KVAH S枚kresultat

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var TJPzoomoffset='smart'; var currentList = 1; var normalZoom = 3; var zoomLevel = normalZoom; var rotate = 0; var imageNo = 53; var maxImageNo = 342; var maxPageNo = 342; var visibleItems; var zoomLevels = getZoomLevels(); var viewMode = 1; function getWidth() { var myWidth = 0; if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) { //Non-IE myWidth = window.innerWidth; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 4 compatible myWidth = document.body.clientWidth; } return myWidth; } function getHeight() { var myHeight = 0; if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) { //Non-IE myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; 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list1[16] = 2; list1[17] = 3; list1[18] = 4; list1[19] = 5; list1[20] = 6; list1[21] = 7; list1[22] = 8; list1[23] = 9; list1[24] = 10; list1[25] = 11; list1[26] = 12; list1[27] = 13; list1[28] = 14; list1[29] = 15; list1[30] = 16; list1[31] = 17; list1[32] = 18; list1[33] = 19; list1[34] = 20; list1[35] = 21; list1[36] = 22; list1[37] = 23; list1[38] = 24; list1[39] = 25; list1[40] = 26; list1[41] = 27; list1[42] = 28; list1[43] = 29; list1[44] = 30; list1[45] = 31; list1[46] = 32; list1[47] = 33; list1[48] = 34; list1[49] = 35; list1[50] = 36; list1[51] = 37; list1[52] = 38; list1[53] = 39; list1[54] = 40; list1[55] = 41; list1[56] = 42; list1[57] = 43; list1[58] = 44; list1[59] = 45; list1[60] = 46; list1[61] = 47; list1[62] = 48; list1[63] = 49; list1[64] = 50; list1[65] = 51; list1[66] = 52; list1[67] = 53; list1[68] = 54; list1[69] = 55; list1[70] = 56; list1[71] = 57; list1[72] = 58; list1[73] = 59; list1[74] = 60; list1[75] = 61; list1[76] = 62; list1[77] = 63; list1[78] = 64; 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} function getHighResSource(imageNo) { var w = zoomLevels[zoomLevel+2].w; var h = zoomLevels[zoomLevel+2].h; return '/kvah/catview.html;jsessionid=CEC5ABC493BE833C4E600B6217651A2E.node0?method=getHighResImage&imageNo=' + imageNo + '&width=' + w + '&height=' + h + '&rotate=' + rotate + "&key=" + 722; } function updateNavigationButtons() { $('#pageno').val(getPageText(list1[imageNo]) + " (" + imageNo + ")"); if (imageNo == 1) { jQuery('#gotofirst').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); jQuery('#gotominusone').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { jQuery('#gotofirst').removeAttr('disabled'); jQuery('#gotominusone').removeAttr('disabled'); } if (imageNo <= 10) { jQuery('#gotominusten').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { jQuery('#gotominusten').removeAttr('disabled'); } if (imageNo <= 5) { jQuery('#gotominusfive').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { jQuery('#gotominusfive').removeAttr('disabled'); } if (imageNo == maxImageNo) { jQuery('#gotolast').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); jQuery('#gotoplusone').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { jQuery('#gotolast').removeAttr('disabled'); jQuery('#gotoplusone').removeAttr('disabled'); } if (imageNo >= maxImageNo - 11) { jQuery('#gotoplusten').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { jQuery('#gotoplusten').removeAttr('disabled'); } if (imageNo >= maxImageNo - 6) { jQuery('#gotoplusfive').