TeX Users Group (TUG)
<html><head> <!-- $Id: index.html,v 1.1288 2025/02/10 17:28:54 karl Exp $ --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> <meta name="keywords" content="TeX LaTeX Metafont MetaPost TUG TUGboat TeXLive TeX Live MacTeX CTAN typesetting typography fonts"> <title>TeX Users Group (TUG)</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="tugstyle.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="homestyle.css"> </head> <body> <div class="topbar"> <div class="logo"> <a href="/forms/current/memberapp.html"> <input style="border:none; margin:0; padding:0;" type="image" width=80 height=92 src="/images/tuglogo.png" border=0 alt="Join the TeX Users Group"></a> </div> <form class="search" method=get action="//"> <input type="hidden" name="sites" value="" ><input name=q xsize=12 maxlength=99 placeholder="Search" ><input type=submit value="Find"> <br><small>(via <a href="" >DuckDuckGo</a>)</small> </form> <div class="tugtitle"> <h2>TeX Users Group</h2> <div class="buttons"> <a href="/forms/current/memberapp.html"> <input style="border:none; margin:0; padding:0;" type="image" width=131 height=40 src="/images/btn_join_renew.png" border=0 alt="Join the TeX Users Group"></a> <!-- here is the renew button, has to be a form for paypal: --> <form style="display:inline; border:none; margin:0; padding:0;" action="" method="post" target="_top"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="D6VKGM9GBQ4TU"> <input type="image" width=89 height=38 src="/images/btn_donate.png" border=0 name="submit" style="padding-bottom:2px;" alt="Donate via PayPal to the TeX Users Group"> </form> </div><!-- end buttons --> </div><!-- end tugtitle --> </div><!-- end topbar --> <div class="main-container"> <!-- emacs-page --> <section class="main"> <p><b>The TeX Users Group (TUG)</b> is a membership-based not-for-profit organization, founded in 1980, for anyone who uses the TeX typesetting system created by <a href="">Donald Knuth</a> and/or is interested in typography and font design. <p><a href="/forms/current/memberapp.html"><b>Join or renew with TUG</b></a> (<a href="/forms/current/trialapp.html">trial memberships</a> available for new members) to support use and development of TeX and friends. All TUG memberships are for the calendar year, and include all benefits for the year no matter when you join. <p><a href=""><b>Subscribe to our monthly newsletter</b></a> if you like (open to all, automatically sent to members). <p id="new"><b><a href="/begin.html">Get started with TeX</a></b> if you're looking for a system to install, or have questions to ask. <p id="help"><b>If you're looking for help</b>, you can get community support via: <a href="" rel="nofollow">q&a site</a> (, <a href="">forum</a> (, <a href="">public mailing list</a> (texhax), <a href="">reddit</a>, and <a href="/interest.html#doc">in other ways</a>. <!-- $Id: begging.html,v 1.2 2024/12/28 23:27:48 karl Exp $ --> <hr> <p><b>A gentle reminder</b>: While TeX and friends are (and always will be) free, TUG's activities, such as publishing our TeX journal <a href="/TUGboat/">TUGboat</a> and books, organization of <a href="/meetings/">conferences</a>, coordination of TeX development including <a href="/texlive/">TeX Live</a>, cost money. You can help by <a href="/forms/current/memberapp.html">joining TUG</a> or, if you wish, to <a href="/donate.html">make a donation</a>. The contributions may be tax deductible in the US—and are always very welcome. <!-- end begging.html --> <!