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<noscript> <p> <img src="//" alt="" class="feature-row__image"/> </p> </noscript> <h3 class="h4 column-heading-text-alt">Station d'accueil pour lecteur Tap & Chip</h3> <div class="rte-setting column-text"><p>Chargez et ajustez à la bonne hauteur le lecteur Tap & Chip pour des paiements fluides et sécurisés.</p></div> </div> <a href="/web/20211207152352/" class="cta"> Acheter la station d'accueil Shopify pour lecteur Tap & Chip </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid__item medium-up--one-third text-left"> <div class="container-box"> <div class="content-box"> <style> @media screen and (min-width: 750px) { #TextColumnImage-1623423522ea286c60-2 { max-width: 480.0px; max-height: 321.0810810810811px; } #TextColumnImageWrapper-1623423522ea286c60-2 { max-width: 480.0px; max-height: 321.0810810810811px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 749px) { #TextColumnImage-1623423522ea286c60-2 { max-width: 750px; max-height: 750px; } #TextColumnImageWrapper-1623423522ea286c60-2 { max-width: 750px; } } 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data-sizes="auto" alt=""> </div> </div> <noscript> <p> <img src="//" alt="" class="feature-row__image"/> </p> </noscript> <h3 class="h4 column-heading-text">Lecteurs de codes-barres</h3> <div class="rte-setting column-text"><p>Scannez les produits en toute simplicité pour les ajouter rapidement au panier, et réduisez ainsi les files et les temps d'attente pour vos clients.</p></div> </div> <a href="/web/20211207152352/" class="cta"> Acheter un lecteur de codes-barres </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid__item medium-up--one-third text-left"> <div class="container-box"> <div class="content-box"> <style> @media screen and (min-width: 750px) { #TextColumnImage-162342461568c0c184-2 { max-width: 453.6px; max-height: 308.8px; } #TextColumnImageWrapper-162342461568c0c184-2 { max-width: 453.6px; max-height: 308.8px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 749px) { #TextColumnImage-162342461568c0c184-2 { max-width: 567px; max-height: 750px; } #TextColumnImageWrapper-162342461568c0c184-2 { max-width: 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src="//" alt="" class="feature-row__image"/> </p> </noscript> <h3 class="h4 column-heading-text">Tiroirs-caisses</h3> <div class="rte-setting column-text"><p>Sécurisez vos recettes en espèces et connectez votre tiroir-caisse à votre application PDV afin qu'il s'ouvre lorsque vous recevez un paiement en espèces.</p></div> </div> <a href="/web/20211207152352/" class="cta"> Acheter un tiroir-caisse </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div id="shopify-section-16237748120546fd2c" class="shopify-section index-section"> <style> /*Safari cta arrow transistion bug fix*/ ::-webkit-full-page-media, _:future, :root .cta:after { transition: none; } /*Layout*/ #shopify-section-16237748120546fd2c { padding-top: 0; background-color: #faf9f8; } #shopify-section-16237748120546fd2c .section-header { margin-bottom: 40px; } #shopify-section-16237748120546fd2c .page-inner { background: #e9edea; padding:90px 30px; } #shopify-section-16237748120546fd2c .custom-full-width img { width: 100%; } 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mutationCount = mutationCount + 1; log('REPLACED (LINK)', { attrName, oldValue: url, newValue: newLink, mutationCount, }, 'success' ); var event = new CustomEvent('', { bubbles: true, detail: { target: node, attribute: attrName, original: url, translation: newLink } }); node.dispatchEvent(event); } } } function translateImage(node, attr) { if(langify.settings.observeImages === false || node.hasAttribute('data-ly-locked') || Object.keys(customContents_image).length === 0) { return } var attrs = []; if(typeof attr === 'string') attrs.push(attr); else if(typeof attr === 'object') attrs = attr; attrs.forEach(function(attr) { if(node.hasAttribute(attr)) { var imgObject = langify.helper.extractImageObject(node.getAttribute(attr)); var imgKey = imgObject ? imgObject.file.toLowerCase() : ''; if(customContents_image[imgKey]) { // Replace var oldValue = node.getAttribute(attr); var translation = node.getAttribute(attr); translation = translation.replace(new RegExp(, 'g'), customContents_image[imgKey].host); translation = translation.replace(new RegExp(, 'g'), customContents_image[imgKey].name); translation = translation.replace(new