IACR 2019 Election
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" name="viewport"/> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <title> IACR 2019 Election </title> <link href="/css/iacr.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <!-- These are for search. They might be reorganized. --> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> </head> <body> <noscript> <h1 class="text-center"> What a lovely hat </h1> <h4 class="text-center"> Is it made out of <a href="/tinfoil.html"> tin foil </a> ? </h4> </noscript> <div id="pageHeaderAndNav"> <!-- populated by headerFooter.js --> </div> <main class="container px-md-4 py-3" id="iacrMain-contentBox"> <h1 align="center"> IACR 2019 Election </h1> <h2> Results </h2> The 2019 election was held to fill four Officer positions and three of nine IACR Director positions. 588 votes have been cast. The results are below, with elected candidates marked in <b> bold </b> : <br/> <br/> President: <br> <ul> <li> <b> Michel Abdalla: </b> 350 </li> <li> Greg Rose: 221 </li> </ul> <p> Vice-President: <br> <b> Shai Halevi: </b> 523<p> Treasurer: <br> <b> Brian LaMacchia: </b> 527<p> Secretary: <br> <b>Joppe W. Bos: </b> 524<p> Directors: <ul> <li> <b> Peter Schwabe </b> : 277 </li> <li> <b> Bart Preneel </b> : 361 </li> <li> Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam: 173 </li> <li> Huaxiong Wang: 167 </li> <li> Marc Fischlin: 234 </li> <li> Jung Hee Cheon: 178 </li> <li> Leonie Simpson: 149 </li> <li> <b> Fran莽ois-Xavier Standaert</b> : 243 </li> </ul> <p> Election verification data can be found at <a href=""> </a> . </p> <p> The election committee congratulates all elected members and thanks all candidates for their contributions to the IACR and willingness to serve. </p> <p> <a href="candidates.php"> List of candidates </a> </p> </main> <div id="pageFooter"> <!-- populated by headerFooter.js --> </div> <script src=""> </script> <script src=""> </script> <script src="/libs/js/easy-autocomplete/jquery.easy-autocomplete.js"> </script> <!-- Custom JS (load header & footer) --> <script src="/js/headerFooter.js"> </script> <script> $(function(){ var candidates = $("#candidates"); var dts = candidates.find("dt"); var dds = candidates.find("dd"); for (var i=0; i<dts.length; i++) { $(dts[i]).remove(); $(dds[i]).remove(); } function permute(n) { var items = []; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { items.push({ val:i, key:Math.random(1) }); } items.sort( function(a,b) { return ~~(a.key < b.key) } ); return( function(x){ return x.val } )); } var shuffled = permute( dts.length ); for (var i=0; i<shuffled.length; i++) { var j = shuffled[i]; candidates.append(dts[j], dds[j]); } }); </script> </body> </html>