Cable: 09BISHKEK517_a

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We have given it the entry \'Not Assigned\'.</i><br /><br /><a href=\"/plusd/about-hr/\" class=\"j\">Citations for acronyms used are available here.</a>','Archive Status': 'Original documents not deleted or lost by State Department after review are available in one of four formats:<ul><li>Electronic Telegram - declassified and made available (content and metadata available)</li><li>Electronic Telegram Withdrawal Card - telegram not declassified, or was declassified but not released for other reasons (limited metadata available)</li><li>P-reel Index - Index card for other document type that is stored on microfilm (only metadata available)</li><li>P-reel Index Withdrawal Card - P-reel index card that was not declassified, or was declassified but not released for other reasons (limited metadata available)</li></ul><br /><i class=\"b\">The Kissinger Cables\' metadata does not have this field. It is taken from subsets the documents were released in after State Department review.<br /><br />Cablegate does not originally have this field. We have given it the entry \'Not Assigned\'.</i>','Type': 'Correspondence type or format of original document.<br /><br /><i>Cablegate does not originally have this field. We have given it the entry \'TE\' (Telegram).</i><br /><br /><a href=\"/plusd/about-ty/\" class=\"j\">Citations for acronyms used are available here.</a>','Locator': 'Where the original document is now held - online or on microfilm, or remains in \"ADS\" (State Department\'s 1973 Automated Data System of indexing by TAGS of electronic telegrams and P-reels) with the text either garbled, not converted or unretrievable.<br /><br /><i>Cablegate does not originally have this field. We have given it the entry \'TEXT ONLINE\'.</i>','Executive Order': 'Executive Order information - often a reference to the E.O. governing the declassification/downgrade of the document.<br /><br /><i>Cablegate does not originally have this field. We have given it the entry \'Not Assigned\'.</i>','Markings': 'Markings of declassification/release review of the document.<br /><br /><i class=\"b\">Cablegate does not originally have this field. We have given it the entry \'Not Assigned\'. </i>','Enclosure': 'Attachments or other items sent with the original document. These are not necessarily currently held in this library.<br /><br /><i class=\"b\">Cablegate does not originally have this field. We have given it the entry \'Not Assigned\'.','Concepts': 'Keywords of subjects dealt with in the document.<br /><br /><i>Cablegate does not originally have this field. We have given it the entry \'Not Assigned\' for this field.</i>','TAGS': 'Traffic Analysis by Geography and Subject (TAGS)<br /><br />There are geographic, organization and subject \"TAGS\" - the classification system implemented by the Department of State for its central files in 1973.<br /><br /><a href=\"/plusd/about-ta/\" class=\"j\">A list of TAGS, with citations for any acronyms used, is available here.</a>','Office': 'Which United States government office or bureau is dealing with the topics the document concerns.<br /><br /><a href=\"/plusd/about-of/\" class=\"j\">A list offices, with citations for acronym expansions, is available here.</a>','Office Origin': 'Which State Department office or bureau sent the document.<br /><br /><a class=\"j\" href=\"/plusd/about-of/\">A list of offices, with citations for any acronyms used, is available here.</a>','Office Action': 'Which State Department office or bureau received the document.<br /><br /><a class=\"j\" href=\"/plusd/about-of/\">A list of offices, with citations for any acronyms used, is available here.</a>','Character Count': 'The number of characters, including spaces, in the document.','Date': 'The date the document was created.','Canonical ID': 'Unique document identification number.<br /><br /><i>We have created a canonical ID by taking the original document ID and adding a \'_\' at the end and then WikiLeaks\' annotation for different datasets: Cablegate = a, the Kissinger Cables = b, etc. If document IDs are duplicated in the original datasets we number each duplicate, eg 1976WARSAW05657_b2 is the second document with that ID in the Kissinger Cables.</i>','Other cables with the same ID': 'Documents that are linked, for example a P-reel index and the document it is the index for. Or documents that were originally given the same document ID number.', }; })(jQuery); </script> <title>Cable: 09BISHKEK517_a</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/plusd/css/qtip.min.css" id="qtip"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/plusd/css/main.css" id="maincss"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/plusd/css/print.css" media="print" id="printcss"> </head> <body style="text-align: center;"> <div id="submit_wlkey" class="submit_elem"> <div class="container"> <div class="text-center"><div class="submit_buttons btn-group" role="group"> <a href="#submit_help_contact" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">How to contact WikiLeaks?