 304.832031 536.742188 306.367188 536.117188 307.875 C 535.492188 309.382812 534.796875 310.855469 534.027344 312.292969 C 533.257812 313.734375 532.417969 315.132812 531.511719 316.488281 C 530.605469 317.847656 529.636719 319.15625 528.601562 320.417969 C 527.5625 321.679688 526.46875 322.886719 525.316406 324.039062 C 524.160156 325.195312 522.953125 326.289062 521.691406 327.324219 C 520.429688 328.359375 519.121094 329.332031 517.765625 330.238281 C 516.40625 331.144531 515.007812 331.980469 513.570312 332.75 C 512.128906 333.519531 510.65625 334.21875 509.148438 334.84375 C 507.640625 335.46875 506.105469 336.015625 504.542969 336.488281 C 502.984375 336.964844 501.402344 337.359375 499.800781 337.679688 C 498.199219 337.996094 496.585938 338.234375 494.964844 338.394531 C 493.339844 338.554688 491.710938 338.636719 490.078125 338.636719 C 488.445312 338.636719 486.820312 338.554688 485.195312 338.394531 C 483.570312 338.234375 481.957031 337.996094 480.355469 337.679688 C 478.757812 337.359375 477.175781 336.964844 475.613281 336.488281 C 474.050781 336.015625 472.515625 335.46875 471.007812 334.84375 C 469.5 334.21875 468.027344 333.519531 466.585938 332.75 C 465.148438 331.980469 463.75 331.144531 462.394531 330.238281 C 461.035156 329.332031 459.726562 328.359375 458.464844 327.324219 C 457.203125 326.289062 455.996094 325.195312 454.839844 324.039062 C 453.6875 322.886719 452.59375 321.679688 451.558594 320.417969 C 450.523438 319.15625 449.550781 317.847656 448.644531 316.488281 C 447.738281 315.132812 446.898438 313.734375 446.128906 312.292969 C 445.359375 310.855469 444.664062 309.382812 444.039062 307.875 C 443.414062 306.367188 442.867188 304.832031 442.390625 303.269531 C 441.917969 301.707031 441.523438 300.125 441.203125 298.523438 C 440.886719 296.925781 440.644531 295.3125 440.484375 293.6875 C 440.324219 292.0625 440.246094 290.433594 440.246094 288.804688 C 440.246094 287.171875 440.328125 285.542969 440.492188 283.921875 C 440.652344 282.296875 440.894531 280.683594 441.214844 279.085938 C 441.53125 277.484375 441.929688 275.90625 442.40625 274.34375 C 442.878906 272.78125 443.429688 271.25 444.054688 269.742188 C 444.679688 268.234375 445.378906 266.761719 446.148438 265.324219 C 446.917969 263.886719 447.753906 262.488281 448.660156 261.132812 C 449.570312 259.773438 450.539062 258.464844 451.574219 257.203125 C 452.609375 255.945312 453.703125 254.738281 454.859375 253.582031 C 456.011719 252.429688 457.21875 251.335938 458.480469 250.300781 C 459.742188 249.265625 461.050781 248.292969 462.40625 247.386719 C 463.761719 246.480469 465.160156 245.640625 466.597656 244.871094 C 468.039062 244.101562 469.511719 243.40625 471.015625 242.777344 C 472.523438 242.152344 474.058594 241.605469 475.621094 241.128906 C 477.179688 240.65625 478.761719 240.257812 480.359375 239.9375 C 481.960938 239.617188 483.574219 239.378906 485.195312 239.214844 C 486.820312 239.054688 488.445312 238.972656 490.078125 238.96875 Z M 333.621094 299.765625 L 333.621094 282.292969 C 333.617188 281.742188 333.539062 281.199219 333.386719 280.671875 C 335.308594 279.546875 337.269531 278.488281 339.265625 277.5 C 341.261719 276.507812 343.289062 275.589844 345.351562 274.742188 C 347.410156 273.894531 349.496094 273.117188 351.613281 272.414062 C 353.726562 271.710938 355.863281 271.082031 358.019531 270.527344 C 360.179688 269.96875 362.351562 269.492188 364.542969 269.085938 C 366.734375 268.683594 368.9375 268.355469 371.152344 268.105469 C 373.363281 267.851562 375.585938 267.679688 377.8125 267.582031 C 380.039062 267.484375 382.265625 267.464844 384.492188 267.523438 C 386.71875 267.582031 388.941406 267.71875 391.160156 267.929688 C 393.378906 268.144531 395.585938 268.433594 397.78125 268.796875 C 399.980469 269.164062 402.164062 269.605469 404.332031 270.121094 C 406.496094 270.640625 408.644531 271.234375 410.769531 271.898438 C 412.898438 272.566406 414.996094 273.304688 417.070312 274.117188 C 419.144531 274.929688 421.191406 275.816406 423.203125 276.769531 C 425.214844 277.722656 427.195312 278.746094 429.136719 279.839844 C 431.078125 280.929688 432.980469 282.089844 434.84375 283.3125 C 434.664062 285.121094 434.558594 286.949219 434.558594 288.804688 C 434.5625 290.335938 434.625 291.863281 434.753906 293.386719 C 434.886719 294.914062 435.078125 296.429688 435.332031 297.941406 C 435.585938 299.449219 435.902344 300.945312 436.28125 302.429688 C 436.660156 303.914062 437.097656 305.378906 437.597656 306.824219 C 438.097656 308.269531 438.652344 309.695312 439.269531 311.097656 C 439.886719 312.496094 440.5625 313.871094 441.292969 315.214844 C 442.023438 316.5625 442.808594 317.875 443.648438 319.152344 C 444.484375 320.433594 445.375 321.679688 446.316406 322.886719 C 447.257812 324.089844 448.25 325.257812 449.289062 326.382812 C 450.324219 327.507812 451.410156 328.585938 452.535156 329.625 C 453.664062 330.660156 454.832031 331.644531 456.039062 332.585938 C 457.25 333.523438 458.496094 334.410156 459.777344 335.246094 C 461.058594 336.082031 462.375 336.863281 463.722656 337.59375 C 465.070312 338.320312 466.441406 338.988281 467.84375 339.605469 C 469.25 340.21875 470.671875 340.773438 472.121094 341.269531 C 473.570312 341.765625 475.035156 342.199219 476.519531 342.574219 C 477.011719 344.679688 477.429688 346.800781 477.78125 348.9375 C 478.128906 351.070312 478.40625 353.214844 478.609375 355.367188 C 478.816406 357.523438 478.949219 359.679688 479.007812 361.84375 C 479.066406 364.003906 479.054688 366.167969 478.96875 368.328125 C 478.886719 370.488281 478.726562 372.644531 478.5 374.796875 C 478.269531 376.945312 477.96875 379.085938 477.59375 381.21875 C 477.21875 383.347656 476.777344 385.464844 476.261719 387.566406 C 475.746094 389.667969 475.160156 391.746094 474.503906 393.808594 C 473.847656 395.871094 473.125 397.90625 472.332031 399.921875 C 471.542969 401.933594 470.683594 403.917969 469.757812 405.875 C 468.832031 407.828125 467.84375 409.75 466.789062 411.640625 C 465.734375 413.527344 464.621094 415.378906 463.441406 417.195312 C 462.261719 419.007812 461.023438 420.78125 459.726562 422.511719 C 458.429688 424.242188 457.078125 425.929688 455.667969 427.570312 C 454.257812 429.207031 452.792969 430.800781 451.273438 432.339844 C 449.757812 433.882812 448.191406 435.371094 446.574219 436.808594 C 440.761719 441.988281 436.011719 448.007812 432.324219 454.863281 L 432.324219 440.066406 C 432.316406 438.441406 432.183594 436.824219 431.929688 435.21875 C 431.671875 433.617188 431.292969 432.039062 430.796875 430.492188 C 430.296875 428.945312 429.679688 427.449219 428.949219 425.996094 C 428.21875 424.542969 427.382812 423.15625 426.4375 421.835938 C 425.492188 420.511719 424.453125 419.269531 423.316406 418.109375 C 422.179688 416.945312 420.960938 415.878906 419.660156 414.902344 C 418.359375 413.929688 416.992188 413.0625 415.558594 412.296875 C 414.125 411.535156 412.636719 410.886719 411.101562 410.351562 C 410.296875 409.5 411.671875 410.636719 403.410156 405.367188 C 402.984375 405.109375 402.519531 404.972656 402.019531 404.957031 C 401.519531 404.941406 401.050781 405.050781 400.609375 405.28125 L 399.023438 402.289062 C 400.632812 401.253906 402.140625 400.082031 403.535156 398.773438 C 404.933594 397.464844 406.203125 396.042969 407.339844 394.503906 C 408.476562 392.964844 409.46875 391.332031 410.308594 389.613281 C 411.148438 387.890625 411.828125 386.109375 412.34375 384.265625 C 413.460938 383.253906 414.527344 382.1875 415.535156 381.070312 C 416.546875 379.953125 417.5 378.785156 418.394531 377.570312 C 419.289062 376.355469 420.121094 375.101562 420.890625 373.804688 C 421.660156 372.503906 422.359375 371.171875 422.996094 369.804688 C 423.628906 368.4375 424.195312 367.039062 424.6875 365.613281 C 425.183594 364.191406 425.605469 362.746094 425.953125 361.277344 C 426.304688 359.808594 426.578125 358.328125 426.78125 356.835938 C 426.980469 355.339844 427.105469 353.839844 427.15625 352.332031 C 427.207031 350.824219 427.183594 349.316406 427.082031 347.8125 C 426.980469 346.308594 426.804688 344.8125 426.554688 343.324219 C 426.300781 341.839844 425.976562 340.367188 425.578125 338.914062 C 425.179688 337.457031 424.710938 336.027344 424.167969 334.621094 C 423.625 333.210938 423.015625 331.835938 422.335938 330.488281 C 421.652344 329.144531 420.90625 327.835938 420.097656 326.5625 C 419.285156 325.292969 418.410156 324.066406 417.476562 322.882812 C 416.542969 321.699219 415.550781 320.566406 414.503906 319.480469 C 413.453125 318.398438 412.355469 317.367188 411.203125 316.394531 C 410.050781 315.421875 408.851562 314.507812 407.609375 313.652344 C 406.367188 312.800781 405.082031 312.011719 403.761719 311.285156 C 402.4375 310.5625 401.082031 309.90625 399.695312 309.316406 C 398.304688 308.726562 396.890625 308.210938 395.449219 307.761719 C 394.007812 307.316406 392.550781 306.941406 391.074219 306.640625 C 389.59375 306.339844 388.105469 306.117188 386.605469 305.964844 C 385.105469 305.8125 383.601562 305.738281 382.089844 305.738281 C 380.582031 305.738281 379.078125 305.8125 377.578125 305.964844 C 376.078125 306.117188 374.589844 306.339844 373.109375 306.640625 C 371.632812 306.941406 370.171875 307.316406 368.734375 307.761719 C 367.292969 308.210938 365.878906 308.726562 364.488281 309.316406 C 363.101562 309.90625 361.746094 310.5625 360.421875 311.285156 C 359.101562 312.011719 357.816406 312.800781 356.574219 313.652344 C 355.332031 314.507812 354.132812 315.421875 352.980469 316.394531 C 351.828125 317.367188 350.730469 318.398438 349.679688 319.480469 C 348.632812 320.566406 347.640625 321.699219 346.707031 322.882812 C 345.769531 324.066406 344.898438 325.292969 344.085938 326.5625 C 343.273438 327.835938 342.527344 329.144531 341.847656 330.488281 C 341.167969 331.835938 340.558594 333.210938 340.015625 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304.269531 422.414062 301.949219 419.011719 C 299.625 415.609375 297.53125 412.070312 295.660156 408.398438 C 293.792969 404.726562 292.164062 400.953125 290.777344 397.074219 C 289.394531 393.191406 288.257812 389.242188 287.378906 385.214844 C 286.5 381.191406 285.878906 377.125 285.519531 373.023438 C 285.15625 368.917969 285.058594 364.808594 285.226562 360.691406 C 285.390625 356.574219 285.816406 352.484375 286.507812 348.425781 C 287.136719 348.226562 287.726562 347.933594 288.265625 347.550781 C 288.804688 347.167969 289.269531 346.707031 289.664062 346.175781 C 290.058594 345.644531 290.359375 345.0625 290.570312 344.433594 C 290.78125 343.804688 290.886719 343.160156 290.890625 342.496094 L 290.890625 338.40625 C 290.867188 338.136719 290.980469 337.945312 291.226562 337.835938 C 293.609375 337.0625 295.917969 336.113281 298.15625 334.980469 C 298.390625 334.898438 298.597656 334.945312 298.765625 335.132812 L 301.667969 338.027344 C 301.960938 338.316406 302.277344 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476.066406 280.535156 C 475.996094 280.191406 475.894531 279.859375 475.761719 279.539062 C 475.628906 279.21875 475.464844 278.914062 475.273438 278.625 C 475.078125 278.335938 474.859375 278.066406 474.613281 277.820312 C 474.367188 277.578125 474.101562 277.355469 473.8125 277.164062 C 473.523438 276.96875 473.214844 276.808594 472.894531 276.671875 C 472.574219 276.539062 472.242188 276.4375 471.902344 276.371094 C 471.5625 276.300781 471.21875 276.269531 470.867188 276.269531 L 463.480469 276.269531 C 463.132812 276.269531 462.789062 276.304688 462.449219 276.371094 C 462.109375 276.441406 461.78125 276.542969 461.457031 276.675781 C 461.136719 276.808594 460.832031 276.972656 460.546875 277.167969 C 460.257812 277.359375 459.988281 277.582031 459.746094 277.828125 C 459.5 278.070312 459.28125 278.339844 459.085938 278.628906 C 458.894531 278.917969 458.730469 279.222656 458.597656 279.542969 C 458.464844 279.863281 458.367188 280.195312 458.296875 280.535156 C 458.230469 280.875 458.195312 281.21875 458.195312 281.566406 L 458.195312 307.199219 L 452.34375 307.199219 C 451.96875 307.199219 451.605469 307.269531 451.257812 307.414062 C 450.910156 307.558594 450.601562 307.761719 450.335938 308.03125 C 450.070312 308.296875 449.863281 308.601562 449.71875 308.953125 C 449.574219 309.300781 449.503906 309.660156 449.503906 310.039062 C 449.503906 310.414062 449.574219 310.777344 449.71875 311.125 C 449.863281 311.472656 450.070312 311.78125 450.335938 312.046875 C 450.601562 312.3125 450.910156 312.519531 451.257812 312.664062 C 451.605469 312.808594 451.96875 312.878906 452.34375 312.878906 L 527.351562 312.878906 C 527.730469 312.882812 528.09375 312.8125 528.441406 312.667969 C 528.789062 312.523438 529.097656 312.320312 529.367188 312.054688 C 529.632812 311.789062 529.839844 311.484375 529.984375 311.136719 C 530.128906 310.789062 530.203125 310.425781 530.207031 310.050781 Z M 470.484375 307.207031 L 463.875 307.207031 L 463.875 281.960938 L 470.484375 281.960938 Z M 493.160156 307.207031 L 486.550781 307.207031 L 486.550781 272.191406 L 493.160156 272.191406 Z M 515.828125 307.207031 L 509.21875 307.207031 L 509.21875 263.253906 L 515.828125 263.253906 Z M 515.828125 307.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Woman Entrepreneur of the Year </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizing a visionary woman who has established a successful business or venture, demonstrating innovation, leadership, and a strong impact on the industry and community. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-53baa48" data-id="53baa48" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-6375a28 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="6375a28" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="eaabddd07c"><path d="M 221 349 L 528 349 L 528 560.246094 L 221 560.246094 Z M 221 349 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="8700372aa8"><path d="M 497 233.996094 L 506 233.996094 L 506 250 L 497 250 Z M 497 233.996094 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="6b2f6c2f44"><path d="M 529 252 L 546.988281 252 L 546.988281 270 L 529 270 Z M 529 252 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 366.550781 318.261719 C 366.550781 318.949219 366.515625 319.640625 366.449219 320.324219 C 366.378906 321.011719 366.277344 321.695312 366.144531 322.371094 C 366.007812 323.046875 365.84375 323.714844 365.640625 324.375 C 365.441406 325.035156 365.210938 325.683594 364.945312 326.320312 C 364.679688 326.960938 364.386719 327.582031 364.0625 328.191406 C 363.738281 328.800781 363.382812 329.390625 363 329.964844 C 362.617188 330.539062 362.203125 331.089844 361.765625 331.625 C 361.328125 332.15625 360.867188 332.667969 360.378906 333.15625 C 359.890625 333.644531 359.378906 334.105469 358.847656 334.542969 C 358.3125 334.980469 357.761719 335.394531 357.1875 335.777344 C 356.613281 336.160156 356.023438 336.511719 355.414062 336.839844 C 354.804688 337.164062 354.183594 337.457031 353.542969 337.722656 C 352.90625 337.988281 352.257812 338.21875 351.597656 338.417969 C 350.9375 338.621094 350.269531 338.785156 349.59375 338.921875 C 348.917969 339.054688 348.234375 339.15625 347.546875 339.226562 C 346.863281 339.292969 346.171875 339.328125 345.484375 339.328125 C 344.792969 339.328125 344.105469 339.292969 343.417969 339.226562 C 342.730469 339.15625 342.050781 339.054688 341.375 338.921875 C 340.695312 338.785156 340.027344 338.621094 339.367188 338.417969 C 338.707031 338.21875 338.058594 337.988281 337.421875 337.722656 C 336.785156 337.457031 336.160156 337.164062 335.554688 336.839844 C 334.945312 336.511719 334.351562 336.160156 333.78125 335.777344 C 333.207031 335.394531 332.652344 334.980469 332.121094 334.542969 C 331.585938 334.105469 331.074219 333.644531 330.585938 333.15625 C 330.101562 332.667969 329.636719 332.15625 329.199219 331.625 C 328.761719 331.089844 328.351562 330.539062 327.96875 329.964844 C 327.585938 329.390625 327.230469 328.800781 326.90625 328.191406 C 326.578125 327.582031 326.285156 326.960938 326.019531 326.320312 C 325.757812 325.683594 325.523438 325.035156 325.324219 324.375 C 325.125 323.714844 324.957031 323.046875 324.820312 322.371094 C 324.6875 321.695312 324.585938 321.011719 324.519531 320.324219 C 324.453125 319.640625 324.417969 318.949219 324.417969 318.261719 C 324.417969 317.570312 324.453125 316.882812 324.519531 316.195312 C 324.585938 315.507812 324.6875 314.828125 324.820312 314.152344 C 324.957031 313.472656 325.125 312.804688 325.324219 312.144531 C 325.523438 311.484375 325.757812 310.835938 326.019531 310.199219 C 326.285156 309.5625 326.578125 308.9375 326.90625 308.332031 C 327.230469 307.722656 327.585938 307.128906 327.96875 306.558594 C 328.351562 305.984375 328.761719 305.429688 329.199219 304.894531 C 329.636719 304.363281 330.101562 303.851562 330.585938 303.363281 C 331.074219 302.875 331.585938 302.414062 332.121094 301.976562 C 332.652344 301.539062 333.207031 301.128906 333.78125 300.746094 C 334.351562 300.363281 334.945312 300.007812 335.554688 299.683594 C 336.160156 299.355469 336.785156 299.0625 337.421875 298.796875 C 338.058594 298.535156 338.707031 298.300781 339.367188 298.101562 C 340.027344 297.902344 340.695312 297.734375 341.375 297.597656 C 342.050781 297.464844 342.730469 297.363281 343.417969 297.296875 C 344.105469 297.226562 344.792969 297.195312 345.484375 297.195312 C 346.171875 297.195312 346.863281 297.226562 347.546875 297.296875 C 348.234375 297.363281 348.917969 297.464844 349.59375 297.597656 C 350.269531 297.734375 350.9375 297.902344 351.597656 298.101562 C 352.257812 298.300781 352.90625 298.535156 353.542969 298.796875 C 354.183594 299.0625 354.804688 299.355469 355.414062 299.683594 C 356.023438 300.007812 356.613281 300.363281 357.1875 300.746094 C 357.761719 301.128906 358.3125 301.539062 358.847656 301.976562 C 359.378906 302.414062 359.890625 302.875 360.378906 303.363281 C 360.867188 303.851562 361.328125 304.363281 361.765625 304.894531 C 362.203125 305.429688 362.617188 305.984375 363 306.558594 C 363.382812 307.128906 363.738281 307.722656 364.0625 308.332031 C 364.386719 308.9375 364.679688 309.5625 364.945312 310.199219 C 365.210938 310.835938 365.441406 311.484375 365.640625 312.144531 C 365.84375 312.804688 366.007812 313.472656 366.144531 314.152344 C 366.277344 314.828125 366.378906 315.507812 366.449219 316.195312 C 366.515625 316.882812 366.550781 317.570312 366.550781 318.261719 Z M 366.550781 318.261719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 284.125 417.011719 C 284.679688 417.382812 285.269531 417.691406 285.886719 417.945312 C 286.507812 418.195312 287.148438 418.382812 287.804688 418.503906 C 288.460938 418.625 289.125 418.679688 289.792969 418.667969 C 290.464844 418.65625 291.125 418.574219 291.777344 418.429688 C 292.429688 418.28125 293.058594 418.070312 293.667969 417.796875 C 294.28125 417.523438 294.855469 417.1875 295.398438 416.796875 C 295.941406 416.40625 296.4375 415.960938 296.890625 415.46875 C 297.339844 414.976562 297.738281 414.445312 298.082031 413.871094 L 324.484375 362.339844 L 326.773438 418.898438 C 326.8125 419.890625 326.992188 420.859375 327.308594 421.804688 C 327.625 422.746094 328.066406 423.628906 328.628906 424.445312 C 329.195312 425.261719 329.863281 425.988281 330.632812 426.617188 C 331.402344 427.246094 332.246094 427.753906 333.160156 428.144531 L 371.8125 444.65625 L 387.613281 492.054688 L 413.945312 492.054688 L 395.777344 432.390625 C 395.703125 431.378906 395.457031 430.40625 395.039062 429.480469 C 394.621094 428.550781 394.058594 427.726562 393.347656 426.996094 L 374.59375 413.054688 L 374.59375 365 L 402.894531 378.136719 L 438.195312 366.578125 C 438.71875 366.511719 439.234375 366.398438 439.734375 366.234375 C 440.238281 366.070312 440.722656 365.863281 441.1875 365.609375 C 441.652344 365.355469 442.085938 365.058594 442.496094 364.722656 C 442.902344 364.386719 443.277344 364.011719 443.613281 363.605469 C 443.949219 363.199219 444.246094 362.761719 444.503906 362.300781 C 444.757812 361.835938 444.96875 361.351562 445.132812 360.851562 C 445.296875 360.347656 445.410156 359.832031 445.476562 359.308594 C 445.542969 358.785156 445.5625 358.257812 445.527344 357.730469 C 445.496094 357.199219 445.414062 356.679688 445.28125 356.167969 C 445.152344 355.65625 444.972656 355.160156 444.746094 354.679688 C 444.523438 354.203125 444.253906 353.75 443.945312 353.320312 C 443.632812 352.894531 443.285156 352.496094 442.898438 352.136719 C 442.515625 351.773438 442.097656 351.449219 441.652344 351.167969 C 441.203125 350.882812 440.734375 350.644531 440.242188 350.449219 C 439.75 350.253906 439.246094 350.105469 438.726562 350.007812 C 438.207031 349.910156 437.683594 349.859375 437.152344 349.859375 L 403.414062 357.074219 L 370.125 340.203125 C 367.175781 339.617188 364.195312 339.324219 361.1875 339.328125 L 327.078125 339.328125 C 326.09375 339.328125 325.117188 339.394531 324.140625 339.53125 C 323.167969 339.667969 322.207031 339.875 321.261719 340.144531 C 320.316406 340.417969 319.394531 340.753906 318.496094 341.15625 C 317.597656 341.554688 316.730469 342.015625 315.894531 342.539062 C 315.0625 343.0625 314.269531 343.640625 313.515625 344.273438 C 312.761719 344.90625 312.058594 345.589844 311.402344 346.320312 C 310.742188 347.054688 310.140625 347.828125 309.59375 348.644531 C 309.042969 349.460938 308.554688 350.3125 308.125 351.199219 L 280.714844 404.472656 C 280.453125 405.003906 280.246094 405.554688 280.085938 406.125 C 279.925781 406.695312 279.820312 407.277344 279.765625 407.867188 C 279.710938 408.457031 279.707031 409.046875 279.757812 409.636719 C 279.808594 410.226562 279.914062 410.808594 280.070312 411.378906 C 280.222656 411.953125 280.429688 412.503906 280.683594 413.039062 C 280.9375 413.574219 281.238281 414.082031 281.585938 414.5625 C 281.933594 415.042969 282.320312 415.488281 282.746094 415.898438 C 283.171875 416.3125 283.632812 416.679688 284.125 417.011719 Z M 284.125 417.011719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#eaabddd07c)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 290.253906 555.25 L 290.253906 534.183594 L 358.71875 534.183594 C 359.0625 534.183594 359.40625 534.152344 359.746094 534.082031 C 360.085938 534.015625 360.414062 533.917969 360.734375 533.785156 C 361.054688 533.652344 361.355469 533.488281 361.644531 533.296875 C 361.929688 533.105469 362.199219 532.886719 362.441406 532.640625 C 362.6875 532.398438 362.90625 532.132812 363.097656 531.84375 C 363.289062 531.558594 363.453125 531.253906 363.582031 530.933594 C 363.714844 530.613281 363.816406 530.285156 363.882812 529.945312 C 363.949219 529.605469 363.984375 529.265625 363.984375 528.917969 L 363.984375 507.851562 L 437.714844 507.851562 C 438.058594 507.851562 438.402344 507.820312 438.742188 507.75 C 439.082031 507.683594 439.410156 507.585938 439.730469 507.453125 C 440.050781 507.320312 440.351562 507.15625 440.640625 506.964844 C 440.929688 506.773438 441.195312 506.554688 441.4375 506.308594 C 441.683594 506.066406 441.902344 505.800781 442.09375 505.511719 C 442.285156 505.226562 442.449219 504.921875 442.582031 504.601562 C 442.710938 504.28125 442.8125 503.953125 442.878906 503.613281 C 442.949219 503.273438 442.980469 502.933594 442.980469 502.585938 L 442.980469 486.785156 L 500.910156 486.785156 C 501.257812 486.785156 501.601562 486.753906 501.9375 486.6875 C 502.277344 486.617188 502.609375 486.519531 502.925781 486.386719 C 503.246094 486.253906 503.550781 486.089844 503.839844 485.898438 C 504.125 485.707031 504.390625 485.488281 504.636719 485.246094 C 504.878906 485 505.097656 484.734375 505.292969 484.445312 C 505.484375 484.160156 505.644531 483.855469 505.777344 483.535156 C 505.910156 483.214844 506.011719 482.886719 506.078125 482.546875 C 506.144531 482.207031 506.179688 481.867188 506.179688 481.519531 L 506.179688 391.992188 L 527.242188 391.992188 L 500.910156 349.859375 L 474.578125 391.992188 L 495.644531 391.992188 L 495.644531 476.253906 L 437.714844 476.253906 C 437.367188 476.253906 437.027344 476.289062 436.6875 476.355469 C 436.347656 476.421875 436.019531 476.523438 435.699219 476.65625 C 435.378906 476.785156 435.074219 476.949219 434.789062 477.140625 C 434.5 477.332031 434.234375 477.550781 433.988281 477.796875 C 433.746094 478.039062 433.527344 478.304688 433.335938 478.59375 C 433.144531 478.882812 432.980469 479.183594 432.847656 479.503906 C 432.714844 479.824219 432.617188 480.152344 432.550781 480.492188 C 432.480469 480.832031 432.449219 481.175781 432.449219 481.519531 L 432.449219 497.320312 L 358.71875 497.320312 C 358.371094 497.320312 358.03125 497.351562 357.691406 497.421875 C 357.351562 497.488281 357.023438 497.585938 356.703125 497.71875 C 356.382812 497.851562 356.078125 498.015625 355.792969 498.207031 C 355.503906 498.398438 355.238281 498.617188 354.992188 498.863281 C 354.75 499.105469 354.53125 499.371094 354.339844 499.660156 C 354.144531 499.949219 353.984375 500.25 353.851562 500.570312 C 353.71875 500.890625 353.621094 501.21875 353.550781 501.558594 C 353.484375 501.898438 353.453125 502.238281 353.453125 502.585938 L 353.453125 523.652344 L 284.988281 523.652344 C 284.640625 523.652344 284.300781 523.683594 283.960938 523.753906 C 283.621094 523.820312 283.292969 523.921875 282.972656 524.050781 C 282.652344 524.183594 282.347656 524.347656 282.0625 524.539062 C 281.773438 524.730469 281.507812 524.949219 281.261719 525.195312 C 281.019531 525.4375 280.800781 525.703125 280.609375 525.992188 C 280.417969 526.28125 280.253906 526.582031 280.121094 526.902344 C 279.988281 527.222656 279.890625 527.550781 279.820312 527.890625 C 279.753906 528.230469 279.722656 528.574219 279.722656 528.917969 L 279.722656 549.984375 L 221.789062 549.984375 L 221.789062 560.515625 L 284.988281 560.515625 C 285.332031 560.515625 285.675781 560.484375 286.015625 560.414062 C 286.355469 560.347656 286.683594 560.25 287.003906 560.117188 C 287.324219 559.984375 287.625 559.820312 287.914062 559.628906 C 288.203125 559.4375 288.46875 559.21875 288.710938 558.976562 C 288.957031 558.730469 289.175781 558.464844 289.367188 558.175781 C 289.558594 557.890625 289.722656 557.585938 289.855469 557.265625 C 289.984375 556.945312 290.085938 556.617188 290.152344 556.277344 C 290.21875 555.9375 290.253906 555.597656 290.253906 555.25 Z M 290.253906 555.25 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 482.773438 302.117188 L 478.425781 328.792969 L 501.207031 316.203125 L 523.996094 328.792969 L 519.640625 302.117188 L 538.070312 283.226562 L 512.597656 279.335938 L 501.207031 255.0625 L 489.816406 279.335938 L 464.339844 283.226562 Z M 482.773438 302.117188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#8700372aa8)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 497.261719 233.996094 L 505.160156 233.996094 L 505.160156 249.796875 L 497.261719 249.796875 Z M 497.261719 233.996094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 458.625 257.851562 L 464.210938 252.265625 L 475.382812 263.4375 L 469.796875 269.023438 Z M 458.625 257.851562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#6b2f6c2f44)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 529.378906 263.445312 L 540.546875 252.273438 L 546.132812 257.859375 L 534.960938 269.03125 Z M 529.378906 263.445312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 235.820312 514.835938 L 288.496094 488.535156 L 292.023438 495.601562 L 239.347656 521.902344 Z M 235.820312 514.835938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 241.085938 483.238281 L 293.761719 456.9375 L 297.292969 464.003906 L 244.613281 490.304688 Z M 241.085938 483.238281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 324.417969 470.988281 L 306.039062 518.386719 L 332.371094 518.386719 L 345.484375 476.253906 L 353.550781 444.011719 L 332.394531 434.976562 Z M 324.417969 470.988281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Young Achiever Award </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates a young woman under the age of 30 who has achieved remarkable success and shown outstanding potential in her career or field of expertise. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-07560aa elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="07560aa" data-element_type="section" data-settings="{"background_background":"classic"}"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-38e2db5" data-id="38e2db5" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-348349a elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="348349a" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="b15fc0013a"><path d="M 230.398438 234 L 532 234 L 532 528 L 230.398438 528 Z M 230.398438 234 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#b15fc0013a)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 527.734375 388.242188 C 522.257812 363.953125 509.097656 344.105469 489.914062 328.285156 C 482.261719 321.960938 473.832031 316.824219 464.738281 312.832031 C 464.074219 312.539062 463.554688 312.132812 462.820312 312.910156 C 460.082031 315.898438 457.164062 318.707031 454.089844 321.375 C 454.28125 321.519531 454.347656 321.632812 454.425781 321.667969 C 454.945312 321.890625 455.460938 322.109375 455.980469 322.332031 C 465.292969 326.105469 474.058594 330.945312 481.710938 337.488281 C 513.128906 364.402344 525.214844 398.414062 515.867188 438.667969 C 503.8125 490.386719 453.242188 522.289062 402.746094 513.488281 C 384.039062 510.199219 367.851562 501.878906 353.988281 489.054688 C 337.460938 473.820312 326.964844 455 321.34375 433.382812 C 321.195312 432.753906 321.015625 432.121094 320.867188 431.457031 C 320.273438 429.015625 319.753906 426.621094 319.425781 424.175781 C 319.390625 424.03125 319.347656 423.882812 319.347656 423.695312 C 316.578125 407.171875 316.207031 388.316406 316.207031 388.316406 C 316.101562 388.101562 316.023438 387.875 316.316406 387.730469 C 316.578125 383.625 317.320312 379.59375 318.976562 375.820312 C 322.414062 368.097656 327.335938 361.449219 333.46875 355.644531 C 336.835938 352.457031 340.714844 350.539062 345.226562 349.617188 C 352.546875 348.132812 359.976562 347.472656 367.332031 346.359375 C 384.375 343.890625 400.828125 339.261719 416.683594 332.644531 C 433.914062 325.476562 448.105469 314.164062 459.824219 299.710938 C 469.101562 288.285156 476.347656 275.679688 481.339844 261.816406 C 481.890625 260.269531 481.667969 259.605469 479.964844 259.121094 C 473.054688 257.238281 466.070312 255.832031 458.96875 254.941406 C 447.472656 253.5 436.015625 253.574219 424.554688 255.128906 C 412.027344 256.832031 400.160156 260.597656 388.664062 265.847656 C 368.664062 275.089844 353.4375 289.097656 344.414062 309.472656 C 339.867188 319.707031 337.019531 330.46875 333.582031 341.074219 C 333.46875 341.332031 333.289062 341.667969 333.660156 341.929688 L 333.617188 341.851562 C 340.941406 332.464844 348.851562 323.59375 357.6875 315.605469 C 372.730469 301.96875 389.402344 291.058594 408.886719 284.8125 C 412.097656 283.777344 415.355469 282.820312 418.828125 282.449219 C 374.949219 302.890625 340.386719 333.757812 314.917969 374.457031 C 314.917969 374.492188 314.875 374.121094 314.953125 373.753906 C 316.765625 361.851562 316.28125 350.058594 313.949219 338.300781 C 310.402344 320.5625 302.863281 304.550781 292.585938 289.765625 C 288.445312 283.8125 283.9375 278.15625 279.207031 272.652344 C 281.390625 273.320312 283.046875 274.867188 284.671875 276.308594 C 304.820312 294.238281 314.617188 317.304688 318.277344 343.476562 C 318.832031 347.621094 318.976562 351.757812 319.425781 355.9375 C 322.570312 348.761719 325.59375 341.558594 327.890625 334.085938 C 331.363281 322.625 332.621094 310.984375 329.996094 299.117188 C 326.929688 285.144531 319.832031 273.242188 310.183594 262.964844 C 289.1875 240.5625 262.570312 233.0625 232.699219 234.539062 C 231.625 234.574219 231.183594 234.980469 231.074219 236.199219 C 230.554688 243.332031 230.960938 250.398438 231.816406 257.453125 C 233.472656 270.652344 237.023438 283.261719 243.382812 294.980469 C 254.511719 315.457031 270.445312 331.757812 289.113281 345.511719 C 294.214844 349.246094 299.683594 352.535156 304.898438 356.15625 C 307.707031 358.113281 309.738281 360.742188 310.367188 364.289062 C 310.917969 367.320312 310.773438 370.386719 310.144531 373.382812 C 308.707031 380.335938 307.523438 387.28125 307.042969 394.378906 C 306.488281 402.550781 306.558594 410.683594 307.007812 418.847656 C 307.480469 428.242188 308.777344 437.519531 311.4375 446.578125 C 327.261719 500.773438 381.34375 534.890625 437.015625 525.683594 C 459.011719 522.066406 478.601562 513.003906 494.753906 497.554688 C 526.179688 467.394531 537.304688 430.714844 527.734375 388.242188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 468.476562 410.574219 L 426.339844 409.9375 C 426.984375 404.246094 427.621094 398.554688 428.269531 392.859375 C 429.054688 386.007812 429.832031 379.160156 430.621094 372.3125 C 431.398438 365.570312 432.199219 358.835938 433.015625 351.75 C 432.554688 352.382812 432.273438 352.738281 432.023438 353.117188 C 423.214844 366.65625 414.402344 380.195312 405.609375 393.734375 C 401.976562 399.324219 398.363281 404.921875 394.742188 410.515625 C 394.699219 410.574219 394.664062 410.636719 394.636719 410.699219 C 394.519531 410.839844 394.378906 410.972656 394.28125 411.125 C 389.414062 418.597656 384.550781 426.074219 379.691406 433.550781 C 378.984375 434.636719 378.285156 435.734375 377.476562 436.988281 L 418.300781 436.988281 C 418.882812 437.015625 419.464844 437.042969 420.050781 437.074219 C 417.847656 456.144531 415.640625 475.214844 413.433594 494.292969 L 468.476562 410.574219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Energy </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> This award recognizes women who have made significant contributions to the energy sector, including advancements in renewable energy, energy efficiency, or other innovative solutions. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-82c079b" data-id="82c079b" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-2d5a755 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="2d5a755" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="258a3df86a"><path d="M 230.398438 230.398438 L 537 230.398438 L 537 537.898438 L 230.398438 537.898438 Z M 230.398438 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#258a3df86a)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 394.433594 413.25 L 394.433594 406.066406 L 479.125 406.066406 C 479.617188 406.066406 480.101562 406.117188 480.582031 406.214844 C 481.0625 406.308594 481.53125 406.453125 481.980469 406.640625 C 482.433594 406.828125 482.863281 407.058594 483.273438 407.332031 C 483.679688 407.605469 484.058594 407.914062 484.402344 408.261719 C 484.75 408.609375 485.058594 408.984375 485.332031 409.394531 C 485.605469 409.800781 485.835938 410.230469 486.023438 410.683594 C 486.210938 411.136719 486.355469 411.601562 486.453125 412.082031 C 486.546875 412.5625 486.597656 413.046875 486.597656 413.539062 L 486.597656 458.945312 C 487.402344 459.09375 488.191406 459.289062 488.972656 459.535156 C 489.75 459.78125 490.511719 460.070312 491.253906 460.410156 C 491.996094 460.75 492.714844 461.136719 493.410156 461.5625 C 494.105469 461.992188 494.773438 462.460938 495.410156 462.972656 C 496.046875 463.480469 496.652344 464.03125 497.222656 464.617188 C 497.792969 465.199219 498.324219 465.820312 498.816406 466.46875 C 499.3125 467.121094 499.761719 467.796875 500.171875 468.503906 C 500.582031 469.210938 500.945312 469.941406 501.265625 470.691406 C 501.585938 471.445312 501.859375 472.210938 502.082031 472.996094 C 502.308594 473.78125 502.484375 474.578125 502.609375 475.386719 C 502.738281 476.191406 502.8125 477.003906 502.839844 477.820312 C 502.867188 478.636719 502.84375 479.453125 502.769531 480.265625 C 502.695312 481.078125 502.570312 481.882812 502.394531 482.683594 C 502.222656 483.480469 502 484.265625 501.730469 485.035156 C 501.460938 485.804688 501.140625 486.558594 500.777344 487.289062 C 500.414062 488.019531 500.007812 488.726562 499.558594 489.40625 C 499.109375 490.089844 498.617188 490.738281 498.085938 491.359375 C 497.554688 491.980469 496.988281 492.566406 496.382812 493.117188 C 495.78125 493.667969 495.148438 494.179688 494.480469 494.652344 C 493.8125 495.125 493.121094 495.554688 492.402344 495.941406 C 491.683594 496.328125 490.941406 496.667969 490.179688 496.964844 C 489.417969 497.257812 488.640625 497.507812 487.851562 497.707031 C 487.058594 497.90625 486.257812 498.054688 485.445312 498.15625 C 484.636719 498.257812 483.820312 498.304688 483.003906 498.304688 C 482.1875 498.304688 481.375 498.257812 480.5625 498.15625 C 479.753906 498.054688 478.953125 497.90625 478.160156 497.707031 C 477.367188 497.507812 476.589844 497.257812 475.828125 496.964844 C 475.070312 496.667969 474.328125 496.328125 473.609375 495.941406 C 472.890625 495.554688 472.195312 495.125 471.53125 494.652344 C 470.863281 494.179688 470.230469 493.667969 469.625 493.117188 C 469.023438 492.566406 468.457031 491.980469 467.925781 491.359375 C 467.394531 490.738281 466.902344 490.089844 466.453125 489.40625 C 466 488.726562 465.59375 488.019531 465.230469 487.289062 C 464.867188 486.558594 464.550781 485.804688 464.28125 485.035156 C 464.011719 484.265625 463.789062 483.480469 463.613281 482.683594 C 463.441406 481.882812 463.316406 481.078125 463.242188 480.265625 C 463.167969 479.453125 463.144531 478.636719 463.171875 477.820312 C 463.195312 477.003906 463.273438 476.191406 463.398438 475.386719 C 463.527344 474.578125 463.703125 473.78125 463.925781 472.996094 C 464.152344 472.210938 464.425781 471.445312 464.742188 470.691406 C 465.0625 469.941406 465.429688 469.210938 465.839844 468.503906 C 466.246094 467.796875 466.699219 467.121094 467.191406 466.46875 C 467.6875 465.820312 468.21875 465.199219 468.789062 464.617188 C 469.359375 464.03125 469.960938 463.480469 470.597656 462.972656 C 471.238281 462.460938 471.902344 461.992188 472.597656 461.5625 C 473.292969 461.136719 474.011719 460.75 474.757812 460.410156 C 475.5 460.070312 476.261719 459.78125 477.039062 459.535156 C 477.816406 459.289062 478.609375 459.09375 479.414062 458.945312 L 479.414062 413.539062 C 479.410156 413.460938 479.382812 413.394531 479.328125 413.335938 C 479.269531 413.28125 479.203125 413.253906 479.125 413.25 Z M 394.433594 438.910156 L 435.113281 438.910156 C 435.191406 438.914062 435.261719 438.941406 435.316406 439 C 435.371094 439.054688 435.398438 439.121094 435.398438 439.199219 L 435.398438 484.605469 C 434.597656 484.753906 433.804688 484.949219 433.027344 485.195312 C 432.246094 485.441406 431.488281 485.734375 430.742188 486.074219 C 430 486.414062 429.28125 486.796875 428.585938 487.226562 C 427.890625 487.652344 427.222656 488.125 426.585938 488.632812 C 425.949219 489.144531 425.347656 489.691406 424.777344 490.277344 C 424.207031 490.863281 423.675781 491.480469 423.179688 492.132812 C 422.6875 492.78125 422.234375 493.460938 421.824219 494.167969 C 421.417969 494.875 421.050781 495.601562 420.730469 496.355469 C 420.410156 497.105469 420.140625 497.875 419.914062 498.660156 C 419.691406 499.445312 419.515625 500.242188 419.386719 501.046875 C 419.261719 501.855469 419.183594 502.667969 419.160156 503.484375 C 419.132812 504.300781 419.15625 505.113281 419.230469 505.925781 C 419.304688 506.742188 419.429688 507.546875 419.601562 508.34375 C 419.777344 509.140625 420 509.925781 420.269531 510.699219 C 420.539062 511.46875 420.855469 512.21875 421.21875 512.949219 C 421.582031 513.683594 421.988281 514.386719 422.441406 515.070312 C 422.890625 515.75 423.382812 516.402344 423.914062 517.023438 C 424.441406 517.644531 425.011719 518.230469 425.613281 518.78125 C 426.214844 519.332031 426.851562 519.84375 427.519531 520.3125 C 428.183594 520.785156 428.878906 521.214844 429.597656 521.601562 C 430.316406 521.988281 431.054688 522.332031 431.816406 522.625 C 432.578125 522.921875 433.355469 523.167969 434.148438 523.367188 C 434.941406 523.566406 435.742188 523.71875 436.550781 523.816406 C 437.363281 523.917969 438.175781 523.96875 438.992188 523.96875 C 439.808594 523.96875 440.625 523.917969 441.433594 523.816406 C 442.246094 523.71875 443.046875 523.566406 443.839844 523.367188 C 444.628906 523.167969 445.40625 522.921875 446.167969 522.625 C 446.929688 522.332031 447.671875 521.988281 448.390625 521.601562 C 449.109375 521.214844 449.800781 520.785156 450.46875 520.3125 C 451.132812 519.84375 451.769531 519.332031 452.371094 518.78125 C 452.976562 518.230469 453.542969 517.644531 454.074219 517.023438 C 454.605469 516.402344 455.09375 515.75 455.546875 515.070312 C 455.996094 514.386719 456.402344 513.683594 456.765625 512.949219 C 457.128906 512.21875 457.445312 511.46875 457.71875 510.699219 C 457.988281 509.925781 458.210938 509.140625 458.382812 508.34375 C 458.558594 507.546875 458.683594 506.742188 458.757812 505.925781 C 458.832031 505.113281 458.855469 504.300781 458.828125 503.484375 C 458.800781 502.667969 458.726562 501.855469 458.597656 501.046875 C 458.472656 500.242188 458.296875 499.445312 458.070312 498.660156 C 457.847656 497.875 457.574219 497.105469 457.253906 496.355469 C 456.933594 495.601562 456.570312 494.875 456.160156 494.167969 C 455.75 493.460938 455.296875 492.78125 454.804688 492.132812 C 454.3125 491.480469 453.78125 490.863281 453.210938 490.277344 C 452.640625 489.691406 452.035156 489.144531 451.398438 488.632812 C 450.761719 488.125 450.09375 487.652344 449.398438 487.226562 C 448.703125 486.796875 447.984375 486.414062 447.242188 486.074219 C 446.5 485.734375 445.738281 485.441406 444.960938 485.195312 C 444.179688 484.949219 443.390625 484.753906 442.585938 484.605469 L 442.585938 439.199219 C 442.585938 438.710938 442.535156 438.226562 442.4375 437.746094 C 442.34375 437.265625 442.199219 436.796875 442.011719 436.34375 C 441.824219 435.890625 441.59375 435.460938 441.320312 435.054688 C 441.046875 434.648438 440.738281 434.269531 440.390625 433.921875 C 440.046875 433.578125 439.667969 433.265625 439.261719 432.996094 C 438.851562 432.722656 438.421875 432.492188 437.96875 432.304688 C 437.519531 432.113281 437.050781 431.972656 436.570312 431.875 C 436.089844 431.777344 435.605469 431.730469 435.113281 431.730469 L 394.433594 431.730469 Z M 394.433594 336.269531 L 394.433594 329.085938 L 435.113281 329.085938 C 435.191406 329.082031 435.261719 329.054688 435.316406 328.996094 C 435.371094 328.941406 435.398438 328.875 435.398438 328.792969 L 435.398438 283.390625 C 434.597656 283.242188 433.804688 283.046875 433.027344 282.800781 C 432.246094 282.554688 431.488281 282.261719 430.742188 281.921875 C 430 281.582031 429.28125 281.199219 428.585938 280.769531 C 427.890625 280.34375 427.222656 279.871094 426.585938 279.363281 C 425.949219 278.851562 425.347656 278.304688 424.777344 277.71875 C 424.207031 277.132812 423.675781 276.515625 423.179688 275.863281 C 422.6875 275.214844 422.234375 274.535156 421.824219 273.828125 C 421.417969 273.121094 421.050781 272.394531 420.730469 271.640625 C 420.410156 270.890625 420.140625 270.121094 419.914062 269.335938 C 419.691406 268.550781 419.515625 267.753906 419.386719 266.949219 C 419.261719 266.140625 419.183594 265.328125 419.160156 264.511719 C 419.132812 263.695312 419.15625 262.882812 419.230469 262.070312 C 419.304688 261.253906 419.429688 260.449219 419.601562 259.652344 C 419.777344 258.851562 420 258.070312 420.269531 257.296875 C 420.539062 256.527344 420.855469 255.777344 421.21875 255.046875 C 421.582031 254.3125 421.988281 253.605469 422.441406 252.925781 C 422.890625 252.246094 423.382812 251.59375 423.914062 250.972656 C 424.441406 250.351562 425.011719 249.765625 425.613281 249.214844 C 426.214844 248.664062 426.851562 248.152344 427.519531 247.683594 C 428.183594 247.210938 428.878906 246.78125 429.597656 246.394531 C 430.316406 246.007812 431.054688 245.664062 431.816406 245.371094 C 432.578125 245.074219 433.355469 244.828125 434.148438 244.628906 C 434.941406 244.429688 435.742188 244.277344 436.550781 244.179688 C 437.363281 244.078125 438.175781 244.027344 438.992188 244.027344 C 439.808594 244.027344 440.625 244.078125 441.433594 244.179688 C 442.246094 244.277344 443.046875 244.429688 443.839844 244.628906 C 444.628906 244.828125 445.40625 245.074219 446.167969 245.371094 C 446.929688 245.664062 447.671875 246.007812 448.390625 246.394531 C 449.109375 246.78125 449.800781 247.210938 450.46875 247.683594 C 451.132812 248.152344 451.769531 248.664062 452.371094 249.214844 C 452.976562 249.765625 453.542969 250.351562 454.074219 250.972656 C 454.605469 251.59375 455.09375 252.246094 455.546875 252.925781 C 455.996094 253.605469 456.402344 254.3125 456.765625 255.046875 C 457.128906 255.777344 457.445312 256.527344 457.71875 257.296875 C 457.988281 258.070312 458.210938 258.851562 458.382812 259.652344 C 458.558594 260.449219 458.683594 261.253906 458.757812 262.070312 C 458.832031 262.882812 