Is Binary Options Trading Legal And How Is It Regulated in 2024? -
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The general answer is yes as long as the broker is regulated and offering transparent terms. Many countries recognize it as a legitimate investment instrument governed by their respective regulatory agencies. 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title="Binary Options Brokers">Binary Options Brokers</a></li><li><a href="/binary-options-trading-legal-regulated/" title="Is Binary Options Trading Legal And How Is It Regulated in 2024?">Is Binary Options Trading Legal And How Is It Regulated in 2024?</a></li></ul> <div class="why-fo-free"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> Why is FinancesOnline free <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="main-container main-container--post"> <div class="single-page__content"> <div class="row flex-fixer flex-wrap"> <div class="single-page__title col col--75 col--sm"> <h1>Is Binary Options Trading Legal And How Is It Regulated in 2024?</h1> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div id="content" class="single-page__entry single-page__entry--post col col--75 col--sm"> <div id="rec-post" class="recommended-product recommended-product--placeholder full-width" data-post-id="85681" > <div class="placeholder flex"> <div class="col col--20 col--mb img"> <div class="sk full-width"></div> </div> <div class="col col--60 col--mb desc"> <div class="sk full-width"></div> <div class="flex score"> <div class="col col--33 sk"></div> <div class="col col--33"></div> <div class="col col--33 sk"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col col--20 col--mb buttons"> <div class="sk full-width"></div> <div class="sk full-width"></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Is binary options trading legal? The general answer is yes as long as the broker is regulated and offering transparent terms. Many countries recognize it as a legitimate investment instrument governed by their respective regulatory agencies. Binary options trading is regulated in many countries including:</p><ol> <li><a href="#US">The United States</a></li> <li><a href="#UK">The United Kingdom</a></li> <li><a href="#Australia">Australia</a></li> <li><a href="#NewZealand">New Zealand</a></li> <li><a href="#Japan">Japan</a></li> <li><a href="#Cyprus">Cyprus</a></li> <li><a href="#Malta">Malta</a></li> </ol><p><span id="more-85681"></span></p><p>Over the years, binary options trading continued to be a popular financial vehicle for traders who are seeking to diversify their investment portfolio. One of the reasons behind this is its simple trading premise and how it’s easily accessible to investors through online trading platforms. With the emergence of numerous newcomers who want to try it out one of the most common questions is: is binary options trading legal? And, how is it regulated?</p><div id="attachment_87250" style="width: 650px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-87250" class="wp-image-87250 size-full lazyload" alt="" width="640" height="617" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 640w, 300w, 50w, 150w"><p id="caption-attachment-87250" class="wp-caption-text">In the European Union, countries have varying regulations for trading binary options but license passporting may be used to allow firms regulated from one country to operate in other countries as established under MiFID.</p></div><h3><strong>High binary options trading interest leverages tight regulations</strong></h3><p>Binary option trading is shown as a preferred investment choice for many investors. This is not surprising with the market’s high and quick payouts, simple trading premise, and low initial deposits. Furthermore, the increase in regulations cemented it as a credible and respected trading practice. Regulatory agency watchdogs are <a href="">regularly monitoring and taking action</a> when an issue emerges such as questionable and unregulated companies that lure investors in as recently reported by Finance Magnates.</p><p>When you’re searching for an online trading platform, you may have come across <a href="/c/binary-options">binary options brokers</a> who are proudly proclaiming they are licensed and regulated by governing bodies in the industry—and rightly so. Regulatory bodies are responsible for overseeing and looking out for the best interest of consumers, specifically the traders in this case. They set rules and regulations to protect you in terms of getting fair market prices and being able to quickly and easily withdraw your winnings, among others. For instance, FCA recently announced they are considering <a href="">taking enforcement action</a> on unauthorized binary options providers in the UK to tighten the security of traders. Since only brokers who abide by these rules are given license to operate under a financial regulatory authority, traders gain confidence when conducting their trades on the platform.