Make: Make: Vol. 88
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Well, now they can! New multicolor and multi-material 3D printers are more approachable than ever — and they’re good! In this issue of Make: we go in depth with the latest multi-filament 3D printing systems from Bambu Labs, Prusa Research, and others to show you how to get the best color 3D prints. But even though you can print multicolor pieces, should you? From waste towers to orientation issues, we walk you through the pros and cons of printing all-in-one color pieces versus assembling separate color parts. Then, get the download on next-level resin printing that can produce pieces in literal seconds! Next, take a look at HueForge, a surprising technique for 3D printing full-color reliefs that look like digital paintings. And, can AI make ready-to-print 3D objects? The answer is … Kind of! Plus, 21 projects for you to make, including: Craft a cuddly companion robot that moves and lights up through sight and touch Make a DIY mobility walker for cheap Create a highly customizable alarm clock with a pixel display Build a ham radio antenna out of an actual tin of ham! Make a giant LED Ouija board and send spooky messages via Wi-Fi Turn a hardwood cutting board into a gorgeous end table Design your vinyl cutter projects for fast weeding and application Make a simple animatronic robot with AI that knows how to follow your face And much more! "> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href=""/> <meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta property="og:title" content="Make: Make: Vol. 88" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Paper printers can print in color, why not 3D printers? Well, now they can! New multicolor and multi-material 3D printers are more approachable than ever — and they’re good! In this issue of Make: we go in depth with the latest multi-filament 3D printing systems from Bambu Labs, Prusa Research, and others to show you how to get the best color 3D prints. But even though you can print multicolor pieces, should you? From waste towers to orientation issues, we walk you through the pros and cons of printing all-in-one color pieces versus assembling separate color parts. Then, get the download on next-level resin printing that can produce pieces in literal seconds! Next, take a look at HueForge, a surprising technique for 3D printing full-color reliefs that look like digital paintings. And, can AI make ready-to-print 3D objects? The answer is … Kind of! Plus, 21 projects for you to make, including: Craft a cuddly companion robot that moves and lights up through sight and touch Make a DIY mobility walker for cheap Create a highly customizable alarm clock with a pixel display Build a ham radio antenna out of an actual tin of ham! Make a giant LED Ouija board and send spooky messages via Wi-Fi Turn a hardwood cutting board into a gorgeous end table Design your vinyl cutter projects for fast weeding and application Make a simple animatronic robot with AI that knows how to follow your face And much more! " /> <meta property="twitter:description" content="Paper printers can print in color, why not 3D printers? Well, now they can! New multicolor and multi-material 3D printers are more approachable than ever — and they’re good! In this issue of Make: we go in depth with the latest multi-filament 3D printing systems from Bambu Labs, Prusa Research, and others to show you how to get the best color 3D prints. But even though you can print multicolor pieces, should you? From waste towers to orientation issues, we walk you through the pros and cons of printing all-in-one color pieces versus assembling separate color parts. Then, get the download on next-level resin printing that can produce pieces in literal seconds! Next, take a look at HueForge, a surprising technique for 3D printing full-color reliefs that look like digital paintings. And, can AI make ready-to-print 3D objects? The answer is … Kind of! Plus, 21 projects for you to make, including: Craft a cuddly companion robot that moves and lights up through sight and touch Make a DIY mobility walker for cheap Create a highly customizable alarm clock with a pixel display Build a ham radio antenna out of an actual tin of ham! Make a giant LED Ouija board and send spooky messages via Wi-Fi Turn a hardwood cutting board into a gorgeous end table Design your vinyl cutter projects for fast weeding and application Make a simple animatronic robot with AI that knows how to follow your face And much more! 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</script> <div id="loader" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> </div> <div class="seo" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <!-- issue--> <h1>Make: Make: Vol. 88: Cover</h1> <p> <img src="" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px; vertical-align: top;" alt="Paper printers can print in color, why not 3D printers? Well, now they can! New multicolor and multi-material 3D printers are more approachable than ever — and they’re good! In this issue of Make: we go in depth with the latest multi-filament 3D printing systems from Bambu Labs, Prusa Research, and others to show you how to get the best color 3D prints. But even though you can print multicolor pieces, should you? From waste towers to orientation issues, we walk you through the pros and cons of printing all-in-one color pieces versus assembling separate color parts. Then, get the download on next-level resin printing that can produce pieces in literal seconds! Next, take a look at HueForge, a surprising technique for 3D printing full-color reliefs that look like digital paintings. And, can AI make ready-to-print 3D objects? The answer is … Kind of! Plus, 21 projects for you to make, including: Craft a cuddly companion robot that moves and lights up through sight and touch Make a DIY mobility walker for cheap Create a highly customizable alarm clock with a pixel display Build a ham radio antenna out of an actual tin of ham! Make a giant LED Ouija board and send spooky messages via Wi-Fi Turn a hardwood cutting board into a gorgeous end table Design your vinyl cutter projects for fast weeding and application Make a simple animatronic robot with AI that knows how to follow your face And much more! "> </p> <nav>Menu<br/><ul> <li><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=814278&view=issueBrowser'>Page View</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=814278&view=contentsBrowser'>Contents View</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?m=38377&l=1&view=issuelistBrowser'>Issue List</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=814278&view=advertisersBrowser'>Advertisers</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href=''>Makezine</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?m=38377&l=1&view=feedBrowser&destination_id=102195'>YouTube</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?m=38377&l=1&view=feedBrowser&destination_id=102194'>Feed</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href=''>Pinterest</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href=''>Facebook</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href=''>@make</a></li> <li><a tabindex="-1" href=''>Discord</a></li></ul></nav> <main><p>21 PROJECTS! Arduino, LEDs, 3D Printing, Robots! Build This Custom Alarm Clock Speaker PIXEL PERFECT: MULTICOLOR IS HOT! DIGITAL FABRICATION 2024 NEW MULTI-MATERIAL 3D PRINTERS FROM BAMBU AND PRUSA • Filament Painting with HueForge • Best Slicer Software • 10-Second Resin Prints with CAL • Diode Lasers Outdo CO 2 • Maker Faire Bay Area: The Magic is Back • Craft a Cuddly Companion Robot • DIY Graffiti Projector • Giant LED Ouija Board • Canned Ham Antenna • 3D Print Ceramics • Vinyl Cutter Skills | | VOLUME 88 </p><h2>Issue List</h2><h3 style='color:#000'><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=834886'>Make: Vol. 91</a></h3> <h3 style='color:#000'><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=827474'>Make: Vol. 90</a></h3> <h3 style='color:#000'><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=821173'>Make: Vol. 89</a></h3> <h3 style='color:#000'><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=814278'>Make: Vol. 88</a></h3> <h3 style='color:#000'><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=806809'>Make: Vol. 87</a></h3> <h3 style='color:#000'><a tabindex="-1" href='/publication/?i=798092'>Make: Vol. 86</a></h3> <h3 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LLC","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/\/38377\/logos\/logo-c9bf06e71d99584eed1ef5bdd0da377b99429f3bmake-logo-padding-265.png","width":"265","height":"65"}},"url":"https:\/\/\/publication\/?i=814278&p=1&view=issueViewer&pp=1","hasPart":[],"description":"Paper printers can print in color, why not 3D printers? Well, now they can! New multicolor and multi-material 3D printers are more approachable than ever \u2014 and they\u2019re good!\r\n\r\nIn this issue of Make: we go in depth with the latest multi-filament 3D printing systems from Bambu Labs, Prusa Research, and others to show you how to get the best color 3D prints. But even though you can print multicolor pieces, should you? From waste towers to orientation issues, we walk you through the pros and cons of printing all-in-one color pieces versus assembling separate color parts. Then, get the download on next-level resin printing that can produce pieces in literal seconds! Next, take a look at HueForge, a surprising technique for 3D printing full-color reliefs that look like digital paintings. And, can AI make ready-to-print 3D objects? The answer is \u2026 Kind of!\r\n\r\nPlus, 21 projects for you to make, including:\r\nCraft a cuddly companion robot that moves and lights up through sight and touch\r\nMake a DIY mobility walker for cheap\r\nCreate a highly customizable alarm clock with a pixel display\r\nBuild a ham radio antenna out of an actual tin of ham!\r\nMake a giant LED Ouija board and send spooky messages via Wi-Fi\r\nTurn a hardwood cutting board into a gorgeous end table\r\nDesign your vinyl cutter projects for fast weeding and application\r\nMake a simple animatronic robot with AI that knows how to follow your face\r\nAnd much more!\r\n"} </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https:\/\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"Make: Make: Vol. 88","item":"https:\/\/\/publication\/?i=814278"}]} </script> </body> </html>