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A VR Experience about what it means to be human in a digital world. </div> </div> </div></a> <a class="projlink stage all" href=""> <div class="tile scale-anm stage all"> <img class="projectimage" src="/web/20220303034708im_/" width="100%"> <div class="projectinfo stage all" "> <div class=" projectstitle stage all"> Even Fruit Flies get Frustrated </div> <div class="ourrole stage all" "> IDLYA Production </div> <div class=" strapline stage all"> Finalist for The Barbican's OSBTTA. A performance about a woman and a fly. </div> </div> </div></a> <a class="projlink stage all" href=""> <div class="tile scale-anm stage all"> <img class="projectimage" src="/web/20220303034708im_/" width="100%"> <div class="projectinfo stage all" "> <div class=" projectstitle stage all"> Move 37 </div> <div class="ourrole stage all" "> IDLYA Production </div> <div class=" strapline stage all"> A show inspired by AI and the assumptions we make as humans. Streaming Video. </div> </div> </div></a> <a class="projlink stage all" href=""> <div class="tile scale-anm stage all"> <img class="projectimage" src="/web/20220303034708im_/" width="100%"> <div class="projectinfo stage all" "> <div class=" projectstitle stage all"> NiCtPaH </div> <div class="ourrole stage all" "> IDLYA Production </div> <div class=" strapline stage all"> Our first (award winning) stage production. Projection Mapping and Realtime Video. </div> </div> </div></a> <a class="projlink pod all" href="/web/20220303034708/"> <div class="tile scale-anm pod all"> <img class="projectimage" src="/web/20220303034708im_/" width="100%"> <div class="projectinfo pod all"> <div class="projectstitle pod all"> Podcast </div> <div class="ourrole pod all">IDLYA Production</div> <div class="strapline all"> A podcast we made called Raised and Lit where we speak to artists about thier lives and work. </div> </div> </div></a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /Projects --> <!-- About --> <div class="about-container inactive"> <div id="about" class="about-top">HELLO!</div> <div class="idlya-description"> <div class="about-left">We are idontloveyouanymore. A small, Manchester based, digital arts studio. 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