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} .home-intro p { color: #fff; } .home-intro p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } .home-intro a, .home-intro a:hover { color: #fff; } </style> <span id="content_container_660572"> <div class="home-intro"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 py-4"> <div id="content_container_160537_168434"> <p>The department aims to achieve the best health and wellbeing for all Territorians through the development, management and performance of the public health system. <a href="">Find out more about us</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </span> <div id="content_container_660574"> </div> <div id=""> </div> <div class="container topics pt-4 pb-4"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-exclamation-triangle fa-lg mr-2"></i> Health alerts </h3> <p class="pt-2">Health alerts in the Northern Territory.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-lg fa-virus mr-2"></i> COVID-19 </h3> <p class="pt-2">Information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-book-medical fa-lg mr-2"></i> Public health and notifiable diseases </h3> <p class="pt-2">Guidance for medical staff and laboratories on how to report a notifiable disease, and disease resources.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- .row --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-medkit fa-lg mr-2"></i> Health consumer information </h3> <p class="pt-2">Health and wellbeing information for patients, parents, carers and members of the general public.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-comments fa-lg mr-2"></i> Patient complaints and compliments </h3> <p class="pt-2">Give feedback or make a suggestion or complaint to NT Health.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-id-card-alt fa-lg mr-2"></i> Careers in health </h3> <p class="pt-2">Job vacancies and career opportunities in the NT Health.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- .row --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-user-md fa-lg mr-2"></i> Health professionals and NGOs </h3> <p class="pt-2">Resources and information for health professionals and non-government organisations including policies, legislation, research and data.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-steering-wheel fa-lg mr-2"></i> Governance, strategies and committees </h3> <p class="pt-2">Organisational governance relating to structure, strategies, reviews, evaluations, committees, regulatory and specialist advisory groups.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-newspaper fa-lg mr-2"></i> Health publications and declarations </h3> <p class="pt-2">NT Health notices, declarations, published research and reports.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- .row --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <div class="topic-content"> <h3> <i class="fal fa-chart-pie fa-lg mr-2"></i> Research and health data </h3> <p class="pt-2">For health researchers on ethics, clinical trials, health data collections, and various epidemiology and health economics publications.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div><div id="content_container_660721"> <style> @media (max-width: 576px) { .news-controls-buttons { text-align: left!important; padding-top: 1rem; } } </style><div class="news pt-1 pb-5"> <div class="container pt-5"> <div class="row mb-3 news-controls"> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 text-left"><h2 class="news-title m-0 pb-2">What we are doing</h2></div> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 text-right news-controls-buttons"> <div class="d-inline" id="carousel-nav"> <span class="oc-prev"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-chevron-left"></span></i> <span class="oc-next"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-chevron-right"></span></i> </div> <div class="d-inline homepage-all-news"> <a href=""> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary mb-1">View all</button> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Free meningococcal B vaccine now available for infants and adolescents"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Free meningococcal B vaccine now available for infants and adolescents" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">24 Jan 2025</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Free meningococcal B vaccine now available for infants and adolescents</a> </h3> <p>The Northern Territory Government has introduced a free meningococcal B vaccination program, to protect those most at risk.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: 2025 NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program is now open"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="2025 NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program is now open" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">13 Jan 2025</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">2025 NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program is now open</a> </h3> <p>NT Health offers an NT Health Aboriginal Cadetship Program to support Aboriginal people to complete the Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse) or higher education health studies. The program is a key initiative to increase employment of Aboriginal people as health professionals.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Remembering Cyclone Tracy"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Remembering Cyclone Tracy" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">17 Dec 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Remembering Cyclone Tracy</a> </h3> <p>NT Health reflects on the tireless efforts of all staff who provided treatment and care when Cyclone Tracy struck Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Strategy 2024 -2030"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Strategy 2024 -2030" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">12 Dec 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Strategy 2024 -2030</a> </h3> <p>We are excited to announce the launch of NT Health's first-ever Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Strategy 2024 -2030.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Skylar's legacy"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Skylar's legacy" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">11 Dec 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Skylar's legacy</a> </h3> <p>Darwin locals, Sally and Ash Lawrence were on their way back from a family holiday in Katherine with their 3 children when their daughter Skylar began to feel unwell with a fever.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Katherine Hospital celebrates its 90th birthday"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Katherine Hospital celebrates its 90th birthday" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">4 Dec 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Katherine Hospital celebrates its 90th birthday</a> </h3> <p>In December, NT Health celebrated Katherine Hospital's 90th anniversary on a sunny morning filled with smiles and laughter.