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XP friendly bundle and dlls now added.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>OPUS Bundles updated</h3> <span class="itemDate">2024-11-18</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>Opus bundles updated to opus-tools 0.2-34-g98f3ddc (using libopus 1.5.2-22-g7db26934)<br> GCC 14.2.0 compiles.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>wma2wav-2011-10-01 added</h3> <span class="itemDate">2024-10-01</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>Modified for compiling with VS 2019. Binaries, source and project files on "Others" page.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>OggVorbis aotuv-b6.03 builds</h3> <span class="itemDate">2024-06-17</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>All aotuv-b6.03 builds have been updated to deal with an issue with the Intel compiles and low samplerate input causing distortion. New versions are all VisualStudio 2015/2022 compiles.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>Helix mp3 encoder v5.2.4</h3> <span class="itemDate">2024-05-31</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>The Helix mp3 encoder modified by 'maikmerten' to include a 'lametag' to provide sample accurate encoding/decoding for VBR and CBR, plus a bug fix to the original code. Info tag cleanup, correct bitrate index computation for stereo files. CRC data added. Extensive modifications added by Case. A point release consolidating all the recent updates/bug fixes.<br> Located in the 'MP3 & MP2 Others' page.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>exhale-v1.2.1-a6193fab-20240528 Release</h3> <span class="itemDate">2024-05-30</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>Changes since version 1.2.1 from December 2023:<br> Minor tuning for the low-rate BA_MORE_CBR modes and channel ordering corrected for multi-channel input. Intel 19.0 compiles, win32 is XP friendly.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>OggVorbis Lancer builds</h3> <span class="itemDate">2024-05-14</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>All Lancer builds have been updated to deal with an issue with the Intel compiles and low samplerate input causing distortion. New versions are all VisualStudio 2022 compiles.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>SoX v14.4.2 updated</h3> <span class="itemDate">2024-03-26</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>SoX v14.4.2 updated, GCC 13.2.0 builds. Win32 and x64 builds on "Others page".</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>fdkaac-v1.0.5</h3> <span class="itemDate">2022-02-16</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>fdkaac-1.0.5 built against fdk-aac 2.0.2. VC-2015, 32 bit ('XP' friendly) and 64 bit compiles for Windows.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>libfaad2 v2.10.1 dlls</h3> <span class="itemDate">2023-01-16</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>dlls have been recompiled to remove runtime dependencies. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>flake-r264</h3> <span class="itemDate">2023-01-13</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>By request, the most recent GIT flake release. Intel LLVM 2023(Clang 16.0) compiles. (On the "Lossless page"}</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>FAAD2 v2.10.1</h3> <span class="itemDate">2022-12-11</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>Console app and dlls all updated to v2.10.1. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>WavPack-5.5.0</h3> <span class="itemDate">2022-08-15</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>wavpack.exe, wvgain.exe, wvtag.exe and wvunpack.exe. Intel 19.0 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <h3>Speex Bundles updated</h3> <span class="itemDate">2022-07-06</span> <div class="newsDescription"> <p>Compiles updated to Speex-1.2.1. MSVS-2015, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- FOOTER --> <div id="footerBox"> <p>Design & layout code by <a href="">David Naylor.</a></p> <p><a href=""><img src="images/valid-html.png" alt="Validate this page for HTML 4.01"></a> <a href=""><img src="images/valid-css.png" alt="Validate this page for CSS2"></a></p> </div> </body> </html>