Bahá'í Reference Library - Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
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O my God! We are servants who…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-11.html">“O ye who are sincere! O ye who are attracted! O ye…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-12.html">“O ye who are firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-13.html">“O my God! O my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-14.html">“O ye who are sincere! O ye who are firm! O ye who…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-15.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-16.html">“O ye servants of the Threshold of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-17.html">“O ye friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-18.html">“O ye who are sincere! O ye who are firm in the Covenant…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-19.html">“O ye who are attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-20.html">“O thou servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-21.html">“O ye firm ones in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-22.html">“O God! O God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-23.html">“O ye who are attracted! O ye who are firm! O ye…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-24.html">“O ye who are chosen! O ye who are firm! O ye who…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-25.html">“Your three reports, together with the public…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-26.html">“O ye spiritual friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-27.html">“O ye spiritual friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-28.html">“O ye dear friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-29.html">“*** Thou has written concerning the Board of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-30.html">“O ye leaves of the Paradise of El-ABHA, and the maid-servants…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-31.html">“When you assemble in the meeting of teaching (the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-32.html">“O ye verdant and flourishing leaves of the Blessed…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-33.html">“O ye maid-servants of the Merciful!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-34.html">“O ye crying voices in the region of America!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-35.html">“O thou son of the associate and companion of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-36.html">“O Thou kind God! That scattered assembly is…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-37.html">“O ye my divine friends!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-38.html">“O ye children of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-39.html">“O ye Cohorts of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-40.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-41.html">“O thou who art advancing unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-42.html">“O ye two accepted ones in the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-43.html">“O ye two truthful believers!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-44.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Word of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-45.html">“O maid-servant of God, who art supplicating unto the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-46.html">“O thou who art advancing to the Dawning-point of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-47.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-48.html">“O thou flower perfumed by the Breaths of the Love…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-49.html">“O thou who dost believe in the Unity of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-50.html">“O servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-51.html">“O thou who art supplicating unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-52.html">“O thou who art advancing unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-53.html">“O dear servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-54.html">“O thou who art uttering the praise of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-55.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-56.html">“O thou lamp ignited by the fire of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-57.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-58.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-59.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-60.html">“O thou bird of pleasing tones!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-61.html">“O thou spiritual lad!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-62.html">“O thou daughter of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-63.html">“O thou who art ignited through the brilliant Flame…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-64.html">“***O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-65.html">“O thou leaf who art well watered through the out-pouring…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-66.html">“O servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-67.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-68.html">“O thou who art advancing toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-69.html">“O thou candle shining by the light of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-70.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-71.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-72.html">“O servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-73.html">“O thou spiritual friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-74.html">“O thou kind friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-75.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-76.html">“O thou plant in the garden of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-77.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-78.html">“O Spiritual Assembly !…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-79.html">“O God! Confirm them in the promotion of Thy…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-80.html">“O ye two birds warbling in the Garden of Wisdom….”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-81.html">“O thou handsome child!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-82.html">“O thou blooming rose in the garden of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-83.html">“O thou who art anticipating the appearance of the Gift…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-84.html">“O my tender friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-85.html">“O thou lamp who art illuminated with the light of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-86.html">“O thou who hearest and seest in this wonderful Cause!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-87.html">“O thou who art agitated as oceans by the winds blown…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-88.html">“Verily, I read thy magnificent letter, thy brilliant…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-89.html">“O thou who art enkindled by the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-90.html">“O thou who art marching onward to God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-91.html">“O thou who art submissive and humble before the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-92.html">“O thou whose heart is soaring in the sky of the love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-93.html">“O my God! O my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-94.html">“O thou who hast acknowledged the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-95.html">“O ye two birds in the open-space of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-96.html">“O thou who art longing for the Orb of the Horizons!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-97.html">“O thou Secretary of the meanings emanated from the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-98.html">“O ye who have advanced! O ye who are rejoiced!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-99.html">“O ye sincere ones and ye who are attracted and moved…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-100.html">“O thou who hast acknowledged the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-101.html">“O ye who are set aglow with the fire of God’s Love!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-102.html">“O thou who art turning unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-103.html">“O thou who art attracted to God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-104.html">“O thou opened rose in the garden of El-ABHA!