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tor" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">What is Tor?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tips" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">Tips for Sources</a> <a href="#submit_help_after" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">After Submitting</a> </div></div> <p>Key fingerprint <b>9EF0 C41A FBA5 64AA 650A 0259 9C6D CD17 283E 454C</b></p> <pre> -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQBBGBjDtIBH6DJa80zDBgR+VqlYGaXu5bEJg9HEgAtJeCLuThdhXfl5Zs32RyB I1QjIlttvngepHQozmglBDmi2FZ4S+wWhZv10bZCoyXPIPwwq6TylwPv8+buxuff B6tYil3VAB9XKGPyPjKrlXn1fz76VMpuTOs7OGYR8xDidw9EHfBvmb+sQyrU1FOW aPHxba5lK6hAo/KYFpTnimsmsz0Cvo1sZAV/EFIkfagiGTL2J/NhINfGPScpj8LB bYelVN/NU4c6Ws1ivWbfcGvqU4lymoJgJo/l9HiV6X2bdVyuB24O3xeyhTnD7laf epykwxODVfAt4qLC3J478MSSmTXS8zMumaQMNR1tUUYtHCJC0xAKbsFukzbfoRDv m2zFCCVxeYHvByxstuzg0SurlPyuiFiy2cENek5+W8Sjt95nEiQ4suBldswpz1Kv n71t7vd7zst49xxExB+tD+vmY7GXIds43Rb05dqksQuo2yCeuCbY5RBiMHX3d4nU 041jHBsv5wY24j0N6bpAsm/s0T0Mt7IO6UaN33I712oPlclTweYTAesW3jDpeQ7A ioi0CMjWZnRpUxorcFmzL/Cc/fPqgAtnAL5GIUuEOqUf8AlKmzsKcnKZ7L2d8mxG QqN16nlAiUuUpchQNMr+tAa1L5S1uK/fu6thVlSSk7KMQyJfVpwLy6068a1WmNj4 yxo9HaSeQNXh3cui+61qb9wlrkwlaiouw9+bpCmR0V8+XpWma/D/TEz9tg5vkfNo eG4t+FUQ7QgrrvIkDNFcRyTUO9cJHB+kcp2NgCcpCwan3wnuzKka9AWFAitpoAwx L6BX0L8kg/LzRPhkQnMOrj/tuu9hZrui4woqURhWLiYi2aZe7WCkuoqR/qMGP6qP 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</pre> </div> </div> <div id="submit_help_contact" class="submit_elem"> <div class="container"> <div class="text-center"><div class="submit_buttons btn-group" role="group"> <a href="#submit_help_contact" class="btn-wl">How to contact WikiLeaks?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tor" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">What is Tor?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tips" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">Tips for Sources</a> <a href="#submit_help_after" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">After Submitting</a> </div></div> <h3>Contact</h3> <p>If you need help using Tor you can contact WikiLeaks for assistance in setting it up using our simple webchat available at: <a href=""></a></p> <p>If you can use Tor, but need to contact WikiLeaks for other reasons use our secured webchat available at <b>http://wlchatc3pjwpli5r.onion</b></p> <p>We recommend contacting us over Tor if you can.</p> </div> </div> <div id="submit_help_tor" class="submit_elem"> <div class="container"> <div class="text-center"><div class="submit_buttons btn-group" role="group"> <a href="#submit_help_contact" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">How to contact WikiLeaks?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tor" class="btn-wl">What is Tor?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tips" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">Tips for Sources</a> <a href="#submit_help_after" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">After Submitting</a> </div></div> <h3>Tor</h3> <p><a href="">Tor</a> is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.</p> <p>In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the anonymising system Tor.</p> <h4>Tails</h4> <p>If you are at high risk and you have the capacity to do so, you can also access the submission system through a secure operating system called <a href="">Tails</a>. Tails is an operating system launched from a USB stick or a DVD that aim to leaves no traces when the computer is shut down after use and automatically routes your internet traffic through Tor. Tails will require you to have either a USB stick or a DVD at least 4GB big and a laptop or desktop computer.</p> </div> </div> <div id="submit_help_tips" class="submit_elem"> <div class="container"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="submit_buttons btn-group" role="group"> <a href="#submit_help_contact" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">How to contact WikiLeaks?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tor" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">What is Tor?</a> <a href="#submit_help_tips" class="btn-wl">Tips for Sources</a> <a href="#submit_help_after" class="btn-wl btn-wl-empty">After Submitting</a> </div> </div> <h3>Tips</h3> <p>Our submission system works hard to preserve your anonymity, but we recommend you also take some of your own precautions. Please review these basic guidelines. </p> <div> <h4>1. Contact us if you have specific problems</h4> <p>If you have a very large submission, or a submission with a complex format, or are a high-risk source, please <a href="#submit_help_contact">contact us</a>. In our experience it is always possible to find a custom solution for even the most seemingly difficult situations.