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="!" class="news-image" title="Read: Nominate now for the 2024 NT Allied Health Awards!"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Nominate now for the 2024 NT Allied Health Awards!" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">13 Aug 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="!">Nominate now for the 2024 NT Allied Health Awards!</a> </h3> <p>Vote for an allied health colleague who has gone above and beyond in their field.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="!" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Register as a community stakeholder!"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Register as a community stakeholder!" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">29 Jul 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Register as a community stakeholder!</a> </h3> <p>Share your voice, be a part of change.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Introducing the Chronic Conditions Framework"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Introducing the Chronic Conditions Framework" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">29 Jul 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Introducing the Chronic Conditions Framework</a> </h3> <p>NT Health, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) and the NT Primary Health Network (NTPHN) have come together to launch a new framework to help prevent chronic conditions in the Territory.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: DonateLife Week"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="DonateLife Week" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">25 May 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">DonateLife Week</a> </h3> <p>DonateLife Week is from 28 July to 4 August.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Ambulance Service Structural Review"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Ambulance Service Structural Review" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">22 May 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Ambulance Service Structural Review</a> </h3> <p>Ambulance services are critical to ensuring Territorians can access high quality emergency, pre-hospital care and medical transport in a timely manner.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: International Woman's Day"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="International Woman's Day" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">8 Mar 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">International Woman's Day</a> </h3> <p>This International Woman’s Day we’re highlighting one of our key services for women, by women.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="!" class="news-image" title="Read: International Day of Women and Girls in Science!"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="International Day of Women and Girls in Science!" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">14 Feb 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="!">International Day of Women and Girls in Science!</a> </h3> <p>For International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on February 11, we met with RDH’s Chief Nuclear Medicine Scientist.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="!" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="!" class="news-image" title="Read: Primary Health Care Nurses Day!"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Primary Health Care Nurses Day!" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">8 Feb 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="!">Primary Health Care Nurses Day!</a> </h3> <p>On 7 February, we celebrated Primary Health Care Nurses Day across the Territory.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="!" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Stephen Long Retirement"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Stephen Long Retirement" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">8 Jan 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Stephen Long Retirement</a> </h3> <p>We said goodbye to NT Health’s last courier, Stephen, who delivered mail and confidential documents for the last 30 years!</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Eight new babies on New Year’s Day"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Eight new babies on New Year’s Day" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">5 Jan 2024</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Eight new babies on New Year’s Day</a> </h3> <p>Dedicated maternity teams at NT Health welcomed eight new babies to the Northern Territory on New Year’s Day!</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Allied Health Excellence Awards winners announcement"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Allied Health Excellence Awards winners announcement" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">20 Dec 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Allied Health Excellence Awards winners announcement</a> </h3> <p>Congratulations to recipients of the inaugural Awards!</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Practitioner Award winners"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Practitioner Award winners" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">20 Dec 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Practitioner Award winners</a> </h3> <p>Congratulations to all our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Practitioner Excellence Award winners.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Anniversary Dr. David Mitchell's as Chief Psychiatrist: Promoting Mental Health in NT"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Anniversary Dr. David Mitchell's as Chief Psychiatrist: Promoting Mental Health in NT" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">11 Oct 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Anniversary Dr. David Mitchell's as Chief Psychiatrist: Promoting Mental Health in NT</a> </h3> <p>October is Mental Health Awareness Month – a time for communities to connect and raise awareness of the importance of mental health.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href=",-our-prostate-cancer-specialist-nurse-at-royal-darwin-hospital" class="news-image" title="Read: Aries, our prostate cancer specialist nurse at Royal Darwin Hospital"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Aries, our prostate cancer specialist nurse at Royal Darwin Hospital" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">29 Sep 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href=",-our-prostate-cancer-specialist-nurse-at-royal-darwin-hospital">Aries, our prostate cancer specialist nurse at Royal Darwin Hospital</a> </h3> <p>Did you know around 100 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the NT each year?