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-105.html">“O thou who art tested with a great calamity!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-106.html">“O thou who art patient and resigning thyself to the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-107.html">“O thou who hast humbled thyself before the Kingdom…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-108.html">“O thou loving torch, flaming by the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-109.html">“O maid-servant of God who art swayed like a strong…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-110.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-111.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-112.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-113.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-114.html">“O thou who art turning unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-115.html">“O thou who art assured by the grace of thy Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-116.html">“O thou dear servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-117.html">“O thou who art hoping for the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-118.html">“O dear servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-119.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-120.html">“O attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-121.html">“O thou who art advancing to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-122.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of Holiness!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-123.html">“O thou who art cheered through the Fragrances of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-124.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-125.html">“O thou who has sought shelter in the Impregnable…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-126.html">“O thou who art confessing the Oneness of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-127.html">“O thou illumined youth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-128.html">“O thou revered sincere one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-129.html">“O thou servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-130.html">“O thou who are enkindled by the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-131.html">“O thou who art made happy by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-132.html">“Convey my love to the maid-servant of God, Mrs. ….….,…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-133.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-134.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Breath of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-135.html">“O thou who art assuredly believing in God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-136.html">“O thou who art turning unto the Kingdom of God, and…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-137.html">“O thou who art imploring God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-138.html">“O visitant of the Resort of spirits (who are) sincere in…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-139.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-140.html">“O thou slave of the Beauty of ABHA!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-141.html">“O thou who art awakened from the sleep of negligence…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-142.html">“O thou fortunate and righteous, sincere and pious!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-143.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-144.html">“O thou at whose mention I am rejoiced!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-145.html">“O thou who art assured in God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-146.html">“O thou who art advanced towards God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-147.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-148.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-149.html">“O thou sincere servant of the True One!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-150.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-151.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-152.html">“O God who art without likeness!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-153.html">“O thou servant of Baha’!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-154.html">“O servant of Baha’!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-155.html">“O thou who art advancing unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-156.html">“O my dear, intimate friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-157.html">“O thou candle of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-158.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-159.html">“O thou beloved of my heart!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-160.html">“O thou who art partaking of the Heavenly Food!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-161.html">“O thou tree, developed in the garden of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-162.html">“O thou spiritual man and merciful being!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-163.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Holy Fragrances!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-164.html">“O thou who art accepted of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-165.html">“O thou servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-166.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Beauty of the Deity!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-167.html">“O ye who are longing for the beauty of El-ABHA!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-168.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-169.html">“***O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-170.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-171.html">“O thou who art advancing unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-172.html">“O thou who art marching unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-173.html">“Rejoice, O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-174.html">“O thou who art afflicted by a visitation by which thine…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-175.html">“O thou who art advancing unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-176.html">“O ye illumined faces! O ye divine souls! and O ye…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-177.html">“O ye who are attracted to the Heavenly Kingdom! O…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-178.html">“O ye maid-servants of the Merciful! Leaves of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-179.html">“O ye firm, steadfast, and faithful Believers!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-180.html">“O ye dear friends and maid-servants of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-181.html">“O thou servant who art near and dear to the Glorious…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-182.html">“O thou who art turning to the divine Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-183.html">“O thou attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-184.html">“O servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-185.html">“O thou who art near to the Threshold of ABHA!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-186.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-187.html">“O my spiritual beloved!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-188.html">“O thou fresh, slender branch saturated with the abundant…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-189.html">“O thou who art turned to the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-190.html">“O thou who art nurtured from the breasts of the Kingdom…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-191.html">“O thou spiritual temple whose heart is drawn unto the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-192.html">“O thou heavenly, brilliant and precious pearl!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-193.html">“O thou faithful servant of the True One!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-194.html">“O thou son of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-195.html">“O thou who art rejoicing at the Glad-tidings of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-196.html">“O thou who art drawn unto God and kindled by the Fire…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-197.html">“To him who is looking unto God! O thou who art…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-198.html">“O ye who are turned towards the Kingdom and drawn…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-199.html">“O thou herald of the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-200.html">“O thou who hast arisen to render service to the Cause…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-201.html">“O thou who hast sought illumination from the Light of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-202.html">“O my Lord, my Hope!