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Where XYZ must consist of en alphabetic characters [A-Za-z]. ]=] return { titles = { main = { default = 'Countries of Europe', af = 'Lande van Europa', am = 'የአውሮፓ ሀገሮች', ar = 'بلدان أوروبا', az = 'Avropa ölkələri', be = 'Краіны Еўропы', ['be-tarask'] = 'Краіны Эўропы', bg = 'Европейски държави', bn = 'ইউরোপের দেশসমূহ', br = 'Stadoù Europa', bs = 'Države u Evropi', ca = 'Països d’Europa', ceb = 'Mga nasud sa Europe', co = 'Paesi d’Europa', crh = 'Avropadaki memleketler', cs = 'Státy Evropy', cy = 'Gwledydd Ewrop', da = 'Lande i Europa', de = 'Staaten in Europa', -- dsb = '', el = 'Ευρωπαϊκά κράτη', en = 'Countries of Europe', eo = 'Landoj de Eŭropo', es = 'Países de Europa', et = 'Euroopa maad', eu = 'Europako herrialdeak', fa = 'کشورهای اروپا', fi = 'Euroopan maat', fr = 'Pays d’Europe', fy = 'Lannen fan Europa', ga = 'Tíortha na hEorpa', gd = 'Dùthchannan na Roinn Eòrpa', gl = 'Países de Europa', gu = 'યુરોપના દેશો', ha = 'Kasashen Turai', haw = 'Nā’āina oʻEulopa', he = 'מדינות אירופה', hi = 'यूरोप के देश', hmn = 'Lub teb chaws Europe', hr = 'Države u Europi', hsb = 'Staty w Europje', ht = 'Peyi nan Ewòp', hu = 'Európa országai', hy = 'Եվրոպայի երկրներ', id = 'Negara-negara Eropa', ig = 'Mba Europe', is = 'Lönd Evrópu', it = 'Paesi d’Europa', ja = 'ヨーロッパ諸国', jv = 'Negara-negara Eropah', ka = 'ევროპის ქვეყნები', kk = 'Еуропа елдері', km = 'បណ្តាប្រទេសអឺរ៉ុប។', kn = 'ಯುರೋಪ್ನ ದೇಶಗಳು', ko = '유럽 국가', ku = 'Welatên Ewropayê', ky = 'Европа Өлкөлөр', la = 'Terris in Europa', lb = 'Länner vun Europa', lo = 'ປະເທດຂອງເອີຣົບ', lt = 'Europos valstybės', lv = 'Eiropas valstis', mg = 'Firenena Eoropa', mi = 'Tuhinga o mua', mk = 'Земји во Европа', ml = 'യൂറോപ്പിലെ രാജ്യങ്ങൾ', mn = 'Европын улсууд', mr = 'युरोप देश', ms = 'Negara-negara Eropah', mt = 'Pajjiżi t ’al-Ewropa', mwl = 'Paízes de la Ouropa', my = 'ဥရောပနိုင်ငံများ', nb = 'Land i Europa', ne = 'युरोपका देशहरू', nl = 'Land in Europa', nn = 'Land i Europa', no = 'Land i Europa', ny = 'Mayiko a ku Europe', pa = 'ਯੂਰਪ ਦੇ ਦੇਸ਼', pl = 'Państwa Europy', ps = 'د اروپا هیوادونه', pt = 'Países da Europa', ro = 'Țări în Europa', ru = 'Страны Европы', sd = 'يورپ جي ملڪن', sh = 'Države Evrope', si = 'යුරෝපීය රටවල්', sk = 'Štáty v Európe', sl = 'Države v Evropi', sn = 'Nyika dzeEurope', so = 'dalalka Yurub', sq = 'Shtete në Evropë', sr = 'Државе у Европи', ['sr-latn'] = 'Države u Evropi', st = 'Linaha tsa Europe', su = 'Nagara Éropa', sv = 'Europas länder', sw = 'Nchi za Ulaya', ta = 'ஐரோப்பாவின் நாடுகள்', te = 'ఐరోపా దేశాలు', tg = 'Кишварҳои Аврупо', th = 'ประเทศในยุโรป', tl = 'Mga bansa sa Europa', tok = 'ma mute pi ma Elopa', tr = 'Avrupa ülkeleri', uk = 'Країни Європи', ur = 'یورپ کے ممالک', uz = 'Evropa mamlakatlari', vi = 'Các nước châu Âu', xh = 'Amazwe aseYurophu', yi = 'לענדער פון אייראָפּע', ['zh-hans'] = '欧洲国家', ['zh-hant'] = '歐洲國家', zu = 'Amazwe aseYurophu', }, uknations = { default = 'Nations of the United Kingdom', bn = 'যুক্তরাজ্যের দেশসমূহ', en = 'Nations of the United Kingdom', }, specific = { default = 'Specific status', af = 'Spesifieke status', am = 'የተወሰነ ሁኔታ', ar = 'حالة محددة', az = 'Xüsusi status', be = 'Асаблівы статус', ['be-tarask'] = 'Асаблівы статус', bg = 'Специфичен статус', bn = 'বিশেষ মর্যাদা', -- br = '', bs = 'Specifičan status', ca = 'Estatut específic', ceb = 'Piho nga kahimtang', co = 'Statutu identitariu', -- crh = '', cs = 'Specifický status', cy = 'Statws penodol', da = 'Specifikke status', de = 'Spezifischer Status', -- dsb = '', el = 'Συγκεκριμένη κατάσταση', en = 'Specific status', eo = 'Specifa statuso', es = 'Estatus específicos', et = 'Konkreetne staatus', eu = 'Status espezifikoa', fa = 