458.855469 263.695312 458.828125 264.511719 C 458.800781 265.328125 458.726562 266.140625 458.597656 266.949219 C 458.472656 267.753906 458.296875 268.550781 458.070312 269.335938 C 457.847656 270.121094 457.574219 270.890625 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463.613281 285.308594 C 463.441406 286.109375 463.316406 286.914062 463.242188 287.726562 C 463.167969 288.539062 463.144531 289.355469 463.171875 290.171875 C 463.195312 290.988281 463.273438 291.800781 463.398438 292.605469 C 463.527344 293.414062 463.703125 294.210938 463.925781 294.996094 C 464.152344 295.78125 464.425781 296.546875 464.742188 297.300781 C 465.0625 298.050781 465.429688 298.78125 465.839844 299.488281 C 466.246094 300.195312 466.699219 300.871094 467.191406 301.523438 C 467.6875 302.175781 468.21875 302.792969 468.789062 303.378906 C 469.359375 303.960938 469.960938 304.511719 470.597656 305.019531 C 471.238281 305.53125 471.902344 306 472.597656 306.429688 C 473.292969 306.855469 474.011719 307.242188 474.757812 307.582031 C 475.5 307.921875 476.261719 308.210938 477.039062 308.457031 C 477.816406 308.703125 478.609375 308.902344 479.414062 309.046875 L 479.414062 354.457031 C 479.410156 354.535156 479.382812 354.601562 479.328125 354.660156 C 479.269531 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341.335938 C 342.394531 339.9375 343.855469 338.613281 345.382812 337.359375 C 346.910156 336.105469 348.496094 334.929688 350.136719 333.832031 C 351.78125 332.734375 353.472656 331.722656 355.214844 330.789062 C 356.960938 329.859375 358.742188 329.015625 360.570312 328.257812 C 362.394531 327.503906 364.253906 326.835938 366.144531 326.261719 C 368.035156 325.691406 369.949219 325.210938 371.886719 324.824219 C 373.824219 324.4375 375.777344 324.148438 377.742188 323.957031 C 379.710938 323.761719 381.679688 323.664062 383.65625 323.664062 C 384.132812 323.664062 384.59375 323.757812 385.03125 323.9375 C 385.472656 324.121094 385.859375 324.382812 386.199219 324.71875 C 386.535156 325.054688 386.792969 325.445312 386.976562 325.882812 C 387.160156 326.324219 387.25 326.78125 387.25 327.257812 Z M 517.066406 364.148438 C 515.914062 364.152344 514.773438 364.253906 513.640625 364.453125 C 512.507812 364.652344 511.398438 364.949219 510.316406 365.339844 C 509.234375 365.734375 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532.769531 371.84375 532.378906 371.355469 531.96875 370.886719 C 531.554688 370.417969 531.121094 369.96875 530.667969 369.542969 C 530.210938 369.113281 529.738281 368.707031 529.242188 368.324219 C 528.75 367.941406 528.238281 367.582031 527.710938 367.246094 C 527.183594 366.910156 526.644531 366.601562 526.085938 366.316406 C 525.53125 366.035156 524.960938 365.777344 524.382812 365.546875 C 523.800781 365.316406 523.210938 365.113281 522.609375 364.9375 C 522.011719 364.765625 521.402344 364.617188 520.789062 364.5 C 520.175781 364.382812 519.558594 364.296875 518.9375 364.238281 C 518.3125 364.179688 517.691406 364.148438 517.066406 364.148438 Z M 238.8125 415.816406 L 262.683594 418.75 C 265.304688 427.90625 268.925781 436.644531 273.546875 444.972656 L 258.734375 463.921875 C 258.378906 464.378906 258.066406 464.867188 257.800781 465.378906 C 257.53125 465.894531 257.3125 466.425781 257.140625 466.980469 C 256.96875 467.535156 256.847656 468.097656 256.777344 468.675781 C 256.710938 469.25 256.691406 469.824219 256.726562 470.40625 C 256.761719 470.984375 256.851562 471.554688 256.988281 472.117188 C 257.128906 472.679688 257.316406 473.222656 257.554688 473.753906 C 257.792969 474.28125 258.074219 474.785156 258.40625 475.261719 C 258.734375 475.738281 259.101562 476.183594 259.511719 476.59375 L 291.0625 508.144531 C 291.472656 508.550781 291.917969 508.921875 292.394531 509.25 C 292.871094 509.578125 293.375 509.863281 293.902344 510.101562 C 294.429688 510.339844 294.976562 510.527344 295.539062 510.664062 C 296.101562 510.804688 296.671875 510.890625 297.25 510.925781 C 297.828125 510.960938 298.40625 510.945312 298.980469 510.875 C 299.554688 510.808594 300.121094 510.6875 300.675781 510.515625 C 301.226562 510.34375 301.761719 510.125 302.277344 509.855469 C 302.789062 509.585938 303.273438 509.277344 303.730469 508.917969 L 322.695312 494.109375 C 331.023438 498.726562 339.761719 502.347656 348.917969 504.96875 L 351.855469 528.847656 C 351.925781 529.421875 352.046875 529.984375 352.21875 530.535156 C 352.394531 531.089844 352.613281 531.621094 352.882812 532.132812 C 353.152344 532.644531 353.46875 533.128906 353.824219 533.585938 C 354.183594 534.042969 354.578125 534.460938 355.011719 534.84375 C 355.445312 535.230469 355.910156 535.570312 356.402344 535.871094 C 356.898438 536.171875 357.417969 536.421875 357.957031 536.628906 C 358.5 536.835938 359.054688 536.988281 359.625 537.09375 C 360.191406 537.199219 360.765625 537.253906 361.347656 537.253906 L 383.65625 537.253906 C 384.132812 537.253906 384.589844 537.164062 385.03125 536.980469 C 385.472656 536.800781 385.859375 536.539062 386.195312 536.203125 C 386.535156 535.867188 386.792969 535.480469 386.976562 535.039062 C 387.15625 534.597656 387.25 534.140625 387.25 533.664062 L 387.25 456.300781 C 387.25 455.824219 387.15625 455.367188 386.976562 454.925781 C 386.792969 454.488281 386.535156 454.097656 386.195312 453.761719 C 385.859375 453.425781 385.472656 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437.824219 340.066406 437.113281 C 339.199219 436.398438 338.347656 435.664062 337.515625 434.910156 C 336.679688 434.152344 335.867188 433.378906 335.070312 432.582031 C 334.277344 431.789062 333.5 430.972656 332.746094 430.140625 C 331.992188 429.308594 331.257812 428.457031 330.542969 427.585938 C 329.828125 426.71875 329.136719 425.832031 328.46875 424.929688 C 327.796875 424.023438 327.152344 423.105469 326.527344 422.171875 C 325.902344 421.234375 325.300781 420.285156 324.722656 419.320312 C 324.144531 418.359375 323.589844 417.378906 323.058594 416.386719 C 322.53125 415.394531 322.023438 414.390625 321.542969 413.375 C 321.0625 412.359375 320.605469 411.332031 320.175781 410.292969 C 319.746094 409.253906 319.34375 408.203125 318.964844 407.144531 C 318.585938 406.085938 318.230469 405.019531 317.90625 403.945312 C 317.578125 402.867188 317.277344 401.785156 317.007812 400.691406 C 316.734375 399.601562 316.488281 398.503906 316.265625 397.402344 C 316.046875 396.300781 315.855469 395.191406 315.691406 394.078125 C 315.527344 392.96875 315.386719 391.851562 315.277344 390.734375 C 315.167969 389.613281 315.085938 388.492188 315.03125 387.371094 C 314.972656 386.246094 314.945312 385.121094 314.945312 383.996094 C 314.945312 382.875 314.972656 381.75 315.03125 380.625 C 315.085938 379.503906 315.167969 378.382812 315.277344 377.261719 C 315.386719 376.144531 315.527344 375.027344 315.691406 373.914062 C 315.855469 372.804688 316.046875 371.695312 316.265625 370.59375 C 316.488281 369.492188 316.734375 368.394531 317.007812 367.300781 C 317.277344 366.210938 317.578125 365.128906 317.90625 364.050781 C 318.230469 362.976562 318.585938 361.910156 318.964844 360.851562 C 319.34375 359.792969 319.746094 358.742188 320.175781 357.703125 C 320.605469 356.664062 321.0625 355.636719 321.542969 354.621094 C 322.023438 353.605469 322.53125 352.601562 323.058594 351.609375 C 323.589844 350.617188 324.144531 349.636719 324.722656 348.671875 C 325.300781 347.710938 325.902344 346.757812 326.527344 345.824219 C 327.152344 344.890625 327.796875 343.96875 328.46875 343.066406 C 329.136719 342.164062 329.828125 341.277344 330.542969 340.410156 C 331.257812 339.539062 331.992188 338.6875 332.746094 337.855469 C 333.5 337.023438 334.277344 336.207031 335.070312 335.414062 C 335.867188 334.617188 336.679688 333.84375 337.515625 333.085938 C 338.347656 332.332031 339.199219 331.597656 340.066406 330.882812 C 340.9375 330.171875 341.824219 329.480469 342.726562 328.808594 C 343.628906 328.140625 344.546875 327.492188 345.484375 326.867188 C 346.417969 326.242188 347.367188 325.640625 348.332031 325.0625 C 349.296875 324.484375 350.277344 323.929688 351.265625 323.402344 C 352.257812 322.871094 353.261719 322.367188 354.28125 321.882812 C 355.296875 321.402344 356.324219 320.949219 357.363281 320.519531 C 358.402344 320.085938 359.449219 319.683594 360.507812 319.304688 C 361.566406 318.925781 362.636719 318.574219 363.710938 318.246094 C 364.789062 317.917969 365.871094 317.621094 366.960938 317.347656 C 368.050781 317.074219 369.148438 316.828125 370.253906 316.609375 C 371.355469 316.386719 372.460938 316.195312 373.574219 316.03125 C 374.6875 315.867188 375.804688 315.730469 376.921875 315.617188 C 378.042969 315.507812 379.164062 315.425781 380.285156 315.371094 C 381.410156 315.316406 382.53125 315.289062 383.65625 315.289062 C 384.132812 315.289062 384.59375 315.195312 385.03125 315.015625 C 385.472656 314.832031 385.859375 314.570312 386.199219 314.234375 C 386.535156 313.898438 386.792969 313.511719 386.976562 313.070312 C 387.160156 312.628906 387.25 312.171875 387.25 311.695312 L 387.25 234.332031 C 387.25 233.855469 387.160156 233.398438 386.976562 232.957031 C 386.792969 232.519531 386.535156 232.128906 386.199219 231.792969 C 385.859375 231.457031 385.472656 231.195312 385.03125 231.015625 C 384.59375 230.832031 384.132812 230.742188 383.65625 230.742188 L 361.347656 230.742188 C 360.765625 230.742188 360.191406 230.792969 359.621094 230.898438 C 359.050781 231.003906 358.496094 231.160156 357.953125 231.363281 C 357.410156 231.570312 356.894531 231.820312 356.398438 232.121094 C 355.902344 232.421875 355.433594 232.761719 355 233.148438 C 354.566406 233.53125 354.171875 233.953125 353.8125 234.40625 C 353.457031 234.863281 353.140625 235.347656 352.871094 235.859375 C 352.601562 236.375 352.378906 236.90625 352.207031 237.460938 C 352.035156 238.011719 351.910156 238.578125 351.839844 239.152344 L 348.917969 263.023438 C 339.765625 265.648438 331.023438 269.269531 322.695312 273.886719 L 303.730469 259.078125 C 303.273438 258.71875 302.789062 258.410156 302.273438 258.140625 C 301.761719 257.871094 301.226562 257.652344 300.675781 257.480469 C 300.121094 257.3125 299.554688 257.191406 298.980469 257.121094 C 298.40625 257.050781 297.828125 257.035156 297.25 257.070312 C 296.671875 257.105469 296.101562 257.195312 295.539062 257.332031 C 294.976562 257.472656 294.429688 257.660156 293.902344 257.898438 C 293.375 258.132812 292.871094 258.417969 292.394531 258.746094 C 291.917969 259.074219 291.472656 259.445312 291.0625 259.851562 L 259.511719 291.402344 C 259.101562 291.8125 258.734375 292.257812 258.40625 292.734375 C 258.074219 293.210938 257.792969 293.714844 257.554688 294.242188 C 257.316406 294.769531 257.128906 295.316406 256.988281 295.878906 C 256.851562 296.441406 256.761719 297.011719 256.726562 297.589844 C 256.691406 298.167969 256.710938 298.746094 256.777344 299.320312 C 256.847656 299.898438 256.96875 300.460938 257.140625 301.015625 C 257.3125 301.570312 257.53125 302.101562 257.800781 302.617188 C 258.066406 303.128906 258.378906 303.617188 258.734375 304.074219 L 273.546875 323.035156 C 268.925781 331.363281 265.304688 340.105469 262.683594 349.257812 L 238.8125 352.195312 C 238.238281 352.265625 237.671875 352.386719 237.121094 352.5625 C 236.570312 352.734375 236.035156 352.957031 235.523438 353.226562 C 235.011719 353.492188 234.527344 353.808594 234.070312 354.164062 C 233.617188 354.523438 233.195312 354.917969 232.8125 355.351562 C 232.425781 355.785156 232.085938 356.25 231.785156 356.742188 C 231.484375 357.238281 231.234375 357.757812 231.027344 358.296875 C 230.820312 358.839844 230.664062 359.394531 230.558594 359.964844 C 230.453125 360.535156 230.402344 361.109375 230.398438 361.6875 L 230.398438 406.300781 C 230.398438 406.882812 230.453125 407.457031 230.558594 408.027344 C 230.660156 408.597656 230.816406 409.15625 231.023438 409.695312 C 231.226562 410.238281 231.480469 410.757812 231.78125 411.253906 C 232.078125 411.75 232.421875 412.21875 232.804688 412.652344 C 233.1875 413.085938 233.609375 413.484375 234.066406 413.839844 C 234.523438 414.199219 235.007812 414.511719 235.519531 414.785156 C 236.03125 415.054688 236.566406 415.277344 237.117188 415.449219 C 237.671875 415.625 238.238281 415.746094 238.8125 415.816406 Z M 238.8125 415.816406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Innovation and Technology </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honours women who have driven technological advancements or innovative solutions that have significantly impacted their industry or society. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-b2dff23" data-id="b2dff23" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-8ecf3a2 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="8ecf3a2" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="ed12f3c62a"><path d="M 230.398438 301.253906 L 537.59375 301.253906 L 537.59375 466.746094 L 230.398438 466.746094 Z M 230.398438 301.253906 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#ed12f3c62a)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 301.695312 388.890625 L 383.996094 417.609375 L 466.300781 388.890625 L 466.300781 438.621094 C 466.300781 454.152344 429.453125 466.746094 383.996094 466.746094 C 338.542969 466.746094 301.695312 454.152344 301.695312 438.621094 Z M 383.996094 301.253906 L 537.59375 354.84375 L 514.878906 362.769531 L 514.878906 406.796875 L 515.519531 406.996094 C 518.929688 408.4375 521.320312 411.8125 521.320312 415.746094 C 521.320312 418.367188 520.257812 420.742188 518.539062 422.457031 L 518.386719 422.582031 L 523.695312 453.699219 L 499.949219 453.699219 L 505.261719 422.582031 L 505.105469 422.457031 C 503.386719 420.742188 502.328125 418.367188 502.328125 415.746094 C 502.328125 411.8125 504.722656 408.4375 508.125 406.996094 L 508.765625 406.796875 L 508.765625 364.902344 L 383.996094 408.4375 L 230.398438 354.84375 Z M 383.996094 301.253906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Education </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizing women who have significantly impacted the education sector, whether through teaching, administration, research, or policymaking, leading to improved learning outcomes. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-dded0b8 elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" 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299.152344 468.808594 230.390625 383.980469 230.390625 Z M 457.597656 315.648438 L 457.597656 379.882812 L 439.492188 368.191406 L 405.261719 389.449219 L 399.5 393.03125 L 396.132812 395.117188 L 396.132812 296.621094 L 357.230469 320.730469 L 357.230469 363.105469 L 348.097656 356.929688 L 348.097656 315.648438 L 405.261719 280.226562 Z M 256.148438 383.980469 C 256.148438 313.378906 313.378906 256.148438 383.980469 256.148438 C 454.582031 256.148438 511.8125 313.378906 511.8125 383.980469 C 511.8125 416.605469 499.574219 446.359375 479.460938 468.945312 L 479.460938 400.871094 L 439.636719 373.910156 L 396.132812 400.871094 L 396.132812 511.222656 C 392.128906 511.601562 388.082031 511.8125 383.980469 511.8125 C 379.882812 511.8125 375.832031 511.601562 371.828125 511.222656 L 371.828125 379.175781 L 332 352.21875 L 288.5 379.175781 L 288.5 468.945312 C 268.386719 446.359375 256.148438 416.605469 256.148438 383.980469 Z M 295.445312 383.046875 L 325.054688 364.699219 L 325.054688 497.414062 C 314.171875 491.746094 304.214844 484.566406 295.445312 476.144531 Z M 403.082031 404.738281 L 432.6875 386.390625 L 432.6875 502.183594 C 423.324219 506.042969 413.40625 508.839844 403.082031 510.386719 Z M 243.335938 383.980469 C 243.335938 461.65625 306.304688 524.628906 383.980469 524.628906 C 461.65625 524.628906 524.628906 461.65625 524.628906 383.980469 C 524.628906 306.304688 461.65625 243.335938 383.980469 243.335938 C 306.304688 243.335938 243.335938 306.304688 243.335938 383.980469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Real Estate </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizing outstanding achievements in the real estate industry, including property development, management, or innovative real estate solutions. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-987961d" data-id="987961d" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-95861b7 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="95861b7" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="fd13b8d8da"><path d="M 234 230.398438 L 533.855469 230.398438 L 533.855469 537.898438 L 234 537.898438 Z M 234 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#fd13b8d8da)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 367.007812 338.730469 L 367.027344 338.710938 C 368.171875 338.039062 369.226562 337.210938 370.15625 336.273438 C 373.042969 333.40625 374.824219 329.425781 374.824219 325.078125 L 374.824219 320.90625 C 374.824219 316.535156 373.042969 312.578125 370.15625 309.707031 C 367.285156 306.820312 363.328125 305.039062 358.972656 305.039062 C 354.601562 305.039062 350.644531 306.820312 347.777344 309.707031 C 344.886719 312.578125 343.105469 316.535156 343.105469 320.90625 L 343.105469 325.078125 C 343.105469 329.433594 344.886719 333.40625 347.777344 336.273438 C 348.707031 337.203125 349.753906 338.035156 350.902344 338.710938 L 350.925781 338.730469 C 353.296875 340.132812 356.046875 340.945312 358.980469 340.945312 C 361.882812 340.945312 364.632812 340.132812 367.007812 338.730469 Z M 486.316406 338.730469 L 486.339844 338.730469 L 486.359375 338.710938 C 487.503906 338.039062 488.558594 337.210938 489.488281 336.273438 C 492.355469 333.40625 494.15625 329.425781 494.15625 325.078125 L 494.15625 320.90625 C 494.15625 316.535156 492.355469 312.578125 489.488281 309.707031 C 486.617188 306.820312 482.640625 305.039062 478.292969 305.039062 C 473.933594 305.039062 469.976562 306.820312 467.09375 309.707031 C 464.226562 312.578125 462.445312 316.535156 462.445312 320.90625 L 462.445312 325.078125 C 462.445312 329.433594 464.226562 333.40625 467.09375 336.273438 C 468.042969 337.203125 469.089844 338.035156 470.222656 338.710938 L 470.242188 338.730469 L 470.265625 338.730469 C 472.617188 340.132812 475.367188 340.945312 478.296875 340.945312 C 481.230469 340.945312 483.964844 340.132812 486.316406 338.730469 Z M 395.484375 356.914062 C 396.003906 358.652344 396.335938 360.453125 396.476562 362.339844 C 397.210938 362.101562 397.941406 361.90625 398.675781 361.746094 C 397.441406 360.257812 396.371094 358.632812 395.484375 356.914062 Z M 443.542969 352.496094 C 444.792969 350.046875 446.433594 347.804688 448.375 345.867188 C 451.597656 342.621094 455.695312 340.226562 460.246094 339.039062 C 457.261719 335.179688 455.460938 330.3125 455.460938 325.070312 L 455.460938 320.898438 C 455.460938 314.609375 458.035156 308.882812 462.167969 304.753906 C 466.300781 300.621094 472.023438 298.042969 478.292969 298.042969 C 484.582031 298.042969 490.28125 300.613281 494.414062 304.753906 C 498.570312 308.882812 501.125 314.609375 501.125 320.898438 L 501.125 325.070312 C 501.125 330.3125 499.34375 335.1875 496.335938 339.039062 C 500.90625 340.226562 504.984375 342.621094 508.230469 345.867188 L 508.285156 345.929688 C 522.574219 324.574219 531.472656 303.308594 531.472656 282.15625 C 531.472656 267.910156 525.378906 254.992188 515.523438 245.609375 C 505.613281 236.214844 491.917969 230.394531 476.804688 230.394531 C 463.054688 230.394531 452.820312 233.597656 444.355469 240.027344 C 435.746094 246.574219 428.761719 256.570312 421.71875 269.964844 C 421.402344 270.558594 420.90625 271.09375 420.25 271.429688 C 418.546875 272.324219 416.433594 271.667969 415.539062 269.964844 C 408.496094 256.570312 401.511719 246.574219 392.882812 240.027344 C 384.4375 233.597656 374.203125 230.394531 360.453125 230.394531 C 345.3125 230.394531 331.625 236.207031 321.734375 245.609375 C 311.878906 254.992188 305.785156 267.910156 305.785156 282.15625 C 305.785156 293.296875 308.253906 304.472656 312.667969 315.65625 C 316.667969 325.75 322.222656 335.835938 328.972656 345.929688 L 329.027344 345.867188 C 332.273438 342.621094 336.351562 340.226562 340.921875 339.039062 C 337.914062 335.179688 336.113281 330.3125 336.113281 325.070312 L 336.113281 320.898438 C 336.113281 314.609375 338.6875 308.882812 342.820312 304.753906 C 346.953125 300.621094 352.675781 298.042969 358.964844 298.042969 C 365.242188 298.042969 370.957031 300.613281 375.089844 304.753906 C 379.222656 308.882812 381.796875 314.609375 381.796875 320.898438 L 381.796875 325.070312 C 381.796875 330.3125 379.996094 335.1875 376.988281 339.039062 C 381.5625 340.226562 385.636719 342.621094 388.882812 345.867188 C 390.824219 347.804688 392.464844 350.039062 393.714844 352.496094 C 393.023438 350.179688 392.644531 347.707031 392.644531 345.152344 L 392.644531 340.300781 C 392.644531 333.160156 395.578125 326.667969 400.28125 321.957031 C 404.992188 317.246094 411.476562 314.320312 418.625 314.320312 C 425.773438 314.320312 432.257812 317.253906 436.96875 321.957031 C 441.679688 326.667969 444.585938 333.15625 444.585938 340.300781 L 444.585938 345.152344 C 444.589844 347.707031 444.234375 350.1875 443.542969 352.496094 Z M 438.59375 361.738281 C 439.328125 361.898438 440.0625 362.09375 440.773438 362.308594 C 440.933594 360.453125 441.269531 358.632812 441.785156 356.90625 C 440.890625 358.632812 439.824219 360.257812 438.59375 361.738281 Z M 428.273438 361.5 L 428.292969 361.480469 C 429.660156 360.671875 430.925781 359.699219 432.035156 358.570312 C 435.476562 355.128906 437.609375 350.375 437.609375 345.152344 L 437.609375 340.300781 C 437.609375 335.082031 435.476562 330.328125 432.035156 326.886719 C 428.59375 323.445312 423.859375 321.308594 418.640625 321.308594 C 413.417969 321.308594 408.664062 323.445312 405.222656 326.886719 C 401.78125 330.328125 399.644531 335.082031 399.644531 340.300781 L 399.644531 345.152344 C 399.644531 350.375 401.78125 355.128906 405.222656 358.570312 C 406.355469 359.699219 407.597656 360.664062 408.964844 361.480469 L 409.007812 361.5 C 411.832031 363.183594 415.121094 364.152344 418.640625 364.152344 C 422.136719 364.152344 425.4375 363.183594 428.273438 361.5 Z M 508.78125 362.234375 C 508.304688 357.800781 506.289062 353.800781 503.28125 350.800781 C 499.839844 347.339844 495.050781 345.203125 489.808594 345.203125 L 489.074219 345.203125 C 485.851562 346.925781 482.191406 347.910156 478.292969 347.910156 C 474.410156 347.910156 470.730469 346.917969 467.507812 345.203125 L 466.773438 345.203125 C 461.53125 345.203125 456.765625 347.339844 453.300781 350.800781 C 449.839844 354.261719 447.703125 359.03125 447.703125 364.273438 L 447.703125 365.5 C 449.625 366.707031 451.402344 368.109375 453.007812 369.714844 C 458.390625 375.117188 461.734375 382.539062 461.734375 390.710938 L 461.734375 395.101562 L 499.78125 367.523438 C 502.839844 365.285156 505.871094 363.539062 508.78125 362.234375 Z M 376.808594 382.175781 C 378.511719 376.535156 381.832031 371.609375 386.222656 367.929688 C 387.269531 367.035156 388.402344 366.226562 389.566406 365.492188 L 389.566406 364.265625 C 389.566406 359.023438 387.429688 354.253906 383.96875 350.792969 C 380.507812 347.332031 375.738281 345.195312 370.496094 345.195312 L 369.742188 345.195312 C 366.539062 346.917969 362.859375 347.902344 358.980469 347.902344 C 355.085938 347.902344 351.398438 346.914062 348.195312 345.195312 L 347.441406 345.195312 C 342.199219 345.195312 337.433594 347.332031 333.96875 350.792969 C 330.507812 354.253906 328.371094 359.023438 328.371094 364.265625 L 328.371094 380.097656 C 329.859375 379.246094 331.402344 378.574219 333.019531 378.058594 C 336.742188 376.851562 340.753906 376.558594 344.894531 377.207031 Z M 255.101562 441.164062 L 237.847656 458.539062 C 235.332031 461.070312 234.085938 464.414062 234.085938 467.757812 C 234.105469 471.082031 235.367188 474.425781 237.921875 476.9375 L 295.148438 533.785156 C 297.703125 536.296875 301.042969 537.558594 304.386719 537.546875 C 307.710938 537.527344 311.035156 536.261719 313.566406 533.707031 L 330.820312 516.332031 C 333.355469 513.800781 334.597656 510.4375 334.585938 507.09375 C 334.585938 503.769531 333.300781 500.445312 330.765625 497.914062 L 329.265625 496.425781 C 329.210938 496.371094 329.148438 496.308594 329.082031 496.246094 L 273.726562 441.261719 C 273.648438 441.199219 273.585938 441.144531 273.527344 441.082031 L 273.527344 441.058594 C 273.074219 440.628906 272.601562 440.207031 272.105469 439.851562 L 272.050781 439.796875 L 272.027344 439.796875 C 269.753906 438.136719 267.023438 437.304688 264.316406 437.324219 C 261.046875 437.324219 257.804688 438.554688 255.289062 440.984375 C 255.234375 441.046875 255.191406 441.101562 255.128906 441.164062 Z M 279.195312 436.886719 L 332.71875 490.054688 L 332.9375 489.992188 L 332.957031 489.992188 C 333.152344 489.949219 333.390625 489.914062 333.613281 489.914062 L 416.65625 487.242188 C 419.007812 487.164062 421.164062 486.703125 423.203125 485.894531 C 425.199219 485.0625 427.0625 483.875 428.78125 482.269531 L 521.894531 396.769531 C 530.621094 388.777344 533.921875 381.144531 533.433594 375.382812 C 533.253906 373.226562 532.527344 371.351562 531.320312 369.90625 C 530.132812 368.4375 528.429688 367.328125 526.355469 366.722656 C 523.011719 365.710938 518.742188 365.890625 513.910156 367.648438 C 513.714844 367.746094 513.511719 367.832031 513.316406 367.886719 C 510.351562 369.019531 507.183594 370.757812 503.878906 373.152344 L 460.449219 404.652344 C 460.351562 404.730469 460.253906 404.8125 460.136719 404.867188 L 424.558594 430.667969 C 423.804688 431.203125 422.898438 431.421875 422.023438 431.28125 L 351.265625 424.808594 C 349.367188 424.628906 347.945312 422.933594 348.117188 421.035156 C 348.300781 419.113281 349.976562 417.710938 351.894531 417.886719 L 421.242188 424.238281 C 424.113281 421.390625 426.03125 418.617188 427.121094 415.988281 C 428.425781 412.804688 428.445312 409.816406 427.378906 407.121094 C 426.234375 404.273438 423.851562 401.679688 420.390625 399.445312 C 415.859375 396.511719 409.585938 394.300781 401.929688 393.113281 L 378.894531 389.53125 L 343.832031 384.074219 C 340.769531 383.601562 337.835938 383.816406 335.128906 384.6875 C 332.441406 385.539062 329.921875 387.082031 327.707031 389.238281 L 327.492188 389.476562 C 327.375 389.597656 327.253906 389.714844 327.117188 389.832031 Z M 394.828125 370.527344 C 394.730469 370.566406 394.648438 370.625 394.550781 370.664062 C 393.167969 371.417969 391.878906 372.285156 390.691406 373.277344 C 387.5625 375.90625 385.128906 379.328125 383.765625 383.25 L 402.996094 386.257812 C 411.644531 387.605469 418.847656 390.152344 424.167969 393.601562 C 428.835938 396.609375 432.136719 400.332031 433.820312 404.546875 C 435.105469 407.730469 435.441406 411.136719 434.75 414.675781 L 454.734375 400.171875 L 454.734375 390.710938 C 454.734375 384.457031 452.179688 378.785156 448.066406 374.664062 C 446.460938 373.058594 444.625 371.699219 442.609375 370.628906 L 442.523438 370.589844 C 439.375 368.925781 435.796875 367.976562 432 367.976562 L 431.007812 367.976562 C 427.308594 369.996094 423.09375 371.148438 418.625 371.148438 C 414.15625 371.148438 409.921875 370.003906 406.242188 367.976562 L 405.230469 367.976562 C 401.496094 367.972656 397.957031 368.898438 394.828125 370.527344 Z M 394.828125 370.527344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Social Impact </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women who have made a substantial impact on society through advocacy, community service, or initiatives that address social challenges and improve lives. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-422600e" data-id="422600e" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-84fafa1 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="84fafa1" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="d38e84812b"><path d="M 230.398438 276 L 321 276 L 321 302 L 230.398438 302 Z M 230.398438 276 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="e36dc9e1eb"><path d="M 446 276 L 537.898438 276 L 537.898438 302 L 446 302 Z M 446 276 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="1df01ace09"><path d="M 366 460 L 396 460 L 396 518.101562 L 366 518.101562 Z M 366 460 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="cf9821af15"><path d="M 372 249.601562 L 396 249.601562 L 396 273 L 372 273 Z M 372 249.601562 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 398.589844 386.636719 C 400.894531 385.582031 403.867188 384.523438 406.558594 382.941406 C 413.179688 379.050781 413.566406 371.613281 407.421875 366.859375 C 401.996094 362.683594 395.566406 361.773438 388.988281 361.148438 C 378.574219 360.09375 368.015625 359.515625 357.789062 357.40625 C 352.558594 356.347656 347.375 353.085938 343.152344 349.628906 C 328.175781 337.339844 332.0625 314.496094 350.300781 307.34375 C 355.726562 305.230469 361.820312 304.269531 367.679688 303.839844 C 372.910156 303.453125 376.796875 306.957031 379.917969 310.894531 C 381.550781 312.910156 379.820312 314.300781 378.332031 315.117188 C 374.015625 317.421875 369.359375 318.910156 364.558594 317.039062 C 356.542969 313.917969 352.03125 317.664062 349.964844 322.558594 C 346.320312 331.199219 347.328125 336.429688 353.519531 340.605469 C 360.527344 345.359375 368.542969 346.796875 376.796875 347.230469 C 385.871094 347.757812 395.039062 347.710938 403.773438 350.734375 C 413.949219 354.285156 421.628906 360.1875 423.789062 371.515625 C 425.421875 380.0625 420.859375 389.371094 412.941406 393.066406 C 412.171875 393.402344 410.925781 393.355469 410.15625 392.972656 C 406.125 390.910156 402.238281 388.652344 398.589844 386.636719 Z M 398.589844 386.636719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 403.054688 297.214844 C 403.53125 297.503906 403.964844 297.839844 405.40625 298.75 C 398.011719 298.75 391.582031 298.75 384.8125 298.75 C 385.675781 296.832031 386.589844 294.863281 387.40625 292.894531 C 388.269531 290.925781 389.566406 289.96875 391.917969 289.773438 C 404.492188 288.765625 407.085938 280.414062 406.796875 270.960938 C 406.75 268.65625 406.414062 266.304688 406.460938 264 C 406.558594 257.183594 410.15625 253.390625 416.972656 253.871094 C 421.339844 254.160156 425.949219 254.929688 429.835938 256.800781 C 440.730469 262.078125 451.292969 268.03125 461.996094 273.695312 C 464.78125 275.183594 463.53125 276.671875 461.898438 277.917969 C 457.628906 281.085938 452.585938 282.429688 447.402344 282.382812 C 441.835938 282.289062 436.269531 281.328125 430.699219 280.75 C 429.546875 280.65625 428.394531 280.511719 427.003906 280.992188 C 429.308594 281.949219 431.613281 282.863281 433.820312 283.773438 C 428.972656 291.40625 421.867188 289.34375 414.910156 288.046875 C 414.859375 288.382812 414.765625 288.71875 414.71875 289.007812 C 416.347656 289.773438 417.933594 290.542969 419.949219 291.453125 C 414.378906 293.613281 410.492188 299.757812 403.339844 296.015625 C 403.246094 296.398438 403.148438 296.832031 403.054688 297.214844 Z M 403.054688 297.214844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 362.734375 298.894531 C 363.503906 297.886719 363.886719 297.40625 364.222656 296.925781 C 357.167969 299.664062 353.230469 293.757812 347.664062 291.40625 C 349.726562 290.542969 351.359375 289.871094 353.039062 289.152344 C 353.085938 288.816406 353.085938 288.480469 353.132812 288.191406 C 346.125 288.957031 338.589844 291.839844 333.933594 283.773438 C 336 282.910156 338.304688 282 340.558594 281.085938 C 327.839844 282.09375 314.925781 285.933594 303.695312 276 C 304.078125 275.230469 304.128906 274.800781 304.367188 274.65625 C 316.703125 266.640625 329.230469 258.960938 343.582031 254.976562 C 346.558594 254.160156 349.871094 253.632812 352.894531 253.96875 C 359.375 254.734375 362.109375 259.582031 361.390625 266.878906 C 361.007812 270.671875 361.007812 274.605469 361.582031 278.351562 C 362.542969 284.542969 367.199219 288.671875 373.390625 289.582031 C 379.4375 290.496094 381.359375 292.414062 382.460938 298.894531 C 376.03125 298.894531 369.597656 298.894531 362.734375 298.894531 Z M 362.734375 298.894531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 366.71875 363.308594 C 364.796875 364.460938 362.832031 365.46875 361.101562 366.8125 C 354.621094 371.902344 355.152344 379.195312 362.207031 383.277344 C 368.109375 386.683594 374.6875 387.835938 381.40625 387.933594 C 388.894531 388.027344 396.332031 388.363281 403.195312 392.011719 C 412.027344 396.714844 416.683594 405.933594 414.910156 415.773438 C 414.574219 417.691406 413.804688 419.613281 412.796875 421.242188 C 409.246094 426.90625 407.324219 427.292969 401.660156 424.171875 C 399.933594 423.210938 398.15625 422.300781 395.996094 421.195312 C 397.054688 420.714844 397.773438 420.378906 398.542969 420.042969 C 401.613281 418.699219 404.78125 417.210938 405.019531 413.417969 C 405.308594 409.292969 403.964844 405.5 400.414062 402.957031 C 396.332031 400.027344 391.582031 399.261719 386.78125 399.308594 C 378.574219 399.355469 370.414062 399.210938 362.589844 396.378906 C 360.285156 395.5625 357.980469 394.652344 355.871094 393.5 C 343.34375 386.683594 340.511719 371.277344 349.582031 360.332031 C 350.78125 358.894531 351.742188 358.460938 353.664062 359.179688 C 357.886719 360.765625 362.253906 361.917969 366.71875 363.308594 Z M 366.71875 363.308594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#d38e84812b)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 230.402344 291.453125 C 254.59375 288.527344 277.777344 283.726562 300.527344 276.527344 C 304.609375 284.589844 312.429688 284.160156 320.449219 284.878906 C 319.007812 285.597656 318.09375 286.128906 317.085938 286.558594 C 300.046875 293.328125 282.671875 298.992188 264.386719 301.246094 C 255.554688 302.351562 246.625 302.589844 238.226562 298.75 C 235.007812 297.214844 232.464844 295.101562 230.402344 291.453125 Z M 230.402344 291.453125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#e36dc9e1eb)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 537.113281 291.40625 C 531.929688 297.648438 525.785156 300.621094 518.632812 301.4375 C 508.988281 302.542969 499.578125 300.621094 490.21875 298.605469 C 475.628906 295.488281 461.515625 290.78125 446.925781 284.976562 C 454.890625 284.109375 462.761719 284.78125 467.132812 276.625 C 489.691406 283.582031 512.828125 288.574219 537.113281 291.40625 Z M 537.113281 291.40625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 400.988281 346.605469 C 405.070312 344.925781 409.582031 343.582031 413.515625 341.277344 C 421.773438 336.574219 422.683594 325.34375 415.726562 318.910156 C 412.652344 316.03125 409.246094 314.925781 405.164062 316.605469 C 400.507812 318.527344 395.996094 317.804688 391.582031 315.886719 C 386.972656 313.871094 386.6875 311.949219 390.191406 308.496094 C 394.75 303.984375 400.078125 303.117188 406.316406 304.175781 C 415.195312 305.664062 423.691406 307.871094 429.210938 315.503906 C 438.042969 327.644531 435.980469 345.550781 418.84375 354.140625 C 418.171875 354.476562 417.070312 354.285156 416.347656 353.949219 C 411.164062 351.550781 406.027344 349.054688 400.988281 346.605469 Z M 400.988281 346.605469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 358.460938 397.339844 C 362.160156 398.636719 365.855469 399.933594 369.980469 401.324219 C 366.285156 403.914062 363.789062 406.988281 363.40625 411.453125 C 363.167969 414.476562 364.078125 416.730469 366.574219 418.269531 C 370.988281 421.003906 375.886719 421.773438 381.023438 421.628906 C 387.023438 421.433594 392.878906 422.300781 398.253906 425.277344 C 409.726562 431.609375 411.453125 447.738281 401.566406 455.371094 C 399.742188 456.761719 398.253906 457.050781 396.238281 455.851562 C 394.460938 454.792969 392.445312 454.265625 390.140625 453.355469 C 391.820312 452.441406 393.355469 451.722656 394.75 450.8125 C 401.949219 446.203125 401.804688 437.273438 394.269531 433.292969 C 391.820312 431.996094 388.75 431.804688 385.917969 431.46875 C 379.820312 430.699219 373.4375 430.9375 367.628906 429.308594 C 352.269531 424.988281 348.09375 409.675781 358.460938 397.339844 Z M 358.460938 397.339844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 337.101562 290.832031 C 319.199219 308.109375 271.730469 316.796875 257.90625 304.847656 C 261.601562 304.222656 264.960938 303.648438 268.273438 303.023438 C 287.519531 299.230469 306.289062 293.808594 324.046875 285.214844 C 327.023438 283.773438 329.710938 284.640625 332.160156 286.605469 C 333.839844 288 335.472656 289.4375 337.101562 290.832031 Z M 337.101562 290.832031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 429.789062 291.503906 C 432.429688 289.296875 434.203125 287.757812 436.027344 286.320312 C 438.429688 284.398438 441.066406 283.96875 443.851562 285.3125 C 464.394531 295.101562 486.042969 301.246094 508.554688 304.558594 C 508.648438 304.558594 508.699219 304.703125 509.464844 305.46875 C 505.195312 306.816406 501.449219 308.253906 497.515625 309.167969 C 481.386719 312.957031 466.265625 308.78125 451.628906 302.542969 C 444.285156 299.328125 437.324219 295.34375 429.789062 291.503906 Z M 429.789062 291.503906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 412.796875 298.847656 C 415.101562 297.261719 416.492188 296.207031 417.980469 295.246094 C 422.398438 292.414062 426.332031 291.742188 431.46875 294.863281 C 445.386719 303.261719 460.316406 309.503906 476.972656 312.285156 C 473.226562 315.644531 468.90625 316.511719 464.445312 316.894531 C 453.882812 317.804688 444.042969 315.261719 434.730469 310.511719 C 427.53125 306.910156 420.523438 302.972656 412.796875 298.847656 Z M 412.796875 298.847656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 353.804688 299.039062 C 342.527344 305.613281 331.582031 312.863281 318.574219 315.839844 C 311.328125 317.519531 303.984375 317.902344 296.785156 315.644531 C 294.71875 315.023438 292.847656 313.871094 289.921875 312.574219 C 308.496094 309.308594 324.289062 302.253906 339.40625 293.328125 C 340.511719 292.703125 342.285156 292.222656 343.34375 292.65625 C 347.039062 294.144531 350.589844 296.015625 354.191406 297.789062 C 354.046875 298.175781 353.949219 298.605469 353.804688 299.039062 Z M 353.804688 299.039062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 364.03125 430.652344 C 367.007812 431.707031 369.742188 432.714844 372.476562 433.675781 C 365.375 443.179688 368.15625 450.523438 379.773438 453.402344 C 383.277344 454.265625 386.925781 454.507812 390.382812 455.464844 C 400.316406 458.25 404.347656 468.523438 399.117188 477.113281 C 395.996094 482.203125 393.214844 482.96875 387.550781 479.851562 C 388.796875 479.082031 389.949219 478.457031 391.003906 477.785156 C 394.558594 475.480469 396.046875 472.074219 395.132812 467.800781 C 394.367188 464.058594 391.484375 462.472656 388.171875 461.800781 C 384.621094 461.082031 380.972656 461.082031 377.46875 460.265625 C 369.359375 458.296875 362.734375 454.410156 360.527344 445.53125 C 359.230469 440.15625 361.101562 435.5 364.03125 430.652344 Z M 364.03125 430.652344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#1df01ace09)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 376.75 462.667969 C 370.847656 468.089844 371.566406 474.714844 378.476562 478.457031 C 380.828125 479.707031 383.46875 480.425781 385.917969 481.433594 C 393.5 484.503906 396.765625 491.226562 394.558594 499 C 393.214844 503.753906 390.238281 506.34375 385.003906 506.34375 C 384.71875 510.472656 384.476562 514.457031 384.191406 518.488281 C 383.949219 518.488281 383.710938 518.488281 383.46875 518.488281 C 383.324219 516.617188 383.183594 514.746094 383.039062 512.875 C 382.75 509.5625 383.183594 506.539062 378.382812 505.144531 C 373.34375 503.65625 371.566406 494.441406 374.351562 488.730469 C 374.972656 487.480469 375.835938 486.378906 376.75 484.984375 C 378.046875 485.5625 379.246094 486.136719 380.492188 486.714844 C 374.0625 494.539062 374.925781 503.035156 382.269531 505.097656 C 382.269531 502.21875 382.316406 499.335938 382.269531 496.457031 C 382.222656 493.671875 382.03125 490.890625 381.886719 487.914062 C 383.183594 487.914062 384.191406 487.914062 385.101562 487.914062 C 385.246094 488.058594 385.390625 488.152344 385.390625 488.25 C 385.390625 493.867188 385.390625 499.433594 385.390625 505.191406 C 388.703125 504.761719 390.621094 502.839844 391.390625 499.960938 C 392.445312 495.976562 392.542969 491.800781 389.230469 488.824219 C 387.261719 487.050781 384.476562 486.136719 382.03125 484.890625 C 378.332031 483.019531 374.15625 481.722656 371.039062 479.128906 C 366.863281 475.675781 366.285156 470.394531 367.535156 465.257812 C 368.828125 459.882812 369.839844 459.691406 376.75 462.667969 Z M 376.75 462.667969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#cf9821af15)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.902344 272.0625 C 377.949219 272.0625 372.8125 266.878906 372.71875 260.878906 C 372.671875 254.640625 377.804688 249.457031 383.996094 249.503906 C 390.046875 249.503906 395.085938 254.542969 395.179688 260.640625 C 395.277344 266.734375 389.996094 272.0625 383.902344 272.0625 Z M 383.902344 272.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 388.507812 344.542969 C 385.246094 344.542969 382.84375 344.542969 379.773438 344.542969 C 379.773438 342.332031 379.773438 340.171875 379.773438 338.0625 C 379.773438 334.558594 380.015625 331.054688 379.726562 327.550781 C 379.199219 321.503906 380.636719 316.03125 383.902344 310.796875 C 391.339844 321.214844 386.828125 333.023438 388.507812 344.542969 Z M 388.507812 344.542969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 382.652344 278.734375 C 379.628906 277.488281 376.511719 276.382812 376.175781 272.496094 C 381.40625 272.496094 386.445312 272.496094 391.4375 272.496094 C 391.339844 275.566406 391.246094 275.710938 385.339844 278.976562 C 389.949219 281.710938 389.46875 287.519531 384.140625 295.007812 C 378.71875 289.199219 378.09375 282.625 382.652344 278.734375 Z M 382.652344 278.734375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 387.40625 385.773438 C 385.582031 385.773438 384.09375 385.773438 382.605469 385.773438 C 381.933594 385.773438 381.261719 385.628906 380.253906 385.53125 C 380.253906 378.1875 380.253906 370.988281 380.253906 363.550781 C 382.460938 363.550781 384.863281 363.550781 387.453125 363.550781 C 387.40625 370.84375 387.40625 378.042969 387.40625 385.773438 Z M 387.40625 385.773438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 395.613281 301.582031 C 400.796875 300.957031 405.980469 300.238281 411.164062 299.757812 C 411.980469 299.664062 412.894531 300.335938 413.707031 300.765625 C 423.835938 306.09375 433.917969 311.421875 444.957031 317.277344 C 441.019531 317.710938 437.707031 318.238281 434.394531 318.382812 C 433.722656 318.429688 432.8125 317.230469 432.238281 316.460938 C 423.691406 305.085938 412.171875 301.199219 398.445312 302.78125 C 397.535156 302.878906 396.574219 302.6875 395.660156 302.636719 C 395.613281 302.207031 395.613281 301.871094 395.613281 301.582031 Z M 395.613281 301.582031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 372.140625 302.398438 C 371.519531 302.496094 370.894531 302.6875 370.269531 302.589844 C 355.773438 301.101562 343.628906 305.328125 334.65625 317.230469 C 334.175781 317.855469 333.117188 318.382812 332.398438 318.335938 C 329.421875 318.09375 326.445312 317.664062 323.421875 316.605469 C 331.871094 312.285156 340.414062 308.207031 348.671875 303.648438 C 353.613281 300.910156 358.316406 299.085938 364.03125 300.671875 C 366.621094 301.390625 369.453125 301.199219 372.191406 301.390625 C 372.191406 301.726562 372.191406 302.0625 372.140625 302.398438 Z M 372.140625 302.398438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 380.6875 401.515625 C 382.84375 401.515625 384.8125 401.515625 386.878906 401.515625 C 386.878906 407.996094 386.878906 414.234375 386.878906 420.761719 C 384.71875 420.761719 382.84375 420.761719 380.6875 420.761719 C 380.6875 414.378906 380.6875 408.140625 380.6875 401.515625 Z M 380.6875 401.515625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 381.261719 432.234375 C 383.039062 432.234375 384.621094 432.234375 386.347656 432.234375 C 386.347656 438.378906 386.492188 444.425781 386.15625 450.425781 C 386.109375 451.195312 383.421875 451.769531 381.261719 452.730469 C 381.261719 445.289062 381.261719 438.953125 381.261719 432.234375 Z M 381.261719 432.234375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 385.773438 478.699219 C 384.140625 478.699219 383.183594 478.699219 381.933594 478.699219 C 381.695312 473.5625 381.5 468.617188 381.261719 463.339844 C 382.796875 463.339844 384.191406 463.339844 385.773438 463.339844 C 385.773438 468.332031 385.773438 473.371094 385.773438 478.699219 Z M 385.773438 478.699219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 385.390625 300.238281 C 388.460938 301.152344 391.484375 302.0625 395.132812 303.167969 C 391.675781 305.949219 389.132812 308.015625 385.871094 310.703125 C 385.292969 307.34375 384.8125 304.367188 384.332031 301.34375 C 384.667969 300.957031 385.054688 300.574219 385.390625 300.238281 Z M 385.390625 300.238281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.660156 300 C 383.039062 303.933594 382.652344 306.574219 382.222656 309.597656 C 379.246094 307.292969 376.796875 305.375 373.390625 302.6875 C 376.894531 301.773438 379.726562 301.007812 383.660156 300 Z M 383.660156 300 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Healthcare </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women leaders in healthcare who have made significant contributions to patient care, medical research, healthcare management, or public health. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-6a62adb elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="6a62adb" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-9da5362" data-id="9da5362" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-013ad7c elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="013ad7c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="3c49493bd7"><path d="M 230.398438 251.136719 L 537.898438 251.136719 L 537.898438 516.636719 L 230.398438 516.636719 Z M 230.398438 251.136719 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#3c49493bd7)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 511.757812 506.578125 L 530.230469 506.578125 C 533.0625 506.578125 535.359375 508.878906 535.359375 511.710938 C 535.359375 514.542969 533.0625 516.84375 530.230469 516.84375 L 237.828125 516.84375 C 234.996094 516.84375 232.699219 514.542969 232.699219 511.710938 C 232.699219 508.878906 234.996094 506.578125 237.828125 506.578125 L 256.300781 506.578125 L 256.300781 383.074219 C 260.226562 384.09375 264.339844 384.636719 268.582031 384.636719 C 284.214844 384.636719 298.144531 377.273438 307.070312 365.832031 C 315.980469 377.277344 329.890625 384.636719 345.527344 384.636719 C 361.203125 384.636719 375.125 377.273438 384.042969 365.828125 C 392.96875 377.273438 406.898438 384.636719 422.53125 384.636719 C 438.167969 384.636719 452.078125 377.277344 460.988281 365.832031 C 469.917969 377.273438 483.847656 384.636719 499.476562 384.636719 C 503.71875 384.636719 507.835938 384.09375 511.757812 383.074219 Z M 421.53125 506.578125 L 491.832031 506.578125 L 491.832031 408.261719 C 491.832031 404.65625 488.984375 401.671875 485.484375 401.671875 L 427.816406 401.671875 C 424.316406 401.671875 421.53125 404.65625 421.53125 408.261719 Z M 275.582031 449.820312 L 403.15625 449.820312 L 403.15625 398.5 C 403.15625 396.128906 401.234375 394.207031 398.867188 394.207031 L 279.875 394.207031 C 277.503906 394.207031 275.582031 396.128906 275.582031 398.5 Z M 403.15625 460.746094 L 275.582031 460.746094 L 275.582031 475.757812 C 275.582031 476.898438 276.035156 477.988281 276.839844 478.796875 C 277.644531 479.601562 278.738281 480.054688 279.878906 480.054688 L 398.859375 480.054688 C 400 480.054688 401.09375 479.601562 401.898438 478.796875 C 402.707031 477.988281 403.15625 476.898438 403.15625 475.757812 Z M 232.753906 330.796875 L 272.496094 254.59375 C 273.625 252.398438 275.699219 251.152344 278.132812 251.152344 L 324.085938 251.152344 L 303.128906 330.796875 Z M 334.523438 251.152344 L 378.898438 251.152344 L 378.898438 330.796875 L 313.742188 330.796875 L 334.351562 252.457031 C 334.46875 252.019531 334.523438 251.582031 334.523438 251.152344 Z M 389.160156 251.152344 L 433.535156 251.152344 C 433.535156 251.582031 433.589844 252.019531 433.707031 252.457031 L 454.316406 330.796875 L 389.160156 330.796875 Z M 443.976562 251.152344 L 489.984375 251.152344 C 492.359375 251.152344 494.433594 252.398438 495.5625 254.59375 L 535.304688 330.796875 L 464.929688 330.796875 Z M 537.640625 341.0625 C 535.125 359.871094 518.976562 374.371094 499.476562 374.371094 C 479.980469 374.371094 463.832031 359.871094 461.316406 341.0625 Z M 460.636719 341.0625 C 458.128906 359.871094 442.03125 374.371094 422.53125 374.371094 C 403.035156 374.371094 386.886719 359.871094 384.371094 341.0625 Z M 383.691406 341.0625 C 381.183594 359.871094 365.082031 374.371094 345.527344 374.371094 C 326.027344 374.371094 309.929688 359.871094 307.421875 341.0625 Z M 306.742188 341.0625 C 304.230469 359.871094 288.082031 374.371094 268.582031 374.371094 C 249.082031 374.371094 232.933594 359.871094 230.417969 341.0625 Z M 306.742188 341.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Retail </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women who have excelled in the retail industry, demonstrating leadership in business growth, customer engagement, and retail innovation. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-1c3c87d" data-id="1c3c87d" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-b3bfa12 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="b3bfa12" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="b1faab9d79"><path d="M 230.398438 234.046875 L 537.898438 234.046875 L 537.898438 534 L 230.398438 534 Z M 230.398438 234.046875 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#b1faab9d79)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 372.203125 367.679688 C 372.203125 361.15625 377.511719 355.851562 384.027344 355.851562 C 390.550781 355.851562 395.859375 361.15625 395.859375 367.679688 C 395.859375 374.195312 390.550781 379.503906 384.027344 379.503906 C 377.511719 379.503906 372.203125 374.195312 372.203125 367.679688 Z M 405.144531 367.679688 C 405.144531 356.035156 395.671875 346.5625 384.027344 346.5625 C 372.390625 346.5625 362.917969 356.035156 362.917969 367.679688 C 362.917969 379.316406 372.386719 388.789062 384.027344 388.789062 C 395.671875 388.789062 405.144531 379.316406 405.144531 367.679688 Z M 459.945312 507.292969 C 455.46875 518.003906 445.472656 524.660156 433.863281 524.660156 L 396.191406 524.660156 L 392.421875 514.789062 C 391.457031 512.269531 390.253906 509.917969 388.859375 507.730469 C 392.082031 504.625 396.042969 502.371094 400.691406 501.035156 L 470.992188 480.859375 Z M 331.972656 524.660156 C 320.355469 524.660156 310.359375 518.003906 305.882812 507.292969 L 294.839844 480.859375 L 365.132812 501.035156 C 374.011719 503.578125 380.445312 509.484375 383.746094 518.109375 L 386.25 524.660156 Z M 359.683594 441.589844 C 360.355469 457.042969 358.695312 472.761719 354.765625 488.394531 L 367.695312 492.105469 C 373.558594 493.789062 378.699219 496.671875 382.902344 500.566406 C 387.132812 496.667969 392.308594 493.773438 398.128906 492.105469 L 413.148438 487.792969 C 409.3125 472.300781 407.699219 456.722656 408.382812 441.394531 C 408.75 433.265625 412.597656 426.175781 419.222656 421.441406 C 441.800781 405.316406 448.96875 374.5 436.652344 346.507812 C 424.363281 318.5625 399.863281 287.160156 383.988281 278.589844 C 368.5625 286.96875 344.332031 317.890625 331.832031 345.523438 C 318.9375 374.054688 325.902344 405.320312 348.78125 421.5625 C 355.457031 426.296875 359.332031 433.410156 359.683594 441.589844 Z M 469.953125 471.496094 L 422.085938 485.230469 C 418.519531 470.710938 417.027344 456.128906 417.664062 441.808594 C 417.898438 436.515625 420.308594 432.082031 424.625 428.996094 C 450.8125 410.285156 459.257812 374.832031 445.15625 342.765625 C 432.65625 314.347656 405.84375 277.992188 385.859375 269.167969 C 384.660156 268.640625 383.304688 268.640625 382.109375 269.167969 C 362.71875 277.722656 336.089844 313.574219 323.375 341.695312 C 308.613281 374.328125 316.859375 410.285156 343.40625 429.136719 C 347.753906 432.214844 350.175781 436.671875 350.40625 441.992188 C 351.035156 456.445312 349.488281 471.167969 345.828125 485.832031 L 295.878906 471.496094 C 289.046875 469.53125 282.914062 476.421875 285.65625 482.984375 L 297.3125 510.871094 C 303.261719 525.105469 316.539062 533.945312 331.972656 533.945312 L 433.863281 533.945312 C 449.285156 533.945312 462.5625 525.105469 468.515625 510.871094 L 480.167969 482.984375 C 481.445312 479.933594 480.875 476.496094 478.671875 474.023438 C 476.472656 471.550781 473.128906 470.582031 469.953125 471.496094 Z M 356.28125 384.765625 C 362.199219 393.941406 372.042969 399 384.007812 399 C 395.695312 399 405.78125 393.816406 411.675781 384.789062 C 417.980469 375.128906 418.679688 362.410156 413.558594 350.757812 C 406.742188 335.269531 393 317.347656 384 311.839844 C 375.15625 317.25 361.804688 334.59375 354.75 350.191406 C 349.390625 362.054688 349.960938 374.976562 356.28125 384.765625 Z M 419.449219 389.867188 C 427.476562 377.570312 428.449219 361.558594 422.058594 347.027344 C 414.492188 329.820312 398.148438 307.757812 385.875 302.34375 C 384.679688 301.8125 383.324219 301.8125 382.128906 302.34375 C 370.21875 307.597656 353.980469 329.351562 346.285156 346.367188 C 339.621094 361.113281 340.433594 377.347656 348.472656 389.796875 C 356.054688 401.542969 369.003906 408.289062 384.007812 408.289062 C 398.890625 408.289062 411.820312 401.570312 419.449219 389.867188 Z M 312.9375 244.261719 C 325.292969 248.128906 333.984375 263.492188 330.980469 276.074219 C 318.640625 272.210938 309.914062 256.835938 312.9375 244.261719 Z M 333.511719 286.058594 C 323.511719 284.949219 313.78125 278.039062 308.097656 268.027344 C 302.332031 257.859375 301.425781 246.253906 305.667969 236.964844 C 306.507812 235.136719 308.410156 234.054688 310.40625 234.277344 C 320.554688 235.402344 330.054688 242.140625 335.816406 252.304688 C 341.578125 262.472656 342.492188 274.082031 338.25 283.367188 C 337.410156 285.207031 335.484375 286.269531 333.511719 286.058594 Z M 279.886719 299.878906 C 286.042969 303.492188 290.550781 309.023438 292.28125 314.871094 C 286.332031 316.199219 279.308594 314.953125 273.152344 311.339844 C 266.996094 307.71875 262.488281 302.1875 260.753906 296.34375 C 266.703125 295.011719 273.726562 296.257812 279.886719 299.878906 Z M 268.445312 319.34375 C 258.371094 313.421875 251.777344 303.820312 250.8125 293.65625 C 250.617188 291.660156 251.734375 289.765625 253.566406 288.960938 C 262.777344 284.921875 274.667969 286.03125 284.589844 291.871094 C 294.667969 297.789062 301.257812 307.394531 302.226562 317.554688 C 302.417969 319.554688 301.304688 321.441406 299.46875 322.246094 C 289.597656 326.585938 277.941406 324.925781 268.445312 319.34375 Z M 279.792969 435.53125 C 273.582031 439.054688 266.542969 440.195312 260.613281 438.769531 C 264.472656 426.425781 279.847656 417.714844 292.425781 420.734375 C 290.605469 426.546875 286.007812 432.007812 279.792969 435.53125 Z M 302.40625 418.195312 C 300.015625 439.816406 273.039062 455.085938 253.308594 446.039062 C 251.492188 445.199219 250.410156 443.296875 250.632812 441.300781 C 251.734375 431.308594 258.644531 421.566406 268.664062 415.890625 C 278.671875 410.214844 290.570312 409.28125 299.722656 413.460938 C 301.546875 414.292969 302.628906 416.207031 302.40625 418.195312 Z M 488.175781 435.484375 C 482.023438 431.859375 477.511719 426.332031 475.78125 420.484375 C 481.726562 419.152344 488.75 420.40625 494.910156 424.023438 C 501.066406 427.632812 505.574219 433.167969 507.304688 439.007812 C 501.355469 440.347656 494.335938 439.09375 488.175781 435.484375 Z M 499.617188 416.011719 C 509.542969 421.847656 516.296875 431.683594 517.25 441.699219 C 517.445312 443.695312 516.328125 445.585938 514.492188 446.394531 C 494.445312 455.226562 467.867188 439.148438 465.835938 417.796875 C 465.644531 415.804688 466.757812 413.910156 468.589844 413.105469 C 477.941406 409.003906 489.542969 410.085938 499.617188 416.011719 Z M 508.125 374.328125 C 500.976562 374.269531 494.308594 371.730469 489.890625 367.53125 C 499.433594 358.769531 517.054688 358.890625 526.457031 367.820312 C 521.972656 371.949219 515.289062 374.394531 508.125 374.328125 Z M 536.414062 365.175781 C 537.582031 366.808594 537.558594 369 536.371094 370.617188 C 523.492188 388.132812 492.527344 387.890625 479.933594 370.183594 C 478.769531 368.550781 478.789062 366.351562 479.976562 364.742188 C 492.867188 347.246094 523.804688 347.445312 536.414062 365.175781 Z M 488.261719 299.820312 C 494.476562 296.296875 501.515625 295.164062 507.449219 296.585938 C 503.578125 308.925781 488.21875 317.644531 475.632812 314.625 C 477.457031 308.804688 482.050781 303.34375 488.261719 299.820312 Z M 468.335938 321.894531 C 466.515625 321.058594 465.433594 319.152344 465.65625 317.160156 C 466.777344 307.007812 473.519531 297.511719 483.683594 291.746094 C 493.847656 285.984375 505.460938 285.070312 514.753906 289.3125 C 516.570312 290.152344 517.652344 292.058594 517.429688 294.050781 C 514.988281 315.976562 487.78125 330.777344 468.335938 321.894531 Z M 440.375 256.796875 C 443.988281 250.640625 449.519531 246.132812 455.363281 244.402344 C 456.699219 250.347656 455.449219 257.378906 451.828125 263.53125 C 448.214844 269.691406 442.683594 274.195312 436.835938 275.925781 C 435.507812 269.976562 436.753906 262.957031 440.375 256.796875 Z M 433.707031 285.894531 C 431.878906 285.894531 430.199219 284.816406 429.460938 283.117188 C 425.359375 273.765625 426.441406 262.167969 432.363281 252.089844 C 438.199219 242.171875 448.039062 235.410156 458.054688 234.457031 C 460.050781 234.257812 461.941406 235.378906 462.746094 237.214844 C 466.84375 246.566406 465.761719 258.164062 459.839844 268.238281 C 453.921875 278.3125 444.320312 284.90625 434.152344 285.871094 C 434.003906 285.890625 433.855469 285.894531 433.707031 285.894531 Z M 259.703125 361.03125 C 266.914062 361.03125 273.683594 363.566406 278.171875 367.820312 C 268.613281 376.601562 251.007812 376.460938 241.605469 367.53125 C 246.035156 363.453125 252.652344 361.03125 259.703125 361.03125 Z M 260.082031 383.613281 C 248.292969 383.613281 237.625 378.589844 231.648438 370.183594 C 230.484375 368.550781 230.503906 366.351562 231.691406 364.742188 C 237.648438 356.636719 248.484375 351.644531 260.011719 351.742188 C 271.519531 351.832031 282.296875 356.976562 288.128906 365.175781 C 289.289062 366.808594 289.273438 369 288.085938 370.617188 C 282.089844 378.765625 271.640625 383.613281 260.082031 383.613281 Z M 260.082031 383.613281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Beauty and Wellness </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women who have made significant contributions to the beauty and wellness industry, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and customer impact. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-9e340e3" data-id="9e340e3" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-8ea8304 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="8ea8304" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="73b8b98587"><path d="M 438 311 L 537.898438 311 L 537.898438 397 L 438 397 Z M 438 311 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="f43159507f"><path d="M 230.398438 361 L 415 361 L 415 518.640625 L 230.398438 518.640625 Z M 230.398438 361 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="3c1e69715e"><path d="M 230.398438 362 L 414 362 L 414 518.640625 L 230.398438 518.640625 Z M 230.398438 362 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path stroke-linecap="butt" transform="matrix(0.64918, 0, 0, 0.64918, 217.775193, 220.50209)" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="miter" d="M 181.259706 52.749654 C 199.70847 44.560232 220.100792 50.174288 237.550698 58.77288 C 257.01637 68.941964 276.909264 83.744299 284.8941 106.976743 C 288.480357 116.459865 286.127628 127.519496 279.972023 134.950749 C 275.12817 139.553914 268.238465 138.272248 262.431858 137.616373 C 249.25417 134.475389 241.185093 121.442114 230.94982 112.909712 C 222.074436 104.220862 212.627418 94.815964 200.611051 92.415097 C 189.894401 90.44747 180.585779 98.330014 173.714126 106.507401 C 163.37656 120.689963 156.847888 137.7307 151.757329 154.933901 C 148.447864 169.934803 141.40773 184.255761 142.256156 200.093056 C 141.251282 185.483272 137.502561 171.264607 137.141528 156.588633 C 136.473618 137.66451 138.627779 118.632078 142.906015 100.333744 C 150.746438 80.72366 162.85908 61.312143 181.259706 52.749654 Z M 181.259706 52.749654 " stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.1" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 335.445312 254.746094 C 347.421875 249.429688 360.660156 253.074219 371.988281 258.65625 C 384.625 265.257812 397.539062 274.867188 402.722656 289.949219 C 405.050781 296.105469 403.523438 303.285156 399.527344 308.109375 C 396.382812 311.097656 391.910156 310.265625 388.140625 309.839844 C 379.585938 307.800781 374.347656 299.339844 367.703125 293.800781 C 361.941406 288.160156 355.808594 282.054688 348.007812 280.496094 C 341.050781 279.21875 335.007812 284.335938 330.546875 289.644531 C 323.835938 298.851562 319.597656 309.914062 316.292969 321.082031 C 314.144531 330.820312 309.574219 340.117188 310.125 350.398438 C 309.472656 340.914062 307.039062 331.683594 306.804688 322.15625 C 306.371094 309.871094 307.769531 297.515625 310.546875 285.636719 C 315.636719 272.90625 323.5 260.304688 335.445312 254.746094 Z M 335.445312 254.746094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path stroke-linecap="butt" transform="matrix(0.64918, 0, 0, 0.64918, 217.775193, 220.50209)" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="miter" d="M 349.452738 65.295535 C 362.804925 63.568596 376.843074 69.393255 385.808716 80.573229 C 391.886098 88.89503 395.971783 99.377008 395.905593 110.207985 C 394.72622 123.373638 388.769183 136.388862 378.822736 143.952494 C 367.101213 153.18891 351.077385 155.114417 337.887662 148.712106 C 318.289612 140.432427 306.874966 112.386214 316.947774 91.199621 C 322.615985 76.788405 335.679346 67.407576 349.452738 65.289518 Z M 349.452738 65.295535 " stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.1" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 444.632812 262.890625 C 453.300781 261.769531 462.414062 265.550781 468.234375 272.808594 C 472.179688 278.210938 474.832031 285.015625 474.789062 292.046875 C 474.023438 300.59375 470.15625 309.042969 463.699219 313.953125 C 456.089844 319.949219 445.6875 321.199219 437.125 317.042969 C 424.402344 311.667969 416.992188 293.460938 423.53125 279.707031 C 427.210938 270.351562 435.691406 264.261719 444.632812 262.886719 Z M 444.632812 262.890625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#73b8b98587)"><path stroke-linecap="butt" transform="matrix(0.64918, 0, 0, 0.64918, 217.775193, 220.50209)" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="miter" d="M 488.468323 141.828419 C 489.262594 141.780281 490.056866 141.756213 490.863172 141.774264 C 490.526208 149.584602 492.361457 157.388922 491.200136 165.169174 C 489.346835 178.54543 484.502982 191.103345 479.255975 203.215988 C 467.727002 231.797731 445.932671 255.403243 419.511105 266.517028 C 407.380411 271.270624 392.987247 270.909591 382.059995 262.786359 C 364.381434 249.951652 350.475664 230.37767 344.392265 207.783049 C 340.547269 195.586166 340.41489 180.928245 347.027803 169.868614 C 350.337268 165.024761 354.808054 159.61529 360.78916 159.976322 C 366.968834 160.614146 372.486615 164.735935 376.223302 170.11532 C 385.008427 182.931975 386.843676 199.611679 394.082379 213.30083 C 400.141709 222.128076 409.937725 232.616072 420.768702 227.447289 C 433.820029 221.315753 444.807453 210.875895 455.42181 200.646639 C 468.840186 187.811932 478.178895 170.686955 485.634217 153.050514 C 487.126485 149.512395 488.173479 145.739605 488.468323 141.828419 Z M 488.468323 141.828419 " stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.1" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 534.878906 312.574219 C 535.394531 312.542969 535.910156 312.527344 536.433594 312.539062 C 536.214844 317.609375 537.40625 322.675781 536.652344 327.726562 C 535.449219 336.410156 532.304688 344.5625 528.898438 352.425781 C 521.414062 370.980469 507.265625 386.304688 490.113281 393.519531 C 482.238281 396.605469 472.894531 396.371094 465.800781 391.097656 C 454.324219 382.765625 445.296875 370.058594 441.347656 355.390625 C 438.851562 347.472656 438.765625 337.957031 443.058594 330.777344 C 445.207031 327.632812 448.109375 324.121094 451.992188 324.355469 C 456.003906 324.769531 459.585938 327.445312 462.011719 330.9375 C 467.714844 339.257812 468.90625 350.085938 473.605469 358.972656 C 477.539062 364.703125 483.898438 371.511719 490.929688 368.15625 C 499.402344 364.175781 506.535156 357.398438 513.425781 350.757812 C 522.136719 342.425781 528.199219 331.308594 533.039062 319.859375 C 534.007812 317.5625 534.6875 315.113281 534.878906 312.574219 Z M 534.878906 312.574219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#f43159507f)"><path stroke-linecap="butt" transform="matrix(0.64918, 0, 0, 0.64918, 217.775193, 220.50209)" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="miter" d="M 162.401772 223.812895 C 170.163972 216.501985 181.626756 217.212016 190.658587 220.864462 C 199.726521 225.154732 209.281849 228.470215 217.567547 234.565648 C 230.420305 243.72384 242.713464 253.995216 253.706905 265.800981 C 266.126425 276.962904 277.661415 289.418527 287.541673 303.390487 C 294.83453 312.927763 302.452317 324.077652 301.880682 337.285426 C 296.489263 356.540496 281.656842 370.614748 266.2227 380.03168 C 245.752155 391.602774 222.922863 396.193904 201.04429 403.294211 C 191.585237 406.693934 181.656842 407.927462 171.812688 409.106835 C 160.674833 409.774745 149.476807 412.332059 138.338953 410.135778 C 145.475363 404.371292 154.110058 401.80796 161.950482 397.535742 C 184.466879 386.728834 205.65949 372.871201 227.598234 360.728473 C 236.894823 355.728172 245.992843 349.355948 251.306039 339.168813 C 251.02323 336.930411 250.746438 334.698026 250.475664 332.471659 C 244.229801 325.443558 236.521756 320.419189 228.573022 316.159004 C 219.300503 324.679373 208.613939 331.165924 200.069502 340.679132 C 176.626455 360.078615 150.716352 375.284102 125.750951 392.066099 C 92.144838 413.066159 60.355921 437.550183 26.105967 457.310698 C 24.11427 458.10497 22.068419 458.724742 19.97443 459.170016 C 33.12805 443.236446 48.441847 429.679674 61.390881 413.529484 C 80.074316 391.771255 98.757751 369.994975 118.253508 349.121277 C 138.844398 327.080239 158.851619 304.389343 177.932189 280.729677 C 169.887181 272.456014 159.49546 264.83221 157.046456 252.147933 C 154.723814 242.550484 156.08972 231.220079 162.395755 223.806877 Z M 162.401772 223.812895 " stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.1" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#3c1e69715e)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 323.203125 365.796875 C 328.242188 361.050781 335.683594 361.511719 341.546875 363.882812 C 347.433594 366.667969 353.636719 368.820312 359.015625 372.777344 C 367.359375 378.722656 375.339844 385.390625 382.476562 393.054688 C 390.539062 400.300781 398.027344 408.386719 404.441406 417.457031 C 409.175781 423.648438 414.121094 430.886719 413.75 439.460938 C 410.25 451.960938 400.621094 461.097656 390.601562 467.210938 C 377.3125 474.722656 362.492188 477.703125 348.289062 482.3125 C 342.148438 484.519531 335.703125 485.320312 329.3125 486.085938 C 322.082031 486.519531 314.8125 488.179688 307.582031 486.753906 C 312.214844 483.011719 317.820312 481.347656 322.910156 478.574219 C 337.527344 471.558594 351.285156 462.5625 365.527344 454.679688 C 371.5625 451.433594 377.46875 447.296875 380.917969 440.683594 C 380.734375 439.230469 380.554688 437.78125 380.378906 436.335938 C 376.324219 431.773438 371.320312 428.511719 366.160156 425.746094 C 360.140625 431.277344 353.203125 435.488281 347.65625 441.664062 C 332.4375 454.257812 315.617188 464.128906 299.410156 475.023438 C 277.59375 488.65625 256.957031 504.550781 234.722656 517.378906 C 233.429688 517.894531 232.101562 518.296875 230.742188 518.585938 C 239.28125 508.242188 249.222656 499.441406 257.628906 488.957031 C 269.757812 474.832031 281.886719 460.695312 294.542969 447.144531 C 307.910156 432.835938 320.898438 418.105469 333.285156 402.746094 C 328.0625 397.375 321.316406 392.425781 319.726562 384.191406 C 318.21875 377.960938 319.105469 370.605469 323.199219 365.792969 Z M 323.203125 365.796875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Sports and Fitness </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizing women who have achieved excellence in sports, fitness, or health promotion, contributing to the well-being of individuals and communities. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-ad059cb elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="ad059cb" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-ebc6f8c" data-id="ebc6f8c" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-e8583d9 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="e8583d9" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="d0b2592773"><path d="M 238.078125 230.398438 L 390 230.398438 L 390 321 L 238.078125 321 Z M 238.078125 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="9eba794653"><path d="M 238.078125 272 L 275 272 L 275 380 L 238.078125 380 Z M 238.078125 272 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="ef34ffcdc4"><path d="M 426 386 L 529.828125 386 L 529.828125 454 L 426 454 Z M 426 386 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="7f7d5dc0df"><path d="M 378 405 L 529.828125 405 L 529.828125 537.898438 L 378 537.898438 Z M 378 405 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#d0b2592773)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 248.363281 275.460938 L 314.050781 313.390625 L 379.726562 275.460938 L 314.050781 237.539062 Z M 314.050781 320.53125 C 313.476562 320.53125 312.898438 320.386719 312.382812 320.085938 L 240.074219 278.339844 C 239.050781 277.738281 238.417969 276.648438 238.417969 275.460938 C 238.417969 274.285156 239.050781 273.191406 240.074219 272.589844 L 312.382812 230.84375 C 313.414062 230.257812 314.675781 230.257812 315.707031 230.84375 L 388.019531 272.589844 C 389.039062 273.191406 389.675781 274.285156 389.675781 275.460938 C 389.675781 276.648438 389.039062 277.738281 388.019531 278.339844 L 315.707031 320.085938 C 315.191406 320.386719 314.617188 320.53125 314.050781 320.53125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#9eba794653)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 270.769531 379.042969 C 270.203125 379.042969 269.628906 378.898438 269.113281 378.597656 L 238.417969 360.875 L 238.417969 275.460938 C 238.417969 273.636719 239.90625 272.148438 241.730469 272.148438 C 243.566406 272.148438 245.050781 273.636719 245.050781 275.460938 L 245.050781 357.046875 L 272.425781 372.863281 C 274.007812 373.773438 274.546875 375.800781 273.636719 377.386719 C 273.023438 378.453125 271.90625 379.042969 270.769531 379.042969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 386.363281 355.019531 C 384.527344 355.019531 383.039062 353.53125 383.039062 351.707031 L 383.039062 275.460938 C 383.039062 273.636719 384.527344 272.148438 386.363281 272.148438 C 388.1875 272.148438 389.675781 273.636719 389.675781 275.460938 L 389.675781 351.707031 C 389.675781 353.53125 388.1875 355.019531 386.363281 355.019531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 314.050781 346.835938 C 312.214844 346.835938 310.726562 345.347656 310.726562 343.511719 L 310.726562 317.21875 C 310.726562 315.382812 312.214844 313.894531 314.050781 313.894531 C 315.875 313.894531 317.363281 315.382812 317.363281 317.21875 L 317.363281 343.511719 C 317.363281 345.347656 315.875 346.835938 314.050781 346.835938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#ef34ffcdc4)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 453.632812 453.585938 C 453.070312 453.585938 452.492188 453.429688 451.976562 453.140625 L 428.492188 439.582031 C 426.910156 438.65625 426.359375 436.628906 427.28125 435.042969 C 428.195312 433.460938 430.222656 432.921875 431.804688 433.832031 L 453.632812 446.445312 L 519.320312 408.511719 L 492.464844 393.007812 C 490.878906 392.097656 490.339844 390.070312 491.253906 388.484375 C 492.175781 386.902344 494.203125 386.363281 495.789062 387.273438 L 527.613281 405.644531 C 528.632812 406.234375 529.269531 407.335938 529.269531 408.511719 C 529.269531 409.703125 528.632812 410.792969 527.613281 411.382812 L 455.300781 453.140625 C 454.785156 453.429688 454.210938 453.585938 453.632812 453.585938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#7f7d5dc0df)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 453.632812 537.59375 L 378.011719 493.929688 L 378.011719 431.527344 C 378.011719 429.691406 379.5 428.203125 381.324219 428.203125 C 383.160156 428.203125 384.632812 429.691406 384.632812 431.527344 L 384.632812 490.101562 L 453.632812 529.9375 L 522.632812 490.101562 L 522.632812 408.511719 C 522.632812 406.6875 524.121094 405.203125 525.957031 405.203125 C 527.78125 405.203125 529.269531 406.6875 529.269531 408.511719 L 529.269531 493.929688 L 453.632812 537.59375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 453.632812 509.046875 C 451.808594 509.046875 450.320312 507.558594 450.320312 505.734375 L 450.320312 450.273438 C 450.320312 448.4375 451.808594 446.949219 453.632812 446.949219 C 455.46875 446.949219 456.957031 448.4375 456.957031 450.273438 L 456.957031 505.734375 C 456.957031 507.558594 455.46875 509.046875 453.632812 509.046875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 360.011719 426.753906 L 315.082031 426.753906 C 294.875 426.753906 278.4375 410.3125 278.4375 390.105469 C 278.4375 369.898438 294.875 353.457031 315.082031 353.457031 L 360.011719 353.457031 C 380.21875 353.457031 396.660156 369.898438 396.660156 390.105469 C 396.660156 391.941406 395.183594 393.429688 393.347656 393.429688 C 391.523438 393.429688 390.035156 391.941406 390.035156 390.105469 C 390.035156 373.558594 376.570312 360.09375 360.011719 360.09375 L 315.082031 360.09375 C 298.535156 360.09375 285.070312 373.558594 285.070312 390.105469 C 285.070312 406.664062 298.535156 420.128906 315.082031 420.128906 L 360.011719 420.128906 C 361.847656 420.128906 363.335938 421.605469 363.335938 423.441406 C 363.335938 425.277344 361.847656 426.753906 360.011719 426.753906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 447.5625 426.753906 L 402.632812 426.753906 C 382.425781 426.753906 365.988281 410.3125 365.988281 390.105469 C 365.988281 388.28125 367.476562 386.792969 369.296875 386.792969 C 371.132812 386.792969 372.609375 388.28125 372.609375 390.105469 C 372.609375 406.664062 386.085938 420.128906 402.632812 420.128906 L 447.5625 420.128906 C 464.109375 420.128906 477.585938 406.664062 477.585938 390.105469 C 477.585938 373.558594 464.109375 360.09375 447.5625 360.09375 L 402.632812 360.09375 C 400.796875 360.09375 399.320312 358.605469 399.320312 356.78125 C 399.320312 354.945312 400.796875 353.457031 402.632812 353.457031 L 447.5625 353.457031 C 467.769531 353.457031 484.207031 369.898438 484.207031 390.105469 C 484.207031 410.3125 467.769531 426.753906 447.5625 426.753906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 447.5625 405.261719 C 445.726562 405.261719 444.25 403.785156 444.25 401.949219 C 444.25 400.113281 445.726562 398.636719 447.5625 398.636719 C 452.265625 398.636719 456.082031 394.808594 456.082031 390.105469 C 456.082031 385.402344 452.265625 381.585938 447.5625 381.585938 L 417.707031 381.585938 C 415.871094 381.585938 414.394531 380.097656 414.394531 378.273438 C 414.394531 376.4375 415.871094 374.949219 417.707031 374.949219 L 447.5625 374.949219 C 455.914062 374.949219 462.71875 381.753906 462.71875 390.105469 C 462.71875 398.46875 455.914062 405.261719 447.5625 405.261719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 342.5625 405.261719 L 312.707031 405.261719 C 304.34375 405.261719 297.550781 398.46875 297.550781 390.105469 C 297.550781 381.753906 304.34375 374.949219 312.707031 374.949219 C 314.53125 374.949219 316.019531 376.4375 316.019531 378.273438 C 316.019531 380.097656 314.53125 381.585938 312.707031 381.585938 C 308.003906 381.585938 304.175781 385.402344 304.175781 390.105469 C 304.175781 394.808594 308.003906 398.636719 312.707031 398.636719 L 342.5625 398.636719 C 344.386719 398.636719 345.875 400.113281 345.875 401.949219 C 345.875 403.785156 344.386719 405.261719 342.5625 405.261719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Blockchain and Web 3.0 </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women who are leading in the fields of blockchain technology and Web 3.0, driving innovation and adoption in these emerging areas. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-d8687f3" data-id="d8687f3" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-66f08d8 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="66f08d8" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="e76668347c"><path d="M 230.398438 230.785156 L 531 230.785156 L 531 537.535156 L 230.398438 537.535156 Z M 230.398438 230.785156 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#e76668347c)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 342.28125 472.5 C 339.386719 471.636719 337.738281 468.589844 338.601562 465.691406 C 339.464844 462.796875 342.511719 461.148438 345.410156 462.011719 L 386.6875 474.453125 C 395.023438 476.96875 402.359375 468.128906 398.207031 460.390625 C 397.011719 458.164062 394.980469 456.394531 392.402344 455.617188 L 342.273438 440.503906 C 329.6875 436.707031 319.617188 441.757812 309.042969 447.0625 C 295.691406 453.757812 292.425781 454.660156 278.402344 458.074219 C 275.953125 458.667969 273.945312 459.152344 272.152344 459.574219 C 271.832031 459.652344 271.613281 459.929688 271.613281 460.257812 L 271.613281 519.785156 C 271.613281 519.980469 271.679688 520.148438 271.820312 520.285156 C 271.957031 520.421875 272.125 520.488281 272.320312 520.488281 C 294.082031 520.289062 316.679688 520.460938 338.035156 523.539062 C 354.027344 525.84375 371.0625 531.867188 386.476562 530.613281 C 406.332031 528.996094 428.496094 516.621094 444.292969 505.214844 L 525.769531 446.367188 C 537.519531 437.878906 525.699219 419.6875 520.492188 422.5 C 488.460938 439.824219 454.199219 461.460938 426.136719 470.839844 C 412.484375 475.402344 392.28125 487.867188 383.242188 484.851562 Z M 438.53125 297.589844 C 447.1875 306.246094 452.988281 317.753906 454.398438 330.585938 C 454.4375 330.945312 454.734375 331.210938 455.09375 331.210938 L 523.683594 331.210938 C 524.742188 331.210938 525.613281 330.339844 525.613281 329.285156 L 525.613281 316.261719 C 525.613281 312.960938 524.164062 310.246094 521.421875 308.445312 L 406.835938 233.074219 C 404.542969 231.566406 401.988281 230.8125 399.429688 230.8125 L 399.429688 230.789062 C 396.894531 230.789062 394.339844 231.550781 392.023438 233.074219 L 277.4375 308.445312 C 274.699219 310.25 273.246094 312.960938 273.246094 316.261719 L 273.246094 329.285156 C 273.246094 330.339844 274.117188 331.210938 275.175781 331.210938 L 343.765625 331.210938 C 344.125 331.210938 344.421875 330.945312 344.460938 330.585938 C 347.515625 302.796875 371.078125 281.394531 399.429688 281.394531 C 414.699219 281.390625 428.523438 287.582031 438.53125 297.589844 Z M 430.78125 368.046875 C 413.46875 385.359375 385.390625 385.359375 368.078125 368.046875 C 350.761719 350.730469 350.761719 322.65625 368.078125 305.339844 C 385.390625 288.027344 413.46875 288.027344 430.78125 305.339844 C 448.097656 322.65625 448.097656 350.730469 430.78125 368.046875 Z M 392.878906 329.890625 Z M 420.917969 347.613281 C 420.320312 356.167969 413.292969 360.953125 405.464844 362.640625 C 405.136719 362.710938 404.910156 362.992188 404.910156 363.328125 L 404.910156 364.269531 C 404.910156 367.296875 402.457031 369.753906 399.429688 369.753906 C 396.402344 369.753906 393.949219 367.296875 393.949219 364.269531 L 393.949219 363.488281 C 393.949219 363.136719 393.695312 362.84375 393.347656 362.792969 C 389.125 362.183594 384.960938 360.953125 381.089844 359.152344 C 378.34375 357.875 377.15625 354.617188 378.433594 351.875 C 379.710938 349.128906 382.96875 347.941406 385.710938 349.21875 C 391.195312 351.769531 400.160156 353.761719 406.152344 351.039062 C 407.8125 350.28125 409.964844 348.859375 409.960938 347.222656 C 409.957031 345.761719 407.804688 344.152344 406.238281 343.496094 C 399.992188 340.886719 396.796875 343.496094 388.554688 339.949219 L 388.558594 339.941406 C 374.5 333.632812 374.9375 318.113281 388.578125 312.324219 L 388.582031 312.339844 C 390.183594 311.632812 391.765625 311.117188 393.398438 310.761719 C 393.722656 310.691406 393.949219 310.410156 393.949219 310.078125 L 393.949219 309.113281 C 393.949219 306.085938 396.402344 303.632812 399.429688 303.632812 C 402.457031 303.632812 404.910156 306.085938 404.910156 309.113281 L 404.910156 309.90625 C 404.910156 310.261719 405.164062 310.554688 405.515625 310.601562 C 409.894531 311.21875 413.988281 312.429688 417.777344 314.277344 C 420.496094 315.601562 421.628906 318.878906 420.304688 321.597656 C 418.980469 324.316406 415.699219 325.449219 412.980469 324.125 C 407.582031 321.496094 399 319.75 392.855469 322.378906 L 392.859375 322.390625 C 384.4375 325.964844 391.945312 331.234375 399.539062 331.234375 C 409.179688 331.234375 420.277344 336.265625 420.917969 346.925781 C 420.929688 347.15625 420.929688 347.378906 420.917969 347.605469 C 420.917969 347.605469 420.917969 347.609375 420.917969 347.613281 Z M 468.6875 342.875 C 468.6875 342.488281 469 342.171875 469.386719 342.171875 L 494.054688 342.171875 C 494.4375 342.171875 494.753906 342.488281 494.753906 342.875 L 494.753906 424.019531 C 494.753906 424.28125 494.625 424.503906 494.398438 424.632812 C 486.273438 429.199219 477.917969 433.859375 469.71875 438.285156 C 469.496094 438.40625 469.246094 438.398438 469.027344 438.269531 C 468.808594 438.140625 468.6875 437.921875 468.6875 437.667969 Z M 386.394531 391.332031 C 386.394531 391.109375 386.488281 390.921875 386.660156 390.785156 C 386.832031 390.644531 387.035156 390.597656 387.25 390.644531 C 395.238281 392.441406 403.621094 392.441406 411.609375 390.644531 C 411.824219 390.597656 412.027344 390.644531 412.199219 390.785156 C 412.375 390.921875 412.464844 391.109375 412.464844 391.332031 L 412.464844 462.535156 C 412.464844 462.839844 412.28125 463.09375 412 463.195312 L 411.085938 463.523438 C 410.878906 463.59375 410.671875 463.574219 410.484375 463.457031 C 410.296875 463.34375 410.183594 463.167969 410.15625 462.949219 C 409.152344 454.902344 403.554688 447.546875 395.53125 445.125 L 386.894531 442.523438 C 386.59375 442.429688 386.394531 442.164062 386.394531 441.851562 Z M 304.105469 342.875 C 304.105469 342.488281 304.421875 342.171875 304.808594 342.171875 L 329.472656 342.171875 C 329.859375 342.171875 330.175781 342.488281 330.175781 342.875 L 330.175781 427.613281 C 330.175781 427.976562 329.902344 428.277344 329.539062 428.3125 C 320.558594 429.15625 313.085938 432.878906 305.117188 436.824219 C 304.894531 436.9375 304.648438 436.925781 304.4375 436.792969 C 304.226562 436.660156 304.105469 436.445312 304.105469 436.195312 Z M 260.648438 534.453125 L 260.648438 452.160156 C 260.648438 450.660156 259.402344 449.414062 257.902344 449.414062 L 233.214844 449.414062 C 231.714844 449.414062 230.464844 450.660156 230.464844 452.160156 L 230.464844 534.453125 C 230.464844 535.953125 231.714844 537.199219 233.214844 537.199219 L 257.902344 537.199219 C 259.402344 537.199219 260.648438 535.953125 260.648438 534.453125 Z M 260.648438 534.453125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Banking <br/>and Finance </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women leaders in the banking and finance sectors who have driven growth, innovation, and financial inclusion within the industry. