The study of Chinese student teachers' moral judgement
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Through the in-depth interviews with the student teachers, it was found that the main contents of Chinese student teachers’ moral judgment revolve around four categories: benevolence, justice, responsibility, and integrity. As for the benevolence judgment, the student teachers thought that the concrete contents of teacher’s benevolence mainly included showing sympathy for students, giving forgiveness to students, and keeping high expectations for students. The types of benevolence judgment of the student teachers were mainly manifested as the “other” position and “self” position. As for the judgment of justice, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teacher justice mainly included respecting students’ position of subjectivity, treating every student equally, and maintaining the daily rules of the school. The types of justice judgment of the student teachers mainly showed individual orientation, custom orientation, and principle orientation. As with the judgment of responsibility, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teachers’ responsibility mainly included cultivating students’ moral quality, improving students’ knowledge competence, and protecting students’ physical and mental safety. The main types of responsibility judgment of the student teachers were “in line with responsibility” and “out of responsibility”. As with the integrity judgment, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of the integrity of teachers included sticking to academic honesty, undertaking responsibilities of colleagues, and keeping commitments to students. The main types of integrity judgment of the student teachers were the orientation of consequence and the orientation of conscience.
In addition, the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers had its cultural characteristics, that is, considering “favor” and attaching importance to “face”. The types of favor exchange among student teachers were mainly reflected in “courtesy demands reciprocity” and “return the favour to someone”. The student teachers’ maintenance of “face” was not only reflected in safeguarding personal faces, but also in safeguarding others’ faces. On the whole, “favor” and “face” often became the important basis for the moral judgment of student teachers.
In addition, based on the analysis of the contents, types, and cultural characteristics of student teachers’ moral judgment, the author made a deeper judgment based on the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers, to reveal the main problems existing in the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers. First of all, the student teachers’ cognition of professional ethics was one-sided, which was embodied in the solidified sense of benevolence, the bigoted perception of justice, the blinkered perception of responsibility, and the deficiency of integrity. Secondly, the student teachers’ moral judgments deviated from the moral principle, which was embodied in that the student teachers’ moral judgment was consequence-oriented, assimilated by the moral atmosphere and following the moral custom.
Keywords: China; student teacher; moral judgment" xml:lang="en" /> <meta name="DC.description" content="This study focused on the ethics of Chinese pre-service teachers. Through the in-depth interviews with the student teachers, it was found that the main contents of Chinese student teachers’ moral judgment revolve around four categories: benevolence, justice, responsibility, and integrity. As for the benevolence judgment, the student teachers thought that the concrete contents of teacher’s benevolence mainly included showing sympathy for students, giving forgiveness to students, and keeping high expectations for students. The types of benevolence judgment of the student teachers were mainly manifested as the “other” position and “self” position. As for the judgment of justice, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teacher justice mainly included respecting students’ position of subjectivity, treating every student equally, and maintaining the daily rules of the school. The types of justice judgment of the student teachers mainly showed individual orientation, custom orientation, and principle orientation. As with the judgment of responsibility, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teachers’ responsibility mainly included cultivating students’ moral quality, improving students’ knowledge competence, and protecting students’ physical and mental safety. The main types of responsibility judgment of the student teachers were “in line with responsibility” and “out of responsibility”. As with the integrity judgment, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of the integrity of teachers included sticking to academic honesty, undertaking responsibilities of colleagues, and keeping commitments to students. The main types of integrity judgment of the student teachers were the orientation of consequence and the orientation of conscience.
In addition, the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers had its cultural characteristics, that is, considering “favor” and attaching importance to “face”. The types of favor exchange among student teachers were mainly reflected in “courtesy demands reciprocity” and “return the favour to someone”. The student teachers’ maintenance of “face” was not only reflected in safeguarding personal faces, but also in safeguarding others’ faces. On the whole, “favor” and “face” often became the important basis for the moral judgment of student teachers.