'وضعیت خاص', fi = 'Erityisstatus', fr = 'Statuts particuliers', fy = 'Spesifike status', ga = 'Stádas ar leith', gd = 'Sònraichte inbhe', gl = 'Estatuto específico', gu = 'ચોક્કસ સ્થિતિ', ha = 'Musamman matsayi', haw = 'Kekahi kūlana', he = 'מצב ספציפי', hi = 'विशिष्ट स्थिति', hr = 'Specifičnih statusa', -- hsb = '', ht = 'Sitiyasyon espesifik', hu = 'Különleges státuszú terület', hy = 'հատուկ կարգավիճակը', id = 'Status tertentu', ig = 'Kpọmkwem ọnọdụ', is = 'Sérstakar staðsetningar', it = 'Entità particolari', ja = '特定のステータス', jv = 'Status tartamtu', ka = 'სპეციფიკური სტატუსი', kk = 'нақты мәртебесі', km = 'ស្ថានភាពជាក់លាក់', kn = 'ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ', ko = '특정 상태', ku = 'Statûya taybet', ky = 'Конкреттүү бир абалы', la = 'Certis statum', lb = 'Spezifesch Status', lo = 'ສະຖານະພາບສະເພາະໃດຫນຶ່ງ', lt = 'Konkrečias statusas', lv = 'Īpašais statuss', mg = 'Sata manokana', mi = 'Te tūnga motuhake', mk = 'Посебен статус', ml = 'നിർദ്ദിഷ്ട പദവി', mn = 'Онцгой байдал', mr = 'विशिष्ट स्थिती', ms = 'Status tertentu', mt = 'Status speċifiku', mwl = 'Statuto specífico', my = 'သတ်သတ်မှတ်မှတ်အဆင့်အတန်း', nb = 'Spesifikk status', ne = 'विशिष्ट स्थिति', nl = 'Specifieke status', nn = 'Spesifikk status', no = 'Spesifikk status', ny = 'Udindo specific', pa = 'ਖਾਸ ਸਥਿਤੀ', pl = 'Konkretnych statusów', ps = 'ځانګړی حیثیت', pt = 'Estatuto específico', ro = 'Statute specifice', ru = 'Специальный статус', sd = 'مخصوص حيثيت', sh = 'Poseban status', si = 'විශේෂිත තත්ත්වය', sk = 'Špecifických stavov', sl = 'Poseben status', sm = 'Tulaga faapitoa', sn = 'Chaizvo chinzvimbo', so = 'Xaaladda gaarka ah', sq = 'Statuse specifike', sr = 'Посебан статус', ['sr-latn'] = 'Poseban status', st = 'Boemo ba itseng', su = 'Status husus', sv = 'Specifik status', sw = 'Hali kwa maalum', ta = 'குறிப்பிட்ட நிலை', te = 'నిర్దిష్ట స్థితి', tg = 'Мақоми махсус', th = 'สถานะเฉพาะ', tl = 'Tiyak na kalagayan', tr = 'Özel durum', uk = 'Спеціальний статус', ur = 'مخصوص کی حیثیت', uz = "O'ziga xos holati", vi = 'Tình trạng cụ thể', xh = 'Isimo ethile', yi = 'ספּעציפיש סטאַטוס', yo = 'Kan pato ipo', ['zh-hans'] = '特定状态', ['zh-hant'] = '特定狀態', zu = 'Isimo ethize', }, limited = { default = 'Limited recognition', af = 'Beperkte erkenning', am = 'የተገደበ እውቅና', ar = 'اعتراف محدود', az = 'Məhdud tanınma', be = 'Абмежаваную прызнанне', ['be-tarask'] = 'Абмежаванае прызнаньне', bg = 'Ограничено признаване', bn = 'সীমিত স্বীকৃতি', bs = 'Ograničeno priznanje', ca = 'Reconeixement limitat', ceb = 'Limitado nga pagkilala', co = 'Recunerazione limitata', cs = 'Omezené uznání', cy = 'Cydnabyddiaeth gyfyngedig', da = 'Begrænset anerkendelse', de = 'Begrenzte Anerkennung', el = 'Περιορισμένη αναγνώριση', en = 'Limited recognition', eo = 'Limigita rekono', es = 'Reconocimiento limitado', et = 'Osaliselt tunnustatud', eu = 'Onarpen mugatua', fa = 'شناخت محدود', fi = 'Osittain tunnustettu', fr = 'Reconnaissance limitée', fy = 'Begrűde erkenning', ga = 'Aitheantas teoranta', gd = 'Aitheantas cuibhrichte', gl = 'Recoñecemento limitado', gu = 'મર્યાદિત માન્યતા', ha = 'Ƙididdigar iyaka', haw = 'Kaʻike kūpono', he = 'הכרה מוגבלת', hi = 'सीमित मान्यता', hmn = 'Tsuas paub ntau dua', hr = 'Ograničeno priznanje', ht = 'Rekonesans limite', hu = 'Korlátozott elismerés', hy = 'Սահմանափակ ճանաչում', id = 'Pengakuan terbatas', ig = 'Njirimara ole na ole', is = 'Takmarkaður viðurkenning', it = 'Entità a riconoscimento limitato', ja = '限定認識', jv = 'Pangenalan sing winates', ka = 'ნაწილობრივ აღიარება', kk = 'Шектеулі тану', km = 'ការទទួលស្គាល់មានកម្រិត។', kn = 'ಸೀಮಿತ ಮಾನ್ಯತೆ', ko = '제한된 인정', ku = 'Nasnameyê sînor e', ky = 'Чектелген деп таануу', la = 'Stricto agnitio', lb = 