The Talk.Origins Archive: Flood Geology FAQs

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This article describes nearly a hundred flood myths originating from cultures all over the globe.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/ark-hoax.html">Sun Pictures and the Noah's Ark Hoax</a></b></dt> <dd>In 1993, CBS aired a purported documentary called <i>The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark</i>. The show's producers, however, were the victims of a hoax.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/paluxy.html">"Man Tracks?": The Paluxy River Footprint Controversy</a></b></dt> <dd>For many years, creationists claimed that a set of human tracks were found alongside dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy riverbed near Glen Rose, Texas. However, due in large part to the diligent investigative and scientific work of Glen Kuban, even most creationists now doubt the authenticity of the "man tracks".<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/polystrate.html">"Polystrate" Fossils</a></b></dt> <dd>Creationists and catastrophists have attempted to justify a global flood by claiming that there are fossils cutting through many geological strata. A number of so-called "polystrate" fossils are examined here.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/woodmorappe-review.html">Review of John Woodmorappe's "Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study"</a></b></dt> <dd>Creationist John Woodmorappe has given himself the daunting task of making the biblical flood myth seem plausible. As this review illustrates, he was not entirely successful.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/coalprints.html">Dinosaur Prints in Coal</a></b></dt> <dd>A set of dinosaur footprints located in a coal seam raises some difficult questions for creationists who believe in a catastrophic global flood.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/mtsthelens.html">Coal Beds, Creationism, and Mt. St. Helens</a></b></dt> <dd>Many creationists argue that Spirit Lake near Mount St. Helens proves that coal could have formed in a short period of time following a catastrophic global flood. This article challenges the creationist coal formation scenario.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/geocolumn">The Geologic Column and its Implications for the Flood</a></b></dt> <dd>Young-earth creationists often claim that the geologic column -- the sequence of rocks that document Earth's ancient history -- is cobbled together from bits and pieces of scanty and unreliable evidence. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the entire geologic column can be observed from top to bottom in several locales, including North Dakota, as this article describes.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/ashfall.html">Is the Devonian Chattanooga Shale Really a Volcanic Ash-Fall Deposit?</a></b></dt> <dd>Some creationists contend that large shale deposits are the result of a volcanic activity during the Bible's catastrophic global flood, but their contentions are contradicted by the physical evidence.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/canopy.html">The Vapor Canopy Hypothesis Holds No Water</a></b></dt> <dd>Jehovah's Witnesses and a number of creationists have claimed that water vapor formed a global canopy in the Earth's upper atmosphere prior to the great flood. This article examines a few of the physical difficulties presented by such a hypothesis.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/lewis-overthrust.html">Geology in Error?: The Lewis Thrust</a></b></dt> <dd>Creationists often claim that geological strata are found out of order. What they fail to understand is that the phenomenon of overthrusting is the cause. This article explains the concept and alludes to an example popular among creationists: the Lewis Thrust.<br /> <br /> </dd> <dt><b><a href="/faqs/lewis">Thrust Faults and the Lewis Overthrust</a></b></dt> <dd>Thrusting that occurs along fault lines can sometimes invert the order rock strata are usually found in. This article refutes several common creationist arguments relating to thrust faults, including some specific claims about the best-known example, the Lewis Thrust.<br /><br /><br /></dd> </dl> <!-- begin trailer --> <map id="trailermap" name="trailermap"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,96,27" href="/" alt="" /> <area shape="rect" coords="97,0,191,27" href="/origins/faqs.html" alt="" /> <area shape="rect" coords="192,0,287,27" href="/origins/search.html" alt="" /> <area shape="rect" coords="288,0,383,27" href="/origins/feedback/" alt="" /> <area shape="rect" coords="384,0,481,27" href="/origins/other-links.html" alt="" /> </map> <center> <p><img src="/pictures/trailer.gif" usemap="#trailermap" width="481" height="28" alt="" border="0" ismap="ismap" /> </p> <p><small><a href="/">Home Page</a> | <a href="/origins/faqs.html">Browse</a> | <a href="/origins/search.html">Search</a> | <a href="/origins/feedback/">Feedback</a> | <a href="/origins/other-links.html">Links</a></small></p> </center> <!-- end trailer --> </body> </html>

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