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-203.html">“O my Lord, my Hope!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-204.html">“O thou seeker of the True One!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-205.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-206.html">“O thou who art a young tree in the Garden of the Love…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-207.html">“O thou who art quickened by the Divine Fragrances!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-208.html">“O thou who art acknowledging the Oneness of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-209.html">“O thou bright pearl!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-210.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Breaths of God! —may…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-211.html">“O thou who art sincere in the Religion of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-212.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Speech of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-213.html">“O thou who art attracted unto the Beauty of ABHA!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-214.html">“O thou whose heart is overflowing with the love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-215.html">“O thou who art confident in the appearance of the Kingdom…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-216.html">“O thou who art directed unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-217.html">“O Thou Forgiving Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-218.html">“O thou sign of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-219.html">“O thou who art commemorating the praises of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-220.html">“O thou dear one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-221.html">“O thou young in age and great in mind!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-222.html">“O my God, my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-223.html">“O thou who art attached to the Beauty of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-224.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Light of Guidance!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-225.html">“O thou who hast gained illumination from the Light of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-226.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-227.html">“O thou wonderful leaf of the Tree of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-228.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-229.html">“O thou bird who art warbling in the Garden of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-230.html">“O ye two doves, flying in the verdant Gardens of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-231.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Bounty of El-ABHA!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-232.html">“O thou messenger in the command of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-233.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-234.html">“O thou who art set aglow with the Fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-235.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-236.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Divine…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-237.html">“O thou who art advancing toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-238.html">“O thou sincere servant of the Lord of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-239.html">“O thou whose heart is filled with the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-240.html">“O thou favored maid-servant in the Threshold of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-241.html">“O loving God! I am a young child, a suppliant, a…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-242.html">“O thou who art advancing toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-243.html">“O thou Godlike person and spiritual friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-244.html">“O thou whose face is illumined with the Light of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-245.html">“O thou who art enkindled with the Fire of the Love…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-246.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Threshold of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-247.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-248.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-249.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-250.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-251.html">“O thou who art esteemed in the Threshold of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-252.html">“O thou who hast attained to Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-253.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-254.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-255.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-256.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-257.html">“O thou maid-servant of the Blessed Perfection!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-258.html">“O thou attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-259.html">“O thou favored maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-260.html">“O thou spiritual maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-261.html">“O thou attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-262.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-263.html">“O thou whose breast is dilated with the Fragrances…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-264.html">“O thou who art rejoiced at the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-265.html">“O thou herald of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-266.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-267.html">“O thou beloved and benevolent daughter of the Kingdom…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-268.html">“Thy letter was received. It became conducive to…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-269.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-270.html">“O thou who art advancing toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-271.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Call of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-272.html">“O thou who art turning unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-273.html">“O my God! O my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-274.html">“O thou who art honorable and faithful to God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-275.html">“O thou whose heart is empty and pure through the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-276.html">“O thou who art shining with the Kingdom’s Lights!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-277.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-278.html">“O thou who art turned to the Kingdom of the Lord, the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-279.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-280.html">“O thou who art longing to witness the lights from the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-281.html">“O thou spiritual clarion!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-282.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-283.html">“O thou flower of the Rose-Garden of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-284.html">“O thou who art kindled with the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-285.html">“O thou dazzling gem by the light of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-286.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-287.html">“O thou who art enkindled with the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> </ul> <div class="index1"><a href="tab-288.html">Volume II: pp. 239–484</a></div> <ul> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-288.html">Frontispiece</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-289.html">“It is hoped that wonderful effects will be displayed…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-290.html">“Abdul-Baha Abbas…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-291.html">“O thou who art attracted by a Breath that passed upon…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-292.html">“O thou honorable lady!