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style="margin-left:-15px;margin-bottom:-5px;list-style-type:none;"><h3>2020-2024</h3></li><li><a href="" title="2019-2024 All papers">All Papers</a></li><li><a href="" title="2019-2024 All journal papers">Journal Papers</a></li><li><a href="" title="2019-2024 All conference papers (including Turkish papers)">Conference Papers</a></li></ul></div><div class="col-md-2 col-sm-4 col-xs-6"><ul class="list-links" style="padding-left:10px;line-height:14px;"><li style="margin-left:-5px;margin-bottom:-5px;list-style-type:none;"><h3>2024</h3></li><li><a href="">2024 All</a></li><li><a href="">Journal Papers</a></li><li><a href="">Conference Papers</a></li></ul></div><div class="col-md-2 col-sm-4 col-xs-6"><ul class="list-links" style="padding-left:10px;line-height:14px;"><li style="margin-left:-5px;margin-bottom:-5px;list-style-type:none;"><h3>2023</h3></li><li><a href="">2023 All</a></li><li><a href="">Journal Papers</a></li><li><a href="">Conference Papers</a></li></ul></div><div class="col-md-2 col-sm-4 col-xs-6"><ul class="list-links" style="padding-left:10px;line-height:14px;"><li style="margin-left:-5px;margin-bottom:-5px;list-style-type:none;"><h3>2022</h3></li><li><a href="">2022 All</a></li><li><a href="">Journal Papers</a></li><li><a href="">Conference Papers</a></li></ul></div><div class="col-md-2 col-sm-4 col-xs-6"><ul class="list-links" style="padding-left:10px;line-height:14px;"><li style="margin-left:-5px;margin-bottom:-5px;list-style-type:none;"><h3>2021</h3></li><li><a href="">2021 All</a></li><li><a href="">Journal Papers</a></li><li><a href="">Conference Papers</a></li></ul></div><div class="col-md-2 col-sm-4 col-xs-6"><ul class="list-links" style="padding-left:10px;line-height:14px;"><li style="margin-left:-5px;margin-bottom:-5px;list-style-type:none;"><h3>2020</h3></li><li><a href="">2020 All</a></li><li><a href="">Journal Papers</a></li><li><a href="">Conference Papers</a></li></ul></div></div></div> </div><div class='sfContentBlock'><h3>Book Chapters</h3> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2023</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="6"></a>[6]</td> <td>Ulusoy, Emre, Özkan, Bahadir, Maden, Fatih, Barin, Furkan, Yeşil, Ercem, Eren, Adem, Baran, Dursun, Karalar, Tufan Coşkun, Tekin, Ahmet and Zencir, Ertan,<a href="">"V2X RF front end module assistance circuits: Observation receiver, DPD, and supply modulator"</a>, pp. 115 – 125, 2023.<a title="Ulusoy2023115" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2020</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="5"></a>[5]</td> <td>Yelten, Mustafa Berke and Dündar, Günhan,<a href="">"Conclusion"</a>, pp. 293 – 296, 2020.<a title="Yelten2020293" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="4"></a>[4]</td> <td>Tekbıyık, Kürşat, Ekti, Ali Rıza, Görçin, Ali and Kurt, Güneş Karabulut,<a href="">"On the advances of terahertz communication for 5G and beyond wireless networks"</a>, pp. 379 – 402, 2020.<a title="Tekbıyık2020379" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="3"></a>[3]</td> <td>Karabeyoğlu, Enver Derun and Karalar, Tufan Coşkun,<a href="">"Modeling of pipeline ADC functionality and nonidealities"</a>, pp. 207 – 227, 2020.<a title="Karabeyoğlu2020207" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="2"></a>[2]</td> <td>Dündar, Günhan and Yelten, Mustafa Berke,<a href="">"Modelling methodologies in analogue integrated circuit design"</a>, pp. 1 – 321, 2020.<a title="Dündar20201" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="1"></a>[1]</td> <td>Atasoyu, Mesut, Altun, Mustafa and Ozoguz, Serdar,<a href="">"Spintronic resistive memories: Sensing schemes"</a>, pp. 283 – 292, 2020.<a title="Atasoyu2020283" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> </table> <h3>Refereed Articles</h3> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2025</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="469"></a>[469]</td> <td>Zulkefly, Nor Raihan, Aziz, Omar Abd, Shayea, Ibraheem and Al-Saman, Ahmed,<a href="">"Path Loss Models for 5G Communications System in Corridors Environment"</a>,<em>In Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology</em>, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 86 – 96, 2025.<a title="Zulkefly202586" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2024</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="468"></a>[468]</td> <td>Şimşek, Kevser, Tuğrul, Nisa Özge Önal, Karaçuha, Kamil, Tabatadze, Vasil and Karaçuha, Ertuğrul,<a href="">"Modeling and Predicting Passenger Load Factor in Air Transportation: A Deep Assessment Methodology with Fractional Calculus Approach Utilizing Reservation Data"</a>,<em>In Fractal and Fractional</em>, vol. 8, no. 4, 2024.<a title="Şimşek2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="467"></a>[467]</td> <td>Şentürk, Ezgi, Köksal, Ceyda, Erten, Ahmet C. and Ferhanoğlu, Onur,<a href="">"Optical knife-edge detection for micropillar-based microfluidic viscometer"</a>,<em>In Sensors and Actuators A: Physical</em>, vol. 370, 2024.<a title="Şentürk2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="466"></a>[466]</td> <td>Üregen, Erdem and Yapar, Ali,<a href="">"Focusing-Based Newton Solution for Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problems"</a>,<em>In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation</em>, vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 8611 – 8620, 2024.<a title="Üregen20248611" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="465"></a>[465]</td> <td>Ünal, Ümit Can, Karaçuha, Kamil and İmeci, Sehabeddin Taha,<a href="">"A simple 90° hybrid branchline coupler with wideband phase balance for 5G applications"</a>,<em>In Journal of Electrical Engineering</em>, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 86 – 93, 2024.<a title="Ünal202486" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="464"></a>[464]</td> <td>Özkaya, Özen and Örs, Berna,<a href="">"Model-based, fully simulated, system-level power consumption estimation of IoT devices"</a>,<em>In Microprocessors and Microsystems</em>, vol. 105, 2024.<a title="Özkaya2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="463"></a>[463]</td> <td>Özkahraman, Ali, Ölmez, Tamer and Dokur, Zümray,<a href="">"Impact of Noise Elimination Methods on Classification Performance in Motor Imagery EEG"</a>,<em>In Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems</em>, vol. 1170 LNNS, pp. 78 – 89, 2024.<a title="Özkahraman202478" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="462"></a>[462]</td> <td>Örgüt, Osman, Şahin, İlker, Batur, Ahmet and Güneş, Ece Olcay,<a href="">"An Automated Resolver Error Compensation Method Based on Sinusoidal Representation of the Error Term"</a>,<em>In IET Conference Proceedings</em>, vol. 2024, no. 3, pp. 461 – 468, 2024.<a title="Örgüt2024461" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="461"></a>[461]</td> <td>Önal Tuğrul, Nisa Özge, Karaçuha, Kamil, Ergün, Esra, Tabatadze, Vasil and Karaçuha, Ertuğrul,<a href="">"A novel modeling and prediction approach using Caputo derivative: An economical review via multi-deep assessment methodology"</a>,<em>In AIMS Mathematics</em>, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 23512 – 23543, 2024.<a title="Önal Tuğrul202423512" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="460"></a>[460]</td> <td>Çam, İlhan, Önal Tuğrul, Nisa Özge, Şimşek, Kevser, Karaçuha, Kamil, Karaçuha, Ertuğrul and Özer, Gökhan,<a href="">"The effects of the investment decisions of telecommunications firms on their financial performance during the COVID-19 pandemic"</a>,<em>In Empirical Economics</em>, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 2007 – 2047, 2024.<a title="Çam20242007" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="459"></a>[459]</td> <td>Zolfaghari, Parviz, Khodapanahandeh, Mehrdad, Urey, Hakan and Ferhanoglu, Onur,<a href="">"Cascaded laser scanning towards high-resolution LiDAR"</a>,<em>In Optics and Laser Technology</em>, vol. 168, 2024.<a title="Zolfaghari2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="458"></a>[458]</td> <td>Zaid, Mohammed, Kadir, M.K.A., Shayea, Ibraheem and Mansor, Zuhanis,<a href="">"Machine learning-based approaches for handover decision of cellular-connected drones in future networks: A comprehensive review"</a>,<em>In Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal</em>, vol. 55, 2024.<a title="Zaid2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="457"></a>[457]</td> <td>Yağan, M. Yaser, Keşir, Samed, Hökelek, İbrahim, Pusane, Ali E. and Görçin, Ali,<a href="">"Multi-user directional modulation with reconfigurable holographic surfaces"</a>,<em>In Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking</em>, vol. 2024, no. 1, 2024.<a title="Yağan2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="456"></a>[456]</td> <td>Xhafa, Xhesila, Gungordu, Ali Dogus and Yelten, Mustafa Berke,<a href="">"Machine Learning-Based Modeling of Hot Carrier Injection in 40 nm CMOS Transistors"</a>,<em>In IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society</em>, vol. 12, pp. 281 – 288, 2024.<a title="Xhafa2024281" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="455"></a>[455]</td> <td>Unal, Mehmet Ozan, Ertas, Metin and Yildirim, Isa,<a href="">"Proj2Proj: self-supervised low-dose CT reconstruction"</a>,<em>In PeerJ Computer Science</em>, vol. 10, 2024.<a title="Unal2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="454"></a>[454]</td> <td>Uludağ, Recep Buğra, Çağdaş, Serhat, İşler, Yavuz Selim, Şengör, Neslihan Serap and Aktürk, İsmail,<a href="">"Bio-realistic neural network implementation on Loihi 2 with Izhikevich neurons"</a>,<em>In Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering</em>, vol. 4, no. 2, 2024.<a title="Uludağ2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="453"></a>[453]</td> <td>Turker, Anil and Eksioglu, Ender Mete,<a href="">"3D Convolutional Long Short-Term Encoder-Decoder Network for Moving Object Segmentation"</a>,<em>In Computer Science and Information Systems</em>, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 363 – 378, 2024.<a title="Turker2024363" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="452"></a>[452]</td> <td>Turk, Sare Ece, Ahrazoglu, Evla Safahan, Erdogan, Eylem and Altunbas, Ibrahim,<a href="">"Design of Energy Efficient Multi-HAPS Assisted Hybrid RF/FSO Satellite Communication Systems With Optimal Placement"</a>,<em>In IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking</em>, 2024.<a title="Turk2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="451"></a>[451]</td> <td>Tendikov, Noyan, Rzayeva, Leila, Saoud, Bilal, Shayea, Ibraheem, Azmi, Marwan Hadri, Myrzatay, Ali and Alnakhli, Mohammad,<a href="">"Security Information Event Management data acquisition and analysis methods with machine learning principles"</a>,<em>In Results in Engineering</em>, vol. 22, 2024.<a title="Tendikov2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="450"></a>[450]</td> <td>Tavasli, Aybuke, Atila, Doruk Tan, Faraji, Sheida, Majewski, Leszek A. and Trabzon, Levent,<a href="">"Organic phototransistors and their applications as artificial synapses"</a>,<em>In Sensors and Actuators A: Physical</em>, vol. 371, 2024.<a title="Tavasli2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="449"></a>[449]</td> <td>Tashvigh, Vala and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"A dual-sense CP MIMO antenna using decoupling structure with improved isolation"</a>,<em>In AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications</em>, vol. 175, 2024.<a title="Tashvigh2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="448"></a>[448]</td> <td>Tashan, Waheeb, Shayea, Ibraheem, Aldirmaz-Colak, Sultan, El-Saleh, Ayman A. and Arslan, Huseyin,<a href="">"Optimal Handover Optimization in Future Mobile Heterogeneous Network Using Integrated Weighted and Fuzzy Logic Models"</a>,<em>In IEEE Access</em>, vol. 12, pp. 57082 – 57102, 2024.<a title="Tashan202457082" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="447"></a>[447]</td> <td>Tashan, Waheeb, Shayea, Ibraheem and Aldirmaz-Colak, Sultan,<a href="">"Analysis of mobility robustness optimization in ultra-dense heterogeneous networks"</a>,<em>In Computer Communications</em>, vol. 222, pp. 241 – 255, 2024.<a title="Tashan2024241" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="446"></a>[446]</td> <td>Tashan, Waheeb, Shayea, Ibraheem, Sheikh, Muntasir, Arslan, Hüseyin, El-Saleh, Ayman A. and Ali Saad, Sawsan,<a href="">"Adaptive handover control parameters over voronoi-based 5G networks"</a>,<em>In Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal</em>, vol. 54, 2024.<a title="Tashan2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="445"></a>[445]</td> <td>Tanış, Mustafa and Erhan Yalçın, Müştak,<a href="">"A statistical method of GPS spoofing detection using power spectral density for hardware"</a>,<em>In International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications</em>, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 2560 – 2573, 2024.<a title="Tanış20242560" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="444"></a>[444]</td> <td>Tabatadze, Vasil, İşcan, Emre and Karaçuha, Kamil,<a href="">"Electromagnetic scattering of a 3D spherical impedance cavity with a circular aperture by an arbitrarily located and oriented Hertzian dipole"</a>,<em>In Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications</em>, vol. 38, no. 15, pp. 1658 – 1678, 2024.