</p><p>Is binary options trading legal? In some countries, a regulated broker is required legally. In some, it is the desired preference, which encourages many brokers to process their licenses and pass the requirements. Knowing your country’s specific set of regulations is essential as it varies accordingly depending on the country and its jurisdictions. Meanwhile, here are some of the reasons why it’s recommended to engage a regulated binary options trading broker:</p><ol> <li><strong>Interest in trader’s success</strong> since traders are buying options right from the broker.</li> <li><strong>Separation of company assets and customer’s assets</strong> to ensure traders will get their money in case something happens with the broker.</li> <li><strong>Guarantee of sufficient funds</strong> to support their responsibilities to their investors.</li> <li><strong>Compliance</strong> with strict set rules of and guidelines.</li> <li><strong>Protection of investors</strong> when something fraudulent occurs.</li> </ol><p>For a more comprehensive list of trading options check out our <a href="/15-popular-binary-options-brokers-one-best/">list of popular 2024 binary options brokers</a>.</p><h3 id="US" class="bg-title">Is binary options trading legal in the USA?</h3><p>The short and simple answer is yes, trading binary options is legal in the United States. The US has, if not the most, strict regulations when it comes to binary options which make it quite complex for both traders and brokers. Its financial trading market is regulated by the U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) and the U.S. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). The former is a regulatory body that’s responsible for overseeing financial securities and exchanges of stocks and options while the latter is for options and futures markets.</p><p>These bodies are the ones that allow and grant financial service providers with valid licenses to offer their services and operate in the country. They are also the ones that suspend these licenses if a broker breaks the rules and regulations imposed. As of the moment, NADEX is one of the few licensed companies in the U.S. that’s actually located in the country. The choices are very limited due to the strict and expensive regulatory processes in obtaining a license from SEC.</p><p>There are no offshore brokers, or brokers located outside of the US, that have a license to operate in the US; however, that does not mean they are illegal as there’s no law that neither prohibits traders to use offshore brokers nor stops offshore brokers from allowing US traders in their platforms. Hence, US citizens can use a non-US broker instead.</p><p>Many of these offshore brokers obtained licenses, most commonly in European Union jurisdictions which are sometimes stricter, that comply with the safety standards and criteria imposed by the US laws, specifically by the CFTC. This way, the regulatory body allows their presence even without awarding them a license as these companies still respect the country’s rules and regulations that ensure the trader’s safety.</p><h3 id="UK" class="bg-title">Is binary options trading legal in the UK?</h3><p>Yes, binary options are legal in the UK for both traders and brokers. In fact, it’s one of the places where many binary brokers were first established. There’s a difference in how binary brokers operate in the UK compared to other countries part of the European Union due to some different regulations. But at its core, investing in binary options is a legal and regulated activity for British citizens as there are no laws and restrictions imposed against engaging in this type of trading in the country.</p><p>Hence, companies can operate and offer services. However, it’s worth noting that there’s no British law allowing direct regulatory processes for these firms. The important thing that a broker must comply with is to be regulated and recognized by a financial authority trusted by the British FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).</p><p>The UK government is taking careful evaluations and consultations in classifying this trading in order to apply relevant regulations for their people’s safety. Some of the key requirements even include segregated funds between trader funds and broker accounts, a clear dispute resolution process, and suitability checks to ensure products are sold appropriately for an enhanced customer protection. In fact, the UK’s financial watchdog is constantly checking firms, especially those that are claiming to be located within the country.</p><h3 id="Australia" class="bg-title">Is binary options trading legal in Australia?</h3><p>Yes, trading binary options is legal and regulated in Australia. This means you can engage in this type of booming investment market with local Australian brokers and those that are not located in Australia. Since many good ones are located, licensed and regulated in other countries such as Cyprus, you can also trade with such brokers as you prefer.