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-293.html">“O thou who art advancing towards God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-294.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-295.html">“O thou believer in God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-296.html">“O thou who has turned towards the Lights of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-297.html">“O thou who art directed unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-298.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-299.html">“O thou seeker of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-300.html">“O thou kind maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-301.html">“O thou who art advancing unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-302.html">“O thou who art set aglow with the Fire burning in the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-303.html">“O thou who has advanced towards Baha’!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-304.html">“O thou who art anticipating the descent of the Gift of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-305.html">“O thou shining ray!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-306.html">“O thou effulgence of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-307.html">“O thou candle of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-308.html">“O thou who art desirous of the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-309.html">“O tho dear friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-310.html">“O thou who art advancing toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-311.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-312.html">“O ye shining Assembly!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-313.html">“O ye members of the shining assembly! Each one…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-314.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-315.html">“O thou whom I mention with my heart and tongue!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-316.html">“O thou spiritual youth and merciful young man!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-317.html">“O thou who art directed to the Light of Guidance!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-318.html">“O ye who are advancing towards the Kingdom of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-319.html">“O My God! O My God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-320.html">“O thou who art advancing unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-321.html">“O thou confirmed by an inspiration from the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-322.html">“O thou who art attracted unto the Beauty of El-Abha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-323.html">“O thou who hast spread the Fragrance of God!—may…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-324.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-325.html">“O thou whose nostrils are perfumed with the Fragrances…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-326.html">“O dear servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-327.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-328.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-329.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-330.html">“O thou who art calling in the Name of God and heralding…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-331.html">“O thou who art firm in the love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-332.html">“***O ye shining faces and spiritual beings!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-333.html">“O ye who are attracted! O ye who are united! O ye…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-334.html">“O ye longing ones! O ye cheered ones! O ye attracted…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-335.html">“O thou who art kindled by the Fire of Guidance which…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-336.html">“O thou who art advancing toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-337.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-338.html">“My God! My God! Elohim ….”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-339.html">“O maid-servant of God, thou who hast given up thy…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-340.html">“O thou who in truth art attracted through the Breaths…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-341.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-342.html">“O thou who art wholly advancing unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-343.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-344.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Word of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-345.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-346.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God and…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-347.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-348.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-349.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-350.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-351.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-352.html">“O thou artery pulsating in the body of the world!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-353.html">“O thou esteemed maid-servant of the Loving Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-354.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-355.html">“O bird without a nest!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-356.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-357.html">“Inquire after the health of Miss ….……, send…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-358.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-359.html">“O thou who art favored in the Kingdom of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-360.html">“O thou favored maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-361.html">“O thou who art advancing towards the Shining Orb of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-362.html">“O thou who art spreading the Cause of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-363.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-364.html">“O thou rose of the Rose-Garden of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-365.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-366.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-367.html">“O thou bird warbling in the Garden of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-368.html">“O thou who art conscious!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-369.html">“O thou who art advancing to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-370.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-371.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-372.html">“O thou who art controlled by the attraction of the Fragrances…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-373.html">“O thou who art commemorating the Name of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-374.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-375.html">“O thou who art remembered by Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-376.html">“O thou whose heart is moved by a breeze blowing from…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-377.html">“O thou attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-378.html">“O thou who art advancing to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-379.html">“O thou who dost believe in the Spirit of Christ, in the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-380.html">“O ye who are considering the Kingdom of your august…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-381.html">“O ye two singing birds in the Garden of Belief!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-382.html">“O thou who art turning unto the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-383.html">“O ye two pilgrims of the Holy Shrine!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-384.html">“O ye two lamps of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-385.html">“O thou respectful soul!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-386.html">“O thou faithful maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-387.html">“O thou attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-388.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-389.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-390.html">“O thou who art seeking for the Power of the Holy…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-391.