In addition, based on the analysis of the contents, types, and cultural characteristics of student teachers’ moral judgment, the author made a deeper judgment based on the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers, to reveal the main problems existing in the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers. First of all, the student teachers’ cognition of professional ethics was one-sided, which was embodied in the solidified sense of benevolence, the bigoted perception of justice, the blinkered perception of responsibility, and the deficiency of integrity. Secondly, the student teachers’ moral judgments deviated from the moral principle, which was embodied in that the student teachers’ moral judgment was consequence-oriented, assimilated by the moral atmosphere and following the moral custom.
Keywords: China; student teacher; moral judgment" xml:lang="en" /> <meta name="DC.publisher" content="Università degli studi di Padova" /> <meta name="DC.identifier" content="URN:NBN:IT:UNIPD-176926" /> <meta name="DC.identifier" content="11577/3484867" xml:lang="*" /> <meta name="citation_title" content="The study of Chinese student teachers' moral judgement" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Qu, Xiaoman" /> <meta name="citation_abstract_html_url" content="" /> <meta name="citation_language" content="eng" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="Settore M-PSI/04 - Psicologia dello Sviluppo e Psicologia dell'Educazione" /> <meta name="citation_publisher" content="Università degli studi di Padova" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).on('click', '.c-bn', function() { location.reload(); }); </script> </head> <body class="body-default body-anonymous"> <header class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-light sticky-top layout-top bg-white iu-hide"> <nav class="container-fluid flex-wrap flex-md-nowrap" aria-label="menu top"> <a class="navbar-brand ps-0 pt-0 pb-0 pe-3" href="" aria-label="link homepage" id="uiLogoLink"> <img src="/sr/logo_unitesi.png" alt="UNItesi" id="uiLogoImg" class="d-block my-1 navbar-brand-img"/> </a> <a class="navbar-brand ps-3 pt-0 pb-0 pe-3 me-3" href="" aria-label="link homepage università" id="customerLogoLink"> <img src="/image/logo_customer.png" alt="UNItesi" id="clientLogoImg" class="d-block my-1 navbar-brand-img"/> </a> <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="mostra/nascondi menu"> <span class="fas fa-bars"></span> </button> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent"> <ul class="navbar-nav flex-row flex-wrap pt-2 py-md-0"> </ul> <ul class="navbar-nav flex-row flex-wrap ms-md-auto"> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto " id="topNavHome"> <a class="nav-link p-2" href="">Home</a> </li> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto dropdown"> <a class="nav-link p-2 dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownBrowse" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Sfoglia</a> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownBrowse"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Macrotipologie<br/>& tipologie</a> <div class="dropdown-divider"></div> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Titolo</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Autore</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Relatore</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Anno di pubblicazione</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Dipartimento</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Corso</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="">Correlatore</a> </div> </li> </ul> <form class="navbar-search-top d-flex" action="" method="get" role="search"> <div class="input-group p-2"> <input class="form-control bg-white layout-top-input" type="search" placeholder="Ricerca in Unitesi" name="query" id="tequery" size="25" aria-label="Ricerca in Unitesi"> <button class="btn btn-primary layout-top-input-btn" type="submit"><span class="fas fa-search"></span></button> </div> </form> <ul class="navbar-nav flex-row flex-wrap"> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto dropdown"> <a class="nav-link p-2 dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownLanguage" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> IT</a> <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownLanguage"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="javascript:reloadLanguageModuleAll('',['ir'],'/language/change.json','it');" ><img src="/sr/cineca/images/flag/flag_it.png" alt="Italiano" title=""/> Italiano</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="javascript:reloadLanguageModuleAll('',['ir'],'/language/change.json','en');" ><img src="/sr/cineca/images/flag/flag_en.png" alt="English" title="English"/> English</a> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item col-6 col-md-auto "> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Javascript starts here document.write('<a class="nav-link p-2" href="#" onClick="var popupwin =\'\',\'dspacepopup\',\'height=600,width=850,resizable,scrollbars\');popupwin.focus();return false;"><span class="fas fa-question-circle" title="Aiuto"></span></a>'); 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Through the in-depth interviews with the student teachers, it was found that the main contents of Chinese student teachers’ moral judgment revolve around four categories: benevolence, justice, responsibility, and integrity. As for the benevolence judgment, the student teachers thought that the concrete contents of teacher’s benevolence mainly included showing sympathy for students, giving forgiveness to students, and keeping high expectations for