</p><p>Australia is authorized by ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commissions) which is one of the principal regulators of binary options outside the US. It’s even considered as one of the most innovative regulators for leveraging protection of retail investors.</p><p>As a major financial hub with binary option booming in the investing market in the country, it is not a surprise how the Australian government recognizes binary options trading as a legitimate financial instrument. With this, it paves the way for a sound and clear regulatory framework that tightens the security of investors in Australia when trading binary options. Their efforts ensure brokers adhere and comply with a defined set of rules that enables traders to invest with confidence and peace of mind.</p><h3><strong>Regulations of ASIC</strong></h3><p>AFSL (Australian Financial Services License) is an initial requirement for brokers in the country. A minimum set of capital requirement and well-capitalized structure are needed to ensure the broker is able to meet its obligations regardless of external factors. With that, there must also be a separation between the company’s operational funds and the client’s funds must be segregated into trust accounts to safeguard the investors’ finances.</p><h3 id="NewZealand" class="bg-title">Is binary options trading legal in New Zealand?</h3><p>Yes, New Zealand has a regulated binary options trading market. Their government recognizes and defines the status of this trading industry which is beneficial for their citizens due to the clarity of regulations. Regulators are updated with the new trends in the financial market and can, therefore, update regulations as necessary. Meanwhile, brokers are aware of their duties and traders are protected by their rights when trading.</p><p>The regulatory body in New Zealand is FMA (Financial Markets Authority) which acts upon Financial Markets Conduct Act. It takes a customer-oriented approach to protect customers and provide market transparency. While restrictions are tight, it leaves traders with enough selection of investment options and room to diversify their portfolios.</p><h3><strong>Regulations of FMA</strong></h3><p>Specific procedures and requirements are needed for a broker to get their license. For instance, a broker must have a physical location and staff in New Zealand in order to provide their services. It also requires segregated funds.Respecting their rules of conduct is mandatory and the governing body regularly publishes special reports regarding warnings and regulations in a timely manner.</p><h3 id="Japan" class="bg-title">Is binary options trading legal in Japan?</h3><p>Yes, Japan is one of the countries in Asia where it binary option is legal and regulates this trading. In fact, there are two agencies that oversee Japan’s exchange markets and securities. The first one is FSA (Financial Services Agency) which has a headquarter in Tokyo. Its task is to monitor the entire financial system—which extends to accounting, banking, and insurance—making its responsibilities broadly varied. With that, it has a secondary regulatory agency, SESC (Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission), for making sure firms comply with the regulations.</p><p>This also goes to say that offshore brokers are available to Japanese traders, especially since brokers in Japan are limited due to the costly regulation processes and tight rules in the country. However, there are plenty of options available to traders who reside in Japan and since binary options trading operates in online platforms, geographical barriers aren’t a major hindrance.</p><h3 id="Cyprus" class="bg-title">Is binary options trading legal in Cyprus?</h3><p>Yes, Cyprus is one of the first jurisdictions to regulate binary options by treating it as a financial instrument. It’s the home of some of the best binary options brokers in the industry, especially since it’s monitored by CySec (Cyprus Securities and Exchanges Commission) which is considered as the primary regulators of this trading.</p><p>Furthermore, Cyprus is a member of European Union. This means the laws and regulations applied by the country are in line with EU regulations for conformity. For instance, the licenses of binary options issued in Cyprus are mostly valid in the UK as well. The governing bodies ensure only those brokers who put a lot of effort into making their business credible are granted licenses. With that, they guarantee a broker has constant support, realistic promises, proper terms and conditions, and safety of funds, especially when it comes to the point where clients withdraw their money.</p><h3><strong>Regulations of CySec </strong></h3><p>CySec is a government agency with the authority to implement new rules and regulations for licensed binary options trading brokers to follow. They are the ones who are constantly monitoring the binary options industry to ensure compliance for licensed brokers and safety of investors. It’s also one of the favorite destinations for brokers who want to operate in Europe because of its established regulations for binary options trading which are clear and transparent. Since the law is enforced, brokers are also required to comply and follow strict rules which give traders confidence when trading in their platforms.