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-392.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-393.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Light of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-394.html">“O thou who hast been attracted by the Magnet of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-395.html">“O thou whose heart hath been filled with the love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-396.html">“O thou who art turned to the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-397.html">“My God! My God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-398.html">“O thou who art kindled with the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-399.html">“O thou who art attracted unto the Beauty of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-400.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of god…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-401.html">“O thou who art arisen for the service of the Cause of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-402.html">“O thou who art controlled by the attraction of the Holy…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-403.html">“O thou honored friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-404.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-405.html">“O thou friend of old and O thou incomparable companion!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-406.html">“O Lord! O Beloved!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-407.html">“O thou herald of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-408.html">“O thou Thahbet (Firm) in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-409.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-410.html">“O ye beloved of God and His sincere friends!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-411.html">“O ye sincere ones! O ye firm ones! O ye heralds of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-412.html">“O ye two revered persons, ye servants in the vineyard…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-413.html">“O ye sincere, O ye firm and steadfast in the Testament…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-414.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-415.html">“O ye friends of God and daughters of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-416.html">“O ye dwellers of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-417.html">“O Thou Pure God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-418.html">“O thou whose breast is dilated (with joy) for the Kingdom…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-419.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-420.html">“O thou who art honored and dear!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-421.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Spirit of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-422.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-423.html">“O thou who art advancing to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-424.html">“O thou child of the Kingdom and firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-425.html">“O thou speaker in the remembrance of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-426.html">“O thou pure soul who art kindled by the fire of the love…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-427.html">“O thou who hast turned thy face toward the Kingdom…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-428.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-429.html">“O thou who hast approached the Kingdom of God and…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-430.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-431.html">“Verily I approach Thee, O my God, in the darkest hour…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-432.html">“To the beloved of God in Persia!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-433.html">“El-Baha, praise, light, blessing and peace be upon thee,…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-434.html">“O thou peerless, matchless, glorious martyr!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-435.html">“The first light which shone forth from the horizon of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-436.html">“O ye beloved servants of Abdul-Baha and the maid-servants…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-437.html">“O servants of the Blessed Beauty!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-438.html">“O ye sincere ones! O ye favored ones! O ye beseeching…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-439.html">“Glory be unto Thee, O Thou whose mercy hath encompassed…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-440.html">“O thou who art sweet tongued!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-441.html">“O bird of the Rose-garden of Fidelity!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-442.html">“O thou friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-443.html">“O ye brilliant realities!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-444.html">“O ye who are attracted! O ye who are remembered!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-445.html">“O thou who art guided by the Light of Guidance!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-446.html">“O thou whose breast is dilated by the Fragrances of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-447.html">“O thou who seekest for the Will of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-448.html">“O thou seeker of the True One!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-449.html">“O thou cup overflowing with the Wine of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-450.html">“O thou whose tongue is uttering the Name of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-451.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-452.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-453.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-454.html">“O thou who art advancing unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-455.html">“O thou who art set aglow with the Fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-456.html">“O thou who art turning thy heart unto the Kingdom of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-457.html">“O thou who art baptized by the Spirit of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-458.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-459.html">“O thou faithful and confident!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-460.html">“O thou my dear friend, my associate and companion!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-461.html">“O thou spiritual friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-462.html">“O thou my spiritual companion!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-463.html">“Honorable Dr. ….….….”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-464.html">“O Spiritual ….….!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-465.html">“O thou bearer of the Great-tidings of the Kingdom of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-466.html">“O thou esteemed maid-servant of the Word of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-467.html">“O thou who art kindled as a lamp with the Fire of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-468.html">“O thou who art cheerful in heart, by the Fragrances…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-469.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-470.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-471.html">“I ask God that thou mayest find a perceiving eye, an…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-472.html">“***O ye real friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-473.html">“O ye beloved friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-474.html">“O ye who are turned towards the Kingdom and drawn…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-475.html">“O ye elect and chosen ones of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-476.html">“O ye sons of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-477.html">“O thou whose heart is attracted and whose breast is…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-478.html">“O ye servants of God and maid-servants of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-479.html">“O ye beloved! O ye maid-servants of the Merciful!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-480.html">“O ye whom God hath chosen from among those who…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-481.html">“O ye esteemed maid-servants of God, and ye revered…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-482.html">“O ye my dear friends!