students. The types of benevolence judgment of the student teachers were mainly manifested as the “other” position and “self” position. As for the judgment of justice, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teacher justice mainly included respecting students’ position of subjectivity, treating every student equally, and maintaining the daily rules of the school. The types of justice judgment of the student teachers mainly showed individual orientation, custom orientation, and principle orientation. As with the judgment of responsibility, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teachers’ responsibility mainly included cultivating students’ moral quality, improving students’ knowledge competence, and protecting students’ physical and mental safety. The main types of responsibility judgment of the student teachers were “in line with responsibility” and “out of responsibility”. As with the integrity judgment, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of the integrity of teachers included sticking to academic honesty, undertaking responsibilities of colleagues, and keeping commitments to students. The main types of integrity judgment of the student teachers were the orientation of consequence and the orientation of conscience. In addition, the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers had its cultural characteristics, that is, considering “favor” and attaching importance to “face”. The types of favor exchange among student teachers were mainly reflected in “courtesy demands reciprocity” and “return the favour to someone”. The student teachers’ maintenance of “face” was not only reflected in safeguarding personal faces, but also in safeguarding others’ faces. On the whole, “favor” and “face” often became the important basis for the moral judgment of student teachers. In addition, based on the analysis of the contents, types, and cultural characteristics of student teachers’ moral judgment, the author made a deeper judgment based on the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers, to reveal the main problems existing in the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers. First of all, the student teachers’ cognition of professional ethics was one-sided, which was embodied in the solidified sense of benevolence, the bigoted perception of justice, the blinkered perception of responsibility, and the deficiency of integrity. Secondly, the student teachers’ moral judgments deviated from the moral principle, which was embodied in that the student teachers’ moral judgment was consequence-oriented, assimilated by the moral atmosphere and following the moral custom. Keywords: China; student teacher; moral judgment</p> <p class="searchIndexItemDescription abstractIta">This study focused on the ethics of Chinese pre-service teachers. Through the in-depth interviews with the student teachers, it was found that the main contents of Chinese student teachers’ moral judgment revolve around four categories: benevolence, justice, responsibility, and integrity. As for the benevolence judgment, the student teachers thought that the concrete contents of teacher’s benevolence mainly included showing sympathy for students, giving forgiveness to students, and keeping high expectations for students. The types of benevolence judgment of the student teachers were mainly manifested as the “other” position and “self” position. As for the judgment of justice, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teacher justice mainly included respecting students’ position of subjectivity, treating every student equally, and maintaining the daily rules of the school. The types of justice judgment of the student teachers mainly showed individual orientation, custom orientation, and principle orientation. As with the judgment of responsibility, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teachers’ responsibility mainly included cultivating students’ moral quality, improving students’ knowledge competence, and protecting students’ physical and mental safety. The main types of responsibility judgment of the student teachers were “in line with responsibility” and “out of responsibility”. As with the integrity judgment, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of the integrity of teachers included sticking to academic honesty, undertaking responsibilities of colleagues, and keeping commitments to students. The main types of integrity judgment of the student teachers were the orientation of consequence and the orientation of conscience. In addition, the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers had its cultural characteristics, that is, considering “favor” and attaching importance to “face”. The types of favor exchange among student teachers were mainly reflected in “courtesy demands reciprocity” and “return the favour to someone”. The student teachers’ maintenance of “face” was not only reflected in safeguarding personal faces, but also in safeguarding others’ faces. On the whole, “favor” and “face” often became the important basis for the moral judgment of student teachers. In addition, based on the analysis of the contents, types, and cultural characteristics of student teachers’ moral judgment, the author made a deeper judgment based on the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers, to reveal the main problems existing in the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers. First of all, the student teachers’ cognition of professional ethics was one-sided, which was embodied in the solidified sense of benevolence, the bigoted perception of justice, the blinkered perception of responsibility, and the deficiency of integrity. Secondly, the student