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/* If the end date is the same as the start date, hide the end date */ if ($('.start_date').text() == $('.end_date').text()) { $('.end_date').hide(); $('.date_dash').hide(); } /* If the start time is 12:00 am and the end time is 11:59 pm, display "all day"*/ if (($('.start_time').text() == '12:00 AM') && ($('.end_time').text() == '11:59 PM')) { $('.end_time').hide(); $('.time_dash').hide(); $('.start_time').text('All day') } /* If the end time is the same as the start time, hide the end time */ if ($('.start_time').text() == $('.end_time').text()) { $('.end_time').hide(); $('.time_dash').hide(); } /*If the recurrence is 'never' or 'Ad-Hoc', hide recurrence information*/ if (($('.recurrence').text() == 'Never') || ($('.recurrence').text() == 'Ad-Hoc')) { $('.recur_info').hide(); } /*If the recurrence is not 'Ad-Hoc', hide the ad-hoc dates*/ if ($('.recurrence').text() != 'Ad-Hoc') { $('.ad-hoc_dates').hide(); } }); </script> <p class="category_header">Student Organizations</p> <h3 class="event-title">HEOR Internship Panel</h3> <!-- Folder path to this event: Calendar / Events / Student Organization Events--> <div class="eventdatetimeplace fulltext"> <p><span class="start_date">Tuesday, November 12, 2024</span><span class="date_dash"> - </span><span class="end_date">Tuesday, November 12, 2024</span> <!-- navigation object : Events - Generate Standalone iCal --> <a class="ical-download-link" href="">Add to my calendar</a> <span class="ad-hoc_dates"> </span> <span class="recur_info"><br />Recurs every <span class="recurrence" style="text-transform:lowercase;">Never</span> until </span> <br /><span class="start_time">12:00 PM</span><span class="time_dash"> - </span><span class="end_time">1:00 PM</span> <br />Virtual </p> </div> <span class="full_desc"><span class="event_image"><img src="" width="400" height="183" alt="UMB ISPOR Student Chapter HERO Internship Panel" /></span><p>Wondering how to land an internship in Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)? Join us to hear from fellow PhD students who recently wrapped up summer internships and are excited to share their experiences!</p> <p>Our panelists represent a diverse range of internship experiences across different sectors of the HEOR field, including pharmaceutical/biotechnology company, consulting, and non-profit research institute.</p> <p>Whether you're just starting your internship search or looking to optimize your application strategy, this event is a great opportunity to gain practical advice and insider tips from students who’ve been through it!</p> <p><strong>Panelists</strong><br />Dominique Seo<br />University of Maryland, Baltimore<br />HEOR Intern at Ionis Pharmaceuticals</p> <p>Uzma Pathan<br />University of Maryland, Baltimore<br />HEOR Intern at Stratevi</p> <p>Godwin Okoye<br />University of Texas at Austin<br />HEOR Strategy - Neuroscience Intern at AbbVie (2023)<br />Global Evidence and Outcomes - Oncology Intern at Takeda (2024)</p> <p>Hui-Hsuan Chan<br />University of Washington<br />Health Economics Intern at the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review</p> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">RSVP today</a></strong> and get ready to kickstart your internship journey.</p></span> <p class="umb_light">Organized by <a href="">Lynn Huang</a></p> <div class="calendar_clearfix"></div></div><div id="calendar_column"><div class="calendar_box"><table summary="Calendar of Events"><thead><tr role="presentation"><th role="presentation"><a href=""><</a></th><th colspan="5" role="presentation"><a href="" >November 2024</a></th><th role="presentation"><a href="">></a></th></tr><tr><th scope="col">M </th><th scope="col">T </th><th scope="col">W </th><th scope="col">T </th><th scope="col">F </th><th scope="col">S </th><th scope="col">S </th></tr></thead><tr><td class="fillday hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="October 28, 2024" >28</a></td><td class="fillday hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="October 29, 2024" >29</a></td><td class="fillday hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="October 30, 2024" >30</a></td><td class="fillday hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="October 31, 2024" >31</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 1, 2024" >01</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 2, 2024" >02</a></td><td class="thismonth">03</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 4, 2024" >04</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 5, 2024" >05</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 6, 2024" >06</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 7, 2024" >07</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 8, 2024" >08</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 9, 2024" >09</a></td><td class="thismonth">10</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 11, 2024" >11</a></td><td class="thismonth viewrange hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 12, 2024" >12</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 13, 2024" >13</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 14, 2024" >14</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 15, 2024" >15</a></td><td class="thismonth">16</td><td class="thismonth">17</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 18, 2024" >18</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 19, 2024" >19</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 20, 2024" >20</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 21, 2024" >21</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 22, 2024" >22</a></td><td class="thismonth">23</td><td class="thismonth">24</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 25, 2024" >25</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 26, 2024" >26</a></td><td class="thismonth today hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 27, 2024" >27</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 28, 2024" >28</a></td><td class="thismonth">29</td><td class="thismonth">30</td><td class="fillday">01</td></tr></table></div><div id = "view_switchers"><a href="">Day</a> | <a href="">Week</a> | <a href="">Month</a> | <a href="">Year</a> | <a href="">All</a></div> <div id="jumptoform"> <form method="get" action=""> <fieldset><legend> </legend> <label for="month">Go To:</label> <br /> <select name="month"> <option value="1">January</option><option value="2"> February</option><option value="3"> March</option><option value="4"> April</option><option value="5"> May</option><option value="6"> June</option><option value="7"> July</option><option value="8"> August</option><option value="9"> September</option><option value="10"> October</option><option 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