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-483.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-484.html">“O thou who art supplicating unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-485.html">“O thou young, incomparable tree of the Rose-garden…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-486.html">“O thou who hast approached toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-487.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-488.html">“O thou who art directed toward the Light of Guidance!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-489.html">“O thou who art rejoiced by the Divine Glad-tidings!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-490.html">“O thou dear and honorable!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-491.html">“O thou spiritual son!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-492.html">“O thou dear friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-493.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-494.html">“O thou sincere servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-495.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-496.html">“O thou my dear friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-497.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-498.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-499.html">“O thou seeker of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-500.html">“What thou hast written was read and its contents…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-501.html">“Thy last letter was received and its contents brought…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-502.html">“O God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-503.html">“O God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-504.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-505.html">“O thou servant of Baha’!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-506.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-507.html">“O thou sincere servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-508.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-509.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant and Testament!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-510.html">“O thou my beloved friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-511.html">“The letter was received and its contents became evident….”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-512.html">“O thou who hast confessed and believed in the Words…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-513.html">“O thou who art assuredly believing in God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-514.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-515.html">“O thou who art advancing toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-516.html">“O thou who hast prayed to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-517.html">“O ye two maid-servants of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-518.html">“O thou thrall of the Lord of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-519.html">“O thou attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-520.html">“O ye members of the shining assembly!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-521.html">“O thou dear servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-522.html">“O thou seeker of the Heavenly Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-523.html">“O my dear friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-524.html">“O thou who art cheerfully moving by the Fragrances…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-525.html">“O thou seeker of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-526.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-527.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-528.html">“If the people live and act in accord with…”</A></li> </ul> <div class="index1"><a href="tab-529.html">Volume III</a></div> <ul> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-529.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-530.html">“O God! O thou Attracted of the hearts of the favored…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-531.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-532.html">“Your letters have been received. God willing, answer…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-533.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-534.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-535.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-536.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-537.html">“Thy letters were received. Although thou hast…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-538.html">“O thou who are firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-539.html">“O heavenly one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-540.html">“O ye illumined friends and the maid-servants of the Merciful!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-541.html">“O thou who art advanced toward the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-542.html">“O thou yearner after the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-543.html">“O thou attracted maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-544.html">“O ye two dear maid-servants of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-545.html">“O ye two dear maid-servants of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-546.html">“Say to [Dr.] … that “he studied physical…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-547.html">“Convey my respectful greetings to [Dr.] ……”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-548.html">“Express my affection to Mrs. … and say:…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-549.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-550.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-551.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-552.html">“O thou confident leaf!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-553.html">“O ye two advancers towards the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-554.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-555.html">“O thou honorable one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-556.html">“O thou seeker after Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-557.html">“O thou yearner after the Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-558.html">“O thou seeker of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-559.html">“O thou that mirror in which the Light of Guidance is printed!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-560.html">“O thou who art always calling on God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-561.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-562.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-563.html">“O thou who art calling in the cities, the bearer of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-564.html">“O thou who art set aglow with the Fire of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-565.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-566.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-567.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-568.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-569.html">“O thou tree planted in the Garden of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-570.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-571.html">“O thou who hast turned thy face toward the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-572.html">“O thou yearning one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-573.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-574.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-575.html">“O thou who art turning toward the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-576.html">“O thou pure soul who hath turned with a submissive…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-577.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-578.html">“O thou who art witnessing the Light of Guidance!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-579.html">“III-530…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-580.html">“O thou kind maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-581.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-582.html">“O ye friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-583.html">“O ye blessed souls!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-584.html">“O ye two kind and beloved maid-servants of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-585.