teachers’ moral judgments deviated from the moral principle, which was embodied in that the student teachers’ moral judgment was consequence-oriented, assimilated by the moral atmosphere and following the moral custom. Keywords: China; student teacher; moral judgment</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12 col-xl-9"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-body"> <div> <h3 class="mb-1 text-secondary">The study of Chinese student teachers' moral judgement</h3> <h5> <em><span class="contributor internalContributor internalContributorf8adbfe2-076f-45ed-86bc-58a67bbc2d81 m-1"><a href="/browse?type=&authority=rp310901&_lang=en" class="authority ">QU, XIAOMAN</a></span></em> </h5> <h5>2023</h5> <hr/> <h4 class="mb-1">Abstract</h4> This study focused on the ethics of Chinese pre-service teachers. Through the in-depth interviews with the student teachers, it was found that the main contents of Chinese student teachers’ moral judgment revolve around four categories: benevolence, justice, responsibility, and integrity. As for the benevolence judgment, the student teachers thought that the concrete contents of teacher’s benevolence mainly included showing sympathy for students, giving forgiveness to students, and keeping high expectations for students. The types of benevolence judgment of the student teachers were mainly manifested as the “other” position and “self” position. As for the judgment of justice, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teacher justice mainly included respecting students’ position of subjectivity, treating every student equally, and maintaining the daily rules of the school. The types of justice judgment of the student teachers mainly showed individual orientation, custom orientation, and principle orientation. As with the judgment of responsibility, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teachers’ responsibility mainly included cultivating students’ moral quality, improving students’ knowledge competence, and protecting students’ physical and mental safety. The main types of responsibility judgment of the student teachers were “in line with responsibility” and “out of responsibility”. As with the integrity judgment, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of the integrity of teachers included sticking to academic honesty, undertaking responsibilities of colleagues, and keeping commitments to students. The main types of integrity judgment of the student teachers were the orientation of consequence and the orientation of conscience. In addition, the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers had its cultural characteristics, that is, considering “favor” and attaching importance to “face”. The types of favor exchange among student teachers were mainly reflected in “courtesy demands reciprocity” and “return the favour to someone”. The student teachers’ maintenance of “face” was not only reflected in safeguarding personal faces, but also in safeguarding others’ faces. On the whole, “favor” and “face” often became the important basis for the moral judgment of student teachers. In addition, based on the analysis of the contents, types, and cultural characteristics of student teachers’ moral judgment, the author made a deeper judgment based on the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers, to reveal the main problems existing in the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers. First of all, the student teachers’ cognition of professional ethics was one-sided, which was embodied in the solidified sense of benevolence, the bigoted perception of justice, the blinkered perception of responsibility, and the deficiency of integrity. Secondly, the student teachers’ moral judgments deviated from the moral principle, which was embodied in that the student teachers’ moral judgment was consequence-oriented, assimilated by the moral atmosphere and following the moral custom. Keywords: China; student teacher; moral judgment </div> <div class="dspace-display-item tabbable page-tabs mt-3"> <h5> <ul class="nav nav-tabs border-bottom fw-bold"> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" href="#tab_default" onclick="changeItemView('simple');" data-bs-toggle="tab">Scheda breve</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="#tab_default" onclick="changeItemView('complete');" data-bs-toggle="tab">Scheda completa</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="#tab_default" onclick="changeItemView('full');" data-bs-toggle="tab">Scheda completa (DC)</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" onclick="location.href='/cris/item/20.500.14242/176926/statistics'" data-bs-toggle="tab"><span class="far fa-chart-bar"></span></a></li> </ul> </h5> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active fade show" id="tab_default"> <div class="itemDisplayTable container-fluid g-3"> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_relation_course" id="dc.relation.course_line" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="dc.relation.course" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_relation_course"> <span class="line-label-text">Corso di studio</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id="dc.relation.course_content"> <em><a href="/browse?type=relationCourse&value=SCIENZE+PEDAGOGICHE%2c+DELL'EDUCAZIONE+E+DELLA+FORMAZIONE&_lang=en">SCIENZE PEDAGOGICHE, DELL'EDUCAZIONE E DELLA FORMAZIONE</a></em> </div> </div> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_date_issued" id="" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_date_issued"> <span class="line-label-text">Data di