</p><h3 id="Malta" class="bg-title">Is binary options trading legal in Malta?</h3><p>Yes, binary options trading is legal and regulated strongly in Malta. It recognized binary options a part of European Union Market’s jurisdiction in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). This document clearly defines financial instruments trading and companies. The regulatory body in Malta is MFSA (Maltese Financial Services Authority).</p><h3><strong>Regulations of MFSA</strong></h3><p>Brokers are granted a license if they comply with MFSA’s fundamental requirements such as promoting competition and choice, safeguarding Malta’s reputation into account of the country’s international commitments, and guaranteeing the protection of both investors and the general public. Brokers are also required to meet a net capital of approximately $900,000 to prove the broker can meet their obligations to their client. A higher requirement may be imposed based on the service provider’s volume and scale.</p><h3 class="bg-title">Binary Options Trading Regulation in other Countries</h3><p>Binary options trading was propelled to become one of the mainstream ways of trading after its growth in 2008 and its reclassification as a financial instrument in 2012. It also experienced a wave of regulations and classifications from regulatory bodies which gave it mass credibility. As its popularity continues to rise, more and more interested traders are concerned to know and ask, “Is binary options trading legal?”</p><p>As we’ve discussed in the previous sections, various countries and jurisdictions regulate trading binary options. In these countries, brokers are obliged to apply for a trading license to offer their services. How about countries that do not regulate binary options? While not regulated, technically, it is legal to trade binary options—unless there’s a law that specifically states it’s not allowed. Binary options are not illegal in countries with unregulated markets since there’s no law that neither allows or prohibits it. With that in mind, it’s important to check the regulations in your country carefully before proceeding to be aware of your rights and your broker’s duties.</p><p>If you’re a trader who lives in a country that doesn’t regulate binary options trading, you may still register in brokers that are regulated under other reputable jurisdictions such as Cyprus and Malta, among others. You’ll receive the same protection as these brokers are licensed to treat traders from other countries the same way they’re treating traders in their regulated markets.</p><div class="flex max-w-full flex-col flex-grow"> <div class="min-h-8 text-message flex w-full flex-col items-end gap-2 whitespace-normal break-words [.text-message+&]:mt-5" dir="auto" data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="4ab06961-0dd6-4506-a500-d342665a6d5e" data-message-model-slug="gpt-4o"> <div class="flex w-full flex-col gap-1 empty:hidden first:pt-[3px]"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <h3>What factors should you consider when choosing a binary options broker?</h3> <p>When selecting a binary options broker, it’s essential to evaluate several factors to ensure a safe and transparent trading experience. Here are some key considerations:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Regulation</strong>: Always choose a broker that is regulated by a reputable financial authority, such as CySec (Cyprus), FCA (UK), or CFTC (US). Regulation ensures that the broker follows strict rules, safeguarding your funds and ensuring fair trading practices.</li> <li><strong>Trading Platform</strong>: Evaluate the broker’s trading platform for user-friendliness, reliability, and features. A good platform should offer real-time data, advanced charting tools, and a smooth interface for executing trades.</li> <li><strong>Asset Variety</strong>: Consider the range of assets available for trading. A diverse selection, including stocks, commodities, indices, and currencies, allows you to diversify your investment portfolio.</li> <li><strong>Payouts and Fees</strong>: Compare the payout percentages offered by different brokers. Additionally, watch for hidden fees, such as withdrawal charges or inactivity fees, which could impact your profitability.</li> <li><strong>Customer Support</strong>: Responsive and knowledgeable customer support is vital in case you encounter issues. Look for brokers offering 24/7 support via various channels, including live chat, phone, and email.</li> </ul> <p>Selecting a trustworthy and regulated broker is crucial for a secure trading experience.