The Rats of Tobruk (1944) clip 3 on ASO - Australia's audio and visual heritage online

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Bluey (Grant Taylor) orders a withdrawal, so Milo (Chips Rafferty) slings his wounded mate over his shoulder and carries him out. Pete only survives long enough at the casualty station to remember some famous lines of poetry. He dies while Bluey finishes reciting the poem.</p> <h3>Curator’s notes</h3> <div class="clip-byline"> <p> by <a href="/about/curators/#byrnes-paul"> Paul Byrnes </a> </p> </div> <p>There is a strong appeal to romantic ideas about war in the film’s use of songs, poetry and lines of Shakespeare’s plays. Finch, in his first leading role on film, recites the famous 'we band of brothers&#8217; speech from <cite>Henry V</cite> (1599), at one point. In this scene, he dies quoting Rupert Brooke’s 'The Soldier&#8217; (1914). These touches were fairly typical of <a href="/people/Charles_Chauvel/portrait/">Charles Chauvel</a>, although the call to artistic interpretation of tragedy is stronger in <cite>The Rats of Tobruk</cite> than in most of his films. It seems intended to elevate the emotions, and valorise the otherwise brutal realities of the story, perhaps to give audiences who were experiencing their own tragedies through war some kind of framework of meaning. The film was clearly a work of considerable ambition for Chauvel, although it was not as successful with audiences as <a href="/titles/features/forty-thousand-horsemen/"><cite>Forty Thousand Horsemen</cite></a> (1940) had been.</p> </div> <div class="creative-commons"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="download-terms3" class="clip-download-terms"> <p> Thanks to the generosity of the rights holders, we are able to offer <cite>A richer dust</cite> from the feature film <cite>The Rats of Tobruk</cite> as a high quality video download. </p> <h3> To play the downloadable video, you need <a href="">QuickTime 7.0</a>, <a href="">VLC</a>, or similar. </h3> <h3>You must read and agree to the following terms and conditions before downloading the clip:</h3> <p><em>australianscreen</em> is produced by the National Film and Sound Archive. By using the website you agree to comply with the <a href="/about/terms/">terms and conditions</a> described elsewhere on this site. 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