RegExp(imgObject.type, 'g'), customContents_image[imgKey].type); if(node.getAttribute(attr) != translation) { var timeStamp = Math.floor(; if(!node.hasAttribute('data-ly-processed') || timeStamp > parseInt(node.getAttribute('data-ly-processed')) + langify.settings.timeout) { node.setAttribute('data-ly-processed', timeStamp); node.setAttribute(attr, translation); mutationCount = mutationCount + 1; log('REPLACED (IMAGE)', { attrName: attr, oldValue: oldValue, newValue: translation, mutationCount, }, 'success'); var event = new CustomEvent('', { bubbles: true, detail: { target: node, attribute: attr, original: oldValue, translation: translation } }); node.dispatchEvent(event); } } } } }); } function translateCssImage(node) { if(langify.settings.observeImages === false || node.hasAttribute('data-ly-locked') || Object.keys(customContents_image).length === 0 || !node.getAttribute('style')) { return } var imgMatches = node.getAttribute('style').match(/url\(("|')?(.*)("|')?\)/gi); if(imgMatches !== null) { var imgSource = imgMatches[0].replace(/url\(("|')?|("|')?\)/, ''); var imgObject = langify.helper.extractImageObject(imgSource); var imgKey = imgObject ? imgObject.file.toLowerCase() : ''; var attr = 'style'; if(customContents_image[imgKey]) { // Replace var translation = node.getAttribute(attr); translation = translation.replace(new RegExp(, 'g'), customContents_image[imgKey].host); translation = translation.replace(new RegExp(, 'g'), customContents_image[imgKey].name); translation = translation.replace(new RegExp(imgObject.type, 'g'), customContents_image[imgKey].type); if(node.getAttribute(attr) != translation) { var timeStamp = Math.floor(; if(!node.hasAttribute('data-ly-processed') || timeStamp > parseInt(node.getAttribute('data-ly-processed')) + langify.settings.timeout) { node.setAttribute('data-ly-processed', timeStamp); node.setAttribute(attr, translation); mutationCount = mutationCount + 1; } } } } } function findAndLocalizeLinks(target, parent) { if(target.parentNode && parent) var allLinks = target.parentElement.querySelectorAll('[href],[action]'); else var allLinks = target.querySelectorAll('[href],[action]'); allLinks.forEach(link => { if(link.hasAttribute('href')) var attrName = 'href'; else var attrName = 'action'; var url = link.getAttribute(attrName); translateLink(url, link); }); } function getNodesUnder(el, show){ var n, a=[], walk=document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter[show] , null, false); while(n=walk.nextNode()) a.push(n); return a; } function log(title, data, type) { if(langify.settings.debug) { let css = 'color: green; font-weight: bold;'; console.log(`%c ${title}: \n`, css, data); } } function spreadCustomContents() { var getFileName = function(url) { if(!url || url == '') return; url = url.substring(0, (url.indexOf("#") == -1) ? url.length : url.indexOf("#")); url = url.substring(0, (url.indexOf("?") == -1) ? url.length : url.indexOf("?")); url = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, url.length); url = url.replace(/(_[0-9]+x[0-9]*|_{width}x)?(_crop_(top|center|bottom|left|right))?(@[0-9]*x)?(\.progressive)?\.(jpe?g|png|gif|webp)/gi, ""); return '/' + url; } Object.entries(customContents).forEach(function(entry) { //if(/<\/?[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(entry[0])) customContents_html[entry[0]] = entry[1]; //else if(/(http(s?):)?([/|.|\w|\s|-])*\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)/.test(entry[0])) customContents_image[getFileName(entry[0])] = getFileName(entry[1]); if(/(http(s?):)?([/|.|\w|\s|-])*\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png|webp)/.test(entry[0])) customContents_image[langify.helper.extractImageObject(entry[0]).file] = langify.helper.extractImageObject(entry[1]); else customContents_text[entry[0]] = entry[1]; }); log('CUSTOM CONTENTS:', {customContents, customContents_text, customContents_image}, 'info') } // Polyfill for old browsers function startMutationEvents() { var target = document.querySelector('body'); target.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function (event) { if(event.attrName === 'href' || event.attrName === 'action') { if(event.prevValue != event.newValue) { translateLink(event.newValue,; } } }, false); target.