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</script> <div id="main-column"> <div class="info-group plugin-theme main-plugins"> <h4>Matt's Plugins</h4> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="">HyperDB</a></h3> <p class="downloads">9,685 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Jetpack by</a></h3> <p class="downloads">3,816,570 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Akismet</a></h3> <p class="downloads">13,368,166 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">bbPress</a></h3> <p class="downloads">496,730 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Hello Dolly</a></h3> <p class="downloads">296,801 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Cache Images</a></h3> <p class="downloads">17,838 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">Notifly</a></h3> <p class="downloads">3,813 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Matt's Community Tags</a></h3> <p class="downloads">1,418 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Yahoo Autotag</a></h3> <p class="downloads">2,937 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">Top Comments</a></h3> <p class="downloads">4,646 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Random Redirect</a></h3> <p class="downloads">17,272 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Sympathy for the Devil</a></h3> <p class="downloads">668 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">Google Adsense for Feeds</a></h3> <p class="downloads">18,747 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Advanced Caching</a></h3> <p class="downloads">1,575 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Admin IP Watcher</a></h3> <p class="downloads">2,676 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">No WWW</a></h3> <p class="downloads">11,879 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Firefox Counter</a></h3> <p class="downloads">729 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">WYSIWYG Editing</a></h3> <p class="downloads">8,463 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">Staticize Reloaded</a></h3> <p class="downloads">1,060 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Blogtimes</a></h3> <p class="downloads">919 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Protect old posts</a></h3> <p class="downloads">664 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div class="info-group plugin-theme main-themes"> <h4>Matt's Themes</h4> <ul> <li> <h3><a href=""><img width="240" height="180" src="" alt=""/><br/> Matala</a></h3> <p class="downloads">4,999 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href=""><img width="240" height="180" src="" alt=""/><br/> Mazeld</a></h3> <p class="downloads">252 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> </ul> </div> <div class="info-group plugin-theme main-plugins"> <h4>Matt's Favorite Plugins</h4> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="">Jetpack by</a></h3> <p class="user-rating">User rating</p> <div class="star-holder"> <div class="star-rating" style="width: 60px"></div> </div> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Notifly</a></h3> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">bbPress</a></h3> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">Job Manager</a></h3> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">HyperDB</a></h3> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Hello Dolly</a></h3> <p class="user-rating">User rating</p> <div class="star-holder"> <div class="star-rating" style="width: 60px"></div> </div> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> <li> <h3><a href="">Advanced Caching</a></h3> </li> </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="info-group" id="ajax-activity"> <h4>Matt's Activity</h4> <div class="clearer"></div> <ul id="activity-list" class="wp-activity"> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">[Plugin: Jetpack by] Twitter Sharing uses Wrong Twitter Handle</a> </p> <p class="ago">167 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">[Plugin: Jetpack by] Sharing Icons displayed as bulleted text</a> </p> <p class="ago">168 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">[Plugin: Jetpack by] Twitter Sharing uses Wrong Twitter Handle</a> </p> <p class="ago">168 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">[Plugin: Jetpack by] Sharing Icons displayed as bulleted text</a> </p> <p class="ago">168 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">[Plugin: Jetpack by] Do the authors of this plugin support this forum?</a> </p> <p class="ago">168 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href=""> account??</a> </p> <p class="ago">189 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">Can SlimStat consume existing Stats (automattic)?</a> </p> <p class="ago">191 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#21019</a> (Retina All the Things) created </p> <p class="ago">212 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">How to remove "Leave Reply" from all pages</a> </p> <p class="ago">245 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[19842]</a>: Initial import of the Twenty Twelve theme, by Drew Strojny. This time ... </p> <p class="ago">346 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[478989]</a>: Banner for HyperDB. </p> <p class="ago">393 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[478663]</a>: v1 of header for bbPress plugin. </p> <p class="ago">393 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#4967</a> (Obsolete the RSS 0.92 feed) reopened </p> <p class="ago">426 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">WordPress domain name policy question</a> </p> <p class="ago">466 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">WordPress domain name policy question</a> </p> <p class="ago">466 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracthemes"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">themes Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#4675</a> (THEME: Matala - 1.5.9) created </p> <p class="ago">542 