<a title="Tabatadze20241658" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="443"></a>[443]</td> <td>Sonmez, Safak, Kaptan, Kenan Furkan, Tunç, Muhammet Ali, Shayea, Ibraheem, El-Saleh, Ayman A. and Saoud, Bilal,<a href="">"Handover management procedures for future generations mobile heterogeneous networks"</a>,<em>In Alexandria Engineering Journal</em>, vol. 96, pp. 344 – 354, 2024.<a title="Sonmez2024344" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="442"></a>[442]</td> <td>Simsek, Kevser, Tugrul, Nisa Ozge Onal, Cam, Ilhan, Karacuha, Kamil, Tabatadze, Vasll and Karacuha, Ertugrul,<a href="">"A Novel Method for Modeling and Predicting Transportation Data Via Multideep Assessment Methodology and Fractional Calculus"</a>,<em>In Transport and Telecommunication</em>, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 136 – 149, 2024.<a title="Simsek2024136" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="441"></a>[441]</td> <td>Shayea, Ibraheem, Benlakehal, Mohamed Elamine, Azmi, Marwan Hadri, Han, Chua Tien, Arsad, Arsany and Abd Rahman, Tharek,<a href="">"Outdoor mobile broadband performance analysis in Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand"</a>,<em>In Results in Engineering</em>, vol. 23, 2024.<a title="Shayea2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="440"></a>[440]</td> <td>Sefer, Ahmet, Yapar, Ali and Yelkenci, Tanju,<a href="">"Imaging of Rough Surfaces by RTM Method"</a>,<em>In IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing</em>, vol. 62, pp. 1 – 12, 2024.<a title="Sefer20241" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="439"></a>[439]</td> <td>Saroğlu, Havva Elif, Shayea, Ibraheem, Saoud, Bilal, Azmi, Marwan Hadri, El-Saleh, Ayman A., Saad, Sawsan Ali and Alnakhli, Mohammad,<a href="">"Machine learning, IoT and 5G technologies for breast cancer studies: A review"</a>,<em>In Alexandria Engineering Journal</em>, vol. 89, pp. 210 – 223, 2024.<a title="Saroğlu2024210" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="438"></a>[438]</td> <td>Saoud, Bilal, Shayea, Ibraheem, Yahya, Abdulsamad Ebrahim, Shamsan, Zaid Ahmed, Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb, Alawad, Mohamad A. and Alkhrijah, Yazeed,<a href="">"Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things and 6G methodologies in the context of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs): Survey"</a>,<em>In ICT Express</em>, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 959 – 980, 2024.<a title="Saoud2024959" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="437"></a>[437]</td> <td>Salimitorkamani, Mahdi, Mehranpour, Mehdi, Cansiz, Gokhan, Joof, Sulayman, Akinci, Mehmet N., Akduman, Ibrahim and Odabasi, Hayrettin,<a href="">"A low-cost and multifunctional long-life anthropomorphic head phantom for microwave brain imaging systems"</a>,<em>In Microwave and Optical Technology Letters</em>, vol. 66, no. 3, 2024.<a title="Salimitorkamani2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="436"></a>[436]</td> <td>Saad, Sawsan Ali, Shayea, Ibraheem and Sid Ahmed, Nada M.O.,<a href="">"Artificial intelligence linear regression model for mobility robustness optimization algorithm in 5G cellular networks"</a>,<em>In Alexandria Engineering Journal</em>, vol. 89, pp. 125 – 148, 2024.<a title="Saad2024125" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="435"></a>[435]</td> <td>Polat, Özlem, Dokur, Zümray and Ölmez, Tamer,<a href="">"Classification of brain strokes using divergence-based convolutional neural networks"</a>,<em>In Biomedical Signal Processing and Control</em>, vol. 93, 2024.<a title="Polat2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="434"></a>[434]</td> <td>Peker, Furkan, Beşer, Mert Alperen, Işlldar, Ecem, Terzioǧlu, Yavuz, Erten, Ahmet Can, Kumbasar, Tufan and Ferhanoǧlu, Onur,<a href="">"Towards capsule endoscope locomotion in large volumes: design, fuzzy modeling, and testing"</a>,<em>In Robotica</em>, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 203 – 224, 2024.<a title="Peker2024203" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="433"></a>[433]</td> <td>Peker, Furkan and Ferhanoğlu, Onur,<a href="">"Active distance control in multi-capsule endoscopy via closed loop electromagnetic force between capsules"</a>,<em>In Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing</em>, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1153 – 1163, 2024.<a title="Peker20241153" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="432"></a>[432]</td> <td>Ozsobacis, Nural Pastaci, Onemli, Emre, Aydinalp, Cemanur and Yilmaz, Tuba,<a href="">"Measurement and Analysis of In Vivo Microwave Dielectric Properties Collected From Normal, Benign, and Malignant Rat Breast Tissues: Classification Using Supervised Machine Learning 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<td>Cetindag, Sakir Kaan, Toy, Muhammed Fatih, Ferhanoglu, Onur and Civitci, Fehmi,<a href="">"Scattering Metal Waveguide Based Speckle-Enhanced Prism Spectrometry"</a>,<em>In Journal of Lightwave Technology</em>, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 2022 – 2027, 2020.<a title="Cetindag20202022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="17"></a>[17]</td> <td>Can, Mehmet, Altunbaş, İbrahim and Basar, Ertugrul,<a href="">"NOMA-based downlink relaying with media-based modulation"</a>,<em>In Physical Communication</em>, vol. 41, 2020.<a title="Can2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="16"></a>[16]</td> <td>Cakir, Yuksel,<a href="">"Hybrid modeling of alpha rhythm and the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations abnormalities in the thalamocortical region and basal ganglia in Alzheimer's disease"</a>,<em>In European Journal of Neuroscience</em>, vol. 52, no. 2, 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and Yalçin, Müştak Erhan,<a href="">"Chaos synchronization of fractional-order lur'e systems"</a>,<em>In International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos</em>, vol. 30, no. 14, 2020.<a title="Bouridah2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="12"></a>[12]</td> <td>Bevacqua, Martina Teresa, Isernia, Tommaso, Palmeri, Roberta, Akinci, Mehemet Nuri and Crocco, Lorenzo,<a href="">"Physical Insight Unveils New Imaging Capabilities of Orthogonality Sampling Method"</a>,<em>In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation</em>, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 4014 – 4021, 2020.<a title="Bevacqua20204014" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="11"></a>[11]</td> <td>Benkouider, Khaled, Bouden, Toufik, Yalcin, Mustak E. and Vaidyanathan, Sundarapandian,<a href="">"A new family of 5D, 6D, 7D and 8D hyperchaotic systems from the 4D hyperchaotic Vaidyanathan system, 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Benkouider system, the bifurcation analysis of the 10D hyperchaotic system, circuit design and an application to secure voice communication"</a>,<em>In International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control</em>, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 271 – 289, 2020.<a title="Benkouide2020271" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="8"></a>[8]</td> <td>Basaran, Semiha Tedik, Kurt, Gunes Karabulut and Chatzimisios, Periklis,<a href="">"Energy-Efficient Over-the-Air Computation Scheme for Densely Deployed IoT Networks"</a>,<em>In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics</em>, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 3558 – 3565, 2020.<a title="Basaran20203558" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="7"></a>[7]</td> <td>Babamir, Faezeh Sadat and Kırcı, Mürvet,<a href="">"A multibiometric cryptosystem for user authentication in client-server networks"</a>,<em>In Computer Networks</em>, vol. 181, 2020.<a title="Babamir2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="6"></a>[6]</td> <td>Altun, Ufuk, Basaran, Semiha T., Kurt, Gunes and Ozdemir, Enver,<a href="">"Authenticated Data Transmission Using Analog Function Computation"</a>,<em>In IEEE Communications Letters</em>, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 2421 – 2425, 2020.<a title="Altun20202421" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="5"></a>[5]</td> <td>Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb, Roslee, Mardeni, Alias, Mohamad Yusoff, Shayea, Ibraheem, Alraih, Saddam and Mohamed, Khalid Sheikhidris,<a href="">"Auto tuning self-optimization algorithm for mobility management in LTE-A and 5g hetnets"</a>,<em>In IEEE Access</em>, vol. 8, pp. 294 – 304, 2020.<a title="Alhammadi2020294" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="4"></a>[4]</td> <td>Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb, Roslee, Mardeni, Alias, Mohamad Yusoff, Shayea, Ibraheem and Alquhali, Abdullah,<a href="">"Velocity-aware handover self-optimization management for next generation networks"</a>,<em>In Applied Sciences (Switzerland)</em>, vol. 10, no. 4, 2020.<a title="Alhammadi2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="3"></a>[3]</td> <td>Aksoy, Levent and Altun, Mustafa,<a href="">"Novel Methods for Efficient Realization of Logic Functions Using Switching Lattices"</a>,<em>In IEEE Transactions on Computers</em>, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 427 – 440, 2020.<a title="Aksoy2020427" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="2"></a>[2]</td> <td>Akinci, Mehmet Nuri, Gose, Ersin, Akduman, Ibrahim and Crocco, Lorenzo,<a href="">"Estimation of the Effective Electrical Parameters in Two-Dimensional Transverse Electric Case"</a>,<em>In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation</em>, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 468 – 481, 2020.<a title="Akinci2020468" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="1"></a>[1]</td> <td>Akdeniz, Ceren Türer, DOKUR, Zümray and ÖLMEZ, Tamer,<a href="">"Detection of BGA solder defects from X-ray images using deep neural network"</a>,<em>In Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences</em>, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 2020 – 2029, 2020.<a title="Akdeniz20202020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3>Refereed Conference Papers</h3> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2024</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="308"></a>[308]</td> <td>Zor, Emirhan, Taskiran, Yusuf, Dael, Fares A., Shayea, Ibraheem, Rzayeva, Leila and Syzdykova, Zuleikha,<a href="">"AirWave: Enhancing UAV Connectivity in Cellular Networks through an Integrated Simulation Framework"</a>,<em>2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning, ICBDML 2024</em>, pp. 295 – 302, 2024.<a title="Zor2024295" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="307"></a>[307]</td> <td>Youvalari, Sajjad Habashi, Ferhanoglu, Onur and Yalcinkaya, Arda Deniz,<a href="">"Optically Powered CMOS-MEMS Integration for Optical Transmission of MRI Signals"</a>,<em>International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics</em>, 2024.<a title="Youvalari2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="306"></a>[306]</td> <td>Yildiz, Gulsah, Cinar, Cemre, Aydinalp, Cemanur and Yilmaz, Tuba,<a href="">"Thermal Property Estimation of Oil-in-Gelatin Tumor Phantom from Microwave Hyperthermia Experiment"</a>,<em>2024 IEEE INC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 405 – 406, 2024.<a title="Yildiz2024405" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="305"></a>[305]</td> <td>Yaǧan, M. Yaser, Hökelek, Ibrahim, Pusane, Ali E. and Görçin, Ali,<a href="">"Zero-Forcing Beamforming for Beam Sweeping with Reconfigurable Holographic Surfaces"</a>,<em>IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC</em>, 2024.<a title="Yaǧan2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="304"></a>[304]</td> <td>Ulusoy, Emre, Ozkan, Bahadir, Barin, Furkan, Maden, Fatih, Yesil, Ercem, Baran, Dursun, Eren, Adem, Karalar, Tufan Coskun, Tekin, Ahmet and Zencir, Ertan,<a href="">"High Precision Adaptive Calibration Feedback in RF Front-end for Digital Pre-distortion Application"</a>,<em>Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium</em>, 2024.<a title="Ulusoy2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="303"></a>[303]</td> <td>Tufail, Hina, Ahad, Abdul, Puspitasari, Ira, Shayea, Ibraheem, Coelho, Paulo Jorge and Pires, Ivan Miguel,<a href="">"Deep Learning in Smart Healthcare: A GAN-based Approach for Imbalanced Alzheimer's Disease Classification"</a>,<em>Procedia Computer Science</em>, pp. 146 – 153, 2024.<a title="Tufail2024146" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="302"></a>[302]</td> <td>Tasci, Melike Miray, Aydinalp, Cemanur, Yildiz, Gulsah, Caliskan, Ugur Berkay and Yilmaz, Tuba,<a href="">"A Preliminary Study on Detecting Tumor Boundaries with an Open-Ended Coaxial Probe"</a>,<em>2024 IEEE INC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 67 – 68, 2024.<a title="Tasci202467" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="301"></a>[301]</td> <td>Tasci, O. Mert, Kuloglu, Mustafa and Simsek, Serkan,<a href="">"Miniaturization of a Patch Antenna Using an Artificial Magneto-Dielectric Substrate"</a>,<em>IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)</em>, pp. 319 – 320, 2024.