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { jQuery('#gotoplusfive').removeAttr('disabled'); } } function selectImage(goImageNo) { if (viewMode == 4) { goImageNo = Math.round((goImageNo +1)/2) * 2 -1; // 1, 3, 5... } imageNo = Math.min(goImageNo, maxImageNo); jQuery('a img').removeClass('selected'); jQuery('a#a_' + imageNo + ' img').addClass('selected'); updateNavigationButtons(); getDocumentPageInfo(); if (viewMode == 4) { $("#bookview").gotoPage(goImageNo); // use goImageNo since it points to 1 + max at the end which is needed } else { //onepage $('#image').hide(); if($('#image').smartZoom('isPluginActive')) { $('#image').smartZoom('destroy'); } $('#image').attr('src', '/kvah/catview.html;jsessionid=CEC5ABC493BE833C4E600B6217651A2E.node0?method=getImage&imageNo=' + imageNo + '&key=' + 722); // get page //$('#image').attr('src', lowresSource); $('#image').load( function() { //removeSpinner(); $('#image').smartZoom({'maxScale':1.0}); // Initialize smartZoom $('#image').show(); }); } //gotoPage(imageNo); } function getImageHTML(lowres, highres) { if (tjpzoomEnabled) { //alert("lowres=" + lowres + ", higres=" + highres); return '<img src="' + lowres + '" onmouseover="TJPzoom(this, \'' + highres + '\');"/>'; } else return '<img src="' + lowres + '" />'; } function zeroPad(num) { var pages = maxImageNo;//getCurrentList().length; var count = 1; if (pages > 9) ++count; if (pages > 99) ++count; if (pages > 999) ++count; var numZeropad = num + ''; while(numZeropad.length < count) { numZeropad = "0" + numZeropad; } return numZeropad; } function getPageText(num) { if (num == 0) return "--"; else return num; } function getThumbnailHTML(thumbnail, imageNo, border) { var html= '<span class="desc">' + getPageText(list1[imageNo]) + " (" + imageNo + ")" + '</span><a id="a_' + imageNo + '" href="javascript:selectImage(' + imageNo + ');">' + '<img '; if (border) { html += 'width="80px" src="' + thumbnail + '"/>' + '</a>'; } else { html += 'width="80px" src="' + thumbnail + '"/>' + '</a>'; } return html; } function getDummyThumbnailHTML() { return '<br><br><img width="80px" src="#"/>'; } function onSliderChange(e, ui) { var imageNo = ui.value; initImages(imageNo); } function onSliderSlide(e, ui) { var imageNo = ui.value; initImages(imageNo); } function setFirstVisible() { var firstVisible = imageNo - Math.floor((visibleItems - 1) / 2); if (firstVisible < 1) firstVisible = 1; if (imageNo > maxImageNo - visibleItems) firstVisible = maxImageNo - visibleItems + 1; jQuery('#slider').slider('option', 'value', firstVisible); initImages(firstVisible); } function preLoad(imageNo) { /*var preloadCount = 10; for (var i = (visibleItems - 1) / 2; i < preloadCount + (visibleItems - 1) / 2; ++i) { var thumbnailSource1 = getThumbnailSource(imageNo - i); var preImage = new Image(); preImage.src = thumbnailSource1; var thumbnailSource2 = getThumbnailSource(imageNo + i); var postImage = new Image(); postImage.src = thumbnailSource2; }*/ } function initImages(imageNoStart) { //console.log(imageNoStart); for (var i = 0; i < visibleItems; i++) { var thumbnailSource = getThumbnailSource(imageNoStart + i ); if (imageNoStart + i < 1) { jQuery('#image_' + (i + 1)).html(''); } else { var border = false; if (i == parseInt(visibleItems/2 +.5)) border = true; jQuery('#image_' + (i + 1)).html(getThumbnailHTML(thumbnailSource, imageNoStart + i, border)); } } jQuery('a img').removeClass('selected'); jQuery('a#a_' + imageNo + ' img').addClass('selected'); preLoad(imageNo); } function getListItems(thumbnailCount) { var html = ''; for (var i = 1; i <= thumbnailCount; ++i) { html += '<li id="image_' + i + '"></li>' } return html; } function findPageNo(pageNo) { for (var i = 1; i <= list1.length; ++i) { if (list1[i] == pageNo) return i; } return maxPageNo; } function setVisibleItems() { visibleItems = Math.floor((jQuery('#content').width()-15) / 90); } function setZoomLevel() { var height = jQuery("#image_div").height(); var width = jQuery("#image_div").width(); zoomLevel = 0; for (i = 8; i >= 0; i--) { if (zoomLevels[i].w <= width && zoomLevels[i].h <= height) { zoomLevel = i; break; } } //alert("zoomlevel=" + zoomLevel); zoomLevel; // Go 1 level above match } function changePageList(full) { var url = '/kvah/catview.html;jsessionid=CEC5ABC493BE833C4E600B6217651A2E.node0'; var parameters = 'method=changePageList&showFullCbk=' + full + "&key=" + 722;, parameters, null); } function getDocumentPageInfo() { ajaxCatviewController.getDocumentPageInfo(722, imageNo, function(documentPageInfo) { var