</p> </div> <div> <h4>2. What computer to use</h4> <p>If the computer you are uploading from could subsequently be audited in an investigation, consider using a computer that is not easily tied to you. Technical users can also use <a href="">Tails</a> to help ensure you do not leave any records of your submission on the computer.</p> </div> <div> <h4>3. Do not talk about your submission to others</h4> <p>If you have any issues talk to WikiLeaks. We are the global experts in source protection – it is a complex field. Even those who mean well often do not have the experience or expertise to advise properly. 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padding: 5px;color: #000; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">KYRGYZ INSIDER SEES MERCANTILE INTERESTS DOMINATING POLICY DECISIONS</td> </tr> <tr style="background:#eee;"> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Date">Date:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" 2009 May 28, 11:55 (Thursday)">2009 May 28, 11:55 (Thursday)</div></td> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Canonical ID">Canonical ID:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" 09BISHKEK517_a">09BISHKEK517_a</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Original Classification">Original Classification:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" CONFIDENTIAL (503750 documents)">CONFIDENTIAL</div></td> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Current Classification">Current Classification:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" CONFIDENTIAL (129738 documents)">CONFIDENTIAL</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Handling Restrictions", ">Handling Restrictions</a></div> <div class="s_val" title="-- Not Assigned -- (251287 documents)">-- Not Assigned --</div><br /></td> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Character Count">Character Count:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" 6288">6288</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Executive Order">Executive Order:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" -- Not Assigned -- (251287 documents)">-- Not Assigned --</div></td> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="Locator">Locator:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" TEXT ONLINE (1885254 documents)">TEXT ONLINE</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div class="s_key"><a class="i" title="TAGS">TAGS:</a></div><div class="s_val" title=" KG - Kyrgyzstan | PGOV - Political Affairs--Government; 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Tatiana Gfoeller, Reason 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (C) Summary: According to a Kyrgyz White House official, &quot;mercantile&quot; personal financial interests dominate virtually all policy-making among the Kyrgyz political elite. The official, Sapar Isakov (strictly protect), who was close to former Presidential Chief of Staff Medet Sadyrkulov, said Sadyrkulov had opposed closure of Manas Air Base. Isakov added that he himself viewed the Base closure as limiting Kyrgyzstan's options. Isakov expects to be purged from the Administration, along with other officials, following President Bakiyev's anticipated reelection this summer. He also noted that the Kyrgyz s cret services want to revise the bilateral assistance agreement with the United States to lift &quot;immunity&quot; of U.S. assistance implementers. End summary. 2. (C) In a mid-May meeting, Sapar Isakov, Prime Minister Chudinov's International Cooperation Department Chief and Chair of the Kyrgyz Secretariat for Millennium Challenge activities, moved beyond the original focus of the meeting (to discuss Millennium Challenge-related issues) to express concerns about governance in Kyrgyzstan. Sadyrkulov's Exit and Manas Air Base ------------------------------------ 3. (C) Isakov believed that Medet Sadyrkulov's late 2008 resignation from his position as President Bakiyev's Chief of Staff permitted &quot;mercantile&quot; personal financial interests among the Kyrgyz leadership to dominate policy-making. He said the course was set on October 7, 2008 when, he claimed, Kyrgyzstan had sealed the deal with Russia on Russian financial assistance (and presumably closure of Manas Air Base.) Sadyrkulov, Isakov noted, opposed such close ties to Moscow, but was overruled. 4. (C) &quot;The Russians,&quot; Isakov claimed, &quot;would not keep their side of the deal, as they had done before.