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracthemes"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">themes Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#4674</a> (THEME: Matala - 1.5.8) created </p> <p class="ago">542 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracthemes"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">themes Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#4557</a> (THEME: Matala - 1.5.7) created </p> <p class="ago">553 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[17669]</a>: Importing Duster theme, first pass at a candidate for twentyeleven theme. ... </p> <p class="ago">638 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#17198</a> (New theme for -- TwentyEleven) created </p> <p class="ago">638 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracthemes"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">themes Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[15812]</a>: remove stolen theme </p> <p class="ago">684 days ago</p> </li> <li class="ideareply"> <p> Replied to an idea, <a href="">Track incoming links and pingbacks to homepages</a> </p> <p class="ago">1049 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#12366</a> (Remove @author tags) closed </p> <p class="ago">1051 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[13560]</a>: Better subdomains for faster Gravatar loading. An update to <a href="">[13385]</a>. </p> <p class="ago">1052 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[206888]</a>: I guess we have to init. </p> <p class="ago">1065 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[206884]</a>: We should default register a people taxonomy. </p> <p class="ago">1065 days ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[206282]</a>: Show URL instead of company on the attendees page, as that is inheritly ... </p> <p class="ago">1067 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#11538</a> (Unbundle Hello Dolly) closed </p> <p class="ago">1089 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[12543]</a>: More cleanup of the edit media screen: * Simplified table to not need ... </p> <p class="ago">1119 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[12542]</a>: Media editing: When you have many custom taxonomies this page can get ... </p> <p class="ago">1119 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#11563</a> (Small visual patch for Theme Editor) closed </p> <p class="ago">1120 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[12541]</a>: Some style tweaks to theme editor, fixes <a href="">#11563</a>. Hat tip: Simek. I ... </p> <p class="ago">1120 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[12540]</a>: Change to comments UI to show when a comment is replying to another, and ... </p> <p class="ago">1120 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[12341]</a>: Cast out the lowercase P demons that snuck in. ... </p> <p class="ago">1136 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#11233</a> (Code blocks too dark) closed </p> <p class="ago">1139 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#10847</a> (Problem in forum CSS) closed </p> <p class="ago">1139 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#10848</a> (Change Facebook link in footer to vanity URL) closed </p> <p class="ago">1139 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#10085</a> ( 'About' page dates from one year ago) closed </p> <p class="ago">1139 days ago</p> </li> <li class="ideareply"> <p> Replied to an idea, <a href=""></a> </p> <p class="ago">1139 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#11249</a> (wpautop no longer a standalone function) closed </p> <p class="ago">1143 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#11249</a> (wpautop no longer a standalone function) reopened </p> <p class="ago">1150 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#11249</a> (wpautop no longer a standalone function) created </p> <p class="ago">1150 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wpmureply"> <p> Replied to topic in the WPMU forums, <a href="">Trac is badly maintained (!)</a> </p> <p class="ago">1268 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[11549]</a>: Bumpity bump bump. </p> <p class="ago">1317 days ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#3962</a> (WordPress should adjust for DST ("location" appropriate)) reopened </p> <p class="ago">1336 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wpmureply"> <p> Replied to topic in the WPMU forums, <a href="">anyone knows these guys: ?</a> </p> <p class="ago">1406 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wpmureply"> <p> Replied to topic in the WPMU forums, <a href="">anyone knows these guys: ?</a> </p> <p class="ago">1417 days ago</p> </li> <li class="wpmureply"> <p> Replied to topic in the WPMU forums, <a href="">XMLRPC get all posts by category/term</a> </p> <p class="ago">1804 days ago</p> </li> <li class="ideareply"> <p> Replied to an idea, <a href="">'s own "ADSENSE"</a> </p> <p class="ago">1827 days ago</p> </li> <li class="ideareply"> <p> Replied to an idea, <a href="">Vote On Plugins To Integrate</a> </p> <p class="ago">1839 days ago</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- #item-body --> </div><!-- .padder --> </div><!-- #content --> <div id="footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <p> <a href="">Privacy</a> | <a href="">License / GPLv2</a> See also: <a href="" title="Hassle-free WP hosting">Hosted</a> | <a href="" title="Videos, tutorials, WordCamps">WordPress.TV Videos</a> | <a href="" title="Find a WordPress event near your home">WordCamp Events</a> | <a href="" title="A set of plugins to transform your WordPress into a social network">BuddyPress Social Layer</a> | <a href="" title="Fast, slick forums built on WordPress">bbPress Forums</a> | <a href="" title="Find or post WordPress jobs">WP Jobs</a> | <a href="" title="Co-founder of WordPress, an example of what WordPress can do">Matt</a> </p> <br/> <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; 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