pubblicazione</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id=""> <em>6-giu-2023</em> </div> </div> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_language_iso" id="dc.language.iso_line" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="dc.language.iso" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_language_iso"> <span class="line-label-text">Lingua</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id="dc.language.iso_content"> <em>Inglese</em> </div> </div> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_description_abstractita" id="dc.description.abstractita_line" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="dc.description.abstractita" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_description_abstractita"> <span class="line-label-text">Abstract in italiano</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id="dc.description.abstractita_content"> <em>This study focused on the ethics of Chinese pre-service teachers. Through the in-depth interviews with the student teachers, it was found that the main contents of Chinese student teachers’ moral judgment revolve around four categories: benevolence, justice, responsibility, and integrity. As for the benevolence judgment, the student teachers thought that the concrete contents of teacher’s benevolence mainly included showing sympathy for students, giving forgiveness to students, and keeping high expectations for students. The types of benevolence judgment of the student teachers were mainly manifested as the “other” position and “self” position. As for the judgment of justice, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teacher justice mainly included respecting students’ position of subjectivity, treating every student equally, and maintaining the daily rules of the school. The types of justice judgment of the student teachers mainly showed individual orientation, custom orientation, and principle orientation. As with the judgment of responsibility, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of teachers’ responsibility mainly included cultivating students’ moral quality, improving students’ knowledge competence, and protecting students’ physical and mental safety. The main types of responsibility judgment of the student teachers were “in line with responsibility” and “out of responsibility”. As with the integrity judgment, the student teachers believed that the specific contents of the integrity of teachers included sticking to academic honesty, undertaking responsibilities of colleagues, and keeping commitments to students. The main types of integrity judgment of the student teachers were the orientation of consequence and the orientation of conscience. In addition, the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers had its cultural characteristics, that is, considering “favor” and attaching importance to “face”. The types of favor exchange among student teachers were mainly reflected in “courtesy demands reciprocity” and “return the favour to someone”. The student teachers’ maintenance of “face” was not only reflected in safeguarding personal faces, but also in safeguarding others’ faces. On the whole, “favor” and “face” often became the important basis for the moral judgment of student teachers. In addition, based on the analysis of the contents, types, and cultural characteristics of student teachers’ moral judgment, the author made a deeper judgment based on the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers, to reveal the main problems existing in the moral judgment of Chinese student teachers. First of all, the student teachers’ cognition of professional ethics was one-sided, which was embodied in the solidified sense of benevolence, the bigoted perception of justice, the blinkered perception of responsibility, and the deficiency of integrity. Secondly, the student teachers’ moral judgments deviated from the moral principle, which was embodied in that the student teachers’ moral judgment was consequence-oriented, assimilated by the moral atmosphere and following the moral custom. Keywords: China; student teacher; moral judgment</em> </div> </div> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_authority_advisor" id="dc.authority.advisor_line" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="dc.authority.advisor" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_authority_advisor"> <span class="line-label-text">Relatore, Supervisor, Advisor o Tutor</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id="dc.authority.advisor_content"> <em>PORCARELLI, ANDREA</em> </div> </div> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dc_publisher_name" id="dc.publisher.name_line" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dc_publisher_name"> <span class="line-label-text">Nome Editore</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id="dc.publisher.name_content"> <em>Università degli studi di Padova</em> </div> </div> <div class="line form-group row metadataFieldValue pt-2 pb-2 dspace_collection" id="dspace_collection_line" > <div class="line-label col-md-12"><label for="dspace_collection" class="control-label metadataFieldLabel dspace_collection"> <span class="line-label-text">Collezione di appartenenza</span> </label></div> <div class="line-content col-sm-12" id="dspace_collection_content"> <a href="/handle/123456789/63">Università degli Studi di Padova</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <form id="pdfViewerForm" method="post" action="/static/PDF/web/viewer.jsp" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" name="file" value="" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> function pdfViewer(bitstreamId) { var f = document.getElementById('pdfViewerForm'); 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