<a title="Tasci2024319" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="300"></a>[300]</td> <td>Soltani, Ferinoosh, Atalik, Güner, Çelik, Feza T., Karacuha, Kamil and Tonga, Muhammed,<a href="">"A Pattern Reconfigurable Miniaturized Quarterwave Patch Antenna Design with Isolated Ports"</a>,<em>IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)</em>, pp. 1955 – 1956, 2024.<a title="Soltani20241955" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="299"></a>[299]</td> <td>Senturku, Ezgi, Koksal, Ceyda, Erten, Ahmet Can and Ferhanoglu, Onur,<a href="">"A PDMS Micropillar Waveguide-based Microfluidic Viscosity Sensor"</a>,<em>International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics</em>, 2024.<a title="Senturku2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="298"></a>[298]</td> <td>Saoud, Bilal, Shayea, Ibraheem, Rzayeva, Leila and Tussupov, Akhmet,<a href="">"Community structure detection in complex network based on MST and modularity"</a>,<em>SIST 2024 - 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies, Proceedings</em>, pp. 526 – 529, 2024.<a title="Saoud2024526" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="297"></a>[297]</td> <td>Safak, Meltem Duygu, Yildiz, Gulsah, Aydinalp, Cemanur and Akduman, Ibrahim,<a href="">"Effect of Temperature-Dependent Dielectric Properties of Breast on Microwave Hyperthermia"</a>,<em>2024 IEEE INC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 398 – 399, 2024.<a title="Safak2024398" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="296"></a>[296]</td> <td>Ornek, Cem and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"An Advanced EVM Metric Based Jamming Signal Detection Method for Next-Generation Communication Systems"</a>,<em>2024 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, BlackSeaCom 2024</em>, pp. 308 – 311, 2024.<a title="Ornek2024308" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="295"></a>[295]</td> <td>Ornek, Cem and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"An Efficient Resource Block Scheduling Based Anti-Jamming Method for Securing Next-Generation Communication Systems"</a>,<em>2024 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, BlackSeaCom 2024</em>, pp. 218 – 222, 2024.<a title="Ornek2024218" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="294"></a>[294]</td> <td>Okudurlar, Bekir, Shayea, Ibraheem, Sarinova, Assiya and Yazici, Ibrahim,<a href="">"A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Temperature and Precipitation Patterns"</a>,<em>SIST 2024 - 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies, Proceedings</em>, pp. 492 – 497, 2024.<a title="Okudurlar2024492" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="293"></a>[293]</td> <td>Nayir, Hasan, Karakoca, Erhan, Kurt, Gunes Karabulut and Gorcin, Ali,<a href="">"Experimental Assessment of Misalignment Effects in Terahertz Communications"</a>,<em>IEEE International Conference on Communications</em>, pp. 2525 – 2530, 2024.<a title="Nayir20242525" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="292"></a>[292]</td> <td>Mekki, Samira, Karaçuha, Kamil, Bouknia, Mohamed Lamine, Zegadi, Rami, Tighilt, Yamina, Elfergani, Issa, Rodriguez, Jonathan, Mousa, Younes Alfitorey and Zebiri, Chemseddine,<a href="">"A Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Elliptical Slots for 5G-Millimeter Wave Applications"</a>,<em>IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)</em>, pp. 1937 – 1938, 2024.<a title="Mekki20241937" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="291"></a>[291]</td> <td>Mahamod, Ukasyah, Mohamad, Hafizal, Shayea, Ibraheem, Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb, Asuhaimi, Fauzun Abdullah and Othman, Marinah,<a href="">"Handover Performance of Mobility Robustness Optimization for Beyond 5G Networks"</a>,<em>14th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, ISCAIE 2024</em>, pp. 245 – 249, 2024.<a title="Mahamod2024245" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="290"></a>[290]</td> <td>Koksal, Sila, Sarac, Elif Yaprak, Celik, Zulal, Mutlu, Berkay, Sahin, Ali Can, Ciraci, Ceren and Özdemir, Özgür,<a href="">"Comparative analysis of photoacoustic imaging of immune cells in the context of drug treatment"</a>,<em>Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering</em>, 2024.<a title="Koksal2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="289"></a>[289]</td> <td>Khacha, Sarra, Sayad, Djamel, Bouknia, Mohamed Lamine, Nehaoua, Maroua, Tighilt, Yamina, Karaçuha, Kamil, Rodriguez, Jonathan, Elfergani, Issa and Zebiri, Chemseddine,<a href="">"Dual Band Planar Antenna for Millimeter Wave Applications"</a>,<em>IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)</em>, pp. 1653 – 1654, 2024.<a title="Khacha20241653" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="288"></a>[288]</td> <td>Kayacan, Yavuz Emre and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Autoencoder Guided Low-Rank Approximation Approach for Clutter Removal in GPR Images"</a>,<em>2024 47th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2024</em>, pp. 332 – 335, 2024.<a title="Kayacan2024332" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="287"></a>[287]</td> <td>Kayacan, Yavuz Emre, Özdoǧan, Kaan, Çolak, Mehmet Utku, Aydin, Özae, Turan, Ahmet Enes and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Combining Image Restoration with Deep Detectors for Improved Target Detection in GPR"</a>,<em>2024 47th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2024</em>, pp. 302 – 306, 2024.<a title="Kayacan2024302" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="286"></a>[286]</td> <td>Kara, Meliha Çağla, 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Enis, Erdem, Erkut, Altuncu, Ahmet, Özgür, Arzucan, Yılmaz, Atila, Akan, Aydın, Töreyin, Behçet Uğur, Tekin, Cem, Akbaş, Emre, Aktaş, Emre, Ekşioğlu, Ender Mete, Özkaynak, Fatih, Akar, Gözde Bozdağı, Keleş, Hacer Yalım, Çevikalp, Hakan, Ateş, Hasan F., Ertuğrul, Itır Önal, Kaya, İsmail, Özkan, Kemal, Çağıltay, Kürşat, Göktürk, Mehmet, Palandöken, Merih, Cinbiş, Nazlı İkizler, Taşpınar, Necmi, Kucur, Oğuz, Kızılbey, Oğuzhan, Erkent, Özgür, Ertuğ, Özgür, İncel, Özlem Durmaz, Duygulu, Pınar, Sarıtaş, Serkan, Aydemir, Sibel, Çolak, Sultan Aldırmaz, Kayıkçıoğlu, Temel, Özkurt, Tolga Esat, Genç, Yakup and Özkazanç, Yakup,<a href="">"Foreword"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Aydın2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="269"></a>[269]</td> <td>Aydin, Hasan, Dogan, Doganay and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"Fast Analysis and Design of Cylindrical Array of Patch Antennas Via Phase Modes"</a>,<em>IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)</em>, pp. 2105 – 2106, 2024.<a title="Aydin20242105" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="268"></a>[268]</td> <td>Awad, Bahaa and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"High-Frequency Attention U-Net for Road Segmentation in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery"</a>,<em>International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)</em>, pp. 9609 – 9613, 2024.<a title="Awad20249609" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="267"></a>[267]</td> <td>Alashbi, Abdulaziz, Mansor, Adzmely, Mohamed, Abdul Hakim H M, Shayea, Ibraheem and El-Saleh, Ayman A.,<a href="">"Advancing Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: AI-Based Approach for Baseline Detection and Classification"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 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10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Saoud2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="241"></a>[241]</td> <td>Sahin, Ali Fuat, Shayea, Ibraheem, Yazici, Ibrahim, Saleh, Ayman El and Saad, Sawsan Ali,<a href="">"Offloading Techniques in Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) for Future Wireless Networks"</a>,<em>International Conference on Smart Computing and Application, ICSCA 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Sahin2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="240"></a>[240]</td> <td>Remili, Walid, Karacuha, Kamil, Tabatadze, Vasil, Rahmoune, Azedine and Veliyev, Eldar,<a href="">"Electromagnetic Scattering by Half-plane with Fractional Boundary Conditions Using Legendre Polynomials"</a>,<em>Proceedings of International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, DIPED</em>, pp. 112 – 115, 2023.<a title="Remili2023112" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="239"></a>[239]</td> <td>Peker, Emrah, Ferhanoglu, Onur and Yelten, Mustafa Berke,<a href="">"Shunt-Shunt Feedback Inverter Transimpedance Amplifier Design for Capsule Endoscopy"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 2023 19th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods, and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Peker2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="238"></a>[238]</td> <td>Ozturk, Ferhat, Ferhanoglu, Onur and Yelten, Mustafa Berke,<a href="">"A 432 MHz Class-D Power Amplifier with 60% Power Efficiency for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 2023 19th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods, and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Ozturk2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="237"></a>[237]</td> <td>Ozgul, Samet and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Clutter Removal in Ground Penetrating Radar by Learned RPCA"</a>,<em>2023 46th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2023</em>, pp. 183 – 186, 2023.<a title="Ozgul2023183" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="236"></a>[236]</td> <td>Ornek, Cem and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"Work-in-Progress: An Efficient EVM Based Hybrid Jammer Localization Method for 5G Networks"</a>,<em>2023 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, BlackSeaCom 2023</em>, pp. 408 – 413, 2023.<a title="Ornek2023408" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="235"></a>[235]</td> <td>Nayir, Hasan, Karakoca, Erhan, Görçin, Ali and Qaraqe, Khalid,<a href="">"Channel Estimation Using RIDNet Assisted OMP for Hybrid-Field THz Massive MIMO Systems"</a>,<em>IEEE International Conference on Communications</em>, pp. 2625 – 2630, 2023.<a title="Nayir20232625" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="234"></a>[234]</td> <td>Mohsin, Hasan Sattar, Saad, Wasan Kadhim and Shayea, Ibraheem,<a href="">"Literature Review of Handover Decision Algorithms in 5G Networks"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 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10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Loutfi2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="230"></a>[230]</td> <td>Koç, Enes Okay, Polat, Özgür Murat, Giden, Ibrahim Halil and Ferhanoǧlu, Onur,<a href="">"Temporal Analysis of a Generic Uncooled Detector Response under Extreme Environmental Conditions"</a>,<em>ICECS 2023 - 2023 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems: Technosapiens for Saving Humanity</em>, 2023.<a title="Koç2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="229"></a>[229]</td> <td>Kouhalvandi, Lida, Ozoguz, Serdar and Guerrieri, Simona Donati,<a href="">"Performance Prediction of Power Amplifiers for the Extended Bandwidth via Neural Networks; [Yapay Sinir Aǧlari Yoluyla Genişletilmiş Bant Genişliǧi için Güç Kuvvetlendiricinin Performans Tahmini]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Kouhalvandi2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="228"></a>[228]</td> <td>Kose, U. and Kartal, M.,<a href="">"Non-Invasive Microwave Glucose Sensor by Using a Hybrid Sensor Composed of a Frequency Selective Surface and Microstrip Patch Antenna"</a>,<em>2023 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2023 - 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18th International Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, Proceedings</em>, pp. 81 – 84, 2023.<a title="Kisa202381" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="224"></a>[224]</td> <td>Khaleel, Mohamed Mohamed, Yusupov, Ziyodulla, Guneser, Muhammet Tahir, Abulifa, Adel Ali, Ahmed, Abdussalam Ali and Alsharif, Abdulgader,<a href="">"The Effect of PEMFC on Power Grid Using Advanced Equilibrium Optimizer and Particle Swarm Optimisation for Voltage Sag Mitigation"</a>,<em>Proceeding - 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering, MI-STA 2023</em>, pp. 755 – 760, 2023.<a title="Khaleel2023755" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="223"></a>[223]</td> <td>Kesir, Samed, Kayraklik, Sefa, Hökelek, Ibrahim, Pusane, Ali Emre, Basar, Ertugrul and Görçin, Ali,<a href="">"Measurement-based Characterization of Physical Layer Security for RIS-assisted Wireless Systems"</a>,<em>IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference</em>, 2023.<a title="Kesir2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="222"></a>[222]</td> <td>Kayraklik, Sefa, Yildirim, Ibrahim, Gevez, Yarkin, Basar, Ertugrul and Görçin, Ali,<a href="">"Indoor Coverage Enhancement for RIS-Assisted Communication Systems: Practical Measurements and Efficient Grouping"</a>,<em>IEEE International Conference on Communications</em>, pp. 485 – 490, 2023.