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Stay vigilant against malicious emails that can infect devices with malware. Keep software and security patches up-to-date. Never disclose your passwords and 2FA details to others. <br /><br />Please do not click on any links if you receive SMSes that appear to be from BCA. Please be assured that BCA will never ask or request for anyone’s personal details via SMS notifications and / or automated phone messages. For any queries / feedback, please visit <a href="" style="color: #6433FF;" target="_blank"></a></a>.&nbsp;</strong></span> </p> <div class="maintenance-msg-close-btn">×</div> </div> <div class="top"> <div class="top-wrap sg-gov-cred-cnt"> <div class="top-cnt"> <sgds-masthead></sgds-masthead> <!--<a href="javascript:void(0);"><img src="theme/default/image/sg-goc-logo.png" alt="SG GOVERNMENT LOGO" /></a> <div class="sg-gov-cred"><a href="javascript:void(0);">A Singapore Government Agency Website</a></div>--> <div id="maintenance_toggle_wrapper" class="maintenance-toggle-wrapper active" style="display: block;"> <div class="maintenance-toggle">!</div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div class="top-wrap top-meta-cnt"> <a href="" class="logo"> <img src='/MultiSkill/images/bca-logo.png' alt="BCA LOGO" /> </a> <a href="" class="feedback">Feedback </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="35" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="text-align: center;"> <div id="banner" style="display: inline-block;">MULTI-SKILLING APPLICATION</div> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" height="625" border="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td height="100px" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#f1f4f7"> <form method="post" action="./" id="Form1" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off"> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" id="__EVENTTARGET" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" id="__EVENTARGUMENT" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="pspbkvk1LzVF+JMznaSNYtmu4Ug07DEQ+kXnm/E6oaC8yedwgF/Kq/FYWz9S0uXlxos4E1pteTXglmNtqpURZc7tpYyyuzRbVKXZHJ9J0Fdqk3UyOsx69UvAWyd2Y+tnCAeDaQ==" /> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var theForm = document.forms['Form1']; if (!theForm) { theForm = document.Form1; } function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) { if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) { theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget; theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument; theForm.submit(); } } //]]> </script> <script src="/MultiSkill/WebResource.axd?d=68w5hfBBL5D1SROLXfN_aFN-CIdFMCG0dYhnjt4pUjFlRQFshBYDBES3_anrNglCxhEUILKC5MkK_xqJR4YhJ85TsuE1&amp;t=638611159965203766" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/MultiSkill/ScriptResource.axd?d=RutXSnnFf1BeP0QaqHuU9ee_Fcckm8AhTOEm-gSvOrhXA1jYVvd4EBg7N8BJ82S39eLKnpGYpu7Rp2afDTavUKqsPYFSEvz-zbgHqYAeMsMQKSiQaHUIssvNJXGY3svahfCUqSkvK6LO8ZvSfx34mCMnauw1&amp;t=ffffffffb201fd3f" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/MultiSkill/ScriptResource.axd?d=GhqmROlcTd1d-WBpDkkFU0JEFJu_wqbqeATsfK_RdBPN91M6SGDadiTtW8Lg9HAKb28yrLSyVLrYyxsR8DgogigIhraCpxqURaTHl2h9U6_ZVrwTx3yFl23y3d7RzDHBXeMMb5AIMMTnjHYXNhg8U8S8TwY1eAMnlPnG2DDDiENZFW3G0&amp;t=ffffffffb201fd3f" type="text/javascript"></script> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" id="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" value="517CC47E" /> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('ctl00$ScriptManager1', 'Form1', [], [], [], 90, 'ctl00'); //]]> </script> <br /> <div class="header-container"> <img id="Image3" class="header-background" src="images/Public_Logo.jpg" /> <div class="header"> <b>Welcome to Multi-Skilling Online Registration System</b> </div> </div> </br></br> <div class="container"> <br /> <h2>You can click on Stage 1 to apply for Multi-Skilling Registration. Upon acceptance of registration, you can proceed to Stage 2 to apply for Skills Evaluation Certification [SEC(K)] or Continuing Education and Training (CET). Upon successful registration, you can check the expiry date of the Multi-Skilling registration in Stage 3. </h2> <br /> <br /> <div class="button-container"> <button class="toggle-button" onclick="toggleSection('sectionA', event)"> <b>Stage 1:</b> <br /> For MS Registration</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <button class="toggle-button" onclick="toggleSection('sectionB', event)"> <b>Stage 2: </b> <br /> To Apply for Skill Assessment (SA) or Continuing Education and Training (CET)</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <button class="toggle-button" onclick="toggleSection('sectionC', event)"> <b>Stage 3:</b> <br /> Successful Registration</button> </div> <div id="sectionA" class="toggle-section"> <div> <h3>To Apply for MS Registration</h3> </br> <h3>Choose either (1) New Applicant or (2) Existing MS Personnel</h3> </br> <div class="sectionNote" style="text-align: center; justify-content: center"> <b> <p class="note">*A non-refundable application fee of $21.80 (inclusive of GST) is payable for each application submitted.