'Begrenzter Unerkennung', lo = 'ການຈໍາກັດການຈໍາກັດ', lt = 'Ribotas pripažinimas', lv = 'Ierobežota atzīšana', mg = 'Fankasitrahana voafetra', mi = 'Ko te mohiotanga iti', mk = 'Делумно признаени', ml = 'പരിമിതമായ അംഗീകാരം', mn = 'Хязгаарлагдмал хүлээн зөвшөөрөлт', mr = 'मर्यादित ओळख', ms = 'Pengiktirafan terhad', mt = 'Rikonoxximent limitat', mwl = 'Recoincimiento lhemitado', my = 'ကန့်သတ်အသိအမှတ်ပြုမှု', nb = 'Begrenset anerkjennelse', ne = 'सीमित पहिचान', nl = 'Beperkte erkenning', nn = 'Avgrensa anerkjenning', no = 'Begrenset anerkjennelse', pa = 'ਸੀਮਿਤ ਮਾਨਤਾ', pl = 'Ograniczone uznanie', ps = 'محدود پېژندل', pt = 'Reconhecimento limitado', ro = 'Recunoaștere limitată', ru = 'Частичное признание', sd = 'محدود تسليم', sh = 'Ograničeno priznanje', si = 'සීමිත පිළිගැනීමක්', sk = 'Obmedzené uznanie', sl = 'Omejeno priznanje', sm = 'Faʻatapulaʻaina le aloaia', sn = 'Kuchengetedzwa kwemadiki', so = 'Aqoonsi xadidan', sq = 'Njohja e kufizuar', sr = 'Ограничено признање', ['sr-latn'] = 'Ograničeno priznanje', st = 'Ho amoheloa ka molao', su = 'Pangakuan kawates', sv = 'Begränsat erkännande', sw = 'Utambuzi mdogo', ta = 'வரையறுக்கப்பட்ட அங்கீகாரம்', te = 'లిమిటెడ్ గుర్తింపు', tg = 'Қабули маҳдуд', th = 'การรับรู้ที่ จำกัด', tl = 'Limitadong pagkilala', tr = 'Sınırlı tanınma', uk = 'Обмежене визнання', ur = 'محدود شناخت', uz = 'Cheklangan tan olinishi', vi = 'Nhận dạng hạn chế', xh = 'Ukuqaphela okukodwa', yi = 'לימיטעד דערקענונג', yo = 'Ilana ti a lopin', ['zh-hans'] = '有限承认', ['zh-hant'] = '有限承認', zu = 'Ukuqaphela okulinganiselwe', }, partly = { default = 'partly located in Europe', ar = 'تقع جزئيا في أوروبا', ['be-tarask'] = 'часткова знаходзяцца ў Эўропе', bn = 'আংশিকভাবে ইউরোপে অবস্থিত', ca = 'parcialment a Europa', cs = 'částečně v Evropě', de = 'teilweise in Europa', en = 'partly located in Europe', eo = 'parte en Eŭropo', es = 'parcialmente ubicado en Europa', eu = 'neurri batean Europan kokatua', fa = 'تا حدودی در اروپا قرار دارد', fi = 'sijainti vain osittain Euroopassa', fr = 'situé partiellement en Europe', he = 'הממוקם בחלקו באירופה', hu = 'részben európai', is = 'að hluta til í Evrópu', it = 'in parte situato in Europa', ja = '一部ヨーロッパにある', kk = 'ішінара Еуропада орналасқан', ko = '유럽에 부분적으로 위치', lv = 'daļēji atrodas Eiropā', mk = 'делумно во Европа', ml = 'ഭാഗികമായി യൂറോപ്പിൽ സ്ഥിതി ചെയ്യുന്നവ', nb = 'delvis i Europa', nl = 'deels gelegen in Europa', nn = 'delvis i Europa', no = 'delvis i Europa', pl = 'częściowo położone w Europie', pt = 'parcialmente localizado na Europa', ru = 'частично находится в Европе', sh = 'djelomično u Evropi', si = 'යුරෝපය තුළ අර්ධ වශයෙන් පිහිටා ඇත', sl = 'delno v Evropi', sr = 'делимично смештене у Европи', ['sr-latn'] = 'delimično smeštene u Evropi', tr = 'kısmen Avrupa’da bulunan', uk = 'частково розташовані в Європі', ['zh-hans'] = '部分位于欧洲', ['zh-hant'] = '部分位於歐洲', zu = 'ingxenye eyatholakala eYurophu', }, }, pattern = { { '<div lang="{lang}" dir="{dir}" class="catlinks navigation-not-searchable"' .. ' style="clear:none;margin:2px 0;padding:2px;font-size:88%;line-height:normal">', 'mainlist', 'specificlist', 'limitedlist', }, { '<em>{maintitle}{colon}</em>', { 'maintitle','mainlist', }, }, '{mainlist}', { '<br /> ', { 'mainlist', 'specificlist', }, { 'mainlist', 'limitedlist', }, }, { '<em>{specifictitle}{colon}</em>', { 'specifictitle', 'specificlist', }, }, '{specificlist}', { '&nbsp;– ', { 'specificlist', 'limitedlist', }, }, { '<em>{limitedtitle}{colon}</em>', { 'limitedtitle', 'limitedlist', }, }, '{limitedlist}', { '<br /> <small style="font-size:87%"><sup>‡</sup></small>{colon}<em>{partlytitle}</em>', 'partlylist', }, { '</div>', 'mainlist', 'specificlist', 'limitedlist', }, }, lists = { -- List of countries in an order suitable for display in the specified language. main = { default = 'automatic sorted', english = 'automatic', automatic = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BY BE BA BG HR CY CZ DK EE FI FR GE DE GR HU IS IE IT KZ LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI ES SE CH TR UA GB VA', az = 'AL DE AD AT AZ GB BE BY BG BA CZ DK AM EE FI FR GE IE IS ES SE CH IT KZ CY LU LV LT LI HU MK MT MD MC ME NL NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI TR UA VA HR GR', ['be-tarask'] = 'AZ AL AD AM AT BG BY BA BE VA HU GB ES GE GR DK IE IS IT KZ CY LV LT LI LU MK MD MT MC NO NL DE PT PL RU RO SM SK SI RS TR UA FI FR HR ME CZ CH SE EE', be = 'AZ AL AD AM AT BG BY BE BA VA HU GB DE GE GR DK EE IE IS ES IT KZ CY LV LT LI LU MK MD MT MC NO NL PT PL RU RO SM RS SK SI TR UA FR FI HR ME CZ CH SE', bg = 'AT AZ AL AD AM BY BE BA BG VA DE GE GR DK EE IE IS ES IT KZ CY LV LT LI LU MT MD MC NL NO GB PL PT RO RU SM MK SK SI RS TR UA HU FI FR HR ME CZ CH SE', br = 'DE AL AD AT AM AZ BY BE BA FR BG DK EE FI GR HU IE IS IT NL GE KZ CY HR LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO PL PT GB RO RU SM RS SK SI ES SE CH CZ TR UA VA', bs = 'AL AD AT AZ BE BY BA BG ME CZ DK AM EE FI FR GR GE NL HR IE IS IT KZ CY LV LI LT LU HU MK MT MD MC DE NO PL PT RO RU SM SK SI ES RS CH SE TR GB UA VA', ca = 'AL DE AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG HR DK SK SI ES EE FI FR GE GR HU IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT GB RO RU SM RS SE CH TR CZ UA VA CY', crh = 'DE AD AL AT AZ BY BE BA BG GB CZ DK AM EE NL FI FR GE HR IE IS ES SE CH IT KZ KY LV PL LI LT LU HU MK MT MD MC ME NO PT RO RU SM RS SK SI TR UA VA GR', cs = 'AL AD AM AZ BE BY BA BG ME CZ DK EE FI FR GE HR IE IS IT KZ CY LI LT LV LU HU MT MD MC DE NL NO PL PT AT GR RO RU SM MK SK SI GB RS ES SE CH TR UA VA', csb = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG HR CY ME CZ DK EE FI FR GR GE IE IS IT KZ LT LI LU LV MK HU MT DE MD MC NL NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI ES CH SE TR UA VA GB', da = 'AL AD AM AZ BE BA BG CY DK EE FI FR GE GR BY IE IS IT KZ HR LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO AT PL PT RO RU SM CH RS SK SI ES GB SE CZ TR DE UA HU VA', de = 'AL AD AM AZ BY BE BA BG DK DE EE FI FR GE GR IE IS IT KZ HR LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO AT PL PT RO RU SM SE CH RS SK SI ES CZ TR UA HU VA GB CY', el = 'AZ AL AD AM AT BE MK BA BG FR DE GE DK CH GR EE GB IE IS ES IT KZ HR CY LV BY LT LI LU MT ME MD MC NO NL HU UA VA PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI SE TR CZ FI', en = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BY BE BA BG HR CY CZ DK EE FI FR GE DE GR HU IS IE IT KZ LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI ES SE CH TR UA GB VA', eo = 'AL AD AM AZ AT BE BY BA BG CZ DK EE FI FR DE GR ES HU IE IS IT KZ GE CY HR LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI SE CH TR UA GB VA', es = 'AL DE AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG CZ CY HR DK SK SI ES EE FI FR GE GR HU IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT GB RO RU SM RS SE CH TR UA VA', et = 'AL AD AM AZ AT BE BA BG EE GE ES NL HR IE IS IT KZ GR CY LT LI LU LV MT MD MC ME NO MK PL PT FR SE RO DE SM RS SK SI FI GB CH DK CZ TR UA HU BY VA RU', eu = 'AL DE AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG DK GB RO RU SK SI ES EE FI FR GE GR NL HU MK IE IS IT KZ HR LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NO PL PT SM RS SE CH TR CZ UA VA CY', fi = 'NL AL AD AM AZ BE BA BG ES GE IE IS IT KZ AT GR HR CY LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NO MK