Wolfram Foundation: Building for the Future Using Science & Computation

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Learn how to apply Wolfram' s unique approach to creating ideas and turning them into research, products and companies.</span> <br class="clear-both"> </a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a href=""> <img src="img/tile-camp.png" alt="" width="290"> <span class="h2">Wolfram High School Summer Research Program</span> <span>A project-oriented program for high-school students, introducing them to cutting-edge programming, computational thinking and innovative technology. The program is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurial and STEM-minded high-school students to learn how to develop and explore science and technology.</span> <br class="clear-both"> </a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a href=""> <img src="img/tile-matharchive1.png" alt="" width="290"> <span class="h2">Computable Archive of&nbsp;Mathematics</span> <span>With support from the Sloan Foundation, the Wolfram Foundation proposes to create, collect and curate a new type of digital library and archive, starting with a targeted segment, for mathematical data that will both ensure preservation and promote dissemination of mathematical knowledge.</span> <br class="clear-both"> </a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a href=""> <img src="img/tile-cbm.png" alt="" width="290"> <span class="h2"></span> <span>This is a project to build a completely new math curriculum with computer-based computation at its heart, alongside a campaign to refocus math education away from historical hand-calculating techniques and toward relevant and conceptually interesting topics.</span> <br class="clear-both"> </a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a href=""> <img src="img/tile-demoproject.png" alt="" width="290"> <span class="h2">Wolfram Demonstrations Project</span> <span>The Wolfram Demonstrations Project is an open-code resource that uses dynamic computation to illuminate concepts in science, technology, mathematics, art, finance, and a remarkable range of other fields.</span> <br class="clear-both"> </a></div> </div> <br class="clear-both"> </div> <div id="moreDIV"> <h2>Other Affiliated Programs</h2> <div class="grid cols-3 heirs-width-1-3 cols-2__900 heirs-width-1-2__900 heirs-width-full__600"> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">International Mathematical Olympiad&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">Intel International Science and Engineering Fair&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">American Regions Mathematics League&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">Math Prize for Girls&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">USA Mathematical Talent Search&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">International Mathematics Competition for University Students&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">American Junior Academy of Sciences (AAAS/AJAS)&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">Broadcom MASTERS&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> <div class="subsection"> <div class="program"><a target="_blank" href="">BEST Robotics&nbsp;&raquo;</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <br class="clear-both"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="about"> <div class="page-width"> <div class="section"> <h1>About Wolfram Foundation</h1> <h2>Our Mission</h2> <p class="top">The Wolfram Foundation's objective is to support education, research, and entrepreneurism. On our own and with our partners we organize and manage programs and create long-term resources to realize the promise of science and computation in building the future.</p> <h2>Our Founder</h2> <img src="img/sw.png" width="188"> <p class="fist">Stephen Wolfram is a distinguished scientist, inventor, author, and business leader. He is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha & the Wolfram Language, the author of <em>A New Kind of Science</em> and other books, and the originator of the Wolfram Physics Project.</p> <p>Wolfram has been president and CEO of Wolfram Research since its founding in 1987. In addition to his business leadership, Wolfram is deeply involved in the development of the company's technology, and continues to be personally responsible for overseeing all aspects of the functional design of the core Mathematica system.</p> <p>Wolfram has a lifelong commitment to research and education. In addition to providing software for a generation of scientists and students, Wolfram's company maintains some of the web's most visited sites for technical information. Wolfram is also increasingly active in defining new directions for education, especially in the science he has created.</p> <p class="small">&copy; 2024 <span class="spacer">|</span> The Wolfram Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on education, research and entrepreneurship. <span class="spacer">|</span> <a href="terms-conditions.html">Terms</a> <span class="spacer">|</span> <a href="privacy-policy.html">Privacy</a></p> </div> <br class="clear-both"> </div> </div> <section id="contact"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="view-contact"> <div id="contact-link"> <img src="/img/envelope.png" width="33">Get in touch with the Wolfram Foundation Team </div> </div> <div id="contact-box" class="hide"> <iframe src="" style="height: 678px; width: 100%; border: none; margin-top: 5rem;"></iframe> </div> </div> </section> </main> <script src="/common/templates/"></script> </body> </html>

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