</p> </b> </div> <br /> </div> <div class="button-container"> <button id="newApplicantButton" class="toggle-button" onclick="toggleSection('newApplicant', event)">1) For New Applicant</button> <button id="existingPersonnelButton" class="toggle-button" onclick="toggleSection('existingPersonnel', event)">2) For Existing MS Personnel</button> </div> </div> <div class="section toggle-section" id="newApplicant"> <div> <h3>To Apply for Application</h3> </br> <h3>Choose either (1) Company or (2) Individual</h3> </br> </div> <div class="button-container"> <div class="company-application"> <p><a class="button" href='/MultiSkill/Public/Multi-SkillNewApplication.aspx?ID=0'>** Company Application</a></p> </div> <div class="individual-application"> <p><a class="button" href='/MultiSkill/Public/Multi-SkillNewApplication.aspx?ID=1'>*** Individual Application</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="button-container" style="text-align: center; justify-content: center"> <b> <p class="note">**Employer or its representative is applying on behalf of their worker</p> <p class="note">*** Workers who are applying for themselves</p> </b> </div> </div> <div class="section toggle-section" id="existingPersonnel"> <div> <h3>To Apply for Renewal Application</h3> </div> <br /><br /> <div class="button-container"> <button id="renewalButton" class="toggle-button" onclick="toggleSection('renewal', event)">Renewal for registered MS Personnel</button> </div> </div> <div id="renewal" class="toggle-section"> <div class="section"> <h3><span class="label"><b>Renewal</b></span> for Existing MS Personnel</h3> <div class="button-container"> <div class="company-application"> <p><a class="button" href='/MultiSkill/Public/Multi-SkillRenewal.aspx?ID=1'>Renewal Application</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="sectionB" class="toggle-section" style="display: none;"> <table style="border-collapse: collapse;color:black; width: 100%; border-spacing: 0; color:black"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="padding: 10px; width: 50%;"> <span id="Spann2" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">Stage 2: To Apply for Skills Evaluation Certification [SEC(K)] or Continuing Education and Training (CET)</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span52" style="color: Black; font-weight: normal; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">1. Apply course</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spa2" class="label" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">For those workers who have yet to meet the requirements of the registration and need to attend course to achieve additional certificates, an Acknowledgement Notice (AN) with validity period of 3 months will be issued to the applicant for the course application. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spana2">i. For New Applicant – to apply for SEC(K) in (<a class="label" href=''><b>One-Stop Skill Upgrading System (One-Stop)</b></a>)</span> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spane2">ii. For Renewal of Existing MS Personnel - to apply the (<a class="label" href=''><b>BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTC)</b></a>) or the (<a class="label" href=''><b>SCAL Academy</b></a>)</span> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spap2" class="label" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">Failure to be certified in the above assessments will result in the MS application registration being unsuccessful.</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spani2" class="label" style="color: Black; font-weight: normal; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">2. Check Registration Status</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spanx2">Status of application can be verified via the online MS personnel search <a class="label" href='/MultiSkill/Public/CheckStatus.aspx'><b>here</b></a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id="sectionC" class="toggle-section" style="display: none;"> <table style="border-collapse: collapse; color:black; width: 100%; border-spacing: 0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="padding: 10px; width: 50%;"> <span id="Spann3" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">Stage 3: Successful Registration</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spa3" class="label" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">If you have already met the registration requirements when applying or have successfully completed the additional SEC(K) and CET, the results will be sent to us and you will be registered or renewed as the MS personnel. No action is required from the employer.</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spanb3">You can check the expiry date of the MS registration <a class="label" href='/MultiSkill/Public/CheckExpiryDate.aspx'><b>here</b></a>.</span> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Spanc3">BCA will update Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of all foreign workers who are put on the higher-skilled status under the MS registration scheme every month. The levy adjustment by MOM will take effect from the following month.</span> <br> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <br /> <br /> <div id="documentRequirements" class="container" style="display: none;"> <table style="color:black"> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2"> <div class="header-box"> <span id="Spann1" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">The registration will take about 4 minutes to complete. You will be required to upload the following documents (in PDF format), if applicable. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span1a" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">i. a. Worker's NRIC (for Singaporean and Singapore PR); or, valid work permit (WP)/ S Pass/ Employment Pass (EP) (for foreigner) (front and back in a single page). </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span1b" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">&ensp; b. For company application, the name of employer in the application must be similar to the employer stated in the foreign worker’s work pass. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span542" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">ii. Skills Evaluation Certificate (SEC/SEC(K)) </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span3" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">iii. Approved Safety Certificates (for Safety Pathway) for safety course conducted after Dec 2017 </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span3a" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">&ensp;• Click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to access MOM’s Worker Training Record website. Enter worker’s FIN number to view safety courses successfully attended. Save screenshots of records (showing course attended) in PDF. Click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> for sample of Safety Training Record. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span3b" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">&ensp;• In Multi-Skilling portal, select the equivalent safety certificate and attach the PDF of the screenshot to each type of certificate selected (showing worker’s FIN and safety course attended). </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span4" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">iv. PDF copy showing employer’s registration with Landscape Company Register (LCR) (for Construction-Related Landscape) </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"> <span id="Span4" style="color: Black; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;">v. Mandatory for all foreign work permit holders - worker's employment details (for work permit holder) obtained via the Ministry of Manpower website <a href="" style="color: red; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">(WP Online) </a> for the verification of the applicant's years of local construction experience . See <a href="" style="color: red; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">Sample</a> </span </td> </table> </div> </br> </br> <div id="documentRequirements1" class="container" style="display: none;"> <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style ="color:black"> <tr> <td><b>MS Pathway Type</b></td> <td><b>Number of Skills Evaluation Certificate [SEC/SEC(K)]</b></td> <td><b>Minimum years of construction period experience in Singapore (see v below)</b></td> <td><b>Other conditions</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Two (2) in different trades</td> <td>Four (4)</td> <td>-</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>One (1)</td> <td>Six (6)</td> <td>Completed 120 hours of training in approved safety-related courses.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>One (1)</td> <td>Six (6)</td> <td>Obtained WSQ Advanced Certificate in Workplace Safety and Health</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>One (1) in Construction-Related (Landscape)</td> <td>Six (6)</td> <td>a) Employed by firm that is registered under NParks’ Landscape Company Register (LCR).<br> b) Completed WSQ Higher Certificate in Horticulture & Turf Maintenance (by NParks); or WSQ Certificate in Landscape Operations Composite Assessment (by NParks).</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="container"> <table style="color:black"> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2"> <br /> <br /> <b></b>1. <a href='/MultiSkill/ChangeRequest/ChangeofEmployer.aspx?ID=2'><b>Change of Employer</b></a> <br /> <br /> 2. <a href='/MultiSkill/ChangeRequest/ChangeApplicantName.aspx?ID=2'><b>Change of Applicant’s Name</b></a> <br /> <br /> 3. <a href='/MultiSkill/ChangeRequest/ChangeApplicantNationality.aspx?ID=2'><b>Change of Applicant’s Nationality</b></a> <br /> <br /> 4. <a href='/MultiSkill/ChangeRequest/ChangeCompanyContactDetails.aspx?ID=2'><b>Change of Company Name/ Contact Details</b></a> <br /> <br /> 5. <a href='/MultiSkill/ChangeRequest/ChangeIndividualContactDetails.aspx?ID=2'><b>Change of Individual Contact Details</b></a> <br /> <br /> You can check the status of the change request <a href='/MultiSkill/ChangeRequest/ResubmitDocument.aspx'><b>here</b></a>.</b> <br /> <br /> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="sgFooter"> <div class="bottom" style="font-size: 16px"> <div class="bottom-wrap foot-links-cnt"> <div class="bottom-cnt"> <div class="about-social"> <div class="foot-logo"> <img src='/MultiSkill/images/bca-logo-white.png' alt="BCA Logo" /> </div> <div class="about" style="padding-top: 20px"> <p class="maintenance-msg-txt">The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) champions the development and transformation of the built environment sector, in order to improve Singapore’s living environment. 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