"document" synonyms, related words, and opposites - OneLook
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It's a 5-word (or occasionally 6-word) computer-generated summary of how the word is used most often. Be aware that words can have multiple meanings! If there are other senses of the word, they are shown below." class="ol_inbrief"><span class="ol_inbrief_title">Usually means:</span> Record containing information for reference. </div> <div class="ol_tabs"> [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document">Definitions</a></b>] <b class="ol_selected_tab">Related words</b> [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document&mentions=1">Mentions</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document&verses=1">Lyrics</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document&history=1">History</a></b>] </div> <div class=ol_related> <div class=relheader><b>Similar:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=text+file&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>text file</a>, <a href=/?w=papers&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>papers</a>, <a href=/?w=written+document&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>written document</a>, <a href=/?w=documentation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>documentation</a>, <a href=/?w=documentor&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>documentor</a>, <a href=/?w=report&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>report</a>, <a href=/?w=subdocument&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>subdocument</a>, <a href=/?w=text&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>text</a>, <a href=/?w=summary&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>summary</a>, <a href=/?w=declaration&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>declaration</a>, <a href=/thesaurus/?s=document&loc=cb><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Opposite:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=erase&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>erase</a>, <a href=/?w=delete&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>delete</a>, <a href=/?w=forget&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>forget</a>, <a href=/?w=discard&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>discard</a>, <a href=/?w=obliterate&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>obliterate</a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Types:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=resume&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>resume</a>, <a href=/?w=invoice&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>invoice</a>, <a href=/?w=contract&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>contract</a>, <a href=/?w=letter&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>letter</a>, <a href=/?w=report&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>report</a>, <a href=/?w=proposal&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>proposal</a>, <a href=/?w=agenda&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>agenda</a>, <a href=/?w=minutes&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>minutes</a>, <a href=/?w=white+paper&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>white paper</a>, <a href="/thesaurus/?s=types%20of%20document"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Phrases:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><a href=/?w=source+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>source document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Original document for recording transactions.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=legal+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>legal document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Official paper with legal significance.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=original+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>original document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Initial text created by author.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=written+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>written document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Text recorded on a medium.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=official+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>official document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Formal paper with authoritative validation.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=document+type&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>document type</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss"></div> <nobr><a href=/?w=document+management&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>document management</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Organizing, storing, and retrieving documents.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=policy+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>policy document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss"></div> <nobr><a href=/?w=Historical+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>Historical document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Record of past events, artifacts.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=Electronic+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>Electronic document</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">An electronic document is any electronic media content (other than computer programs or system files) that is intended to be used in either an electronic form or as printed output.</div> <nobr><a href=/?w=document+retrieval&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>document retrieval</a></nobr> <div class="ol_phrase_gloss">Locating specific documents from database.