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="mb-2 flex gap-3 empty:hidden -ml-2"> <div class="items-center justify-start rounded-xl p-1 flex"> <div class="flex items-center"></div> </div> </div><h3>Key Insights</h3><ul> <li><strong>Regulated Markets: </strong>Binary options trading is legal and regulated in several key markets, including the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Cyprus, and Malta. Regulation ensures brokers adhere to strict guidelines, protecting traders’ investments and ensuring fair trading practices.</li> <li><strong>Regulatory Bodies: </strong>Different countries have specific regulatory bodies overseeing binary options trading, such as the CFTC and SEC in the US, FCA in the UK, ASIC in Australia, and CySec in Cyprus. These bodies ensure brokers comply with financial regulations, maintain transparency, and safeguard customer funds.</li> <li><strong>Global Access: </strong>Traders from countries with unregulated markets can still participate in binary options trading through brokers regulated in reputable jurisdictions. Offshore brokers, particularly those licensed in the EU, often comply with safety standards similar to those imposed by US regulations.</li> <li><strong>Consumer Protection: </strong>Regulated brokers must separate company assets from customer assets, ensuring traders can retrieve their funds even if the broker faces financial issues. Regulatory bodies often require brokers to maintain sufficient capital reserves to meet their financial obligations to traders.</li> <li><strong>Legal and Accessible: </strong>While binary options trading is broadly legal, it’s essential for traders to understand their country’s specific regulations and choose regulated brokers to ensure protection and compliance.</li> </ul><h3>FAQ</h3><ol> <li><strong>Is binary options trading legal?</strong> Yes, binary options trading is legal in many countries, provided the broker is regulated and offers transparent terms.</li> <li><strong>What are some of the countries where binary options trading is regulated?</strong> Binary options trading is regulated in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Cyprus, and Malta, among others.</li> <li><strong>How does regulation benefit binary options traders?</strong> Regulation ensures brokers follow strict guidelines, protecting traders from fraudulent activities, ensuring fair market prices, and safeguarding customer funds.</li> <li><strong>What are the main regulatory bodies for binary options trading in the US?</strong> In the US, binary options trading is regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).</li> <li><strong>Can US citizens trade binary options with offshore brokers?</strong> Yes, US citizens can trade with offshore brokers that comply with US safety standards, although these brokers are not licensed by US regulatory bodies.</li> <li><strong>Is binary options trading legal in the UK?</strong> Yes, binary options trading is legal in the UK, provided the broker is regulated and recognized by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).</li> <li><strong>What is the role of ASIC in Australia’s binary options market?</strong> The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) regulates binary options trading in Australia, ensuring brokers comply with strict guidelines to protect investors.</li> <li><strong>Are there any specific requirements for brokers in New Zealand?</strong> Yes, brokers in New Zealand must be licensed by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and adhere to strict regulations, including segregating client funds.</li> <li><strong>How does CySec regulate binary options trading in Cyprus?</strong> CySec, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, ensures brokers comply with EU regulations, providing a safe trading environment for investors.</li> <li><strong>Is it legal to trade binary options in countries without specific regulations?</strong> Yes, in countries without specific regulations, binary options trading is technically legal unless explicitly prohibited by law. Traders can use brokers regulated in other reputable jurisdictions.</li> </ol> <div id="fot-social" class="fot-social" data-id="85681" data-type="post" data-url="" style="opacity: 0;"> <div class="fot-social__el fot-social__el--network "> <span class="icon icon--network"></span> <span class="count">1<span class="shares"> share</span></span> </div> <a class="fot-social__el fb fb-button" href="" target="_blank"> <div> <span class="icon icon--fb"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </div> <span class="count">1</span> </a> <a class="fot-social__el tw" href="" target="_blank"> <div> <span class="icon icon--tw"></span> <span class="txt">Tweet</span> </div> </a> <a class="fot-social__el li" href="" target="_blank"> <div> <span class="icon icon--in"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </div> </a> </div> <div id="fot-social-inline" class="fot-social fot-social--inline"> <a class="fot-social__el fb fb-button" href="" target="_blank"> <span> <span class="icon icon--fb"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </span> <span