Degree Requirements | Yale Divinity School

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Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate" /> <meta name="generator" content="Drupal 7 (" /> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <link rel="shortlink" href="" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="YaleDivSchool" /> <meta name="twitter:site:id" content="26575491" /> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="YaleDivSchool" /> <meta name="twitter:creator:id" content="26575491" /> <meta name="twitter:url" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Degree Requirements" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. 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field-name-field-telephone-number field-type-telephone field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">(203) 432-6340</div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-fax field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">(203) 432-7475</div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-email field-type-email field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href=""></a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-office-number field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">N122</div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-landing-page-ref field-type-entityreference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="/directory/offices/office-academic-affairs">Office of Academic Affairs</a></div></div></div> </div> </div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </aside><div class="grid-9 region region-content" id="region-content"> <div class="region-inner region-content-inner"> <a id="main-content"></a> <h1 class="title" id="page-title">Degree Requirements </h1> <div class="block block-system block-main block-system-main odd block-without-title" id="block-system-main"> <div class="block-inner clearfix"> <div class="content clearfix"> <article about="/academics/degree-requirements" typeof="sioc:Item foaf:Document" class="node node-landing-page node-published node-not-promoted node-not-sticky author-326 odd clearfix" id="node-landing-page-16296"> <!-- --> <span property="dc:title" content="Degree Requirements" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="sioc:num_replies" content="0" datatype="xsd:integer" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> <div class="content clearfix"> <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> </div></div></div> <div class="paragraphs-items paragraphs-items-field-landing-page-paragraphs paragraphs-items-field-landing-page-paragraphs-full paragraphs-items-full"> <div class="field field-name-field-landing-page-paragraphs field-type-paragraphs field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"> <div class="entity entity-paragraphs-item paragraphs-item-decorative-links-listing" about="" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-items field-type-field-collection field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><div class="entity entity-field-collection-item field-collection-item-field-decorative-link-items clearfix" about="/field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/831" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Master of Divinity (M.Div.)</div></div></div> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="188" height="125" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-descriptio field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link field-type-link-field field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="">Master of Divinity</a></div></div></div> </div> <div style="display:none"> <pre class="LinkHeading"> Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 228716 [uid] => 326 [title] => Degree Requirements [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 16296 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1452620313 [changed] => 1658240600 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1658240600 [revision_uid] => 7316 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study.&nbsp;Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term&rsquo;s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see&nbsp;<a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 23 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238819 [uid] => 14 [title] => Academic Affairs [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 23 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1446127032 [changed] => 1724273184 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1724273184 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4691 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 65 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9055 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-6340 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-7475 [format] => [safe_value] => (203) 432-7475 ) ) ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4476 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N122 [format] => [safe_value] => N122 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1446127032 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1452620313 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 326 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [3911] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 3911 [plid] => 3556 [link_path] => node/16296 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Degree Requirements [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -46 [depth] => 2 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3556 [p2] => 3911 [p3] => 0 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Christine Mongillo [picture] => 0 [data] => a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;s:25:"overlay_message_dismissed";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [257] => 257 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 16296 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 228716 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72228 [uid] => 14 [filename] => diversity_table.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/diversity_table_2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 118405 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72229 [uid] => 14 [filename] => flowers_800.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/flowers_800_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 171453 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72230 [uid] => 14 [filename] => steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 88687 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72231 [uid] => 14 [filename] => dsc_0301.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/dsc_0301.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 210995 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Sacred Theology [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [5] => Array ( [value] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72232 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 1676988 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [6] => Array ( [value] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72234 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 925382 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178482 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Joint Degree Applications [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72226 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 638246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Divinity [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Master of Divinity (M.Div.)</div></div></div> ) </pre> <pre class="HeadingLevel"> Array ( [#printed] => 1 ) </pre> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-item odd"><div class="entity entity-field-collection-item field-collection-item-field-decorative-link-items clearfix" about="/field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/832" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.)</div></div></div> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="188" height="125" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-descriptio field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link field-type-link-field field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="">Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion</a></div></div></div> </div> <div style="display:none"> <pre class="LinkHeading"> Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 228716 [uid] => 326 [title] => Degree Requirements [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 16296 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1452620313 [changed] => 1658240600 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1658240600 [revision_uid] => 7316 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study.&nbsp;Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term&rsquo;s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see&nbsp;<a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 23 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238819 [uid] => 14 [title] => Academic Affairs [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 23 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1446127032 [changed] => 1724273184 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1724273184 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4691 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 65 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9055 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-6340 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-7475 [format] => [safe_value] => (203) 432-7475 ) ) ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4476 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N122 [format] => [safe_value] => N122 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1446127032 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1452620313 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 326 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [3911] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 3911 [plid] => 3556 [link_path] => node/16296 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Degree Requirements [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -46 [depth] => 2 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3556 [p2] => 3911 [p3] => 0 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Christine Mongillo [picture] => 0 [data] => a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;s:25:"overlay_message_dismissed";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [257] => 257 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 16296 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 228716 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72226 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 638246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Divinity [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72229 [uid] => 14 [filename] => flowers_800.