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function (event) { //findAndLocalizeLinks(, false); //matchCustomContent(; }, false); } function triggerCustomContents() { var rootnode = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] var walker = document.createTreeWalker(rootnode, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) while (walker.nextNode()) { //console.log(walker.currentNode.tagName) translate(walker.currentNode, null); } } function stopObserver() { mutationObs.takeRecords(); mutationObs.disconnect(); } init(); return { init: init, triggerCustomContents: triggerCustomContents, stopObserver: stopObserver, } }; var langifyObserver = langifyObserverCore(); langify.api = { observer: { start: langifyObserver.init, stop: langifyObserver.stopObserver, trigger: langifyObserver.triggerCustomContents } }; } = || { compareJQueryVersion: function(a,b) {if (a === b) {return 0;}var a_components = a.split(".");var b_components = b.split(".");var len = Math.min(a_components.length, b_components.length);for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {if (parseInt(a_components[i]) > parseInt(b_components[i])) {return 1;}if (parseInt(a_components[i]) < parseInt(b_components[i])) {return -1;}}if (a_components.length > b_components.length) {return 1;}if (a_components.length < b_components.length) {return -1;}return 0;} }; langify.loader = langify.loader || { loadScript: function(url, callback) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; if(script.readyState) { script.onreadystatechange = function () { if(script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete') { script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { script.onload = function () { callback(); }; } script.src = url; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }, reload: function() { window.location.reload(); } }; langify.switcher = langify.switcher || { init: function() { var lyForceOff ='ly-force-off=')[1]; var switcherElements ='ly-switcher-wrapper')); if(!switcherElements.length) { switcherElements ='ly-languages-switcher')); } document.addEventListener('click', function(event) { if(!'.ly-languages-switcher')) { var openSwitchers = document.querySelectorAll('') for(i = 0; i < openSwitchers.length; i++) { openSwitchers[i].classList.remove('ly-is-open'); } } }); // Custom positioning for(i = 0; i < switcherElements.length; i++) { if(lyForceOff !== 'true' && langify.locale.languages.length > 1) { switcherElements[i].classList.remove('ly-hide'); } if(switcherElements[i].classList.contains('ly-custom') && (document.getElementById('ly-custom-'+switcherElements[i].getAttribute('data-breakpoint')) || document.getElementsByClassName('ly-custom-'+switcherElements[i].getAttribute('data-breakpoint')).length )) { var targets = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('ly-custom-'+switcherElements[i].getAttribute('data-breakpoint'))); var target = document.getElementById('ly-custom-'+switcherElements[i].getAttribute('data-breakpoint')); if(target) targets.push(target); for(c = 0; c < targets.length; c++) { var clone = switcherElements[i].cloneNode(true); targets[c].innerHTML = clone.outerHTML; } switcherElements[i].classList.add('ly-hide'); } } var links = document.getElementsByClassName('ly-languages-switcher-link'); for(l = 0; l < links.length; l++) { if(links[l].getAttribute('href') !== '#') { links[l].setAttribute('href', links[l].getAttribute('href') +; links[l].addEventListener('click', function(event) { langify.helper.setCookie('ly-lang-selected', this.getAttribute('data-ly-code'), 365); }); } } // Native select event handling var nativeLangifySelects = document.getElementsByClassName('ly-native-select'); for(var i = 0; i < nativeLangifySelects.length; i++) { nativeLangifySelects[i].onchange = function() { var selectedLanguageCode = this[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('key'); var url = languageUrls[selectedLanguageCode]; if(url) { langify.helper.setCookie('ly-lang-selected', selectedLanguageCode, 365); window.location.replace(; } }; } // Initial cart.attributes update ShopifyAPI.getCart(function (cart) { var currentLanguage = langify.locale.iso_code; if(!cart.attributes.language || cart.attributes.language != currentLanguage) { ShopifyAPI.updateCartAttributes({'language': currentLanguage}, function(data){}); } }); // Custom Dropdown var switcher = document.getElementsByClassName('ly-custom-dropdown-switcher'); for(var a = 0; a < switcher.length; a++) { switcher[a].classList.toggle('ly-is-open'); var isOut = langify.helper.isOutOfViewport(switcher[a]); if(isOut.bottom && isOut.inViewport) { switcher[a].classList.add('ly-is-dropup'); var arrows = switcher[a].querySelectorAll('.ly-arrow'); for(var b = 0; b < arrows.length; b++) { arrows[b].classList.add('ly-arrow-up'); } } switcher[a].classList.toggle('ly-is-open'); } if(langify.locale.languages.length === 1) {`%c LANGIFY INFO:\n`, 'font-weight: bold;', 'The language switcher is hidden! This can have one the following reasons: \n * All additional languages are disabled in the "Langify -> Dashboard -> Languages" section. \n * If you are using different domains for your additional languages, ensure that "Cross Domain Links" are enabled inside the "Langify -> Dashboard -> Switcher Configurator -> Domains" section.'); } this._currencySwitcherBindings(); }, _currencySwitcherBindings: function() { var currencySwitcherForm = document.getElementById('currency_switcher_form'); var countryCodeField = currencySwitcherForm.querySelector('input[name="country_code"]'); if(currencySwitcherForm) { var currencySelectSwitcher = document.querySelectorAll(' ,'); var currencyCustomSwitcher = document.querySelectorAll(' a, a'); currencySwitcherForm.querySelector('input[name="return_to"]').value = window.location.pathname; for(var i=0; i<currencyCustomSwitcher.length; i++) { currencyCustomSwitcher[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) { var formType = 'currency'; if(this.closest('.ly-custom-dropdown-switcher').getAttribute('class').indexOf('ly-country-switcher') >= 0) formType = 'country_code'; if(countryCodeField && this.closest('.ly-currency-switcher')) countryCodeField.remove(); currencySwitcherForm.querySelector('input[name="'+formType+'"]').value = this.getAttribute('data-'+ formType.replace('_', '-')); currencySwitcherForm.submit(); }); } for(var a=0; a<currencySelectSwitcher.length; a++) { currencySelectSwitcher[a].addEventListener('change', function(){ var formType = 'currency'; var theValue = this.value; if(this.getAttribute('class').indexOf('ly-country-switcher') >= 0) formType = 'country_code'; if(countryCodeField && this.getAttribute('class').indexOf('ly-currency-switcher') >= 0) countryCodeField.remove(); if(formType === 'currency') theValue = this.value.split(' ')[0]; currencySwitcherForm.querySelector('input[name="'+formType+'"]').value = theValue; currencySwitcherForm.submit(); }); } } }, toggleSwitcherOpen: function(e) { var target = e; if(!target.classList.contains('ly-is-open')) { var openSwitchers = document.querySelectorAll('') for(i = 0; i < openSwitchers.length; i++) { openSwitchers[i].classList.remove('ly-is-open'); } } target.classList.toggle('ly-is-open'); var isOut = langify.helper.isOutOfViewport(target); if(isOut.bottom) { target.classList.add('ly-is-dropup'); } }, togglePopupOpen: function(e) { e.closest('.ly-popup-switcher').classList.toggle('ly-is-open'); }, }; langify.recommendation = langify.recommendation || { recommendated: null, el: null, init: function() { var _localizationForm = document.getElementById('currency_switcher_form') this.el = { localizationForm: _localizationForm, currencyField: _localizationForm.querySelector('input[name="currency"]'), countryCodeField: _localizationForm.querySelector('input[name="country_code"]'), languageCodeField: _localizationForm.querySelector('input[name="language_code"]'), }; var recommendated = this._findRecommendedLanguage(); this.recommendated = recommendated; if(recommendated && recommendated !== langify.locale.iso_code && !langify.helper.getCookie('ly-lang-selected')) { this._translateStrings(recommendated); this._bindings(); } else { return false; } }, _findRecommendedLanguage: function() { var currentLang = langify.locale.iso_code; var browserLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; var match = languageUrls[browserLang]; var recommendatedLang = false; if(!match) { browserLang = browserLang.substring(0, 2); match = languageUrls[browserLang]; } if(!match) { for(var lang in languageUrls) { if(lang.substring(0, 2) === browserLang) { browserLang = lang; match = languageUrls[browserLang]; recommendatedLang = browserLang; } } } else { recommendatedLang = browserLang; } return recommendatedLang; }, _translateStrings: function(languageCode) { var recommendationElement = document.querySelectorAll('.ly-recommendation')[0]; var strings = langify.settings.switcher.recommendation_strings[languageCode]; var recommendationStr = 'Looks like your browser is set to English. Change the language?'; var