&quot; (Comment: Moscow has delivered $450 million in assistance as well as forgiven outstanding bilateral debt. However, Embassy is not aware of any progress on Russia's $1.7 billion commitment to the Kambarata-1 hydroelectric plant construction project. End Comment.) Although Isakov considered the Base's closure a foregone conclusion, he also argued that this step limited Kyrgyzstan's options. However, he reiterated the point that, subsequent to Sadyrkulov's removal, all decisions, even over minor issues, are now based on the financial considerations of Kyrgyzstan's leaders. &quot;Sadyrkulov was the only one in the inner circle who cared about the country; for everyone else the only thing that matters is personal gain,&quot; Isakov said. FM Sarbayev's Motivations ------------------------- 5. (C) Isakov praised former Foreign Minister Ednan Karabayev for disagreeing with the decision to close Manas Air Base, and commented that new Foreign Minister Kadyrbek Sarbayev had been driven by his undefined &quot;business interests&quot; to work for Bakiyev's Administration. While not elaborating on Sarbayev's business interests, Isakov said that &quot;business in Kyrgyzstan is like being in a swamp, and being drawn in to it.&quot; (Note: Sarbayev previously served as Ambassador to China and Deputy Foreign Minister, but there is no public information about any business interests he might have. He has personally forcefully denied that he has any to the Ambassador. End Note.) Presidential Election and Purges -------------------------------- 6. (C) Isakov expected the July 23 Presidential election to BISHKEK 00000517 002.2 OF 002 result in Bakiyev's reelection, but also indicated that, prior to his death, Sadyrkulov had been planning some form of opposition to Bakiyev. He said he was certain that Sadyrkulov had garnered Kazakh President Nazarbayev's support, as well as unspecified, but &quot;very serious,&quot; support from Russia. Isakov noted the efforts of former Deputy Prime Minister Elmira Ibraimova to oppose Bakiyev, but concluded that she had no chance of success in the current situation (see reftel). He added that following Bakiyev's expected reelection, his August 1 60th birthday celebration, and the Presidential inauguration, there would be a government restructuring and personnel purge. Isakov said that he expected to be pushed out by October, even though Prime Minister Chudinov had taken steps to protect him from previous efforts to evict him from the Kyrgyz White House. Immunity -------- 7. (C) Isakov said that the Kyrgyz s cret services wanted the 1993 bilateral assistance agreement between the United States and Kyrgyzstan revised, largely due to a desire &quot;to lift immunity to allow the Kyrgyz government to deal with the National Democratic Institute (NDI).&quot; While he also identified lingering issues over tax and social fund payments by assistance implementers as irritants, Isakov stressed the issue of &quot;immunity&quot; repeatedly. (Comment: The bilateral assistance agreement does not confer immunity to implementers like NDI, rather it exempts them from certain taxes and fees. The Embassy is, however, aware of longstanding Kyrgyz displeasure with NDI activities. End Comment.) Comment ------- 8. (C) Isakov was one of Medet Sadyrkulov's proteges, many of whom have resigned or been sacked in recent months. Therefore, his comments may simply reflect concern about both Kyrgyzstan's future and his own prospects outside of government. Many of Isakov's observations, such as the &quot;mercantilist&quot; trend of Kyrgyz decision-making, track with feedback Embassy has heard elsewhere. However, other comments, such as speculation regarding Foreign Minister Sarbayev's &quot;business interests&quot; are difficult to substantiate, and should not be accepted as completely accurate. As noted above, Sarbayev himself has denied to the Ambassador that he has any outside business interests, but it is widely assumed that his tenure as Ambassador to China gave him influence over lucrative trade deals. GFOELLER </div></div><br /></div></div><div class="pane-tab"><div class="pane-header">Raw content</div><div class="pane-content"><div class="text-content">C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 BISHKEK 000517 SIPDIS DEPT FOR SCA/CEN E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/28/2019 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, PINR, KG SUBJECT: KYRGYZ INSIDER SEES MERCANTILE INTERESTS DOMINATING POLICY DECISIONS REF: BISHKEK 494 BISHKEK 00000517 001.2 OF 002 Classified By: Amb. Tatiana Gfoeller, Reason 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (C) Summary: According to a Kyrgyz White House official, &quot;mercantile&quot; personal financial interests dominate virtually all policy-making among the Kyrgyz political elite. The official, Sapar Isakov (strictly protect), who was close to former Presidential Chief of Staff Medet Sadyrkulov, said Sadyrkulov had opposed closure of Manas Air Base. Isakov added that he himself viewed the Base closure as limiting Kyrgyzstan's options. Isakov expects to be purged from the Administration, along with other officials, following President Bakiyev's anticipated reelection this summer. He also noted that the Kyrgyz s cret services want to revise the bilateral assistance agreement with the United States to lift &quot;immunity&quot; of U.S. assistance implementers. End summary. 