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/flowers_800_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 171453 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72230 [uid] => 14 [filename] => steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 88687 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72231 [uid] => 14 [filename] => dsc_0301.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/dsc_0301.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 210995 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Sacred Theology [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [5] => Array ( [value] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72232 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 1676988 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [6] => Array ( [value] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72234 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 925382 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178482 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Joint Degree Applications [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72228 [uid] => 14 [filename] => diversity_table.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/diversity_table_2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 118405 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.)</div></div></div> ) </pre> <pre class="HeadingLevel"> Array ( [#printed] => 1 ) </pre> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-item even"><div class="entity entity-field-collection-item field-collection-item-field-decorative-link-items clearfix" about="/field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/833" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.)</div></div></div> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="188" height="125" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-descriptio field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link field-type-link-field field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="">Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion</a></div></div></div> </div> <div style="display:none"> <pre class="LinkHeading"> Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 228716 [uid] => 326 [title] => Degree Requirements [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 16296 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1452620313 [changed] => 1658240600 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1658240600 [revision_uid] => 7316 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study.&nbsp;Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term&rsquo;s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see&nbsp;<a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 23 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238819 [uid] => 14 [title] => Academic Affairs [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 23 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1446127032 [changed] => 1724273184 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1724273184 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4691 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 65 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9055 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-6340 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-7475 [format] => [safe_value] => (203) 432-7475 ) ) ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4476 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N122 [format] => [safe_value] => N122 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1446127032 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1452620313 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 326 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [3911] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 3911 [plid] => 3556 [link_path] => node/16296 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Degree Requirements [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -46 [depth] => 2 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3556 [p2] => 3911 [p3] => 0 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Christine Mongillo [picture] => 0 [data] => a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;s:25:"overlay_message_dismissed";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [257] => 257 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 16296 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 228716 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72226 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 638246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Divinity [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72228 [uid] => 14 [filename] => diversity_table.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/diversity_table_2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 118405 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72230 [uid] => 14 [filename] => steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 88687 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72231 [uid] => 14 [filename] => dsc_0301.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/dsc_0301.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 210995 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Sacred Theology [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [5] => Array ( [value] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72232 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 1676988 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [6] => Array ( [value] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72234 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 925382 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178482 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Joint Degree Applications [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72229 [uid] => 14 [filename] => flowers_800.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/flowers_800_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 171453 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.)</div></div></div> ) </pre> <pre class="HeadingLevel"> Array ( [#printed] => 1 ) </pre> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-item odd"><div class="entity entity-field-collection-item field-collection-item-field-decorative-link-items clearfix" about="/field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/834" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.)</div></div></div> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="188" height="125" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-descriptio field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link field-type-link-field field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="">Extended Master of Arts in Religion</a></div></div></div> </div> <div style="display:none"> <pre class="LinkHeading"> Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 228716 [uid] => 326 [title] => Degree Requirements [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 16296 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1452620313 [changed] => 1658240600 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1658240600 [revision_uid] => 7316 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study.&nbsp;Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term&rsquo;s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see&nbsp;<a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 23 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238819 [uid] => 14 [title] => Academic Affairs [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 23 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1446127032 [changed] => 1724273184 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1724273184 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4691 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 65 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9055 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-6340 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-7475 [format] => [safe_value] => (203) 432-7475 ) ) ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4476 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N122 [format] => [safe_value] => N122 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1446127032 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1452620313 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 326 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [3911] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 3911 [plid] => 3556 [link_path] => node/16296 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Degree Requirements [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -46 [depth] => 2 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3556 [p2] => 3911 [p3] => 0 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Christine Mongillo [picture] => 0 [data] => a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;s:25:"overlay_message_dismissed";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [257] => 257 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 16296 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 228716 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72226 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 638246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Divinity [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72228 [uid] => 14 [filename] => diversity_table.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/diversity_table_2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 118405 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72229 [uid] => 14 [filename] => flowers_800.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/flowers_800_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 171453 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72231 [uid] => 14 [filename] => dsc_0301.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/dsc_0301.