</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href=",-our-prostate-cancer-specialist-nurse-at-royal-darwin-hospital" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Nominate now! Allied Health Excellence Awards"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Nominate now! Allied Health Excellence Awards" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">20 Sep 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Nominate now! Allied Health Excellence Awards</a> </h3> <p>Nominations are now open for the 2023 Northern Territory Allied Health Excellence Awards.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: New suicide prevention plan"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="New suicide prevention plan" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">18 Sep 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">New suicide prevention plan</a> </h3> <p>Our new Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework Implementation Plan 2023 -2028, Keeping Everyone Safe was released in conjunction with World Suicide Day, September 10.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Staff spotlight: Anna Holwell Stroke Care Champion"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Staff spotlight: Anna Holwell Stroke Care Champion" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">30 Aug 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Staff spotlight: Anna Holwell Stroke Care Champion</a> </h3> <p>Anna, pictured (right) with members of the ASH Stroke Unit, is the Head of Department of Medicine and Stroke Lead at the hospital. Anna has been working hard over the last decade to provide excellent stroke care to the people of Central Australia.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Stroke services better than ever in the Territory "><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Stroke services better than ever in the Territory " /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">18 Aug 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Stroke services better than ever in the Territory </a> </h3> <p>Learn more about recent developments in stroke care in Central Australia and the Top End.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Staff spotlight: Meet Esther"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Staff spotlight: Meet Esther" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">11 Aug 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Staff spotlight: Meet Esther</a> </h3> <p>Learn more about Esther’s experience in Central Australia.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Talking Culture – a community-based ear and hearing health education initiative"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Talking Culture – a community-based ear and hearing health education initiative" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">27 Jul 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Talking Culture – a community-based ear and hearing health education initiative</a> </h3> <p>Did you know that most ear infections in little ones start with a snotty nose? But don't worry, we've got an awesome resource that's tackling this issue head-on and promoting a healthier future for our kids!</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="card article"> <div class="card-img-top"> <a href="" class="news-image" title="Read: Staff Spotlight: Tim Henderson"><img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Staff Spotlight: Tim Henderson" /></a> </div> <div class="card-body card-min-height"> <div class="meta"> <span> <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i> News </span> <span class="float-right">15 Jul 2023</span> <hr> </div> <h3> <a href="">Staff Spotlight: Tim Henderson</a> </h3> <p>Meet our Head of Ophthalmology and the Eye Department in Alice Springs Hospital.</p> </div> <div class="card-footer mb-2"> <a class="btn btn-article" href="" role="button">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script> $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: false, margin: 10, nav: true, lazyLoad : true, pagination: false, navContainer: '#carousel-nav', navText: [$('.oc-prev'),$('.oc-next')], responsive:{ 0:{ items: 1 }, 576:{ items: 2 }, 768:{ items: 3 } } }) </script> <style> button.owl-prev, button.owl-next{ padding: 8px 25px; transition: background-color 0.4s ease-in; color: #6c757d; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; border-color: #6c757d; border-style: solid; border-radius: .25rem; border-width: 1px; } .card-min-height {min-height: 330px;} </style></div> <div id="content_container_731743"> </div> <!-- custom css and js --> <!-- Print date --> <div id="print-date" data-date=""></div> </main> <!--coveo_no_index_start_20--> <!-- back to top --> <div class="back-to-top d-print-none"><a href="#header"><span class="text-hide">Back to top</span></a></div> <!-- footer --> <footer class="pt-4" id="footer" data-site=""> <div class="container"> <div class="row footer-links d-print-none"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6 pr-lg-5"> <h3>Key links</h3> <ul class="footer-topics"> <li><a href="">Strategies and reviews</a></li><li> <a href="">Library services</a></li><li> <a href="">Public health</a></li><li> <a href="">Committees and advisory groups</a></li><li> <a href="">Patient complaints and compliments</a></li><li> <a href="">Freedom of Information: NT Health</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 pr-md-5"> <h3>Popular</h3> <ul><li><a href="">Disease Control - Public Health</a></li><li><a href="">Student placements</a></li><li><a href="">Suicide Prevention Strategy</a></li><li><a href="">Hospitals and health services</a></li></ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 footer-social"> <h3>Connect with us</h3> <ul class="pl-0"> <li><a href=""><i class="fab fa-facebook-square fa-2x "></i> Facebook</a></li><li> <a href=""><i class="fab fa-linkedin fa-2x "></i> LinkedIn</a></li><li> <a href=""><i class="fab fa-youtube-square fa-2x "></i> Youtube</a></li><li> <a href=""><i class="fab fa-instagram fa-2x "></i> Instagram</a></li><li> <a href=""><i class="fab fal fa-envelope fa-2x"></i> Contact us</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 footer-logo pt-2"> <a href=""><img class="ntg-logo-footer" src="" alt="Visit NT.GOV.AU" style="height: 61px !important; padding-right: 30px;"></a> <a href=""><img class="ntg-logo-footer" src="" alt="Visit The Territory website" style="height: 58px !important;"></a> </div> <div class="col-12 footer-site-links pt-4 pb-2 d-print-none"> <ul class="d-flex flex-wrap"> <li><a href="">Copyright, disclaimer and privacy</a></li> <li><a href="">Freedom of information</a></li> <li><a href=""> Interpreter services</a></li> <li><a href="">Accessibility</a></li> <li><a href="">NTG staff systems</a></li> <li><a href="">Site map</a></li> <li><a href="">Contacts</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-copyright abc"> <div class="container first-nations-notice d-print-none"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-8 pt-4 pb-2"> <div id="content_container_1084006"> <p>The Northern Territory Government acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Northern Territory and recognises their continuing cultural and spiritual connections to the lands, waters and communities. 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