</div> <a href="/?w=**document**&ssbp=1"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Adjectives:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=new&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>new</a>, <a href=/?w=original&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>original</a>, <a href=/?w=important&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>important</a>, <a href=/?w=legal&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>legal</a>, <a href=/?w=official&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>official</a>, <a href=/?w=single&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>single</a>, <a href=/?w=historical&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>historical</a>, <a href=/?w=entire&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>entire</a>, <a href=/?w=final&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>final</a>, <a href=/?w=current&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>current</a>, <a href=/?w=remarkable&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>remarkable</a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Crossword clues:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><i>durable record), </i></nobr> <nobr><i>d.c. paper, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>to record, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>legal paper, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>shareable pc file, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>keep record, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>pieces of paper, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>a form, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>a written statement, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>written statement</i></nobr> </div> <div id="dmapi_cls"></div> <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> var query = 'document'; var baseurl = '/?loc=dmapirel&w=' function clusterlink(clusterTitles, clusterId, query) { var clusterTitle = clusterTitles[clusterId][0]; var url = "" + clusterTitle + "&s=cluster:" + clusterId + "&loc=ol_cls"; url = url + "&f_rt=" + encodeURIComponent(query); url = url + "&concept=" + encodeURIComponent(clusterTitle); clslink = "<a href=\"" + url + "\"><button class=\"top-cluster\">" + clusterTitle + "</button></a> "; return clslink; } function toggle_dmapi_res(apifn) { var q = apifn; var max = "100"; if (apifn === "rhy") { q = "arhy=1&sl"; } if (apifn === "idioms") { q = "v=idioms&md=d&ml"; } if (apifn === 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"straight": "Not curved or bent; direct.", "struggle": "Effortful attempt to overcome difficulties."}}, {"suffixes": ["door", "er", "put"], "prefix": "out", "valid_words": ["lamer", "other", "doter", "emeer", "wooer", "shoer", "siver", "viler", "diker", "pacer", "water", "citer", "dryer", "sawer", "hater", "tuber", "wryer", "slyer", "ither", "duper", "heder", "maser", "fumer", "merer", "faker", "steer", "mater", "pryer", "rarer", "hider", "elver", "owner", "cryer", "dower", "otter", "under", "river", "rower", "loner", "pater", "edger", "luger", "biker", "baser", "doser", "filer", "miter", "elder", "namer", "ceder", "aiver", "usher", "oxter", "raver", "hirer", "cater", "fiber", "laker", "gazer", "flier", "tower", "yarer", "umber", "ruder", "lager", "later", "jiber", "sager", "laxer", "kiter", "sexer", "vexer", "fiver", "puler", "raser", "truer", "raker", "wafer", "bower", "pandoor", "skier", "finer", "muter", "armer", "roper", "laver", "omber", "inter", "doper", "sober", "comer", "diner", "toyer", "caver", "alter", "fixer", "riser", "sheer", "toner", "feyer", "fifer", "poker", "abler", "firer", "amber", "liber", "wider", "hoper", "waver", "darer", "tuyer", "seder", "dicer", "rawer", "poser", "apter", "fryer", "deter", "niner", "saker", "liker", "tamer", "giver", "twier", "weber", "outdoor", "honer", "gomer", "ember", "mazer", "sorer", "hoser", "hayer", "gager", "paler", "goner", "odder", "diver", "output", "sizer", "cyber", "mimer", "airer", "spier", "saner", "piper", "wrier", "paper", "poler", "outer", "ameer", "lader", "esker", "siker", "inker", "plyer", "foyer", "mower", "auger", "sweer", "toker", "fleer", "anger", "enter", "never", "nuder", "osier", "shyer", "borer", "infer", "urger", "jager", "hiker", "surer", "fewer", "caner", "boxer", "sewer", "fever", "jiver", "corer", "laser", "ocher", "ester", "lurer", "leper", "giber", "icker", "rater", "hewer", "liver", "baler", "crier", "cuber", "muser", "frier", "inner", "moper", "newer", "tuner", "gaper", "loper", "order", "easer", "utter", "coyer", "pawer", "taler", "bayer", "ender", "lever", "ricer", "emmer", "serer", "hyper", "alder", "tater", "dozer", "saber", "rider", "taker", "purer", "boner", "oater", "voter", "racer", "viper", "fader", "lacer", "vower", "biner", "idler", "queer", "gluer", "suber", "waler", "japer", "toter", "saver", "cyder", "coper", "cover", "baker", "wiver", "tawer", "miner", "sayer", "rager", "roger", "waxer", "safer", "taber", "biter", "bluer", "gayer", "dimer", "miser", "cower", "agger", "oiler", "huger", "slier", "nicer", "refer", "carer", "ulcer", "dater", "raper", "riper", "cooer", "aider", "loser", "vomer", "cuter", "caber", "ofter", "brier", "rifer", "farer", "cider", "yager", "leger", "liger", "prier", "piker", "defer", "icier", "ogler", "wader", "twyer", "wager", "ocker", "noter", "cager", "trier", "peter", "toper", "joker", "niter", "titer", "zoner", "cheer", "ether", "rover", "offer", "lifer", "adder", "hexer", "timer", "eater", "older", "gofer", "liter", "pager", "gater", "coder", "super", "barer", "drier", "after", "tiger", "haver", "gamer", "direr", "power", "caper", "bider", "facer", "waker", "miler", "asper", "tandoor", "shier", "hover", "speer", "mixer", "wiser", "flyer", "ruler", "sower", "lover", "payer", "liner", "freer", "asker", "haler", "macer", "iller", "udder", "meter", "lower", "eider", "aimer", "curer", "razer", "plier", "sixer", "tiler", "parer", "sever", "aster", "sneer", "ormer", "layer", "upper", "wirer", "maker", "homer", "luxer", "hazer", "eager", "tweer", "keyer", "buyer", "wiper", "paver", "mover", "taper", "taxer", "rimer", "egger"], "definitions": {"outdoor": "Activities or spaces beyond indoor environments.", "outer": "Situated on the external side.", "output": "Result produced by a process."}}, {"suffixes": ["fy", "son", "verse"], "prefix": "uni", "valid_words": ["surfy", "nelson", "daffy", "reify", "telson", "unify", "reason", "damson", "jiffy", "godson", "miffy", "baffy", "dobson", "biffy", "bolson", "leafy", "lesson", "grison", "traverse", "perverse", "beefy", "toffy", "jimson", "goofy", "poison", "gulfy", "deify", "niffy", "comfy", "huffy", "universe", "foison", "unison", "buffy", "puffy", "prison", "gibson", "ramson", "taffy", "weason", "parson", "edify", "turfy", "person", "orison", "season", "converse", "kelson", "reefy"], "definitions": {"unify": "Bring together to form one.", "unison": "Harmony or agreement; acting together.", "universe": "All existing matter and space."}}], "game_id": "2024-12-02"} ]); </script> </center> <br> <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td align=right> <center> <a href="">Home</a> <a href="/thesaurus/">Reverse Dictionary / Thesaurus</a> <a href="">Datamuse</a> <a href="">Compound Your Joy</a> <a href="">Spruce</a> <a href="">Feedback</a> <a href="">Privacy</a> <a href="#" class="darkModeToggle">Dark mode</a> <a href="/about.shtml">Help</a></center> </td></tr></table> <br> <!-- <br><center><a href="">Harvey Beeferman, 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