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 210995 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Sacred Theology [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [5] => Array ( [value] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72232 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 1676988 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [6] => Array ( [value] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72234 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 925382 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178482 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Joint Degree Applications [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72230 [uid] => 14 [filename] => steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 88687 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.)</div></div></div> ) </pre> <pre class="HeadingLevel"> Array ( [#printed] => 1 ) </pre> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-item even"><div class="entity entity-field-collection-item field-collection-item-field-decorative-link-items clearfix" about="/field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/835" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.)</div></div></div> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="188" height="125" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-descriptio field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link field-type-link-field field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="">Master of Sacred Theology</a></div></div></div> </div> <div style="display:none"> <pre class="LinkHeading"> Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 228716 [uid] => 326 [title] => Degree Requirements [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 16296 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1452620313 [changed] => 1658240600 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1658240600 [revision_uid] => 7316 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study.&nbsp;Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term&rsquo;s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see&nbsp;<a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 23 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238819 [uid] => 14 [title] => Academic Affairs [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 23 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1446127032 [changed] => 1724273184 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1724273184 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4691 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 65 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9055 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-6340 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-7475 [format] => [safe_value] => (203) 432-7475 ) ) ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4476 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N122 [format] => [safe_value] => N122 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1446127032 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1452620313 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 326 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [3911] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 3911 [plid] => 3556 [link_path] => node/16296 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Degree Requirements [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -46 [depth] => 2 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3556 [p2] => 3911 [p3] => 0 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Christine Mongillo [picture] => 0 [data] => a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;s:25:"overlay_message_dismissed";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [257] => 257 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 16296 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 228716 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72226 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 638246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Divinity [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72228 [uid] => 14 [filename] => diversity_table.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/diversity_table_2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 118405 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72229 [uid] => 14 [filename] => flowers_800.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/flowers_800_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 171453 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72230 [uid] => 14 [filename] => steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 88687 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [5] => Array ( [value] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72232 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 1676988 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [6] => Array ( [value] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72234 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 925382 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178482 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Joint Degree Applications [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72231 [uid] => 14 [filename] => dsc_0301.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/dsc_0301.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 210995 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Sacred Theology [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.)</div></div></div> ) </pre> <pre class="HeadingLevel"> Array ( [#printed] => 1 ) </pre> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-item odd"><div class="entity entity-field-collection-item field-collection-item-field-decorative-link-items clearfix" about="/field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/836" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements</div></div></div> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="188" height="125" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-descriptio field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link field-type-link-field field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="">Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements</a></div></div></div> </div> <div style="display:none"> <pre class="LinkHeading"> Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 228716 [uid] => 326 [title] => Degree Requirements [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 16296 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1452620313 [changed] => 1658240600 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1658240600 [revision_uid] => 7316 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study.&nbsp;Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term&rsquo;s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see&nbsp;<a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 23 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238819 [uid] => 14 [title] => Academic Affairs [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 23 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1446127032 [changed] => 1724273184 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1724273184 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4691 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 65 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9055 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-6340 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-7475 [format] => [safe_value] => (203) 432-7475 ) ) ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4476 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N122 [format] => [safe_value] => N122 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1446127032 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1452620313 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 326 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [3911] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 3911 [plid] => 3556 [link_path] => node/16296 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Degree Requirements [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -46 [depth] => 2 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3556 [p2] => 3911 [p3] => 0 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Christine Mongillo [picture] => 0 [data] => a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;s:25:"overlay_message_dismissed";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [257] => 257 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 16296 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 228716 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72226 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 638246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Divinity [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72228 [uid] => 14 [filename] => diversity_table.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/diversity_table_2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 118405 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72229 [uid] => 14 [filename] => flowers_800.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/flowers_800_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 171453 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72230 [uid] => 14 [filename] => steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 88687 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72231 [uid] => 14 [filename] => dsc_0301.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/dsc_0301.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 210995 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Sacred Theology [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [5] => Array ( [value] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [6] => Array ( [value] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72234 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 925382 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178482 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Joint Degree Applications [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72232 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 1676988 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements</div></div></div> ) </pre> <pre class="HeadingLevel"> Array ( [#printed] => 1 ) </pre> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-item even"><div class="entity entity-field-collection-item field-collection-item-field-decorative-link-items clearfix" about="/field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/837" typeof=""> <div class="content"> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Joint Degree Applications</div></div></div> <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="188" height="125" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-descriptio field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link field-type-link-field field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><a href="">Joint Degree Applications</a></div></div></div> </div> <div style="display:none"> <pre class="LinkHeading"> Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 228716 [uid] => 326 [title] => Degree Requirements [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 16296 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1452620313 [changed] => 1658240600 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1658240600 [revision_uid] => 7316 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study.