htmlText = ''; if (documentPageInfo.volume != undefined) { htmlText += '<span class="desc">脜rg氓ng:&nbsp;</span>'; htmlText += '<span class="infotext">'; htmlText += documentPageInfo.volume; htmlText += '</span><br><br>'; } jQuery('#volumeText').html(htmlText); var htmlText2 = ''; if ( != undefined) { htmlText2 += '<span class="desc">F枚rfattare:&nbsp;</span><br>'; htmlText2 += '<span class="infotext">'; htmlText2 +=; htmlText2 += '</span><br><br>'; } jQuery('#authorText').html(htmlText2); var htmlText3 = ''; if (documentPageInfo.article != undefined) { htmlText3 += '<span class="desc">脛mne:&nbsp;</span><br>'; htmlText3 += '<span class="infotext">'; htmlText3 += documentPageInfo.article; htmlText3 += '</span><br><br>'; } jQuery('#articleText').html(htmlText3); var htmlText4 = ''; if (documentPageInfo.startPage != undefined) { htmlText4 += '<span class="desc">Sidor:&nbsp;</span><br>'; htmlText4 += '<span class="infotext">'; htmlText4 += documentPageInfo.startPage; htmlText4 += '</span><br><br>'; } jQuery('#startPageText').html(htmlText4); }); } /* function setPageFromBookview(page) { imageNo = parseInt(page)+1; updateNavigationButtons(); gotoPage(parseInt(imageNo)); } function gotoPage(pageNo) { var url = '/kvah/catview.html;jsessionid=CEC5ABC493BE833C4E600B6217651A2E.node0'; var parameters = 'method=gotoPage&pageNo=' + pageNo + "&key=" + 722;, parameters, getDocumentPageInfo); } */ function setZoom(zoomLevel) { return; //noop! //var url = '/kvah/catview.html;jsessionid=CEC5ABC493BE833C4E600B6217651A2E.node0'; //var parameters = 'method=zoom&zoomLevel=' + zoomLevel + "&key=" + 722; //, parameters, null); } function updateRotation(direction) { var url = '/kvah/catview.html;jsessionid=CEC5ABC493BE833C4E600B6217651A2E.node0'; var parameters = 'method=rotate&value=' + direction + "&key=" + 722;, parameters, null); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { $(window).on("resize", setup); //setVisibleItems(); if (viewMode == 4) { jQuery("#image").hide(); jQuery("#zoomplus").addClass("dim"); jQuery("#zoomminus").addClass("dim"); jQuery('#viewMode_book').addClass("selected"); jQuery('#viewMode_onepage').addClass("unselected"); jQuery('#catviewtable').css('overflow', 'hidden'); // Init pageflip if html5 canvas is available! //jQuery("#bookview").hide(); jQuery("#bookview").pageflip({ 'aspectRatio' : 0.66, // hardcoded, fits kvah books 'enableResize' : true, 'startPage' : imageNo, // start on page 'maxPages' : maxImageNo, // end on page 'offset' : 0, // offset for concatenated books imageid's 'pageUrl' : '/kvah/catview.html;jsessionid=CEC5ABC493BE833C4E600B6217651A2E.node0?method=getImage' + '&key=' + 722, 'setPageCallback': function(newPage) { selectImage(newPage); setFirstVisible(); }, 'enableZoom': false }); } else { jQuery("#bookview").hide() jQuery('#viewMode_book').addClass("unselected"); jQuery('#viewMode_onepage').addClass("selected"); } //jQuery('#toggletjp').fadeTo('fast', 0.3); //var li = getListItems(visibleItems); //jQuery('#clip ul').html(li); jQuery('#pageno').focus(function() { jQuery('#pageno').val(''); }); jQuery('#pageno').keypress(function(e) { if (e && e.keyCode == 13) { var pageNo = parseInt($('#pageno').val()); var imageNo = findPageNo(pageNo) selectImage(imageNo); //setFirstVisible(); } }); jQuery('#gotofirst').click(function() { selectImage(1); setFirstVisible(); }); jQuery('#gotominusten').click(function() { imageNo = imageNo - 10; if (imageNo < 1) imageNo = 1; selectImage(imageNo); setFirstVisible(); }); jQuery('#gotominusfive').click(function() { imageNo = imageNo - 5; if (imageNo < 1) imageNo = 1; selectImage(imageNo); setFirstVisible(); }); jQuery('#gotominusone').click(function() { if (viewMode == 4) { // Need to back 2 as bookview uses steps of two // one step here, and one more below imageNo = imageNo - 1; 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