<a title="Kayraklik2023485" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="221"></a>[221]</td> <td>Karaoglu, Hasan H. and Eksioglu, Ender M.,<a href="">"Parameter-Efficient Harmonic Networks for JPEG Compression Artifact Removal"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 22nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2023</em>, pp. 2052 – 2057, 2023.<a title="Karaoglu20232052" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="220"></a>[220]</td> <td>Karakus, Eda Kurt, Gemici, Omer Faruk, Hokelek, Ibrahim and Cirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Work-in-Progress: AI Based Resource and Power Allocation for NOMA Systems"</a>,<em>2023 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, BlackSeaCom 2023</em>, pp. 402 – 407, 2023.<a title="Karakus2023402" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="219"></a>[219]</td> <td>Karakoca, Erhan, Nayir, Hasan, Kurt, Güneş Karabulut and Görçin, Ali,<a href="">"Measurement-Based Modeling of Short Range Terahertz Channels and Their Capacity Analysis"</a>,<em>Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM</em>, pp. 1471 – 1476, 2023.<a title="Karakoca20231471" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="218"></a>[218]</td> <td>Karakoca, Erhan, Nayir, Hasan, Görçin, Ali and Qaraqe, Khalid,<a href="">"RIDNet Assisted cGAN Based Channel Estimation for One-Bit ADC mmWave MIMO Systems"</a>,<em>IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference</em>, 2023.<a title="Karakoca2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="217"></a>[217]</td> <td>Kalkisim, Eyup Selim, Yazgi, Metin and Aktas, Mustafa,<a href="">"A New VGA Circuit Using a Feedback Structure in 0,35μm CMOS Technology"</a>,<em>14th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2023 - 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2023 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems: Technosapiens for Saving Humanity</em>, 2023.<a title="Herencsar2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="213"></a>[213]</td> <td>Hanoglu, Yusuf K., Gunsel, Bilge and Gulbas, Meltem,<a href="">"Vehicle Crowd Analysis via Transfer Learning"</a>,<em>ICECS 2023 - 2023 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems: Technosapiens for Saving Humanity</em>, 2023.<a title="Hanoglu2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="212"></a>[212]</td> <td>Gül, Ahmet Caner, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri and Doǧu, Semih,<a href="">"Millimeter-Wave Channel Modeling In Rural Areas"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Gül2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="211"></a>[211]</td> <td>Gökmen, Bensu Elmaci, Akleman, Funda and Kurt, Güneş Karabulut,<a href="">"Calculating Path Loss for Stratospheric Channels During High Solar Activity"</a>,<em>14th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2023 - 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2023 19th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods, and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Genc2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="207"></a>[207]</td> <td>Gatea, Qahtan Mutar, Alkhafaji, Mohammed Ayad and Güneşer, Muhammet Tahir,<a href="">"Design and Simulation for Triple-Band Metasurface Slot Antenna"</a>,<em>AIP Conference Proceedings</em>, 2023.<a title="Gatea2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="206"></a>[206]</td> <td>Eryilmaz, Yunus Emre, Yantir, Hasan Erdem and Yalçin, Mustak Erhan,<a href="">"An Open-Source eFPGA-based SoC Design for Computation Acceleration"</a>,<em>ICECS 2023 - 2023 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems: Technosapiens for Saving Humanity</em>, 2023.<a title="Eryilmaz2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="205"></a>[205]</td> <td>Erdemir, Ubeydullah, Kaplan, Batuhan, Hökelek, Ibrahim, Görçin, Ali and Çirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Measurement-based Channel Characterization for A2A and A2G Wireless Drone Communication Systems"</a>,<em>IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference</em>, 2023.<a title="Erdemir2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="204"></a>[204]</td> <td>Engin, Ege, Hokelek, Ibrahim and Cirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Resource Allocation of eMBB and URLLC Traffic using Pre-emption Mechanism"</a>,<em>2023 46th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2023</em>, pp. 129 – 133, 2023.<a title="Engin2023129" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="203"></a>[203]</td> <td>Dilman, Ismail, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri, Aydinalp, Cemanur, Joof, Sulayman, Yilmaz, Tuba and Cayoren, Mehmet,<a href="">"Enforcing Spectral Continuity of Complex Dielectric Permittivity Values For RFM"</a>,<em>2023 International Microwave and Antenna Symposium, IMAS 2023</em>, pp. 187 – 190, 2023.<a title="Dilman2023187" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="202"></a>[202]</td> <td>Cesur, Nahide Nesli, Özdoǧan, Kaan and Erer, Işin,<a href="">"ICPGAN: Intensity Component guided Pansharpening using Generative Adversarial Network with Dual Discriminators"</a>,<em>2023 31st Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2023 - 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2023 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICEEE 2023</em>, pp. 47 – 51, 2023.<a title="Büyüksolak202347" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="198"></a>[198]</td> <td>Butt, Hira Akhtar, Ahad, Abdul, Wasim, Muhammad, Shayea, Ibraheem, Coelho, Paulo Jorge, Pires, Ivan Miguel and Garcia, Nuno M.,<a href="">"Federated Machine Learning in 5G Smart Healthcare: A Security Perspective Review"</a>,<em>Procedia Computer Science</em>, pp. 580 – 586, 2023.<a title="Butt2023580" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="197"></a>[197]</td> <td>Bilgin, Egemen, Dilman, Ismail and Dogu, Semih,<a href="">"Differential Microwave Imaging of Cerebral Hemorrhage via DORT Method"</a>,<em>TIPTEKNO 2023 - Medical Technologies Congress, Proceedings</em>, 2023.<a title="Bilgin2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="196"></a>[196]</td> <td>Bilgic, Bengu, Basaran, Semiha Tedik, Hokelek, Ibrahim and Gorcin, Ali,<a href="">"Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop THz Communication Under Foggy Weather"</a>,<em>2023 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, BlackSeaCom 2023</em>, pp. 155 – 160, 2023.<a title="Bilgic2023155" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="195"></a>[195]</td> <td>Bayar, Necmettin, Erer, Isin and Kumlu, Deniz,<a href="">"Sparse Recovery for ISAR Imaging via Nuclear Norm Minimization"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 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Hassan, Kouhalvandi, Lida and Gunes, Ece Olcay,<a href="">"Multiplexer Optimization for Adders in Stochastic Computing"</a>,<em>ACM International Conference Proceeding Series</em>, 2023.<a title="Aygun2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="190"></a>[190]</td> <td>Aygul, Mehmet Ali, Turkmen, Halise, Ozbakis, Basak, Cirpan, Hakan Ali and Arslan, Huseyin,<a href="">"Enablers for Efficient Wi-Fi Sensing"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum: Future Networks: Imagining the Network of the Future, FNWF 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Aygul2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="189"></a>[189]</td> <td>Aydinalp, Cemanur, Dilman, Ismail, Joof, Sulayman, Yilmaz, Tuba, Cayoren, Mehmet and Akinci, Mehmet Nuri,<a href="">"Estimation of Dielectric Property for Biological Tissues by Multi-Frequency Approximation"</a>,<em>2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium, ACES-Monterey 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Aydinalp2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="188"></a>[188]</td> <td>Anwar, Shahid, Ahad, Abdul, Hussain, Mudassar, Shayea, Ibraheem and Pires, Ivan Miguel,<a href="">"Ransomware Detection and Classification using Ensemble Learning: A Random Forest Tree Approach"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Anwar2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="187"></a>[187]</td> <td>Alsalamy, Ali, Abedi, Firas, Abbas, Fatima Hashim, Noori, Mohammed S., Alkhafaji, Mohamed Ayad, Alkhayyat, Ahmed, Alani, Sameer, Guneser, Muhammet Tahir and Mahmood, Sarmad Nozad,<a href="">"Energy Efficient Improving Routing Model for UAVs Assisted Vehicular Adhoc Networks"</a>,<em>2023 International Conference in Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology, APSIT 2023</em>, pp. 35 – 40, 2023.<a title="Alsalamy202335" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="186"></a>[186]</td> <td>Ali, Rabei Raad, Alkhafaji, Mohamed Ayad, Guneser, Muhammet Tahir, Al-Dolaimy, F., Alsalamy, Ali, Alani, Sameer, Abbas, Fatima Hashim, Alkhayyat, Ahmed H. R. and Mahmood, Sarmad Nozad,<a href="">"Trust based Data Dissemination and Queue Management for Vehicular Communication Networks"</a>,<em>2023 International Conference in Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology, APSIT 2023</em>, pp. 98 – 103, 2023.<a title="Ali202398" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="185"></a>[185]</td> <td>Ali, Zahra, Ahad, Abdul, Shayea, Ibraheem and Pires, Ivan Miguel,<a href="">"Improving Accuracy in Cloud Service Provider Ranking: Integrating TOPSIS with CAIQ-based QoS Assessment"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Ali2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="184"></a>[184]</td> <td>Alaca, Ozgur, Qaraqe, Marwa, Yilmaz, Ferkan and Hasna, Mazen O.,<a href="">"On the Channel Capacity of OFDM with Carrier Frequency Offset over Generalized Flat Fading Channels"</a>,<em>IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC</em>, 2023.<a title="Alaca2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="183"></a>[183]</td> <td>Akyol, Ömer Faruk, Başaran, Semiha Tedik, Hökelek, Ibrahim and Görçin, Ali,<a href="">"User Pairing and Beamforming Design in mmWave CR-NOMA Networks"</a>,<em>2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking, BalkanCom 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Akyol2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="182"></a>[182]</td> <td>Aktas, Fatma, Shayea, Ibraheem, Ergen, Mustafa and El-Saleh, Ayman A.,<a href="">"AI-Enabled Routing in Next-Gen Networks: A Brief Overview"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 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29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Proceedings</em>, 2022.<a title="Kebapcıoğlu2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="149"></a>[149]</td> <td>Karaoglu, Hasan H. and Eksioglu, Ender M.,<a href="">"A Plug-and-Play Deep Denoiser Prior Model for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction"</a>,<em>2022 45th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2022</em>, pp. 260 – 263, 2022.<a title="Karaoglu2022260" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="148"></a>[148]</td> <td>Karakoca, Erhan, Nayir, Hasan, Gorcin, Ali and Qaraqe, Khalid,<a href="">"Feature Attention Based Blind Denoising Network for mmWave Beamspace Channel Estimation"</a>,<em>2022 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops, GC Wkshps 2022 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 1555 – 1560, 2022.<a title="Karakoca20221555" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="147"></a>[147]</td> <td>Karacuha, Kamil and Celik, Feza Turgay,<a href="">"A Dual-Band Quasi-Yagi Reconfigurable Binomial Weighted Phased Antenna Array Design"</a>,<em>2022 IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week, UkrMW 2022 - 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2022 18th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods, and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Ilik2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="143"></a>[143]</td> <td>Gures, Emre, Shayea, Ibraheem, Ergen, Mustafa and El-Saleh, Ayman A.,<a href="">"Fuzzy Logic-Based Load Balancing Algorithm in Heterogeneous Networks"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2022 Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications, MTTW 2022</em>, pp. 210 – 215, 2022.<a title="Gures2022210" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="142"></a>[142]</td> <td>Gungordu, Ali Dogus and Yelten, Mustafa Berke,<a href="">"A Noise-Canceling TIA Topology Compatible with Large-Area Photodetectors in 40 nm CMOS Process"</a>,<em>Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems</em>, 2022.<a title="Gungordu2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="141"></a>[141]</td> <td>Gokdemir, Melih, Saeidi, Tale, Karamzadeh, Saeid and Akleman, Funda,<a href="">"A Compact Low SAR Value Circularly Polarized Wearable Antenna Design for 5G Applications"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Gokdemir2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="140"></a>[140]</td> <td>Erkek, Necati Kagan, Balci, Emre, Halay, Berkin, Erdemir, Ubeydullah, Gorcin, Ali and Cirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Measurement-Based Cellular Band Air-to-Ground Channel Modeling for UAVs"</a>,<em>IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference</em>, 2022.<a title="Erkek2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="139"></a>[139]</td> <td>Elweddad, Mohamed, Guneser, Muhammet Tahir and Yusupov, Ziyodulla,<a href="">"Energy management and optimization of microgrid system using particle swarm optimization algorithm"</a>,<em>AIP Conference Proceedings</em>, 2022.