&nbsp;Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term&rsquo;s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see&nbsp;<a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The schedule of study at YDS normally consists of twelve credit hours each term. Students in their first term are strongly discouraged from registering for more than fourteen credit hours of study. Students considering part-time study should be aware of policies regarding the pace of study for international students, eligibility for Yale Health coverage, living in Graduate Housing, and applying for or receiving federal student loans.</p> <p>A student must take at least one-half of each term’s work with members of the YDS faculty. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and consider relevant courses offered elsewhere in the University. Graduate- or professional-level courses given by other departments and schools of the University may be taken with approval of the faculty adviser, and with the permission of the instructor of the course. Additional work is normally required in undergraduate courses presented for YDS credit. (For regulations governing interdepartmental study, see <a href="">Interdepartmental Studies</a>.) Bus service is provided every twenty minutes from YDS through the central campus to the School of Medicine.</p> <p>Each course in YDS normally carries three hours of credit unless otherwise stated. It is possible to arrange to take courses for more or fewer credit hours. This flexible system of credit permits students to concentrate their efforts or pursue special concerns when advantageous or advisable. Alteration of the announced number of credit hours requires permission of both the instructor and the faculty adviser.</p> [safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 23 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238819 [uid] => 14 [title] => Academic Affairs [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 23 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1446127032 [changed] => 1724273184 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1724273184 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4691 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 65 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9055 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-6340 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 432-7475 [format] => [safe_value] => (203) 432-7475 ) ) ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 4476 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N122 [format] => [safe_value] => N122 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1446127032 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1452620313 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 326 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [3911] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 3911 [plid] => 3556 [link_path] => node/16296 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Degree Requirements [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -46 [depth] => 2 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3556 [p2] => 3911 [p3] => 0 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Christine Mongillo [picture] => 0 [data] => a:7:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;s:25:"overlay_message_dismissed";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [257] => 257 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 16296 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 228716 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1189 [revision_id] => 28418 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 831 [revision_id] => 32356 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72226 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/2012-10-16-14.56.02.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 638246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) [height] => 1250 [width] => 1667 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Divinity (M.Div.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Divinity (M.Div.) certifies completion of a program of theological studies designed primarily, although not exclusively, to prepare the candidate for ordination to the Christian ministry. The requirements reflect the intention of YDS to provide an education that is theologically informed, professionally competent, academically rigorous, and oriented to the life of the church.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Divinity [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 832 [revision_id] => 32357 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72228 [uid] => 14 [filename] => diversity_table.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/diversity_table_2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 118405 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) [height] => 475 [width] => 720 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 833 [revision_id] => 32358 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72229 [uid] => 14 [filename] => flowers_800.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/flowers_800_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 171453 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) [height] => 600 [width] => 800 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>The degree of Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) certifies either completion of a comprehensive program of study in preparation for one of the many forms of ministry or service, or completion of one of the concentrated programs of advanced study described below.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 834 [revision_id] => 32359 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72230 [uid] => 14 [filename] => steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/steeple_back_courtyard.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 88687 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178176 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) [height] => 640 [width] => 640 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) [format] => [safe_value] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>An extended degree program is offered for selected students in the concentrated M.A.R. program. This allows students to take additional courses during a third academic year.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Extended Master of Arts in Religion [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 835 [revision_id] => 32360 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72231 [uid] => 14 [filename] => dsc_0301.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/dsc_0301.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 210995 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) [height] => 1713 [width] => 2560 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) [format] => [safe_value] => Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Graduates of theological schools of recognized standing who have obtained the B.D. or M.Div. degree may be admitted to a program of studies leading to the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) degree.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Master of Sacred Theology [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [5] => Array ( [value] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 836 [revision_id] => 32361 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72232 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/06_website_photo_justin_haaheim.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 1676988 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178421 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) [height] => 1723 [width] => 2585 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [format] => [safe_value] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Institute students who are also enrolled in YDS pursue the M.A.R., the M.Div., or the S.T.M. degree with particular interest in sacred music, worship, and the arts. More detailed information is online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or in the ISM Bulletin, also online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Institute of Sacred Music Student Requirements [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [6] => Array ( [value] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1189 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 837 [revision_id] => 32362 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72234 [uid] => 14 [filename] => 27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/27_website_photo_jennifer_l._miller_06_mdiv.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 925382 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1576178482 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) [height] => 1360 [width] => 2048 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => <p>Students may work simultaneously toward a YDS degree and a degree in certain other Yale schools or other approved graduate programs. Additionally, students may earn joint degrees in partnership with the school of social work of the University of Connecticut.</p> ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Joint Degree Applications [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Joint Degree Applications [format] => [safe_value] => Joint Degree Applications ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Joint Degree Applications ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => <div class="field field-name-field-decorative-link-heading field-type-text field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even">Joint Degree Applications</div></div></div> ) </pre> <pre class="HeadingLevel"> Array ( [#printed] => 1 ) </pre> </div> </div> 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