2. (C) In a mid-May meeting, Sapar Isakov, Prime Minister Chudinov's International Cooperation Department Chief and Chair of the Kyrgyz Secretariat for Millennium Challenge activities, moved beyond the original focus of the meeting (to discuss Millennium Challenge-related issues) to express concerns about governance in Kyrgyzstan. Sadyrkulov's Exit and Manas Air Base ------------------------------------ 3. (C) Isakov believed that Medet Sadyrkulov's late 2008 resignation from his position as President Bakiyev's Chief of Staff permitted &quot;mercantile&quot; personal financial interests among the Kyrgyz leadership to dominate policy-making. He said the course was set on October 7, 2008 when, he claimed, Kyrgyzstan had sealed the deal with Russia on Russian financial assistance (and presumably closure of Manas Air Base.) Sadyrkulov, Isakov noted, opposed such close ties to Moscow, but was overruled. 4. (C) &quot;The Russians,&quot; Isakov claimed, &quot;would not keep their side of the deal, as they had done before.&quot; (Comment: Moscow has delivered $450 million in assistance as well as forgiven outstanding bilateral debt. However, Embassy is not aware of any progress on Russia's $1.7 billion commitment to the Kambarata-1 hydroelectric plant construction project. End Comment.) Although Isakov considered the Base's closure a foregone conclusion, he also argued that this step limited Kyrgyzstan's options. However, he reiterated the point that, subsequent to Sadyrkulov's removal, all decisions, even over minor issues, are now based on the financial considerations of Kyrgyzstan's leaders. &quot;Sadyrkulov was the only one in the inner circle who cared about the country; for everyone else the only thing that matters is personal gain,&quot; Isakov said. FM Sarbayev's Motivations ------------------------- 5. (C) Isakov praised former Foreign Minister Ednan Karabayev for disagreeing with the decision to close Manas Air Base, and commented that new Foreign Minister Kadyrbek Sarbayev had been driven by his undefined &quot;business interests&quot; to work for Bakiyev's Administration. While not elaborating on Sarbayev's business interests, Isakov said that &quot;business in Kyrgyzstan is like being in a swamp, and being drawn in to it.&quot; (Note: Sarbayev previously served as Ambassador to China and Deputy Foreign Minister, but there is no public information about any business interests he might have. He has personally forcefully denied that he has any to the Ambassador. End Note.) Presidential Election and Purges -------------------------------- 6. (C) Isakov expected the July 23 Presidential election to BISHKEK 00000517 002.2 OF 002 result in Bakiyev's reelection, but also indicated that, prior to his death, Sadyrkulov had been planning some form of opposition to Bakiyev. He said he was certain that Sadyrkulov had garnered Kazakh President Nazarbayev's support, as well as unspecified, but &quot;very serious,&quot; support from Russia. Isakov noted the efforts of former Deputy Prime Minister Elmira Ibraimova to oppose Bakiyev, but concluded that she had no chance of success in the current situation (see reftel). He added that following Bakiyev's expected reelection, his August 1 60th birthday celebration, and the Presidential inauguration, there would be a government restructuring and personnel purge. Isakov said that he expected to be pushed out by October, even though Prime Minister Chudinov had taken steps to protect him from previous efforts to evict him from the Kyrgyz White House. Immunity -------- 7. (C) Isakov said that the Kyrgyz s cret services wanted the 1993 bilateral assistance agreement between the United States and Kyrgyzstan revised, largely due to a desire &quot;to lift immunity to allow the Kyrgyz government to deal with the National Democratic Institute (NDI).&quot; While he also identified lingering issues over tax and social fund payments by assistance implementers as irritants, Isakov stressed the issue of &quot;immunity&quot; repeatedly. (Comment: The bilateral assistance agreement does not confer immunity to implementers like NDI, rather it exempts them from certain taxes and fees. The Embassy is, however, aware of longstanding Kyrgyz displeasure with NDI activities. End Comment.) Comment ------- 8. (C) Isakov was one of Medet Sadyrkulov's proteges, many of whom have resigned or been sacked in recent months. Therefore, his comments may simply reflect concern about both Kyrgyzstan's future and his own prospects outside of government. Many of Isakov's observations, such as the &quot;mercantilist&quot; trend of Kyrgyz decision-making, track with feedback Embassy has heard elsewhere. However, other comments, such as speculation regarding Foreign Minister Sarbayev's &quot;business interests&quot; are difficult to substantiate, and should not be accepted as completely accurate. As noted above, Sarbayev himself has denied to the Ambassador that he has any outside business interests, but it is widely assumed that his tenure as Ambassador to China gave him influence over lucrative trade deals. 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