<a title="Elweddad2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="138"></a>[138]</td> <td>Ejaz, Malik Ehsan, Kilinc, Sedat, Yarman, Siddik Binboga, Ozoguz, Serdar, Srivastava, Saket and Nurellari, Edmond,<a href="">"A Unified Real Frequency Technique for the Solution to Broadband Matching Problems"</a>,<em>Mediterranean Microwave Symposium</em>, 2022.<a title="Ejaz2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="137"></a>[137]</td> <td>Durceylan, Melike Nur, Gemici, Ömer Faruk, Özdemir, Gülcihan, Hökelek, Ibrahim and Çirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Fuzzy Logic Based Power Allocation for Cooperative NOMA Systems"</a>,<em>2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking, BalkanCom 2022</em>, pp. 11 – 15, 2022.<a title="Durceylan202211" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="136"></a>[136]</td> <td>Dilman, Ismail, Aydinalp, Cemanur, Joof, Sulayman, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri and Yilmaz, Tuba,<a href="">"Complex Permittivity Measurement of Biological Tissues Using the Rational Function Model"</a>,<em>2022 IEEE USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2022 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 7 – 8, 2022.<a title="Dilman20227" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="135"></a>[135]</td> <td>Chatip, Gieliz and Yilmaz, Ferkan,<a href="">"A Dependent Feature Weighting Filter for Naive Bayes Classifier"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Chatip2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="134"></a>[134]</td> <td>Ceylan, S. H. Mert and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Despeckling Based Data Augmentation Approach in Deep Learning Based Radar Target Classification"</a>,<em>International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)</em>, pp. 2706 – 2709, 2022.<a title="Ceylan20222706" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="133"></a>[133]</td> <td>Barbakadze, Vakhtang, Karacuha, Kamil, Tabatadze, Vasil and Zaridze, Revaz,<a href="">"Four Beam Patch Antenna"</a>,<em>2022 IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week, UkrMW 2022 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 600 – 603, 2022.<a title="Barbakadze2022600" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="132"></a>[132]</td> <td>Banafaa, Mohammed, Ozgumus, Mert, Ekin, Remi, Shayea, Ibraheem and Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb,<a href="">"Connected Drone in Future Mobile Networks"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2022 Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications, MTTW 2022</em>, pp. 183 – 188, 2022.<a title="Banafaa2022183" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="131"></a>[131]</td> <td>Bakan, Altug and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Unrolling Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Visible and Infrared Image Fusion"</a>,<em>5th IEEE International Image Processing, Applications and Systems Conference, IPAS 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Bakan2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="130"></a>[130]</td> <td>Aygul, Mehmet Ali, Memisoglu, Ebubekir, Cirpan, Hakan Ali and Arslan, Huseyin,<a href="">"Identification of Distorted RF Components via Deep Multi-Task Learning"</a>,<em>IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference</em>, 2022.<a title="Aygul2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="129"></a>[129]</td> <td>Aydinalp, Cemanur, Joof, Sulayman, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri, Akduman, Ibrahim and Yilmaz, Tuba,<a href="">"Dielectric Property Retrieval with Open-Ended Coaxial Probe for Solid Materials"</a>,<em>2022 IEEE USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2022 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 13 – 14, 2022.<a title="Aydinalp202213" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="128"></a>[128]</td> <td>Awad, B. and Erer, I.,<a href="">"UNSUPERVISED CHANGE DETECTION in OPTICAL SATELLITE IMAGERY USING SIFT FLOW"</a>,<em>International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives</em>, pp. 47 – 52, 2022.<a title="Awad202247" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="127"></a>[127]</td> <td>Amirgan, B., Awad, B., Erer, I. and Musaoglu, N.,<a href="">"A COMPARATIVE STUDY for BUILDING SEGMENTATION in REMOTE SENSING 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International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design and 16th Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics</em>, pp. 100 – 103, 2021.<a title="Güngördü2021100" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="68"></a>[68]</td> <td>Güngördu, Ali Dogus and Yelten, Mustafa Berke,<a href="">"Ultra Low Power Transimpedance Amplifier Design for Receivers with Large-Area Photodetectors"</a>,<em>2021 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2021</em>, pp. 98 – 101, 2021.<a title="Güngördu202198" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="67"></a>[67]</td> <td>Guneser, Muhammet Tahir and Ridha Othman, Adel,<a href="">"Enhancement of Regenerative Power Utilization for Electric Vehicle by Using Eddy Current Brake"</a>,<em>2021 International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, ACEMP 2021 and 2021 International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2021</em>, pp. 254 – 258, 2021.<a title="Guneser2021254" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="66"></a>[66]</td> <td>Gunel, Tayfun, Yigit, Mahmud Esad and Gunel, Gulay Oke,<a href="">"Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Time Delay Section"</a>,<em>2021 4th International Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies, ISAECT 2021</em>, 2021.<a title="Gunel2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="65"></a>[65]</td> <td>Gunduz, Saylan and Basaran, Semiha Tedik,<a href="">"A Fair CSMA/CA Scheme: A Distance-Based Approach"</a>,<em>2021 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2021</em>, pp. 539 – 543, 2021.<a title="Gunduz2021539" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="64"></a>[64]</td> <td>Gul, Ismail and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Learning Scanning Regime for Electronic Support Receivers by Nonnegative Matrix Factorization"</a>,<em>2021 44th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2021</em>, pp. 231 – 234, 2021.<a title="Gul2021231" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="63"></a>[63]</td> <td>Gul, Ismail and Erer, Isın,<a href="">"Scanning strategy learning for electronic support receivers by robust principal component analysis"</a>,<em>Proceedings of SPIE - 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5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, Proceedings</em>, pp. 638 – 641, 2021.<a title="Alsaedi2021638" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="43"></a>[43]</td> <td>Alraih, Saddam, Nordin, Rosdiadee, Shayea, Ibraheem, Abdullah, Nor Fadzilah and Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb,<a href="">"Ping-Pong Handover Effect Reduction in 5G and beyond Networks"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications, MTTW 2021</em>, pp. 97 – 101, 2021.<a title="Alraih202197" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="42"></a>[42]</td> <td>Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb, El-Saleh, Ayman and Shayea, Ibraheem,<a href="">"MOS Prediction for Mobile Broadband Networks Using Bayesian Artificial Intelligence"</a>,<em>ICAICST 2021 - 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Technology</em>, pp. 47 – 50, 2021.<a title="Alhammadi202147" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="41"></a>[41]</td> <td>Al-Shaibani, W.T, Helvaci, Mustafa, Shayea, Ibraheem and Azizan, Azizul,<a href="">"Airplane Type Identification Based on Mask RCNN; An Approach to Reduce Airport Traffic Congestion"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications, MTTW 2021</em>, pp. 154 – 159, 2021.<a title="Al-Shaibani2021154" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="40"></a>[40]</td> <td>Al-Dulaimi, Abdullah Ahmed, Guneser, Muhammet Tahir and Hameed, Alaa Ali,<a href="">"Investigation of Thermal Modeling for Underground Cable Ampacity under Different Conditions of Distances and Depths"</a>,<em>ISMSIT 2021 - 5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, Proceedings</em>, pp. 654 – 659, 2021.<a title="Al-Dulaimi2021654" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="39"></a>[39]</td> <td>Al Jahdhami, Majan Abdullah, El-Saleh, Ayman, Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb and Shayea, Ibraheem,<a href="">"Performance Analysis of Mobile Broadband Networks in Ibra City, Oman"</a>,<em>2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, ICAIBDA 2021</em>, pp. 156 – 161, 2021.<a title="Al Jahdhami2021156" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="38"></a>[38]</td> <td>Akpolat, Eyup Can, Faruk Gemici, Omer, Demir, M. Selim, Hokelek, Ibrahim, Coleri, Sinem and Cirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Genetic Algorithm Based ARINC 664 Mixed Criticality Optimization Using Network Calculus"</a>,<em>2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2021 - Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Akpolat2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="37"></a>[37]</td> <td>Akcay, Latif and Örs, Berna,<a href="">"Custom TTA Operations for Accelerating Kyber Algorithm"</a>,<em>2021 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2021</em>, pp. 455 – 459, 2021.<a title="Akcay2021455" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="36"></a>[36]</td> <td>Acar, Burak, Isik, Ayse, Yilmaz, Tuba and Yapar, Ali,<a href="">"Antenna Phase Optimization for Breast Cancer Hyperthermia Applications"</a>,<em>2021 34th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2021</em>, 2021.<a title="Acar2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">2020</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="35"></a>[35]</td> <td>Örs, Berna and Elçi, Atilla,<a href="">"PREFACE"</a>,<em>ACM International Conference Proceeding Series</em>, pp. iii, 2020.<a title="Örs2020iii" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="34"></a>[34]</td> <td>Yildirim, Yasin, Ozer, Sedat and Cirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Deep Receiver Design for Multi-carrier Waveforms Using CNNs"</a>,<em>2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2020</em>, pp. 31 – 36, 2020.<a title="Yildirim202031" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="33"></a>[33]</td> <td>Tekbiyik, Kursat, Ekti, Ali Riza, Gorcin, Ali, 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blocks"</a>,<em>Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI</em>, pp. 96 – 101, 2020.<a title="Nojehdeh202096" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="30"></a>[30]</td> <td>Mir, Farzad, Kouhalvandi, Lida, Matekovits, Ladislau and Gunes, Ece Olcay,<a href="">"Electromagnetic Bottom-Up Optimization for Automated Antenna Designs"</a>,<em>Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC</em>, pp. 792 – 794, 2020.<a title="Mir2020792" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="29"></a>[29]</td> <td>Mir, Farzad, Matekovits, Ladislau, Kouhalvandi, Lida and Gunes, Ece Olcay,<a href="">"Optimization for wideband linear array antenna through bottom-up method"</a>,<em>Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Photonics, EExPolytech 2020</em>, pp. 51 – 54, 2020.<a title="Mir202051" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="28"></a>[28]</td> <td>MacIt, Zeynep, Aydinalp, Cemanur, Yilmaz, Tuba, Sert, Ayse Buse Ozdabak and Kok, Fatma Nese,<a href="">"Broadband Microwave Dielectric Property Comparison of Human Fetal Osteoblastic (hFOB) and Osteosarcoma (SaOS-2) Cell Lines"</a>,<em>14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020</em>, 2020.<a title="MacIt2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="27"></a>[27]</td> <td>Kouhalvandi, Lida, Pirola, Marco and Ozoguz, Serdar,<a href="">"Automated Two-Step Power Amplifier Design with Pre-constructed Artificial Neural Network"</a>,<em>2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2020</em>, pp. 617 – 620, 2020.<a title="Kouhalvandi2020617" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="26"></a>[26]</td> <td>Kbah, Sadeem Nabeel Saleem and Sengor, Neslihan Serap,<a href="">"Neuronal Synchronization and the Sparseness of the Cortico-cortical Connections"</a>,<em>TIPTEKNO 2020 - Tip Teknolojileri Kongresi - 2020 Medical Technologies Congress, TIPTEKNO 2020</em>, 2020.<a title="Kbah2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="25"></a>[25]</td> <td>Kasim, Ahmet Nezih, Shayea, Ibraheem, Khan, Sajjad Ahmad, Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb and Ergen, Mustafa,<a href="">"Evolutionary paths towards mobility management in 5G Heterogeneous Networks"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications, MTTW 2020</em>, pp. 24 – 29, 2020.