Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Content Summary of the Household Interview

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The sampling frame is drawn from respondents to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), which is conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. For example, Panel 26 sample persons were drawn from the 2020 NHIS while Panel 27 sample persons were drawn from the 2021 NHIS. </p> <p class="contentStyle"> The MEPS-HC collects data from a nationally representative sample of households, where a new panel of sample households is selected each year. Historically, each surveyed household was interviewed five times (rounds) over a two-year period, which provides continuous and current estimates of health care expenditures at both the person and household level. However, in the spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic created significant challenges to in-person data collection. To offset the decrease in the number of cases for 2020 data, Panels 23 and 24 were extended to nine rounds (four years) of data collection. </p> <p class="contentStyle"> The chart below illustrates the timing and relationship between panels, rounds, and calendar years. For example, looking at the data collection by panel, Panel 25 consists of five rounds of interviews, with Rounds 1-3 providing data for 2020 and Rounds 3-5 providing data for 2021. Looking at the data collection by year, data for the year 2022 consists of data collected from Rounds 7-9 of Panel 24, Rounds 3-5 of Panel 26, and Rounds 1-3 of Panel 27. </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="panel_design_2024.jpg" style="width: 688px; height: auto;" alt="The chart displays the timing and relationship between panels, rounds, and calendar years. The data collection by panel/round: Panel 24 consists of seven rounds of interviews; Rounds 3-5 providing data for 2020, Rounds 5- 7 providing data for 2021, and Rounds 7-9 providing data for 2022. Panel 25 consists of five rounds of interviews; with Rounds 1-3 providing data for 2020 and Rounds 3-5 providing data for 2021. Panel 26 consists of five rounds of interviews; with Rounds 1-3 providing data for 2021 and Rounds 3-5 providing data for 2022. Panel 27 consists of five rounds of interviews; with Rounds 1-3 providing data for 2022 and Rounds 3-5 providing data for 2023. Panel 28 consists of three rounds of interviews in 2023 (Rounds 1-3)."> </p> <p class="contentStyle"> Each round of MEPS-HC interviews collects information pertaining to a specific time period called a reference period. Using Panel 25 as an example, the reference period for the first interview of Panel 25 began on January 1, 2020, and ended on the date of each reporting unit's Round 1 interview. The reference periods for Rounds 2-5 varied from household to household and covered the time between interview dates of the previous round and the current round. </p> <p class="contentStyle"> MEPS is a large-scale and comprehensive data collection effort that includes many types of survey questions, some of which only pertain to subsets of the diverse respondents participating in the survey. To accommodate the extensive array of questions covered, yet minimize the number of questions asked of each respondent, data are collected using an intricate system of skip patterns and questionnaire modules grouped into sections. Some sections are included in every round of data collection, while other sections are only included in one or two rounds. </p> <p class="contentStyle"> Any single question must be considered within the context of the skip patterns incorporated into the questionnaire. Some questions appear in several potential paths because of the variety of skip patterns that lead to the question. The question is only asked when the skip pattern determines that it should be asked of that respondent. Items asking the same question of various respondents typically map back to a single variable in the database. </p> <p class="contentStyle">Click <a href="../survey_comp/survey.jsp">here</a> to go to the MEPS-HC survey questionnaires. Click <a href="../survey_comp/household.jsp">here</a> to go to the MEPS-HC Survey Basics.</p> </div> <br /> <p width="622" height="55" valign="top" class="sectionDividerGreyTop"> <span class="smallBlack">Suggested Citation:<br /> MEPS-HC Panel Design and Collection Process, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, Md. <a href="../survey_comp/hc_data_collection.jsp"></a></span></p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><!-- Footer graphic 1.2--><!-- Footer links section --> <table role="presentation" width="765" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3"><table role="presentation" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="15" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="sectionDividerGreyDotted"><div align="right"> </div></td></tr> <tr> <td height="25" bgcolor="#FBFBFB"><div align="center" class="smallGreen"> <a href="/mepsweb/">MEPS HOME</a> . <a href="/mepsweb/communication/contact.jsp">CONTACT MEPS</a> . <a 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