buttonStr = 'Change'; var languageStr = 'English'; if(strings) { recommendationStr = strings.recommendation ? strings.recommendation : 'Looks like your browser is set to English. Change the language?'; buttonStr = strings.button ? strings.button : 'Change'; languageStr = strings.language ? strings.language : 'English'; } var newCode = recommendationElement.innerHTML; newCode = newCode.replaceAll('[[recommendation]]', recommendationStr).replaceAll('[[button]]', buttonStr); recommendationElement.innerHTML = newCode; }, _bindings: function() { var _this = this; var recommendated = this._findRecommendedLanguage(); var currentLang = langify.locale.iso_code; var userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; var lyForceOff ='ly-force-off=')[1]; var recommendationElement = document.querySelectorAll('.ly-recommendation')[0]; var form = recommendationElement.querySelectorAll('.ly-recommendation-form')[0]; var links = recommendationElement.getElementsByClassName('ly-custom-dropdown-list-element'); var customDropdown = recommendationElement.querySelectorAll('.ly-custom-dropdown-switcher'); var nativeSelects = recommendationElement.getElementsByClassName('ly-native-select'); //form.setAttribute('action', languageUrls[this.recommendated]); if(!this.el.languageCodeField) { // Backwards compability this.el.languageCodeField = document.createElement('input'); this.el.languageCodeField.type = 'hidden'; = 'language_code'; this.el.localizationForm.appendChild(languageCodeField) } this.el.languageCodeField.value = recommendated; form.addEventListener('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); langify.helper.setCookie('ly-lang-selected', recommendated, 365); _this.el.localizationForm.submit(); }); for(l = 0; l < links.length; l++) { links[l].addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // When clicked from within a custom dropdown var parentCustomDropdown = event.currentTarget.closest('.ly-custom-dropdown-switcher'); if(parentCustomDropdown) { _this._selectCustomDropdownEntry(parentCustomDropdown, this); } else { _this.el.languageCodeField.value = this.getAttribute('data-ly-code'); } }); } for(var i = 0; i < nativeSelects.length; i++) { nativeSelects[i].onchange = this._selectNativeDropdownEntry;//.bind(this); if(nativeSelects[i].classList.contains('ly-languages-switcher')) { nativeSelects[i].value = recommendated; } } for(i = 0; i < customDropdown.length; i++) { if(recommendationElement.className.indexOf('bottom') > -1) { customDropdown[i].classList.add('ly-is-dropup'); } if(customDropdown[i].classList.contains('ly-languages-switcher')) { this._selectCustomDropdownEntry(customDropdown[i], customDropdown[i].querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list a[data-ly-code="'+ recommendated +'"]')); } } if(!lyForceOff) { recommendationElement.classList.add('ly-is-open'); } }, _selectNativeDropdownEntry: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var element = event.currentTarget; var _this = langify.recommendation; if(element.classList.contains('ly-languages-switcher')) { _this.el.languageCodeField.value = element[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('key'); //element.value = valueToSelect; } if(element.classList.contains('ly-country-switcher') || element.classList.contains('ly-currency-switcher')) { _this.el.currencyField.value = element[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('data-currency'); _this.el.countryCodeField.value = element[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('data-country-code'); } }, _selectCustomDropdownEntry: function(element, entry) { var _this = langify.recommendation; var currentElem = element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-current'); var currentIcon = currentElem.querySelector('.ly-icon'); var currentLabel = currentElem.querySelector('span'); var valueToSelect = ''; if(element.classList.contains('ly-languages-switcher')) { _this.el.languageCodeField.value = entry.getAttribute('data-ly-code'); valueToSelect = entry.getAttribute('data-ly-code'); } if(element.classList.contains('ly-country-switcher')) { _this.el.currencyField.value = entry.getAttribute('data-currency'); _this.el.countryCodeField.value = entry.getAttribute('data-country-code'); valueToSelect = entry.getAttribute('data-country-code')+'-'+entry.getAttribute('data-currency'); } if(element.classList.contains('ly-currency-switcher')) { _this.el.currencyField.value = entry.getAttribute('data-currency'); _this.el.countryCodeField.value = ''; valueToSelect = entry.getAttribute('data-currency'); } if(element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list li.current')) { element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list li.current').classList.remove('current'); element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list li[key="'+ valueToSelect +'"]').classList.add('current'); } if(element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list li.current span')) currentLabel.innerHTML = element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list li.current span').innerHTML; if(element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list li.current .ly-icon')) currentIcon.classList = element.querySelector('.ly-custom-dropdown-list li.current .ly-icon').classList; }, toggleOpen: function(e) { e.closest('.ly-recommendation').classList.toggle('ly-is-open'); if(!e.closest('.ly-recommendation').classList.contains('ly-is-open')) { langify.helper.setCookie('ly-lang-selected', this.recommendated, 365); } }, }; langify.languageDetection = langify.languageDetection || { init: function() { var currentLang = langify.locale.iso_code; if(langify.helper.getVal('redirected') === 'true') { langify.helper.setCookie('ly-lang-selected', "fr", 365); var _href = window.location.href; history.replaceState(null, '', _href.replace(/(\?|&)(redirected=true)/i, '')); } var userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; var bot = /bot|google|baidu|bing|msn|duckduckbot|teoma|slurp|yandex|Chrome-Lighthouse/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var blockedRoutes = window.lyBlockedRoutesList || []; var blockedRoute = blockedRoutes.find(x => window.location.pathname.indexOf(x) === 0); var is404 = document.getElementsByClassName('template-404').length; if(!langify.helper.inIframe() && !is404 && !bot && !blockedRoute && langify.helper.getVal('ly-lang-detect') !== 'off') { if(userLang && !langify.helper.getCookie('ly-lang-selected')) { var rootUrl = languageUrls[userLang]; if(!rootUrl) { userLang = userLang.substring(0, 2); rootUrl = languageUrls[userLang]; } if(!rootUrl) { for(var lang in languageUrls) { if(lang.substring(0, 2) === userLang) { userLang = lang; rootUrl = languageUrls[userLang]; } } } if(rootUrl) { if(currentLang !== userLang) { langify.helper.setCookie('ly-lang-selected', userLang, 365); this.redirect(rootUrl); } } } else { if(langify.helper.getCookie('ly-lang-selected') && langify.helper.getCookie('ly-lang-selected') !== currentLang) { if(languageUrls[langify.helper.getCookie('ly-lang-selected')]) { // Only save cookie when the domain feature is active if(langify.helper.isDomainFeatureEnabled()) { langify.helper.setCookie('ly-lang-selected', currentLang, 365); } this.redirect(languageUrls[langify.helper.getCookie('ly-lang-selected')]); } } } } this._fixDomainCookies(); this._geolocationAppSupport(); }, redirect: function(url) { var params =; var link = document.createElement("a"); var append = ''; // Only append when redirecting to another domain if(langify.helper.isDomainFeatureEnabled()) { append = '?redirected=true'; if(params.indexOf('?') >= 0) { append = '&redirected=true'; } } link.setAttribute('data-ly-locked', 'true'); link.href = url + params + append; document.body.appendChild(link);; }, _fixDomainCookies: function() { // FIX: Language Detection + Domain Feature if(!langify.locale.languages.find(function(lang) {return (lang.iso_code === langify.locale.iso_code)}).domain) return false; function lyHandleLinkClick(e) { var target = e.currentTarget; if(target.href.indexOf('redirected=true') >= 0) return false; e.preventDefault(); var append = '?redirected=true'; if(target.href.indexOf('?') >= 0) { append = '&redirected=true'; } target.href = target.href + append; target.removeEventListener('click', lyHandleLinkClick);; } window.onload = function () { document.querySelectorAll('.ly-languages-switcher-link').forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', lyHandleLinkClick); }); } }, _geolocationAppSupport: function() { var target = document.querySelector('body'); var config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; var geolocationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.type === 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) { var target ='locale-bar__form'); 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