<a title="Kasim202024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="24"></a>[24]</td> <td>Karamani, Rafailia-Eleni, Fyrigos, Iosif-Angelos, Ntinas, Vasileios, Liolis, Orestis, Dimitrakopoulos, Giorgos, Altun, Mustafa, Adamatzky, Andrew, Stan, Mircea R. and Sirakoulis, Georgios Ch.,<a href="">"Memristive Learning Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications"</a>,<em>2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020</em>, 2020.<a title="Karamani2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="23"></a>[23]</td> <td>Kaplan, Ahmet, Can, Mehmet, Altunbas, Ibrahim, Kurt, Gunes Karabulut and Kucukyavuz, Defne,<a href="">"LDPC Coded OFDM-IM Performance Evaluation under Jamming Attack"</a>,<em>International Conference on ICT Convergence</em>, pp. 69 – 74, 2020.<a title="Kaplan202069" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="22"></a>[22]</td> <td>Kaplan, Batuhan, Kahraman, Ibrahim, Gorcin, Ali, Cirpan, Hakan Ali and Ekti, Ali Riza,<a href="">"Measurement based FHSS-type Drone 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Frequencies of 30°-60°-90° Triangular Patch Antenna"</a>,<em>Proceedings - 2020 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference, ASYU 2020</em>, 2020.<a title="Gunel2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="16"></a>[16]</td> <td>Gul, Ferda Cansu, Karacuha, Kamil and Eker, Sebahattin,<a href="">"A Two-Element Array Design of Dual-Band Quasi-Yagi Antenna with Reflector"</a>,<em>2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, IEEECONF 2020 - Proceedings</em>, pp. 1915 – 1916, 2020.<a title="Gul20201915" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="15"></a>[15]</td> <td>Ede, Burak, Yarkan, Serhan, Ekti, Ali Riza, Baykas, Tuncer, Cirpan, Hakan Ali and Gorcin, Ali,<a href="">"Measurement Based Statistical Channel Characterization of Air-to-Ground Path Loss Model at 446MHz for Narrow-Band Signals in Low Altitude UAVs"</a>,<em>IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference</em>, 2020.<a title="Ede2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="14"></a>[14]</td> <td>Dogu, Semih, Alidoustaghdam, Hadi, Dilman, Ismail and Akinci, Mehmet Nuri,<a href="">"The Capability of Truncated Singular Value Decomposition Method for through the Wall Microwave Imaging"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications, MTTW 2020</em>, pp. 76 – 81, 2020.<a title="Dogu202076" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="13"></a>[13]</td> <td>Dogu, Semih, DIlman, Ismail, Ertay, Agah Oktay and Uysal, Alican,<a href="">"Modified printed monopole antenna with well-matched impedance bandwidth for through the wall microwave imaging applications"</a>,<em>2020 28th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2020 - 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<tr> <td><a name="10"></a>[10]</td> <td>Bilgin, Egemen, Dogu, Semih, Cosgun, Sema and Cayoren, Mehmet,<a href="">"A Modified Newton Method Formulation for Microwave Imaging"</a>,<em>Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC</em>, pp. 1057 – 1059, 2020.<a title="Bilgin20201057" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="9"></a>[9]</td> <td>Aygun, Sercan, Kouhalvandi, Lida, Gunes, Ece Olcay and Ozoguz, Serdar,<a href="">"Inspecting Distortion in the Power Amplifiers with the aid of Neural Networks"</a>,<em>International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT</em>, pp. 448 – 453, 2020.<a title="Aygun2020448" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="8"></a>[8]</td> <td>Aygul, Mehmet Ali, Nazzal, Mahmoud, Ekti, Ali Riza, Gorcin, Ali, Da Costa, Daniel Benevides, Ates, Hasan Fehmi and Arslan, Huseyin,<a href="">"Spectrum Occupancy Prediction Exploiting Time and Frequency Correlations Through 2D-LSTM"</a>,<em>IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference</em>, 2020.<a title="Aygul2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="7"></a>[7]</td> <td>Aydoǧan, Ahmet, Saǧlam, Serkan and Akleman, Funda,<a href="">"Dielectric Measurement via Partially Filled and Short-Circuited Circular Waveguides"</a>,<em>2020 International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, ISFEE 2020</em>, 2020.<a title="Aydoǧan2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="6"></a>[6]</td> <td>Alton, Mustafa, Cevik, Ismail, Erten, Ahmet, Eksik, Osman, Stan, Mircea and Moritz, Csaba Andras,<a href="">"Nano-Crossbar based Computing: Lessons Learned and Future Directions"</a>,<em>Proceedings of the 2020 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2020</em>, pp. 382 – 387, 2020.<a title="Alton2020382" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="5"></a>[5]</td> <td>Alidoustaghdam, Hadi, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri, Cayoren, Mehmet and Dogu, Semih,<a href="">"Monitoring Concrete Oil-Wells with Qualitative Microwave Imaging"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications, MTTW 2020</em>, pp. 82 – 85, 2020.<a title="Alidoustaghdam202082" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="4"></a>[4]</td> <td>Alidoustaghdam, Hadi and Cayoren, Mehmet,<a href="">"Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete Tunnels with Qualitative Microwave Imaging"</a>,<em>GeMIC 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 German Microwave Conference</em>, pp. 29 – 31, 2020.<a title="Alidoustaghdam202029" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="3"></a>[3]</td> <td>Alidoustaghdam, Hadi, Dogu, Semih, Akinci, Mehmet Nuri and Cayoren, Mehmet,<a href="">"Through-the-wall Microwave Imaging with Minimum Antennas and an Auxiliary Metallic Bar"</a>,<em>Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC</em>, pp. 1054 – 1056, 2020.<a title="Alidoustaghdam20201054" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="2"></a>[2]</td> <td>Aksoy, Levent, Parvin, Sajjad, Nojehdeh, Mohammadreza Esmali and Altun, Mustafa,<a href="">"Efficient time-multiplexed realization of feedforward artificial neural networks"</a>,<em>Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems</em>, 2020.<a title="Aksoy2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="1"></a>[1]</td> <td>Acar, Burak and Karalar, Tufan Coskun,<a href="">"Experimental Cryptanalysis of No-equilibrium Chaotic System Based Random Number Generator"</a>,<em>Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2020</em>, pp. 228 – 231, 2020.<a title="Acar2020228" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3>Refereed National Conference Papers</h3> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2024</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="81"></a>[81]</td> <td>Çukur, Mert Paşa and Güneş, Ece Olcay,<a href="">"Optimization of the SPHINCS+ PQC Algorithm with Custom Instructions and LLVM Integration on a RISC-V Processor; [RISC-V İşlemcisi Üzerinde Özel Komutlar ve LLVM Entegrasyonu ile SPHINCS+ PQC Algoritmasının Optimizasyonu]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Çukur2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="80"></a>[80]</td> <td>Çelebi, Burak Ahmet, Hökelek, Ibrahim, Görçin, Ali and Akinci, Mehmet Nuri,<a href="">"Performance Investigation of TDOA-based Positioning System Deployed on UAVs; [IHA'lar Üzerine Konuşlandırılmış TDOA Tabanlı Konumlandırma Sisteminin Performans Incelemesi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Çelebi2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="79"></a>[79]</td> <td>Çağdaş, Engin, Kizilbey, Oğuzhan and Yazgi, Metin,<a href="">"A 2-6 GHz Driver Amplifier with 27 dBm Output Power and 35 dB Gain; [27 dBm Çıkış Gücü ve 35 dB Kazanca Sahip 2-6 GHz Sürücü Kuvvetlendirici]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Çağdaş2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="78"></a>[78]</td> <td>Yılmaz, Barış, Öz, Fikriye, Erer, Işın and Baykut, Süleyman,<a href="">"Detection of Vital Signs in Debris Environment using SFCW Radar; [Enkaz Ortamında FASD Radar ile Yaşamsal Bulguların Tespiti]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Yılmaz2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="77"></a>[77]</td> <td>Yıldız, Hacer Atar,<a href="">"Active-only Meminductor Emulator Circuit; [Salt Aktif Memindüktör Benzetim Devresi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Yıldız2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="76"></a>[76]</td> <td>Yıldırım, Cem Arda, Apaydın, Orhan, Paker, Selçuk and Erer, Işın,<a href="">"Imaging of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Radar; [Radar ile Betonarme İçi Yapıların Görüntülenmesi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Yıldırım2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="75"></a>[75]</td> <td>Yüzgeç, Eren Taha, Girgin, Melike, Fırat, Umut, Altıok, Hüsne and Akgül, Tayfun,<a href="">"Detection of Ship Propeller Tonals; [Gemi Pervane Tonellerinin Sezimi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Yüzgeç2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="74"></a>[74]</td> <td>Uçan, Serkan, Nuhoğlu, Mustafa Atahan, Çılğın, Bevan Deniz and Çırpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Clustering and Optimization Based Solutions to Estimate the Range to Tracking Radar; [Takip Radarına Olan Menzili Kestirmek için Kümeleme ve Optimizasyon Tabanlı Çözümler]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Uçan2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="73"></a>[73]</td> <td>Uslu, Ahmet, Altintas, Gulsah Yildiz and Kirdar, Baran,<a href="">"Radar Sistemlerinde Çoklu Sahte Hedef Kariştirma Tekniklerine Karşi CFAR Algoritmalarinin Performans Deǧerlendirmesi"</a>,<em>8th International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium, IDAP 2024</em>, 2024.<a title="Uslu2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="72"></a>[72]</td> <td>Tanış, Mustafa and Yalçın, Müştak Erhan,<a href="">"Spoofed GPS L1 Carrier C/A Code Manipulation Attack; [Sahte GPS L1 Taşıyıcısı C/A Kodu Manipülasyonu Saldırısı]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Tanış2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="71"></a>[71]</td> <td>Tanyel, Toygar, Yildiz, Gulsah, Aydinalp, Cemanur and Öksüz, İlkay,<a href="">"Estimation of Two Dimensional Electric Field Distribution Through Deep Learning: Preliminary Study; [Derin Öğrenme ile İki Boyutlu Elektrik Alan Dağılımının Tahmini: Ön Çalışma Bulguları]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Tanyel2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="70"></a>[70]</td> <td>Pak, Semih, Güneşer, M. Tahir and Şeker, Cihat,<a href="">"Optimization of Compact Microstrip Monopole Antenna Parameters with NS-RFO and Artificial Intelligence in Antenna Design; [Kompakt Mikroşerit Monopol Anten Parametrelerinin NS-RFO ile Optimizasyonu ve Anten Tasarımında Yapay Zeka kullanımı]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Pak2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="69"></a>[69]</td> <td>Nuhoğlu, Mustafa Atahan and Çırpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"A Closed Form Solution for Source Localization Using Change in Rate of Phase Difference; [Faz Farkı Türev Değişimiyle Konum Bulma için Yeni Bir Kapalı Form Çözüm]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Nuhoğlu2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="68"></a>[68]</td> <td>Mutlu, Berkay, Köksal, Sıla, Çelik, Zülal, Saraç, Elif Yaprak, Çıracı, Ceren and Özdemir, Özgür,<a href="">"Correlating Cell Sizes with Spectral Analysis Methods in Photoacoustic Imaging; [Fotoakustik Görüntülemede Hücre Boyutlarının Spektral Analiz Yöntemleriyle İlişkilendirilmesi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Mutlu2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="67"></a>[67]</td> <td>Kuş, Eren, Aydıncık, Sedat and Karaçuha, Kamil,<a href="">"Tek ve Çift Mod ile Yeniden Yapılandırılabilir Anten Tasarımında Farklı Yalıtım Denemeleri Different Isolation Approaches in Reconfigurable Antenna Design with Even and Odd Modes"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Kuş2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="66"></a>[66]</td> <td>Karaoğlu, Hasan H. and Ekşioğlu, Ender M.,<a href="">"Revisiting DCT in Deep Learning Era: An Initial Denoising Application; [Derin Öğrenme Çağında DCT'yi Hatırlamak: Öncül Bir Gürültü Giderme Uygulaması]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Karaoğlu2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="65"></a>[65]</td> <td>Kara, Hüseyin Samet, Serbes, Ahmet, Hökelek, Ibrahim and Görçin, Ali,<a href="">"Low Complexity RCP-OTFS Systems with Fractional Doppler Shifts; [Kesirli Doppler Kaymaları ile Düşük Karmaşıklıklı ADÖ-OTFS Sistemleri]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Kara2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="64"></a>[64]</td> <td>Gurbet, Yusuf Salih, Baykal, Burak and Özdemir, Özgür,<a href="">"System Design and Analysis for Vital Sign Detection Using Ultra Wide Band Radar; [Ultra Geniş Band Radar Kullanılarak Hayati İşaret Tespiti İçin Sistem Tasarım ve Analizi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Gurbet2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="63"></a>[63]</td> <td>Fidan, Buse Nur, Öz, Fikriye, Akıncı, Mehmet Nuri and Baykut, Süleyman,<a href="">"Analysis of Interrupted SFCW Radar Data Corresponding to Living Targets Behind Obstruction; [Engel Arkası Canlı Hedeflere Ait Kesikli FASD Radar Veri Analizi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Fidan2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="62"></a>[62]</td> <td>Eker, Mücahit Enes, Karabayır, Osman and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"Moving