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-586.html">“O thou seeker of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-587.html">“O thou who art guided by the Light of Guidance!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-588.html">“O thou wooer of Truth and attracted one toward the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-589.html">“O thou dear wise man!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-590.html">“O thou esteemed maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-591.html">“O thou servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-592.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-593.html">“O thou servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-594.html">“O thou seeker after Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-595.html">“O ye seekers of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-596.html">“O thou dear friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-597.html">“O ye seekers of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-598.html">“O thou Glorious Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-599.html">“O thou plant of the Garden of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-600.html">“O thou dear friend!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-601.html">“O thou faithful one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-602.html">“O thou who art advanced toward God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-603.html">“O thou servant of the True One!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-604.html">“O thou heavenly one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-605.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-606.html">“O ye spiritual assembly!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-607.html">“O ye friends!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-608.html">“O thou lamp of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-609.html">“O thou daughter of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-610.html">“O thou who art attracted toward the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-611.html">“O ye friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-612.html">“O thou who hast addressed Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-613.html">“O thou who art the single one of Japan and the unique…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-614.html">“O thou youth of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-615.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Word of God to the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-616.html">“O thou spiritual youth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-617.html">“Announce greeting on my behalf to the two young…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-618.html">“O ye spiritual friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-619.html">“Glory be unto Thee, O my God! I supplicate unto…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-620.html">“Glory be unto Thee, O my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-621.html">“O ye beloved ones of Abdul-Baha! This servant…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-622.html">“O ye beloved ones! It is the moment of the ecstasy…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-623.html">“O Thou Pure God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-624.html">“O ye real companions! Day and night Abdul-Baha…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-625.html">“O ye beloved of God and maid-servants of the Merciful!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-626.html">“O pure friends of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-627.html">“O ye two , servant and maid-servant of the Beauty of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-628.html">“O thou who art skilled in the Knowledge of God and…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-629.html">“O seeker for the Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-630.html">“O thou darling dear!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-631.html">“O thou worshipper of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-632.html">“O thou whose face is radiant with the light of the Love…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-633.html">“O thou yearner after Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-634.html">“O thou yearner after the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-635.html">“O thou flower of the Rose-garden of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-636.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-637.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-638.html">“O ye spiritual ones! O ye heavenly ones!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-639.html">“O ye servants of the True One and the maid-servants…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-640.html">“O my Lord! O my Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-641.html">“Thou hast written concerning the universal peace,…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-642.html">“O thou who art attracted by the brilliant lights of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-643.html">“O thou who art illuminated by the Light of Knowledge!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-644.html">“O thou who art gazing toward Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-645.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Spirit of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-646.html">“O thou who art attracted to the call of the Lord of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-647.html">“O thou maid-servant of God who art attracted to the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-648.html">“O thou who art ablaze with the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-649.html">“O thou seeing one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-650.html">“O thou who art speaking the praise of God in that vast…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-651.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-652.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-653.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-654.html">“O thou who art rejoiced at the explanation of the maid-servant…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-655.html">“O thou who art awakened to the Cause of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-656.html">“O my God! O my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-657.html">“O my Lord! O my Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-658.html">“My Lord! My Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-659.html">“O my God! O my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-660.html">“O my God! O my God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-661.html">“O my Lord! O my Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-662.html">“O my Lord, my Beloved, my Desire!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-663.html">“O my Lord!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-664.html">“O thou who art advancing unto God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-665.html">“O thou lamp glowing with the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-666.html">“O thou fragrant rose blooming in the Garden of Guidance!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-667.html">“O thou who art controlled by the attractions of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-668.html">“O ye dear children!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-669.html">“O thou advancer to the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-670.html">“Announce on my behalf respectful greeting to the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-671.html">“O thou seeker of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-672.html">“O thou excellent maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-673.html">“O thou daughter of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-674.html">“O thou daughter of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-675.html">“O thou favored maid-servant of the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-676.html">“O ye blessed maid-servant of the Beauty of Abha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-677.html">“O thou pure and spiritual one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-678.html">“O thou who art turning toward the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-679.html">“O thou who art tranquilized by the Call of the Kingdom…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-680.html">“O thou who art yearning for the Glad-tidings of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-681.