-- emacs-page --> <hr> <p> <font color="8B0000"><b>News</b></font> <small>(<a href="">blogs</a>)</small> <a href=""><img src="/rss/xml.png" width=36 height=14 alt="TUG RSS feed"></a> <p class="negskip"> <ul> <li>The <b><a href="/texlive/pretest.html">pretest for TeX Live 2025</a></b> is in process now, for anyone who'd like to help with the upcoming release. <li><b><a href="/join.html">TUG membership forms for 2025</a></b> are posted for your joining/renewing pleasure (automatic renewals are underway). Early bird rate ends on March 31. For anyone new to TUG, we offer a <a href="/forms/current/trialapp.html">trial membership</a> with full benefits for $35, or with only electronic journal access (and all other benefits) for $20. <li><b><a href="/TUGboat/tb45-2/">TUGboat 45:3</a></b>, <!-- the <a href="/tug2024/">TUG'24</a> proceedings, --> has been mailed to current TUG members; it is also available online and from the <a href="/store/#tugboat">TUG store</a>. <!-- <a href="/l/tug24-video">Videos for all TUG'24 talks</a> are available. --> In addition, prior TUGboat issue <a href="/TUGboat/tb45-2/">45:2</a> is now publicly available. <!-- The next issue will be the <a href="/tug2024/">TUG'24</a> proceedings; the deadline for papers to be included there is July 28, 2024; presentation proposals are welcome and requested; see the <a href="/tug2024/cfp.html">call for papers</a>. --> <!-- Submissions for the next regular issue are welcome and appreciated (deadline October 4). --> <a href="/TUGboat/location.html">Early submissions for the next issue</a> are welcome and encouraged; the deadline is March 21, 2025. <!-- , but submissions will be accepted for a couple more days. --> <li><b><a href="/election/">2025 is an election year for TUG</a></b>. Nomination forms for board positions and president are available. Submission deadline: <b>1 March 2025</b>, 7am US/Pacific. <!-- <li><b><a href="/books/#reviews">New book reviews:</a></b> <a href="/books/reviews/tb141reviews-kottwitz-cookbook2.html" >LaTeX Cookbook</a>, second edition, by Stefan Kottwitz, reviewed by Uwe Ziegenhagen; and <a href="/books/reviews/tb141reviews-gratzer6.html" >Text and Math Into LaTeX</a>, sixth edition, by George Grätzer, reviewed by Jim Hefferon. --> <li><b><a href="/texlive/">TeX Live 2024</a> and <a href="/mactex/">MacTeX 2024</a></b> have been released. They are primarily distributed online through <a href="">CTAN</a> (<a href="">TL</a>, <a href="">MacTeX</a>). 2024 is the first year without distributing a DVD as a general membership benefit: <a href="dvd/">more info</a>. <!-- <li><b><a href="/election/">TUG 2023 election results</a></b> are available online and will be printed in the next TUGboat. There is no need for a ballot this year. Many thanks and congratulations to the incoming (officially as of the <a href="/tug2023/">TUG23 conference</a>) president Arthur Rosendahl, and new board members Max Chernoff, Tom Hejda, and Jérémy Just. Many thanks also to Paulo Cereda, who is stepping down after years of service. --> </ul> <p><font color="8B0000"><b>Upcoming events</b></font> (<a href="meetings.html">meeting list</a>) <p class="negskip"> <ul> <li><b><a href="">DANTE e.V., 67. annual meeting (DANTE 2025)</a></b>, April 3-5, 2025, at Hochschule Darmstadt (<a href=""></a>). <li><b><a href="">BachoTeX 2025</a></b>, in Bachotek, Poland, April 30-May 4, 2025. This year's theme: “TeX in education”. <a href="">Call for papers</a>. <li><b><a href="" >SILICON Type Design Incubator</a></b>: Empowering New Voices in Typography, online 5-10 week course starts late May, 2025. Application deadline: <b>February 28, 2025</b>. Especially eager to meet students from digitally disadvantaged language communities. <li id="tug25"><b><a href="/tug2025/">TUG 2025</a></b>, <a href= "" >Hyatt Regency</a>, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, July 18-20 (Friday-Sunday). <!-- The registration form and more information will be posted when available. --> <!-- <br><a href="" >YouTube Live</a> stream is available. Videos for individual talks will be available as soon as time permits. --> <!