Target Detection in SAR GMTI Application Using Gap Statistics and k-NN; [SAR GMTI Uygulamasında Gap İstatistik ve k-NN Kullanarak Hareketli Hedef Tespiti]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Eker2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="61"></a>[61]</td> <td>Ceran, Serkan and Erer, Işın,<a href="">"Direction Of Arrival Estimation In Autocorrelation Domain With Deep Learning and Autoregressive Modelling; [Otokorelasyon Bölgesinde Derin Öğrenme ve Özbağlanımlı Modelleme İle Geliş Yönü Kestirimi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Ceran2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="60"></a>[60]</td> <td>Bektaş, Duru, Girgin, Melike and Akgül, Tayfun,<a href="">"The Effect of Surface Temperature on Infrared Reflections in a Thermal Image; [Termal İmgelerde Yüzey Sıcaklığının Kızılötesi Yansımaya Etkisi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Bektaş2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="59"></a>[59]</td> <td>Bakırcı, Emre Berker, Ahrazoğlu, Evla Safahan, Altunbaş, Ibrahim and Erdoğan, Eylem,<a href="">"Outage Probability Analysis of Triple-Hybrid RF/FSO/THz Communication System; [Üçlü Hibrit RF/FSO/THz Haberleşme Sisteminin Kesinti Olasılığı Analizi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Bakırcı2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="58"></a>[58]</td> <td>Aras, İrem, Erer, Işın and Akdemir, Eren,<a href="">"Adaptive Beamforming Based on Recurrent Deep Learning for GNSS Bands; [Yenilemeli Derin Öğrenme ile GNSS Bandında Uyarlanabilir Hüzme Biçimlendirme]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Aras2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="57"></a>[57]</td> <td>Akyürek, Hasan, Şahin, Ali Can and Özdemir, Özgür,<a href="">"Estimation Method of Sound Speed for Photoacoustic Imaging Systems in 3-Layered Media; [3 Katmanlı Ortamda Fotoakustik Görüntüleme Sistemleri için Ses Hızı Tahmin Yöntemi]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Akyürek2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="56"></a>[56]</td> <td>Acer, Deniz Can, Özdilekler, Mücahit Hüseyin and Akgül, Tayfun,<a href="">"Time-Frequency Representations of Classical Spectrum Estimation Methods for Micro-Doppler Analysis of Variable Wing Number Helicopters; [Değişken Kanat Sayılı Helikopterlerin Mikro-Doppler Analizi için Klasik İzge Kestirim Yöntemlerinin Zaman-Frekans Gösterimleri]"</a>,<em>32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024 - Proceedings</em>, 2024.<a title="Acer2024" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2023</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="55"></a>[55]</td> <td>Şahinbay, Huseyin Emre, Akyol, Ali Alp and Özdemir, Özgur,<a href="">"Detection of Jammers in Range-Doppler Images Generated in DTED Based Radar Simulator Using Convolutional Neural Networks; [DTED Tabanh Radar Simulatorde Olusturulan Menzil-Doppler Gortlntulerindeki Kanstmcilann Evrisimsel Sinir Aglan Kullamlarak Tespiti]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Şahinbay2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="54"></a>[54]</td> <td>Çaǧdaş, Engin, Kizilbey, Oǧuzhan and Yazgi, Metin,<a href="">"A 2-6 GHz High Efficiency Power Amplifier Design for Communication Systems; [Haberleşme Sistemleri için 2-6 GHz Yüksek Verimli Güç Kuvvetlendiricisi Tasarimi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Çaǧdaş2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="53"></a>[53]</td> <td>Çalişkan, Uǧur Berkay, Aydinalp, Cemanur and Abdolsaheb, Tuba Yilmaz,<a href="">"Comparing Two Fitting Algorithms to Determine Cole-Cole Parameters; [Cole-Cole Parametreleri Hesaplanirken Kullanilan iki Oturtma Algoritmasinin Karşilaştirilmasi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Çalişkan2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="52"></a>[52]</td> <td>Yuksekdaǧ, Yonca, Altunbaş, Ibrahim, Hökelek, Ibrahim and Coşkun, Ahmet Faruk,<a href="">"Outage Probability Analysis of RIS-aided FSO under Exponentiated Weibull Distributed Turbulence; [RIS-Destekli FSO Yapilarinda Üstel Weibull Daǧilimli Türbülans Altinda Kesinti Olasiliǧi Analizi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Yuksekdaǧ2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="51"></a>[51]</td> <td>Yildirim, Kubranur, Aka, Nur Banu, Yildiz, Gulsah and Yilmaz, Tuba,<a href="">"Numerical Model Sensitivity Analysis for Breast Cancer Microwave Hyperthermia Treatment; [Meme Kanseri Mikrodalga Hipertermi Tedavisi için Nümerik Model Hassasiyeti Analizi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Yildirim2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="50"></a>[50]</td> <td>Uçan, Serkan, Nuhoǧlu, Mustafa Atahan, Yildirim, Berkin and Çirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Deep Learning Based Parameter Estimation of Frequency Shift Keying LPI Radars; [Frekans Kaydirma Anahtarlamali LPI Radarlarda Derin Öǧrenme Tabanli Parametre Kestirimi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Uçan2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="49"></a>[49]</td> <td>Tunç, Orhan, Baykut, Suleyman and Erer, Işin,<a href="">"Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using a Low-Cost Radar Mounted on a Mini Drone; [Mini Insansiz Hava Aracina Takili Düşük Maliyetli Radar ile Sentetik Açiklikli Radar Görüntüleme]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Tunç2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="48"></a>[48]</td> <td>Tunce, Kamil Uǧur and Akgül, Tayfun,<a href="">"Cyclic Spectral Analysis via Negative Entropy for Maritime Vehicles; [Deniz Taşitlari Için Negatif Entropi Kullanilarak Çevrimsel Izge Analizi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Tunce2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="47"></a>[47]</td> <td>Silkin, Sevgi, Köksal, Sila, Ergüven, Basak Zeynep and Şengör, Neslihan Serap,<a href="">"A Reduced Mass Model for Modeling Cognitive Processes; [Bilişsel Süreçlerin Modellenmesine Ilişkin Indirgenmiş Bir Yiǧin Modeli]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Silkin2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="46"></a>[46]</td> <td>Shaker, Ata, Beştek, Arca, Akgül, Tayfun and Çoraman, Emrah,<a href="">"Vespertilian Echolocation Calls in Ultrasonic Acoustic Recordings; [Ses-ötesi Akustik Kayitlarda Yarasa Ekolokasyon Çaǧrilari]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Shaker2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="45"></a>[45]</td> <td>Kiliç, Ali Alperen and Yapar, Funda Akleman,<a href="">"Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Design for 6G High Altitude Platform System (HAPS); [6N YÜKSEK IRTIFA PLATFORM SISTEMLERI IÇIN ANTIPODAL VIVALDI ANTEN TASARIMI]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Kiliç2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="44"></a>[44]</td> <td>Karsli, Abdullah Kaan, Muhaciroǧlu, Ihsan Mert, Apalan, Yasin and Akgul, Tayfun,<a href="">"Human Detection with Fisheye Camera; [Balik Gözü Kamera ile Insan Tespiti]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Karsli2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="43"></a>[43]</td> <td>Doǧu, Semih,<a href="">"Investigation of Detectabilities of the Dielectric Objects in a Through-the-Wall Microwave Imaging Setup; [Dielektrik Objelerin Bir Duvar Arkasi Mikrodalga Görüntüleme Yapilandirmasinda Tespit Edilebilirliklerinin Araştirilmasi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Doǧu2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="42"></a>[42]</td> <td>Başar, Nuri and Akgül, Tayfun,<a href="">"Acoustic Direction Estimation with MEMS Microphone Array; [MEMS Mikrofon Dizini ile Akustik Yön Tespiti]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Başar2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="41"></a>[41]</td> <td>Baki, Bilgehan Miraç and Yalçin, Mustak E.,<a href="">"FPGA-Based Implementation of a Matched Filter for Acoustic Shooter Localization System; [Akustik Atiş Yeri Tespit Sistemi için FPGA Tabanli Eşlenik Süzgeç Gerçekleştirilmesi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Baki2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="40"></a>[40]</td> <td>Aras, Arda, Girgin, Melike and Akgül, Tayfun,<a href="">"Victim Detection System via Geophone Arrays; [Jeofon Dizinleri Vasitasiyla Kazazede Tespit Sistemi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Aras2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="39"></a>[39]</td> <td>Aka, Nur Banu, Yildirim, Kübranur, Yildiz, Gulsah and Yilmaz, Tuba,<a href="">"Investigating the Antenna Feeding Parameter Effect on the Microwave Hyperthermia System; [Mikrodalga Hipertermide Anten Besleme Parametrelerinin Sisteme Etkisinin Incelenmesi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Aka2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="38"></a>[38]</td> <td>Ahrazoǧlu, Evla Safahan, Can, Mehmet, Erdoǧan, Eylem and Altunbaş, Ibrahim,<a href="">"Outage Probability Analysis of Dual-Hop Multi-HAPS THz Satellite Communication Systems; [Iki Atlamali Çok HAPS'li THz Uydu Haberleşme Sistemlerinin Kesinti Olasiliǧi Analizi]"</a>,<em>31st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2023</em>, 2023.<a title="Ahrazoǧlu2023" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2022</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="37"></a>[37]</td> <td>Unutmaz, Berkan and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Field of View Estimation in Thermal Cameras with Deep Learning; [Derin Öǧrenme ile Termal Kameralarda Görüş Açisi Kestirimi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Unutmaz2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="36"></a>[36]</td> <td>Ucan, Serkan, Arikan, Oguz, Karabulut Kurt, Gunes and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"Modelling of THz Band Graphene Based Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with High Directivity; [THz Bandinda Yüksek Yönlülükte Yöneltme Yapabilen Grafen Tabanli Uyarlanabilir Akilli Yüzey Tasarimi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Ucan2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="35"></a>[35]</td> <td>Tunali, Aysegul Ilay and Cirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"Impact of Channel Estimation for 5G PDSCH; [5G PDSCH için Kanal Kestirimin Etkisi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Tunali2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="34"></a>[34]</td> <td>Temiz, Fatih, Yesilyurt, Alper, Bolukbas, Alperen, Ata, Yusuf and Basaran, Semiha Tedik,<a href="">"An Empirical Study on the Performance of Handover Scheme; [Hücreler Arasi Geçiş Şemalarinin Performansi Üzerine Deneysel Bir Çalişma]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Temiz2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="33"></a>[33]</td> <td>Tatli, Canberk, Denizeri, Egemen, Kumlu, Deniz, Erer, Isin, Yalcin, Berna Ors and Isik, Furkan,<a href="">"Clutter Removal for Ground Penetrating Radars on FPGA: Design and Implementation; [FPGA Üzerinde Yere Nüfuz Eden Radarlar için Kargaşa Giderme: Tasarim ve Gerçekleme]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Tatli2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="32"></a>[32]</td> <td>Sahin, Ali Can, Zolfaghari, Parviz, Ferhanoglu, Onur and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"Experimental Setup And Investigation Of Photoacustic Tomography For Skin Cancer Diagnosis; [Deri Kanseri Görüntülemesi Için Fotoakustik Tomografi Deney Düzeneǧi Kurulumu Ve Incelenmesi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Sahin2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="31"></a>[31]</td> <td>Pekdemir, Ada Irem, Ozdemir, Ozgur and Karabulut Kurt, Gunes,<a href="">"Comparison of Different Intelligent Reflective Surface Designs in terms of Beam Properties at Sub-Terahertz Frequencies; [Farkli Akilli Yansitici Yüzey Tasarimlarinin Alt-Terahertz Frekanslarinda Hüzme Özellikleri Açisindan Karşilaştirilmasi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Pekdemir2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="30"></a>[30]</td> <td>Onur, Irem Beyza, Gurkan, Filiz and Gunsel, Bilge,<a href="">"Video Object Verification via Meta-learning; [Meta Öǧrenme ile Video Nesne Doǧrulama]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Onur2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="29"></a>[29]</td> <td>Kose, Umut and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"Impedance Matching of Microstrip Patch Antennas by Using Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS); [Mikroşerit Yama Antenlerde Frekans Seçici Yüzeyler (FSY) Kullanilarak Empedans Uyumlandirma]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Kose2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="28"></a>[28]</td> <td>Koksal, Sila, Erguven, Basak Zeynep, Guzel, Alp and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"Pigment Boundary and Depth Determination Technique for Photoacoustic Microscopy Image of Tissue; [Fotoakustik Mikroskopi Doku Görüntülerinde Pigment Siniri ve Derinlik Belirleme Tekniǧi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Koksal2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="27"></a>[27]</td> <td>Keles, Omer T. and Yazgi, Metin,<a href="">"Design of an Opamp-RC Lowpass Filter in 22nm FDSOI Technology; [22nm FDSOI teknolojisinde Opamp-RC Alçak Geçiren Filtre Tasarimi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Keles2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="26"></a>[26]</td> <td>Demirkol, Armagan, Akyurek, Hasan and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"Sound Speed Estimation Method for Photoacoustic Imaging Systems in Layered Medium; [Katmanli Ortamda Fotoakustik Görüntüleme Sistemleri Için Ses Hizi Tahmin Yöntemi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Demirkol2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="25"></a>[25]</td> <td>Celebi, Burak Ahmet, Erdemir, Ubeydullah and Gorcin, Ali,<a href="">"Comparison of Relay and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems; [Milimetre Dalga Haberleşme Sistemleri için Röle ve Uyarlanabilir Akilli Yüzeylerin Karşilaştirilmasi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Celebi2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="24"></a>[24]</td> <td>Buyuksar, Ayse Betul, Can, Mehmet and Altunbas, Ibrahim,<a href="">"Physical Layer Security Improvement of NOMA-Based UAV-Aided Terrestrial Networks via Cooperative User Selection; [Işbirlikli Kullanici Seçimi ile NOMA Tabanli IHA Destekli Karasal Aǧlarin Fiziksel Katman Güvenliǧinin Iyileştirilmesi]"</a>,<em>2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022</em>, 2022.