PT PL FR RO SE DE SM RS SK SI FI CH DK CZ TR UA HU BY VA RU EE GB', fr = 'AL DE AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG HR CY DK ES EE FI FR GE GR HU IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT RO GB RU SM RS SK SI SE CH CZ TR UA VA', ga = 'AM AL AD AZ BY BE BA BG CY HR DK EE CH IE FI FR DE GR IT KZ NO IS NL LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME AT PL PT GB RO RU SM CZ ES RS GE SI SK SE TR UA HU VA', gl = 'AL DE AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG CZ CY HR DK SK SI ES EE FI FR GE GR HU IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT GB RO RU SM RS SE CH TR UA VA', he = 'AT UA AZ IT IS IE AL AD EE AM BG BA BY BE GE DE DK NL HU GB TR GR LU LV LT LI MC ME MT MK NO SI SK SM ES RS PL PT FI FR KZ CZ CY HR VA RO RU MD SE CH', hr = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG CY ME CZ DK EE FI FR GE GR HR IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU HU MT MD MC NL DE NO PL PT RO RU SM MK SK SI ES RS SE CH TR GB UA VA', hsb = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BG BA CZ HR ME CY DK EE FI FR GE GR IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU HU MT MD MC DE NL NO PL PT RO RU SM RS MK SK SI ES SE CH TR UA VA GB', hu = 'AL AD AT AZ BE BA BG CY CZ DK GB MK EE BY FI FR GR GE NL HR IE IS KZ PL LV LI LT LU HU MT MD MC ME DE NO IT RU AM PT RO SM ES CH SE RS SK SI TR UA VA', hy = 'AZ AL AD AT BY BE BA BG DE DK EE TR IE IS ES IT LV PL LI LT LU KZ HR CY AM GR HU MT MK GB MD MC ME NL NO SE CH UA CZ PT RO RU SM RS SK SI VA GE FI FR', is = 'AL AD AM AZ AT BE BA GB BG DK EE FI FR GE GR NL BY IE IS IT KZ HR CY LV LI LT LU MT MD MC MK NO PT PL RO RU SM RS SK SI ES ME CH SE CZ TR HU UA VA DE', it = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG CY HR DK EE FI FR GE DE GR IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT GB CZ RO RU SM RS SK SI ES SE CH TR UA HU VA', ka = 'AT AZ AL AD BY BE BA BG GB DE DK ES EE VA TR IE IS IT KZ CY LV LT LI LU MK MT MD MC ME NL NO PL PT RO RU GR SM FR GE RS SK SI AM UA HU FI SE CH CZ HR', lt = 'IE AL AD AM AT AZ BY BE BA BG CZ DK EE GR GE IS ES IT GB ME KZ CY HR LV PL LI LT LU MT MD MC NO NL PT FR RO RU SM RS SK SI FI MK SE CH TR UA VA HU DE', lv = 'AL AD GB AM AT AZ BY BE BA BG CZ DK FR GR GE HR EE IT IE IS KZ CY RU LV LT LI LU MT ME MD MC NL NO PL PT RO SM RS SK SI FI ES CH TR UA HU DE VA MK SE', mk = 'AT AZ AL AD BE BY BA BG VA DE GE GR DK AM EE IE IS IT KZ CY LV LT LI LU MK MT MD MC NO GB PL PT RO RU SM SK SI RS TR UA HU FI FR NL HR ME CZ CH SE ES', mt = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG CZ CY DK EE FI FR GE DE GR IT IE IS KZ HR LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT GB RO RU SM RS SK SI ES TR UA HU VA SE CH', nb = 'AL AD AM AZ BY BE BA BG DK EE FI FR GE GR IE IS IT KZ HR CY LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI ES GB CH SE CZ TR DE UA HU VA AT', nl = 'AL AD AM AZ BE BA BG CY DK DE EE FI FR GE GR HU IE IS IT KZ HR LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO UA AT PL PT RO RU SM RS SI SK ES CZ TR VA GB BY SE CH', nn = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BY BE BA BG DK EE FI FR GE GR IE IS IT KZ HR CY LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI ES GB CH SE CZ TR DE UA HU VA', no = 'AL AD AM AZ BY BE BA BG DK EE FI FR GE GR IE IS IT KZ HR CY LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO PL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI ES GB CH SE CZ TR DE UA HU VA AT', pl = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG HR CY ME CZ DK EE FI FR GR GE ES NL IE IS KZ LI LT LU LV MK MT MD MC DE NO PL PT RU RO SM RS SK SI CH SE TR UA VA HU GB IT', pt = 'AL DE AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG CZ CY HR DK SK SI ES EE FI FR GE GR HU IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT GB RO RU SM RS SE CH TR UA VA', ro = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG CZ CY HR DK CH EE FI FR GE DE GR IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU MK MT MD MC ME NO NL PL PT GB RO RU SM RS SK SI ES SE TR UA HU VA', ru = 'AT AZ AL AD AM BY BE BG BA VA GB HU DE GR GE DK IE IS ES IT KZ CY LV LT LI LU MT MD MC NL NO PL PT RU RO SM RS MK SK SI TR UA FI FR HR ME CZ CH SE EE', sh = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA BG ME CZ DK EE FI FR GE GR HR IE IS IT KZ CY LV LI LT LU HU MT MD MC NL DE NO PL PT RO RU SM MK SK SI RS ES SE CH TR GB UA VA', sk = 'AL AD AM AZ BE BY BA BG CY CZ HR ME DK EE FI FR GR GE NL IE IS KZ LI LT LV LU HU MT MD MC DE NO PL PT AT RO RU SM MK SK SI GB RS ES CH SE IT TR UA VA', sl = 'AL AD AM AT AZ BE BY BG BA CZ CY ME DK EE FI FR GE GR HR IE IS IT KZ LV LI LT LU HU MT MD MC DE NL NO PL PT RO RU SM MK SK SI ES RS SE CH TR UA VA GB', sq = 'AD AM AT AZ BE BY BA GB BG CZ DK EE FI FR GE DE GR NL HU IE IS IT KZ HR LV LI LT LU ME MT MK MD MC NO PL PT CY RO RU SM RS AL SK SI ES SE TR UA VA CH', sr = 'AZ AL AD AT BE BY BA BG VA GE GR DK EE IE IS IT KZ AM CY LV LT LI LU HU MK MT MD MC DE NO PL PT RO RU SM SK SI RS TR GB UA FI FR NL HR ME CZ CH SE ES', ['sr-ec'] = 'AZ AL AD AT BE BY BA BG VA GE GR DK EE IE IS IT KZ AM CY LV LT LI LU HU MK MT MD MC DE NO PL PT RO RU SM SK SI RS TR GB UA FI FR NL HR ME CZ CH SE ES', ['sr-cyrl'] = 'AZ AL AD AT BE BY BA BG VA GE GR DK EE IE IS IT KZ AM CY LV LT LI LU HU MK MT MD MC DE NO PL PT RO RU SM SK SI RS TR GB UA FI FR NL HR ME CZ CH SE ES', ['sr-el'] = 'AZ AL AD AT BE BY BA BG CZ ME DK ES EE FI FR GR GE NL HR IE IS IT KZ AM CY LV LT LI LU HU MK MT MD MC DE NO PL PT RO RU SM SK SI RS CH SE TR GB UA VA', ['sr-latn'] = 'AZ AL AD AT BE BY BA BG CZ ME DK ES EE FI FR GR GE NL HR IE IS IT KZ AM CY LV LT LI LU HU MK MT MD MC DE NO PL PT RO RU SM SK SI RS CH SE TR GB UA VA', sv = 'AL AD AM AZ BE BA BG CY DK EE FI FR GE GR IE IS IT KZ HR LV LI LT LU MT MD MC ME NL MK NO PL PT RO RU SM CH RS SK SI ES GB SE CZ TR DE UA HU VA BY AT', tr = 'DE AD AL AT AZ BE BY GB BA BG CZ DK AM EE FI FR GE HR NL IE ES SE CH IT IS KZ CY ME LU LV LI LT HU MK MT MD MC NO PL PT RO RU RS SM SK SI TR UA VA GR', uk = 'AT AZ AL AD BE BY BG BA VA GB AM GR GE DK EE IE IS ES IT KZ CY LV LT LI LU MT MD MC NL DE NO MK PL PT RU RO SM RS SK SI TR HU UA FI FR HR CZ ME CH SE', ['zh-hans'] = 'AL AZ IE EE AD AT BY BG MK BE IS PL BA DK DE RU FR VA FI GE KZ NL ME CZ HR LV LT LI LU RO MT MD MC NO PT SE CH RS CY SM SK SI TR UA ES GR HU AM IT GB', ['zh-hant'] = 'AL IE EE AD AT BY BG MK BE IS PL BA DK DE RU FR VA FI KZ NL CZ HR LV LT LI LU RO MT ME MD MC NO PT GE SE CH RS CY SM SK SI TR UA ES GR HU AM AZ IT GB', ['zh-hk'] = 'AL AZ IE EE AD AT BY BG MK BE IS PL BA DK DE RU FR VA FI GE KZ NL ME CZ HR LV LT LI LU RO MT MD MC NO PT SE CH RS CY SM SK SI TR UA ES GR HU AM IT GB', }, uknations = { default = 'automatic sorted', english = 'automatic', automatic = 'GBXEN GBXNI GBXSC GBXWL', bn = 'GBXEN GBXNI GBXWL GBXSC', en = 'GBXEN GBXNI GBXSC GBXWL', }, specific = { default = 'automatic sorted', english = 'automatic', automatic = 'GBXSB FO GI GG IM JE SV', az = 'GBXSB FO JE GG GI IM SV', ['be-tarask'] = 'GBXSB FO GG GI JE IM SV', be = 'GBXSB FO GG JE IM GI SV', bg = 'GBXSB FO GG JE IM GI SV', bn = 'IM GBXSB GG JE GI FO SV', br = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', bs = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', ca = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', cs = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', crh = 'GBXSB FO JE GG GI IM SV', da = 'GBXSB FO GI GG IM JE SV', de = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', el = 'GBXSB FO GI GG IM JE SV', en = 'GBXSB FO GI GG IM JE SV', eo = 'GBXSB FO GG JE GI IM SV', es = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', et = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', eu = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', fi = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', fr = 'GBXSB GI GG JE IM FO SV', ga = 'GBXSB FO GG JE GI IM SV', gl = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', he = 'GBXSB FO GG JE GI IM SV', hr = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', hsb = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', hu = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', hy = 'GBXSB FO GI GG IM JE SV', is = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', it = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', ka = 'GBXSB FO GI GG IM JE SV', lt = 'GBXSB FO JE GI GG IM SV', lv = 'GBXSB FO JE GI GG IM SV', mk = 'GBXSB FO GG GI IM JE SV', mt = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', nb = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', nl = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', nn = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', no = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', pl = 'GBXSB FO GG GI JE SV IM', pt = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', ro = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', ru = 'GBXSB GG GI JE IM FO SV', sk = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', sl = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', sq = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', sr = 'GBXSB FO JE GG GI IM SV', ['sr-ec'] = 'GBXSB FO JE GG GI IM SV', ['sr-cyrl'] = 'GBXSB FO JE GG GI IM SV', ['sr-el'] = 'GBXSB FO JE GG GI IM SV', ['sr-latn'] = 'GBXSB FO JE GG GI IM SV', sv = 'GBXSB FO GI GG IM JE SV', tr = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', uk = 'GBXSB FO GI GG JE IM SV', ['zh-hans'] = 'GBXSB FO GG IM JE GI SV', ['zh-hant'] = 'FO GG IM GBXSB JE GI SV', ['zh-hk'] = 'GBXSB FO GG IM JE GI SV', }, limited = { default = 'automatic sorted', english = 'automatic', automatic = 'GEAB MDGA RSKM GEXSO MDSN CYXNO CYXUN', ['be-tarask'] = 'GEAB MDGA RSKM GEXSO CYXNO MDSN CYXUN', en = 'GEAB MDGA RSKM GEXSO MDSN CYXNO CYXUN', fr = 'GEAB CYXNO MDGA RSKM GEXSO MDSN CYXUN', tr = 'GEAB MDGA GEXSO RSKM CYXNO MDSN CYXUN', mk = 'GEAB MDGA GEXSO MDSN RSKM CYXNO CYXUN', ru = 'GEAB MDGA CYXUN RSKM MDSN CYXNO GEXSO', ['zh-hans'] = 'GEAB CYXNO MDSN MDGA RSKM GEXSO CYXUN', ['zh-hant'] = 'GEAB CYXNO MDGA RSKM GEXSO MDSN CYXUN', ['zh-hk'] = 'GEAB CYXNO MDSN MDGA RSKM GEXSO CYXUN', }, partly = { -- Not rendered as a list, conditionally rendered as a note (marked by '‡') after each country (see pattern). -- So no need to sort the list for each language, just ordered by code here default = 'automatic', automatic = 'AZ CY CYXNO CYXUN ES GBXSB GE GEAB GEXSO KZ RU TR', }, }, countries = { -- Most codes are from ISO 3166-1, possibly extended (without separator) by ISO3166-2 -- The codes CYXNO, CYXUN, GBXSB, GEXSO are private local extensions. AD = { 'Andorra', qid = 'Q228', }, AL = { 'Albania', qid = 'Q222', }, AM = { 'Armenia', qid = 'Q399', mark = '‡', }, AT = { 'Austria', qid = 'Q40', }, AZ = { 'Azerbaijan', qid = 'Q227', mark = '‡', }, BA = { 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', qid = 'Q225', }, BE = { 'Belgium', qid = 'Q31', }, BG = { 'Bulgaria', qid = 'Q219', }, BY = { 'Belarus', qid = 'Q184', }, CH = { 'Switzerland', qid = 'Q39', }, CY = { 'Cyprus', qid = 'Q229', mark = '‡', }, CYXNO = { 'Northern Cyprus', qid = 'Q23681', mark = '‡', }, CYXUN = { 'UN Buffer Zone in Cyprus', 'United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus', qid = 'Q116970', mark = '‡', the = true, fop = 'United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus', }, CZ = { 'Czech Republic', 'Czechia', 'Česko', qid = 'Q213', the = true, fop = 'Czech Republic', }, DE = { 'Germany', 'Federal Republic of Germany', qid = 'Q183', fop = 'Germany', }, DK = { 'Denmark', qid = 'Q35', }, EE = { 'Estonia', qid = 'Q191', }, ES = { 'Spain', qid = 'Q29', mark = '‡', }, FI = { 'Finland', qid = 'Q33', }, FO = { 'Faroe Islands', qid = 'Q4628', the = true, }, FR = { 'France', qid = 'Q142', mark = '‡', }, GB = { 'United Kingdom', qid = 'Q145', the = true, }, GBXEN = { 'England', qid = 'Q21', }, GBXNI = { 'Northern Ireland', qid = 'Q26', }, GBXSB = { 'Akrotiri and Dhekelia', qid = 'Q37362', mark = '‡', }, GBXSC = { 'Scotland', qid = 'Q22', }, GBXWL = { 'Wales', qid = 'Q25', }, GE = { 'Georgia (country)', 'Georgia', 'საქართველო', qid = 'Q230', mark = '‡', fop = 'Georgia', }, GEAB = { 'Abkhazia', qid = 'Q23334', mark = '‡', }, GEXSO = { 'South Ossetia', qid = 'Q23427', mark = '‡', }, GG = { 'Bailiwick of Guernsey', 'Guernsey', qid = 'Q25230', the = true, fop = 'Bailiwick of Guernsey', }, GI = { 'Gibraltar', qid = 'Q1410', }, GR = { 'Greece', qid = 'Q41', }, HR = { 'Croatia', qid = 'Q224', }, HU = { 'Hungary', qid = 'Q28', }, IE = { 'Republic of Ireland', 'Ireland', 'Ireland - Éire', qid = 'Q27', the = true, fop ='Ireland', }, IM = { 'Isle of Man', qid = 'Q9676', the = true, }, IS = { 'Iceland', qid = 'Q189', }, IT = { 'Italy', qid = 'Q38', }, JE = { 'Jersey', 'Bailiwick of Jersey', qid = 'Q785', the = true, fop ='Jersey', }, KZ = { 'Kazakhstan', qid = 'Q232', mark = '‡', }, LI = { 'Liechtenstein', qid = 'Q347', }, LT = { 'Lithuania', qid = 'Q37', }, LU = { 'Luxembourg', 'Grand Duchy of Luxembourg', qid = 'Q32', fop = 'Luxembourg', }, LV = { 'Latvia', qid = 'Q211', }, MC = { 'Monaco', qid = 'Q235', }, MD = { 'Moldova', qid = 'Q217', }, MDGA = { 'Gagauzia', qid = 'Q164819', fop = 'EXCLUDE', }, MDSN = { 'Transnistria', qid = 'Q907112', }, ME = { 'Montenegro', qid = 'Q236', }, MK = { 'North Macedonia', 'Republic of Macedonia', 'Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia', qid = 'Q221', }, MT = { 'Malta', qid = 'Q233', }, NL = { 'Netherlands', qid = 'Q55', the = true, mark = '‡', }, NO = { 'Norway', qid = 'Q20', }, PL = { 'Poland', qid = 'Q36', }, PT = { 'Portugal', qid = 'Q45', mark = '‡', }, RO = { 'Romania', qid = 'Q218', }, RS = { 'Serbia', qid = 'Q403', }, RSKM = { 'Kosovo', qid = 'Q1246', }, RU = { 'Russia', qid = 'Q159', mark = '‡', }, SE = { 'Sweden', qid = 'Q34', }, SI = { 'Slovenia', qid = 'Q215', }, SK = { 'Slovakia', qid = 'Q214', }, SM = { 'San Marino', qid = 'Q238', }, SV = { 'Svalbard', qid = 'Q25231', }, TR = { 'Turkey', 'Turkiye', 'Türkiye', qid = 'Q43', mark = '‡', }, UA = { 'Ukraine', qid = 'Q212', }, VA = { 'Vatican City', 'Vatican City State', 'Holy See', qid = 'Q237', the = true, fop = 'Vatican City', }, }, } </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Templates used on this page: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Ivory_Coast" class="mw-redirect" title="Ivory Coast">Ivory Coast</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Ivory_Coast&action=edit" class="mw-redirect" title="Ivory Coast">edit</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/The_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo" class="mw-redirect" title="The Democratic Republic of the Congo">The Democratic Republic of the Congo</a> (<a 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