-- , starting Friday 08:55 CEST. The conference is streamed at no charge and no online registration is necessary; <a href="/donate.html">donations</a> are greatly appreciated to help defray the cost. --> <br><a href="/tug2025/travel.html">Visa application</a> is advised to be started as soon as possible. <br><a href="/bursary/2025app.html">Bursary application available</a > (for financial assistance): deadline April 4. <br><a href="/tug2025/register.html">Register for the conference</a>: early bird deadline April 25. <br><a href="/tug2025/cfp.html">Call for papers</a>: submission deadline April 25.<!-- , as long as the schedule remains open. --> <br><a href="/tug2025/#hotel">Hotel reservations</a>: deadline June 1; booking early is highly advisable. <li><b><a href="">ConTeXt Meeting 2025</a></b>: Chmielno, Poland, August 22-29, 2025. </ul> <font color="8B0000"><b>Recent events</b></font> <p class="negskip"> <ul> <li><b><a href="" >Face/Interface 2025</a></b>, Stanford University, January 17-18, 2025. This conference is about global type design human-computer interaction, and brings together scholars, designers, technologists, and more, of all levels of experience. Several <a href= "" >talks from the 2023 conference</a> are available online. <li><b><a href="" >Journée GUTenberg 2024</a></b> (annual meeting), Paris, France, November 16, 2024. <li><b><a href="" >Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century</a></b>: From graphemes to knowledge, Venice, Italy, and online, October 23-25, 2024. Donald Knuth will be a keynote speaker and hold an “all questions answered” session. The presentation proposal deadline is June 15, 2024; see the conference web site for details. <li><b><a href="" >arXiv Accessibility Forum 2024</a></b>, online, September 3-13, 2024: <a href="" >list of sessions</a>. The Forum is fully remote, free, and open to all. Specifically related to TeX: the discussion on September 12 about HTML papers on arXiv, with Norbert Preining, Deyan Ginev, and others. <a href= "" >Videos for the entire forum are available</a>. <li><b><a href="" >DocEng2024</a></b> will include a talk by Frank Mittelbach et al. on accessible LaTeX, and by Didier Verna on the Knuth-Plass algorithm (as at TUG'24). San Jose, California, August 20-23. </ul> <!-- emacs-page --> <p><hr size=1 noshade> <b>TUG is a not-for-profit organization by, for, and of its members</b>, also representing the interests of TeX users worldwide. If you use any TeX-related programs (TeX, <a href="">LaTeX</a>, <a href="">ConTeXt</a>, <a href="">Metafont</a>, <a href="/metapost.html">MetaPost</a>, <a href="">Texinfo</a>, <a href="/interest.html">et al.</a>), please consider <a href="/join.html">joining TUG</a> (or <a href="/usergroups.html">another TeX user group</a>). <a href="/join.html">Memberships</a> and <a href="/donate.html">donations</a> are <a href="/tax-exempt/">tax-deductible</a> in the US. <p><b><a href="/aims_ben.html">TUG membership benefits</a></b> include our journal <a href="/TUGboat"><i>TUGboat</i></a> (available both in print and online). TUG also runs an <a href="meetings.html">annual TeX conference</a>, and supports updates to the <a href="/texcollection/">TeX Collection</a> software: <a href="/texlive/">TeX Live</a>, <a href="/mactex/">MacTeX</a>, <a href="">snapshot of CTAN</a>, among other activities. <!-- emacs-page --> <p><hr size=1 noshade> <b>The <a href="">Comprehensive TeX Archive Network</a> (CTAN)</b> is the primary repository for TeX-related software on the Internet. CTAN has many thousands of items; its <a href="">package list</a>, <a href="">topic cloud</a>, and <a href="">CTAN search page</a> can help you find what you need. <p><font color="8B0000"><b>Latest <a href="">CTAN</a> updates</b></font> <a href=""><img src="/rss/xml.png" width=36 height=14 alt="CTAN RSS feed"></a> - <a href="">postit</a> - <a href="">llncs</a> - <a href="">expltools</a> - <a href="">OpTeX</a> - <a href="">luatexko</a> - <a href="">xetexko</a> - <a