<a title="Buyuksar2022" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2021</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="23"></a>[23]</td> <td>Kabaci, Akif, Basaran, Mehmet and Cirpan, Hakan Ali,<a href="">"The effect of channel estimation error on the performance of spatial media-based modulation systems; [Kanal kestirim hatasinin uzaysal ortam tabanli modülasyon sistem performansina etkisi]"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Kabaci2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="22"></a>[22]</td> <td>Gurcioglu, Oguz, Erdem, Mehmet Can, Cirkinoglu, H. Ozan, Ferhanoglu, Onur, Kurt, Gunes Karabulut and Panayirci, Erdal,<a href="">"Improved physical layer security in visible light communications by using focused light emitters; [Görünür işik haberleşmesinde odaklanmiş vericiler kullanilarak arttirilmiş fiziksel katman güvenliǧi]"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Gurcioglu2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="21"></a>[21]</td> <td>Gholizadehazari, Erfan, Ayhan, Tuba and Ors, Berna,<a href="">"An FPGA implementation of a RISC-V based SoC system for image processing applications"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Gholizadehazari2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="20"></a>[20]</td> <td>Erturk, Okan and Altunbas, Ibrahim,<a href="">"Outage probability of satellite-terrestrial systems with in-band full-duplex relay; [Ayni bantta tam-çift yönlü aktarma yapan uydu-karasal sistemlerin kesinti olasiliǧi]"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Erturk2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="19"></a>[19]</td> <td>Erer, Isin, Kumlu, Deniz and Paker, Selcuk,<a href="">"Identification of moving ground targets by a low cost, portable radar system; [Düşük maliyetli, taşinabilir radar sistemi ile hareketli yer hedeflerinin kimliklendirilmesi]"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Erer2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="18"></a>[18]</td> <td>Clelebi, Burak Ahmet, Aras, Irem, Ozcelik, Kaan Emre, Tekbiyik, Kursat, Kurt, Gunes, Ozdemir, Ozgur and Ekti, Ali Riza,<a href="">"Accurate modelling of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in THz band; [Uyarlanabilir akilli yüzeylerin THz bandinda yüksek doǧrulukla modellenmesi]"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Clelebi2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="17"></a>[17]</td> <td>Cengiz, Aybuke, Basaran, Semiha Tedik, Karabulut Kurt, Gunes, Ozbek, Berna and Yanikomeroglu, Halim,<a href="">"Approximation of correlation matrix for high altitude platform stations; [Yüksek irtifa platform istasyonlari için korelasyon matrisinin yaklaşimi]"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Cengiz2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="16"></a>[16]</td> <td>Can, Mehmet and Altunbas, Ibrahim,<a href="">"NOMA-based two-way MBM; [NOMA tabanli iki yönlü MBM]"</a>,<em>SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings</em>, 2021.<a title="Can2021" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>2020</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="15"></a>[15]</td> <td>Yucel, Hazel and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"The Effect of Uncertainties in Skin Layers on Photoacoustic Imaging of Skin Cancer; [Deri Kanserinin Fotoakustik Goruntulenmesinde Deri Katmanlarindaki Belirsizliklerin Etkisi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Yucel2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="14"></a>[14]</td> <td>Yildiz, Hacer Atar,<a href="">"Gaussian Activation Function Realization with Application to the Neural Network Implementations; [Yapay Sinir Aglari Uygulamalarina Yonelik Gauss Aktivasyon Fonksiyonu Gerceklemesi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Yildiz2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="13"></a>[13]</td> <td>Sahin, Selim, Demir, Cagri and Erer, Isin,<a href="">"Threat Detection in GPR Data Using Autoregressive Modelling; [Yere Nufuz Eden Radar Verisinde Ozbaglanimli Modelleme ile Tehdit Tespiti]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Sahin2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="12"></a>[12]</td> <td>Ozden, Burak Ahmet, Tuylu, Melek and Erdogan, Eylem,<a href="">"Performance Analysis of UAV Relaying Using Energy Harvesting; [Enerji Hasatlama Kullanilan Roleli IHA'larda Performans Analizi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Ozden2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="11"></a>[11]</td> <td>Ozdemirci, Hasan and Sengor, Neslihan Serap,<a href="">"Realizing Hebbian Learning Rule on a Hardware; [Donanim Ustunde Hebb Ogrenme Kuralinin Gerceklestirilmesi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Ozdemirci2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="10"></a>[10]</td> <td>Ozcan, Y. Ugur, Kurt, Gunes Karabulut and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"Path Loss Effects of Intelligent Reecting Surface Approaches; [Akilli Yansitici Yuzey Yaklasimlarinin Yol Kaybi Uzerindeki Etkileri]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Ozcan2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="9"></a>[9]</td> <td>Kepce, Ayca, Iris, M. Samet and Sengor, Neslihan Serap,<a href="">"Neural Network Model for the Role of Dopamine on Action Initiation and Its Realization on FPGA; [Dopaminin Hareket Baslatimina Etkisine Iliskin Bir Noral Ag Modeli ve FPGA Gerceklenmesi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Kepce2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="8"></a>[8]</td> <td>Karabag, Sevval, Ferhanoglu, Onur and Ozdemir, Ozgur,<a href="">"Conformal Antenna for Capsule Endoscopy; [Kapsul Endoskopi Icin Konformal Anten Tasarimi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Karabag2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="7"></a>[7]</td> <td>Gülenç, Nadide Gulsah and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"Noninvasive Measurement of Baby's Vital Datas and Mobile Monitoring - Analysis System Design; [Bebegin Yasamsal Verilerinin Noninvaziv Ölçümü ve Mobil Takip - Analiz Sistemi Tasarimi]"</a>,<em>TIPTEKNO 2020 - Tip Teknolojileri Kongresi - 2020 Medical Technologies Congress, TIPTEKNO 2020</em>, 2020.<a title="Gülenç2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="6"></a>[6]</td> <td>Guneser, Muhammet Tahir, Seker, Cihat, Kersolar, Seda, Telli, Ibrahim, Dogangun, Sevda Dilek and Shaaban, Fatema,<a href="">"Design and Analysis of Compact Triband Microstrip Antenna for X Band and Ku Band; [X Bandi ve Ku Bandi icin Kompakt Uc Bantli Mikroserit Anten Tasarimi ve Analizi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Guneser2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="5"></a>[5]</td> <td>Erturk, Okan, Bolat, Kutay, Buyuksar, Ayse Betul, Baskan, A. Doruk and Altunbas, Ibrahim,<a href="">"Channel Measurements and Modeling in Drone-to-Ground Communications; [Drone-Yer Haberlesmesinde Kanal Olcumleri ve Modellemesi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Erturk2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="4"></a>[4]</td> <td>Eren, Cansu, Karamzadeh, Saeid and Kartal, Mesut,<a href="">"Signal Processing Techniques for Human Vital Signs Sensing by Short Range Radar; [Kisa Menzil Genis Bantli Radar Sistemleri ile Hayati Bulgularin Algilanmasinda Kullanilan Sinyal Isleme Teknikleri]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Eren2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="3"></a>[3]</td> <td>Cik, Oguzhan and Yalcin, Mustak Erhan,<a href="">"A Hardware Accelerated Packet Classifier Design for A Network Router; [Bir Ag Yonlendiricisi icin Donanimla Hizlandirilmis Bir Paket Siniflayici Tasarimi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Cik2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="2"></a>[2]</td> <td>Celik, Feza Turgay and Karacuha, Kamil,<a href="">"A Reconfigurable Binomial Weighted Phased Array Antenna Design for Wi-Fi Band; [Wi-Fi Bandi icin Yeniden Yapilandirilabilir Binom Agirlikli Fazli Dizi Anten Tasarimi]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Celik2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a name="1"></a>[1]</td> <td>Bozdemr, Suheyb, Kizilbey, Ouzhan, Yazgi, Metin, Palamutcuoullari, Osman and Yarman, Sddk,<a href="">"Design of 50-Watt 2-Stage Class-F Power Amplifier for Medical Applications; [Medikal Uygulamalar icin 50-Watt 2-Katl F-Snf Guc Kuvvetlendiricisi Tasarm]"</a>,<em>2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020 - Proceedings</em>, 2020.<a title="Bozdemr2020" href="" bibtexbrowser="done">[bibtex]</a><a href="">[url]</a><a href="">[doi]</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--Footer Start--> <div class="footer"> <div > <div class="sfContentBlock sf-Long-text" ><div class="footer__top" style="text-align: left;"> <div class="container"> <div class="row address"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4" style="text-align: left;"> <div class="address__item"> <em class="icon-phone"></em> <p><strong>Electronics and Communication Engineering Department - Telephone </strong>+90 (212) 285 3613 </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4" style="text-align: left;"> <div class="address__item"> <em class="icon-fax"></em> <p><strong>Electronics and Communication Engineering Department - Fax</strong> +90 (212) 285 3565</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4"> <div class="address__item"> <em class="icon-location"></em> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Electronics and Communication Engineering Department - Address </strong>ITU Ayazaga Campus, 34469, Maslak/Istanbul </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <!--Footer Top Start--> <!-- <div class="footer__top"> <!--Footer Top End--> <!--Footer Middle Start--> <div > <div class="sfContentBlock sf-Long-text" ><div class="footer__middle"> <div class="map-container"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="text-container"> <h2>İTÜ Ayazağa Campus</h2> <p> Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering <br /> Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,<br /> 34469, Maslak/Istanbul</p> <h3>+90 (212) 285 3613</h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footermapcanvas"><iframe src="!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d12025.477480397456!2d29.0244064!3d41.1046235!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0xcfe6367b57612fab!2s%C4%B0T%C3%9C%20Elektrik%20Elektronik%20Fak%C3%BCltesi!5e0!3m2!1str!2str!4v1603871751685!5m2!1str!2str" style="border:0;" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="0" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe></div> </div> </div></div> </div> <!--Footer Middle End--> <!--Footer Bottom Start--> <div > <div class="sfContentBlock sf-Long-text" ><div class="footer__bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4"> <a href=""><img alt="" src="/Sitefinity/WebSiteTemplates/MozaikV3/App_Themes/MozaikV3Template/Assets/images/logo_footer.png" /></a> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-md-push-4 footer__social"> <div class="footer__social-list"><a href="" target="_blank" class="footer__social-list-item"> <em class="icon-facebook"></em></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="footer__social-list-item"> <em class="icon-twitter"></em></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="footer__social-list-item"> <em class="icon-youtube"></em></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="footer__social-list-item"> <em class="icon-instagram"></em></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="footer__social-list-item"><em class="icon-linkedin"></em></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-md-pull-4 footer__copyright"> <p>İTÜ Information Technologies Directorate © <span id="siteYear">2024</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <!--Footer End--> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ window.__TsmHiddenField = $get('ctl08_TSM');//]]> </script> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 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