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-682.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-683.html">“O ye friends of this prisoner!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-684.html">“O thou near servant to the Threshold of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-685.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-686.html">“O ye two merciful assemblies!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-687.html">“O thou who art set aglow with the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-688.html">“O thou advancer to God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-689.html">“O thou pure soul who art turning toward the Lord of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-690.html">“O thou whose heart is pure and whose souls is rejoiced!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-691.html">“O maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-692.html">“O thou who hath advanced to the Kingdom of his…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-693.html">“O thou servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-694.html">“O thou who art advancing unto the Face of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-695.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-696.html">“O thou advancing maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-697.html">“”O Compassionate God! Thanks be to Thee for…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-698.html">“O ye friends of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-699.html">“O thou servant of the Threshold of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-700.html">“O my spiritual friends!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-701.html">“As to [what thou hast heard concerning] the child…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-702.html">“O thou spiritual beloved!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-703.html">“O thou who art gazing toward the Kingdom of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-704.html">“O thou who art assuredly believing in God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-705.html">“O thou confident soul who art content and patient!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-706.html">“O thou spiritual person and heavenly man—may God…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-707.html">“O thou who art esteemed and guarded!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-708.html">“O thou who art rejoiced by the Appearance of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-709.html">“O thou who art exhilarated by the Wine of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-710.html">“To the servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-711.html">“To the servant of God, ….…..:…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-712.html">“O seeker of the truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-713.html">“Thy letter was received and its contents noted. In…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-714.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-715.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-716.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-717.html">“O ye who are attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-718.html">“O ye maid-servants of God and leaves of the Tree of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-719.html">“If you arise in accord with the exhortations and commands…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-720.html">“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-721.html">“Convey my respectful greeting to Mr. ….….. and…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-722.html">“O ye beloved friends of Abdul-Baha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-723.html">“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-724.html">“O thou who art waiting for the Appearance of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-725.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-726.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-727.html">“O thou bird of the Rose-garden of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-728.html">“O thou who art uttering the mention of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-729.html">“O thou who art kindled by the fire of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-730.html">“O thou dear servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-731.html">“O thou attracted one!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-732.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-733.html">“O thou spiritual leaf who art verdant and well-watered…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-734.html">“O thou bird of the Garden of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-735.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-736.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-737.html">“O thou seeker of the Divine Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-738.html">“O thou who art longing for the Heavenly Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-739.html">“O thou plant in the Garden of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-740.html">“O thou seeker of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-741.html">“O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-742.html">“O ye maid-servants of His Majesty, the Lord—daughters…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-743.html">“O seeker of Truth!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-744.html">“O thou maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-745.html">“O ye dear servants of God!….”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-746.html">“O servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-747.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-748.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-749.html">“O thou sincere servant of Baha’o’llah!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-750.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-751.html">“O thou who art longing for the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-752.html">“O thou leaf who art moved by the Breeze of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-753.html">“O thou tree planted in the Vineyard of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-754.html">“O thou who art seeking fire from the Fire of the Love…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-755.html">“O thou son of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A 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Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-767.html">“O thou who hast turned thy face toward the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-768.html">“O thou beloved maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-769.html">“O thou who art enkindled with the fire of the Love of…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-770.html">“O maid-servant of the Beauty of Abha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-771.html">“O thou attracted one of the Kingdom!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-772.html">“O thou illumined maid-servant of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-773.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Beauty of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-774.html">“O thou who art preparing to receive knowledge from…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-775.html">“O thou who are supplicating to God and turning to…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-776.html">“O thou that virtuous soul and individual who art ready…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-777.html">“O thou gem of the Kingdom and brilliant leaf!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-778.html">“O thou who art attracted to the “Spirit of Truth!”…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-779.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-780.html">“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of Holiness!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-781.html">“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-782.html">“O thou lamp who art enkindled with the fire of the…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-783.html">“O thou candle of the Love of God!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-784.html">“The contents of thy last letter were extremely rejoicing,…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-785.html">“O thou servant of the Beauty of Abha!…”</A></li> <li class="index2"><A HRef="tab-786.html">“O thou who art 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