class="count">1</span> </a> <a class="fot-social__el tw" href="" target="_blank"> <span> <span class="icon icon--tw"></span> <span class="txt">Tweet</span> </span> </a> <a class="fot-social__el li" href="" target="_blank"> <span> <span class="icon icon--in"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </span> </a> <div class="fot-social__el fot-social__el--network "> <span class="icon icon--network"></span> <span class="count">1<span class="shares"> share</span></span> </div> </div> <div class="single-page__author"> <div class="single-page__avatar"> <img src="" data-src="" alt="Daniel Epstein" class="lazyload" onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src=''" > </div> <div class="single-page__author__desc"> <h4>By <a href="/author/daniel/" title="Daniel Epstein">Daniel Epstein</a></h4> <p>Daniel Epstein is a senior financial research analyst at FinancesOnline and the architect behind our Fintech and ERP content division. His main areas of expertise are blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies, and the use of biometrics in fintech solutions. His work has been frequently quoted by such publications as Forbes, USA Today, Entrepreneur, and LA Times. With more than 1,800 solutions scrutinized in the last 5 years spent on our team he always prioritized offering readers an unbiased perspective on modern financial technologies.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="fot-sidebar col col--25 col--sm"> <div id="sidebar-top3" class="fot-sidebar__top3"> <div class="fot-sidebar__top3__close"> <span></span> <span></span> </div> <p> Top Binary Options Brokers of 2024 <a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a> </p> <div class="fot-sidebar__rank"> <a href="" title="iq-option" class="rank-item"> <span class="rank-item__pos">1.</span> <div class="rank-item__img"> <img width="220" height="90" src="" class="lazyload" alt="IQ Option" sizes="(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px" data-srcset=" 220w, 300w, 93w, 354w, 440w" /> </div> </a> <a href="" title="nadex" class="rank-item"> <span class="rank-item__pos">2.</span> <div class="rank-item__img"> <img width="220" height="90" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Nadex" sizes="(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px" data-srcset=" 220w, 300w, 93w, 354w, 440w" /> </div> </a> <a href="" title="closeoption" class="rank-item"> <span class="rank-item__pos">3.</span> <div class="rank-item__img"> <img width="220" height="90" src="" class="lazyload" alt="CloseOption" sizes="(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px" data-srcset=" 220w, 300w, 93w, 354w, 440w" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="fot-sidebar__best-btn"> <a href="" title="Compare best tools" class="btn btn--blue-hover">COMPARE BEST TOOLS</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 15px"> Page last modified <time datetime="2024-10-24T09:06:58+00:00" title="2024-10-24 09:06:58">2024-10-24</time> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="news-tabs tabs"> <div class="news-tabs__content" data-items="2"> <div class="news-tabs__content-inner main-container tabs-content active"> <div id="related-posts-carousel" class="single-page-fixer glide"> <h3>Related posts</h3> <div data-glide-el="track" class="news-carousel glide__track"> <div class="glide__slides"> <div class="news-tabs__item item glide__slide"> <div class="news-tabs__news"> <a href="/what-is-a-prospect/"> <img src="" alt="What Is a Prospect & How’s It Different from a Lead and Opportunity in 2024?" class="lazyload"> </a> <div class="news-tabs__news-content"> <p class="news-title"> <a href="/what-is-a-prospect/" title="What Is a Prospect & How’s It Different from a Lead and Opportunity in 2024?"> What Is a Prospect & How’s It Different from a Lead and Opportunity in 2024? </a> </p> <span class="category">Category: B2B News</span> </div> </div> <div class="news-tabs__news"> <a href="/binary-options-trading-safe/"> <img src="" alt="Is Binary Options Trading Safe in 2024?" class="lazyload"> </a> <div class="news-tabs__news-content"> <p class="news-title"> <a href="/binary-options-trading-safe/" title="Is Binary Options Trading Safe in 2024?"> Is Binary Options Trading Safe in 2024? </a> </p> <span class="category">Category: B2B News</span> </div> </div> <div class="news-tabs__news"> <a href="/top-3-binary-options-brokers/"> <img src="" alt="Top 3 Binary Options Brokers in 2024: Comparison of IQ Option, and HighLow" class="lazyload"> </a> <div class="news-tabs__news-content"> <p class="news-title"> <a href="/top-3-binary-options-brokers/" title="Top 3 Binary Options Brokers in 2024: Comparison of IQ Option, and HighLow"> Top 3 Binary Options Brokers in 2024: Comparison of IQ Option, and HighLow </a> </p> <span class="category">Category: B2B News</span> </div> </div> <div class="news-tabs__news"> <a href="/security-software-analysis-features-benefits-pricing/"> <img src="" alt="What is IT Security Software? 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