href="">tkz-elements</a> - <a href="">jsonparse</a> - <a href="">asymptote</a> - <a href="">causets</a> - <a href="">l3build</a> - <a href="">tagpdf</a> - <a href="">citation-style-language</a> - <a href="">standalone</a> - <a href="">latex-base-dev</a> - <a href="">medmath</a> - <a href="">fontscripts</a> - <a href="">tikz-cookingsymbols</a> - <a href="">markdown</a> - <a href="">codehigh</a> - <a href="">adjustbox</a> - <a href="">collcell</a> - <a href="">hyph-utf8</a> - <a href="">omgtudoc-asoiu</a> - <a href="">ppmcheckpdf</a> - <a href="">pst-geo</a> - <a href="">ebgaramond-maths</a> - <a href="">mp-geom2d</a> - <a href="">siunitx</a> - <a href="">exam-zh</a> </section> <aside class="navbar"> <font color="8B0000"><b>TUG membership</b></font><br> <a href="/join.html">Join/renew with TUG</a><br> <a href="/members/">TUG member area</a><br> <a href="/instmem.html">Institutional members</a><br> <br> <font color="8B0000"><b>About TUG</b></font><br> <a href="/contact.html">Contact us</a><br> <a href="/donate.html">Make a donation</a><br> <a href="/tax-exempt/">Tax exempt</a><br> <a href="/aims_ben.html">Aims & benefits</a><br> <a href="/board.html">Board</a>, <a href="/committees.html">Committees</a><br> <a href="/election/">Elections</a><br> <br> <font color="8B0000"><b>New to TeX?</b></font><br> <a href="/begin.html">Getting started</a><br> <a href="">FAQ</a><br> <a href="/whatis.html">History of TeX</a><br> <br> <font color="8B0000"><b>Software</b></font><br> <a href="">Downloads/CTAN</a><br> <a href="/texlive/">TeX Live</a> - <a href="/mactex/">MacTeX</a><br> <a href="">MiKTeX</a><br> <!-- <a href="/applications/">(La)TeX projects</a><br> --> <a href="/interest.html">TeX around the web</a><br> <br> <font color="8B0000"><b>TUG activities</b></font><br> <a href="/TUGboat/">TUGboat</a><br> <a href="/tc/devfund/">Project funding</a><br> <a href="/books/">Bookstore/reviews</a><br> <a href="/store/">TUG store</a><br> <a href="/store/lucida/">Lucida fonts</a><br> <a href="/interviews/">Interviews</a><br> <br> <font color="8B0000"><b>TeX worldwide</b></font><br> <a href="/usergroups.html">User groups</a><br> <a href="/meetings.html">Conferences</a><br> <a href="/pubs/">Journals/Publications</a><br> <a href="/mailman/listinfo">Mailing lists</a><br> <a href="/twg.html">Working groups</a><br> <a href="/publicity/">Stickers & publicity</a><br> <br> <font color="8B0000"><b>Typography</b></font><br> <a href="/FontCatalogue/">Font Catalogue</a> <a href="/texshowcase/">TeX showcase</a><br> <a href="/fonts/">Fonts for TeX</a><br> <a href="/video.html">Videos</a><br> <a href="/museums.html">Typography museums</a><br> <br> <font color="8B0000"><b>Jobs</b></font><br> <a href="/consultants.html">Consultants for hire</a><br> <a href="/jobboard.html">Job openings</a><br> </aside> </div> <!-- end main-container --> <!-- emacs-page --> <hr size=1 noshade> <p> <font color="8B0000"><b>Contact Us</b></font> <table cellpadding=10> <tr valign=top><td width="30%"><small> <b>TeX Users Group<br> PO Box 2311<br> Portland, OR 97208-2311<br> USA<br> </b></small></td> <td width="30%"><small> Sophia Laakso,<br> office manager<br> voice: +1 503-223-9994<br> fax: +1 815-301-3568</small></td> <td width="40%"><small> administrative email: <a href=""></a> <br>web site email: <a href=""></a> <br><a href="#help">TeXnical support links above</a> <br><a href="">facebook</a> - <a href="">mastodon</a> - <a href="">twitter</a> <td></small> </tr> </table> <hr><small>Many thanks to all the individual and <a href="/instmem.html">institutional</a> members, as well as our <a href="/donors/">donors</a>, who keep TUG going. If you're not already a member, please consider <a href="/join.html">joining TUG</a> or <a href="/donate.html">making a donation</a>, and thanks.</small> <hr><small>Updated: $Date: 2025/02/10 17:28:54 $</small> </body></html>