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-5efa92d" data-id="5efa92d" 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id="c65bf29930"><path d="M 463 230.398438 L 490 230.398438 L 490 256 L 463 256 Z M 463 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="f5f28e3344"><path d="M 463 511 L 490 511 L 490 537.898438 L 463 537.898438 Z M 463 511 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="d022a95acf"><path d="M 278 230.398438 L 305 230.398438 L 305 256 L 278 256 Z M 278 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 374.621094 366.445312 C 376.726562 364.890625 379.085938 363.996094 381.695312 363.757812 L 381.695312 379.996094 C 379.09375 379.425781 376.671875 378.425781 374.429688 376.988281 C 373.617188 376.417969 372.996094 375.683594 372.558594 374.792969 C 372.121094 373.902344 371.921875 372.957031 371.964844 371.964844 C 371.929688 370.882812 372.148438 369.855469 372.617188 368.882812 C 373.085938 367.90625 373.753906 367.09375 374.621094 366.445312 Z M 374.621094 366.445312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 396.636719 395.5 C 396.636719 400.621094 393.148438 403.4375 386.207031 403.917969 L 386.207031 388.046875 C 388.949219 388.6875 391.550781 389.6875 394.011719 391.054688 C 394.414062 391.269531 394.78125 391.535156 395.109375 391.847656 C 395.4375 392.164062 395.714844 392.519531 395.949219 392.910156 C 396.179688 393.300781 396.355469 393.71875 396.472656 394.160156 C 396.585938 394.597656 396.644531 395.046875 396.636719 395.5 Z M 396.636719 395.5 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.996094 338.09375 C 382.5 338.09375 381.003906 338.167969 379.511719 338.316406 C 378.019531 338.460938 376.539062 338.679688 375.070312 338.972656 C 373.601562 339.265625 372.148438 339.628906 370.714844 340.066406 C 369.277344 340.5 367.871094 341.003906 366.484375 341.578125 C 365.101562 342.152344 363.746094 342.792969 362.425781 343.5 C 361.105469 344.207031 359.820312 344.976562 358.574219 345.808594 C 357.328125 346.640625 356.125 347.53125 354.964844 348.484375 C 353.808594 349.433594 352.699219 350.4375 351.640625 351.5 C 350.578125 352.558594 349.574219 353.667969 348.625 354.828125 C 347.671875 355.984375 346.78125 357.1875 345.949219 358.433594 C 345.117188 359.679688 344.347656 360.964844 343.640625 362.285156 C 342.933594 363.609375 342.292969 364.960938 341.71875 366.347656 C 341.148438 367.730469 340.640625 369.140625 340.207031 370.574219 C 339.773438 372.007812 339.410156 373.460938 339.117188 374.929688 C 338.824219 376.402344 338.605469 377.882812 338.457031 379.375 C 338.3125 380.867188 338.238281 382.359375 338.238281 383.859375 C 338.238281 385.359375 338.3125 386.851562 338.460938 388.34375 C 338.605469 389.835938 338.828125 391.316406 339.117188 392.785156 C 339.410156 394.257812 339.773438 395.710938 340.210938 397.144531 C 340.644531 398.578125 341.152344 399.988281 341.722656 401.371094 C 342.296875 402.757812 342.9375 404.109375 343.644531 405.429688 C 344.351562 406.753906 345.121094 408.035156 345.953125 409.28125 C 346.789062 410.527344 347.679688 411.730469 348.628906 412.890625 C 349.582031 414.046875 350.585938 415.15625 351.648438 416.214844 C 352.707031 417.277344 353.816406 418.28125 354.976562 419.230469 C 356.132812 420.183594 357.335938 421.074219 358.582031 421.90625 C 359.828125 422.738281 361.113281 423.507812 362.433594 424.214844 C 363.757812 424.921875 365.109375 425.558594 366.496094 426.132812 C 367.878906 426.707031 369.289062 427.210938 370.722656 427.644531 C 372.15625 428.082031 373.609375 428.445312 375.082031 428.734375 C 376.550781 429.027344 378.03125 429.246094 379.523438 429.394531 C 381.015625 429.539062 382.507812 429.613281 384.007812 429.613281 C 385.507812 429.613281 387.003906 429.539062 388.492188 429.390625 C 389.984375 429.246094 391.464844 429.023438 392.9375 428.730469 C 394.40625 428.4375 395.859375 428.074219 397.292969 427.640625 C 398.726562 427.203125 400.136719 426.699219 401.519531 426.125 C 402.90625 425.550781 404.257812 424.910156 405.578125 424.203125 C 406.902344 423.496094 408.183594 422.726562 409.429688 421.894531 C 410.675781 421.0625 411.878906 420.167969 413.039062 419.21875 C 414.195312 418.265625 415.304688 417.261719 416.363281 416.199219 C 417.421875 415.140625 418.429688 414.03125 419.378906 412.871094 C 420.328125 411.714844 421.21875 410.511719 422.054688 409.265625 C 422.886719 408.019531 423.65625 406.734375 424.359375 405.410156 C 425.066406 404.089844 425.707031 402.738281 426.28125 401.351562 C 426.851562 399.964844 427.355469 398.558594 427.789062 397.121094 C 428.226562 395.6875 428.589844 394.234375 428.878906 392.765625 C 429.171875 391.296875 429.390625 389.816406 429.539062 388.324219 C 429.683594 386.832031 429.757812 385.335938 429.757812 383.835938 C 429.753906 382.339844 429.679688 380.847656 429.53125 379.355469 C 429.382812 377.863281 429.160156 376.386719 428.867188 374.917969 C 428.574219 373.445312 428.207031 371.996094 427.773438 370.5625 C 427.335938 369.128906 426.832031 367.722656 426.257812 366.339844 C 425.683594 364.953125 425.042969 363.601562 424.335938 362.28125 C 423.628906 360.960938 422.859375 359.679688 422.027344 358.433594 C 421.191406 357.1875 420.300781 355.988281 419.351562 354.828125 C 418.398438 353.671875 417.394531 352.5625 416.335938 351.503906 C 415.277344 350.445312 414.167969 349.441406 413.007812 348.492188 C 411.851562 347.539062 410.648438 346.648438 409.40625 345.816406 C 408.160156 344.984375 406.875 344.214844 405.554688 343.507812 C 404.234375 342.800781 402.882812 342.160156 401.5 341.589844 C 400.113281 341.015625 398.707031 340.507812 397.273438 340.074219 C 395.839844 339.636719 394.390625 339.273438 392.917969 338.980469 C 391.449219 338.6875 389.972656 338.46875 388.480469 338.320312 C 386.988281 338.171875 385.496094 338.097656 383.996094 338.09375 Z M 401.179688 403.054688 C 399.640625 405.277344 397.644531 406.960938 395.199219 408.109375 C 392.34375 409.433594 389.347656 410.15625 386.207031 410.285156 L 386.207031 415.535156 C 386.230469 416.144531 386.027344 416.667969 385.597656 417.101562 C 385.128906 417.542969 384.574219 417.757812 383.933594 417.742188 C 383.3125 417.769531 382.78125 417.566406 382.332031 417.132812 C 381.878906 416.695312 381.667969 416.164062 381.695312 415.535156 L 381.695312 410.285156 C 376.523438 409.976562 371.550781 408.816406 366.78125 406.796875 C 366.539062 406.699219 366.3125 406.578125 366.097656 406.425781 C 365.886719 406.273438 365.691406 406.097656 365.523438 405.902344 C 365.351562 405.703125 365.207031 405.488281 365.089844 405.253906 C 364.96875 405.019531 364.878906 404.777344 364.820312 404.523438 C 364.761719 404.269531 364.734375 404.011719 364.734375 403.75 C 364.738281 403.488281 364.773438 403.230469 364.835938 402.976562 C 364.902344 402.722656 364.996094 402.480469 365.117188 402.25 C 365.242188 402.019531 365.390625 401.808594 365.566406 401.613281 C 366.148438 400.964844 366.871094 400.65625 367.742188 400.6875 C 368.230469 400.683594 368.699219 400.777344 369.148438 400.972656 C 373.144531 402.742188 377.328125 403.726562 381.695312 403.917969 L 381.695312 386.925781 C 378.792969 386.210938 375.976562 385.25 373.246094 384.046875 C 370.988281 383.039062 369.078125 381.578125 367.519531 379.660156 C 366.734375 378.628906 366.148438 377.496094 365.757812 376.257812 C 365.367188 375.023438 365.195312 373.757812 365.246094 372.460938 C 365.214844 369.929688 365.84375 367.570312 367.132812 365.390625 C 368.507812 363.074219 370.371094 361.273438 372.734375 359.980469 C 375.53125 358.460938 378.515625 357.59375 381.695312 357.390625 L 381.695312 352.238281 C 381.6875 351.609375 381.898438 351.0625 382.332031 350.605469 C 382.542969 350.390625 382.789062 350.226562 383.066406 350.109375 C 383.34375 349.992188 383.632812 349.933594 383.933594 349.933594 C 384.234375 349.933594 384.523438 349.992188 384.800781 350.109375 C 385.078125 350.226562 385.324219 350.390625 385.535156 350.605469 C 385.992188 351.054688 386.21875 351.597656 386.207031 352.238281 L 386.207031 357.328125 C 390.625 357.445312 394.914062 358.253906 399.070312 359.757812 C 399.382812 359.851562 399.667969 359.992188 399.933594 360.183594 C 400.195312 360.375 400.421875 360.605469 400.609375 360.871094 C 400.792969 361.140625 400.929688 361.429688 401.019531 361.742188 C 401.105469 362.058594 401.136719 362.378906 401.117188 362.703125 C 401.125 363.519531 400.859375 364.234375 400.316406 364.847656 C 400.054688 365.164062 399.734375 365.40625 399.355469 365.574219 C 398.980469 365.742188 398.585938 365.820312 398.171875 365.804688 C 397.761719 365.78125 397.367188 365.683594 396.988281 365.519531 C 393.496094 364.300781 389.902344 363.636719 386.207031 363.535156 L 386.207031 381.101562 C 389.226562 381.769531 392.171875 382.6875 395.039062 383.855469 C 397.375 384.8125 399.335938 386.273438 400.925781 388.238281 C 401.75 389.347656 402.363281 390.566406 402.765625 391.890625 C 403.164062 393.214844 403.332031 394.566406 403.261719 395.949219 C 403.28125 398.527344 402.589844 400.894531 401.179688 403.054688 Z M 401.179688 403.054688 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 480.15625 321.453125 L 287.871094 321.453125 C 287.777344 322.46875 287.636719 323.476562 287.457031 324.480469 C 287.273438 325.484375 287.050781 326.476562 286.78125 327.460938 C 286.511719 328.441406 286.203125 329.414062 285.851562 330.371094 C 285.5 331.324219 285.105469 332.265625 284.671875 333.1875 C 284.238281 334.109375 283.765625 335.011719 283.253906 335.894531 C 282.742188 336.773438 282.195312 337.632812 281.609375 338.464844 C 281.023438 339.300781 280.402344 340.105469 279.746094 340.886719 C 279.09375 341.667969 278.402344 342.417969 277.683594 343.136719 C 276.960938 343.859375 276.210938 344.546875 275.433594 345.203125 C 274.652344 345.859375 273.84375 346.480469 273.011719 347.066406 C 272.175781 347.652344 271.320312 348.199219 270.4375 348.710938 C 269.554688 349.222656 268.65625 349.695312 267.730469 350.128906 C 266.808594 350.5625 265.871094 350.953125 264.914062 351.304688 C 263.957031 351.65625 262.988281 351.96875 262.003906 352.234375 C 261.019531 352.503906 260.027344 352.730469 259.027344 352.910156 C 258.023438 353.09375 257.015625 353.230469 256 353.328125 L 256 414.347656 C 257.015625 414.445312 258.023438 414.582031 259.027344 414.765625 C 260.027344 414.945312 261.019531 415.171875 262.003906 415.441406 C 262.988281 415.707031 263.957031 416.019531 264.914062 416.371094 C 265.871094 416.722656 266.808594 417.113281 267.730469 417.546875 C 268.65625 417.980469 269.554688 418.453125 270.4375 418.964844 C 271.320312 419.476562 272.175781 420.023438 273.011719 420.609375 C 273.84375 421.195312 274.652344 421.816406 275.433594 422.472656 C 276.210938 423.128906 276.960938 423.816406 277.683594 424.539062 C 278.402344 425.257812 279.09375 426.007812 279.746094 426.789062 C 280.402344 427.570312 281.023438 428.375 281.609375 429.210938 C 282.195312 430.042969 282.742188 430.902344 283.253906 431.78125 C 283.765625 432.664062 284.238281 433.566406 284.671875 434.488281 C 285.105469 435.410156 285.5 436.351562 285.851562 437.304688 C 286.203125 438.261719 286.511719 439.234375 286.78125 440.214844 C 287.050781 441.199219 287.273438 442.191406 287.457031 443.195312 C 287.636719 444.199219 287.777344 445.207031 287.871094 446.222656 L 480.15625 446.222656 C 480.25 445.207031 480.386719 444.199219 480.566406 443.195312 C 480.746094 442.191406 480.972656 441.199219 481.238281 440.214844 C 481.503906 439.234375 481.8125 438.261719 482.164062 437.304688 C 482.515625 436.351562 482.90625 435.410156 483.339844 434.488281 C 483.769531 433.566406 484.242188 432.664062 484.753906 431.78125 C 485.265625 430.898438 485.8125 430.042969 486.394531 429.207031 C 486.980469 428.375 487.601562 427.566406 488.257812 426.785156 C 488.910156 426.003906 489.597656 425.253906 490.320312 424.535156 C 491.039062 423.8125 491.789062 423.125 492.570312 422.46875 C 493.347656 421.8125 494.15625 421.191406 494.988281 420.605469 C 495.820312 420.019531 496.679688 419.472656 497.5625 418.960938 C 498.441406 418.449219 499.34375 417.976562 500.265625 417.542969 C 501.1875 417.109375 502.128906 416.71875 503.082031 416.367188 C 504.039062 416.015625 505.007812 415.703125 505.992188 415.4375 C 506.976562 415.167969 507.96875 414.945312 508.96875 414.761719 C 509.972656 414.582031 510.980469 414.445312 511.996094 414.347656 L 511.996094 353.328125 C 510.980469 353.230469 509.972656 353.09375 508.96875 352.914062 C 507.96875 352.730469 506.976562 352.507812 505.992188 352.238281 C 505.007812 351.972656 504.039062 351.660156 503.082031 351.308594 C 502.128906 350.957031 501.1875 350.566406 500.265625 350.132812 C 499.34375 349.699219 498.441406 349.226562 497.5625 348.714844 C 496.679688 348.203125 495.820312 347.65625 494.988281 347.070312 C 494.15625 346.484375 493.347656 345.863281 492.570312 345.207031 C 491.789062 344.550781 491.039062 343.863281 490.320312 343.140625 C 489.597656 342.421875 488.910156 341.671875 488.257812 340.890625 C 487.601562 340.109375 486.980469 339.300781 486.394531 338.46875 C 485.8125 337.632812 485.265625 336.777344 484.753906 335.894531 C 484.242188 335.011719 483.769531 334.109375 483.339844 333.1875 C 482.90625 332.265625 482.515625 331.324219 482.164062 330.371094 C 481.8125 329.414062 481.503906 328.441406 481.238281 327.460938 C 480.972656 326.476562 480.746094 325.484375 480.566406 324.480469 C 480.386719 323.476562 480.25 322.46875 480.15625 321.453125 Z M 383.996094 436.011719 C 382.289062 436.011719 380.585938 435.929688 378.886719 435.761719 C 377.1875 435.59375 375.496094 435.34375 373.824219 435.011719 C 372.148438 434.679688 370.492188 434.261719 368.859375 433.765625 C 367.222656 433.273438 365.617188 432.695312 364.039062 432.042969 C 362.460938 431.390625 360.917969 430.660156 359.410156 429.855469 C 357.90625 429.050781 356.441406 428.171875 355.019531 427.222656 C 353.601562 426.273438 352.230469 425.257812 350.910156 424.175781 C 349.589844 423.089844 348.324219 421.945312 347.117188 420.738281 C 345.910156 419.53125 344.765625 418.265625 343.679688 416.945312 C 342.597656 415.625 341.578125 414.253906 340.628906 412.835938 C 339.683594 411.414062 338.804688 409.953125 338 408.445312 C 337.195312 406.9375 336.464844 405.394531 335.808594 403.816406 C 335.15625 402.238281 334.582031 400.632812 334.085938 399 C 333.589844 397.363281 333.175781 395.710938 332.839844 394.035156 C 332.507812 392.359375 332.257812 390.671875 332.089844 388.972656 C 331.921875 387.269531 331.839844 385.566406 331.839844 383.859375 C 331.839844 382.152344 331.921875 380.445312 332.089844 378.746094 C 332.257812 377.046875 332.507812 375.359375 332.839844 373.683594 C 333.171875 372.007812 333.585938 370.355469 334.082031 368.71875 C 334.578125 367.085938 335.152344 365.476562 335.804688 363.898438 C 336.460938 362.320312 337.1875 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497.429688 C 320.160156 498.863281 319.886719 500.242188 319.339844 501.570312 C 318.789062 502.894531 318.007812 504.0625 316.992188 505.074219 L 301.246094 520.816406 C 300.625 521.441406 299.875 521.753906 298.996094 521.753906 Z M 298.996094 521.753906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 469 521.753906 C 468.117188 521.753906 467.363281 521.441406 466.738281 520.816406 L 450.996094 505.074219 C 449.976562 504.0625 449.195312 502.894531 448.644531 501.570312 C 448.09375 500.246094 447.824219 498.863281 447.828125 497.429688 L 447.828125 468.628906 C 447.828125 468.207031 447.910156 467.796875 448.070312 467.40625 C 448.234375 467.011719 448.464844 466.667969 448.765625 466.367188 C 449.0625 466.066406 449.410156 465.835938 449.800781 465.671875 C 450.195312 465.511719 450.601562 465.429688 451.027344 465.429688 C 451.453125 465.429688 451.859375 465.511719 452.25 465.671875 C 452.644531 465.835938 452.988281 466.066406 453.289062 466.367188 C 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352.472656 466.648438 352.773438 466.347656 C 353.070312 466.046875 353.417969 465.816406 353.808594 465.65625 C 354.203125 465.492188 354.609375 465.410156 355.035156 465.410156 C 355.460938 465.410156 355.867188 465.492188 356.257812 465.65625 C 356.652344 465.816406 356.996094 466.046875 357.296875 466.347656 C 357.597656 466.648438 357.828125 466.996094 357.992188 467.386719 C 358.152344 467.777344 358.234375 468.1875 358.234375 468.609375 L 358.234375 510.820312 C 358.234375 511.246094 358.152344 511.652344 357.992188 512.046875 C 357.828125 512.4375 357.597656 512.785156 357.296875 513.085938 C 356.996094 513.382812 356.652344 513.617188 356.257812 513.777344 C 355.867188 513.941406 355.460938 514.019531 355.035156 514.023438 Z M 355.035156 514.023438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 412.960938 514.023438 C 412.535156 514.019531 412.128906 513.941406 411.734375 513.777344 C 411.34375 513.617188 410.996094 513.382812 410.699219 513.085938 C 410.398438 512.785156 410.167969 512.4375 410.003906 512.046875 C 409.839844 511.652344 409.761719 511.246094 409.761719 510.820312 L 409.761719 468.609375 C 409.761719 468.1875 409.839844 467.777344 410.003906 467.386719 C 410.167969 466.996094 410.398438 466.648438 410.699219 466.347656 C 410.996094 466.046875 411.34375 465.816406 411.734375 465.65625 C 412.128906 465.492188 412.535156 465.410156 412.960938 465.410156 C 413.382812 465.410156 413.792969 465.492188 414.183594 465.65625 C 414.578125 465.816406 414.921875 466.046875 415.222656 466.347656 C 415.523438 466.648438 415.753906 466.996094 415.917969 467.386719 C 416.078125 467.777344 416.160156 468.1875 416.160156 468.609375 L 416.160156 510.820312 C 416.160156 511.246094 416.078125 511.652344 415.917969 512.046875 C 415.753906 512.4375 415.523438 512.785156 415.222656 513.085938 C 414.921875 513.382812 414.578125 513.617188 414.183594 513.777344 C 413.792969 513.941406 413.382812 514.019531 412.960938 514.023438 Z M 412.960938 514.023438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 451.027344 302.269531 C 450.601562 302.269531 450.195312 302.1875 449.800781 302.023438 C 449.410156 301.863281 449.0625 301.628906 448.765625 301.332031 C 448.464844 301.03125 448.234375 300.683594 448.070312 300.292969 C 447.910156 299.902344 447.828125 299.492188 447.828125 299.066406 L 447.828125 270.269531 C 447.820312 268.832031 448.09375 267.453125 448.644531 266.128906 C 449.191406 264.800781 449.976562 263.632812 450.996094 262.625 L 466.738281 246.878906 C 467.039062 246.589844 467.386719 246.363281 467.777344 246.210938 C 468.164062 246.054688 468.570312 245.976562 468.988281 245.980469 C 469.410156 245.984375 469.8125 246.070312 470.199219 246.230469 C 470.585938 246.394531 470.929688 246.621094 471.222656 246.917969 C 471.519531 247.214844 471.75 247.558594 471.914062 247.945312 C 472.074219 248.332031 472.15625 248.734375 472.160156 249.152344 C 472.164062 249.574219 472.089844 249.976562 471.933594 250.367188 C 471.777344 250.757812 471.554688 251.101562 471.261719 251.40625 L 455.519531 267.148438 C 454.660156 268.011719 454.230469 269.050781 454.238281 270.269531 L 454.238281 299.066406 C 454.238281 299.492188 454.15625 299.902344 453.996094 300.296875 C 453.832031 300.6875 453.597656 301.035156 453.296875 301.335938 C 452.996094 301.636719 452.648438 301.867188 452.253906 302.027344 C 451.863281 302.191406 451.453125 302.269531 451.027344 302.269531 Z M 451.027344 302.269531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 316.96875 302.269531 C 316.542969 302.269531 316.136719 302.1875 315.742188 302.023438 C 315.351562 301.863281 315.003906 301.628906 314.707031 301.332031 C 314.40625 301.03125 314.175781 300.683594 314.011719 300.292969 C 313.847656 299.902344 313.769531 299.492188 313.769531 299.066406 L 313.769531 270.269531 C 313.773438 269.050781 313.347656 268.011719 312.488281 267.152344 L 296.734375 251.390625 C 296.40625 251.097656 296.152344 250.75 295.964844 250.351562 C 295.78125 249.953125 295.683594 249.535156 295.671875 249.09375 C 295.660156 248.65625 295.734375 248.230469 295.898438 247.820312 C 296.0625 247.414062 296.300781 247.054688 296.613281 246.742188 C 296.921875 246.433594 297.28125 246.195312 297.691406 246.035156 C 298.101562 245.871094 298.523438 245.796875 298.964844 245.8125 C 299.40625 245.824219 299.824219 245.921875 300.222656 246.109375 C 300.621094 246.292969 300.96875 246.550781 301.257812 246.878906 L 317.003906 262.625 C 318.019531 263.636719 318.804688 264.804688 319.351562 266.128906 C 319.902344 267.453125 320.171875 268.835938 320.167969 270.269531 L 320.167969 299.066406 C 320.167969 299.492188 320.085938 299.902344 319.925781 300.292969 C 319.761719 300.683594 319.53125 301.03125 319.230469 301.332031 C 318.929688 301.628906 318.585938 301.863281 318.191406 302.023438 C 317.800781 302.1875 317.394531 302.269531 316.96875 302.269531 Z M 316.96875 302.269531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 412.960938 302.269531 C 412.535156 302.269531 412.128906 302.1875 411.734375 302.023438 C 411.34375 301.863281 410.996094 301.628906 410.699219 301.332031 C 410.398438 301.03125 410.167969 300.683594 410.003906 300.292969 C 409.839844 299.902344 409.761719 299.492188 409.761719 299.066406 L 409.761719 256.859375 C 409.761719 256.433594 409.839844 256.023438 410.003906 255.632812 C 410.167969 255.242188 410.398438 254.894531 410.699219 254.59375 C 410.996094 254.292969 411.34375 254.0625 411.734375 253.902344 C 412.128906 253.738281 412.535156 253.65625 412.960938 253.65625 C 413.382812 253.65625 413.792969 253.738281 414.183594 253.902344 C 414.578125 254.0625 414.921875 254.292969 415.222656 254.59375 C 415.523438 254.894531 415.753906 255.242188 415.917969 255.632812 C 416.078125 256.023438 416.160156 256.433594 416.160156 256.859375 L 416.160156 299.066406 C 416.160156 299.492188 416.078125 299.902344 415.917969 300.292969 C 415.753906 300.683594 415.523438 301.03125 415.222656 301.332031 C 414.921875 301.628906 414.578125 301.863281 414.183594 302.023438 C 413.792969 302.1875 413.382812 302.269531 412.960938 302.269531 Z M 412.960938 302.269531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 355.035156 302.269531 C 354.609375 302.269531 354.203125 302.1875 353.808594 302.023438 C 353.417969 301.863281 353.070312 301.628906 352.773438 301.332031 C 352.472656 301.03125 352.242188 300.683594 352.078125 300.292969 C 351.917969 299.902344 351.835938 299.492188 351.835938 299.066406 L 351.835938 256.859375 C 351.835938 256.433594 351.917969 256.023438 352.078125 255.632812 C 352.242188 255.242188 352.472656 254.894531 352.773438 254.59375 C 353.070312 254.292969 353.417969 254.0625 353.808594 253.902344 C 354.203125 253.738281 354.609375 253.65625 355.035156 253.65625 C 355.460938 253.65625 355.867188 253.738281 356.257812 253.902344 C 356.652344 254.0625 356.996094 254.292969 357.296875 254.59375 C 357.597656 254.894531 357.828125 255.242188 357.992188 255.632812 C 358.152344 256.023438 358.234375 256.433594 358.234375 256.859375 L 358.234375 299.066406 C 358.234375 299.492188 358.152344 299.902344 357.992188 300.292969 C 357.828125 300.683594 357.597656 301.03125 357.296875 301.332031 C 356.996094 301.628906 356.652344 301.863281 356.257812 302.023438 C 355.867188 302.1875 355.460938 302.269531 355.035156 302.269531 Z M 355.035156 302.269531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#5863806d77)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 304.382812 524.523438 C 304.378906 525.359375 304.296875 526.1875 304.132812 527.007812 C 303.96875 527.824219 303.722656 528.621094 303.402344 529.394531 C 303.082031 530.164062 302.6875 530.898438 302.222656 531.589844 C 301.753906 532.285156 301.226562 532.925781 300.632812 533.515625 C 300.042969 534.105469 299.398438 534.632812 298.703125 535.09375 C 298.003906 535.558594 297.273438 535.949219 296.5 536.265625 C 295.726562 536.585938 294.929688 536.824219 294.109375 536.988281 C 293.289062 537.148438 292.460938 537.230469 291.625 537.226562 C 290.789062 537.226562 289.960938 537.144531 289.144531 536.980469 C 288.324219 536.816406 287.527344 536.570312 286.757812 536.25 C 285.984375 535.929688 285.25 535.535156 284.558594 535.070312 C 283.863281 534.605469 283.21875 534.078125 282.628906 533.484375 C 282.039062 532.894531 281.511719 532.25 281.050781 531.554688 C 280.585938 530.859375 280.195312 530.125 279.875 529.351562 C 279.558594 528.582031 279.316406 527.785156 279.152344 526.964844 C 278.992188 526.144531 278.910156 525.316406 278.910156 524.480469 C 278.910156 523.644531 278.996094 522.816406 279.15625 521.996094 C 279.320312 521.179688 279.5625 520.382812 279.882812 519.609375 C 280.203125 518.839844 280.597656 518.105469 281.0625 517.410156 C 281.527344 516.714844 282.054688 516.074219 282.644531 515.484375 C 283.238281 514.890625 283.878906 514.363281 284.574219 513.898438 C 285.269531 513.4375 286.003906 513.042969 286.777344 512.722656 C 287.546875 512.40625 288.34375 512.164062 289.164062 512 C 289.984375 511.835938 290.8125 511.757812 291.648438 511.757812 C 292.484375 511.757812 293.3125 511.839844 294.132812 512.007812 C 294.953125 512.171875 295.75 512.414062 296.523438 512.738281 C 297.296875 513.058594 298.03125 513.453125 298.726562 513.917969 C 299.421875 514.386719 300.0625 514.914062 300.65625 515.507812 C 301.246094 516.097656 301.773438 516.742188 302.238281 517.441406 C 302.703125 518.136719 303.09375 518.871094 303.414062 519.644531 C 303.734375 520.417969 303.976562 521.214844 304.136719 522.035156 C 304.300781 522.859375 304.382812 523.6875 304.382812 524.523438 Z M 304.382812 524.523438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#c65bf29930)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 463.613281 243.152344 C 463.613281 242.316406 463.699219 241.488281 463.863281 240.667969 C 464.027344 239.851562 464.269531 239.054688 464.59375 238.28125 C 464.914062 237.511719 465.308594 236.777344 465.773438 236.085938 C 466.238281 235.390625 466.769531 234.75 467.363281 234.160156 C 467.953125 233.570312 468.597656 233.042969 469.292969 232.582031 C 469.988281 232.117188 470.722656 231.726562 471.496094 231.410156 C 472.269531 231.089844 473.066406 230.851562 473.886719 230.6875 C 474.707031 230.527344 475.535156 230.445312 476.371094 230.449219 C 477.207031 230.449219 478.03125 230.53125 478.851562 230.695312 C 479.671875 230.859375 480.46875 231.105469 481.238281 231.425781 C 482.011719 231.746094 482.742188 232.140625 483.4375 232.605469 C 484.132812 233.070312 484.773438 233.597656 485.363281 234.191406 C 485.957031 234.78125 486.480469 235.425781 486.945312 236.121094 C 487.410156 236.816406 487.800781 237.550781 488.121094 238.324219 C 488.4375 239.09375 488.679688 239.890625 488.839844 240.710938 C 489.003906 241.53125 489.085938 242.359375 489.085938 243.195312 C 489.082031 244.03125 489 244.859375 488.835938 245.679688 C 488.671875 246.496094 488.433594 247.292969 488.113281 248.066406 C 487.792969 248.835938 487.398438 249.570312 486.933594 250.265625 C 486.46875 250.960938 485.941406 251.601562 485.351562 252.195312 C 484.757812 252.785156 484.117188 253.3125 483.421875 253.777344 C 482.726562 254.238281 481.992188 254.632812 481.21875 254.953125 C 480.449219 255.269531 479.652344 255.511719 478.832031 255.675781 C 478.011719 255.839844 477.183594 255.917969 476.347656 255.917969 C 475.511719 255.917969 474.683594 255.835938 473.863281 255.667969 C 473.042969 255.503906 472.246094 255.261719 471.472656 254.9375 C 470.699219 254.617188 469.964844 254.222656 469.269531 253.757812 C 468.574219 253.289062 467.933594 252.761719 467.339844 252.167969 C 466.75 251.578125 466.222656 250.933594 465.757812 250.234375 C 465.292969 249.539062 464.902344 248.804688 464.582031 248.03125 C 464.261719 247.257812 464.019531 246.460938 463.855469 245.640625 C 463.695312 244.816406 463.613281 243.988281 463.613281 243.152344 Z M 463.613281 243.152344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 425.691406 520.363281 C 425.691406 521.199219 425.613281 522.027344 425.449219 522.847656 C 425.285156 523.667969 425.042969 524.464844 424.722656 525.238281 C 424.402344 526.011719 424.011719 526.742188 423.546875 527.4375 C 423.082031 528.132812 422.554688 528.777344 421.960938 529.371094 C 421.371094 529.960938 420.726562 530.488281 420.03125 530.953125 C 419.335938 531.417969 418.605469 531.808594 417.832031 532.128906 C 417.058594 532.449219 416.261719 532.691406 415.441406 532.855469 C 414.621094 533.019531 413.792969 533.097656 412.957031 533.097656 C 412.121094 533.097656 411.292969 533.019531 410.472656 532.855469 C 409.652344 532.691406 408.855469 532.449219 408.082031 532.128906 C 407.3125 531.808594 406.578125 531.417969 405.882812 530.953125 C 405.1875 530.488281 404.542969 529.960938 403.953125 529.371094 C 403.359375 528.777344 402.832031 528.132812 402.367188 527.4375 C 401.902344 526.742188 401.511719 526.011719 401.191406 525.238281 C 400.871094 524.464844 400.628906 523.667969 400.464844 522.847656 C 400.304688 522.027344 400.222656 521.199219 400.222656 520.363281 C 400.222656 519.527344 400.304688 518.699219 400.464844 517.878906 C 400.628906 517.058594 400.871094 516.261719 401.191406 515.488281 C 401.511719 514.71875 401.902344 513.984375 402.367188 513.289062 C 402.832031 512.59375 403.359375 511.949219 403.953125 511.359375 C 404.542969 510.765625 405.1875 510.238281 405.882812 509.773438 C 406.578125 509.308594 407.3125 508.917969 408.082031 508.597656 C 408.855469 508.277344 409.652344 508.035156 410.472656 507.871094 C 411.292969 507.710938 412.121094 507.628906 412.957031 507.628906 C 413.792969 507.628906 414.621094 507.710938 415.441406 507.871094 C 416.261719 508.035156 417.058594 508.277344 417.832031 508.597656 C 418.605469 508.917969 419.335938 509.308594 420.03125 509.773438 C 420.726562 510.238281 421.371094 510.765625 421.960938 511.359375 C 422.554688 511.949219 423.082031 512.59375 423.546875 513.289062 C 424.011719 513.984375 424.402344 514.71875 424.722656 515.488281 C 425.042969 516.261719 425.285156 517.058594 425.449219 517.878906 C 425.613281 518.699219 425.691406 519.527344 425.691406 520.363281 Z M 425.691406 520.363281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 367.773438 520.363281 C 367.773438 521.199219 367.691406 522.027344 367.527344 522.847656 C 367.367188 523.667969 367.125 524.464844 366.804688 525.238281 C 366.484375 526.011719 366.09375 526.742188 365.628906 527.4375 C 365.164062 528.132812 364.636719 528.777344 364.042969 529.371094 C 363.453125 529.960938 362.808594 530.488281 362.113281 530.953125 C 361.417969 531.417969 360.683594 531.808594 359.910156 532.128906 C 359.140625 532.449219 358.34375 532.691406 357.523438 532.855469 C 356.703125 533.019531 355.875 533.097656 355.039062 533.097656 C 354.203125 533.097656 353.375 533.019531 352.554688 532.855469 C 351.734375 532.691406 350.9375 532.449219 350.164062 532.128906 C 349.390625 531.808594 348.65625 531.417969 347.960938 530.953125 C 347.265625 530.488281 346.625 529.960938 346.03125 529.371094 C 345.441406 528.777344 344.914062 528.132812 344.449219 527.4375 C 343.984375 526.742188 343.589844 526.011719 343.273438 525.238281 C 342.953125 524.464844 342.710938 523.667969 342.546875 522.847656 C 342.382812 522.027344 342.300781 521.199219 342.300781 520.363281 C 342.300781 519.527344 342.382812 518.699219 342.546875 517.878906 C 342.710938 517.058594 342.953125 516.261719 343.273438 515.488281 C 343.589844 514.71875 343.984375 513.984375 344.449219 513.289062 C 344.914062 512.59375 345.441406 511.949219 346.03125 511.359375 C 346.625 510.765625 347.265625 510.238281 347.960938 509.773438 C 348.65625 509.308594 349.390625 508.917969 350.164062 508.597656 C 350.9375 508.277344 351.734375 508.035156 352.554688 507.871094 C 353.375 507.710938 354.203125 507.628906 355.039062 507.628906 C 355.875 507.628906 356.703125 507.710938 357.523438 507.875 C 358.339844 508.039062 359.136719 508.28125 359.910156 508.601562 C 360.683594 508.921875 361.414062 509.3125 362.109375 509.777344 C 362.804688 510.242188 363.449219 510.769531 364.039062 511.363281 C 364.632812 511.953125 365.160156 512.597656 365.625 513.292969 C 366.089844 513.984375 366.480469 514.71875 366.800781 515.492188 C 367.121094 516.265625 367.363281 517.058594 367.527344 517.878906 C 367.691406 518.699219 367.773438 519.527344 367.773438 520.363281 Z M 367.773438 520.363281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#f5f28e3344)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 489.085938 524.523438 C 489.082031 525.359375 489 526.1875 488.832031 527.007812 C 488.667969 527.824219 488.425781 528.621094 488.101562 529.394531 C 487.78125 530.164062 487.386719 530.898438 486.921875 531.589844 C 486.457031 532.285156 485.925781 532.925781 485.335938 533.515625 C 484.742188 534.105469 484.097656 534.632812 483.402344 535.09375 C 482.707031 535.558594 481.972656 535.949219 481.199219 536.265625 C 480.425781 536.585938 479.628906 536.824219 478.8125 536.988281 C 477.992188 537.148438 477.164062 537.230469 476.328125 537.226562 C 475.492188 537.226562 474.664062 537.144531 473.84375 536.980469 C 473.023438 536.816406 472.230469 536.570312 471.457031 536.25 C 470.6875 535.929688 469.953125 535.535156 469.257812 535.070312 C 468.5625 534.605469 467.921875 534.078125 467.332031 533.484375 C 466.742188 532.894531 466.214844 532.25 465.75 531.554688 C 465.289062 530.859375 464.894531 530.125 464.578125 529.351562 C 464.257812 528.582031 464.015625 527.785156 463.855469 526.964844 C 463.691406 526.144531 463.613281 525.316406 463.613281 524.480469 C 463.613281 523.644531 463.695312 522.816406 463.859375 521.996094 C 464.023438 521.179688 464.265625 520.382812 464.585938 519.609375 C 464.90625 518.839844 465.296875 518.105469 465.761719 517.410156 C 466.226562 516.714844 466.753906 516.074219 467.347656 515.484375 C 467.9375 514.890625 468.582031 514.363281 469.277344 513.898438 C 469.972656 513.4375 470.703125 513.042969 471.476562 512.722656 C 472.25 512.40625 473.046875 512.164062 473.863281 512 C 474.683594 511.835938 475.511719 511.757812 476.347656 511.757812 C 477.1875 511.757812 478.015625 511.839844 478.835938 512.003906 C 479.65625 512.167969 480.453125 512.410156 481.226562 512.730469 C 482 513.054688 482.734375 513.445312 483.429688 513.914062 C 484.125 514.378906 484.769531 514.910156 485.363281 515.5 C 485.953125 516.09375 486.480469 516.738281 486.945312 517.4375 C 487.410156 518.132812 487.800781 518.867188 488.121094 519.640625 C 488.441406 520.417969 488.679688 521.214844 488.84375 522.035156 C 489.003906 522.855469 489.085938 523.6875 489.085938 524.523438 Z M 489.085938 524.523438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 367.773438 247.3125 C 367.773438 248.148438 367.691406 248.976562 367.527344 249.796875 C 367.367188 250.617188 367.125 251.414062 366.804688 252.1875 C 366.484375 252.957031 366.09375 253.691406 365.628906 254.386719 C 365.164062 255.082031 364.636719 255.726562 364.042969 256.316406 C 363.453125 256.910156 362.808594 257.4375 362.113281 257.902344 C 361.417969 258.367188 360.683594 258.757812 359.910156 259.078125 C 359.140625 259.398438 358.34375 259.640625 357.523438 259.804688 C 356.703125 259.964844 355.875 260.046875 355.039062 260.046875 C 354.203125 260.046875 353.375 259.964844 352.554688 259.804688 C 351.734375 259.640625 350.9375 259.398438 350.164062 259.078125 C 349.390625 258.757812 348.65625 258.367188 347.960938 257.902344 C 347.265625 257.4375 346.625 256.910156 346.03125 256.316406 C 345.441406 255.726562 344.914062 255.082031 344.449219 254.386719 C 343.984375 253.691406 343.589844 252.957031 343.273438 252.1875 C 342.953125 251.414062 342.710938 250.617188 342.546875 249.796875 C 342.382812 248.976562 342.300781 248.148438 342.300781 247.3125 C 342.300781 246.476562 342.382812 245.648438 342.546875 244.828125 C 342.710938 244.007812 342.953125 243.210938 343.273438 242.4375 C 343.589844 241.664062 343.984375 240.933594 344.449219 240.238281 C 344.914062 239.542969 345.441406 238.898438 346.03125 238.304688 C 346.625 237.714844 347.265625 237.1875 347.960938 236.722656 C 348.65625 236.257812 349.390625 235.867188 350.164062 235.546875 C 350.9375 235.226562 351.734375 234.984375 352.554688 234.820312 C 353.375 234.65625 354.203125 234.574219 355.039062 234.574219 C 355.875 234.578125 356.703125 234.660156 357.519531 234.824219 C 358.339844 234.992188 359.136719 235.234375 359.90625 235.554688 C 360.679688 235.875 361.410156 236.269531 362.105469 236.730469 C 362.800781 237.195312 363.445312 237.726562 364.035156 238.316406 C 364.625 238.90625 365.152344 239.550781 365.617188 240.242188 C 366.082031 240.9375 366.476562 241.671875 366.796875 242.441406 C 367.117188 243.214844 367.359375 244.011719 367.523438 244.828125 C 367.6875 245.648438 367.773438 246.476562 367.773438 247.3125 Z M 367.773438 247.3125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#d022a95acf)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 304.382812 243.152344 C 304.382812 243.988281 304.300781 244.816406 304.136719 245.636719 C 303.976562 246.457031 303.734375 247.253906 303.414062 248.027344 C 303.09375 248.796875 302.699219 249.53125 302.238281 250.226562 C 301.773438 250.921875 301.242188 251.566406 300.652344 252.15625 C 300.0625 252.75 299.417969 253.277344 298.722656 253.742188 C 298.027344 254.207031 297.292969 254.597656 296.519531 254.917969 C 295.75 255.238281 294.953125 255.480469 294.132812 255.644531 C 293.3125 255.804688 292.484375 255.886719 291.648438 255.886719 C 290.8125 255.886719 289.984375 255.804688 289.164062 255.644531 C 288.34375 255.480469 287.546875 255.238281 286.773438 254.917969 C 286 254.597656 285.265625 254.207031 284.570312 253.742188 C 283.875 253.277344 283.234375 252.75 282.640625 252.15625 C 282.050781 251.566406 281.523438 250.921875 281.058594 250.226562 C 280.59375 249.53125 280.199219 248.796875 279.878906 248.027344 C 279.5625 247.253906 279.320312 246.457031 279.15625 245.636719 C 278.992188 244.816406 278.910156 243.988281 278.910156 243.152344 C 278.910156 242.316406 278.992188 241.488281 279.15625 240.667969 C 279.320312 239.847656 279.5625 239.050781 279.878906 238.277344 C 280.199219 237.503906 280.59375 236.773438 281.058594 236.078125 C 281.523438 235.382812 282.050781 234.738281 282.640625 234.144531 C 283.234375 233.554688 283.875 233.027344 284.570312 232.5625 C 285.265625 232.097656 286 231.707031 286.773438 231.386719 C 287.546875 231.066406 288.34375 230.824219 289.164062 230.660156 C 289.984375 230.496094 290.8125 230.417969 291.648438 230.417969 C 292.484375 230.417969 293.308594 230.503906 294.128906 230.667969 C 294.949219 230.832031 295.742188 231.074219 296.515625 231.398438 C 297.285156 231.71875 298.019531 232.109375 298.714844 232.574219 C 299.40625 233.039062 300.050781 233.566406 300.640625 234.160156 C 301.230469 234.75 301.757812 235.390625 302.222656 236.085938 C 302.6875 236.78125 303.082031 237.511719 303.402344 238.285156 C 303.722656 239.054688 303.964844 239.851562 304.132812 240.671875 C 304.296875 241.488281 304.378906 242.316406 304.382812 243.152344 Z M 304.382812 243.152344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 425.691406 247.3125 C 425.691406 248.148438 425.613281 248.976562 425.449219 249.796875 C 425.285156 250.617188 425.042969 251.414062 424.722656 252.1875 C 424.402344 252.957031 424.011719 253.691406 423.546875 254.386719 C 423.082031 255.082031 422.554688 255.726562 421.960938 256.316406 C 421.371094 256.910156 420.726562 257.4375 420.03125 257.902344 C 419.335938 258.367188 418.605469 258.757812 417.832031 259.078125 C 417.058594 259.398438 416.261719 259.640625 415.441406 259.804688 C 414.621094 259.964844 413.792969 260.046875 412.957031 260.046875 C 412.121094 260.046875 411.292969 259.964844 410.472656 259.804688 C 409.652344 259.640625 408.855469 259.398438 408.082031 259.078125 C 407.3125 258.757812 406.578125 258.367188 405.882812 257.902344 C 405.1875 257.4375 404.542969 256.910156 403.953125 256.316406 C 403.359375 255.726562 402.832031 255.082031 402.367188 254.386719 C 401.902344 253.691406 401.511719 252.957031 401.191406 252.1875 C 400.871094 251.414062 400.628906 250.617188 400.464844 249.796875 C 400.304688 248.976562 400.222656 248.148438 400.222656 247.3125 C 400.222656 246.476562 400.304688 245.648438 400.464844 244.828125 C 400.628906 244.007812 400.871094 243.210938 401.191406 242.4375 C 401.511719 241.664062 401.902344 240.933594 402.367188 240.238281 C 402.832031 239.542969 403.359375 238.898438 403.953125 238.304688 C 404.542969 237.714844 405.1875 237.1875 405.882812 236.722656 C 406.578125 236.257812 407.3125 235.867188 408.082031 235.546875 C 408.855469 235.226562 409.652344 234.984375 410.472656 234.820312 C 411.292969 234.65625 412.121094 234.574219 412.957031 234.574219 C 413.792969 234.578125 414.621094 234.660156 415.441406 234.824219 C 416.261719 234.988281 417.058594 235.230469 417.828125 235.550781 C 418.601562 235.871094 419.335938 236.261719 420.03125 236.726562 C 420.726562 237.191406 421.367188 237.71875 421.960938 238.308594 C 422.550781 238.902344 423.078125 239.542969 423.542969 240.238281 C 424.007812 240.933594 424.398438 241.667969 424.71875 242.441406 C 425.039062 243.210938 425.28125 244.007812 425.445312 244.828125 C 425.609375 245.648438 425.691406 246.476562 425.691406 247.3125 Z M 425.691406 247.3125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in <br/>Fintech </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizing women who have significantly impacted the fintech industry, developing innovative financial technologies that transform the way financial services are delivered. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-8549d8f elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="8549d8f" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-0f76848" data-id="0f76848" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-530c997 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="530c997" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div 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422.394531 380.40625 423.582031 381.183594 424.84375 381.109375 Z M 424.84375 381.109375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#c2976dd03a)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 325.042969 324.058594 C 325.277344 324.058594 325.515625 324.027344 325.746094 323.964844 C 329.625 322.910156 333.050781 321.679688 335.738281 320.609375 L 335.738281 330.636719 C 335.738281 331.507812 336.167969 332.328125 336.882812 332.828125 C 337.335938 333.148438 337.871094 333.308594 338.414062 333.308594 C 338.722656 333.308594 339.035156 333.257812 339.335938 333.144531 C 343.820312 331.496094 346.824219 330.277344 349.109375 329.292969 L 349.109375 345.089844 C 349.109375 346.03125 349.601562 346.898438 350.40625 347.382812 C 351.210938 347.867188 352.210938 347.890625 353.042969 347.449219 C 368.4375 339.226562 382.316406 334.882812 393.175781 334.882812 C 410.003906 334.882812 418.121094 338.929688 425.964844 342.84375 C 433.082031 346.394531 440.441406 350.066406 453.4375 350.066406 C 480.226562 350.066406 497.015625 338.292969 497.714844 337.792969 C 498.417969 337.289062 498.835938 336.480469 498.835938 335.617188 L 498.835938 264.199219 C 498.835938 263.199219 498.277344 262.28125 497.386719 261.824219 C 496.496094 261.363281 495.425781 261.441406 494.609375 262.027344 C 494.5625 262.058594 493.222656 262.984375 490.816406 264.277344 L 490.816406 253.0625 C 490.816406 252.054688 490.242188 251.136719 489.34375 250.683594 C 488.441406 250.226562 487.363281 250.320312 486.550781 250.914062 C 486.503906 250.949219 484.398438 252.441406 480.121094 254.078125 L 480.121094 241.496094 C 480.121094 240.507812 479.570312 239.609375 478.699219 239.140625 C 477.828125 238.679688 476.765625 238.734375 475.945312 239.28125 C 475.878906 239.328125 469.09375 243.742188 454.414062 243.742188 C 442.558594 243.742188 437.566406 241.164062 431.789062 238.179688 C 425.203125 234.777344 417.734375 230.921875 399.433594 230.921875 C 381.019531 230.921875 349.113281 238.238281 323.753906 252.222656 C 322.902344 252.695312 322.371094 253.589844 322.371094 254.566406 L 322.371094 321.386719 C 322.371094 322.21875 322.757812 323.003906 323.421875 323.507812 C 323.890625 323.871094 324.464844 324.058594 325.042969 324.058594 Z M 488.140625 271.535156 C 489.09375 271.117188 489.996094 270.703125 490.816406 270.304688 C 491.804688 269.824219 492.703125 269.363281 493.488281 268.9375 L 493.488281 334.167969 C 489.449219 336.660156 474.753906 344.71875 453.4375 344.71875 C 441.699219 344.71875 435.515625 341.632812 428.355469 338.058594 C 420.34375 334.0625 411.261719 329.535156 393.175781 329.535156 C 382.398438 329.535156 369.082031 333.382812 354.457031 340.699219 L 354.457031 275.285156 C 369.289062 267.550781 382.648438 263.46875 393.175781 263.46875 C 410.003906 263.46875 418.121094 267.515625 425.964844 271.429688 C 428.304688 272.597656 430.691406 273.765625 433.277344 274.824219 C 438.550781 276.984375 444.714844 278.648438 453.4375 278.648438 C 466.902344 278.648438 477.828125 275.675781 485.46875 272.652344 C 486.414062 272.28125 487.296875 271.90625 488.140625 271.535156 Z M 485.46875 257.636719 L 485.46875 266.839844 C 478.3125 269.902344 467.28125 273.300781 453.4375 273.300781 C 448.1875 273.300781 444.078125 272.660156 440.464844 271.660156 C 436.003906 270.421875 432.3125 268.617188 428.355469 266.644531 C 420.34375 262.648438 411.261719 258.121094 393.175781 258.121094 C 381.441406 258.121094 366.691406 262.683594 350.523438 271.316406 C 349.652344 271.78125 349.109375 272.6875 349.109375 273.675781 L 349.109375 323.449219 C 347.203125 324.308594 344.820312 325.339844 341.085938 326.777344 L 341.085938 266.09375 C 361.566406 256.515625 379.089844 250.1875 397.445312 250.1875 C 413.382812 250.1875 420.578125 253.714844 427.539062 257.125 C 434.109375 260.34375 440.90625 263.671875 454.066406 263.671875 C 455.761719 263.671875 457.359375 263.613281 458.925781 263.539062 C 472.046875 262.914062 480.757812 259.875 485.46875 257.636719 Z M 327.71875 256.152344 C 352.046875 243.09375 382.035156 236.269531 399.433594 236.269531 C 416.4375 236.269531 422.992188 239.65625 429.335938 242.929688 C 435.199219 245.957031 441.257812 249.085938 454.414062 249.085938 C 464.183594 249.085938 470.871094 247.28125 474.773438 245.757812 L 474.773438 255.390625 C 474.773438 255.527344 474.832031 255.644531 474.851562 255.777344 C 469.703125 257.171875 462.832031 258.324219 454.066406 258.324219 C 442.144531 258.324219 436.191406 255.410156 429.890625 252.320312 C 422.734375 248.8125 414.621094 244.839844 397.445312 244.839844 C 377.640625 244.839844 359.066406 251.691406 337.273438 261.980469 C 336.335938 262.417969 335.738281 263.363281 335.738281 264.394531 L 335.738281 314.828125 C 333.703125 315.695312 330.953125 316.78125 327.71875 317.808594 Z M 327.71875 256.152344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 302.316406 485.332031 C 294.195312 485.332031 287.613281 478.746094 287.613281 470.625 C 287.613281 467.234375 288.773438 464.121094 290.699219 461.632812 C 284.355469 453.335938 280.757812 445.554688 279.097656 441.390625 L 254.761719 475.609375 C 249.003906 483.042969 250.988281 502.726562 276.875 520.042969 C 302.765625 537.363281 313.394531 521.796875 313.394531 521.796875 L 332.144531 489.972656 C 324.621094 487.875 318.042969 484.886719 312.335938 481.371094 C 309.710938 483.820312 306.195312 485.332031 302.316406 485.332031 Z M 302.316406 485.332031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 490.777344 405.480469 C 489.261719 403.964844 488.425781 401.953125 488.425781 399.808594 C 488.425781 397.667969 489.261719 395.652344 490.777344 394.136719 L 506.8125 378.097656 C 492.851562 371.9375 481.210938 383.699219 481.210938 383.699219 L 455.921875 406.421875 C 454.941406 407.304688 453.667969 407.792969 452.347656 407.792969 L 402.453125 407.792969 C 401.660156 407.792969 400.898438 407.496094 400.316406 406.957031 L 386.816406 394.480469 C 385.765625 393.507812 386.453125 391.75 387.882812 391.75 L 423.972656 391.75 C 429.058594 391.75 433.585938 389.375 436.523438 385.683594 L 425.203125 386.441406 C 425.015625 386.453125 424.824219 386.460938 424.640625 386.460938 C 420.976562 386.460938 417.78125 384.050781 416.925781 380.550781 C 416.132812 377.308594 416.15625 373.785156 417.003906 370.074219 C 417.917969 366.074219 421.851562 363.414062 425.964844 364.011719 L 436.371094 365.53125 C 433.429688 361.953125 428.96875 359.667969 423.972656 359.667969 L 362.554688 359.667969 C 362.554688 359.667969 333.585938 355.515625 302.765625 408.113281 L 282.796875 436.191406 C 282.894531 436.355469 283.015625 436.503906 283.074219 436.691406 C 283.132812 436.886719 286.398438 446.894531 294.824219 457.988281 C 297.019531 456.683594 299.578125 455.921875 302.316406 455.921875 C 310.441406 455.921875 317.023438 462.503906 317.023438 470.625 C 317.023438 472.910156 316.488281 475.0625 315.558594 476.988281 C 321.0625 480.367188 327.390625 483.222656 334.644531 485.132812 C 334.746094 485.160156 334.820312 485.230469 334.917969 485.265625 L 339.75 477.066406 C 355.160156 450.769531 384.765625 452.050781 384.765625 452.050781 C 436.875 452.050781 462.410156 444.996094 462.410156 444.996094 C 462.410156 444.996094 481.769531 425.691406 496.09375 410.640625 C 495.929688 410.535156 495.75 410.457031 495.613281 410.316406 Z M 490.777344 405.480469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 425.308594 287.476562 C 415.710938 287.476562 407.929688 295.257812 407.929688 304.855469 C 407.929688 310.222656 410.363281 315.015625 414.183594 318.203125 C 415.359375 319.183594 416.667969 319.996094 418.070312 320.640625 C 420.277344 321.65625 422.722656 322.234375 425.308594 322.234375 C 428.664062 322.234375 431.785156 321.269531 434.445312 319.621094 C 435.75 318.8125 436.9375 317.835938 437.984375 316.71875 C 440.894531 313.613281 442.6875 309.449219 442.6875 304.855469 C 442.6875 295.257812 434.90625 287.476562 425.308594 287.476562 Z M 425.308594 287.476562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 484.257812 282.097656 C 483.503906 281.605469 482.546875 281.53125 481.722656 281.886719 C 478.226562 283.414062 471.355469 284.523438 471.289062 284.535156 C 469.828125 284.769531 468.835938 286.136719 469.070312 287.59375 C 469.300781 289.054688 470.679688 290.035156 472.128906 289.816406 C 472.355469 289.78125 476.371094 289.132812 480.121094 288.074219 L 480.121094 314.214844 C 480.121094 315.316406 480.789062 316.265625 481.746094 316.671875 C 482.066406 316.808594 482.421875 316.886719 482.792969 316.886719 C 483.257812 316.886719 483.675781 316.738281 484.054688 316.527344 C 484.882812 316.074219 485.46875 315.226562 485.46875 314.214844 L 485.46875 284.335938 C 485.46875 283.433594 485.011719 282.59375 484.257812 282.097656 Z M 484.257812 282.097656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 376.351562 317.074219 C 373.042969 317.691406 370.039062 318.605469 367.824219 319.378906 L 367.824219 292.824219 C 367.824219 291.347656 366.625 290.152344 365.148438 290.152344 C 363.671875 290.152344 362.476562 291.347656 362.476562 292.824219 L 362.476562 323.289062 C 362.476562 323.570312 362.535156 323.839844 362.617188 324.097656 C 362.804688 324.679688 363.171875 325.195312 363.699219 325.535156 C 364.140625 325.820312 364.644531 325.964844 365.152344 325.964844 C 365.523438 325.964844 365.898438 325.886719 366.25 325.726562 C 366.289062 325.710938 368.910156 324.546875 372.589844 323.476562 C 374.039062 323.054688 375.636719 322.644531 377.332031 322.328125 C 378.382812 322.132812 379.15625 321.339844 379.410156 320.371094 C 379.507812 320 379.542969 319.613281 379.46875 319.210938 C 379.199219 317.757812 377.808594 316.789062 376.351562 317.074219 Z M 376.351562 317.074219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 517.910156 377.703125 C 517.476562 377.269531 516.910156 377.054688 516.339844 377.054688 C 515.773438 377.054688 515.203125 377.269531 514.773438 377.703125 L 494.558594 397.917969 C 494.050781 398.425781 493.773438 399.09375 493.773438 399.808594 C 493.773438 400.523438 494.050781 401.195312 494.558594 401.699219 L 497.367188 404.507812 L 513.507812 385.917969 L 518.015625 380.726562 C 518.777344 379.851562 518.730469 378.523438 517.910156 377.703125 Z M 517.910156 377.703125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Investments and Funding </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women who have excelled in investment and funding, driving significant growth in their sectors, and supporting the development of emerging businesses. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-adf6b24" data-id="adf6b24" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-bd00d54 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="bd00d54" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="2a890e0819"><path d="M 232 231.550781 L 537.898438 231.550781 L 537.898438 536.800781 L 232 536.800781 Z M 232 231.550781 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#2a890e0819)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 373.789062 389.046875 C 377.296875 389.046875 380.824219 388.59375 384.316406 387.660156 C 396.976562 384.269531 407.230469 375.117188 413.179688 361.894531 C 418.996094 348.972656 420 333.648438 416.003906 318.746094 L 401.988281 266.4375 C 401.582031 264.925781 400.390625 263.75 398.867188 263.371094 C 397.347656 262.988281 395.742188 263.464844 394.667969 264.609375 C 382.628906 277.476562 352.5625 288.179688 329.457031 288.25 L 329.453125 236.15625 C 329.453125 234.589844 328.605469 233.144531 327.234375 232.382812 C 325.863281 231.625 324.1875 231.664062 322.859375 232.492188 C 304.710938 243.792969 260.847656 245.816406 239.128906 232.480469 C 237.796875 231.664062 236.128906 231.628906 234.765625 232.390625 C 233.402344 233.15625 232.558594 234.59375 232.558594 236.15625 L 232.558594 290.308594 C 232.558594 305.738281 237.496094 320.28125 246.457031 331.257812 C 255.628906 342.488281 267.898438 348.671875 281.007812 348.671875 C 295.886719 348.671875 309.21875 340.546875 318.113281 327.789062 L 322.410156 343.824219 C 329.613281 370.707031 351.351562 389.046875 373.789062 389.046875 Z M 281.007812 340.042969 C 270.539062 340.042969 260.644531 334.984375 253.144531 325.796875 C 245.433594 316.359375 241.191406 303.753906 241.191406 290.308594 L 241.1875 243.242188 C 264.328125 253.339844 300.183594 251.917969 320.824219 243.191406 L 320.824219 290.308594 C 320.824219 317.730469 302.964844 340.042969 281.007812 340.042969 Z M 329.144531 296.890625 C 352.054688 296.96875 379.753906 287.910156 395.484375 275.5 L 407.667969 320.980469 C 411.148438 333.964844 410.3125 347.238281 405.308594 358.351562 C 400.441406 369.167969 392.191406 376.613281 382.082031 379.324219 C 360.875 385.003906 337.847656 368.082031 330.75 341.59375 L 324.128906 316.894531 C 326.742188 310.773438 328.476562 304.023438 329.144531 296.890625 Z M 352.164062 364.320312 C 352.957031 364.980469 353.933594 365.320312 354.925781 365.320312 C 355.554688 365.320312 356.1875 365.179688 356.777344 364.902344 C 369.21875 358.988281 383.050781 355.28125 396.78125 354.179688 C 398.457031 354.046875 399.902344 352.953125 400.484375 351.375 C 401.066406 349.796875 400.679688 348.023438 399.492188 346.832031 C 390.527344 337.84375 380.011719 334.125 370.640625 336.636719 C 361.273438 339.148438 354.023438 347.625 350.753906 359.890625 C 350.320312 361.519531 350.871094 363.246094 352.164062 364.320312 Z M 372.875 344.972656 C 374.097656 344.644531 375.351562 344.484375 376.628906 344.484375 C 379.503906 344.484375 382.496094 345.304688 385.492188 346.902344 C 377.816406 348.207031 370.214844 350.242188 362.914062 352.953125 C 365.511719 348.789062 368.902344 346.035156 372.875 344.972656 Z M 335.226562 321.359375 C 333.59375 319.621094 333.679688 316.890625 335.417969 315.257812 C 337.15625 313.625 339.886719 313.710938 341.519531 315.449219 C 342.769531 316.78125 344.589844 317.289062 346.394531 316.804688 C 348.195312 316.324219 349.519531 314.972656 349.9375 313.195312 C 350.480469 310.875 352.804688 309.433594 355.125 309.980469 C 357.445312 310.523438 358.882812 312.847656 358.339844 315.167969 C 357.199219 320.019531 353.476562 323.84375 348.625 325.144531 C 347.449219 325.457031 346.257812 325.613281 345.078125 325.613281 C 341.386719 325.613281 337.8125 324.113281 335.226562 321.359375 Z M 370.5625 311.890625 C 368.929688 310.152344 369.015625 307.421875 370.753906 305.789062 C 372.492188 304.15625 375.222656 304.242188 376.855469 305.980469 C 378.105469 307.3125 379.929688 307.820312 381.730469 307.335938 C 383.53125 306.855469 384.855469 305.503906 385.273438 303.726562 C 385.816406 301.40625 388.136719 299.964844 390.460938 300.511719 C 392.78125 301.054688 394.21875 303.375 393.675781 305.695312 C 392.535156 310.550781 388.816406 314.375 383.964844 315.675781 C 382.789062 315.988281 381.59375 316.144531 380.414062 316.144531 C 376.722656 316.144531 373.148438 314.644531 370.5625 311.890625 Z M 301.714844 299.929688 C 288.167969 302.421875 273.84375 302.421875 260.296875 299.929688 C 258.640625 299.625 256.964844 300.308594 255.992188 301.683594 C 255.023438 303.058594 254.9375 304.867188 255.777344 306.324219 C 262.109375 317.332031 271.304688 323.640625 281.007812 323.640625 C 290.707031 323.640625 299.902344 317.332031 306.234375 306.324219 C 307.074219 304.867188 306.992188 303.054688 306.019531 301.683594 C 305.046875 300.308594 303.367188 299.625 301.714844 299.929688 Z M 281.007812 315.011719 C 276.894531 315.011719 272.90625 313.234375 269.316406 309.882812 C 277.070312 310.609375 284.941406 310.609375 292.695312 309.882812 C 289.109375 313.234375 285.121094 315.011719 281.007812 315.011719 Z M 252.515625 278.574219 C 250.414062 277.449219 249.625 274.832031 250.75 272.730469 C 253.109375 268.339844 257.691406 265.609375 262.714844 265.609375 C 267.738281 265.609375 272.320312 268.339844 274.679688 272.730469 C 275.804688 274.832031 275.015625 277.449219 272.914062 278.574219 C 272.265625 278.921875 271.566406 279.089844 270.878906 279.089844 C 269.339844 279.089844 267.851562 278.261719 267.070312 276.8125 C 266.207031 275.203125 264.578125 274.242188 262.714844 274.242188 C 260.847656 274.242188 259.222656 275.203125 258.355469 276.8125 C 257.230469 278.914062 254.613281 279.703125 252.515625 278.574219 Z M 311.261719 272.734375 C 312.386719 274.832031 311.597656 277.449219 309.496094 278.574219 C 308.847656 278.921875 308.148438 279.089844 307.460938 279.089844 C 305.921875 279.089844 304.433594 278.261719 303.65625 276.8125 C 302.792969 275.203125 301.164062 274.242188 299.296875 274.242188 C 297.433594 274.242188 295.804688 275.203125 294.941406 276.8125 C 293.8125 278.914062 291.199219 279.703125 289.097656 278.574219 C 286.996094 277.449219 286.207031 274.835938 287.335938 272.734375 C 289.691406 268.339844 294.273438 265.609375 299.296875 265.609375 C 304.320312 265.609375 308.90625 268.339844 311.261719 272.734375 Z M 533.902344 347.410156 L 529.199219 346.148438 C 529.898438 340.03125 528.621094 333.859375 525.46875 328.402344 C 521.582031 321.671875 515.335938 316.867188 507.878906 314.867188 C 492.921875 310.859375 477.683594 319.566406 472.425781 335.117188 L 461.78125 366.609375 L 456.5625 365.210938 C 455.960938 360.9375 452.878906 357.222656 448.457031 356.035156 C 442.558594 354.453125 436.46875 357.96875 434.890625 363.871094 C 434.125 366.726562 434.515625 369.714844 435.996094 372.273438 C 437.476562 374.839844 439.863281 376.671875 442.722656 377.4375 C 443.675781 377.691406 444.644531 377.820312 445.609375 377.820312 C 447.527344 377.820312 449.421875 377.316406 451.128906 376.328125 C 452.386719 375.605469 453.464844 374.65625 454.332031 373.546875 L 459.011719 374.800781 L 453.105469 392.269531 L 447.890625 390.871094 C 447.695312 389.476562 447.234375 388.117188 446.507812 386.859375 C 445.027344 384.296875 442.640625 382.464844 439.78125 381.699219 C 433.882812 380.117188 427.796875 383.632812 426.214844 389.53125 C 424.632812 395.433594 428.148438 401.519531 434.046875 403.097656 C 435.003906 403.355469 435.964844 403.476562 436.914062 403.476562 C 440.339844 403.476562 443.566406 401.867188 445.644531 399.207031 L 450.335938 400.464844 L 444.433594 417.933594 L 439.210938 416.535156 C 438.609375 412.265625 435.527344 408.546875 431.105469 407.363281 C 425.207031 405.78125 419.121094 409.296875 417.539062 415.195312 C 416.773438 418.054688 417.167969 421.039062 418.648438 423.601562 C 420.125 426.164062 422.515625 427.996094 425.375 428.761719 C 426.328125 429.019531 427.292969 429.140625 428.238281 429.140625 C 431.664062 429.140625 434.890625 427.53125 436.972656 424.871094 L 441.660156 426.128906 L 424.5625 476.71875 C 423.203125 480.734375 420.921875 485.34375 417.769531 484.507812 C 414.738281 483.699219 413.484375 480.6875 414.054688 475.550781 C 417.363281 445.710938 404.933594 428.039062 399.382812 421.773438 C 401.972656 416.632812 401.132812 410.195312 396.84375 405.910156 C 394.261719 403.328125 390.820312 401.90625 387.152344 401.90625 C 383.484375 401.90625 380.042969 403.328125 377.460938 405.910156 L 333.476562 449.890625 C 328.132812 455.234375 328.132812 463.933594 333.476562 469.277344 C 336.148438 471.949219 339.660156 473.285156 343.167969 473.285156 C 345.742188 473.285156 348.308594 472.558594 350.550781 471.128906 C 353.570312 472.667969 359.160156 477.066406 360.527344 488.820312 C 362.234375 510.59375 377.492188 529 398.523438 534.632812 C 402.96875 535.824219 407.433594 536.394531 411.832031 536.394531 C 434.558594 536.394531 455.410156 521.207031 461.566406 498.234375 C 461.574219 498.203125 461.582031 498.167969 461.59375 498.136719 L 499.742188 340.800781 C 499.917969 340.222656 500.546875 339.867188 501.136719 340.023438 C 501.652344 340.160156 501.90625 340.601562 501.964844 340.9375 C 502.777344 345.378906 505.988281 348.863281 510.347656 350.03125 L 531.667969 355.746094 C 533.972656 356.363281 536.335938 354.996094 536.953125 352.691406 C 537.570312 350.394531 536.207031 348.027344 533.902344 347.410156 Z M 447.953125 367.371094 C 447.785156 368 447.378906 368.527344 446.8125 368.855469 C 446.246094 369.183594 445.585938 369.265625 444.957031 369.101562 C 444.324219 368.929688 443.796875 368.527344 443.46875 367.960938 C 443.144531 367.394531 443.054688 366.734375 443.226562 366.101562 C 443.394531 365.472656 443.800781 364.945312 444.367188 364.617188 C 444.742188 364.398438 445.160156 364.289062 445.585938 364.289062 C 445.796875 364.289062 446.011719 364.316406 446.222656 364.375 C 447.523438 364.722656 448.300781 366.066406 447.953125 367.371094 Z M 439.277344 393.035156 C 438.929688 394.335938 437.585938 395.113281 436.28125 394.765625 C 434.980469 394.414062 434.203125 393.070312 434.550781 391.765625 C 434.84375 390.675781 435.835938 389.953125 436.914062 389.953125 C 437.125 389.953125 437.335938 389.980469 437.546875 390.039062 C 438.179688 390.207031 438.707031 390.613281 439.035156 391.179688 C 439.359375 391.742188 439.449219 392.402344 439.277344 393.035156 Z M 430.601562 418.699219 C 430.253906 420 428.910156 420.777344 427.605469 420.429688 C 426.976562 420.257812 426.445312 419.855469 426.121094 419.289062 C 425.792969 418.722656 425.707031 418.0625 425.875 417.429688 C 426.167969 416.339844 427.160156 415.617188 428.238281 415.617188 C 428.449219 415.617188 428.660156 415.644531 428.871094 415.699219 C 430.175781 416.050781 430.953125 417.394531 430.601562 418.699219 Z M 339.582031 463.175781 C 337.601562 461.195312 337.601562 457.976562 339.582031 455.996094 L 383.5625 412.011719 C 384.515625 411.0625 385.789062 410.535156 387.152344 410.535156 C 388.515625 410.535156 389.789062 411.0625 390.742188 412.011719 C 392.722656 413.992188 392.722656 417.210938 390.742188 419.191406 L 346.761719 463.175781 C 344.78125 465.15625 341.5625 465.15625 339.582031 463.175781 Z M 520.726562 343.878906 L 512.582031 341.695312 C 511.425781 341.386719 510.671875 340.566406 510.457031 339.390625 C 509.78125 335.683594 507 332.660156 503.371094 331.6875 C 498.164062 330.292969 492.792969 333.394531 491.398438 338.601562 C 491.390625 338.632812 491.382812 338.667969 491.371094 338.699219 L 453.21875 496.054688 C 447.082031 518.84375 423.5625 532.410156 400.753906 526.300781 C 383.230469 521.601562 370.519531 506.242188 369.128906 488.078125 C 369.125 488.023438 369.117188 487.96875 369.113281 487.914062 C 367.621094 474.914062 361.734375 468.296875 357.097656 465.042969 L 393.726562 428.414062 C 398.683594 434.332031 408.277344 449.347656 405.480469 474.601562 C 404.429688 484.066406 408.195312 490.890625 415.550781 492.847656 C 419.894531 494.003906 427.898438 493.804688 432.738281 479.480469 L 450.015625 428.367188 L 450.777344 428.570312 C 451.148438 428.671875 451.523438 428.71875 451.894531 428.71875 C 453.800781 428.71875 455.542969 427.445312 456.0625 425.519531 C 456.675781 423.214844 455.3125 420.851562 453.007812 420.234375 L 452.785156 420.171875 L 458.691406 402.703125 L 459.449219 402.90625 C 459.824219 403.007812 460.199219 403.054688 460.570312 403.054688 C 462.472656 403.054688 464.21875 401.78125 464.734375 399.855469 C 465.351562 397.550781 463.984375 395.1875 461.683594 394.570312 L 461.460938 394.507812 L 467.367188 377.039062 L 468.125 377.242188 C 468.5 377.34375 468.875 377.390625 469.246094 377.390625 C 471.148438 377.390625 472.894531 376.117188 473.410156 374.191406 C 474.027344 371.890625 472.660156 369.523438 470.359375 368.90625 L 470.136719 368.847656 L 480.601562 337.882812 C 484.378906 326.703125 495.144531 320.390625 505.644531 323.203125 C 510.875 324.605469 515.261719 327.984375 517.992188 332.714844 C 519.984375 336.164062 520.914062 340.019531 520.726562 343.878906 Z M 279.835938 437.847656 L 279.835938 415.113281 C 288.789062 407.15625 294.695312 398.351562 296.910156 389.65625 C 298.730469 382.5 298.425781 372.757812 292.117188 366.859375 C 289.644531 364.550781 286.640625 363.394531 283.65625 363.605469 C 280.710938 363.8125 278.058594 365.285156 275.980469 367.859375 C 272.8125 371.792969 271.203125 377.976562 271.203125 386.242188 L 271.203125 411.113281 C 267.871094 413.808594 264.347656 416.285156 260.914062 418.699219 C 257.132812 421.359375 253.222656 424.109375 249.671875 427.089844 C 236.203125 438.386719 230.390625 453.398438 233.308594 469.363281 C 236.667969 487.734375 252.359375 496.035156 266.425781 496.113281 C 268.007812 496.125 269.601562 496.027344 271.203125 495.828125 L 271.203125 520.285156 C 271.203125 525.03125 269.519531 527.753906 266.582031 527.753906 C 265.261719 527.753906 262.972656 526.75 262.765625 522.984375 C 262.636719 520.605469 260.601562 518.78125 258.21875 518.914062 C 255.839844 519.042969 254.019531 521.078125 254.148438 523.457031 C 254.613281 531.945312 260.757812 536.386719 266.582031 536.386719 C 273.179688 536.386719 279.835938 531.40625 279.835938 520.285156 L 279.835938 493.695312 C 289.066406 490.175781 297.078125 482.726562 299.5625 470.742188 C 301.410156 461.835938 298.621094 451.773438 292.464844 445.097656 C 288.910156 441.25 284.574219 438.785156 279.835938 437.847656 Z M 279.835938 386.242188 C 279.835938 377.75 281.839844 374.347656 282.703125 373.277344 C 283.074219 372.816406 283.644531 372.257812 284.261719 372.214844 C 284.292969 372.214844 284.320312 372.210938 284.351562 372.210938 C 284.894531 372.210938 285.570312 372.554688 286.222656 373.164062 C 289.558594 376.28125 289.792969 382.625 288.546875 387.527344 C 287.253906 392.605469 284.28125 397.835938 279.835938 402.917969 Z M 291.113281 468.988281 C 288.449219 481.84375 276.847656 487.527344 266.472656 487.480469 C 256.738281 487.429688 244.4375 482.242188 241.800781 467.8125 C 238.804688 451.433594 247.441406 440.222656 255.214844 433.699219 C 258.484375 430.957031 262.078125 428.433594 265.878906 425.761719 C 267.640625 424.523438 269.421875 423.269531 271.203125 421.96875 L 271.203125 437.800781 C 262.304688 439.421875 255.070312 446.203125 253.761719 454.324219 C 253.117188 458.347656 254.085938 462.351562 256.496094 465.597656 C 258.734375 468.617188 262.042969 470.625 265.5625 471.101562 C 270.339844 471.746094 275.042969 469.582031 278.472656 465.164062 C 279.933594 463.28125 279.589844 460.570312 277.707031 459.109375 C 275.824219 457.648438 273.113281 457.992188 271.652344 459.875 C 270.582031 461.253906 268.863281 462.835938 266.722656 462.546875 C 265.492188 462.382812 264.289062 461.617188 263.425781 460.453125 C 262.414062 459.09375 262.007812 457.402344 262.285156 455.695312 C 262.929688 451.679688 267.09375 446.976562 273.535156 446.171875 C 279.589844 445.414062 283.722656 448.351562 286.121094 450.949219 C 290.453125 455.644531 292.414062 462.722656 291.113281 468.988281 Z M 291.113281 468.988281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in <br/>Arts and Culture </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women who have made significant contributions to the arts and culture, fostering creativity, preservation, and cultural exchange. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-22179d0" data-id="22179d0" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c64e0fc elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="c64e0fc" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="1974e26d91"><path d="M 230.398438 233.089844 L 537.898438 233.089844 L 537.898438 534.589844 L 230.398438 534.589844 Z M 230.398438 233.089844 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#1974e26d91)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 528.214844 463.355469 C 528.214844 441.257812 510.25 423.28125 488.128906 423.28125 C 466.050781 423.28125 448.085938 441.257812 448.085938 463.355469 C 448.085938 476.625 454.558594 488.394531 464.519531 495.691406 L 464.519531 485.203125 C 464.519531 476.625 469.109375 469.101562 475.972656 464.957031 C 467.960938 454.796875 475.296875 439.886719 488.132812 439.886719 C 501.152344 439.886719 508.199219 454.976562 500.328125 464.957031 C 507.191406 469.101562 511.78125 476.625 511.78125 485.203125 L 511.78125 495.691406 C 521.742188 488.394531 528.214844 476.625 528.214844 463.355469 Z M 488.132812 461.574219 C 484.71875 461.574219 481.972656 458.796875 481.972656 455.390625 C 481.972656 451.972656 484.71875 449.195312 488.132812 449.195312 C 491.542969 449.195312 494.328125 451.972656 494.328125 455.390625 C 494.328125 458.792969 491.542969 461.574219 488.132812 461.574219 Z M 488.132812 503.429688 C 483.109375 503.429688 478.285156 502.480469 473.816406 500.777344 L 473.816406 485.203125 C 473.816406 477.304688 480.25 470.882812 488.132812 470.882812 C 496.054688 470.882812 502.484375 477.304688 502.484375 485.203125 L 502.484375 500.777344 C 498.015625 502.480469 493.191406 503.429688 488.132812 503.429688 Z M 361.882812 491.496094 C 368.472656 491.496094 373.804688 486.15625 373.804688 479.582031 L 373.804688 359.894531 C 373.804688 353.324219 368.472656 347.980469 361.882812 347.980469 C 355.292969 347.980469 349.960938 353.324219 349.960938 359.894531 L 349.960938 479.582031 C 349.960938 486.15625 355.292969 491.496094 361.882812 491.496094 Z M 450.164062 494.890625 C 448.402344 496.054688 446.597656 497.167969 444.753906 498.230469 C 386.539062 531.820312 312.277344 509.617188 281.988281 449.265625 C 299.324219 451.140625 318.621094 458.578125 340.664062 471.84375 L 340.664062 479.582031 C 340.664062 491.285156 350.195312 500.808594 361.878906 500.808594 C 373.566406 500.808594 383.097656 491.285156 383.097656 479.582031 L 383.097656 359.894531 C 383.097656 348.191406 373.566406 338.671875 361.878906 338.671875 C 350.195312 338.671875 340.664062 348.191406 340.664062 359.894531 L 340.664062 367.210938 C 318.386719 380.628906 298.933594 388.066406 281.402344 389.847656 C 281.328125 383.988281 276.984375 379.109375 271.242188 378.414062 C 275.402344 352.714844 287.910156 329.367188 306.855469 311.746094 C 315.875 323.953125 330.347656 331.882812 346.625 331.882812 C 373.84375 331.882812 396.003906 309.730469 396.003906 282.5 C 396.003906 281.945312 396.003906 281.402344 395.964844 280.855469 C 414.238281 282.371094 431.890625 288.144531 447.5 297.722656 C 440.871094 306.128906 436.910156 316.722656 436.910156 328.238281 C 436.910156 361.691406 469.527344 385.269531 501.074219 375.355469 C 503.582031 388.636719 503.78125 402.449219 501.582031 415.847656 C 470.203125 406.953125 438.753906 430.574219 438.753906 463.355469 C 438.753906 475.335938 443.066406 486.328125 450.164062 494.890625 Z M 281.402344 439.855469 C 299.246094 441.488281 318.777344 448.472656 340.664062 461.050781 L 340.664062 378.007812 C 318.777344 390.59375 299.285156 397.558594 281.402344 399.199219 Z M 263.359375 518.117188 L 263.359375 461.167969 L 248.417969 461.167969 L 248.417969 518.117188 C 248.417969 522.234375 251.753906 525.582031 255.871094 525.582031 C 259.988281 525.582031 263.359375 522.234375 263.359375 518.117188 Z M 239.671875 449.566406 C 239.671875 450.808594 240.730469 451.855469 241.945312 451.855469 L 269.792969 451.855469 C 271.046875 451.855469 272.109375 450.808594 272.109375 449.566406 L 272.109375 389.917969 C 272.109375 388.679688 271.046875 387.617188 269.792969 387.617188 L 241.945312 387.617188 C 240.730469 387.617188 239.671875 388.667969 239.671875 389.917969 Z M 332.308594 304.351562 L 332.308594 319.921875 C 341.46875 323.460938 351.78125 323.460938 360.941406 319.921875 L 360.941406 304.351562 C 360.941406 296.457031 354.507812 290.03125 346.625 290.03125 C 338.742188 290.03125 332.308594 296.457031 332.308594 304.351562 Z M 346.625 280.71875 C 350.039062 280.71875 352.820312 277.945312 352.820312 274.535156 C 352.820312 271.125 350.039062 268.347656 346.625 268.347656 C 343.214844 268.347656 340.429688 271.125 340.429688 274.535156 C 340.429688 277.945312 343.214844 280.71875 346.625 280.71875 Z M 306.542969 282.5 C 306.542969 295.769531 313.050781 307.546875 323.015625 314.84375 L 323.015625 304.351562 C 323.015625 295.777344 327.601562 288.25 334.46875 284.109375 C 326.488281 273.992188 333.710938 259.039062 346.625 259.039062 C 359.539062 259.039062 366.761719 273.992188 358.785156 284.109375 C 365.648438 288.25 370.234375 295.777344 370.234375 304.351562 L 370.234375 314.84375 C 380.199219 307.546875 386.707031 295.769531 386.707031 282.5 C 386.707031 260.402344 368.707031 242.4375 346.625 242.4375 C 324.542969 242.4375 306.542969 260.402344 306.542969 282.5 Z M 446.203125 328.238281 C 446.203125 341.503906 452.714844 353.28125 462.636719 360.574219 L 462.636719 350.085938 C 462.636719 341.507812 467.265625 333.980469 474.128906 329.84375 C 466.140625 319.699219 473.390625 304.773438 486.289062 304.773438 C 499.1875 304.773438 506.433594 319.699219 498.445312 329.84375 C 505.308594 333.980469 509.898438 341.507812 509.898438 350.085938 L 509.898438 360.574219 C 519.859375 353.28125 526.371094 341.503906 526.371094 328.238281 C 526.371094 306.144531 508.367188 288.167969 486.289062 288.167969 C 464.207031 288.167969 446.203125 306.144531 446.203125 328.238281 Z M 471.972656 350.085938 L 471.972656 365.65625 C 481.152344 369.195312 491.421875 369.195312 500.601562 365.65625 L 500.601562 350.085938 C 500.601562 342.195312 494.171875 335.769531 486.289062 335.769531 C 478.40625 335.769531 471.972656 342.195312 471.972656 350.085938 Z M 486.289062 326.460938 C 489.699219 326.460938 492.484375 323.683594 492.484375 320.269531 C 492.484375 316.851562 489.699219 314.078125 486.289062 314.078125 C 482.875 314.078125 480.089844 316.851562 480.089844 320.269531 C 480.089844 323.683594 482.875 326.460938 486.289062 326.460938 Z M 537.546875 463.355469 C 537.546875 490.585938 515.390625 512.738281 488.132812 512.738281 C 476.328125 512.738281 465.460938 508.546875 456.953125 501.585938 C 426.105469 522.199219 389.316406 528.386719 353.804688 518.875 C 321.289062 510.164062 294.109375 489.316406 277.285156 460.167969 C 277.050781 459.761719 276.816406 459.355469 276.578125 458.941406 C 275.441406 459.792969 274.109375 460.433594 272.65625 460.796875 L 272.65625 518.117188 C 272.65625 527.363281 265.125 534.886719 255.871094 534.886719 C 246.652344 534.886719 239.125 527.363281 239.125 518.117188 L 239.125 460.796875 C 234.105469 459.519531 230.378906 454.976562 230.378906 449.566406 L 230.378906 389.914062 C 230.378906 383.519531 235.554688 378.308594 241.949219 378.308594 L 261.832031 378.308594 C 266.226562 349.363281 280.34375 323.097656 301.992188 303.601562 C 298.972656 297.199219 297.25 290.046875 297.25 282.5 C 297.25 255.273438 319.40625 233.101562 346.625 233.101562 C 370.039062 233.101562 389.691406 249.519531 394.75 271.429688 C 415.847656 272.847656 436.242188 279.515625 454.089844 290.851562 C 462.71875 283.390625 473.972656 278.855469 486.289062 278.855469 C 513.507812 278.855469 535.667969 301.011719 535.667969 328.238281 C 535.667969 346.949219 525.195312 363.265625 509.820312 371.644531 C 513.035156 387.234375 513.269531 403.570312 510.449219 419.3125 C 526.488281 427.476562 537.546875 444.148438 537.546875 463.355469 Z M 398.121094 397.089844 C 398.710938 397.089844 399.296875 396.976562 399.886719 396.738281 L 415.730469 390.1875 C 418.085938 389.207031 419.222656 386.484375 418.242188 384.117188 C 417.261719 381.738281 414.554688 380.609375 412.160156 381.589844 L 396.316406 388.136719 C 391.660156 390.066406 393.042969 397.089844 398.121094 397.089844 Z M 415.730469 438.625 L 399.886719 432.074219 C 397.492188 431.09375 394.785156 432.222656 393.808594 434.597656 C 392.828125 436.972656 393.964844 439.695312 396.316406 440.675781 L 412.160156 447.222656 C 414.507812 448.191406 417.246094 447.105469 418.242188 444.695312 C 419.222656 442.324219 418.085938 439.605469 415.730469 438.625 Z M 423.730469 414.410156 C 423.730469 411.832031 421.652344 409.753906 419.066406 409.753906 L 401.925781 409.753906 C 399.375 409.753906 397.296875 411.832031 397.296875 414.410156 C 397.296875 416.976562 399.375 419.066406 401.925781 419.066406 L 419.066406 419.066406 C 421.652344 419.066406 423.730469 416.976562 423.730469 414.410156 Z M 423.730469 414.410156 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Media and Communications </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizing women who have excelled in media, journalism, or communications, influencing public opinion, and driving change through impactful storytelling. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-bea427f elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="bea427f" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-4033d9e" data-id="4033d9e" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-2fda951 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="2fda951" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="64a35185a6"><path d="M 236.929688 230.398438 L 530.929688 230.398438 L 530.929688 537.898438 L 236.929688 537.898438 Z M 236.929688 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#64a35185a6)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 395.902344 527.667969 C 411.175781 511.125 422.363281 491.257812 429.691406 469.273438 C 445.863281 471.941406 461.761719 476.054688 477.265625 481.574219 C 458.199219 506.925781 429.105469 524.285156 395.902344 527.667969 Z M 290.769531 481.574219 C 306.273438 476.054688 322.132812 471.941406 338.304688 469.273438 C 345.632812 491.257812 356.820312 511.125 372.09375 527.667969 C 338.929688 524.285156 309.796875 506.925781 290.769531 481.574219 Z M 291.589844 355.757812 L 288.730469 377.117188 C 288.574219 378.269531 288.890625 379.4375 289.554688 380.386719 L 299.851562 395.148438 C 301.691406 397.796875 305.601562 397.804688 307.449219 395.148438 L 317.785156 380.386719 C 318.410156 379.4375 318.726562 378.269531 318.570312 377.117188 L 315.710938 355.757812 C 323.660156 358.570312 330.472656 364.121094 334.894531 371.640625 C 333.449219 376.355469 332.664062 381.351562 332.664062 386.53125 L 332.664062 407.058594 L 267.429688 407.058594 L 267.429688 389.902344 C 267.429688 374.164062 277.535156 360.738281 291.589844 355.757812 Z M 284.933594 325.695312 C 284.933594 315.378906 293.351562 306.988281 303.648438 306.988281 C 313.949219 306.988281 322.367188 315.378906 322.367188 325.695312 C 322.367188 336.003906 313.949219 344.394531 303.648438 344.394531 C 293.351562 344.394531 284.933594 336.003906 284.933594 325.695312 Z M 309.09375 376.554688 L 306.078125 353.769531 L 301.222656 353.773438 L 298.207031 376.554688 L 303.648438 384.363281 Z M 371.039062 346.558594 L 367.632812 372.011719 C 367.476562 373.164062 367.75 374.332031 368.414062 375.28125 L 380.199219 392.148438 C 382.039062 394.792969 385.957031 394.792969 387.796875 392.148438 L 399.582031 375.28125 C 400.246094 374.332031 400.523438 373.164062 400.367188 372.011719 L 396.996094 346.558594 C 413.835938 352.039062 426.050781 367.878906 426.050781 386.53125 L 426.050781 407.0625 L 341.984375 407.0625 L 341.984375 386.53125 C 341.984375 367.878906 354.160156 352.035156 371.039062 346.558594 Z M 361.992188 313.167969 C 361.992188 301.027344 371.859375 291.140625 384 291.140625 C 396.136719 291.140625 406.042969 301.027344 406.042969 313.167969 C 406.042969 325.316406 396.136719 335.199219 384 335.199219 C 371.859375 335.199219 361.992188 325.316406 361.992188 313.167969 Z M 388.65625 240.863281 C 395.585938 238.6875 400.488281 241.550781 406.121094 245.304688 C 410.703125 248.367188 415.871094 251.835938 423.898438 252.765625 C 429.769531 253.441406 435.136719 253.8125 440.265625 252.585938 C 436.46875 257.203125 431.53125 259.609375 425.035156 260.226562 C 412.023438 261.453125 405.410156 253.519531 388.65625 256.746094 Z M 390.929688 371.449219 L 387.367188 344.636719 C 384.9375 344.449219 383.082031 344.445312 380.671875 344.636719 L 377.066406 371.449219 L 384 381.371094 Z M 452.285156 355.757812 L 449.429688 377.117188 C 449.273438 378.269531 449.585938 379.445312 450.25 380.386719 L 460.546875 395.148438 C 462.410156 397.828125 466.324219 397.769531 468.183594 395.148438 L 478.480469 380.386719 C 479.148438 379.4375 479.421875 378.269531 479.265625 377.117188 L 476.40625 355.757812 C 490.464844 360.738281 500.566406 374.160156 500.566406 389.902344 L 500.566406 407.0625 L 435.332031 407.0625 L 435.332031 386.53125 C 435.332031 381.351562 434.550781 376.355469 433.140625 371.640625 C 437.523438 364.121094 444.335938 358.570312 452.285156 355.757812 Z M 445.667969 325.695312 C 445.667969 315.378906 454.046875 306.988281 464.347656 306.988281 C 474.683594 306.988281 483.0625 315.378906 483.0625 325.695312 C 483.0625 336.003906 474.683594 344.394531 464.347656 344.394531 C 454.046875 344.394531 445.667969 336.003906 445.667969 325.695312 Z M 469.828125 376.554688 L 466.773438 353.773438 L 461.917969 353.769531 L 458.902344 376.554688 L 464.347656 384.367188 Z M 438.699219 416.351562 C 438.347656 431.488281 436.230469 446.175781 432.394531 460.292969 C 449.507812 463.203125 466.304688 467.664062 482.710938 473.660156 C 493.242188 456.929688 499.664062 437.347656 500.488281 416.351562 Z M 329.296875 416.351562 L 267.507812 416.351562 C 268.371094 437.347656 274.753906 456.929688 285.324219 473.660156 C 301.691406 467.664062 318.492188 463.203125 335.601562 460.292969 C 331.804688 446.179688 329.648438 431.488281 329.296875 416.351562 Z M 384 456.238281 C 370.882812 456.238281 357.84375 457.113281 344.960938 458.863281 C 341.160156 445.273438 339.007812 430.953125 338.617188 416.351562 L 429.417969 416.351562 C 429.027344 430.953125 426.835938 445.273438 423.035156 458.863281 C 410.15625 457.113281 397.15625 456.238281 384 456.238281 Z M 384 526.5625 C 400.089844 510.992188 412.503906 490.664062 420.257812 467.875 C 396.261719 464.742188 371.765625 464.75 347.738281 467.875 C 355.492188 490.664062 367.90625 510.992188 384 526.5625 Z M 526.410156 407.0625 L 509.886719 407.0625 L 509.886719 389.902344 C 509.886719 370.886719 498.136719 354.566406 481.535156 347.773438 C 488.113281 342.640625 492.34375 334.652344 492.34375 325.695312 C 492.34375 310.253906 479.8125 297.699219 464.347656 297.699219 C 448.917969 297.699219 436.351562 310.253906 436.351562 325.695312 C 436.351562 334.65625 440.578125 342.640625 447.15625 347.769531 C 440.03125 350.683594 433.6875 355.398438 428.832031 361.535156 C 422.960938 351.09375 413.601562 342.902344 402.285156 338.578125 C 410.195312 332.882812 415.324219 323.617188 415.324219 313.167969 C 415.324219 297.480469 403.734375 284.449219 388.660156 282.195312 L 388.660156 266.25 C 404.53125 262.484375 409.597656 271.023438 425.933594 269.480469 C 440.972656 268.054688 450.761719 258.8125 455.851562 241.226562 C 457.238281 236.5 451.09375 233.125 447.863281 236.929688 C 441.714844 244.128906 436.742188 244.894531 424.957031 243.527344 C 413.300781 242.171875 408.847656 232.648438 396.410156 231.042969 C 391.59375 230.421875 386.738281 231.25 382.003906 233.511719 C 380.398438 234.28125 379.339844 235.917969 379.339844 237.707031 L 379.339844 282.191406 C 364.265625 284.449219 352.675781 297.476562 352.675781 313.167969 C 352.675781 323.617188 357.84375 332.878906 365.714844 338.578125 C 354.4375 342.898438 345.039062 351.089844 339.203125 361.535156 C 334.3125 355.398438 327.96875 350.683594 320.839844 347.765625 C 327.417969 342.640625 331.648438 334.652344 331.648438 325.695312 C 331.648438 310.25 319.078125 297.699219 303.652344 297.699219 C 288.222656 297.699219 275.65625 310.25 275.65625 325.695312 C 275.65625 334.652344 279.882812 342.640625 286.460938 347.769531 C 269.859375 354.5625 258.152344 370.882812 258.152344 389.902344 L 258.152344 407.058594 L 241.589844 407.058594 C 239.003906 407.058594 236.929688 409.144531 236.929688 411.707031 C 236.929688 414.277344 239.003906 416.351562 241.589844 416.351562 L 258.152344 416.351562 L 258.425781 419.871094 C 262.65625 485.484375 317.355469 537.570312 384 537.570312 C 450.640625 537.570312 505.382812 485.484375 509.609375 419.871094 C 509.835938 418.003906 509.882812 418.277344 509.882812 416.351562 L 526.40625 416.351562 C 528.992188 416.351562 531.066406 414.277344 531.066406 411.707031 C 531.066406 409.144531 528.992188 407.0625 526.410156 407.0625 Z M 526.410156 407.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Government and Public Service </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women who have shown outstanding leadership and impact in government or public service roles, contributing to policy development and community welfare. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-5ba70d4" data-id="5ba70d4" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-357463d elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="357463d" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="43360cb8dd"><path d="M 238 387 L 271 387 L 271 498.71875 L 238 498.71875 Z M 238 387 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="77a8b93002"><path d="M 230.398438 273 L 280 273 L 280 379 L 230.398438 379 Z M 230.398438 273 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="4dc2b23b21"><path d="M 494 387 L 527 387 L 527 498.71875 L 494 498.71875 Z M 494 387 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="d73e75d116"><path d="M 484 269.21875 L 537.898438 269.21875 L 537.898438 382 L 484 382 Z M 484 269.21875 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#43360cb8dd)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 254.882812 387.890625 C 250.445312 387.890625 246.417969 389.703125 243.507812 392.628906 C 240.582031 395.554688 238.761719 399.582031 238.761719 404.003906 L 238.761719 482.632812 C 238.761719 487.070312 240.574219 491.101562 243.492188 494.015625 L 243.515625 494.015625 C 246.429688 496.933594 250.460938 498.746094 254.875 498.746094 C 259.3125 498.746094 263.34375 496.933594 266.261719 494.015625 C 269.179688 491.101562 270.992188 487.070312 270.992188 482.632812 L 270.992188 404.003906 C 270.992188 399.566406 269.179688 395.539062 266.261719 392.621094 C 263.351562 389.703125 259.3125 387.890625 254.882812 387.890625 Z M 254.882812 387.890625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#77a8b93002)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 275.476562 273.925781 C 272.273438 273.234375 269.441406 275.660156 269.441406 278.746094 L 269.441406 322.148438 C 269.441406 323.597656 268.265625 324.78125 266.808594 324.78125 L 262.445312 324.78125 C 260.996094 324.78125 259.8125 323.605469 259.8125 322.148438 L 259.8125 278.539062 C 259.8125 275.929688 257.601562 273.808594 254.875 273.808594 C 252.152344 273.808594 249.941406 275.929688 249.941406 278.539062 L 249.941406 322.148438 C 249.941406 323.597656 248.765625 324.78125 247.308594 324.78125 L 242.945312 324.78125 C 241.496094 324.78125 240.3125 323.605469 240.3125 322.148438 L 240.3125 278.738281 C 240.3125 275.652344 237.488281 273.234375 234.277344 273.917969 C 231.996094 274.410156 230.4375 276.542969 230.4375 278.886719 L 230.4375 329.710938 C 230.4375 332.4375 232.648438 334.648438 235.375 334.648438 L 247.308594 334.648438 C 248.757812 334.648438 249.941406 335.820312 249.941406 337.28125 L 249.941406 374.292969 C 249.941406 376.542969 251.765625 378.195312 254.015625 378.078125 C 254.59375 378.046875 255.167969 378.046875 255.738281 378.078125 C 257.976562 378.195312 259.8125 376.542969 259.8125 374.292969 L 259.8125 337.28125 C 259.8125 335.828125 260.988281 334.648438 262.445312 334.648438 L 274.378906 334.648438 C 277.101562 334.648438 279.3125 332.4375 279.3125 329.710938 L 279.3125 278.886719 C 279.3125 276.550781 277.753906 274.417969 275.476562 273.925781 Z M 275.476562 273.925781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#4dc2b23b21)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 521.933594 392.328125 C 519.039062 389.585938 515.136719 387.898438 510.867188 387.898438 C 506.429688 387.898438 502.402344 389.710938 499.484375 392.628906 C 496.566406 395.546875 494.753906 399.574219 494.753906 404.011719 L 494.753906 482.640625 C 494.753906 487.078125 496.566406 491.109375 499.484375 494.023438 C 502.402344 496.941406 506.429688 498.753906 510.867188 498.753906 C 515.308594 498.753906 519.335938 496.941406 522.253906 494.023438 C 525.171875 491.109375 526.984375 487.078125 526.984375 482.640625 L 526.984375 404.003906 C 526.984375 399.566406 525.171875 395.539062 522.253906 392.621094 Z M 521.933594 392.328125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#d73e75d116)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 529.984375 278.417969 C 525.140625 272.734375 518.386719 269.21875 510.875 269.21875 C 503.367188 269.21875 496.613281 272.734375 491.765625 278.417969 C 487.089844 283.890625 484.203125 291.398438 484.203125 299.636719 C 484.203125 307.875 487.097656 315.382812 491.765625 320.859375 C 494.832031 324.449219 498.660156 327.175781 502.953125 328.695312 C 504.726562 329.328125 505.941406 330.953125 505.941406 332.828125 L 505.941406 378.371094 C 505.941406 380.136719 507.453125 381.578125 509.210938 381.394531 C 510.316406 381.28125 511.4375 381.28125 512.550781 381.394531 C 514.308594 381.578125 515.820312 380.136719 515.820312 378.371094 L 515.820312 332.835938 C 515.820312 330.953125 517.035156 329.328125 518.808594 328.703125 C 523.105469 327.183594 526.929688 324.457031 529.992188 320.867188 C 534.667969 315.390625 537.554688 307.882812 537.554688 299.644531 C 537.546875 291.40625 534.660156 283.898438 529.984375 278.417969 Z M 529.984375 278.417969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 382.875 293.035156 C 356.75 293.035156 332.988281 303.730469 315.757812 320.949219 C 298.53125 338.179688 287.84375 361.933594 287.84375 388.066406 C 287.84375 414.195312 298.539062 437.957031 315.757812 455.183594 C 332.988281 472.414062 356.742188 483.101562 382.875 483.101562 C 409.003906 483.101562 432.765625 472.40625 449.984375 455.183594 C 467.214844 437.957031 477.902344 414.203125 477.902344 388.066406 C 477.902344 361.941406 467.207031 338.179688 449.984375 320.949219 C 432.765625 303.722656 409.011719 293.035156 382.875 293.035156 Z M 396.042969 439.292969 C 392.457031 445.519531 389.332031 450.9375 387.214844 454.90625 C 385.941406 457.304688 382.960938 458.210938 380.566406 456.925781 C 379.667969 456.445312 378.976562 455.722656 378.53125 454.886719 C 376.398438 450.894531 373.265625 445.457031 369.671875 439.222656 C 356.113281 415.707031 336.128906 381.050781 336.128906 365.355469 C 336.128906 352.457031 341.363281 340.773438 349.839844 332.296875 C 358.300781 323.835938 369.984375 318.601562 382.875 318.601562 C 395.773438 318.601562 407.453125 323.835938 415.9375 332.3125 C 424.398438 340.773438 429.632812 352.457031 429.632812 365.347656 C 429.625 381.011719 409.59375 415.78125 396.042969 439.292969 Z M 396.042969 439.292969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 408.964844 339.269531 C 402.292969 332.605469 393.074219 328.480469 382.875 328.480469 C 372.679688 328.480469 363.460938 332.605469 356.789062 339.269531 C 350.125 345.941406 346 355.167969 346 365.355469 C 346 378.5 365.179688 411.761719 378.195312 434.324219 L 378.230469 434.394531 C 380.289062 437.980469 385.472656 437.980469 387.53125 434.394531 C 400.535156 411.828125 419.757812 378.453125 419.757812 365.355469 C 419.757812 355.167969 415.628906 345.941406 408.964844 339.269531 Z M 397.546875 378.632812 C 393.792969 382.386719 388.605469 384.710938 382.875 384.710938 C 377.148438 384.710938 371.960938 382.386719 368.203125 378.632812 C 364.449219 374.878906 362.125 369.6875 362.125 363.960938 C 362.125 358.246094 364.457031 353.066406 368.210938 349.304688 C 371.960938 345.542969 377.148438 343.214844 382.875 343.214844 C 388.605469 343.214844 393.792969 345.542969 397.546875 349.296875 L 397.839844 349.609375 C 401.425781 353.347656 403.628906 358.410156 403.628906 363.96875 C 403.628906 369.6875 401.304688 374.878906 397.546875 378.632812 Z M 397.546875 378.632812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 390.570312 356.265625 C 388.605469 354.300781 385.878906 353.082031 382.875 353.082031 C 379.875 353.082031 377.148438 354.300781 375.160156 356.265625 C 373.203125 358.21875 371.996094 360.941406 371.996094 363.960938 C 371.996094 366.960938 373.21875 369.6875 375.183594 371.652344 C 377.148438 373.617188 379.875 374.839844 382.875 374.839844 C 385.878906 374.839844 388.605469 373.617188 390.570312 371.652344 C 392.535156 369.6875 393.753906 366.960938 393.753906 363.960938 C 393.753906 361.050781 392.628906 358.417969 390.800781 356.480469 Z M 390.570312 356.265625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Hospitality and Tourism </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women who have demonstrated excellence in the hospitality and tourism industries, enhancing customer experience and promoting sustainable tourism. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-f2514bd" data-id="f2514bd" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-6c5f3f9 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="6c5f3f9" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="131812468f"><path d="M 248.832031 230.398438 L 518.832031 230.398438 L 518.832031 537.898438 L 248.832031 537.898438 Z M 248.832031 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#131812468f)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 384.027344 275.789062 C 334.539062 275.789062 294.277344 316.050781 294.277344 365.539062 C 294.277344 400.703125 309.167969 419.355469 324.921875 439.109375 C 331.96875 447.941406 339.230469 457.042969 345.1875 467.921875 C 340.128906 469.675781 336.476562 474.472656 336.476562 480.121094 C 336.476562 484.007812 338.210938 487.496094 340.945312 489.867188 C 338.183594 492.625 336.476562 496.4375 336.476562 500.636719 C 336.476562 507.804688 341.453125 513.828125 348.132812 515.453125 C 349.796875 527.933594 360.503906 537.59375 373.433594 537.59375 L 394.613281 537.59375 C 407.539062 537.59375 418.246094 527.933594 419.917969 515.453125 C 426.59375 513.835938 431.574219 507.804688 431.574219 500.636719 C 431.574219 496.4375 429.863281 492.625 427.105469 489.867188 C 429.832031 487.496094 431.574219 484.007812 431.574219 480.121094 C 431.574219 474.472656 427.921875 469.667969 422.859375 467.921875 C 428.820312 457.042969 436.078125 447.941406 443.128906 439.109375 C 458.890625 419.355469 473.769531 400.695312 473.769531 365.539062 C 473.777344 316.058594 433.515625 275.789062 384.027344 275.789062 Z M 394.621094 529.949219 L 373.441406 529.949219 C 364.894531 529.949219 357.730469 523.917969 355.972656 515.886719 L 412.089844 515.886719 C 410.332031 523.917969 403.167969 529.949219 394.621094 529.949219 Z M 416.328125 508.238281 L 351.726562 508.238281 C 347.539062 508.238281 344.128906 504.828125 344.128906 500.644531 C 344.128906 496.457031 347.539062 493.046875 351.726562 493.046875 L 416.320312 493.046875 C 420.507812 493.046875 423.917969 496.457031 423.917969 500.644531 C 423.917969 504.828125 420.515625 508.238281 416.328125 508.238281 Z M 418.65625 485.390625 L 418.65625 485.570312 C 417.894531 485.453125 417.117188 485.390625 416.320312 485.390625 L 351.726562 485.390625 C 350.9375 485.390625 350.160156 485.453125 349.394531 485.570312 L 349.394531 485.390625 C 346.488281 485.390625 344.125 483.027344 344.125 480.121094 C 344.125 477.214844 346.488281 474.851562 349.394531 474.851562 L 418.65625 474.851562 C 421.5625 474.851562 423.925781 477.214844 423.925781 480.121094 C 423.925781 483.027344 421.5625 485.390625 418.65625 485.390625 Z M 437.15625 434.339844 C 429.277344 444.21875 421.144531 454.417969 414.59375 467.207031 L 353.46875 467.207031 C 346.914062 454.417969 338.785156 444.21875 330.90625 434.339844 C 316.003906 415.667969 301.933594 398.019531 301.933594 365.539062 C 301.933594 320.269531 338.765625 283.4375 384.035156 283.4375 C 429.304688 283.4375 466.136719 320.269531 466.136719 365.539062 C 466.128906 398.027344 452.058594 415.667969 437.15625 434.339844 Z M 404.917969 332.40625 L 363.097656 332.40625 C 356.378906 332.40625 350.917969 337.867188 350.917969 344.585938 L 350.917969 386.40625 C 350.917969 393.125 356.378906 398.585938 363.097656 398.585938 L 404.917969 398.585938 C 411.636719 398.585938 417.097656 393.125 417.097656 386.40625 L 417.097656 344.585938 C 417.097656 337.875 411.636719 332.40625 404.917969 332.40625 Z M 409.453125 386.414062 C 409.453125 388.910156 407.417969 390.945312 404.917969 390.945312 L 363.097656 390.945312 C 360.597656 390.945312 358.566406 388.910156 358.566406 386.414062 L 358.566406 344.589844 C 358.566406 342.09375 360.597656 340.058594 363.097656 340.058594 L 404.917969 340.058594 C 407.417969 340.058594 409.453125 342.09375 409.453125 344.589844 Z M 432.9375 333.34375 C 432.9375 324.09375 425.417969 316.574219 416.167969 316.574219 L 409.222656 316.574219 L 409.222656 298.410156 C 409.222656 296.300781 407.507812 294.585938 405.398438 294.585938 C 403.289062 294.585938 401.574219 296.300781 401.574219 298.410156 L 401.574219 316.574219 L 387.832031 316.574219 L 387.832031 298.410156 C 387.832031 296.300781 386.117188 294.585938 384.007812 294.585938 C 381.898438 294.585938 380.183594 296.300781 380.183594 298.410156 L 380.183594 316.574219 L 366.445312 316.574219 L 366.445312 298.410156 C 366.445312 296.300781 364.730469 294.585938 362.621094 294.585938 C 360.511719 294.585938 358.796875 296.300781 358.796875 298.410156 L 358.796875 316.574219 L 351.855469 316.574219 C 342.609375 316.574219 335.085938 324.09375 335.085938 333.34375 L 335.085938 340.289062 L 316.921875 340.289062 C 314.8125 340.289062 313.097656 342.003906 313.097656 344.113281 C 313.097656 346.222656 314.8125 347.9375 316.921875 347.9375 L 335.085938 347.9375 L 335.085938 361.679688 L 316.921875 361.679688 C 314.8125 361.679688 313.097656 363.394531 313.097656 365.503906 C 313.097656 367.613281 314.8125 369.328125 316.921875 369.328125 L 335.085938 369.328125 L 335.085938 383.066406 L 316.921875 383.066406 C 314.8125 383.066406 313.097656 384.78125 313.097656 386.890625 C 313.097656 389 314.8125 390.714844 316.921875 390.714844 L 335.085938 390.714844 L 335.085938 397.65625 C 335.085938 406.902344 342.609375 414.425781 351.855469 414.425781 L 358.800781 414.425781 L 358.800781 432.589844 C 358.800781 434.699219 360.515625 436.410156 362.625 436.410156 C 364.734375 436.410156 366.449219 434.699219 366.449219 432.589844 L 366.449219 414.425781 L 380.191406 414.425781 L 380.191406 432.589844 C 380.191406 434.699219 381.90625 436.410156 384.015625 436.410156 C 386.125 436.410156 387.839844 434.699219 387.839844 432.589844 L 387.839844 414.425781 L 401.585938 414.425781 L 401.585938 432.589844 C 401.585938 434.699219 403.300781 436.410156 405.410156 436.410156 C 407.519531 436.410156 409.234375 434.699219 409.234375 432.589844 L 409.234375 414.425781 L 416.175781 414.425781 C 425.421875 414.425781 432.941406 406.902344 432.941406 397.65625 L 432.941406 390.707031 L 451.105469 390.707031 C 453.21875 390.707031 454.929688 388.996094 454.929688 386.886719 C 454.929688 384.773438 453.21875 383.0625 451.105469 383.0625 L 432.941406 383.0625 L 432.941406 369.320312 L 451.105469 369.320312 C 453.21875 369.320312 454.929688 367.605469 454.929688 365.496094 C 454.929688 363.386719 453.21875 361.671875 451.105469 361.671875 L 432.941406 361.671875 L 432.941406 347.929688 L 451.105469 347.929688 C 453.21875 347.929688 454.929688 346.214844 454.929688 344.105469 C 454.929688 341.996094 453.21875 340.28125 451.105469 340.28125 L 432.941406 340.28125 L 432.941406 333.34375 Z M 425.289062 397.65625 C 425.289062 402.683594 421.195312 406.777344 416.167969 406.777344 L 351.847656 406.777344 C 346.820312 406.777344 342.730469 402.683594 342.730469 397.65625 L 342.730469 333.34375 C 342.730469 328.3125 346.820312 324.222656 351.847656 324.222656 L 416.167969 324.222656 C 421.199219 324.222656 425.289062 328.3125 425.289062 333.34375 Z M 382.148438 351.773438 C 381.496094 350.480469 380.179688 349.65625 378.726562 349.65625 C 377.273438 349.65625 375.953125 350.472656 375.304688 351.773438 L 363.105469 376.175781 C 362.160156 378.0625 362.925781 380.363281 364.8125 381.308594 C 366.707031 382.25 369 381.488281 369.941406 379.601562 L 372.171875 375.140625 L 385.269531 375.140625 L 387.5 379.601562 C 388.171875 380.9375 389.523438 381.714844 390.925781 381.714844 C 391.496094 381.714844 392.082031 381.589844 392.632812 381.316406 C 394.519531 380.371094 395.289062 378.070312 394.339844 376.183594 Z M 376.003906 367.484375 L 378.730469 362.035156 L 381.460938 367.484375 Z M 405.316406 353.113281 L 405.316406 377.515625 C 405.316406 379.625 403.601562 381.339844 401.492188 381.339844 C 399.382812 381.339844 397.667969 379.625 397.667969 377.515625 L 397.667969 353.113281 C 397.667969 351.003906 399.382812 349.289062 401.492188 349.289062 C 403.601562 349.289062 405.316406 351.003906 405.316406 353.113281 Z M 380.203125 256.5 L 380.203125 234.222656 C 380.203125 232.113281 381.917969 230.398438 384.027344 230.398438 C 386.136719 230.398438 387.851562 232.113281 387.851562 234.222656 L 387.851562 256.5 C 387.851562 258.609375 386.136719 260.324219 384.027344 260.324219 C 381.917969 260.324219 380.203125 258.609375 380.203125 256.5 Z M 479.550781 269.984375 C 481.042969 271.476562 481.042969 273.898438 479.550781 275.394531 L 463.804688 291.144531 C 463.058594 291.890625 462.074219 292.265625 461.101562 292.265625 C 460.121094 292.265625 459.144531 291.890625 458.398438 291.144531 C 456.90625 289.652344 456.90625 287.230469 458.398438 285.734375 L 474.148438 269.984375 C 475.636719 268.488281 478.058594 268.492188 479.550781 269.984375 Z M 519.109375 365.515625 C 519.109375 367.625 517.398438 369.339844 515.285156 369.339844 L 493.011719 369.339844 C 490.902344 369.339844 489.1875 367.625 489.1875 365.515625 C 489.1875 363.40625 490.902344 361.691406 493.011719 361.691406 L 515.285156 361.691406 C 517.398438 361.691406 519.109375 363.40625 519.109375 365.515625 Z M 304.253906 291.144531 L 288.503906 275.394531 C 287.011719 273.90625 287.011719 271.484375 288.503906 269.984375 C 289.996094 268.492188 292.417969 268.492188 293.914062 269.984375 L 309.664062 285.734375 C 311.15625 287.226562 311.15625 289.648438 309.664062 291.144531 C 308.917969 291.890625 307.9375 292.265625 306.960938 292.265625 C 305.984375 292.265625 305 291.890625 304.253906 291.144531 Z M 278.867188 365.515625 C 278.867188 367.625 277.152344 369.339844 275.042969 369.339844 L 252.769531 369.339844 C 250.660156 369.339844 248.945312 367.625 248.945312 365.515625 C 248.945312 363.40625 250.660156 361.691406 252.769531 361.691406 L 275.042969 361.691406 C 277.160156 361.691406 278.867188 363.40625 278.867188 365.515625 Z M 278.867188 365.515625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in <br/>AI & Innovation </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women leading in artificial intelligence and related innovations, driving technological advancements that have a significant impact on society. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-1cc74ee elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="1cc74ee" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-6184f0f" data-id="6184f0f" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-8c5a96f elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="8c5a96f" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="6920eea94b"><path d="M 364 266 L 511 266 L 511 537.898438 L 364 537.898438 Z M 364 266 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 368.804688 358.867188 C 365.546875 348.671875 358.117188 339.992188 348.917969 335.640625 C 331.136719 327.207031 312.601562 328.339844 296.609375 330.054688 C 294.566406 330.277344 292.777344 331.539062 291.890625 333.390625 C 290.992188 335.246094 291.132812 337.433594 292.242188 339.167969 C 294.222656 342.277344 297.128906 347.019531 298.53125 349.582031 C 302.085938 356.066406 303.757812 363.558594 305.046875 370.066406 C 308.171875 385.816406 323.613281 400.839844 344.195312 400.839844 C 346.347656 400.839844 348.558594 400.675781 350.816406 400.328125 C 354.0625 399.832031 356.292969 396.800781 355.796875 393.558594 C 355.300781 390.3125 352.230469 388.066406 349.019531 388.578125 C 332.644531 391.066406 319.101562 379.828125 316.707031 367.75 C 315.25 360.371094 313.320312 351.832031 308.953125 343.859375 C 308.511719 343.050781 307.957031 342.089844 307.34375 341.042969 C 321.015625 340.183594 332.8125 341.15625 343.824219 346.378906 C 350.097656 349.355469 355.203125 355.371094 357.472656 362.476562 C 358.519531 365.753906 359.234375 370.203125 358.320312 375.285156 C 352.964844 369.339844 346.523438 362.972656 338.585938 356.144531 C 336.09375 354 332.339844 354.289062 330.203125 356.78125 C 328.058594 359.265625 328.347656 363.019531 330.835938 365.164062 C 341.378906 374.226562 349.132812 382.320312 354.933594 389.527344 C 355.304688 390.328125 355.851562 391.035156 356.550781 391.613281 C 367.640625 405.988281 370.902344 416.652344 373.132812 424.050781 C 373.4375 425.058594 373.726562 426.003906 374.007812 426.890625 C 368.015625 439.503906 364.375 451.351562 362.738281 460.316406 C 362.144531 463.542969 364.285156 466.640625 367.511719 467.234375 C 367.878906 467.304688 368.234375 467.328125 368.59375 467.328125 C 371.40625 467.328125 373.910156 465.320312 374.433594 462.457031 C 376.015625 453.792969 379.609375 442.207031 385.648438 429.949219 C 385.730469 429.796875 385.800781 429.648438 385.871094 429.488281 C 389.589844 422.015625 394.265625 414.324219 399.941406 406.871094 C 400.417969 406.800781 400.898438 406.699219 401.367188 406.503906 C 414.75 401.007812 430.242188 404.496094 430.394531 404.527344 C 433.585938 405.273438 436.78125 403.289062 437.535156 400.097656 C 438.285156 396.90625 436.300781 393.707031 433.109375 392.949219 C 432.589844 392.824219 424.089844 390.898438 413.433594 391.730469 C 421.820312 383.765625 431.695312 376.621094 443.296875 371.140625 C 446.261719 369.738281 447.527344 366.191406 446.125 363.222656 C 444.722656 360.253906 441.179688 358.988281 438.210938 360.390625 C 431.488281 363.566406 425.339844 367.273438 419.628906 371.324219 L 419.890625 370.425781 C 420.792969 367.269531 418.964844 363.976562 415.816406 363.070312 C 412.652344 362.167969 409.371094 363.992188 408.460938 367.144531 L 403.480469 384.496094 C 403.429688 384.675781 403.417969 384.859375 403.382812 385.039062 C 395.660156 392.707031 389.09375 400.976562 383.707031 409.351562 C 380.855469 399.546875 382.144531 390.921875 384.082031 384.84375 C 387.660156 373.632812 395.734375 364.128906 405.675781 359.417969 C 423.695312 350.898438 442.886719 349.804688 465.441406 351.625 C 463.679688 354.519531 461.960938 357.4375 460.769531 359.617188 C 454.515625 371.027344 451.738281 383.367188 449.628906 394.035156 C 447.398438 405.28125 441.1875 414.964844 432.59375 420.59375 C 423.269531 426.6875 411.496094 428.246094 397.632812 425.199219 C 394.417969 424.511719 391.25 426.527344 390.550781 429.730469 C 389.851562 432.9375 391.878906 436.113281 395.085938 436.8125 C 400.4375 437.988281 405.617188 438.574219 410.59375 438.574219 C 421.277344 438.574219 430.957031 435.867188 439.097656 430.546875 C 450.511719 423.074219 458.402344 410.929688 461.289062 396.34375 C 463.230469 386.542969 465.75 375.261719 471.199219 365.328125 C 473.242188 361.582031 477.550781 354.535156 480.558594 349.816406 C 481.664062 348.078125 481.796875 345.898438 480.902344 344.042969 C 480.015625 342.1875 478.226562 340.925781 476.179688 340.707031 C 453.023438 338.222656 426.167969 336.578125 400.589844 348.675781 C 387.726562 354.773438 377.316406 366.945312 372.753906 381.230469 C 371.742188 384.40625 371.078125 387.640625 370.667969 390.882812 C 369.640625 389.367188 368.527344 387.804688 367.339844 386.210938 C 371.148438 377.46875 371.6875 367.90625 368.804688 358.867188 Z M 368.804688 358.867188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 334.238281 501.015625 C 335 501.339844 335.785156 501.492188 336.5625 501.492188 C 338.875 501.492188 341.074219 500.136719 342.039062 497.875 C 343.328125 494.855469 341.917969 491.363281 338.894531 490.078125 C 292.050781 470.117188 264.242188 422.660156 269.695312 371.976562 C 275.941406 314.011719 324.464844 270.703125 381.277344 269.382812 L 366.601562 281.203125 C 364.046875 283.265625 363.644531 287.003906 365.699219 289.5625 C 366.875 291.023438 368.597656 291.777344 370.335938 291.777344 C 371.644531 291.777344 372.964844 291.347656 374.058594 290.464844 L 401.085938 268.699219 C 403.640625 266.640625 404.046875 262.898438 401.988281 260.339844 L 380.226562 233.320312 C 378.167969 230.761719 374.425781 230.359375 371.867188 232.417969 C 369.3125 234.480469 368.90625 238.222656 370.964844 240.777344 L 384.375 257.425781 C 320.277344 257.175781 264.894531 305.59375 257.875 370.703125 C 251.855469 426.625 282.542969 478.992188 334.238281 501.015625 Z M 334.238281 501.015625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#6920eea94b)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 428.011719 278.039062 C 474.835938 297.410156 503.746094 346.164062 498.320312 396.613281 C 492.074219 454.582031 443.535156 497.910156 386.714844 499.203125 L 401.398438 487.382812 C 403.953125 485.320312 404.355469 481.578125 402.300781 479.023438 C 400.234375 476.460938 396.492188 476.058594 393.941406 478.121094 L 366.914062 499.886719 C 365.6875 500.875 364.902344 502.308594 364.730469 503.878906 C 364.566406 505.445312 365.027344 507.015625 366.011719 508.246094 L 387.78125 535.265625 C 388.957031 536.726562 390.675781 537.484375 392.410156 537.484375 C 393.726562 537.484375 395.039062 537.050781 396.140625 536.167969 C 398.695312 534.105469 399.101562 530.363281 397.042969 527.808594 L 383.617188 511.148438 C 383.777344 511.148438 383.933594 511.164062 384.09375 511.164062 C 448 511.15625 503.140625 462.832031 510.136719 397.886719 C 516.128906 342.230469 484.226562 288.429688 432.554688 267.054688 C 429.519531 265.804688 426.042969 267.25 424.785156 270.277344 C 423.53125 273.304688 424.980469 276.78125 428.011719 278.039062 Z M 428.011719 278.039062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Sustainability (and Green Innovation) </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizing women who have made significant contributions to sustainability and green innovation, addressing environmental challenges, and promoting sustainable practices. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-1cf9eec" data-id="1cf9eec" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-22cb649 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="22cb649" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="5051c3dc92"><path d="M 231 433 L 295 433 L 295 510.589844 L 231 510.589844 Z M 231 433 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="58949bf25c"><path d="M 474 263 L 537.898438 263 L 537.898438 341 L 474 341 Z M 474 263 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 380.792969 441.824219 C 379.875 441.824219 378.996094 441.457031 378.34375 440.8125 C 369.957031 432.425781 361.453125 425.945312 353.960938 420.222656 C 337.835938 407.917969 325.105469 398.203125 325.105469 378.925781 C 325.105469 362.613281 338.367188 349.347656 354.679688 349.347656 C 367.625 349.347656 374.945312 355.488281 380.792969 365.179688 C 386.640625 355.492188 393.960938 349.347656 406.910156 349.347656 C 423.21875 349.347656 436.484375 362.613281 436.484375 378.925781 C 436.484375 398.203125 423.75 407.917969 407.628906 420.222656 C 400.128906 425.945312 391.628906 432.425781 383.242188 440.8125 C 382.585938 441.457031 381.707031 441.824219 380.792969 441.824219 Z M 354.679688 356.269531 C 342.1875 356.269531 332.023438 366.433594 332.023438 378.925781 C 332.023438 394.777344 342.984375 403.144531 358.160156 414.71875 C 365.113281 420.027344 372.90625 425.972656 380.792969 433.527344 C 388.683594 425.972656 396.472656 420.019531 403.429688 414.71875 C 418.597656 403.144531 429.5625 394.777344 429.5625 378.925781 C 429.5625 366.433594 419.398438 356.269531 406.910156 356.269531 C 396.300781 356.269531 390.496094 360.726562 383.886719 373.941406 C 383.296875 375.109375 382.101562 375.851562 380.792969 375.851562 C 379.484375 375.851562 378.28125 375.109375 377.699219 373.941406 C 371.09375 360.726562 365.28125 356.269531 354.679688 356.269531 Z M 354.679688 356.269531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 355.085938 504.046875 C 341.324219 504.046875 321.949219 499.125 299.527344 479.433594 L 287.945312 486.117188 C 286.289062 487.074219 284.171875 486.503906 283.21875 484.851562 C 282.261719 483.199219 282.832031 481.082031 284.484375 480.125 L 298.234375 472.1875 C 299.535156 471.433594 301.175781 471.613281 302.289062 472.625 C 343.738281 510.300781 373.050781 493.425781 373.339844 493.246094 C 373.355469 493.230469 373.402344 493.210938 373.417969 493.195312 L 429.800781 460.644531 C 434.808594 457.753906 436.53125 451.324219 433.640625 446.316406 C 430.746094 441.304688 424.320312 439.582031 419.308594 442.476562 L 386.539062 461.402344 C 387.753906 467.082031 385.679688 473.054688 381.070312 477.058594 C 375.707031 481.71875 368.109375 482.796875 360.742188 479.953125 L 334.121094 471.753906 C 332.292969 471.191406 331.269531 469.253906 331.828125 467.425781 C 332.390625 465.601562 334.328125 464.578125 336.15625 465.136719 L 362.890625 473.371094 C 362.976562 473.398438 363.058594 473.425781 363.132812 473.453125 C 368.179688 475.433594 373.066406 474.839844 376.53125 471.828125 C 379.277344 469.441406 380.503906 465.933594 379.726562 462.667969 C 378.601562 457.898438 373.429688 454.011719 365.550781 451.996094 C 357.496094 449.941406 342.847656 444.953125 335.15625 434.667969 C 327.019531 423.777344 323.296875 418.789062 309.339844 425.429688 L 267.019531 449.863281 C 265.367188 450.820312 263.246094 450.253906 262.292969 448.597656 C 261.339844 446.945312 261.90625 444.828125 263.558594 443.871094 L 306 419.371094 C 306.074219 419.328125 306.15625 419.285156 306.234375 419.246094 C 325.414062 410.0625 332.5 419.542969 340.699219 430.523438 C 347.109375 439.105469 360.089844 443.457031 367.257812 445.285156 C 376.144531 447.554688 381 451.421875 383.652344 455.0625 L 415.84375 436.476562 C 424.152344 431.671875 434.824219 434.539062 439.625 442.847656 C 444.429688 451.160156 441.5625 461.828125 433.253906 466.632812 L 376.871094 499.183594 C 375.984375 499.714844 368.007812 504.046875 355.085938 504.046875 Z M 355.085938 504.046875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 299.972656 478.644531 C 298.773438 478.644531 297.613281 478.023438 296.976562 476.914062 L 276.050781 440.675781 C 275.09375 439.023438 275.660156 436.90625 277.316406 435.949219 C 278.96875 434.996094 281.085938 435.5625 282.042969 437.214844 L 302.96875 473.453125 C 303.921875 475.109375 303.355469 477.226562 301.699219 478.179688 C 301.15625 478.492188 300.558594 478.644531 299.972656 478.644531 Z M 299.972656 478.644531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#5051c3dc92)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 268.632812 510.863281 C 266.097656 510.863281 263.628906 509.546875 262.273438 507.203125 L 232.46875 455.585938 C 230.449219 452.085938 231.652344 447.601562 235.152344 445.582031 L 253.84375 434.785156 C 257.339844 432.765625 261.828125 433.96875 263.851562 437.472656 L 293.648438 489.085938 C 294.621094 490.773438 294.878906 492.753906 294.375 494.644531 C 293.867188 496.539062 292.65625 498.117188 290.960938 499.09375 L 272.269531 509.886719 C 271.128906 510.542969 269.871094 510.863281 268.632812 510.863281 Z M 238.460938 452.128906 L 268.265625 503.742188 C 268.375 503.929688 268.632812 504 268.820312 503.886719 L 287.507812 493.09375 C 287.625 493.023438 287.675781 492.917969 287.695312 492.84375 C 287.714844 492.769531 287.722656 492.648438 287.660156 492.539062 L 257.863281 440.925781 C 257.753906 440.738281 257.496094 440.667969 257.3125 440.78125 L 238.621094 451.574219 C 238.425781 451.679688 238.359375 451.933594 238.460938 452.128906 Z M 238.460938 452.128906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 448.925781 359.125 C 439.3125 359.125 434.007812 352.019531 428.125 344.144531 C 421.71875 335.566406 408.734375 331.210938 401.566406 329.386719 C 392.683594 327.117188 387.824219 323.246094 385.175781 319.613281 L 352.984375 338.203125 C 344.671875 343.003906 334.003906 340.140625 329.199219 331.828125 C 326.882812 327.816406 326.273438 323.125 327.476562 318.625 C 328.679688 314.128906 331.558594 310.371094 335.574219 308.050781 L 391.957031 275.5 C 393.824219 274.429688 425.847656 257.074219 469.3125 295.265625 L 480.894531 288.574219 C 482.546875 287.617188 484.667969 288.183594 485.621094 289.839844 C 486.574219 291.492188 486.007812 293.609375 484.355469 294.566406 L 470.605469 302.503906 C 469.304688 303.257812 467.664062 303.078125 466.550781 302.066406 C 425.101562 264.386719 395.789062 281.265625 395.5 281.445312 C 395.484375 281.453125 395.4375 281.480469 395.421875 281.492188 L 339.039062 314.042969 C 336.625 315.433594 334.894531 317.699219 334.167969 320.417969 C 333.441406 323.136719 333.808594 325.960938 335.199219 328.375 C 338.09375 333.386719 344.519531 335.109375 349.53125 332.214844 L 382.300781 313.289062 C 381.085938 307.609375 383.160156 301.636719 387.769531 297.628906 C 393.132812 292.972656 400.730469 291.894531 408.097656 294.738281 L 434.71875 302.9375 C 436.546875 303.5 437.570312 305.4375 437.011719 307.261719 C 436.449219 309.089844 434.503906 310.113281 432.683594 309.554688 L 405.945312 301.320312 C 405.863281 301.292969 405.78125 301.261719 405.703125 301.234375 C 400.660156 299.257812 395.773438 299.851562 392.308594 302.863281 C 389.5625 305.25 388.335938 308.757812 389.113281 312.023438 C 390.238281 316.792969 395.410156 320.679688 403.289062 322.695312 C 411.34375 324.75 426 329.738281 433.679688 340.019531 C 441.820312 350.914062 445.542969 355.902344 459.5 349.257812 L 501.820312 324.824219 C 503.472656 323.871094 505.589844 324.4375 506.546875 326.089844 C 507.5 327.746094 506.933594 329.863281 505.28125 330.816406 L 462.839844 355.320312 C 462.765625 355.363281 462.6875 355.402344 462.605469 355.445312 C 457.175781 358.027344 452.71875 359.125 448.925781 359.125 Z M 448.925781 359.125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 489.792969 339.203125 C 488.597656 339.203125 487.433594 338.582031 486.796875 337.476562 L 465.871094 301.234375 C 464.917969 299.582031 465.484375 297.464844 467.136719 296.507812 C 468.792969 295.554688 470.910156 296.121094 471.863281 297.777344 L 492.789062 334.015625 C 493.746094 335.667969 493.175781 337.785156 491.523438 338.742188 C 490.976562 339.050781 490.382812 339.203125 489.792969 339.203125 Z M 489.792969 339.203125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#58949bf25c)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 511.347656 340.886719 C 510.710938 340.886719 510.070312 340.804688 509.433594 340.628906 C 507.535156 340.125 505.957031 338.914062 504.984375 337.21875 L 475.179688 285.605469 C 473.160156 282.101562 474.363281 277.617188 477.863281 275.597656 L 496.554688 264.804688 C 500.054688 262.78125 504.539062 263.988281 506.558594 267.488281 L 536.363281 319.101562 C 537.339844 320.792969 537.59375 322.769531 537.089844 324.660156 C 536.585938 326.554688 535.375 328.132812 533.679688 329.109375 L 514.988281 339.902344 C 513.867188 340.554688 512.621094 340.886719 511.347656 340.886719 Z M 500.214844 270.746094 C 500.144531 270.746094 500.078125 270.761719 500.019531 270.796875 L 481.332031 281.589844 C 481.144531 281.703125 481.074219 281.957031 481.183594 282.144531 L 510.988281 333.757812 C 511.058594 333.875 511.160156 333.925781 511.238281 333.945312 C 511.3125 333.964844 511.433594 333.980469 511.542969 333.910156 L 530.234375 323.117188 C 530.351562 323.046875 530.398438 322.941406 530.417969 322.867188 C 530.441406 322.789062 530.445312 322.671875 530.386719 322.5625 L 500.582031 270.949219 C 500.5 270.824219 500.359375 270.746094 500.214844 270.746094 Z M 500.214844 270.746094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women who have shown outstanding leadership in CSR initiatives, driving positive social and environmental impact within their organizations and communities. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-8cea09e" data-id="8cea09e" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-5a7a0d0 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="5a7a0d0" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="98a3d12e02"><path d="M 252.289062 230.398438 L 473 230.398438 L 473 537.898438 L 252.289062 537.898438 Z M 252.289062 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 511.761719 474.609375 L 455.792969 418.640625 C 463.503906 407.988281 467.660156 395.203125 467.660156 381.804688 C 467.660156 364.972656 461.097656 349.121094 449.1875 337.210938 C 437.277344 325.300781 421.449219 318.742188 404.597656 318.742188 C 387.746094 318.742188 371.914062 325.300781 360.003906 337.210938 C 348.097656 349.121094 341.535156 364.949219 341.535156 381.804688 C 341.535156 398.632812 348.097656 414.484375 360.003906 426.394531 C 371.914062 438.304688 387.746094 444.867188 404.597656 444.867188 C 417.996094 444.867188 430.78125 440.710938 441.433594 433 L 497.402344 488.96875 C 501.363281 492.929688 507.777344 492.929688 511.738281 488.96875 C 515.703125 485.003906 515.703125 478.570312 511.761719 474.609375 Z M 439.835938 417.042969 C 420.40625 436.472656 388.808594 436.472656 369.378906 417.042969 C 349.949219 397.613281 349.949219 366.015625 369.378906 346.585938 C 388.808594 327.15625 420.40625 327.15625 439.835938 346.585938 C 459.265625 366.015625 459.265625 397.613281 439.835938 417.042969 Z M 439.835938 417.042969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 279.964844 417.210938 L 299.648438 417.210938 L 299.648438 440.734375 L 279.964844 440.734375 Z M 279.964844 417.210938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 309.363281 402.511719 L 329.050781 402.511719 L 329.050781 440.710938 L 309.363281 440.710938 Z M 309.363281 402.511719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 397.523438 423.390625 C 399.847656 423.773438 402.210938 423.988281 404.597656 423.988281 C 408.941406 423.988281 413.183594 423.328125 417.210938 422.089844 L 417.210938 364.3125 L 397.523438 364.3125 Z M 397.523438 423.390625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 368.144531 403 C 369.933594 406.089844 372.148438 408.988281 374.792969 411.628906 C 378.605469 415.445312 383.035156 418.425781 387.828125 420.515625 L 387.828125 378.992188 L 368.144531 378.992188 Z M 368.144531 403 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 338.742188 407.582031 L 338.742188 440.734375 L 358.429688 440.734375 L 358.429688 435.34375 C 357.128906 434.214844 355.851562 433.019531 354.617188 431.785156 C 347.605469 424.796875 342.257812 416.550781 338.742188 407.582031 Z M 338.742188 407.582031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 297.007812 319.785156 L 354.914062 319.785156 L 354.914062 327.136719 L 297.007812 327.136719 Z M 297.007812 319.785156 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 297.007812 337.125 L 338.742188 337.125 L 338.742188 344.476562 L 297.007812 344.476562 Z M 297.007812 337.125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 297.007812 353.871094 L 329.050781 353.871094 L 329.050781 361.222656 L 297.007812 361.222656 Z M 297.007812 353.871094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 297.15625 301.101562 L 428.246094 301.101562 L 428.246094 308.449219 L 297.15625 308.449219 Z M 297.15625 301.101562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#98a3d12e02)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 467.339844 481.105469 C 464.316406 481.105469 461.863281 483.554688 461.863281 486.582031 L 461.863281 526.484375 L 263.261719 526.484375 L 263.261719 241.488281 L 461.863281 241.488281 L 461.863281 336.019531 C 461.863281 339.042969 464.316406 341.496094 467.339844 341.496094 C 470.363281 341.496094 472.816406 339.042969 472.816406 336.019531 L 472.816406 232.328125 C 472.816406 231.328125 472.003906 230.515625 471.003906 230.515625 L 254.097656 230.515625 C 253.097656 230.515625 252.289062 231.328125 252.289062 232.328125 L 252.289062 535.667969 C 252.289062 536.667969 253.097656 537.476562 254.097656 537.476562 L 471.027344 537.476562 C 472.027344 537.476562 472.835938 536.667969 472.835938 535.667969 L 472.835938 486.601562 C 472.835938 483.578125 470.363281 481.105469 467.339844 481.105469 Z M 467.339844 481.105469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 317.140625 282.566406 L 319.910156 292.238281 L 326.34375 292.238281 L 316.203125 257.210938 L 308.554688 257.210938 L 298.347656 292.238281 L 304.589844 292.238281 L 307.253906 282.566406 Z M 310.558594 269.417969 C 311.109375 267.3125 311.644531 264.605469 312.113281 262.433594 L 312.238281 262.433594 C 312.730469 264.582031 313.261719 267.226562 313.859375 269.441406 L 316.222656 277.898438 L 308.191406 277.898438 Z M 310.558594 269.417969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 329.539062 257.210938 L 329.539062 277.964844 C 329.539062 288.296875 334.164062 292.769531 341.726562 292.769531 C 349.460938 292.769531 354.421875 288.125 354.421875 277.855469 L 354.421875 257.210938 L 348.289062 257.210938 L 348.289062 278.433594 C 348.289062 284.949219 345.859375 287.699219 341.917969 287.699219 C 338.230469 287.699219 335.695312 284.929688 335.695312 278.433594 L 335.695312 257.210938 Z M 329.539062 257.210938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 388.277344 273.9375 C 388.277344 267.671875 386.296875 263.371094 383.058594 260.664062 C 380.179688 258.214844 376.175781 256.957031 370.359375 256.957031 C 366.992188 256.957031 363.839844 257.234375 361.347656 257.679688 L 361.347656 292.089844 C 363.203125 292.34375 365.757812 292.515625 368.933594 292.515625 C 375.046875 292.515625 379.945312 291.042969 383.101562 288.105469 C 386.210938 285.25 388.277344 280.582031 388.277344 273.9375 Z M 370.359375 287.636719 C 369.335938 287.636719 368.230469 287.613281 367.460938 287.488281 L 367.460938 262.113281 C 368.25 261.941406 369.421875 261.792969 371 261.792969 C 378.070312 261.792969 381.863281 266.289062 381.820312 274.0625 C 381.820312 283.480469 377.304688 287.679688 370.359375 287.636719 Z M 370.359375 287.636719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 393.476562 257.210938 L 399.613281 257.210938 L 399.613281 292.238281 L 393.476562 292.238281 Z M 393.476562 257.210938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 418.65625 292.238281 L 418.65625 262.496094 L 427.605469 262.496094 L 427.605469 257.210938 L 403.617188 257.210938 L 403.617188 262.496094 L 412.5 262.496094 L 412.5 292.238281 Z M 418.65625 292.238281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 361.667969 520.667969 C 380.5 520.667969 395.753906 505.394531 395.753906 486.582031 C 395.753906 467.746094 380.480469 452.492188 361.667969 452.492188 C 342.832031 452.492188 327.578125 467.769531 327.578125 486.582031 C 327.578125 505.414062 342.855469 520.667969 361.667969 520.667969 Z M 339.019531 488.605469 C 340.746094 486.878906 343.535156 486.878906 345.261719 488.605469 L 352.570312 495.914062 L 375.75 472.734375 C 377.476562 471.007812 380.265625 471.007812 381.992188 472.734375 C 383.71875 474.457031 383.71875 477.25 381.992188 478.976562 L 352.570312 508.398438 L 339.019531 494.847656 C 337.292969 493.121094 337.292969 490.332031 339.019531 488.605469 Z M 339.019531 488.605469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Accountancy and Audit </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women who have excelled in accountancy and audit, ensuring financial integrity, transparency, and compliance within their organizations. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-c7cbd49 elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="c7cbd49" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-05c7331" data-id="05c7331" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-65058c2 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="65058c2" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="f0f82b4bef"><path d="M 230.398438 380 L 240 380 L 240 390 L 230.398438 390 Z M 230.398438 380 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="195ce1513d"><path d="M 389 238.476562 L 537.59375 238.476562 L 537.59375 529.464844 L 389 529.464844 Z M 389 238.476562 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 253.265625 358.640625 L 261.523438 366.898438 L 362.847656 265.578125 L 354.585938 257.316406 Z M 261.523438 374.03125 C 260.769531 374.03125 260.011719 373.742188 259.4375 373.164062 L 247 360.730469 C 245.847656 359.578125 245.847656 357.707031 247 356.550781 L 352.5 251.054688 C 353.054688 250.5 353.800781 250.1875 354.585938 250.1875 C 355.371094 250.1875 356.125 250.5 356.675781 251.054688 L 369.109375 263.488281 C 370.261719 264.644531 370.261719 266.511719 369.109375 267.664062 L 263.609375 373.164062 C 263.035156 373.742188 262.28125 374.03125 261.523438 374.03125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 236.859375 386.261719 C 236.09375 386.261719 235.339844 385.960938 234.773438 385.394531 C 233.875 384.496094 233.652344 383.128906 234.210938 381.996094 L 246.445312 357.328125 C 247.167969 355.867188 248.9375 355.273438 250.398438 355.996094 C 251.863281 356.71875 252.457031 358.492188 251.734375 359.953125 L 243.394531 376.769531 L 260.214844 368.433594 C 261.671875 367.703125 263.445312 368.304688 264.171875 369.765625 C 264.894531 371.226562 264.296875 372.996094 262.835938 373.722656 L 238.167969 385.953125 C 237.753906 386.160156 237.304688 386.261719 236.859375 386.261719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 358.761719 253.140625 L 367.023438 261.402344 L 373.246094 255.183594 C 373.597656 254.824219 373.652344 254.414062 373.652344 254.199219 C 373.652344 253.984375 373.597656 253.574219 373.246094 253.21875 L 366.945312 246.921875 C 366.59375 246.566406 366.179688 246.515625 365.96875 246.515625 C 365.753906 246.515625 365.335938 246.566406 364.984375 246.921875 Z M 367.023438 268.53125 C 366.238281 268.53125 365.488281 268.21875 364.933594 267.664062 L 352.5 255.226562 C 351.347656 254.078125 351.347656 252.207031 352.5 251.054688 L 360.808594 242.746094 C 362.1875 241.367188 364.019531 240.609375 365.96875 240.609375 C 367.914062 240.609375 369.746094 241.367188 371.121094 242.746094 L 377.421875 249.046875 C 378.796875 250.421875 379.558594 252.253906 379.558594 254.199219 C 379.558594 256.148438 378.796875 257.980469 377.421875 259.359375 L 369.109375 267.664062 C 368.554688 268.21875 367.804688 268.53125 367.023438 268.53125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#f0f82b4bef)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 233.65625 389.460938 C 232.902344 389.460938 232.148438 389.171875 231.570312 388.59375 C 230.417969 387.445312 230.417969 385.570312 231.570312 384.417969 L 234.773438 381.21875 C 235.925781 380.066406 237.792969 380.066406 238.945312 381.21875 C 240.101562 382.371094 240.101562 384.242188 238.945312 385.394531 L 235.746094 388.59375 C 235.171875 389.171875 234.414062 389.460938 233.65625 389.460938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#195ce1513d)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 395.015625 248.558594 L 395.015625 519.457031 L 530.464844 384.007812 Z M 392.066406 529.535156 C 391.679688 529.535156 391.296875 529.464844 390.933594 529.3125 C 389.828125 528.855469 389.109375 527.78125 389.109375 526.585938 L 389.109375 241.429688 C 389.109375 240.234375 389.828125 239.160156 390.933594 238.703125 C 392.039062 238.242188 393.308594 238.496094 394.152344 239.34375 L 536.730469 381.921875 C 537.882812 383.070312 537.882812 384.941406 536.730469 386.09375 L 394.152344 528.671875 C 393.585938 529.238281 392.832031 529.535156 392.066406 529.535156 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 484.785156 357.386719 C 484.03125 357.386719 483.277344 357.097656 482.699219 356.523438 L 477.5 351.324219 C 476.347656 350.171875 476.347656 348.300781 477.5 347.148438 C 478.652344 345.996094 480.523438 345.996094 481.675781 347.148438 L 486.875 352.347656 C 488.027344 353.5 488.027344 355.371094 486.875 356.523438 C 486.300781 357.097656 485.542969 357.386719 484.785156 357.386719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 468.445312 341.050781 C 467.691406 341.050781 466.9375 340.761719 466.359375 340.183594 L 416.492188 290.316406 C 415.339844 289.164062 415.339844 287.292969 416.492188 286.140625 C 417.648438 284.988281 419.515625 284.988281 420.667969 286.140625 L 470.535156 336.007812 C 471.6875 337.160156 471.6875 339.027344 470.535156 340.183594 C 469.960938 340.761719 469.203125 341.050781 468.445312 341.050781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 430.269531 333.660156 L 430.269531 434.351562 L 480.613281 384.007812 Z M 427.316406 444.433594 C 426.933594 444.433594 426.550781 444.363281 426.183594 444.207031 C 425.082031 443.75 424.363281 442.675781 424.363281 441.480469 L 424.363281 326.535156 C 424.363281 325.335938 425.082031 324.261719 426.183594 323.804688 C 427.289062 323.347656 428.558594 323.601562 429.402344 324.449219 L 486.875 381.921875 C 488.027344 383.070312 488.027344 384.941406 486.875 386.09375 L 429.402344 443.566406 C 428.835938 444.132812 428.082031 444.433594 427.316406 444.433594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 513.152344 408.449219 C 512.398438 408.449219 511.640625 408.160156 511.066406 407.582031 L 503.421875 399.941406 C 502.269531 398.785156 502.269531 396.917969 503.421875 395.765625 C 504.578125 394.613281 506.445312 394.613281 507.597656 395.765625 L 515.242188 403.40625 C 516.394531 404.558594 516.394531 406.429688 515.242188 407.582031 C 514.664062 408.160156 513.910156 408.449219 513.152344 408.449219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 491.664062 429.9375 C 490.910156 429.9375 490.15625 429.648438 489.578125 429.074219 L 477.5 416.996094 C 476.347656 415.839844 476.347656 413.972656 477.5 412.820312 C 478.652344 411.667969 480.523438 411.667969 481.675781 412.820312 L 493.753906 424.894531 C 494.90625 426.046875 494.90625 427.921875 493.753906 429.074219 C 493.175781 429.648438 492.417969 429.9375 491.664062 429.9375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 470.175781 451.425781 C 469.417969 451.425781 468.664062 451.136719 468.089844 450.558594 L 460.445312 442.917969 C 459.292969 441.765625 459.292969 439.894531 460.445312 438.742188 C 461.597656 437.589844 463.46875 437.589844 464.621094 438.742188 L 472.261719 446.382812 C 473.417969 447.539062 473.417969 449.40625 472.261719 450.558594 C 471.6875 451.136719 470.933594 451.425781 470.175781 451.425781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 448.6875 472.914062 C 447.933594 472.914062 447.179688 472.625 446.601562 472.046875 L 434.523438 459.972656 C 433.371094 458.820312 433.371094 456.949219 434.523438 455.796875 C 435.675781 454.644531 437.542969 454.644531 438.699219 455.796875 L 450.777344 467.875 C 451.929688 469.027344 451.929688 470.898438 450.777344 472.046875 C 450.199219 472.625 449.441406 472.914062 448.6875 472.914062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 427.199219 494.402344 C 426.445312 494.402344 425.6875 494.113281 425.109375 493.539062 L 417.46875 485.894531 C 416.316406 484.742188 416.316406 482.871094 417.46875 481.71875 C 418.621094 480.566406 420.492188 480.566406 421.644531 481.71875 L 429.285156 489.359375 C 430.4375 490.515625 430.4375 492.382812 429.285156 493.539062 C 428.710938 494.113281 427.953125 494.402344 427.199219 494.402344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 379.410156 503.136719 L 293.761719 503.136719 C 292.132812 503.136719 290.808594 501.8125 290.808594 500.183594 L 290.808594 366.136719 C 290.808594 364.503906 292.132812 363.183594 293.761719 363.183594 C 295.394531 363.183594 296.714844 364.503906 296.714844 366.136719 L 296.714844 497.230469 L 379.410156 497.230469 C 381.039062 497.230469 382.363281 498.550781 382.363281 500.183594 C 382.363281 501.8125 381.039062 503.136719 379.410156 503.136719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 379.410156 503.136719 L 360.527344 503.136719 C 358.898438 503.136719 357.574219 501.8125 357.574219 500.183594 L 357.574219 411.875 C 357.574219 410.242188 358.898438 408.921875 360.527344 408.921875 L 379.410156 408.921875 C 381.039062 408.921875 382.363281 410.242188 382.363281 411.875 C 382.363281 413.503906 381.039062 414.828125 379.410156 414.828125 L 363.480469 414.828125 L 363.480469 497.230469 L 379.410156 497.230469 C 381.039062 497.230469 382.363281 498.550781 382.363281 500.183594 C 382.363281 501.8125 381.039062 503.136719 379.410156 503.136719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 261.253906 401.59375 C 260.496094 401.59375 259.742188 401.304688 259.164062 400.730469 C 258.011719 399.578125 258.011719 397.707031 259.164062 396.550781 L 377.324219 278.398438 C 378.476562 277.246094 380.34375 277.246094 381.5 278.398438 C 382.652344 279.554688 382.652344 281.421875 381.5 282.574219 L 263.339844 400.730469 C 262.765625 401.304688 262.007812 401.59375 261.253906 401.59375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 313.378906 369.75 C 312.625 369.75 311.867188 369.464844 311.289062 368.886719 C 310.136719 367.734375 310.136719 365.867188 311.289062 364.710938 L 352.5 323.503906 C 353.652344 322.351562 355.523438 322.351562 356.675781 323.503906 C 357.832031 324.652344 357.832031 326.527344 356.675781 327.675781 L 315.464844 368.886719 C 314.886719 369.464844 314.132812 369.75 313.378906 369.75 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 253.945312 503.136719 L 249.195312 503.136719 C 247.5625 503.136719 246.238281 501.8125 246.238281 500.183594 C 246.238281 498.550781 247.5625 497.230469 249.195312 497.230469 L 253.945312 497.230469 C 255.578125 497.230469 256.898438 498.550781 256.898438 500.183594 C 256.898438 501.8125 255.578125 503.136719 253.945312 503.136719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 293.761719 503.136719 L 266.601562 503.136719 C 264.972656 503.136719 263.644531 501.8125 263.644531 500.183594 C 263.644531 498.550781 264.972656 497.230469 266.601562 497.230469 L 293.761719 497.230469 C 295.394531 497.230469 296.714844 498.550781 296.714844 500.183594 C 296.714844 501.8125 295.394531 503.136719 293.761719 503.136719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in <br/>Design and Interiors </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women who have made significant contributions to design and interior spaces, showcasing creativity, innovation, and aesthetic excellence. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-e805647" data-id="e805647" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-687d7cf elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="687d7cf" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="14b6d61dfa"><path d="M 273 230.398438 L 495 230.398438 L 495 300 L 273 300 Z M 273 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="b9d2587b28"><path d="M 255.167969 425 L 335 425 L 335 537.898438 L 255.167969 537.898438 Z M 255.167969 425 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="1cfbcd258f"><path d="M 433 425 L 513 425 L 513 537.898438 L 433 537.898438 Z M 433 425 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="015498a672"><path d="M 350 425 L 418 425 L 418 537.898438 L 350 537.898438 Z M 350 425 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#14b6d61dfa)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 490.171875 299.339844 L 277.824219 299.339844 C 277.546875 299.339844 277.273438 299.3125 277.003906 299.257812 C 276.730469 299.203125 276.464844 299.125 276.210938 299.019531 C 275.953125 298.914062 275.710938 298.78125 275.480469 298.628906 C 275.25 298.476562 275.039062 298.300781 274.84375 298.105469 C 274.644531 297.910156 274.472656 297.695312 274.316406 297.464844 C 274.164062 297.234375 274.035156 296.992188 273.925781 296.734375 C 273.820312 296.480469 273.742188 296.214844 273.6875 295.945312 C 273.632812 295.671875 273.605469 295.398438 273.605469 295.121094 L 273.605469 281.117188 C 273.605469 280.703125 273.664062 280.296875 273.777344 279.902344 C 273.894531 279.507812 274.066406 279.136719 274.292969 278.789062 C 274.515625 278.445312 274.785156 278.136719 275.101562 277.871094 C 275.414062 277.605469 275.761719 277.386719 276.136719 277.222656 L 382.3125 230.894531 C 382.847656 230.660156 383.410156 230.542969 384 230.542969 C 384.585938 230.542969 385.148438 230.660156 385.683594 230.894531 L 491.859375 277.246094 C 492.238281 277.414062 492.582031 277.628906 492.898438 277.894531 C 493.210938 278.164062 493.480469 278.46875 493.707031 278.816406 C 493.933594 279.160156 494.101562 279.53125 494.21875 279.929688 C 494.335938 280.324219 494.390625 280.730469 494.390625 281.140625 L 494.390625 295.148438 C 494.386719 295.421875 494.359375 295.695312 494.304688 295.964844 C 494.25 296.238281 494.167969 296.5 494.0625 296.753906 C 493.953125 297.007812 493.824219 297.25 493.667969 297.476562 C 493.515625 297.707031 493.339844 297.917969 493.144531 298.113281 C 492.949219 298.308594 492.738281 298.480469 492.507812 298.632812 C 492.277344 298.785156 492.035156 298.914062 491.78125 299.019531 C 491.523438 299.125 491.261719 299.207031 490.992188 299.257812 C 490.71875 299.3125 490.445312 299.339844 490.171875 299.339844 Z M 282.042969 290.902344 L 485.953125 290.902344 L 485.953125 283.878906 L 384 239.390625 L 282.042969 283.878906 Z M 282.042969 290.902344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 490.171875 434.21875 L 277.824219 434.21875 C 277.546875 434.21875 277.273438 434.191406 277.003906 434.136719 C 276.730469 434.082031 276.464844 434.003906 276.210938 433.898438 C 275.953125 433.792969 275.710938 433.660156 275.480469 433.507812 C 275.25 433.355469 275.039062 433.179688 274.84375 432.984375 C 274.644531 432.789062 274.472656 432.574219 274.316406 432.34375 C 274.164062 432.113281 274.035156 431.871094 273.925781 431.613281 C 273.820312 431.359375 273.742188 431.09375 273.6875 430.824219 C 273.632812 430.550781 273.605469 430.277344 273.605469 430 L 273.605469 295.148438 C 273.605469 294.871094 273.632812 294.597656 273.6875 294.324219 C 273.742188 294.050781 273.820312 293.789062 273.925781 293.53125 C 274.035156 293.277344 274.164062 293.035156 274.316406 292.804688 C 274.472656 292.574219 274.644531 292.359375 274.84375 292.164062 C 275.039062 291.96875 275.25 291.792969 275.480469 291.640625 C 275.710938 291.484375 275.953125 291.355469 276.210938 291.25 C 276.464844 291.144531 276.730469 291.0625 277.003906 291.007812 C 277.273438 290.957031 277.546875 290.929688 277.824219 290.929688 L 490.171875 290.929688 C 490.449219 290.929688 490.722656 290.957031 490.992188 291.007812 C 491.265625 291.0625 491.53125 291.144531 491.785156 291.25 C 492.042969 291.355469 492.285156 291.484375 492.515625 291.640625 C 492.746094 291.792969 492.957031 291.96875 493.152344 292.164062 C 493.351562 292.359375 493.523438 292.574219 493.679688 292.804688 C 493.832031 293.035156 493.960938 293.277344 494.066406 293.53125 C 494.175781 293.789062 494.253906 294.050781 494.308594 294.324219 C 494.363281 294.597656 494.390625 294.871094 494.390625 295.148438 L 494.390625 430 C 494.390625 430.277344 494.363281 430.550781 494.308594 430.824219 C 494.253906 431.09375 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364.421875 400.472656 364.269531 400.707031 C 364.113281 400.9375 363.9375 401.152344 363.738281 401.351562 C 363.542969 401.546875 363.328125 401.722656 363.09375 401.878906 C 362.863281 402.03125 362.617188 402.164062 362.359375 402.269531 C 362.101562 402.375 361.835938 402.457031 361.5625 402.507812 C 361.285156 402.5625 361.011719 402.585938 360.730469 402.585938 Z M 345.679688 394.148438 L 356.511719 394.148438 L 356.511719 376.921875 L 345.707031 376.921875 Z M 345.679688 394.148438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 449.800781 434.21875 L 384 434.21875 C 383.722656 434.21875 383.445312 434.191406 383.175781 434.136719 C 382.902344 434.082031 382.640625 434.003906 382.382812 433.898438 C 382.128906 433.792969 381.882812 433.660156 381.65625 433.507812 C 381.425781 433.355469 381.210938 433.179688 381.015625 432.984375 C 380.820312 432.789062 380.644531 432.574219 380.492188 432.34375 C 380.335938 432.113281 380.207031 431.871094 380.101562 431.613281 C 379.996094 431.359375 379.914062 431.09375 379.859375 430.824219 C 379.804688 430.550781 379.78125 430.277344 379.78125 430 L 379.78125 372.679688 C 379.78125 372.402344 379.808594 372.128906 379.863281 371.859375 C 379.921875 371.589844 380 371.328125 380.109375 371.074219 C 380.214844 370.816406 380.34375 370.578125 380.5 370.347656 C 380.652344 370.117188 380.828125 369.90625 381.023438 369.710938 C 381.21875 369.519531 381.433594 369.34375 381.664062 369.191406 C 381.890625 369.039062 382.132812 368.910156 382.390625 368.804688 C 382.644531 368.699219 382.90625 368.621094 383.179688 368.566406 C 383.449219 368.511719 383.722656 368.484375 384 368.484375 L 449.800781 368.484375 C 450.078125 368.484375 450.351562 368.511719 450.625 368.566406 C 450.898438 368.621094 451.160156 368.703125 451.417969 368.808594 C 451.671875 368.914062 451.914062 369.042969 452.144531 369.195312 C 452.375 369.351562 452.589844 369.527344 452.785156 369.722656 C 452.980469 369.917969 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426.535156 402.585938 L 407.265625 402.585938 C 406.988281 402.585938 406.714844 402.558594 406.441406 402.503906 C 406.171875 402.449219 405.90625 402.371094 405.652344 402.265625 C 405.394531 402.160156 405.152344 402.027344 404.921875 401.875 C 404.691406 401.71875 404.476562 401.546875 404.28125 401.351562 C 404.085938 401.152344 403.910156 400.941406 403.757812 400.710938 C 403.605469 400.480469 403.472656 400.238281 403.367188 399.980469 C 403.261719 399.726562 403.183594 399.460938 403.128906 399.191406 C 403.074219 398.917969 403.046875 398.644531 403.046875 398.367188 L 403.046875 372.679688 C 403.046875 372.402344 403.074219 372.128906 403.128906 371.855469 C 403.183594 371.585938 403.261719 371.320312 403.367188 371.0625 C 403.472656 370.808594 403.605469 370.566406 403.757812 370.335938 C 403.910156 370.105469 404.085938 369.890625 404.28125 369.695312 C 404.476562 369.5 404.691406 369.324219 404.921875 369.171875 C 405.152344 369.015625 405.394531 368.886719 405.652344 368.78125 C 405.90625 368.675781 406.171875 368.59375 406.441406 368.542969 C 406.714844 368.488281 406.988281 368.460938 407.265625 368.460938 L 426.535156 368.460938 C 426.8125 368.460938 427.085938 368.488281 427.359375 368.542969 C 427.628906 368.59375 427.894531 368.675781 428.148438 368.78125 C 428.40625 368.886719 428.648438 369.015625 428.878906 369.171875 C 429.109375 369.324219 429.320312 369.5 429.519531 369.695312 C 429.714844 369.890625 429.886719 370.105469 430.042969 370.335938 C 430.195312 370.566406 430.324219 370.808594 430.433594 371.0625 C 430.539062 371.320312 430.617188 371.585938 430.671875 371.855469 C 430.726562 372.128906 430.753906 372.402344 430.753906 372.679688 L 430.753906 398.339844 C 430.753906 398.617188 430.730469 398.894531 430.675781 399.167969 C 430.625 399.441406 430.542969 399.707031 430.441406 399.964844 C 430.335938 400.222656 430.203125 400.464844 430.050781 400.695312 C 429.898438 400.929688 429.722656 401.144531 429.527344 401.339844 C 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532.875 255.410156 532.558594 255.492188 532.246094 L 270.515625 476.164062 C 270.566406 475.988281 270.625 475.8125 270.695312 475.644531 C 270.765625 475.476562 270.847656 475.3125 270.941406 475.152344 C 271.03125 474.992188 271.132812 474.839844 271.246094 474.695312 C 271.359375 474.550781 271.480469 474.414062 271.609375 474.28125 C 271.742188 474.152344 271.878906 474.03125 272.023438 473.921875 C 272.167969 473.808594 272.324219 473.707031 272.480469 473.617188 C 272.640625 473.523438 272.804688 473.445312 272.976562 473.375 C 273.144531 473.304688 273.316406 473.242188 273.496094 473.195312 C 273.671875 473.148438 273.851562 473.113281 274.035156 473.089844 C 274.214844 473.066406 274.398438 473.054688 274.582031 473.050781 C 274.765625 473.050781 274.949219 473.0625 275.132812 473.085938 C 275.3125 473.113281 275.492188 473.148438 275.671875 473.195312 C 275.847656 473.242188 276.023438 473.300781 276.191406 473.371094 C 276.363281 473.4375 276.527344 473.519531 276.6875 473.609375 C 276.84375 473.703125 277 473.804688 277.144531 473.914062 C 277.289062 474.027344 277.429688 474.148438 277.558594 474.277344 L 287.152344 483.867188 L 303.519531 467.488281 L 303.519531 430 C 303.519531 429.722656 303.546875 429.449219 303.601562 429.175781 C 303.65625 428.90625 303.734375 428.640625 303.839844 428.386719 C 303.945312 428.128906 304.078125 427.886719 304.230469 427.65625 C 304.382812 427.425781 304.558594 427.214844 304.753906 427.015625 C 304.953125 426.820312 305.164062 426.644531 305.394531 426.492188 C 305.625 426.339844 305.867188 426.207031 306.125 426.101562 C 306.378906 425.996094 306.644531 425.917969 306.914062 425.863281 C 307.1875 425.808594 307.460938 425.78125 307.738281 425.78125 L 330.226562 425.78125 C 330.503906 425.78125 330.777344 425.808594 331.050781 425.863281 C 331.320312 425.917969 331.585938 425.996094 331.839844 426.101562 C 332.097656 426.207031 332.339844 426.339844 332.570312 426.492188 C 332.800781 426.644531 333.015625 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319.828125 518.308594 C 319.828125 518.492188 319.816406 518.675781 319.792969 518.859375 C 319.769531 519.042969 319.734375 519.222656 319.6875 519.402344 C 319.636719 519.578125 319.578125 519.753906 319.507812 519.921875 C 319.4375 520.09375 319.355469 520.257812 319.265625 520.417969 C 319.171875 520.578125 319.070312 520.730469 318.960938 520.878906 C 318.847656 521.023438 318.726562 521.160156 318.597656 521.292969 C 318.464844 521.421875 318.328125 521.542969 318.183594 521.65625 C 318.035156 521.769531 317.882812 521.871094 317.722656 521.964844 C 317.566406 522.058594 317.398438 522.136719 317.230469 522.210938 C 317.058594 522.28125 316.886719 522.339844 316.707031 522.386719 L 260.644531 537.414062 C 260.289062 537.507812 259.925781 537.554688 259.554688 537.554688 Z M 276.765625 485.40625 L 265.519531 527.371094 L 307.484375 516.125 L 300.074219 508.71875 C 299.878906 508.523438 299.703125 508.308594 299.550781 508.078125 C 299.398438 507.847656 299.265625 507.605469 299.160156 507.347656 C 299.054688 507.09375 298.976562 506.828125 298.921875 506.558594 C 298.867188 506.285156 298.839844 506.011719 298.839844 505.734375 C 298.839844 505.457031 298.867188 505.183594 298.921875 504.910156 C 298.976562 504.640625 299.054688 504.375 299.160156 504.117188 C 299.265625 503.863281 299.398438 503.621094 299.550781 503.390625 C 299.703125 503.160156 299.878906 502.945312 300.074219 502.75 L 321.4375 481.414062 C 322.910156 479.933594 324.042969 478.226562 324.839844 476.292969 C 325.632812 474.386719 326.03125 472.398438 326.027344 470.328125 L 326.027344 434.246094 L 311.957031 434.246094 L 311.957031 469.292969 C 311.957031 470.453125 311.546875 471.449219 310.722656 472.269531 L 290.117188 492.875 C 289.921875 493.074219 289.707031 493.246094 289.476562 493.398438 C 289.246094 493.554688 289.003906 493.683594 288.75 493.789062 C 288.492188 493.894531 288.230469 493.972656 287.957031 494.027344 C 287.6875 494.082031 287.414062 494.109375 287.136719 494.109375 C 286.859375 494.109375 286.585938 494.082031 286.3125 494.027344 C 286.042969 493.972656 285.777344 493.894531 285.523438 493.789062 C 285.265625 493.683594 285.023438 493.554688 284.792969 493.398438 C 284.5625 493.246094 284.347656 493.074219 284.152344 492.875 Z M 307.757812 469.234375 Z M 307.757812 469.234375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#1cfbcd258f)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 508.441406 537.554688 C 508.070312 537.554688 507.707031 537.507812 507.351562 537.414062 L 451.269531 522.386719 C 451.089844 522.339844 450.917969 522.28125 450.746094 522.210938 C 450.578125 522.136719 450.410156 522.058594 450.253906 521.964844 C 450.09375 521.871094 449.941406 521.769531 449.792969 521.65625 C 449.648438 521.542969 449.511719 521.421875 449.378906 521.292969 C 449.25 521.164062 449.128906 521.023438 449.015625 520.878906 C 448.90625 520.730469 448.804688 520.578125 448.710938 520.417969 C 448.621094 520.257812 448.539062 520.09375 448.46875 519.921875 C 448.398438 519.753906 448.339844 519.578125 448.289062 519.402344 C 448.242188 519.222656 448.207031 519.042969 448.183594 518.859375 C 448.160156 518.675781 448.148438 518.492188 448.148438 518.308594 C 448.148438 518.125 448.160156 517.941406 448.183594 517.757812 C 448.207031 517.578125 448.242188 517.394531 448.289062 517.21875 C 448.339844 517.039062 448.398438 516.867188 448.46875 516.695312 C 448.539062 516.523438 448.617188 516.359375 448.710938 516.199219 C 448.804688 516.039062 448.90625 515.886719 449.015625 515.742188 C 449.128906 515.59375 449.25 515.457031 449.378906 515.328125 L 458.972656 505.734375 L 440.59375 487.355469 C 439.476562 486.234375 438.476562 485.015625 437.597656 483.695312 C 436.71875 482.378906 435.980469 480.992188 435.371094 479.527344 C 434.765625 478.066406 434.308594 476.558594 434 475.007812 C 433.691406 473.453125 433.535156 471.886719 433.53125 470.304688 L 433.53125 430 C 433.53125 429.722656 433.558594 429.449219 433.613281 429.175781 C 433.667969 428.90625 433.746094 428.640625 433.851562 428.386719 C 433.957031 428.128906 434.089844 427.886719 434.242188 427.65625 C 434.394531 427.425781 434.570312 427.214844 434.765625 427.015625 C 434.960938 426.820312 435.175781 426.644531 435.40625 426.492188 C 435.636719 426.339844 435.878906 426.207031 436.136719 426.101562 C 436.390625 425.996094 436.65625 425.917969 436.925781 425.863281 C 437.199219 425.808594 437.472656 425.78125 437.75 425.78125 L 460.238281 425.78125 C 460.515625 425.78125 460.789062 425.808594 461.0625 425.863281 C 461.332031 425.917969 461.597656 425.996094 461.851562 426.101562 C 462.109375 426.207031 462.351562 426.339844 462.582031 426.492188 C 462.8125 426.644531 463.023438 426.820312 463.222656 427.015625 C 463.417969 427.214844 463.59375 427.425781 463.746094 427.65625 C 463.898438 427.886719 464.03125 428.128906 464.136719 428.386719 C 464.242188 428.640625 464.320312 428.90625 464.375 429.175781 C 464.429688 429.449219 464.457031 429.722656 464.457031 430 L 464.457031 467.488281 L 480.839844 483.867188 L 490.4375 474.277344 C 490.96875 473.742188 491.601562 473.378906 492.328125 473.183594 C 493.054688 472.984375 493.785156 472.984375 494.511719 473.179688 C 495.242188 473.375 495.871094 473.738281 496.40625 474.273438 C 496.9375 474.804688 497.304688 475.4375 497.5 476.164062 L 512.503906 532.246094 C 512.585938 532.558594 512.632812 532.875 512.644531 533.199219 C 512.65625 533.523438 512.628906 533.84375 512.566406 534.160156 C 512.503906 534.476562 512.402344 534.785156 512.269531 535.078125 C 512.136719 535.375 511.972656 535.648438 511.773438 535.90625 C 511.578125 536.164062 511.355469 536.394531 511.105469 536.597656 C 510.855469 536.804688 510.582031 536.976562 510.292969 537.121094 C 510.003906 537.261719 509.699219 537.371094 509.386719 537.445312 C 509.070312 537.519531 508.75 537.554688 508.429688 537.554688 Z M 460.511719 516.136719 L 502.476562 527.386719 L 491.230469 485.417969 L 483.824219 492.832031 C 483.628906 493.027344 483.414062 493.203125 483.183594 493.355469 C 482.953125 493.507812 482.710938 493.636719 482.453125 493.742188 C 482.199219 493.847656 481.933594 493.929688 481.664062 493.984375 C 481.390625 494.035156 481.117188 494.0625 480.839844 494.0625 C 480.566406 494.0625 480.289062 494.035156 480.019531 493.984375 C 479.746094 493.929688 479.484375 493.847656 479.226562 493.742188 C 478.972656 493.636719 478.730469 493.507812 478.5 493.355469 C 478.269531 493.203125 478.054688 493.027344 477.859375 492.832031 L 457.253906 472.226562 C 456.429688 471.402344 456.019531 470.410156 456.019531 469.246094 L 456.019531 434.199219 L 441.96875 434.199219 L 441.96875 470.285156 C 441.964844 472.355469 442.363281 474.34375 443.15625 476.253906 C 443.953125 478.183594 445.085938 479.886719 446.558594 481.371094 L 467.921875 502.730469 C 468.117188 502.925781 468.292969 503.140625 468.445312 503.371094 C 468.597656 503.601562 468.730469 503.84375 468.835938 504.097656 C 468.941406 504.355469 469.019531 504.621094 469.074219 504.890625 C 469.128906 505.164062 469.15625 505.4375 469.15625 505.714844 C 469.15625 505.992188 469.128906 506.265625 469.074219 506.539062 C 469.019531 506.808594 468.941406 507.074219 468.835938 507.328125 C 468.730469 507.585938 468.597656 507.828125 468.445312 508.058594 C 468.292969 508.289062 468.117188 508.503906 467.921875 508.699219 Z M 460.511719 516.136719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#015498a672)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 384 537.554688 C 383.246094 537.554688 382.542969 537.367188 381.890625 536.988281 C 381.238281 536.613281 380.722656 536.097656 380.34375 535.445312 L 351.3125 485.167969 C 350.9375 484.515625 350.75 483.8125 350.75 483.058594 C 350.75 482.304688 350.9375 481.601562 351.3125 480.949219 C 351.691406 480.296875 352.207031 479.78125 352.859375 479.402344 C 353.511719 479.027344 354.214844 478.839844 354.96875 478.839844 L 368.539062 478.839844 L 368.539062 430 C 368.539062 429.722656 368.566406 429.449219 368.621094 429.175781 C 368.671875 428.90625 368.753906 428.640625 368.859375 428.386719 C 368.964844 428.128906 369.09375 427.886719 369.25 427.65625 C 369.402344 427.425781 369.578125 427.214844 369.773438 427.015625 C 369.96875 426.820312 370.183594 426.644531 370.414062 426.492188 C 370.644531 426.339844 370.886719 426.207031 371.144531 426.101562 C 371.398438 425.996094 371.664062 425.917969 371.933594 425.863281 C 372.207031 425.808594 372.480469 425.78125 372.757812 425.78125 L 395.238281 425.78125 C 395.515625 425.78125 395.789062 425.808594 396.0625 425.863281 C 396.332031 425.917969 396.597656 425.996094 396.851562 426.101562 C 397.109375 426.207031 397.351562 426.339844 397.582031 426.492188 C 397.8125 426.644531 398.027344 426.820312 398.222656 427.015625 C 398.417969 427.214844 398.59375 427.425781 398.746094 427.65625 C 398.902344 427.886719 399.03125 428.128906 399.136719 428.386719 C 399.242188 428.640625 399.324219 428.90625 399.375 429.175781 C 399.429688 429.449219 399.457031 429.722656 399.457031 430 L 399.457031 478.820312 L 413.023438 478.820312 C 413.777344 478.820312 414.480469 479.007812 415.132812 479.382812 C 415.785156 479.761719 416.300781 480.277344 416.675781 480.929688 C 417.054688 481.582031 417.242188 482.285156 417.242188 483.039062 C 417.242188 483.792969 417.054688 484.496094 416.675781 485.148438 L 387.644531 535.425781 C 387.269531 536.082031 386.757812 536.597656 386.105469 536.980469 C 385.457031 537.359375 384.753906 537.550781 384 537.554688 Z M 362.277344 487.257812 L 384 524.898438 L 405.71875 487.257812 L 395.246094 487.257812 C 394.96875 487.257812 394.695312 487.230469 394.421875 487.175781 C 394.152344 487.121094 393.886719 487.042969 393.632812 486.933594 C 393.375 486.828125 393.132812 486.699219 392.902344 486.546875 C 392.671875 486.390625 392.457031 486.214844 392.261719 486.019531 C 392.066406 485.824219 391.890625 485.613281 391.738281 485.382812 C 391.582031 485.152344 391.453125 484.90625 391.347656 484.652344 C 391.242188 484.394531 391.160156 484.132812 391.109375 483.859375 C 391.054688 483.589844 391.027344 483.316406 391.027344 483.039062 L 391.027344 434.21875 L 376.976562 434.21875 L 376.976562 483.058594 C 376.976562 483.335938 376.949219 483.609375 376.894531 483.878906 C 376.839844 484.152344 376.761719 484.414062 376.65625 484.671875 C 376.546875 484.925781 376.417969 485.171875 376.265625 485.402344 C 376.109375 485.632812 375.9375 485.84375 375.738281 486.039062 C 375.542969 486.234375 375.332031 486.410156 375.101562 486.566406 C 374.871094 486.71875 374.628906 486.847656 374.371094 486.953125 C 374.117188 487.0625 373.851562 487.140625 373.578125 487.195312 C 373.308594 487.25 373.035156 487.277344 372.757812 487.277344 Z M 362.277344 487.257812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizes women who have excelled in the FMCG sector, driving product innovation, market growth, and consumer engagement in fast-moving consumer goods. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-4361829" data-id="4361829" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-871367d elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="871367d" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="4af9d80b25"><path d="M 293 411 L 479 411 L 479 537.898438 L 293 537.898438 Z M 293 411 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="683b5922fa"><path d="M 319 230.398438 L 501.613281 230.398438 L 501.613281 408 L 319 408 Z M 319 230.398438 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="1ad16631b4"><path d="M 266.113281 257 L 316 257 L 316 413 L 266.113281 413 Z M 266.113281 257 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 358.398438 332.796875 L 348.410156 332.796875 C 348.328125 332.796875 348.242188 332.796875 348.15625 332.800781 L 348.15625 307.199219 C 348.15625 304.375 350.453125 302.078125 353.277344 302.078125 C 356.101562 302.078125 358.398438 304.375 358.398438 307.199219 Z M 409.597656 317.4375 C 409.597656 314.617188 411.894531 312.320312 414.714844 312.320312 C 417.539062 312.320312 419.835938 314.617188 419.835938 317.4375 L 419.835938 348.160156 C 419.835938 350.980469 417.539062 353.277344 414.714844 353.277344 C 411.894531 353.277344 409.597656 350.980469 409.597656 348.160156 Z M 389.117188 307.199219 C 389.117188 304.375 391.414062 302.078125 394.238281 302.078125 C 397.058594 302.078125 399.355469 304.375 399.355469 307.199219 L 399.355469 337.917969 C 399.355469 340.742188 397.058594 343.039062 394.238281 343.039062 C 394.136719 343.039062 394.035156 343.035156 393.933594 343.03125 C 394.132812 341.78125 394.238281 340.5 394.238281 339.199219 L 394.238281 337.917969 C 394.238281 335.089844 391.945312 332.796875 389.117188 332.796875 Z M 368.636719 296.960938 C 368.636719 294.136719 370.933594 291.839844 373.757812 291.839844 C 376.578125 291.839844 378.875 294.136719 378.875 296.960938 L 378.875 332.796875 L 368.636719 332.796875 Z M 414.714844 424.101562 L 414.714844 400.40625 L 420.886719 386.015625 L 411.472656 381.980469 L 404.890625 397.339844 C 404.617188 397.976562 404.476562 398.664062 404.476562 399.359375 L 404.476562 427.484375 C 397.929688 429.175781 391.066406 430.078125 383.996094 430.078125 C 376.925781 430.078125 370.066406 429.175781 363.515625 427.484375 L 363.515625 394.238281 C 363.515625 393.03125 363.09375 391.867188 362.320312 390.945312 L 340.488281 364.9375 C 339.09375 363.164062 338.546875 360.886719 338.988281 358.671875 L 340.878906 349.210938 C 341.59375 345.636719 344.761719 343.039062 348.410156 343.039062 L 383.464844 343.039062 C 381.789062 348.941406 376.347656 353.277344 369.917969 353.277344 L 363.515625 353.277344 C 361.550781 353.277344 359.753906 354.40625 358.902344 356.179688 C 358.050781 357.953125 358.289062 360.0625 359.519531 361.597656 L 371.585938 376.679688 C 376.285156 382.554688 378.875 389.941406 378.875 397.46875 L 378.875 399.359375 L 389.117188 399.359375 L 389.117188 397.46875 C 389.117188 387.621094 385.730469 377.96875 379.578125 370.28125 L 373.90625 363.191406 C 380.648438 362.074219 386.460938 358.175781 390.125 352.71875 C 391.457031 353.089844 392.839844 353.277344 394.238281 353.277344 C 396.234375 353.277344 398.144531 352.894531 399.898438 352.199219 C 401.675781 358.714844 407.644531 363.519531 414.714844 363.519531 C 416.480469 363.519531 418.171875 363.222656 419.75 362.671875 L 415.859375 371.742188 L 425.273438 375.777344 L 429.660156 365.535156 C 429.9375 364.898438 430.074219 364.210938 430.074219 363.519531 L 430.074219 317.4375 C 430.074219 308.96875 423.1875 302.078125 414.714844 302.078125 C 412.71875 302.078125 410.808594 302.460938 409.054688 303.160156 C 407.277344 296.644531 401.308594 291.839844 394.238281 291.839844 C 392.238281 291.839844 390.328125 292.222656 388.578125 292.917969 C 386.800781 286.40625 380.828125 281.597656 373.757812 281.597656 C 366.683594 281.597656 360.714844 286.40625 358.9375 292.917969 C 357.183594 292.222656 355.273438 291.839844 353.277344 291.839844 C 344.808594 291.839844 337.917969 298.730469 337.917969 307.199219 L 337.917969 336.207031 C 334.355469 338.789062 331.746094 342.65625 330.839844 347.203125 L 328.949219 356.664062 C 327.90625 361.867188 329.210938 367.230469 332.523438 371.375 C 332.550781 371.40625 332.574219 371.4375 332.601562 371.46875 L 353.277344 396.101562 L 353.277344 424.101562 C 323.28125 411.925781 302.078125 382.46875 302.078125 348.160156 C 302.078125 302.988281 338.828125 266.238281 383.996094 266.238281 C 429.167969 266.238281 465.914062 302.988281 465.914062 348.160156 C 465.914062 382.46875 444.710938 411.925781 414.714844 424.101562 Z M 383.996094 256 C 333.179688 256 291.839844 297.339844 291.839844 348.160156 C 291.839844 398.976562 333.179688 440.316406 383.996094 440.316406 C 434.8125 440.316406 476.15625 398.976562 476.15625 348.160156 C 476.15625 297.339844 434.8125 256 383.996094 256 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#4af9d80b25)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 479 417.746094 L 470.746094 411.691406 C 453.5625 435.105469 427.292969 450.773438 398.664062 454.675781 C 396.125 455.023438 394.238281 457.1875 394.238281 459.75 L 394.238281 486.394531 C 394.238281 489.222656 396.527344 491.515625 399.355469 491.515625 L 419.835938 491.515625 L 419.835938 506.875 L 399.355469 506.875 C 396.527344 506.875 394.238281 509.167969 394.238281 511.996094 L 394.238281 527.355469 L 373.757812 527.355469 L 373.757812 511.996094 C 373.757812 509.167969 371.464844 506.875 368.636719 506.875 L 348.15625 506.875 L 348.15625 491.515625 L 368.636719 491.515625 C 371.464844 491.515625 373.757812 489.222656 373.757812 486.394531 L 373.757812 459.75 C 373.757812 457.1875 371.867188 455.023438 369.328125 454.675781 C 342.503906 451.019531 318.207031 437.425781 300.914062 416.402344 L 293.003906 422.90625 C 310.984375 444.765625 335.886719 459.292969 363.515625 464.132812 L 363.515625 481.277344 L 343.039062 481.277344 C 340.210938 481.277344 337.917969 483.570312 337.917969 486.394531 L 337.917969 511.996094 C 337.917969 514.824219 340.210938 517.117188 343.039062 517.117188 L 363.515625 517.117188 L 363.515625 532.476562 C 363.515625 535.304688 365.808594 537.59375 368.636719 537.59375 L 399.355469 537.59375 C 402.183594 537.59375 404.476562 535.304688 404.476562 532.476562 L 404.476562 517.117188 L 424.957031 517.117188 C 427.785156 517.117188 430.074219 514.824219 430.074219 511.996094 L 430.074219 486.394531 C 430.074219 483.570312 427.785156 481.277344 424.957031 481.277344 L 404.476562 481.277344 L 404.476562 464.132812 C 434.105469 458.90625 461.074219 442.175781 479 417.746094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#683b5922fa)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.996094 230.398438 C 361.085938 230.398438 338.871094 236.984375 319.761719 249.449219 L 325.355469 258.023438 C 342.796875 246.652344 363.074219 240.640625 383.996094 240.640625 C 443.285156 240.640625 491.515625 288.871094 491.515625 348.160156 C 491.515625 367.0625 486.542969 385.648438 477.132812 401.914062 L 485.996094 407.042969 C 496.304688 389.222656 501.753906 368.859375 501.753906 348.160156 C 501.753906 283.226562 448.929688 230.398438 383.996094 230.398438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#1ad16631b4)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 266.238281 348.160156 C 266.238281 371.070312 272.824219 393.285156 285.289062 412.394531 L 293.867188 406.800781 C 282.492188 389.359375 276.476562 369.082031 276.476562 348.160156 C 276.476562 315.882812 290.789062 285.597656 315.746094 265.074219 L 309.242188 257.164062 C 281.914062 279.640625 266.238281 312.808594 266.238281 348.160156 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Women鈥檚 Empowerment </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women who have significantly contributed to the empowerment of women, promoting gender equality, leadership, and opportunities for women in various fields. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-f396dca elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="f396dca" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-7e3a8d9" data-id="7e3a8d9" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-5cc0ed6 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="5cc0ed6" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="8b5bc66fa6"><path d="M 283 452 L 485 452 L 485 537.898438 L 283 537.898438 Z M 283 452 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="9856b3ca06"><path d="M 263.808594 427 L 504.558594 427 L 504.558594 462 L 263.808594 462 Z M 263.808594 427 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 307.839844 437.0625 C 305.273438 437.0625 303.195312 434.984375 303.195312 432.421875 L 303.195312 403.875 C 303.195312 393.890625 309.601562 385.253906 319.148438 382.359375 L 361.441406 368.242188 L 366.667969 355.058594 C 367.613281 352.671875 370.3125 351.507812 372.695312 352.453125 C 375.078125 353.398438 376.246094 356.097656 375.300781 358.480469 L 369.277344 373.671875 C 368.773438 374.945312 367.730469 375.933594 366.429688 376.367188 L 322.023438 391.1875 C 321.976562 391.203125 321.933594 391.21875 321.886719 391.230469 C 316.261719 392.917969 312.480469 398 312.480469 403.875 L 312.480469 432.421875 C 312.480469 434.984375 310.402344 437.0625 307.839844 437.0625 Z M 307.839844 437.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 460.152344 437.0625 C 457.589844 437.0625 455.511719 434.984375 455.511719 432.421875 L 455.511719 403.875 C 455.511719 398 451.730469 392.917969 446.105469 391.230469 C 446.058594 391.214844 446.011719 391.203125 445.96875 391.1875 L 401.558594 376.363281 C 400.261719 375.929688 399.21875 374.945312 398.714844 373.671875 L 392.691406 358.480469 C 391.746094 356.097656 392.910156 353.398438 395.296875 352.453125 C 397.675781 351.507812 400.378906 352.671875 401.320312 355.054688 L 406.550781 368.242188 L 448.84375 382.359375 C 458.386719 385.253906 464.796875 393.890625 464.796875 403.875 L 464.796875 432.417969 C 464.796875 434.984375 462.71875 437.0625 460.152344 437.0625 Z M 460.152344 437.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.996094 363.914062 C 362.195312 363.914062 344.460938 346.179688 344.460938 324.378906 L 344.460938 302.363281 C 344.460938 299.800781 346.539062 297.722656 349.101562 297.722656 L 380.824219 297.722656 C 386.882812 297.722656 392.324219 294.355469 395.035156 288.941406 L 395.703125 287.601562 C 396.488281 286.027344 398.097656 285.035156 399.855469 285.035156 C 401.613281 285.035156 403.222656 286.027344 404.007812 287.601562 L 404.679688 288.9375 C 407.386719 294.355469 412.832031 297.722656 418.886719 297.722656 C 421.453125 297.722656 423.53125 299.800781 423.53125 302.363281 L 423.53125 324.378906 C 423.53125 346.179688 405.796875 363.914062 383.996094 363.914062 Z M 353.746094 307.007812 L 353.746094 324.378906 C 353.746094 341.058594 367.316406 354.628906 383.996094 354.628906 C 400.675781 354.628906 414.246094 341.058594 414.246094 324.378906 L 414.246094 306.582031 C 408.621094 305.542969 403.566406 302.632812 399.855469 298.328125 C 395.148438 303.789062 388.28125 307.007812 380.824219 307.007812 Z M 353.746094 307.007812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 330.316406 386.132812 C 328.835938 386.132812 327.378906 385.425781 326.480469 384.109375 L 321.960938 377.507812 C 317.042969 370.335938 317.550781 361.011719 323.21875 354.3125 C 324.023438 353.359375 324.644531 352.316406 325.058594 351.214844 C 325.460938 350.132812 325.667969 349.007812 325.667969 347.878906 L 325.667969 302.738281 C 325.667969 282.085938 345.65625 266.300781 354.253906 260.472656 C 356.375 259.035156 359.261719 259.585938 360.699219 261.710938 C 362.140625 263.832031 361.585938 266.71875 359.464844 268.15625 C 344.117188 278.566406 334.953125 291.492188 334.953125 302.738281 L 334.953125 347.878906 C 334.953125 350.117188 334.550781 352.335938 333.753906 354.472656 C 332.960938 356.582031 331.800781 358.539062 330.308594 360.304688 C 327.328125 363.828125 327.058594 368.523438 329.621094 372.261719 L 334.140625 378.867188 C 335.589844 380.980469 335.050781 383.871094 332.933594 385.320312 C 332.132812 385.867188 331.21875 386.132812 330.316406 386.132812 Z M 330.316406 386.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 439.050781 386.132812 C 438.148438 386.132812 437.234375 385.867188 436.433594 385.320312 C 434.316406 383.871094 433.777344 380.980469 435.222656 378.867188 L 439.742188 372.265625 C 442.308594 368.523438 442.039062 363.828125 439.058594 360.308594 C 437.566406 358.539062 436.40625 356.582031 435.617188 354.484375 C 434.816406 352.335938 434.414062 350.121094 434.414062 347.878906 L 434.414062 302.738281 C 434.414062 291.707031 424.976562 278.726562 409.171875 268.007812 C 407.050781 266.566406 406.496094 263.679688 407.933594 261.558594 C 409.375 259.4375 412.261719 258.882812 414.382812 260.320312 C 423.195312 266.300781 443.699219 282.398438 443.699219 302.738281 L 443.699219 347.878906 C 443.699219 349.007812 443.90625 350.132812 444.3125 351.222656 C 444.722656 352.316406 445.34375 353.359375 446.148438 354.3125 C 451.816406 361.011719 452.320312 370.332031 447.402344 377.511719 L 442.886719 384.109375 C 441.988281 385.425781 440.53125 386.132812 439.050781 386.132812 Z M 439.050781 386.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.996094 395.636719 C 382.808594 395.636719 381.617188 395.183594 380.710938 394.277344 L 361.679688 375.242188 C 359.867188 373.429688 359.867188 370.492188 361.679688 368.679688 C 363.492188 366.863281 366.433594 366.863281 368.246094 368.679688 L 383.996094 384.425781 L 399.746094 368.675781 C 401.558594 366.863281 404.496094 366.863281 406.3125 368.675781 C 408.125 370.492188 408.125 373.429688 406.3125 375.242188 L 387.277344 394.273438 C 386.371094 395.183594 385.183594 395.636719 383.996094 395.636719 Z M 383.996094 395.636719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.996094 437.0625 C 381.429688 437.0625 379.351562 434.984375 379.351562 432.421875 L 379.351562 390.992188 C 379.351562 388.429688 381.429688 386.351562 383.996094 386.351562 C 386.558594 386.351562 388.636719 388.429688 388.636719 390.992188 L 388.636719 432.421875 C 388.636719 434.984375 386.558594 437.0625 383.996094 437.0625 Z M 383.996094 437.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 383.996094 284.800781 C 383.1875 284.800781 382.378906 284.589844 381.65625 284.167969 L 354.515625 268.324219 C 352.539062 267.167969 351.699219 264.742188 352.539062 262.609375 L 363.816406 234.046875 C 364.269531 232.898438 365.164062 231.976562 366.296875 231.488281 C 367.429688 230.996094 368.714844 230.980469 369.859375 231.441406 C 378.976562 235.085938 389.015625 235.085938 398.132812 231.441406 C 400.484375 230.496094 403.15625 231.617188 404.136719 233.953125 L 416.058594 262.367188 C 416.964844 264.527344 416.121094 267.019531 414.09375 268.1875 L 386.3125 284.183594 C 385.59375 284.597656 384.796875 284.800781 383.996094 284.800781 Z M 362.640625 262.316406 L 384.011719 274.792969 L 405.910156 262.183594 L 397.257812 241.554688 C 388.605469 244.089844 379.476562 244.097656 370.824219 241.582031 Z M 362.640625 262.316406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 393.484375 437.0625 C 392.175781 437.0625 390.878906 436.515625 389.957031 435.441406 C 388.289062 433.496094 388.515625 430.566406 390.460938 428.894531 L 409.542969 412.539062 L 405.480469 406.445312 C 404.253906 404.605469 404.496094 402.152344 406.0625 400.589844 L 413.550781 393.101562 L 408.113281 376.792969 C 407.300781 374.359375 408.617188 371.730469 411.046875 370.917969 C 413.480469 370.105469 416.109375 371.421875 416.921875 373.855469 L 423.265625 392.886719 C 423.820312 394.554688 423.386719 396.394531 422.144531 397.640625 L 415.320312 404.464844 L 419.550781 410.8125 C 420.855469 412.765625 420.492188 415.386719 418.710938 416.914062 L 396.503906 435.945312 C 395.628906 436.695312 394.554688 437.0625 393.484375 437.0625 Z M 393.484375 437.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 374.449219 437.0625 C 373.378906 437.0625 372.304688 436.695312 371.429688 435.945312 L 349.226562 416.914062 C 347.441406 415.386719 347.082031 412.765625 348.382812 410.8125 L 352.617188 404.464844 L 345.792969 397.636719 C 344.546875 396.394531 344.113281 394.554688 344.667969 392.886719 L 351.015625 373.855469 C 351.824219 371.421875 354.453125 370.109375 356.886719 370.917969 C 359.320312 371.730469 360.632812 374.359375 359.824219 376.789062 L 354.386719 393.101562 L 361.875 400.585938 C 363.4375 402.152344 363.679688 404.605469 362.453125 406.445312 L 358.390625 412.539062 L 377.472656 428.894531 C 379.417969 430.5625 379.644531 433.496094 377.976562 435.441406 C 377.058594 436.511719 375.757812 437.0625 374.449219 437.0625 Z M 374.449219 437.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#8b5bc66fa6)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 479.488281 537.527344 L 288.5 537.527344 C 285.9375 537.527344 283.859375 535.445312 283.859375 532.882812 L 283.859375 456.859375 C 283.859375 454.292969 285.9375 452.214844 288.5 452.214844 C 291.066406 452.214844 293.144531 454.292969 293.144531 456.859375 L 293.144531 528.238281 L 474.847656 528.238281 L 474.847656 456.859375 C 474.847656 454.292969 476.925781 452.214844 479.488281 452.214844 C 482.054688 452.214844 484.132812 454.292969 484.132812 456.859375 L 484.132812 532.882812 C 484.132812 535.445312 482.054688 537.527344 479.488281 537.527344 Z M 479.488281 537.527344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#9856b3ca06)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 487.320312 461.5 L 280.671875 461.5 C 271.375 461.5 263.808594 453.9375 263.808594 444.636719 C 263.808594 440.136719 265.5625 435.90625 268.75 432.71875 C 271.933594 429.53125 276.167969 427.777344 280.671875 427.777344 L 487.320312 427.777344 C 496.617188 427.777344 504.183594 435.339844 504.183594 444.636719 C 504.183594 449.140625 502.429688 453.375 499.242188 456.5625 C 496.054688 459.746094 491.820312 461.5 487.320312 461.5 Z M 280.671875 437.0625 C 278.648438 437.0625 276.746094 437.851562 275.3125 439.285156 C 273.882812 440.714844 273.09375 442.617188 273.09375 444.636719 C 273.09375 448.816406 276.492188 452.214844 280.671875 452.214844 L 487.320312 452.214844 C 489.339844 452.214844 491.246094 451.429688 492.675781 449.996094 C 494.109375 448.5625 494.898438 446.660156 494.898438 444.636719 C 494.898438 440.460938 491.496094 437.0625 487.316406 437.0625 Z M 280.671875 437.0625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in <br/>Retail Hospitality </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Honors women who have demonstrated leadership and innovation in retail hospitality, enhancing customer experiences and driving business growth in this sector. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-2d93654" data-id="2d93654" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-e77d655 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="e77d655" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="7a0caa026d"><path d="M 230.398438 248.449219 L 537 248.449219 L 537 458 L 230.398438 458 Z M 230.398438 248.449219 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="4bd946a640"><path d="M 446 478 L 488 478 L 488 519.199219 L 446 519.199219 Z M 446 478 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="46ef059cd9"><path d="M 328 478 L 370 478 L 370 519.199219 L 328 519.199219 Z M 328 478 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 402.015625 407.625 C 402.253906 407.625 402.492188 407.863281 402.730469 407.863281 C 403.6875 407.863281 404.640625 407.148438 405.117188 406.191406 L 411.082031 389.488281 C 411.5625 388.292969 410.84375 386.863281 409.652344 386.386719 C 408.457031 385.90625 407.027344 386.625 406.550781 387.816406 L 400.582031 404.523438 C 400.105469 405.953125 400.820312 407.148438 402.015625 407.625 Z M 402.015625 407.625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 396.289062 371.589844 L 380.539062 378.988281 C 379.34375 379.464844 378.867188 381.136719 379.34375 382.328125 C 379.820312 383.28125 380.539062 383.761719 381.492188 383.761719 C 381.730469 383.761719 382.207031 383.761719 382.445312 383.519531 L 398.195312 376.125 C 399.390625 375.644531 399.867188 373.976562 399.390625 372.78125 C 398.914062 371.589844 397.480469 371.113281 396.289062 371.589844 Z M 396.289062 371.589844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 401.777344 355.839844 C 402.253906 354.644531 401.539062 353.214844 400.34375 352.734375 L 383.878906 346.769531 C 382.683594 346.292969 381.253906 347.007812 380.777344 348.203125 C 380.296875 349.394531 381.015625 350.828125 382.207031 351.304688 L 398.675781 357.269531 C 398.914062 357.269531 399.152344 357.507812 399.628906 357.507812 C 400.582031 357.507812 401.300781 356.792969 401.777344 355.839844 Z M 401.777344 355.839844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 414.1875 345.816406 C 414.425781 345.816406 414.902344 345.816406 415.140625 345.578125 C 416.335938 345.097656 416.8125 343.429688 416.335938 342.234375 L 408.9375 326.246094 C 408.457031 325.054688 406.789062 324.574219 405.59375 325.054688 C 404.640625 325.53125 404.164062 327.199219 404.640625 328.394531 L 412.039062 344.382812 C 412.515625 345.097656 413.230469 345.816406 414.1875 345.816406 Z M 414.1875 345.816406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 433.039062 347.964844 C 433.992188 347.964844 434.949219 347.246094 435.425781 346.292969 L 441.390625 329.585938 C 441.871094 328.394531 441.152344 326.960938 439.960938 326.484375 C 438.765625 326.007812 437.335938 326.722656 436.859375 327.917969 L 430.890625 344.621094 C 430.414062 345.816406 431.128906 347.246094 432.324219 347.722656 C 432.324219 347.964844 432.5625 347.964844 433.039062 347.964844 Z M 433.039062 347.964844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 444.496094 362.996094 C 444.734375 362.996094 445.210938 362.996094 445.449219 362.757812 L 461.199219 355.359375 C 462.394531 354.882812 462.871094 353.214844 462.394531 352.019531 C 461.914062 350.828125 460.246094 350.351562 459.050781 350.828125 L 443.300781 358.226562 C 442.109375 358.703125 441.628906 360.371094 442.109375 361.566406 C 442.824219 362.28125 443.777344 362.996094 444.496094 362.996094 Z M 444.496094 362.996094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#7a0caa026d)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 510.835938 295.222656 L 303.933594 295.222656 C 296.773438 261.574219 277.203125 259.425781 275.53125 259.1875 L 260.5 259.1875 C 258.113281 253.460938 252.625 248.449219 245.941406 248.449219 C 237.351562 248.449219 230.429688 255.367188 230.429688 263.960938 C 230.429688 272.550781 237.351562 279.710938 245.941406 279.710938 C 252.625 279.710938 258.113281 274.460938 260.5 268.734375 L 274.578125 268.734375 C 275.054688 268.734375 288.179688 272.789062 293.191406 300.234375 C 299.636719 336.746094 316.339844 428.386719 316.339844 428.386719 C 316.339844 438.648438 322.546875 457.261719 345.457031 457.261719 L 433.753906 457.261719 L 430.175781 447.957031 L 345.21875 447.957031 C 335.433594 447.957031 331.136719 440.796875 329.226562 435.785156 C 344.742188 434.832031 387.21875 431.964844 424.6875 429.339844 L 421.34375 417.648438 C 383.164062 420.273438 340.921875 423.136719 327.320312 424.089844 C 324.21875 408.578125 312.523438 342.714844 306.078125 306.917969 L 509.167969 306.917969 C 518.472656 306.917969 525.15625 314.554688 523.964844 323.859375 L 515.371094 394.023438 C 515.371094 394.261719 515.132812 395.691406 514.179688 397.601562 L 524.679688 402.851562 C 526.589844 398.792969 527.066406 395.929688 527.066406 395.453125 L 535.894531 323.382812 C 537.566406 307.871094 526.589844 295.222656 510.835938 295.222656 Z M 510.835938 295.222656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 487.449219 422.660156 L 507.496094 414.785156 C 509.40625 414.066406 510.597656 412.398438 510.597656 410.488281 C 510.597656 408.578125 509.644531 406.671875 507.972656 405.714844 L 423.492188 362.996094 C 421.824219 362.042969 419.675781 362.28125 418.003906 363.714844 C 416.574219 364.90625 415.855469 367.054688 416.574219 368.964844 L 445.210938 461.320312 C 445.6875 463.230469 447.597656 464.660156 449.507812 464.898438 C 451.414062 465.136719 453.324219 463.945312 454.277344 462.273438 L 465.734375 440.320312 L 490.3125 473.011719 C 491.03125 473.96875 492.222656 474.683594 493.65625 474.921875 C 493.894531 474.921875 494.132812 474.921875 494.371094 474.921875 C 495.324219 474.921875 496.519531 474.683594 497.472656 473.96875 L 512.507812 462.273438 C 513.464844 461.558594 514.179688 460.367188 514.417969 458.933594 C 514.65625 457.5 514.179688 456.308594 513.464844 455.113281 Z M 495.085938 462.992188 L 468.835938 428.148438 C 467.882812 426.953125 466.449219 426.238281 465.019531 426.238281 C 464.777344 426.238281 464.777344 426.238281 464.539062 426.238281 C 462.871094 426.476562 461.4375 427.433594 460.484375 428.863281 L 450.9375 447.238281 L 429.222656 377.316406 L 493.417969 409.773438 L 477.667969 415.976562 C 476.234375 416.453125 475.042969 417.886719 474.800781 419.316406 C 474.324219 420.75 474.800781 422.421875 475.757812 423.613281 L 502.484375 457.5 Z M 495.085938 462.992188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><g clip-path="url(#4bd946a640)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 467.164062 478.023438 C 455.949219 478.023438 446.640625 487.332031 446.640625 498.789062 C 446.640625 510.242188 455.949219 519.550781 467.164062 519.550781 C 478.382812 519.550781 487.6875 510.242188 487.6875 498.789062 C 487.6875 487.332031 478.382812 478.023438 467.164062 478.023438 Z M 467.164062 509.527344 C 461.199219 509.527344 456.425781 504.753906 456.425781 498.789062 C 456.425781 492.820312 461.199219 488.046875 467.164062 488.046875 C 473.132812 488.046875 477.90625 492.820312 477.90625 498.789062 C 477.90625 504.515625 473.132812 509.527344 467.164062 509.527344 Z M 467.164062 509.527344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#46ef059cd9)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 349.035156 478.023438 C 337.820312 478.023438 328.511719 487.332031 328.511719 498.789062 C 328.511719 510.242188 337.820312 519.550781 349.035156 519.550781 C 360.253906 519.550781 369.558594 510.242188 369.558594 498.789062 C 369.558594 487.332031 360.253906 478.023438 349.035156 478.023438 Z M 349.035156 509.527344 C 343.070312 509.527344 338.296875 504.753906 338.296875 498.789062 C 338.296875 492.820312 343.070312 488.046875 349.035156 488.046875 C 355.003906 488.046875 359.773438 492.820312 359.773438 498.789062 C 359.773438 504.515625 355.003906 509.527344 349.035156 509.527344 Z M 349.035156 509.527344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Online Trading and Retail </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Celebrates women who have excelled in online trading and retail, driving e-commerce growth and setting new standards for online customer experiences. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-e178ff6" data-id="e178ff6" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-d987539 elementor-view-framed elementor-shape-circle elementor-position-top elementor-mobile-position-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-icon-box" data-id="d987539" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="icon-box.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-wrapper"> <div class="elementor-icon-box-icon"> <span class="elementor-icon elementor-animation-"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1024" viewBox="0 0 768 767.999994" height="1024" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><defs><clipPath id="70c90c4380"><path d="M 301 292.609375 L 537 292.609375 L 537 445 L 301 445 Z M 301 292.609375 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="7f822154bf"><path d="M 313 405 L 384 405 L 384 475.609375 L 313 475.609375 Z M 313 405 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="cb800767bd"><path d="M 442 405 L 512 405 L 512 475.609375 L 442 475.609375 Z M 442 405 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="7cd3c2a4c1"><path d="M 417 292.609375 L 512 292.609375 L 512 372 L 417 372 Z M 417 292.609375 " clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath></defs><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 318.5625 444.714844 L 286.828125 444.714844 C 286.488281 444.714844 286.152344 444.683594 285.820312 444.617188 C 285.488281 444.550781 285.164062 444.453125 284.851562 444.324219 C 284.535156 444.191406 284.238281 444.035156 283.957031 443.847656 C 283.675781 443.65625 283.414062 443.445312 283.175781 443.203125 C 282.933594 442.964844 282.722656 442.703125 282.53125 442.421875 C 282.34375 442.140625 282.1875 441.84375 282.054688 441.527344 C 281.925781 441.214844 281.828125 440.890625 281.761719 440.558594 C 281.695312 440.226562 281.664062 439.890625 281.664062 439.554688 C 281.664062 439.214844 281.695312 438.878906 281.761719 438.546875 C 281.828125 438.214844 281.925781 437.890625 282.054688 437.578125 C 282.1875 437.261719 282.34375 436.964844 282.53125 436.683594 C 282.722656 436.402344 282.933594 436.140625 283.175781 435.902344 C 283.414062 435.660156 283.675781 435.449219 283.957031 435.257812 C 284.238281 435.070312 284.535156 434.914062 284.851562 434.78125 C 285.164062 434.652344 285.488281 434.554688 285.820312 434.488281 C 286.152344 434.421875 286.488281 434.390625 286.828125 434.390625 L 318.5625 434.390625 C 318.902344 434.390625 319.238281 434.421875 319.570312 434.488281 C 319.902344 434.554688 320.226562 434.652344 320.539062 434.78125 C 320.851562 434.914062 321.148438 435.070312 321.429688 435.257812 C 321.714844 435.449219 321.972656 435.660156 322.214844 435.902344 C 322.453125 436.140625 322.667969 436.402344 322.855469 436.683594 C 323.042969 436.964844 323.203125 437.261719 323.332031 437.578125 C 323.460938 437.890625 323.558594 438.214844 323.625 438.546875 C 323.691406 438.878906 323.726562 439.214844 323.726562 439.554688 C 323.726562 439.890625 323.691406 440.226562 323.625 440.558594 C 323.558594 440.890625 323.460938 441.214844 323.332031 441.527344 C 323.203125 441.84375 323.042969 442.140625 322.855469 442.421875 C 322.667969 442.703125 322.453125 442.964844 322.214844 443.203125 C 321.972656 443.445312 321.714844 443.65625 321.429688 443.847656 C 321.148438 444.035156 320.851562 444.191406 320.539062 444.324219 C 320.226562 444.453125 319.902344 444.550781 319.570312 444.617188 C 319.238281 444.683594 318.902344 444.714844 318.5625 444.714844 Z M 318.5625 444.714844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 447.332031 444.714844 L 378.007812 444.714844 C 377.667969 444.714844 377.332031 444.683594 377 444.617188 C 376.667969 444.550781 376.34375 444.453125 376.03125 444.324219 C 375.71875 444.191406 375.421875 444.035156 375.140625 443.847656 C 374.859375 443.65625 374.597656 443.445312 374.355469 443.203125 C 374.117188 442.964844 373.902344 442.703125 373.714844 442.421875 C 373.527344 442.140625 373.367188 441.84375 373.238281 441.527344 C 373.109375 441.214844 373.011719 440.890625 372.945312 440.558594 C 372.878906 440.226562 372.84375 439.890625 372.84375 439.554688 C 372.84375 439.214844 372.878906 438.878906 372.945312 438.546875 C 373.011719 438.214844 373.109375 437.890625 373.238281 437.578125 C 373.367188 437.261719 373.527344 436.964844 373.714844 436.683594 C 373.902344 436.402344 374.117188 436.140625 374.355469 435.902344 C 374.597656 435.660156 374.859375 435.449219 375.140625 435.257812 C 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462.832031 C 449.265625 461.949219 448.582031 461.03125 447.949219 460.078125 C 447.3125 459.128906 446.726562 458.148438 446.1875 457.140625 C 445.648438 456.132812 445.160156 455.101562 444.722656 454.046875 C 444.285156 452.988281 443.902344 451.914062 443.570312 450.820312 C 443.238281 449.726562 442.960938 448.617188 442.738281 447.496094 C 442.515625 446.375 442.347656 445.246094 442.234375 444.109375 C 442.121094 442.972656 442.066406 441.832031 442.066406 440.6875 C 442.066406 439.546875 442.121094 438.40625 442.234375 437.265625 C 442.347656 436.128906 442.515625 435 442.738281 433.878906 C 442.960938 432.757812 443.238281 431.652344 443.570312 430.558594 C 443.902344 429.464844 444.285156 428.386719 444.722656 427.332031 C 445.160156 426.277344 445.648438 425.242188 446.1875 424.234375 C 446.726562 423.226562 447.3125 422.246094 447.949219 421.296875 C 448.582031 420.347656 449.265625 419.429688 449.988281 418.546875 C 450.714844 417.664062 451.480469 416.816406 452.289062 416.007812 C 453.097656 415.199219 453.945312 414.433594 454.828125 413.707031 C 455.710938 412.984375 456.628906 412.304688 457.578125 411.667969 C 458.527344 411.03125 459.507812 410.445312 460.515625 409.90625 C 461.523438 409.367188 462.558594 408.878906 463.613281 408.441406 C 464.667969 408.003906 465.742188 407.621094 466.835938 407.289062 C 467.933594 406.957031 469.039062 406.679688 470.160156 406.457031 C 471.28125 406.234375 472.410156 406.066406 473.546875 405.953125 C 474.6875 405.839844 475.828125 405.785156 476.96875 405.785156 C 478.113281 405.785156 479.253906 405.839844 480.390625 405.953125 C 481.527344 406.066406 482.65625 406.234375 483.777344 406.457031 C 484.898438 406.679688 486.007812 406.957031 487.101562 407.289062 C 488.195312 407.621094 489.269531 408.003906 490.328125 408.441406 C 491.382812 408.878906 492.414062 409.367188 493.421875 409.90625 C 494.429688 410.445312 495.410156 411.03125 496.359375 411.667969 C 497.3125 412.304688 498.226562 412.984375 499.113281 413.707031 C 499.996094 414.433594 500.839844 415.199219 501.648438 416.007812 C 502.457031 416.816406 503.226562 417.664062 503.949219 418.546875 C 504.675781 419.429688 505.355469 420.347656 505.992188 421.296875 C 506.625 422.246094 507.210938 423.226562 507.75 424.234375 C 508.289062 425.242188 508.777344 426.277344 509.214844 427.332031 C 509.652344 428.386719 510.039062 429.464844 510.371094 430.558594 C 510.703125 431.652344 510.980469 432.757812 511.203125 433.878906 C 511.425781 435 511.59375 436.128906 511.703125 437.265625 C 511.816406 438.40625 511.871094 439.546875 511.871094 440.6875 C 511.871094 441.832031 511.816406 442.972656 511.703125 444.109375 C 511.589844 445.246094 511.421875 446.375 511.195312 447.496094 C 510.972656 448.617188 510.695312 449.722656 510.363281 450.816406 C 510.03125 451.910156 509.644531 452.984375 509.207031 454.039062 C 508.769531 455.097656 508.28125 456.128906 507.742188 457.136719 C 507.203125 458.144531 506.617188 459.121094 505.980469 460.070312 C 505.34375 461.023438 504.664062 461.9375 503.941406 462.820312 C 503.214844 463.703125 502.449219 464.550781 501.640625 465.359375 C 500.832031 466.167969 499.984375 466.933594 499.101562 467.660156 C 498.21875 468.382812 497.304688 469.0625 496.351562 469.699219 C 495.402344 470.335938 494.421875 470.921875 493.417969 471.460938 C 492.410156 472 491.375 472.488281 490.320312 472.925781 C 489.265625 473.363281 488.191406 473.75 487.097656 474.082031 C 486.003906 474.414062 484.898438 474.691406 483.777344 474.914062 C 482.65625 475.140625 481.527344 475.308594 480.390625 475.421875 C 479.253906 475.535156 478.113281 475.589844 476.96875 475.59375 Z M 476.96875 416.113281 C 476.164062 416.113281 475.363281 416.152344 474.5625 416.230469 C 473.757812 416.308594 472.964844 416.425781 472.175781 416.585938 C 471.386719 416.742188 470.605469 416.9375 469.835938 417.171875 C 469.066406 417.402344 468.308594 417.675781 467.566406 417.984375 C 466.820312 418.289062 466.09375 418.632812 465.382812 419.015625 C 464.675781 419.394531 463.984375 419.804688 463.316406 420.253906 C 462.644531 420.699219 462 421.179688 461.378906 421.691406 C 460.757812 422.199219 460.160156 422.742188 459.589844 423.308594 C 459.023438 423.878906 458.480469 424.476562 457.972656 425.097656 C 457.460938 425.71875 456.980469 426.363281 456.535156 427.035156 C 456.085938 427.703125 455.675781 428.394531 455.292969 429.101562 C 454.914062 429.8125 454.570312 430.539062 454.261719 431.285156 C 453.957031 432.027344 453.683594 432.785156 453.449219 433.554688 C 453.21875 434.324219 453.023438 435.105469 452.863281 435.894531 C 452.707031 436.683594 452.589844 437.480469 452.511719 438.28125 C 452.433594 439.082031 452.394531 439.882812 452.394531 440.6875 C 452.394531 441.492188 452.433594 442.296875 452.511719 443.097656 C 452.589844 443.898438 452.707031 444.695312 452.863281 445.484375 C 453.023438 446.273438 453.21875 447.050781 453.449219 447.824219 C 453.683594 448.59375 453.957031 449.351562 454.261719 450.09375 C 454.570312 450.835938 454.914062 451.5625 455.292969 452.273438 C 455.675781 452.984375 456.085938 453.671875 456.535156 454.34375 C 456.980469 455.011719 457.460938 455.65625 457.972656 456.28125 C 458.480469 456.902344 459.023438 457.496094 459.589844 458.066406 C 460.160156 458.636719 460.757812 459.175781 461.378906 459.6875 C 462 460.199219 462.644531 460.675781 463.316406 461.125 C 463.984375 461.570312 464.675781 461.984375 465.382812 462.363281 C 466.09375 462.742188 466.820312 463.085938 467.566406 463.394531 C 468.308594 463.703125 469.066406 463.972656 469.835938 464.207031 C 470.605469 464.441406 471.386719 464.636719 472.175781 464.792969 C 472.964844 464.949219 473.757812 465.066406 474.5625 465.148438 C 475.363281 465.226562 476.164062 465.265625 476.96875 465.265625 C 477.773438 465.265625 478.578125 465.226562 479.378906 465.148438 C 480.179688 465.066406 480.976562 464.949219 481.765625 464.792969 C 482.554688 464.636719 483.332031 464.441406 484.105469 464.207031 C 484.875 463.972656 485.632812 463.703125 486.375 463.394531 C 487.117188 463.085938 487.84375 462.742188 488.554688 462.363281 C 489.265625 461.984375 489.953125 461.570312 490.625 461.125 C 491.292969 460.675781 491.9375 460.199219 492.5625 459.6875 C 493.183594 459.175781 493.777344 458.636719 494.347656 458.066406 C 494.917969 457.496094 495.457031 456.902344 495.96875 456.28125 C 496.476562 455.65625 496.957031 455.011719 497.40625 454.34375 C 497.851562 453.671875 498.265625 452.984375 498.644531 452.273438 C 499.023438 451.5625 499.367188 450.835938 499.675781 450.09375 C 499.984375 449.351562 500.253906 448.59375 500.488281 447.824219 C 500.722656 447.050781 500.917969 446.273438 501.074219 445.484375 C 501.230469 444.695312 501.347656 443.898438 501.429688 443.097656 C 501.507812 442.296875 501.546875 441.492188 501.546875 440.6875 C 501.542969 439.882812 501.503906 439.082031 501.421875 438.28125 C 501.339844 437.480469 501.222656 436.6875 501.0625 435.898438 C 500.90625 435.109375 500.707031 434.332031 500.472656 433.5625 C 500.238281 432.792969 499.964844 432.035156 499.65625 431.292969 C 499.347656 430.550781 499.003906 429.824219 498.625 429.117188 C 498.246094 428.40625 497.832031 427.71875 497.382812 427.050781 C 496.9375 426.382812 496.457031 425.738281 495.945312 425.117188 C 495.4375 424.496094 494.898438 423.898438 494.328125 423.332031 C 493.757812 422.761719 493.164062 422.222656 492.542969 421.710938 C 491.921875 421.199219 491.277344 420.722656 490.609375 420.273438 C 489.9375 419.828125 489.25 419.414062 488.542969 419.035156 C 487.832031 418.652344 487.105469 418.308594 486.363281 418 C 485.621094 417.691406 484.867188 417.421875 484.097656 417.183594 C 483.328125 416.949219 482.546875 416.753906 481.757812 416.59375 C 480.972656 416.4375 480.175781 416.316406 479.375 416.238281 C 478.578125 416.15625 477.773438 416.113281 476.96875 416.113281 Z M 476.96875 416.113281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#7cd3c2a4c1)"><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 506.710938 371.433594 L 422.960938 371.433594 C 422.625 371.433594 422.289062 371.398438 421.957031 371.332031 C 421.621094 371.265625 421.300781 371.167969 420.988281 371.039062 C 420.671875 370.910156 420.375 370.75 420.09375 370.5625 C 419.8125 370.375 419.550781 370.160156 419.3125 369.921875 C 419.070312 369.679688 418.859375 369.421875 418.667969 369.136719 C 418.480469 368.855469 418.320312 368.558594 418.191406 368.246094 C 418.0625 367.933594 417.964844 367.609375 417.898438 367.277344 C 417.832031 366.945312 417.800781 366.609375 417.800781 366.269531 L 417.800781 297.910156 C 417.800781 297.570312 417.832031 297.234375 417.898438 296.902344 C 417.964844 296.570312 418.0625 296.246094 418.191406 295.933594 C 418.320312 295.621094 418.480469 295.324219 418.667969 295.039062 C 418.859375 294.757812 419.070312 294.496094 419.3125 294.257812 C 419.550781 294.019531 419.8125 293.804688 420.09375 293.617188 C 420.375 293.425781 420.671875 293.269531 420.988281 293.140625 C 421.300781 293.007812 421.621094 292.910156 421.957031 292.84375 C 422.289062 292.777344 422.625 292.746094 422.960938 292.746094 L 449.328125 292.746094 C 450.546875 292.742188 451.761719 292.816406 452.972656 292.964844 C 454.183594 293.113281 455.378906 293.339844 456.5625 293.636719 C 457.742188 293.9375 458.902344 294.308594 460.035156 294.753906 C 461.171875 295.199219 462.277344 295.710938 463.347656 296.292969 C 464.417969 296.878906 465.449219 297.523438 466.4375 298.238281 C 467.425781 298.949219 468.371094 299.71875 469.261719 300.546875 C 470.15625 301.378906 470.992188 302.261719 471.777344 303.195312 C 472.558594 304.128906 473.28125 305.109375 473.941406 306.136719 L 511.046875 363.480469 C 511.304688 363.871094 511.503906 364.285156 511.644531 364.730469 C 511.789062 365.171875 511.871094 365.625 511.890625 366.089844 C 511.910156 366.554688 511.867188 367.015625 511.761719 367.46875 C 511.65625 367.921875 511.488281 368.351562 511.265625 368.761719 C 511.042969 369.167969 510.769531 369.539062 510.445312 369.875 C 510.125 370.207031 509.761719 370.492188 509.359375 370.730469 C 508.957031 370.964844 508.53125 371.140625 508.082031 371.261719 C 507.632812 371.378906 507.175781 371.4375 506.710938 371.433594 Z M 428.125 361.105469 L 497.210938 361.105469 L 465.265625 311.746094 C 464.410156 310.414062 463.398438 309.207031 462.238281 308.128906 C 461.078125 307.046875 459.800781 306.128906 458.40625 305.371094 C 457.015625 304.613281 455.550781 304.039062 454.011719 303.652344 C 452.476562 303.261719 450.914062 303.070312 449.328125 303.070312 L 428.125 303.070312 Z M 428.125 361.105469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 324.964844 340.761719 L 270.992188 340.761719 C 270.652344 340.761719 270.316406 340.730469 269.984375 340.664062 C 269.652344 340.597656 269.328125 340.5 269.015625 340.371094 C 268.703125 340.242188 268.40625 340.082031 268.125 339.894531 C 267.84375 339.703125 267.582031 339.492188 267.339844 339.25 C 267.101562 339.011719 266.886719 338.75 266.699219 338.46875 C 266.511719 338.1875 266.351562 337.890625 266.222656 337.574219 C 266.09375 337.261719 265.996094 336.941406 265.929688 336.609375 C 265.863281 336.273438 265.828125 335.9375 265.828125 335.601562 C 265.828125 335.261719 265.863281 334.925781 265.929688 334.59375 C 265.996094 334.261719 266.09375 333.9375 266.222656 333.625 C 266.351562 333.3125 266.511719 333.011719 266.699219 332.730469 C 266.886719 332.449219 267.101562 332.1875 267.339844 331.949219 C 267.582031 331.710938 267.84375 331.496094 268.125 331.308594 C 268.40625 331.117188 268.703125 330.960938 269.015625 330.832031 C 269.328125 330.699219 269.652344 330.601562 269.984375 330.535156 C 270.316406 330.46875 270.652344 330.4375 270.992188 330.4375 L 324.964844 330.4375 C 325.304688 330.4375 325.640625 330.46875 325.972656 330.535156 C 326.304688 330.601562 326.628906 330.699219 326.941406 330.832031 C 327.253906 330.960938 327.550781 331.117188 327.832031 331.308594 C 328.117188 331.496094 328.375 331.710938 328.617188 331.949219 C 328.855469 332.1875 329.070312 332.449219 329.257812 332.730469 C 329.445312 333.011719 329.605469 333.3125 329.734375 333.625 C 329.863281 333.9375 329.960938 334.261719 330.027344 334.59375 C 330.09375 334.925781 330.128906 335.261719 330.128906 335.601562 C 330.128906 335.9375 330.09375 336.273438 330.027344 336.609375 C 329.960938 336.941406 329.863281 337.261719 329.734375 337.574219 C 329.605469 337.890625 329.445312 338.1875 329.257812 338.46875 C 329.070312 338.75 328.855469 339.011719 328.617188 339.25 C 328.375 339.492188 328.117188 339.703125 327.832031 339.894531 C 327.550781 340.082031 327.253906 340.242188 326.941406 340.371094 C 326.628906 340.5 326.304688 340.597656 325.972656 340.664062 C 325.640625 340.730469 325.304688 340.761719 324.964844 340.761719 Z M 324.964844 340.761719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 300.664062 378.214844 L 236.535156 378.214844 C 236.199219 378.214844 235.863281 378.179688 235.53125 378.113281 C 235.195312 378.046875 234.875 377.949219 234.5625 377.820312 C 234.246094 377.691406 233.949219 377.53125 233.667969 377.34375 C 233.386719 377.15625 233.125 376.941406 232.886719 376.703125 C 232.644531 376.460938 232.433594 376.199219 232.242188 375.917969 C 232.054688 375.636719 231.894531 375.339844 231.765625 375.027344 C 231.636719 374.714844 231.539062 374.390625 231.472656 374.058594 C 231.40625 373.726562 231.375 373.390625 231.375 373.050781 C 231.375 372.710938 231.40625 372.375 231.472656 372.042969 C 231.539062 371.710938 231.636719 371.386719 231.765625 371.074219 C 231.894531 370.761719 232.054688 370.464844 232.242188 370.183594 C 232.433594 369.898438 232.644531 369.640625 232.886719 369.398438 C 233.125 369.160156 233.386719 368.945312 233.667969 368.757812 C 233.949219 368.570312 234.246094 368.410156 234.5625 368.28125 C 234.875 368.152344 235.195312 368.054688 235.53125 367.988281 C 235.863281 367.921875 236.199219 367.886719 236.535156 367.886719 L 300.664062 367.886719 C 301.003906 367.886719 301.339844 367.921875 301.671875 367.988281 C 302.003906 368.054688 302.328125 368.152344 302.640625 368.28125 C 302.953125 368.410156 303.25 368.570312 303.53125 368.757812 C 303.8125 368.945312 304.074219 369.160156 304.316406 369.398438 C 304.554688 369.640625 304.769531 369.898438 304.957031 370.183594 C 305.144531 370.464844 305.304688 370.761719 305.433594 371.074219 C 305.5625 371.386719 305.660156 371.710938 305.726562 372.042969 C 305.792969 372.375 305.828125 372.710938 305.828125 373.050781 C 305.828125 373.390625 305.792969 373.726562 305.726562 374.058594 C 305.660156 374.390625 305.5625 374.714844 305.433594 375.027344 C 305.304688 375.339844 305.144531 375.636719 304.957031 375.917969 C 304.769531 376.199219 304.554688 376.460938 304.316406 376.703125 C 304.074219 376.941406 303.8125 377.15625 303.53125 377.34375 C 303.25 377.53125 302.953125 377.691406 302.640625 377.820312 C 302.328125 377.949219 302.003906 378.046875 301.671875 378.113281 C 301.339844 378.179688 301.003906 378.214844 300.664062 378.214844 Z M 300.664062 378.214844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#e4bc7c" d="M 294.742188 409.539062 L 256.226562 409.539062 C 255.886719 409.539062 255.550781 409.503906 255.21875 409.4375 C 254.886719 409.371094 254.5625 409.273438 254.25 409.144531 C 253.9375 409.015625 253.640625 408.855469 253.355469 408.667969 C 253.074219 408.480469 252.8125 408.265625 252.574219 408.023438 C 252.335938 407.785156 252.121094 407.523438 251.933594 407.242188 C 251.746094 406.960938 251.585938 406.664062 251.457031 406.351562 C 251.324219 406.035156 251.226562 405.714844 251.160156 405.382812 C 251.09375 405.050781 251.0625 404.714844 251.0625 404.375 C 251.0625 404.035156 251.09375 403.699219 251.160156 403.367188 C 251.226562 403.035156 251.324219 402.710938 251.457031 402.398438 C 251.585938 402.085938 251.746094 401.789062 251.933594 401.503906 C 252.121094 401.222656 252.335938 400.964844 252.574219 400.722656 C 252.8125 400.484375 253.074219 400.269531 253.355469 400.082031 C 253.640625 399.894531 253.9375 399.734375 254.25 399.605469 C 254.5625 399.472656 254.886719 399.375 255.21875 399.308594 C 255.550781 399.242188 255.886719 399.210938 256.226562 399.210938 L 294.742188 399.210938 C 295.082031 399.210938 295.417969 399.242188 295.75 399.308594 C 296.082031 399.375 296.40625 399.472656 296.71875 399.605469 C 297.03125 399.734375 297.328125 399.894531 297.613281 400.082031 C 297.894531 400.269531 298.15625 400.484375 298.394531 400.722656 C 298.632812 400.964844 298.847656 401.222656 299.035156 401.503906 C 299.222656 401.789062 299.382812 402.085938 299.511719 402.398438 C 299.644531 402.710938 299.742188 403.035156 299.808594 403.367188 C 299.875 403.699219 299.90625 404.035156 299.90625 404.375 C 299.90625 404.714844 299.875 405.050781 299.808594 405.382812 C 299.742188 405.714844 299.644531 406.035156 299.511719 406.351562 C 299.382812 406.664062 299.222656 406.960938 299.035156 407.242188 C 298.847656 407.523438 298.632812 407.785156 298.394531 408.023438 C 298.15625 408.265625 297.894531 408.480469 297.613281 408.667969 C 297.328125 408.855469 297.03125 409.015625 296.71875 409.144531 C 296.40625 409.273438 296.082031 409.371094 295.75 409.4375 C 295.417969 409.503906 295.082031 409.539062 294.742188 409.539062 Z M 294.742188 409.539062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg> </span> </div> <div class="elementor-icon-box-content"> <h3 class="elementor-icon-box-title"> <span > Excellence in Excellence in Transportation and Logistics </span> </h3> <p class="elementor-icon-box-description"> Recognizes women who have made significant contributions to the transportation and logistics sector, enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and global trade. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-59cd050 elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="59cd050" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-5206e0a" data-id="5206e0a" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap"> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-1404d40" data-id="1404d40" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-925a436 elementor-widget__width-initial elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-button" data-id="925a436" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-button.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="ekit-btn-wraper"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="elementskit-btn whitespace--normal" id=""> Nominate Now </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-6ddac6b" data-id="6ddac6b" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-f113c0a elementor-section-content-middle elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="f113c0a" data-element_type="section" id="nomination" data-settings="{"background_background":"gradient"}"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-100 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-34f14f6" data-id="34f14f6" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-fcddcc7 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-heading" data-id="fcddcc7" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" ><div class="ekit-heading elementskit-section-title-wraper text_center ekit_heading_tablet- ekit_heading_mobile-"><h2 class="ekit-heading--title elementskit-section-title ">Nomination Process for Women Excellence Awards 2024</h2> <div class='ekit-heading__description'> <p>The Women Excellence Awards 2024 provide a platform to honor the remarkable achievements of women across various fields. By nominating a deserving individual, you not only celebrate her contributions but also inspire others to pursue excellence, fostering a culture of innovation, leadership, and empowerment. Your nomination contributes to highlight the influence of women in the UAE, setting a benchmark for future generations.</p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-bec2c5c elementor-widget elementor-widget-timeline-widget-addon" data-id="bec2c5c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="timeline-widget-addon.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <!-- ========= Timeline Widget Addon For Elementor 1.6.0 ========= --> <div id="twae-wrapper-bec2c5c" class="twae-vertical twae-wrapper twae-both-sided"> <div class="twae-start"></div> <div id="twea-timeline-bec2c5c" class="twae-timeline" ><!-- Start of Story Repeater Content --><div id="story-2fc956c" class="twae-story twae-repeater-item twae-story-right twae-story-no-icon"><!-- Story Label --><div class="twae-labels"><div class="twae-label-big">Step 1</div><div class="twae-label-small">Review Award Categories and Criteria</div></div><!-- Story Icon --><div class="twae-icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-clock"></i></div><!-- Story Arrow --><div class="twae-arrow"></div><!-- Start of Story Content --><div class="twae-content"><!-- Story Description --><div class="twae-description"><p style="text-align: left">Review the award categories and criteria carefully to ensure the nominee fits the selected category.</p></div></div></div><!-- Start of Story Repeater Content --><div id="story-a4b04e6" class="twae-story twae-repeater-item twae-story-left twae-story-no-icon"><!-- Story Label --><div class="twae-labels"><div class="twae-label-big">Step 2</div><div class="twae-label-small">Gather Required Information and Documents</div></div><!-- Story Icon --><div class="twae-icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-clock"></i></div><!-- Story Arrow --><div class="twae-arrow"></div><!-- Start of Story Content --><div class="twae-content"><!-- Story Description --><div class="twae-description"><p style="text-align: left">Gather all required documentation, including a detailed biography, professional profile, resume, and evidence of achievements (e.g. awards, project descriptions, impact reports).</p></div></div></div><!-- Start of Story Repeater Content --><div id="story-9f9ed47" class="twae-story twae-repeater-item twae-story-right twae-story-no-icon"><!-- Story Label --><div class="twae-labels"><div class="twae-label-big">Step 3</div><div class="twae-label-small">Complete the Nomination Form</div></div><!-- Story Icon --><div class="twae-icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-clock"></i></div><!-- Story Arrow --><div class="twae-arrow"></div><!-- Start of Story Content --><div class="twae-content"><!-- Story Description --><div class="twae-description"><p style="text-align: left">Complete the official nomination form, ensuring all sections are filled with detailed information on the nominee鈥檚 accomplishments, impact, and qualifications.</p></div></div></div><!-- Start of Story Repeater Content --><div id="story-b70d970" class="twae-story twae-repeater-item twae-story-left twae-story-no-icon"><!-- Story Label --><div class="twae-labels"><div class="twae-label-big">Step 4</div><div class="twae-label-small">Submit the Nomination</div></div><!-- Story Icon --><div class="twae-icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-clock"></i></div><!-- Story Arrow --><div class="twae-arrow"></div><!-- Start of Story Content --><div class="twae-content"><!-- Story Description --><div class="twae-description"><p style="text-align: left"><strong><a href="">Submit the Nomination</a></strong> form along with the supporting documents via the designated online portal before the deadline. Double-check that all fields are accurate and all required attachments are included.</p></div></div></div><!-- Start of Story Repeater Content --><div id="story-bce0fb2" class="twae-story twae-repeater-item twae-story-right twae-story-no-icon"><!-- Story Label --><div class="twae-labels"><div class="twae-label-big">Step 5</div><div class="twae-label-small">Confirmation and Acknowledgement</div></div><!-- Story Icon --><div class="twae-icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-clock"></i></div><!-- Story Arrow --><div class="twae-arrow"></div><!-- Start of Story Content --><div class="twae-content"><!-- Story Description --><div class="twae-description"><p style="text-align: left">Upon submission, a confirmation email will be sent, outlining the next steps. Retain this confirmation for your records.</p></div></div></div><!-- Start of Story Repeater Content --><div id="story-abeea01" class="twae-story twae-repeater-item twae-story-left twae-story-no-icon"><!-- Story Label --><div class="twae-labels"><div class="twae-label-big">Step 6</div><div class="twae-label-small">Judging and Shortlisting</div></div><!-- Story Icon --><div class="twae-icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-clock"></i></div><!-- Story Arrow --><div class="twae-arrow"></div><!-- Start of Story Content --><div class="twae-content"><!-- Story Description --><div class="twae-description"><p style="text-align: left">The judging panel will review the nomination. Shortlisted candidates may be asked for additional information or to participate in interviews.</p></div></div></div><!-- Start of Story Repeater Content --><div id="story-46a7f97" class="twae-story twae-repeater-item twae-story-right twae-story-no-icon"><!-- Story Label --><div class="twae-labels"><div class="twae-label-big">Step 7</div><div class="twae-label-small">Notification and Participation</div></div><!-- Story Icon --><div class="twae-icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-clock"></i></div><!-- Story Arrow --><div class="twae-arrow"></div><!-- Start of Story Content --><div class="twae-content"><!-- Story Description --><div class="twae-description"><p style="text-align: left">Finalists will be notified and invited to the awards ceremony, with potential media coverage and interview opportunities to follow.</p></div></div></div></div> <div class="twae-end"></div> </div><style type="text/css">@media (max-width: 1024px){ .twae-wrapper{--tw-ybx-size: 80px !important;}}@media (max-width: 767px){ .twae-wrapper{--tw-ybx-size: 80px !important}}</style> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-cf54bd7 elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="cf54bd7" data-element_type="section" data-settings="{"background_background":"gradient"}"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-2e497b2" data-id="2e497b2" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-e95241e elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-button" data-id="e95241e" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-button.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="ekit-btn-wraper"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="elementskit-btn whitespace--normal" id=""> Nominate Now </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-dcecd7f" data-id="dcecd7f" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-985e3c7 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-button" data-id="985e3c7" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-button.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="ekit-btn-wraper"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="elementskit-btn whitespace--normal" id=""> Download Event Deck </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-215a52c elementor-section-content-middle elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="215a52c" data-element_type="section" id="specialedition" data-settings="{"background_background":"gradient"}"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-72d8eaa" data-id="72d8eaa" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-2dbcb8f elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-heading" data-id="2dbcb8f" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" ><div class="ekit-heading elementskit-section-title-wraper text_left ekit_heading_tablet- ekit_heading_mobile-"><h3 class="elementskit-section-subtitle "> Special Edition </h3><h2 class="ekit-heading--title elementskit-section-title ">Power 50 Women Leaders</h2> <div class='ekit-heading__description'> <p>The Power 50 Women Leaders of UAE is a distinguished special edition by "Finance World Magazine" that highlights 50 exceptional women driving transformation and shaping the future of the UAE. This edition goes beyond mere recognition, offering in-depth profiles, exclusive interviews, and thought-provoking insights into the journeys, strategies, and impact of these influential leaders. It explores innovative leadership, entrepreneurship, and community-building approaches, offering inspiration and guidance for aspiring leaders. Featuring valuable lessons from the UAE's most accomplished women, the edition will have over 10,000 printed copies distributed regionally, along with a digital edition for a global audience. The Power 50 Women Leaders will also be prominently featured on the magazine鈥檚 official website in a dedicated power list, ensuring their legacies endure well beyond the publication date.</p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-5c05ca0" data-id="5c05ca0" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-b887e19 elementor-widget elementor-widget-image" data-id="b887e19" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="image.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <img decoding="async" class="attachment-large size-large wp-image-71275 lazyload" width="755" height="1013" src="" alt="Power 50 Women Edition" srcset=" 763w, 224w, 768w, 150w, 450w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 755px) 100vw, 755px" data-src="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-1eaceffc elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="1eaceffc" data-element_type="section" id="xs_fun_16" data-settings="{"background_background":"gradient"}"> <div class="elementor-background-overlay"></div> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-100 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-1a46bee" data-id="1a46bee" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-48e1674 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-heading" data-id="48e1674" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" ><div class="ekit-heading elementskit-section-title-wraper text_center ekit_heading_tablet- ekit_heading_mobile-"><h2 class="ekit-heading--title elementskit-section-title ">Mileage of the Event</h2></div></div> </div> </div> <section class="elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-275176ab elementor-section-content-bottom elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="275176ab" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-7761cd0" data-id="7761cd0" data-element_type="column" data-settings="{"background_background":"classic"}"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-76ff492 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-funfact" data-id="76ff492" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-funfact.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="elementskit-funfact text-center "> <div class="elementskit-funfact-inner "> <div class="funfact-content"> <div class="number-percentage-wraper"> <span class="number-percentage" data-value="2.8" data-animation-duration="3500" data-style="sliding">0</span> M <span class="super">+</span> </div> <h3 class="funfact-title"></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-e5c4210 elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading" data-id="e5c4210" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Reach via key media components</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-349cece" data-id="349cece" data-element_type="column" data-settings="{"background_background":"classic"}"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-f702a97 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-funfact" data-id="f702a97" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-funfact.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="elementskit-funfact text-center "> <div class="elementskit-funfact-inner "> <div class="funfact-content"> <div class="number-percentage-wraper"> <span class="number-percentage" data-value="2.2" data-animation-duration="3500" data-style="sliding">0</span> M <span class="super">+</span> </div> <h3 class="funfact-title"></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-cb94481 elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading" data-id="cb94481" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Digital <br/>Impressions</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-18e3e7f" data-id="18e3e7f" data-element_type="column" data-settings="{"background_background":"classic"}"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-2dbebc6 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-funfact" data-id="2dbebc6" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-funfact.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="elementskit-funfact text-center "> <div class="elementskit-funfact-inner "> <div class="funfact-content"> <div class="number-percentage-wraper"> <span class="number-percentage" data-value="50" data-animation-duration="3500" data-style="sliding">0</span> <span class="super">+</span> </div> <h3 class="funfact-title"></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-491264f elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading" data-id="491264f" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Media Personnel Attending The Event</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-b2870e9 elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="b2870e9" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-df9a518" data-id="df9a518" data-element_type="column" data-settings="{"background_background":"classic"}"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-dc550a7 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-funfact" data-id="dc550a7" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-funfact.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="elementskit-funfact text-center "> <div class="elementskit-funfact-inner "> <div class="funfact-content"> <div class="number-percentage-wraper"> <span class="number-percentage" data-value="800" data-animation-duration="3500" data-style="sliding">0</span> K <span class="super">+</span> </div> <h3 class="funfact-title"></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-0b6f8c1 elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading" data-id="0b6f8c1" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Reach via <br/>radio campaigns</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-8121d5d" data-id="8121d5d" data-element_type="column" data-settings="{"background_background":"classic"}"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-a5145d9 elementor-widget elementor-widget-elementskit-funfact" data-id="a5145d9" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="elementskit-funfact.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="ekit-wid-con" > <div class="elementskit-funfact text-center "> <div class="elementskit-funfact-inner "> <div class="funfact-content"> <div class="number-percentage-wraper"> <span class="number-percentage" data-value="75" data-animation-duration="3500" data-style="sliding">0</span> K <span class="super">+</span> </div> <h3 class="funfact-title"></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-434528c elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading" data-id="434528c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Emails to CXOs and<br/> key individuals</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-el-gap el-gap-default elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-24eef50 elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="24eef50" data-element_type="section" id="contact" data-settings="{"background_background":"gradient"}"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-50 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-c03627e" data-id="c03627e" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-e849842 elementor-widget 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